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Audio: Mono LPs - Bringing It All Back Home


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Another Side 1964
Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

This page lists mono releases of this regular Bob Dylan album. These LPs were listed here because the mono versions of Dylan songs were unavailable on CD until the release of the first eight Dylan albums in mono as The Original Mono Recordings in 2010. Mono LPs with rare tracks (e.g. mono versions with significant differences from the album tracks, such as different mixes, edits or fades) are listed in the main chronological pages. Mono singles up to 1976 have their own pages, see the links above.

Thanks to David Burgess for the UK catalogue numbers - all my mono LPs were stolen when my Manchester flat was burgled in May 1968!

For stereo releases of this album, see International Album Releases (Regular). For information on differences between the various releases of this album, see Roger Ford's "Electric Dylan" web-site .

Highway 61 Revisited 1965
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 01 January, 2025.

Vinyl Releases

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, Columbia CL 2328 (USA), 22 Mar 1965 onwards (four releases):
The famous front photograph was taken by Daniel Kramer. The woman in red is Sally Grossman, wife of Bob's then manager Albert. The rumour at the time was that it was Bob in drag! Sally sadly died on 12 Mar 2021, aged 81. The picture at the top of this page of the red jumpsuit worn by Sally in the 1965 photo is from "Isis" 216, 2021.

Track listing:

Side 1: Subterranean Homesick Blues; She Belongs To Me; Maggie's Farm; Love Minus Zero/No Limit; Outlaw Blues; On The Road Again; Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream.
Side 2: Gates Of Eden; Mr. Tambourine Man; It’s All Right, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding); It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

The promo white label LP has a Radio Station Service timing strip sticker, and also a sticker with "Featuring SUBTERRANEAN HOMESICK BLUES" (already released as a mono single, see Mono Singles 1965). Gerd Rundel's copy has white labels with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1D, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1B.

The US mono album was released four times, although the same sleeve was used for all releases. The "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" label was discontinued by Columbia before Highway 61 Revisited was released in Aug 1965, so no later albums have it. The second and third release labels have "MONO" and the "360° SOUND" plus arrows logo in white, the difference being that on the third release "NONBREAKABLE" is missing from left of the centre hole. The fourth release labels dating from late 1967 onwards have just "MONO" in white without the arrows.

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - front of promo LP with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - promo LP front timing strip, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Augie Krater (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 1, photo by Gerd Rundel (first mono commercial release, matrix number "XLP-79421-1A")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Augie Krater (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 2, photo by Gerd Rundel (first mono commercial release, matrix number "XLP-79422-1A")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA)- Side 1 of demonstration copy, scan by Manuel García Jara (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 of demonstration copy with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 2 of demonstration copy with incorrect sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 of demonstration copy with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 2 of demonstration copy with correct sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first mono commercial release - "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY")

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Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (second mono commercial release - "360º SOUND")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (second mono commercial release - "360º SOUND", "NONBREAKABLE")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (second mono commercial release - "360º SOUND")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 in perforated plastic sleeve, photo by Victoria Stafford (second mono commercial release)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 in perforated plastic sleeve, photo by Victoria Stafford (second mono commercial release)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (third mono commercial release - "360º SOUND")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (third mono commercial release - "360º SOUND", "NONBREAKABLE" missing)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (third mono commercial release - "360º SOUND")

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Kevin Doyle (fourth mono commercial release, "360º SOUND" and arrows missing)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Kevin Doyle (fourth mono commercial release, "360º SOUND" and arrows missing)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Gerd Rundel's copy of the earliest commercial mono release has the "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" record labels and stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A (see the photos above). Gerd also has a copy of Columbia CL 2328 with two different label designs - Side 1 has the second release label with white "STEREO" text while Side 2 has the first release label with "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY". The sleeve is the same as Hans Seegers'. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1C (handwritten), Side 2 - XLP-79422-1C (stamped). David Peters also has a copy with the same matrix numbers with "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" on both labels. He thinks the Side 1 matrix number is handwritten because the vinyl runoff area on Side 1 is too narrow to stamp it. Sergio Mariano Romay's copy has exactly the same handwritten and stamped matrix numbers.

Manuel García Jara has a copy of the first commercial release with a demonstration sticker on Side 2 that reads "FOR DEMONSTRATION USE ONLY FOR SALE". "NOT FOR SALE" would be expected, and the text is aligned as if the word "NOT" should be present, however there is no sign on the sticker that it was originally present and has been erased. Gerd Rundel has a copy that also has a demonstration sticker on Side 2, but this time the sticker is correct. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A.

Victoria Stafford has a copy of the second commercial release with "360° SOUND" labels. The sleeve is in the original shrink-wrap and the record is in a perforated plastic sleeve as shown above.
Chad Hahn has a second release copy with "360° SOUND" labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A. I can only assume one Columbia pressing plant in the USA continued using the "1A" masters after the label changed. David Dixon has a second release copy where both sides of the record have the Side 2 labels!

Columbia CL 2328 (USA), second mono commercial release - Side 1 with Side 2 label, photo by David Dixon

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - front photo by Mike Yamhill (promo copy)
Thanks to Mike Yamhill for photos of a promo copy of "CL 2328" with a promo stamp from the Eastern Electric Company on the rear sleeve and a gold circular promo sticker on the front sleeve. This copy also has a record store sticker proclaiming a special price of $1.77, so must have found its way to a record store after being distributed as a promo. The labels are of the third design above with "360º SOUND" and the arrows now missing.
Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of front, photo by Mike Yamhill (promo copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - rear photo by Mike Yamhill (promo copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of rear, photo by Mike Yamhill (promo copy)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ulf Gyllenspetz, Henry V. Bell, Kevin Doyle, Gerd Rundel, Augie Krater, Manuel García Jara, Mike Yamhill and David Dixon for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export), 1965 (two variants):

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - front with "CBS" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - front "CBS" sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - rear with three instances of "Columbia" covered with "CBS" stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "CBS" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - Side 1 with red ring-shaped sticker with four "CBS" logos, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - Side 2 with red ring-shaped sticker with four "CBS" logos, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - front with "CBS" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - front "CBS" sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - rear with two instances of "Columbia" covered with "CBS" stickers and one whitened out, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "CBS" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - Side 1 with red ring-shaped sticker with four "CBS" logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - Side 2 with red ring-shaped sticker with four "CBS" logos, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia CL 2328
(USA for export) - detail of rear with two instances of "Columbia" covered with "CBS" stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel (first copy)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA for export) - detail of rear with "Columbia" covered with a "CBS" sticker on the left and whitened out on the right, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

The first US copy of CL 2328 was exported to Europe. The “Columbia” logos on the front and rear of the sleeve are pasted over with “CBS” stickers. The sleeve was printed in the USA. The record has a red ring-shaped sticker with four black/white "CBS" logos pasted on the labels. The copy of the record shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1G, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1G. I also have details of an export Columbia US mono copy of The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan with similar sleeve stickers and the same record label stickers.

Michel Pomarede has found another export copy in France with the same "CBS" stickers on the rear sleeve and record labels. The only difference is that at bottom right of the rear sleeve the instance of "Columbia" shown above covered with a "CBS" sticker has just been whitened out. The record labels have exactly the same red ring-shaped stickers with four black/white "CBS" logos. The copy of the record shown has earlier stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1D. Lars M. Banke has subsequently acquired this album.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel, Michel Pomarede and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - Sundazed mono vinyl LP reissue, Columbia LP 5070 (USA), Mar 2001, re-released 2012:

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release)
The first Sundazed mono Dylan LP was Bringing It All Back Home released in Mar 2001.

Thanks to Anthony Perry and Gerd Rundel for information on the Sundazed album and scans. The label is a reproduction of the second "360º Sound" Columbia label (see above) with the addition of the word "Sundazed", which can be found below the catalogue number to the left of the centre hole.

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070-TEST (USA) - white label test pressing, picture from Sundazed web-site

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (2012 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - front sticker
 scan by Gerd Rundel (2012 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 and 2012 releases)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (2012 release)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (2001 release - "NONBREAKABLE" present to left of centre hole, "LOVE MINUS ZERO" underlined)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (2012 release - "NONBREAKABKLE" missing to left of centre hole, "LOVE MINUS ZERO" not underlined)

Sundazed/Columbia LP 5070 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (2012 release)

Thanks to Renaud Depierreux for information that Sundazed are now selling off five white label test pressings of this album.

This Sundazed mono album was re-released in 2012. The sleeve is the same as the 2001 release except for a different front sticker. There are two differences on the record labels compared to the 2001 release:

- "NONBREAKABLE" to the left of the centre hole is now missing
- "LOVE MINUS ZERO" on Side 1 is no longer underlined.

Thanks to Wiebke Dittmer for information about a mispressed copy for sale on eBay Germany in Feb 2016 with Side 2 on both sides. I have no knowledge of any other copies with the error.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl test pressing: RTI 88697761051-5 (USA), 14 Sep 2010; mono vinyl commercial releases: Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA); Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL/USA), 7 Dec 2010:

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA):

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

This heavyweight vinyl mono release is part of the LP version of the 2010 9LP set The Original Mono Recordings, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s, sold separately. The record labels reproduce the style of the original 1965 mono labels. As well as "CL 2328" the record sides are also numbered "88697761051-5A/B".

The RTI USA mono test pressing comes in a plain white sleeve with the stamped pressing date and catalogue number at front top right. Side 1 has a generic RTI label dated "14 September 2010" while Side 2 has a plain white label.

RTI 88697761051-5 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (test pressing)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

RTI 88697761051-5 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (test pressing)

RTI 88697761051-5 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (test pressing)

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL/USA):

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL for Europe) - front with sticker, photo by Marc Kuszel

This album was also sold in Europe by the Dutch company Music On Vinyl as MOVLP 243. The copy shown has a gold Music On Vinyl sticker on the front sleeve and a white sticker with a barcode on the rear sleeve at bottom right. The record in the Dutch release is the same as that in the US release.

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL for Europe) - rear photo by Marc Kuszel

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (USA) - Side 1 photo by Marc Kuszel

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL for Europe) - front sticker photo by Marc Kuszel

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL for Europe) - detail of rear with sticker, photo by Marc Kuszel

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (USA) - Side 2 photo by Marc Kuszel

Thanks to
Manuel García Jara, Marc Kuszel and Gerd Rundel for information and pictures.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl 2LP release: Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA), 2016:

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - front of gatefold
 sleeve with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel
This 2LP audiophile set by Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab plays at 45 RPM. It is a Limited Edition of 3000 copies. The records come in a gatefold sleeve numbered at bottom left of the rear (obscured on the scan).

Track listing:

Side 1: Subterranean Homesick Blues; She Belongs To Me; Maggie's Farm; Love Minus Zero/No Limit
Side 2: Outlaw Blues; On The Road Again; Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream
Side 3: Mr. Tambourine Man; Gates Of Eden
Side 4: It’s All Right, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding); It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel 

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - rear of gatefold
 sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - inside of gatefold
 sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Sony Music/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-462 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Gerd Rundel
Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, Columbia CL 2328 (Canada), 22 Mar 1965:

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - front scan by Henry V. Bell
Henry V. Bell has a Canadian copy with the "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" labels with matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1E, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1D. It has "LITHO IN CAN." at the bottom right of the front sleeve, "PRINTED IN U.S.A." is missing from the rear sleeve, and it also has "PRINTED IN CAN." on the record labels.

Glenn Friesen has a Canadian mono copy where Side 2 is mislabelled and has the label of a 1967 Columbia Canada mono album by Marty Robbins called My Kind Of Country, Columbia CL 2645. The side still plays the correct Dylan tracks. The Side 1 label is the same as shown.

Thanks to Henry V. Bell and Glenn Friesen for information and pictures.

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - rear scan by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Henry V. Bell

Columbia CL 2328 (Canada) - Side 2 with label of Columbia CL 2645, photo by Glenn Friesen

Columbia CL 2645 (USA), picture from www.discogs.com

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS BPG 62515/CL 2328 (UK), 7 May 1965:

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CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers (all variants)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all variants)

BIABHUKMonoBack.jpg (28959 bytes)
CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (possible EMI, Philips and first CBS variants)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Augie Krater (possible EMI, Philips and first CBS variants)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (Philips variant - raised ring inside "CBS" logo)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (CBS variant 1A - raised ring intersects "CBS" logo)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (Philips variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (Philips variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (Philips variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (CBS variant 1A)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (CBS variant 1A)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (CBS variant 1A)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (CBS variant 1B)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (CBS variant 1B)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (CBS variant 1B)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Jérémie Viala (CBS variant 2)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Jérémie Viala (CBS variant 2)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Jérémie Viala (CBS variant 2)

I bought my copy of the UK mono album from a stall in the foyer at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, 7 May 1965. Ian Woodward says this was actually the release date of the album. Sadly this copy was one of my LPs that were later stolen in 1968. It wasn't then in as good condition as this mint copy provided by Hans Seegers! The sleeve was printed by Ernest J. Day & Co., Ltd. and the rear has three folded-over flaps. The printer information does not have "Patent Pending." as on the sleeve illustrated below.

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - front scan from www.discogs.com (EMI variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - rear scan from www.discogs.com (EMI variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan from www.discogs.com (EMI variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by by Duncan Pedrana (EMI variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 2, scan by Duncan Pedrana (EMI variant - "62515-1B-1")

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 2, photo by Duncan Pedrana (EMI variant - "K" and "T", "K" can be seen clearly, "T" less so)

Gerd Rundel has three copies of this album - the sleeves look identical to Hans Seegers' copy shown but the records have the differences listed below:

EMI variant: This was a contract pressing possibly by EMI ordered by CBS, because CBS had capacity problems at this time - special characteristics are raised “M” and “T” to the left and right of the centre hole of Side 2, which can be seen (and felt) if the record is examined closely, but which are impossible to scan. ("M"/"T" was a British purchase tax code used by EMI and stamped on either side of the centre hole of their records.) The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-1A-1, Side 2 - 62515-1B-1. Thanks to Duncan Pedrana for pictures of his copy which definitely has "K" and "T" stamped on either side of the centre hole on Side 2. Apparently "M"/"T" was used from 1 Jan 1963 until 1 Jul 1963 when it was replaced by "K"/"T" (which lasted until 1968), so to have "M"/"T" on a 1965 record seems odd - "K"/"T" is definitely correct. Jakob Gerber has another copy possibly pressed by EMI copy which has the "K"/"T" codes on Side 1. This record also has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-1A-1, Side 2 - 62515-1B-1, plus "A" on Side 1 and "M" on Side 2 (EMI stamper codes). Denis Shabes of PNP Records has found an EMI contract pressing for UK on Discogs. This copy is exactly as illustrated above. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-1A-1 plus 1 # GD opposite, Side 2 - 62515-1B-1 plus 1 RR # opposite (the "1 #GD" and "1 RR #" reference specific EMI stampers). The Side 1 label also has tax code "M"/"T" embossed.

Philips variant: This has no “RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED” on labels as other Philips albums made for CBS, but the record matrix numbers imply that it was made by Philips. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - BPG62515 1L//1 11  3, Side 2 - BPG62515 2L//1 11  3. The raised ring in the centre of the label is inside the black square of the CBS logo.

CBS variant (probably a later pressing): The copy of the record shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-3A-1, Side 2 - 62515-3B-1. (There are also 2A-1/2B-1 pressings). The raised ring in the centre of the label is partially outside the black square of the CBS logo (CBS variant 1A above, same as Hans Seegers' copy). The record of Stuart Moore's copy of this variant has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-3A-1, Side 2 - 62515-2B-1. Ian Patterson has a copy with a record with rough CBS orange labels, where one label has "33" and the other label has "33". The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-3A-1, Side 2 - 62515-3B-1, the same as CBS variant 1A.

It looks like the EMI and Philips variants are first pressings, even earlier than the CBS variants (probably pressed at the former Oriole plant, taken over in Sep 1964).

Augie Krater has a first release copy of what is probably another CBS variant with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-3A-1, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A (US matrix). William Taylor has a CBS-pressed copy in a sleeve with folded-over flaps with rough orange labels with "33" rpm. The stamped matrix numbers are: Side 1 - 62515-1A-1, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A (again US matrix on Side 2). Gerd Rundel has a copy in the Ernest J. Day sleeve with three folded-over flaps on the rear with a double raised ring in the centre of the record labels (CBS variant 1B above). It has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-2A-1, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A (yet again US matrix on Side 2). Jérémie Viala's second alternate CBS copy (variant 2) comes in a sleeve with three folded-over flaps. The record has dark orange labels and stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1E (US matrix on Side 1 this time), Side 2 - 62515-2B-1. This copy has "1965" written on the rear sleeve and the owner's name "Norma" written on the Side 2 record label. Max Hökdal has a copy with similar matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1E (US matrix), Side 2 - 62515-1B-1 (UK matrix). CBS UK must have used US stampers to press some of these discs as Discogs.com have details of a copy with UK CBS labels but US matrix numbers on both sides: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1E, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A.

Martin Gayford has a copy of what looks like a CBS variant (the pressing ring intersects the CBS logo) with UK matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-3A-1, Side 2 - 62515-3B-1 plus "B 3" on the opposite side of the record.

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

Manuel García Jara has a copy of what he believes is the rarest CBS UK mono release, from a later date than the four copies above. The rear sleeve has no folded-over flaps, and the catalogue number at top right is printed above the CBS logo without "MONO", while on the other sleeves it's below the logo. "Patent Pending." is added to the printer information at bottom right. The record has the same matrix numbers as Gerd Rundel's CBS variant: Side1 - 62515-3A-1, Side2 - 62515-3B-1, but the labels have four significant differences from the labels of the three copies above:

  1. The label text apart from artist name and album title is in a different serif typeface from the first three variants, where it's in a sans-serif typeface.
  2. On Side 1, track 4 is listed as Love Minus Zero/No Limit on two lines as on the US releases while on the first three variants it's listed as "Love Minus Zero - No Limit"
  3. To the left of the centre hole on both sides the playing speed is listed as "33⅓" while on the first three variants it's listed as just "33"
  4. To the right of the centre hole "1-7." is missing before "Blossom Music" on Side 1, and "1-4." on Side 2. "(P) 1965" is missing on both sides.

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (EMI, Philips and first two CBS variants - see above)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS bpg 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (EMI, Philips and first two CBS variants)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (EMI, Philips and first two CBS variants)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant - "33
" in typeface 1)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (EMI, Philips and first two CBS variants)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third CBS variant)

Liam Quinn has a copy of the mono album with labels like Manuel's third CBS variant, that comes in a fully laminated sleeve with the boxed text at the bottom of the rear, as the first/second CBS variants above.

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 copy)
The record labels of this copy have with "33" in a different typeface than those of Manuel's copy. Gerd thinks both copies are from around 1967. The rear sleeve is the earlier design with three folded-over flaps and the catalogue number at top right printed below the CBS logo including "MONO". It was printed by Ernest J. Day & Co., Ltd., but does not have the "Patent Pending." information at bottom right as shown above. Either the usage of sleeves by CBS UK overlapped or this is not the original sleeve.

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 copy)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 copy - catalogue number with "MONO")

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1967 copy - "Ernest J. Day", no "Patent Pending")

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth CBS variant)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth CBS variant - "33" in typeface 2)

CBS BPG 62515 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth CBS variant)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel, Manuel García Jara, Augie Krater and Jérémie Viala for information and scans.

"Subterranean Homesick Blues" - mono vinyl LP releases, CBS 62515 (NL), Sep 1965, re-released 1966:
This album was released in Holland under the alternative title of what must have been considered at the time to be its most marketable track. For stereo versions (CBS S 62515, not released until 1967 onwards), see International Album Releases (Regular). It retained this title even for early CD releases. Tom Willems puts the release date as after 17 Sep 1965. It was released in Holland at the same time as the mono releases of The Times They Are A-Changin' and Highway 61 Revisited. Manuel García Jara has a purchase date of 25 Oct 1965.

CBS 62515 (NL), 1965 (first release):

SHBMonoNLFront1.jpg (23366 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers, first commercial release

The first release of the album came in a open sleeve (plain white on the inside), which was folded into a clear hard plastic cover, approx 1cm (0.4") smaller than a standard 12" LP sleeve. The front is folded-over the back on three sides. (These covers were standard in Holland until 1966 for all CBS artists.) Apart from the title change the layout of the front and rear sleeves is the same as the regularly titled album. On the record labels the album is titled "Bringing It All Back Home" featuring "Subterranean Homesick Blues"! Thanks to Simon Blokker for spotting that She Belongs To Me is credited to "Bob Dylon". This mistake was never corrected and is repeated on every mono release of this album!

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers, both commercial releases

SHBMonoNLBack1.jpg (32616 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release)

SHBNLMonoOutside.jpg (55082 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - scan of unfolded sleeve by Hans Seegers, first commercial release

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers, both commercial releases

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release, compare with second release below)

SHBMonoNLLabel1.jpg (24065 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Simon Blokker (first commercial release - "Bob Dylon" error)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release - note the extremely lengthy album title!)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (first commercial release)

CBS 62515 (NL), 1966 (second release):

SHBMonoNLFront2.jpg (22507 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release)

The second release of the mono album from 1966 or after was in a "regular" LP sleeve (unusual for Holland at the time). It still has the three folded flaps on the rear sleeve. This version is very rare. This time it's just titled Subterranean Homesick Blues on the labels.

Lars M. Banke has a copy with the folded sleeve as above but with second release labels as shown. The Side 1 label differs from that of Hans Seegers in that there is a much wider gap between the two text lines to the left of the centre hole, and also the song titles are printed slightly lower (on Hans' copy they almost touch the CBS logo).

SHBMonoNLBack2.jpg (27377 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release - "NL", not present on folded sleeve)

SHBMonoNLLabel2.jpg (24369 bytes)
CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release variant 1A)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release variant 1A)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (second commercial release, all variants)

CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second commercial release, variant 1B)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second commercial release, all variants)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second commercial release, variant 1B)

CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second commercial release, variant 1B)

CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (second commercial release, variant 2)

CBS 62515 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Simon Blokker (second commercial release, variant 2)

CBS 62515 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Simon Blokker (second commercial release, variant 2)

Simon Blokker has a copy of the second release in the same sleeve with three folded-over flaps, but with slightly different record labels. Instead of "RECORD FIRST PUBLISHED 1965" to the left of the centre hole, these labels have just "(P) 1965" as shown. The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 62515-A (handwritten) XLP-79421-1E (stamped), Side 2 - 62515-B (handwritten) XLP-79422-1F (stamped).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tom Willems, Lars M. Banke and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS 62515 (France), 1965:

CBS 62515 (France) - front scan by Gerd Rundel
This album has a gatefold sleeve with the lyrics in English and French liner notes on the inside. The outside of the gatefold sleeve is laminated but the inside is not. The record has orange CBS labels and stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XPARTX 56489 2I, Side 2 -XPARTX 56490 2I (the last character of each matrix number could also be a "1"). The opening for the record is in the centre of the inside gatefold sleeve.

CBS 62515 (France) - inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel (opens at centre)

CBS 62515 (France) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS 62515 (France) - detail of inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS 62515 (France) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS 62515 (France) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS 62515 (France) - inside of alternate gatefold sleeve with record, scan by Simon Blokker (left and right pages switched, opens at left)

Arie de Reus has a test pressing of this album on two discs with classical music on the reverse of each disc. This test pressing has blank labels, so is not shown.

Simon Blokker has a copy where the opening of the gatefold is on the far left side instead of in the inside centre. Also, the lyrics pages on the inside gatefold have been switched: the left starts with Gates Of Eden, while the right side of the inner sleeve starts with Bob Dylan's 115th Dream, the opposite of Gerd Rundel's copy. The record of Simon's copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XPARTX 56489 21  62515  M6 244326, Side 2 : XPARTX 56490 21  62515  M6 244327. Again the "1" in "21" could be a letter "I".

Thanks to Renaud Depierreux for information and to Gerd Rundel and Simon Blokker for further information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS BP 233213 (Australia), May 1965:

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - front photo by David Jetson

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - rear photo by David Jetson

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - Side 1 photo by David Jetson (incorrect album title)

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - Side 2 photo by David Jetson (incorrect album title)

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (corrected album title)

CBS BP 233213 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (corrected album title)

The first release of this album had a spelling mistake in the title on the labels - "BRING IT ALL BACK HOME". This was later corrected. Both releases had orange CBS labels with the Allan's logo (Allan's were music publishers in Australia for Bob Dylan records between 1965 and 1969). The colour difference is probably just because the first record's labels have been photographed while the second's have been scanned.

The record labels shown have round the circumference at the bottom the text "MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" without a CBS copyright. This is because up to 1977 all Australian records were manufactured by the Australian Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (A.R.C.) on behalf of CBS.

Thanks to David Jetson and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand), May 1965:

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester
Both the record and the sleeve of this release were made in New Zealand. The record has plain orange CBS labels with the Allan's logo (Allan's were also music publishers in New Zealand for Bob Dylan records between 1965 and 1969.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and scans.

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Bill Hester

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester
CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester

CBS BP 473204 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS CL 2328 (Singapore/Malaysia), 1965 (two variants):

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Hans Seegers' copy of this rare album has a unique "MONAURAL 360 SOUND" logo on the front sleeve at centre top. Gerd Rundel's copy has a black/white "MONO" sticker over the text of the logo. The sleeve looks like the US design although the front and rear Columbia logos have been replaced by "CBS", and "COLUMBIA" has been removed from the rear sleeve at bottom right. Gerd Rundel's sleeve is made from thin card, unlike US sleeves of thick card, and has no spine text. The sleeve of Hans Seegers' copy was printed in the USA, but the rear text at bottom right of Gerd Rundel's copy has been changed to remove both "COLUMBIA" and "PRINTED IN USA". The records were pressed in the USA with locally-printed labels in the first US commercial release "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" style but with three CBS logos. The record labels of Gerd Rundel's copy, released perhaps in both Singapore and Malaysia, are different in that Subterranean Homesick Blues is listed above the centre hole on Side 1 and on both sides the playing speed of "33⅓ RPM" is missing to the right of the centre hole. The record of Gerd Rundel's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421, Side 2 - XLP-79422.

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - front with "MONO" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of front with "MONO" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (both copies)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both copies)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

Columbia CL 2328 (USA) - detail of rear for comparison, scan by Hans Seegers ("COLUMBIA" and "PRINTED IN USA")

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "PRINTED IN USA")

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - "PRINTED IN USA" missing)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - no songs above centre hole)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "33⅓ RPM")

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) -  Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - one song above centre hole)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - "33⅓ RPM" missing)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - front photo by Aaron Schmidt (variant 1)
Aaron Schmidt has a copy in a variant 1 sleeve with the red/black "MONAURAL"/arrows symbol on the front and "PRINTED IN USA" on the rear.There is a price sticker on the rear sleeve. The record has variant 2 labels where the black text is finer than that of  Gerd's copy.
CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - rear with sticker, photo by Aaron Schmidt (variant 1)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Aaron Schmidt (variant 2)

CBS CL 2328 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Aaron Schmidt (variant 2)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel and Aaron Schmidt for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS CL 2328 (Philippines), 1965:
For the stereo release of this album, see International Album Releases (Regular).

CBS CL 2328 (Philippines) - front photo from eBay found by Gerd Rundel
This mono album was made in the Philippines for Columbia Records by Mareco Inc. (Later Philippines stereo records were made for CBS/Sony Japan by Blackgold Records Inc. and OctoArts International Inc.) It has "Columbia" in the logo on the front sleeve but "CBS" on the rear sleeve and record labels. The record has orange CBS labels. Side 2 has a handwritten date "6/20/67" (20 Jun 1967).

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay.

CBS CL 2328 (Philippines) - rear photo from eBay found by Gerd Rundel

CBS CL 2328 (Philippines) - Side 1 photo from eBay found by Gerd Rundel

CBS CL 2328 (Philippines) - Side 2 photo from eBay found by Gerd Rundel

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP releases, CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia), 1965:

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ALD 6801 (Southern Rhodesia) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS ALD 6801 (Southern Rhodesia) -rear sleeve sticker scan by Hans Seegers

CBS ALD 6801 (Southern Rhodesia) - detail of rear sleeve with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (first copy)

CBS ALD 6801 (Southern Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel ("MADE IN S. RHODESIA")

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) -detail of Side 2, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all copies)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa/Southern Rhodesia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second copy)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2 - same as variant 1)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (first copy)

CBS ALD 6801 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (second copy)

This very rare album was sold in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) during the Apartheid era. The sleeve is laminated on the front only, with folded-over flaps top and bottom on the rear. The sleeves were printed in South Africa by Record Pac, and the records were made in both countries. There was a CBS pressing plant in Southern Rhodesia at that time. The Southern Rhodesian album has a sticker on the sleeve "RECORD MADE IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA". Note that on Hans Seegers' South African copy the rear sleeve the lowest line of text is obscured by the bottom flap - this does not happen on Manuel García Jara's South African copy or the Southern Rhodesian sleeve. The records have orange CBS labels with no country of origin. Manuel García Jara's South African copy has the same Side 1 label as Hans Seegers', but on Side 2 the tracklist is arranged differently. Gerd Rundel's Southern Rhodesia copy has the same sleeve as shown, but with a record shop sticker from Fenners, Bulawayo. The record has the same labels as Hans' listed variant 1. "MADE IN S. RHODESIA" is stamped in the vinyl on both sides as shown in the detail scan (contrast heightened to shown stamped text). The copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1A (the US matrix numbers).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl LP, CBS 62515 (Italy), early 1967 (twice), re-released 1970, early 1970s:

CBS 62515 (Italy) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)
The early 1967 release was the first release of this album in Italy. It was made by CBS Italiana S.p.A. and distributed by Distribuzione Messagerie Musicali of Milan and Rome.

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear with stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1967 releases - "MADE IN ITALY" plus extra text)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 19678 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1967 release - second 1967 release is similar, also with "DEPOSITATO" in circumference)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Andrea Brillo (second 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Andrea Brillo (second 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Andrea Brillo (second 1967 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear without stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (all releases)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear with stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of rear with stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (third release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - inner sleeve front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release - New Morning)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release - Greatest Hits)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release - "MADE IN ITALY" only)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release - "(P) 1967" and "DEPOSITATO" in circumference missing)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1970 release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release - bottom text missing)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release - "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR S.p.A" in circumference text)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release)

CBS 62515 (Italy) - spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (all releases)

The sleeve is laminated on the front only and was printed in Italy by Stampa Reparto Grafico C.G.D. The front and rear sleeve have CBS logos. The rear sleeve has two folded-over flaps. There is also a triangular stamp on the rear of Manuel's copy which may be a copyright stamp. The record has plain orange CBS labels and there are two 1967 label variants. The first release record label has the matrix numbers to the right of the centre hole printed upside down and there is a gap between these and the copyright logo "DR" in a box. On the second release labels these matrix numbers are printed the right way up and "DR" in a box is printed immediately underneath. Both records shown have the same stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS 62515-1L  7/10/66, Side 2 - CBS 62515-2L  7/10/66 (7 Oct 1966 is the mastering date).

Sergio Mariano Romay has a 1970 copy in the same sleeve but with completely different orange CBS record labels. There is a different stamp on the rear sleeve, this time at bottom left instead of bottom right. The record comes in a CBS Sugar inner sleeve from 1970 or later, with New Morning one of the albums illustrated on the rear. There is now no text on the record labels above the CBS logo, with the album title and "BOB DYLAN" below the centre hole. There is now also a publication date of "(P) 1967" to the right of the centre hole and other label differences as shown in the detail scans. The record of this copy has the same stamped matrix numbers as before, including the "7/10/66" mastering date.

Lars M. Banke has an early 1970s copy in the same sleeve with different record labels. These are in the same style as Sergio's 1970 labels, with no text on the record labels above the CBS logo, the album title and "BOB DYLAN" below the centre hole, and a publication date of "(P) 1967" to the right of the centre hole. However, "MADE IN ITALY" under "BOB DYLAN" below the centre hole is missing, and has been replaced by "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR S.p.A" in the circumference text on the right as shown. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - CL 62515 1L 7/10/66, Side 2 - CL 62515 2L 7/10/66 (mastering date 7 Oct 1966 as for the 1967 copies).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Andrea Brillo, Sergio Mariano Romay and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - promo and commercial mono vinyl LP releases: CBS 37490 (Brazil), 1967:

BIABHBrazMonoFront.jpg (20331 bytes)
CBS 37490 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers
The rear sleeve of Hans Seegers' copy is rubber stamped "AMOSTRA INVENDÁVEL [SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE]". The record of this copy has orange CBS labels with the same "AMOSTRA INVENDÁVEL" stamp on Side 2. The record of Hans Seegers' copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XLP-79421-1-A, Side 2 - XLP-79422-1-A. BIABHBrazMonoBack.jpg (28400 bytes)
CBS 37490 (Brazil) - rear with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - rear promo stamp scan by Hans Seegers

BIABHBrazMonoSide1.jpg (23674 bytes)
CBS 37490 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers

BIABHBrazMonoSide2.jpg (22405 bytes)
CBS 37490 (Brazil) - Side 2 with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - Side 2 promo stamp scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 37490 (Brazil) - spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Sergio Mariano Romay believes this was actually released in Brazil later than Highway 61 Revisited, whose catalogue number is the earlier "CBS 37457".

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Lars M Banke and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan: The Original Mono Recordings" - 9LP sets in 12" box, Columbia/Legacy 88697761051 (USA), 21 Dec 2010; Columbia/Legacy/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 239-246 (NL), 7 Dec 2010:

For full details see The Original Mono Recordings 2010.

Columbia/Legacy 88697761051 (USA), 21 Dec 2010:

Columbia/Legacy 88697761051 (USA) - front of box with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Columbia 88697761051-5/CL 2328 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (2010 release)

Thanks to "Isis" Newsletter 153½ for information about the vinyl box set - this was remixed by a different engineer from the CD set below and the sound is noticeably warmer. The records were mastered at Sterling Sound, Edgewater, NJ.

The eight albums (9 LPs) have sleeves reproducing the original Columbia US mono sleeves. The records have labels reproducing original Columbia US 1960s first issue mono records labels. For a 2010 test pressing see above.

Columbia/Legacy/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 239-246 (NL):

Columbia/Legacy/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 239-246 (NL) - vinyl LPs photo by Andreas Volkert

The 12" mono LP is available separately from the vinyl boxed set as a Dutch release, Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL) - see above.

Columbia/Music On Vinyl MOVLP 243 (NL for Europe) - front with sticker, photo by Marc Kuszel

Thanks to Gerd Rundel, Manuel García Jara, Andreas Volkert and Marc Kuszel for information and pictures.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono 180gm vinyl LP reissue, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe), 20 Nov 2015:

Columbia/Legacy/ Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - front sticker scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - rear scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - Side 1 scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release, "Made in the EU")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - Side 2 scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Jack from Canada (2015 release, dated 2015, Gütersloh Germany address address, "Made in the EU")

The 2010 Dutch Music On Vinyl album was reissued in Europe by Sony Music, Gütersloh, Germany, on 20 Nov 2015 with a new catalogue number, 88875146231, and a black "LEGACY VINYL" sticker with gold text on the front. This is one of several new releases including The Times They Are A-Changin', Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde On Blonde and John Wesley Harding. This is the 2010 heavyweight vinyl release in a new sleeve and new labels, and the record matrix numbers are the same as those of the 2010 release including "MOVLP 243", although this does not appear on the record labels. None of these releases came with an included CD or an MP3 download link.

The 2015 record labels have different circumference text from the 2010 Dutch Music On Vinyl labels, and also have the Legacy and Sony Music logos above "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY". The record of Jack from Canada's copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 88016 1A MOVLP 243  88697761051-LP5-A, Side 2 - 88016 1B MOVLP 243  88697761051-LP5- B.

This album turned up in Mar 2017 with Highway 61 Revisited sleeve and record labels, see that page! The record of my 2017 copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 88697761051-LP-A (handwritten) 88016 1A MOVLP243 (stamped), Side 1 - 88697761051-LP-B (handwritten) 88016 1B MOVLP243 (stamped). Both sides also have STERLING (stamped) and RKS (handwritten). This means the record was mastered at Sterling Sound, Edgewater, NJ, by their senior engineer Ryan K. Smith.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France), 30 Mar 2018:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - front with sticker (2018 release, my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - front sticker (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - detail of front (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - picture from FNAC web-site (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - rear (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - detail of rear (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - Side 1 in red vinyl (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - Side 1 (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - detail of Side 1 (2018 release - "Made in the EU")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - Side 2 (2018 release)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music CL 2328/19075829601 (France) - detail of rear (2018 release with barcode sticker, still dated 2015, Gütersloh Germany address address, "Made in the EU")

This is the album that turned up in Mar 2017 above with the Highway 61 Revisited sleeve and record labels, now with the correct sleeve and labels. There was an edition on red vinyl released by FNAC in France on 30 Mar 2018. The sleeve and record labels are still dated 2015 and look exactly like the ones above, except for a barcode sticker with a new catalogue number on the rear sleeve at bottom left. The record of my red vinyl copy has exactly the same handwritten and stamped matrix numbers as the Mar 2017 copy above that came with the Highway 61 Revisited sleeve and record labels!

I have a report of the same album on black vinyl released in Europe on 1 Dec 2017 as Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88875146231 (Europe) - scans required!

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin and Arie de Reus for information. Special thanks to Éamonn for the album!

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono vinyl release, Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy), Oct 2021:

Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that Byline Publishing, a division of the Italian partwork company De Agostini, is offering a new collection of 180gm heavyweight vinyl discs called Dylan Vinyl - The Definitive Collection, with the first part being The Times They Are A-Changin' at £7.99.
Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Picture from Neil Burling

Sony Music/Legacy/De Agostini CL 2328 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (part of De Agostini publication)

More information here: Dylan Vinyl - The Definitive Collection and International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2020s.

The 1960s albums appear to be mono, with the original Columbia US catalogue numbers and record labels based on the 1960s mono "GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY" design. The text at the bottom of the rear sleeve and on the record labels is: "This record is a part of a De Agostini publication. Not to be sold separately". The copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - LPBD-HOME A, Side 2 - LPBD-HOME B.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that this release plays in stereo despite its mono sleeve and mono labels with "CL 2328" catalogue number.

Thanks to Lars M Banke for further information and scans.

CD Releases

"Bob Dylan: The Original Mono Recordings" - 9CD set in 5" box, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042 (USA/Europe), 19 Oct 2010; Sony Music SICP 2951-59 (Japan), 10 Nov 2010:

For full details see The Original Mono Recordings 2010.

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042 (USA/Europe), 19 Oct 2010:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042 (Europe) - front of outer box with sticker (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042 (Europe) - paper wrapper over rear of outer box

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042-5/CL 2328 (Europe) - front of card sleeve

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042-5/CL 2328 (Europe) - rear of card sleeve

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042-5/CL 2328 (Europe) - CD

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697761042-5/CL 2328 (Europe) - detail of CD

This set of Bob's first eight albums in the original mono mixes comes in a cutaway card box inside an outer box. The CD albums are in thick card sleeves reproducing the original mono album artwork, in this case Columbia CL 2328. The CD comes in a plain inner sleeve and its design is based on the original Columbia design (see above).

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that this album can be downloaded in MP3 format from Play.com in the UK for £6.99 or £0.89 per track.

Sony Music SICP 2951-59 (Japan), 10 Nov 2010:

Sony Music SICP 2951-59 (Japan) - front of box with obi and sticker, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2951-59 (Japan) - rear of box with obi, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - obi scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - front with top obi, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - rear with top obi, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - front of card sleeve, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - insert scan by Anthony Perry (original front sticker)

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - booklet front scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - CD scan by Anthony Perry

Sony Music SICP 2955 (Japan) - front with side obi, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for information about the Japanese release, Sony Music SICP 2151-59. It has a wrap-around obi with price ¥18,900 (¥18,000 plus sales tax). This has been reduced from the originally announced price of ¥25,000! As the original mono albums were never released in Japan, each has a light blue top obi based on those of the original stereo releases. The Japanese CD also comes in a plain inner sleeve with a Japanese language booklet and an insert with the original 1965 US sticker promoting "Subterranean Homesick Blues" (see above). Hans Seegers has a copy of this sold separately. Unusually, the obi does not have a price.

Thanks to Anthony Perry for information and scans.

"Bringing It All Back Home" - mono hybrid SA-CD release, Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSA 2181 (USA), Oct 2016:

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - front picture from www.musicdirect.com

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - SACD scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - outside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - outside of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside pages of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside pages of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside pages of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside pages of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs MFSL UDSACD 2181 (USA) - inside pages of booklet, scan by André Wilbers

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this pending mono hybrid SA-CD release from the US audiophile company Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs. There will be a simultaneous release on hybrid SA-CD and vinyl of seven Dylan mono albums excluding Blonde On Blonde.

This limited edition hybrid SA-CD mono release of this album is the first time the mono version has been remastered in audiophile quality. It is therefore also listed in 2016.

For the Mobile Fidelity 2012 stereo SA-CD release, see International Album Releases (Regular).

Thanks to André Wilbers for information and scans.

Home ] Up ] Bob Dylan 1962 Mono ] Freewheelin' 1963 Mono ] The Times They Are A-Changin' 1964 Mono ] Another Side Of Bob Dylan 1964 Mono ] [ Bringing It All Back Home 1965 Mono ] Highway 61 Revisited 1965 Mono ] Blonde On Blonde 1966 Mono ] Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits 1967 Mono ] John Wesley Harding 1968 Mono ] Nashville Skyline 1969 Mono ] Mono LPs - Dylan Compilations 1960s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1960s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1960s ] Self Portrait 1970 Mono ] New Morning 1970 Mono ] Mono LPs - Dylan Compilations 1970s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1970s ] Original Mono Recordings 2010 ] Mono 7" Singles 1961-64 ] Mono 7" Singles 1965 ] Mono 7" Singles 1966-68 ] Mono 7" Singles 1969 ] Mono 7" Singles 1970-76 ]

Another Side 1964
Another Side Of Bob Dylan (1964)

BIABHUSMonoFront.jpg (20730 bytes)
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

Highway 61 Revisited 1965
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies and artists.