"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1975

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

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This yearly page now contains only the main Rarities List (this year excluding Hurricane items - 1975 items with the split versions of Hurricane are now here). Mono 7" Singles & EPs (up to 1976) are now here, and Promotional Items (Albums and Singles) are now here. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 04 January, 2025

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

"Blood On The Tracks" - vinyl album (first commercial pressing), Columbia PC 33235 (USA), 20 Jan 1975:

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Columbia PC 33235 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers
I now have reports of five copies of the first pressing of the commercially released album, Columbia PC 33235, with matrix number PBL-33235-1A on Side 2 that has the released Side 1 but the test pressing on Side 2 with the alternate versions of If You See Her, Say Hello (R-0119) and Lily, Rosemary & The Jack Of Hearts (R-0116)! For more details of US pressings of Blood On The Tracks see International Albums (Regular) and here.

R-0119-2 If You See Her, Say Hello - unreleased take with different lyrics, Take 1, recorded A&R Recording Studios, New York, 19 Sep 1974

R-0116-2 Lily, Rosemary & The Jack Of Hearts - unreleased take with extra verse, Take 2, recorded A&R Recording Studios, New York, 16 Sep 1974, now included on the single CD release of The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 - More Blood, More Tracks (see below), but in a considerably remixed form

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Columbia PC 33235 (USA) - original rear sleeve (black text), scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia PC 33235 (USA) - original Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 33235 (USA) - original Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

I originally had two reports of copies like this with the released Side 1 with matrix number PAL-33235-2E but with the test pressing matrix number PBL-33235-1A on Side 2 and two alternate performances. Thanks to Harold Lepidus for the link to "Goldmine" magazine's web-site for an article by Tim Neely dated 28 May 2009 recording the discovery of a third copy with the original Side 2. Thanks to Justin Kau and Paulo Peña for news of two more copies with these rarities on Side 2.

Chris Hood says: "I just wanted to let you know what I just found out so you could include it to keep others from getting their hopes up. I just purchased my 4th copy of Blood On The Tracks because BOTH sides had 1-A matrix numbers and I thought all 1-A matrixes contained the outtakes. NOT SO!!! This one is the same on both sides as every other copy I own. It came in the 3rd release sleeve ( which I should have noticed), and has a PC Cat. number with no bar code. The matrix numbers are Side 1 - AL-33235-1-A -2-G2 (handwritten), Side 2 - BL-33235-1-A -2-G2    2 inside a circle (handwritten). I was broken hearted of course since I'd never heard of a 1-A without alt. takes. I guess it must have been a flub by whoever engraved the matrix numbers....who knows...??? I just wanted to fill everyone in on this find and save them the disappointment I just experienced." Whatever the matrix numbers, there are no officially released albums with all the withdrawn tracks. The five copies mentioned above with R-0119 and R-0116 on Side 2 do not have R-120, R-0117, R-0118 and R-0119 on Side 1.

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 19075858971 (Europe) - front of box with sticker (6CD Deluxe Edition, my copy)
The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 - More Blood, More Tracks: Thanks to Harold Lepidus in Jun 2018 for information that the next Bootleg Series release will be Volume 14. It is going to be based around the Blood On The Tracks album and will be called More Blood, More Tracks. It will be released on 2 Nov 2018. An alternate take of Meet Me In The Morning was released in Nov 2012 as the B-side of Duquesne Whistle from Tempest, prompting speculation that Bootleg Series Vol. 10 would cover the Blood On The Tracks sessions. This alternate take plus the rarities listed above are all part of the new release. As the 6CD Deluxe Edition is a strictly limited release, these tracks remain rarities, see 2018.
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 19075858982 (Europe) - front of jewel case with sticker (Standard Edition CD release, my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 19075858971 (Europe) - front with sticker (Standard Edition 2LP release, my copy)

Picture found by Bob Meyer
Thanks to Fred Muller and Bob Meyer for news that the 1974 Blood On The Tracks test pressing will be released on vinyl on Record Store Day, 13 Apr 2019. This will be an exact reproduction of the 1974 disc with the original mixes (not included on the Deluxe Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 - More Blood, More Tracks in 2018, almost certainly deliberately) and be limited to 800 copies worldwide. This will be the first time that the award-winning liner notes by Pete Hamill will actually describe the takes that are on the album!

Thanks to Dale Hargraves, and Sascha Kossjak for information and to Hans Seegers and Sergio Mariano Romay for scans.

"Blood On The Tracks" - stereo 8-track tape release: 42 CBS 69097 (Italy), 1975:

42 CBS 69097 (Italy) - front of sealed copy, picture from www.discogs.com
This Italian 8-track tape release has a unique fragment at the end of Program 2. This is not found on other 8-track releases of this album.

R-2360 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Fragmente) - extra fragment of album version

42 CBS 69097 (Italy) - end of sealed copy, picture from www.discogs.com

42 CBS 69097 (Italy) - rear of sealed copy, picture from www.discogs.com

Rearranged tracklisting:

Program 1: Tangled Up In Blue; You're A Big Girl Now; You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
Program 2: Simple Twist Of Fate; Idiot Wind; You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Fragmente) (R-2360)
Program 3: Meet Me In The Morning; Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts
Program 4: If You See Her, Say Hello; Shelter From The Storm; Buckets Of Rain.

Thanks to T. J. Jenkins for information.

"Tangled Up In Blue" - 7" promo single with mono/stereo regular versions, Columbia 3-10106 (USA), 25 Feb 1975:

TangledUSmono.jpg (21824 bytes)
Columbia 3-10106 7" promo single (USA) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers
R-0313 Tangled Up In Blue - mono version of Blood On The Tapes album track (5:31)

This promo single had the regular stereo album version on the other side. For a different version of this promo single with the same catalogue number, but with an edited version of Tangled Up In Blue, see below.

For the promo and commercial versions of the regular stereo single with the same catalogue number and with the full length version of Tangled Up In Blue as the A-side and If You See Her, Say Hello as the B-side, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1975.

Columbia 3-10106 7" promo single (USA) - stereo side scan by Hans Seegers (album version)

Éamonn Ó Catháin points out that this single (stereo or mono) is 5:31 in length while the album track is 5:41. The track is not edited but speeded up, and "makes Bob sound like The Chipmunks"!

Thanks to Ole Lien for referring this item to me, and Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

"Tangled Up In Blue" - 7" promo stereo single with edited/regular versions, Columbia 3-10106 (USA), 25 Feb 1975:

Columbia 3-10106 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0383)
R-0383 Tangled Up In Blue - edited stereo version for radio broadcasts and DJs (3:27)

This promo single had the regular stereo album version on the other side. For a different version of this single with the same catalogue number and with the full version of Tangled Up In Blue in stereo/mono, see above.

This record has white promo labels with "DJ RE-SERVICE" printed on the right-hand side above "45rpm" and "DEMONSTRATION NOT FOR SALE" below. "Columbia" is printed in very dark red.

For the promo and commercial versions of the regular stereo single with the same catalogue number and with the full length version of Tangled Up In Blue as the A-side and If You See Her, Say Hello as the B-side, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1975.

Columbia 3-10106 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (album version)

Again, Éamonn Ó Catháin points out that the full-length version on this single is speeded up, and "makes Bob sound like The Chipmunks"! I have no information about the edited version.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Tangled Up In Blue"/"If You See Her, Say Hello" - promo stereo 7" single, CBS S 3160 (West Germany), Jun 1975:

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CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - promo single front sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (short version)

The West German promo single comes in a "CBS-Blitzinformation" sleeve and the record has white labels. The rear sleeve is generic.

R-0383-2 Tangled Up In Blue - edited version for radio broadcasts and DJs (3:27)

The B-side is the regular album version of If You See Her, Say Hello.

Also shown for completion is a variant of this promo single with the same catalogue number with the full length performance of Tangled Up In Blue on the A-side, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1975.

TangledGerLong1.jpg (29067 bytes)
CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - front sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (promo release - long version)

CBSGermanyPromoBack.jpg (12154 bytes)
Generic rear sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers (promo releases - both long and short versions)

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CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - promo single A-side scan by Hans Seegers (short version - R-0383)

CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - not rarity)

TangledGerLong2.jpg (26568 bytes)
CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release - long version, not rarity)

CBS S 3160 (West Germany) - alternate B-side scan by Stefan Haras (promo release - not rarity)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Stefan Haras and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan" - stereo 8-track release, Columbia KCS 8579 (USA/Canada), 1975:

Columbia KCS 8579 (Canada) - front of slipcase with cut-out showing tape label, scan by Manuel García Jara
This release has a red tape cartridge in a black slipcase which has a front cut-out to show the cartridge label. There is no text on the reverse of the tape cartridge. The tape cartridge looks identical to the US release - only the slipcase is Canada-specific. The tracks have been reordered to make the four programmes of roughly equal length. House Of The Risin' Sun is split over two programmes, which makes it a rarity:

R-0927A House Of The Risin' Sun (Part 1) (traditional) - first part of split track on programme 2
R-0927B House Of The Risin' Sun (Conc.) (traditional) - second part of split track on programme 3

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia KCS 8579 (Canada) - rear of slipcase scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia KCS 8579 (Canada) - front of tape cartridge scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia KCS 8579 (USA) - front of tape cartridge scan from www.discogs.com

"Gold 20" - stereo cassette release: CBS/Sony SKPL-67 (Japan), 1975:

CBS/Sony SKPL-67 (Japan) - front of slipcase, photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson
This cassette-only release exclusive to Japan comes in a case with an insert inside a card slipcase. The cassette is white with orange CBS/Sony labels.


Side 1: Like A Rolling Stone; Don't Think Twice, It's All Right; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; John Wesley Harding; Mr. Bojangles; Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Just Like A Woman; Knockin' On Heaven's Door; Tangled Up In Blue; New Morning.
Side 2: Highway 61 Revisited; Mr. Tambourine Man; Lay, Lady, Lay; Love Minus Zero/No Limit; Idiot Wind; I Want You; My Back Pages; The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll; Song To Woody; All Along The Watchtower; It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.

Scans required

CBS/Sony SKPL-11 (Japan) - rear of slipcase, photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

CBS/Sony SKPL-67 (Japan) - cassette Side 1 photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

It's called Gold 20, but there are actually 22 tracks! This album contains a rarity from the Nov 1973 Dylan album:

R-0101-6 Mr. Bojangles (Jerry Jeff Walker) - New Morning out-take, recorded Columbia Studios, New York, 1 Jun 1970 (see 1973)

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for information and pictures.

Various Artists - "The Greatest Of Folk-Rock" - vinyl 2LP set, HRB Music Co. C-205 (USA), 1975:

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HRB Music Co. C-205 (USA) - front scan by Mahmoud Sadrai

R-0020-3 Ye Playboys And Playgirls - with Pete Seeger, recorded live at the "Topical Songs" workshop on 28 Jul 1963 (stereo version), from the 1964 album Newport Broadsides (Topical Songs) (see 1964), now also on the Vanguard Sessions: Folk Duets CD (see 1998)
This song has always been thought to have been recorded at the afternoon workshop on 27 Jul 1963, but sources such as Glen Dundas and Derek Barker (in Appendix 1 to his 2008 Chrome Dreams book "The Songs He Didn't Write: Bob Dylan Under The Influence") now think it took place on the following day. L
yrics on bobdylan.com here.

R-0311-3 With God On Our Side - with Joan Baez (stereo version), from the Vanguard album Newport Broadside (Topical Songs), see 1964
This performance is now known to have been recorded during the morning workshop on 27 Jul 1963 and is not the performance from Joan's set at the evening concert on 28 Jul 1963 (R-0021), and also not the performance from the afternoon workshop on 26 Jul 1963 as originally stated here. The real R-0021 was not actually released until 2005 - for video footage of this performance see both the 2005 US Columbia/Legacy DVD No Direction Home - Bob Dylan (see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 3) and the 2007 US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965 (see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4). The performance released in 1997 on the Joan Baez Live At Newport CD is from 1964 (R-0253, see 1997). The performance from the Newport Broadsides (Topical Songs) album (see 1964) has been renumbered R-0311.

R-0022-7 Blowin' In The Wind - recorded live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, from the Vanguard album Evening Concerts At Newport Vol. 1, see 1964 (stereo version)

R-0607-2 This Land is Your Land [as This Land is My Land] (Woody Guthrie) - with Pete Seeger and ensemble, recorded live at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2, see 1964 (stereo version)

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HRB Music Co. C-205 (USA) - rear scan by Mahmoud Sadrai

Thanks to Tracy Zank for information on this album, which is virtually identical to another US 2LP set called The Natural Sound from Double R Records, see 1976. Thanks to Larry Crum, Bob Stacy and Mahmoud Sadrai for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Best Of Newport Folk Volume 1" - stereo cassette release, Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK), 1975:

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Ger Hemel
R-0020-4 Ye Playboys And Playgirls - with Pete Seeger, recorded live at the "Topical Songs" workshop on 28 Jul 1963 (stereo version), from the 1964 album Newport Broadsides (Topical Songs) (see 1964), now also on the Vanguard Sessions: Folk Duets CD (see 1998)
For comments, see above.

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Ger Hemel

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Ger Hemel (no Dylan)

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - outside of second insert, scan by Ger Hemel

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - detail of inside of second insert, scan by Ger Hemel

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - inside of second insert, scan by Ger Hemel

Vanguard ZCVS 91027 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Ger Hemel (includes R-0020)

Vanguard Y8VS 91027 (UK) - top of 8-track tape cartridge, photo from eBay

This exclusive 25-track cassette release had a folded insert and a separate insert with text and photos. R-0020 is at the end of Side 2. There was also an 8-track cartridge UK release Vanguard Y8VS 91027, a copy from eBay is shown.

Vanguard Y8VS 91027 (UK) - underside of 8-track tape cartridge, photo from eBay

Thanks to Ger Hemel and André Wilbers for information and scans.

David Blue - "Com'n Back For More" - stereo vinyl LP releases: Asylum 7E-1043 (USA)/Asylum SYL 9025 (UK), 16 Sep 1975; Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan), 1975; CD: Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA), 21 May 2007:

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (commercial copy)
R-0121 Who Love (If Not You Love) (David Blue) - Bob plays harmonica

I've seen a Dylan article saying that this song also appeared on an album called A Story By David Blue, but Donald J. Senno reminds me that this is the sub-title of this album (see rear sleeve).

Also shown is the front of the insert, a collage by Sarah Morris.

The records of Asylum US releases were pressed at three plants: Pitman, NJ (CP), Terre Haute, IN (CTH) and Santa Maria, CA (CSM). Shown are promo copies from Terre Haute and Santa Maria and a commercial copy from Pitman. Presumably it's possible to find promo copies from Pitman and commercial copies from the other two plants. R-0121 is Track 4 on Side 1.

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy with sticker)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial copies)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial copies)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial copies - Bob Dylan credit)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - insert front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial copies)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy, Terre Haute, IN)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy, Terre Haute, IN)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy, Santa Maria, CA)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy, Santa Maria, CA)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial copy)

Asylum 7E-1043 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial copy, Pitman, NJ)

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK), 16 Sep 1975:

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - front scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson (R-0121 is track 4)

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum SYL 9025 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson (no Dylan)

Unlike the 1974 Dylan Asylum UK albums, which were released by Island Records, this album was released in the UK by EMI Records Ltd.

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan), 1975:

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - front with obi and promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - front with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - front promo sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - detail of obi, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - unfolded outside of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - detail of promo LP Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - front of obi, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - rear of obi, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - promo LP Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0121)

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - unfolded inside of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - promo LP Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - commercial LP Side 1 photo from eBay (includes R-0121)

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - detail of promo LP Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-10244Y (Japan) - commercial LP Side 2 photo from eBay (no Dylan)

Promotional records in Japan come in commercial sleeves with or without promo stickers and usually without an obi. This Japanese promo copy of this album has a sample sticker on the front sleeve and also what looks like the commercial turquoise/white obi showing a price for ¥2,500. The rear of the obi has pictures of six contemporary Asylum albums including this one. It includes a folded four-page 12" insert with the US collage and English lyrics on the outside, Japanese sleeve notes and lyrics on the inside. The record has white Asylum/Warner-Pioneer promo labels, again with Japanese characters indicating a sample.

CD release: Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA), 21 May 2007:
Thanks to Peter Gilmer and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for news this album was re-released on CD by Wounded Bird Records in the USA on 21 May 2007.

Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA) - rear scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA) - outside of front insert unfolded, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA) - inside of front insert unfolded, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Wounded Bird WOU 1043 (USA) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Thanks to Tim Dunn, Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Jean-Pol Hiernaux and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Million Dollar Bash" - stereo/mono 7" promo single, Columbia 3-10217 (USA), 16 Sep 1975:

BashUSMono.jpg (23230 bytes)
Columbia 3-10217 7" promo single (USA) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0449)
R-0449 Million Dollar Bash - mono version of track from The Basement Tapes with The Band

This promo single had the regular stereo album version on the other side.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia 3-10217 (USA) - stereo side, scan by Hans Seegers (not rarity)

"Hurricane (Part I)"/"Hurricane (Part II)" - stereo/mono 7" promo and commercial Columbia and CBS singles, Nov 1975:

HurricaneUSPromoFront2.jpg (28398 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) - promo 7" single front scan by Hans Seegers
Because these singles have the song from Desire split over the A- and B-sides, full details are here.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Ronald Born for the scans.

Columbia 3-10245 (Canada) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
CBS3841NL.jpg (25749 bytes)
CBS 3841 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPB 349 (Japan) - front scan by Ronald Born

CBS BA 222184 (Australia) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Mono Singles & EPs for 1975

These are now here: Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76. There were no mono Dylan LPs released in 1975.

Promotional/Regular Items for 1975

Living In Another Country: International Stereo Releases

Stereo promo items for 1975 which don't contain rare material but which are still very collectable are now included with promo releases of regular albums and commercially released singles on the appropriate page in International Stereo Releases.

Blood On The Tracks 1975
Blood On The Tracks

The Basement Tapes 1975
The Basement Tapes

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.