"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1978

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

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This yearly page now contains only the main Rarities List! Mono 7" Singles & EPs (up to 1976) are now here, and Promotional Items (Albums and Singles) are now here. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

Because of the previous great length of this page I have created four sub-pages, which can be found here:

1978 "Changing Of The Guards" ] 1978 "The Last Waltz" ] 1978 "Masterpieces" ] 1978 "Street-Legal" ]

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 04 January, 2025

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

Bob Dylan and The Rolling Thunder Revue - "4 Songs From "Renaldo And Clara" " - promo 12" EP releases, Columbia AS 422 (USA), Jan 1978:

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front sleeve is plain buff with the sticker only (my first copy - matrix numbers 1A/1B)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - sticker in top left-hand corner of front sleeve (my first copy - matrix numbers 1A/1B)

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Columbia AS 422 (USA) - gold stamp in top left-hand corner of rear sleeve (my first copy - matrix numbers 1A/1B)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - rear sleeve with gold promo stamp only (my first copy - matrix numbers 1A/1B)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front sleeve with "AP-1", the sticker and the black "Demonstration" stamp only (my second copy - matrix numbers 1B/1B)

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Columbia AS 422 (USA) - "AP-1" and sticker in top left-hand corner of front sleeve (my second copy - matrix numbers 1B/1B)

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Columbia AS 422 (USA) - stamp in top right-hand corner of both front and back of sleeve (my second copy - matrix numbers 1B/1B)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - rear sleeve with "AP-1" and the black "Demonstration" stamp only (my second copy - matrix numbers 1B/1B)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - detail of rear sleeve with "AP-1" (my second copy - matrix numbers 1B/1B)

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Columbia AS 422 (USA), Side 1 with R-0136 and R-0138 (both my copies)
RenaldoLabel2.JPG (25332 bytes)
Columbia AS 422 (USA), Side 2 with Isis and R-0137 (both my copies, Richard Yakle informs me that his copy has the Side 2 label on both sides!)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front sleeve with "AP-1", the black "Demonstration" stamp and two stickers, photo by Michel Pomarede

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front "COMPLIMENTS" sticker, photo by Michel Pomarede

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - rear sleeve  with "AP-1" and the black "Demonstration" stamp, photo by Michel Pomarede

Renaldo And Clara (see VHS & DVD 1970s) lasted for over four hours, and was very badly received by critics. It had only a very short cinema release, even in a badly chopped-down two hour version. The full film was shown on TV in Europe a couple of times in the 1980s. It has never been commercially released for home viewing, which is a shame because it contains around 45 minutes of superlative concert footage. For informed discussion of this and Bob's other screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light ".

This promo-only four track 12" EP contains an otherwise unavailable performance from the rehearsals before the film and three from the live shows. It has a plain buff card sleeve with a front sticker and either a black or a gold promo stamp (see discussion below). The record has white promo Columbia labels.

R-0136 People Get Ready (Curtis Mayfield) - rehearsals, Studio Instrumental Rentals, New York, October 1975, also released on the 1993 Japanese promo CD Mr. D's Collection # 3, see 1993.
This performance was also one of the 42 rarities included for download with the Aug 2006 Apple iTunes Bob Dylan Collection, see Online Performances (Other).

R-0137 It Ain't Me Babe - live, Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA, 20 Nov 1975, also released on the Japanese promo CD Mr. D's Collection # 3, 1993, and European Unplugged Dignity CD singles 1995, and now also available on the 2001 Japanese live compilation Bob Dylan Live 1961-2000: Thirty Nine Years Of Great Concert Performances, see 2001. The version of this performance released in Nov 2002 on The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue, is a remix, so R-0137 remains a rarity.

Don Handy considers that this performance is different from the Harvard performance which is on The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue, and he suggest it actually comes from The Forum, Montreal, Canada, 4 Dec 1975. Both Glen Dundas and Olof Björner confirm the 20 Nov 1975 date, not 4 Dec 1975.

R-0138 Never Let Me Go (Joseph Wade Scott) - duet with Joan Baez, live with the Rolling Thunder Revue, The Forum, Montreal, Canada, 4 Dec 1975, also released on the 1993 Japanese promo CD Mr. D's Collection # 3, see 1993
This performance was also one of the 42 rarities included for download with the Aug 2006 Apple iTunes Bob Dylan Collection, see Online Performances (Other).

Thanks to Richard Yakle and Georg Thoma for pointing out the dates previously shown for R-0136 and R-0138 were transposed - a transcription error on my part!

The fourth song on this EP was Isis, also live with the Rolling Thunder Revue, The Forum, Montreal, Canada, 4 Dec 1975. No longer a rarity, this was later released as the B-side of the 1984 Dutch Jokerman single (see 1984), and on Biograph (see 1985). The version on the bonus DVD with the Limited Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue is an otherwise unavailable remix of this (see 2002). Now R-0137 is released, only two tracks on this 12" EP are rarities. The omission of R-0138 from The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 (see International Album Releases (Regular) ) is inexplicable!

Clinton Heylin's "Bootleg" book says that my second copy of the 12" EP, like most circulating, is a counterfeit because the "DEMONSTRATION/Not For Sale" stamp is black whereas the printing on the genuine item (such as my first copy) is in gold - however this story is disputed by Bob Paxon, who has had record industry connections, and says both are genuine. Arie de Reus says the copies with black stamps were produced at Columbia's Pitman, NJ, processing plant, and are indeed genuine.

Thanks to Chris Friedrich for this interesting story: "I was in college in Glassboro, NJ in 1978, the town right next to Pitman, NJ (hometown of Patti Smith and a Columbia Records pressing plant). There was a scandal of sorts when the promo EP of Renaldo & Clara songs was being pressed there. The "counterfeit" versions that circulated immediately after the promo items were sent out were a strange sort of counterfeit, as they were manufactured in the same plant with Columbia's usual equipment, vinyl stampers, vinyl, paper inner sleeves, white cardboard jackets and paper labels as the official promo versions. However, the gold ink that was used for the stamped cover was reportedly very expensive (rumor had it that it contained some real gold), so it was locked in a safe at night while someone on the night crew ran off a press run of a few hundred (or a few thousand) copies. They had to use the standard black ink with the same stamper that was used for the gold ink during the day to make the labels. NJ was a hotbed for Mafia infiltration of the record business (read "Hit Men" or Tommy James's autobiography for details). I heard the plot was discovered when someone taking inventory realized a discrepancy between how many cardboard sleeves (or maybe how much vinyl) was used compared to how much was shipped out legitimately. I don't know whether it was ever determined if this was organized crime or just some employees who thought they could make a quick buck and seized the opportunity. My aunt worked in another NJ record pressing plant, not affiliated with Columbia, and heard these details and told me about it before the end of 1978."

Thanks to Nick Ralph for the following information about his copy with the gold stamp: "I was given this by CBS Records in London at the time, so I know it's genuine. The promo stamp is imprinted gold (the opposite to embossed) and only on the top left of the back, not on the front, which just has the sticker on the top left. I've never seen one with a black stamp to compare it to so can't comment on the likely authenticity of copies with black stamps. They were not manufactured in the UK, but the USA, so probably were only made in the USA. You'd need to check other details to see whether the black-stamped versions are likely to be genuine or not. The matrix numbers are stamped in with a punch, rather than inscribed and follow the curvature of the grooves in a crude fashion. Side 1 is XSM164035-1A, Side 2 is XSM164036-1B. Both have a smaller "P2 and "I" about 1cm to the left and right of the number respectively. There is also a small "v" immediately opposite to the matrix number. The sleeve is plain white US-Style, where the outer surface is paper glued to the board rather than a surfaced board - this can be clearly seen on the back where the doesn't reach the edges except on the side of the opening. The sticker is (by now) a duller white than the sleeve and has slightly rounded corners, 12.7cm x 7.3cm (or as it was of US origin, 5" x 27/8")."

My first copy with the gold promo stamp has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM164035-1A, Side 2 - XSM164036-1B, the same as Nick Ralph's. My second copy with the black demonstration stamp has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM164035-1B, Side 2 - XSM164036-1B. Aaron Derfel has a copy, also with a black demonstration stamp on the sleeve, that has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM164035-1B, Side 2 - XSM164036-1A, so it would appear that all combinations of sides are in circulation.  Having two copies to compare I can now say that the card sleeves are identical, the records have the same vinyl weight, and the labels are identical. The matrix number style is also the same. My second copy has "AP-1" printed at the top left of both sides of the card sleeve, this is not present on the first copy. Philip Bajo from Vienna has a copy with the black stamp where the centre hole is too small to allow it to be played on a turntable - this isn't a problem with my copy or one that anyone else has reported to me! Michel Pomarede has a copy with the black promo stamp with an additional front sticker with "COMPLIMENTS OF C B S RECORDS AND W B C N". WBCN "The Rock of Boston" was an FM radio station from Boston, MA, which broadcast from 1958 until 2009, and then as a digital-only station until 2017.

Export Copies to Europe

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - German copy in plastic bag, photo from eBay (export copy 1)
Wiebke Dittmer has a copy bought in Cologne, Germany, that has a shaped red CBS sticker on the Side 1 record label saying "Unverkäufl. Muster [Promotional Copy Not For Sale]". Thanks also to Wiebke for finding a copy of the promo EP with the black demonstration stamp on eBay Germany in a white plastic bag with a "Renaldo & Clara" film poster design. The text advertises the two hour version of the film (see VHS & DVD 1970s).

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - detail of Side 1 with German promo sticker, photo by Wiebke Dittmer (export copy 1)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front with "Rocky" stamp and handwriting, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 2)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - rear with gold promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 2)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 1 with three CBS stickers and handwriting, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 2)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 2 with three CBS stickers and handwriting, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 2)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 1 with German promo sticker, photo by Wiebke Dittmer (export copy 1)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 2 photo by Wiebke Dittmer (not stickered, export copy 1)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 3)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - rear with gold promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 3)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 1 with three CBS stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 3)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 2 with three CBS stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (export copy 3)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front with sticker and back promo stamp, picture from www.eil.com (export copy 4)

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 1 with Columbia obscured with marker pen, picture from www.eil.com (export copy 4)

Lars M. Banke has a copy from West Germany with large handwriting on the front sleeve including date "03.06.78" (3 Jun 1978) plus a rubber stamp "Rocky". According to Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff "Rocky" was a German teen magazine in the late 1970s that merged with the Swiss "Pop" magazine into "Pop/Rocky" in 1980. Each record label has three shaped red CBS stickers without the extra text and more handwriting.

Lars M. Banke has another copy bought in Switzerland. There is no handwriting on the sleeve. Each record label has three shaped red CBS stickers without extra text or handwriting. Lars has also found a copy for sale on Eil.com with the Columbia logos on the record labels obscured with black marker pen.

Export Copy from Japan

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - front of copy from Japan with two stickers, scan by Wil Gielen
Thanks to Wil Gielen for scans of a copy of Columbia AS 422 distributed in Japan. It has a plain white sleeve with English and Japanese stickers on the front and a gold promo stamp on the back. The record is the same as the US release with matrix numbers the same as Nick Ralph's copy. The Japanese sticker has the date "54-1-12". "54" means the Japanese year "Showa 54", the 54th year of the reign of Emperor Showa (Hirohito), which was 1979, so the date is 12 Jan 1979, a year after the US release. This was a limited edition, and the sticker shown is numbered "0106". Thanks also to Alan Hoaksey for information about this item, which was not in fact a Japanese release.

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - left-hand sticker from front of copy from Japan, scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - right-hand sticker from front of copy from Japan, scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - gold stamp from rear of copy from Japan, scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 1 of copy from Japan, scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia AS 422 (USA) - Side 2 of copy from Japan, scan by Wil Gielen

Thanks to Ian Woodward, Don Handy, Georg Thoma, Bob Paxon, Arie de Reus, Chris Friedrich, Nick Ralph, Richard Yakle, Aaron Derfel, Philip Bajo and Alan Hoaksey for information, and to Wil Gielen, Wiebke Dittmer, Michel Pomarede, Lars M. Banke and Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff for further information and pictures.

"When I Paint My Masterpiece" - radio station promo?, Columbia (catalogue number?) (USA), 1978-79:

R-0139  When I Paint My Masterpiece - a previously unknown version is said to have been played on the radio in the US in 1978-79, this could have been the live version from the film Renaldo & Clara (War Memorial Coliseum, Plymouth, MA, 31 Oct 1975), but it has not been otherwise reported as a radio station promo. Can anyone confirm?

Various Artists - "El Pacha" - stereo vinyl album, CBS 27.168 (Uruguay), 1978:

CBS 27.168 (Uruguay) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0628 Hurricane (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) - exclusive short edit (2:25)

This very rare album in the "CBS Collection" series exclusive to Uruguay was manufactured and distributed in Uruguay on behalf of CBS by Sondor S.A. The fact the song is edited is not mentioned on the sleeve or the record label.

For original singles with this song split over the A- and B-sides, see 1975-76 Hurricane Singles. This edit is even shorter than Hurricane (Part I) - R-0126 (3:35)!

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS 27.168 (Uruguay) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 27.168 (Uruguay) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers with R-0628

CBS 27.168 (Uruguay) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Masterpieces" - 3LP releases: CBS/Sony 57AP-875/6/7 (Japan), Columbia S3BP 220502 (Australia/New Zealand), Mar 1978: 2 cassette release: CBS 3PC 502 (Australia), 1978; 2CD release: CBS 462448 2 (Australia), 1987; 3CD release: Columbia 462448 9 (Australia), 1991, re-released 1992, 1995:

CBS/Sony 57AP-875/6/7 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Seiji Murata
For full details of this release exclusive to Japan and Australia which contained several tracks unavailable elsewhere on Bob Dylan albums, see here.

Thanks to Sheiji Murata, Stuart Moore, Paul Read and Bill Hester for information and scans.

Columbia S3 BP 220502 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

CBS 3PC 502 (Australia) - cassette fronts scan by Stuart Moore

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CBS 462448 2 (Australia) - 1987 2CD release, front jewel case insert (Paul Read's copy)

Columbia 462448 9 (Australia) - 1991 3CD release, front with sticker, scan by Stuart Moore

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Columbia 462448 9 (Australia) - 1992 onwards 3CD release, front jewel case insert (my copy)

CBS S3 BP 220502 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester

Joan Baez - "The Robert W. Morgan Special of The Week Series III" - radio broadcast stereo LP - Watermark Inc. (no catalogue number) (USA), 1978:

Side 1 scan by Ger Hemel (includes R-0311 and Dylan covers)
R-0311-5 With God On Our Side - recorded live with Joan Baez, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 27 Jul 1963 (morning workshop) (stereo version), from the 1964 Vanguard stereo album Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963, see 1964 for that album and other occurrences of this performance.
This performance also appears in part on the
2007 US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4

Side 1 scan by Ger Hemel (includes Dylan cover)

Side 1 of this stereo radio broadcast LP has With God on our Side with Bob Dylan at Newport 1963 (30 seconds, partly spoken over) plus four Dylan covers by Joan Baez:

– I Pity The Poor Immigrant (40 seconds, partly spoken over)

– With God On Our Side (10 seconds)

– Simple Twist Of Fate (Dylan imitation) (27 seconds)

– Love Is Just A Four Letter Word (1.32)

Side 2 has a cover by Joan Baez of Blowin’ in the Wind.

There are also some snippets of songs about Dylan (both sides) and a 4.06 version of Diamonds and Rust. The copy shown has no accompanying sheet with information.

Thanks to Ger Hemel for information and scans.

The Band plus guests - "The Last Waltz" - 3LP sets, Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), recorded Nov 1976, released Apr 1978; 2 x 8-Track stereo tape cartridge sets, Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), 1978; 2 x stereo cassette sets, Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), late 1970s/early 1980s; 2CD sets, Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), 1988 onwards:

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (USA) - front with stickers, scan by Manuel García Jara (first promo copy)

For full details of this release, which featured several exclusive live tracks with Bob, including cassette and CD releases of the original 3LP set, see here. The first US promo and commercial releases and the Argentinean release have the gold foil centre "Last Waltz" logo without the contrasting black background used everywhere else.

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Jeff Gold of Record Mecca (first commercial copy)

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (USA) - front with sticker and stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (1978 release second promo copy)

LastWaltzSigned.jpg (28824 bytes)
CD copy of The Last Waltz signed by Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Neil Diamond - picture from "Isis" 46, Dec 1992/Jan 1993, thanks to Derek Barker

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Steven Fant (1978 second commercial release)

Warner Bros/Rhino Handmade RHM1 7801 (USA) - box front scan by Manuel García Jara (2003 release)

Warner Bros/Rhino Records R1 3146 (USA) - front with stickers, scan by Manuel García Jara (2013 Record Store Day 3LP release)

Warner Bros 3W8 3146 (USA) - Part One scan by Steven Fant (8-track release)

Warner Bros 3W5 3146 (USA) - Part Two scan by Stuart Moore (cassette release)

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 C (Canada) - front of 3LP set with stickers, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros 3W8 3146 (Canada) - front of sealed slipcase 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros K66076 (UK) - front of 3LP set signed by Robbie Robertson, photo by Philip Jump of Badlands

Warner Bros K66076 (UK) - front of 3LP set with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Warner Bros K 406 076-1 (West Germany) - outside of cassette 1 insert, scan from www.discogs.com

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany for NL) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany for France) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany for Belgium) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany for Austria) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WB 66 076 (West Germany for Switzerland) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Warner Bros S 96.302/S 90.031-033 (Spain) - front with band, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros 66076 (Israel) - front with printed star, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Warner Bros CB 96.302/C 90.031-033 (Spain) - cassette box front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros P-5552~4W Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (Australia) - front with sticker, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (Philippines) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Warner Bros 3WS 3146 (South Africa) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros/Teal Records 3WS 3146 (Rhodesia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

Warner Bros 36.066/7/8 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Music-Hall/Warner Bros MH 30-14.395/6/7 (Argentina) - front with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Warner Bros/Grabaciones Mundiales GM 200.2379-3 (Venezuela) - front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros 0003146.7 (Peru) - front photo from eBay

For the Expanded Edition 4CD boxed set which includes Bob and the Band's performance of Hazel, the song from Planet Waves omitted from the original release, see 2002.

For details of The Last Waltz VHS and laserdisc releases, see VHS & DVD 1970s. A new expanded DVD edition was released in Apr 2002, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 1.

Thanks to Jeff Gold, Philip Jump, Derek Barker, Steven Fant, Manuel García Jara, Gerd Rundel, Wil Gielen, Stuart Moore, Sergio Mariano Romay, Bill Hester, Lars M. Banke and Dag Braathen for information and scans.

"Street-Legal" - original vinyl album releases: Columbia/CBS/ CBS/Sony (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), 15 Jun 1978:

Columbia JC 35453 (USA) -
promo LP front with timing strip, photo by Ulf Gyllenspetz
For full details of the worldwide vinyl, tape and CD releases of this 1978 album, which is now unavailable in this precise form, see here.

For the 1997 remixed/remastered CD release of this album and the 2013 remixed/remastered version of the original 1978 album, see International Album Releases (Regular).

CBS 42-86067 (Spain) - cartridge front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Suzy 40-86067 (Yugoslavia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

StreetLegalOriginalCDFront.jpg (32563 bytes)
CBS CDCBS 86067 (Europe) - 1980s CD release, front scan by Franck Faugere

"Baby Stop Crying" - promo 7" singles: Columbia 3-10805 (USA), 31 Jul 1978; "Baby Stop Crying"/"New Pony"- commercial 7" single: Columbia 3-10805 (Canada), 1978:

Columbia 3-10805 (USA), 31 Jul 1978:

BabyUSPromo1.jpg (24365 bytes)
Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

R-0146 Baby Stop Crying - short version (radio edit - 4:17)

The other side of the US promo singles is the full album version (5:17).

The difference in the labels of the two US variants shown is that the words "SHORT VERSION" are on the right below "Columbia" for variant 1, and on the left above "Stereo" for variant 2. Rene Jørgensen's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ZSS164842-1F, Side 2 - ZSS164851-1F.

There was also a US commercial single with the catalogue number Columbia 3-10805 with the full version of Baby Stop Crying as the A-side, and New Pony as the B-side, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1978.

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

BabyUSPromo2.jpg (24874 bytes)
Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant, R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (second variant, R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - B-side scan by Rene Jørgensen (second variant)

Columbia 3-10805 (USA promo) - detail of B-side scan, by Rene Jørgensen (second variant)

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada), 1978:

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0146 - 4:17 edit)

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara ("CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada) - detail of A-side showing 4:17 timing, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 3-10805 (Canada) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jar

The equivalent Canadian single had R-0146 as the A-side. It came in a generic CBS sleeve. The record had orange/yellow Columbia labels with "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD." in the bottom text line.

The equivalent European singles were S CBS 6499 (UK) and CBS 6697 (NL and West Germany). For these, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1978.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Rene Jørgensen and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Baby Stop Crying"/"New Pony" - 7" single: CBS SSC 1739 (South Africa), 1978:

CBS SSC 1739 (South Africa)  - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-1233)
R-1233 Baby Stop Crying - second edited version (listed as 3:30, album version is 5:17)

This single contains a unique edit of the A-side, the B-side is the standard album track. André Wilbers has a copy and says that the A-side plays at 3:50, not 3:30.

CBS SSC 1739 (South Africa)  - detail of A-side showing 3:30 timing, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SSC 1739 (South Africa)  - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SSC 1739 (South Africa)  - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

This single was marketed and distributed in South Africa by the Gramophone Record Co. (Pty.) Ltd., part of what was then EMI (now Universal). It did not have a picture sleeve. The record has orange CBS labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and André Wilbers for information and scans.

"Changing Of The Guards" - 7" promo and commercial singles with 3:39 edit of A- or B-side, Columbia/CBS international releases Aug-Dec 1978:

ChangingUSEdit1.jpg (23763 bytes)
Columbia 3-10851 (US promo), scan by Hans Seegers
For full details of these releases, see here.

For 7" singles with the full-length version of Changing Of The Guards from Street-Legal, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1978.

CBS 6559 (NL/West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Harry Belafonte - "More Songs" - compilation LP, RCA Music Club 34199 0 (West Germany), 1978:

BelafonteMoreSongsLP.jpg (19789 bytes)
RCA Music Club 34199 0 (West Germany) - scan by Hans Seegers

R-0001-3 Midnight Special (Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly") - Bob plays harmonica on the title track of Harry Belafonte's 1962 The Midnight Special album (stereo version)

For details of the original album, see 1962

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Bette Midler - "The Best of Bette" - vinyl compilation LP releases, Atlantic K.50530 (UK), 1978; Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany), 1978; Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia), 1978; Atlantic 50530 (Spain), 1984:

R-0123-3 Buckets Of Rain - Bob shares vocals with Bette Midler on a track from her Atlantic album Songs For The New Depression, recorded at Secret Sound Studios, New York, Oct 1975, see 1976

R-0123 is on Side 1 and Bette's cover of I Shall Be Released is on Side 2.

Atlantic SD 7270 (USA, 1973) - picture from www.discogs.com
The same cover drawing was used for her 1973 Atlantic debut album and a 1974 Japanese single (P-1291A) on the joint Asylum/Elektra/Atlantic/Warner Bros label. This had two songs with non Dylan involvement but the A-side (In The Mood, also on this album) was included on a 1974 four song (two 7" singles) promo with Bob and The Band performing On A Night Like This from Planet Waves (see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1974).

As far as I know The Best Of Bette was not released in the USA.

BetteJap45.jpg (21738 bytes)
1974 Japanese single scan by Hans Seegers

Atlantic K.50530 (UK), 1978:

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants)

Kenneth Robson's copy of the UK album came with a folded poster advertising Bette's film "The Rose".
Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - rear photocopy by Paul Shenton (variant 1)

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - detail of rear, photocopy by Paul Shenton (variant 1 - US fan club text below "Compiled by...")

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - poster scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants)

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - rear with sticker(?), scan by Kenneth Robson (variant 2)

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - detail of rear with sticker(?), scan by Kenneth Robson (variant 2 - text below "Compiled by..." missing or covered up)

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants - "Sleeve printed and made in England")

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants - includes R-0123)

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants - "Made in UK")

Atlantic K.50530 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson (both variants - includes Dylan cover)

Kenneth's copy (variant 2) has what looks like a sticker at top right of the rear sleeve slightly darker than the sleeve background. Paul Shenton's copy (variant 1) does not have this sticker, which may be there to cover up the address of Bette's US fan club, which is missing from Kenneth's copy.

Ronald Born's copy of the UK album has a German price sticker (DM 19.80) from the store Kaufhof. It seems therefore that the UK release was also sold in Germany, although there was a separate German release, below.

 For a UK single from this album, see below.

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany), 1978:

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

The West German release has the same artwork as the UK release and was made in Germany. The rear sleeve doesn't have the US fan club text.

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (UK and Australian rear sleeves have no text at top righ

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara ("Made in Germany")

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0123)

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara ("MADE IN GERMANY")

Atlantic ATL 50530 (West Germany) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Dylan cover)

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia), 1978:

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore (no country of origin)

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-0123)

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore ("Manufactured & Distributed by WEA Records Pty Limited")

Atlantic SD 361974 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (includes Dylan cover)

The Australian release was manufactured and distributed in Australia by WEA Records Pty Limited, although this is stated only on the record labels..

Atlantic 50530 (Spain), 1984:

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
Bette Midler records were only released in Spain after the success of the film "The Rose" mentioned above. This Spanish release of The Best Of Bette was not released until 1984 (although there could have been an earlier release).

This Spanish release is noticeable in that the front sleeve has the drawing aligned to the left instead of other worldwide fronts of the album which have the identical drawing in the centre. At this time, Warner records were no longer released in Spain by Hispavox. (Until 1965 they were made and distributed by RCA; from 1965 until 1983 by Hispavox; from 1983 to 1988 by PolyGram (the former Philips/RCA Group), and from 1988 until the early 1990s by CBS (curiously at the same time when CBS records were made in Spain by Tecnodisco).

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0123)

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Dylan cover)

Atlantic 50530 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

The Best of Bette (K-Tel, 1981) - does not include R-0123
This album has been superseded by three Bette Midler compilations that don't include the Dylan song: The Best Of Bette (K-Tel, 1981 - not to be confused with the 1978 album), The Divine Bette Midler: Greatest Hits (EastWest, 1993) and Jackpot: The Best Bette (Rhino, 2008). They're shown here for information only.

Experience The Divine Bette Midler: Greatest Hits (EastWest, 1993) - does not include R-0123

Jackpot: The Best Bette (Rhino, USA, 2008) - does not include R-0123

The Best Bette (Rhino, UK, 2008) - does not include R-0123 (my copy)

Bette Midler also appears as part of the ensemble USA For Africa on the charity single We Are The World, see 1985.

Thanks to Wim van der Mark, Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Stuart Moore, Manuel García Jara and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

Bette Midler - "The Best of Bette" - stereo cassette releases, /Atlantic MSA 361974 (Australia), 1978:

Atlantic K 450 530 (West Germany) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Atlantic K 450 530 (West Germany) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

The West German cassette has a short double-sided insert. The cassette is black with sliver text, there are no paper labels.

The Australian cassette release has the same catalogue number, 361974, as the Australian LP release above, with a different prefix. It was distributed in Australia by WEA Records Pty. Limited. The insert is plain white on the inside. The cassette is white with white paper labels. One of Stuart's copies has a Side 1 label on both sides, although the other side of the tape plays the Side 2 songs as expected!

Thanks to Paul Shenton an Stuart Moore for information and pictures.

Atlantic K 450 530 (West Germany) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (includes R-0123)

Atlantic K 450 530 (West Germany) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (includes Dylan cover)

Atlantic MSA 361974 (Australia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore (inside is blank)

Atlantic MSA 361974 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-0123)

Atlantic MSA 361974 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (includes Dylan cover)

Bette Midler - "The Best of Bette" - CD releases, Atlantic 361974.2 (USA/Australia), 1987:

Atlantic 361974.2 (Australia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
There must be more of these CD releases! The Australian CD was made in Australia by Disctronics, who also made Dylan CDs for CBS Records. More scans of the US release required!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Atlantic 361974.2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 361974.2 (Australia) - CD scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 361974.2 (Australia) - detail of CD, scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 361974.2 (USA) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Bette Midler - "Buckets Of Rain"/"La Vie En Rose" - 7" single, Atlantic K.11260 (UK), 1978:

Atlantic K.11260 (UK) - A-side scan by Dennis Yardley
R-0123-4 Buckets Of Rain - recorded Oct 1975, Bob shares vocals with Bette Midler on a track from The Best Of Bette above, originally from her Atlantic album Songs For The New Depression, see 1976.

This single came in a standard WEA sleeve. The label has the text "Taken from the LP K.50530 'The Best Of Bette'". For that album, see above. La Vie En Rose was originally from her 1977 Atlantic album Broken Blossom.

Thanks to Dennis Yardley and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

Buckets7UKSideA2.jpg (34934 bytes)
Atlantic K.11260 (UK) - A-side in generic WEA sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson

Promotional/Regular Items for 1978

Living In Another Country: International Stereo Releases

Stereo promo items for 1978 which don't contain rare material but which are still very collectable are now included with promo releases of regular albums and commercially released singles on the appropriate page in International Stereo Releases.

Street-Legal 1978

Bob Dylan At Budokan 1978
Bob Dylan At Budokan

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.