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The Basement Tapes 1975
The Basement Tapes

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

Because of the length of this page (the longest on this web-site), Desire CD releases are now here. Desire tape releases are now here. For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

Hard Rain 1976
Hard Rain



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Up ] Desire 1976 CD Releases ] Desire 1976 Tape Releases ]

Revised 05 January, 2025.

DesireUKFront.JPG (29549 bytes)

Original US stereo LP, Columbia PC 33893, 5 Jan 1976. Thanks to Charlie Pritchard for the information that the cover photo by Ken Regan is reportedly inspired by the one on the 1970 solo album by John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas, The Wolf King Of L.A.! The photos that make up the rear sleeve collage were taken by Ruth Bernal.

For releases of Desire with rarities, including quadraphonic albums, see 1976. For releases with an unfaded version of Oh, Sister, see 1985.

John Phillips, The Wolf King Of L.A. - picture from www.amazon.com

This title was one of the fifteen Dylan albums released in Sep 2003 as a hybrid CD/SA-CD. This is playable both in stereo on an ordinary CD player and in enhanced stereo on an SA-CD player or a DVD player that also plays SA-CDs (Sony's higher range models all do this). Some titles were available in 5.1 surround sound, but not this one, despite the fact it was released in a quadraphonic mix.

Thanks to Steven Fant for the scan of the Columbia US promo poster.

Out-takes from this album have been officially released as follows:

7" singles (1976): Rita May (R-0130, see 1976, 1977, and also on the 1978 Japanese and Australian 3LP compilation Masterpieces). R-0130 is also on two limited edition Japanese CD releases, Mr. D's Collection #3 and Dylan Ga Rock (for both, see 1993). R-0130 appeared on the Sony Music Bob Dylan Custom Mix CD web-site, Apr 2003, see Online Performances (Other). It was also one of the 42 rarities included for download with the Aug 2006 Apple iTunes Bob Dylan Collection, also see Online Performances (Other). It is now also released on the 2010 version of Dylan Ga Rock (see 2010)

Biograph (1985): Abandoned Love

The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (1991): Golden Loom; Catfish

Other known out-takes are Money Blues, a Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy co-composition, and Wiretappin' (It Can Happen).

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"Desire" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 33893 (USA), 5 Jan 1976; Columbia JC 33893 (USA), 1980s; Columbia C 33893 (USA), late 1980s; CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA), late 1980s:

Columbia PC 33893 (USA), 5 Jan 1976:

DesireUSPromoFront.JPG (25474 bytes)
Columbia PC 33893
(USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release with timing strip)

The white label promo album shown has a Columbia radio station timing strip pasted on the front sleeve. The rear sleeve has a gold "DEMONSTRATION Not For Sale" stamp. Gerd Rundel's promo copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3B, Side 2 - BL 33893-2D. Steven Fant has a white label promo copy without a timing strip on the front but with a gold promo stamp on the rear as shown above. There is also a set of lyrics sheets for each song in a clear plastic wallet. Three of the songs including Hurricane have two pages stapled together.

Karl Hague has a white label promo copy with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893 3C, Side 2 - BL 33893 2B. The sleeve of this copy has "COLUMBIA STEREO" and "X698" on the spine as does one of the export copies listed below.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Steven Fant (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of front with timing strip, scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of rear with gold promo stamp, scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Steven Fant (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - front sticker scan by Steven Fant (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (silver text/border)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release with demo stamp)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - lyrics sheet scan by Steven Fant (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - lyrics sheet scan by Steven Fant (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - lyrics sheet scan by Steven Fant (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - inner sleeve front, scan by Jeremy Mayle

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - front detail scan by Patrick Helfrich (silver text/border)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (gold text/border)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Jeremy Mayle

DesireUSPromoSide1.JPG (26772 bytes)
Columbia PC 33893
(USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Patrick Helfrich (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (commercial release)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 2 with text missing, picture from eBay (commercial release)

Ted McCallion says that early copies had different musician credits on the inner sleeve front with drums credited to John Sussewell instead of Howard Wyeth. Michael Krogsgaard's recording session details show that John Sussewell was present at the sessions for 28 and 29 July 1975, along with other members of the band Kokomo. The two tracks released from these sessions were Romance In Durango on Desire and Catfish on The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3. I have yet to find a different version of the inner sleeve front that lists John Sussewell, who also played drums for Ashford & Simpson and was married to singer Candi Staton for 18 years. John confirms his presence on the album and says he lost his copy of Desire with his credit during his divorce.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (promo copy, "© 1975 Ram's Horn Music" missing)
Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for noticing that the text "© 1975 Ram's Horn Music" is missing at the bottom centre of the rear sleeve of Gerd Rundel's promo copy. This is a known fault and it was quickly overprinted. On the rear sleeve of Serge's copy this text measures 23 mm, and is smaller than the equivalent text on the copy shown below.
Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (compare with detail below)

The commercial copy shown has a dark blue sticker promoting three songs, Hurricane, Mozambique and Isis. There is a picture inner sleeve similar to the one with the UK 2000s release below (not shaped). Stuart Moore has a copy of the commercial release record with matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3B, Side 2 - BL 33893-2D (same as Gerd Rundel's promo copy). Lars M. Banke has found a commercial copy on eBay with no text on the Side 2 label.

Jim Perlman has a commercial copy with earlier stamped matrix numbers than the two mentioned above: Side 1 - AL 33893-3A, Side 2 - BL 33893-2A. Both sides also have "T1" handwritten to the right of the stamped matrix number.

Patrick Helfrich has commercial copies with gold and silver text/borders as the Dutch copy below. The silver copy also has a "Gold Record Award" sticker. Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy of the commercial release record with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3L, Side 2 - BL 33893-3E.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 1 picture from Heritage Auctions web-site (multi-coloured vinyl)
Thanks to Lars M. Banke for finding this copy of PC 33893 on multi-coloured vinyl sold by Heritage Auctions in the USA for $8,000 in Apr 2022. The front sleeve has the gold border/text. This unusual record came from the collection of noted rock memorabilia collector David Swartz, and is believed to have been pressed privately after-hours by an employee of Columbia's plant at Pitman, NJ.
Columbia PC 33893 (USA) - Side 2 picture from Heritage Auctions web-site (multi-coloured vinyl)

Columbia JC 33893 (USA), 1980s:

Columbia JC 33893 (USA) - detail of front with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1980s release)

The sleeve of Gerd Rundel's 1980s copy has "JC 33893" printed on the spine and on the record labels as shown. It comes with the original printed inner sleeve.

Columbia JC 33893 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (compare with detail above)

Columbia JC 33893 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

Columbia JC 33893 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

Columbia JC 33893 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

Gerd's copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-33893-3BB (stamped), Side 2 - P BL 33893-2AC (scratched out), -3AC (handwritten). Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy of the 1980s release with the number "33893" in a white panel above the Columbia logo at front top left. This copy also has the "GOLD RECORD AWARD" sticker. The front sleeve has a silver border and text. This copy has “JC 33893” printed on the spine and the record labels as shown on Gerd's copy. The matrix numbers (stamped both side) are: Side 1 - AL 33893-3AB followed by “IT” (faintly handwritten), Side 2 - BL 33893-3K. The inner sleeve is generic, white without any text or legend, but possibly not original. On the rear sleeve of this copy the text “© 1975 Ram’s Horn Music” at bottom centre measures 31 mm, and is larger than the equivalent text on the copy shown above.

Columbia C 33893 (USA), mid 1980s:

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

This mid-1980s release has a silver border on the front sleeve and silver text. The catalogue number on the front sleeve is just "33893", but is shown as "JC 33893" on the spine. There is a barcode on the rear sleeve at top right. The record labels have catalogue number “C 33893”. The Side 1 record label has an inverted triangle to the left of the centre hole, first introduced in the USA with Biograph in 1985. The record of the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3BD, Side 2 - PBL 33893 G3C.

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893
(USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

Columbia C 33893 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid 1980s release)

CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA), late 1980s:

DesireUSMasterworksFront.jpg (30835 bytes)
CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA) - front photo by Paul Prince

This release in the "CBS Masterworks" series again has a barcode on the rear sleeve. The record has gold "CBS Masterworks" labels with the logos in a ring round the circumference in yellow. The Side 1 record label again has the inverted triangle to the left of the centre hole, first introduced in the USA with Biograph in 1985.

CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA) - rear photo by Paul Prince

DesireUSMasterworksSide1.jpg (27521 bytes)
CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA) - Side 1 photo by Paul Prince

CBS Masterworks C 33893 (USA) - Side 2 photo by Paul Prince

Thanks to Ulf Gyllenspetz for photographs and to Patrick Helfrich, Steven Fant, Gerd Rundel, Jeremy Mayle and Sergio Mariano Romay for scans. Thanks to Jon McAuliffe for information and Paul Prince for photos of the CBS Masterworks release, C 33893.

"Desire" - 180gm stereo vinyl 2LP release, Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab LMF 416-2 (USA), May 2013, re-released as Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-416SV (USA), Oct 2020:

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab LMF 416-2 (USA) - picture from Music Direct web-site (2013 release)
This high quality audio 2LP set plays at 45 RPM. This release contains the unfaded version of Oh, Sister with the uncensored exchange between Emmylou Harris and Bob that was earlier found on 1990s "Nice Price" vinyl and cassette reissues of Desire (R-0208, see 1985). There is also a 2013 Mobile Fidelity hybrid SA-CD release of the album that also contains the rarity.

This album was re-released as MFSL2-416SV in a sold-out limited edition of 1,000 in their "Special Vinyl" series in Oct 2020.

Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 2-416SV (USA) - picture from Mobile Fidelity web-site (2020 release)

Because Romance In Durango and Black Diamond Bay are separated (Romance In Durango is on Side 3 and Black Diamond Bay is on Side 4), they do not segue into one another as on the 1976 LP versions of Desire. I have therefore classified them as rarities, so the album is listed in 2013. These unfaded versions previously appeared on a CBS Sugar Italy 8-track tape cartridge release of Desire, see 1976. The unfaded version of Romance In Durango also appeared as a 5:50 stand-alone version on a CBS Spain stereo 7" single, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1977.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin, André Wilbers and Keith Venturoni for information.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export), 1976:

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

These US copies were exported to Scandinavia and the UK. All instances of "Columbia" on the front and rear sleeve have been obscured with black marker pen.

On the first copy the rings of Columbia logos on the record labels have been obscured as well, not with a sticker or stickers as is usual for these import copies, but with what looks like ring-shaped black ink overprints.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893
(USA for export) - front/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - detail of rear with all instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ink, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ink, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - detail of rear with fewer instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured by orange ring-shaped CBS sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured by orange ring-shaped CBS sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

The record of the first copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3B, Side 2 - BL 33893-3D (same as Gerd Rundel's promo copy and Stuart Moore's commercial copy above).

The second copy, bought in the UK, has orange "CBS" stickers over the front Columbia logo and over the spine text, the spine sticker being visible on both front and rear of the sleeve. The record labels of this copy have ring-shaped orange "CBS" stickers (in fact the spine sticker looks like part of one). The record of the second copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3 C, Side 2 - BL 33893-2 B.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)
The third copy, again bought in the UK, also has orange "CBS" stickers over the front Columbia logo and over the spine text, the spine sticker being visible on both front and rear of the sleeve. This time the spine sticker looks the same as the front sticker, not part of a record label sticker! Unlike the first two copies, "Columbia" is not obscured on the rear sleeve. The record labels of this copy have the same ring-shaped orange "CBS" stickers as the second copy. The record of the third copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3 C, Side 2 - BL 33893-2 B (the same as those of the second copy).

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured by orange ring-shaped CBS sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured by orange ring-shaped CBS sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

This variant from Gerd Rundel was probably exported to Switzerland.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with "CBS" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front "CBS" sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - detail of rear with scuff damage but "Columbia" not obscured, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with red/black stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 2 with red/black stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth copy)

The front sleeve has a black/white CBS front sticker to obscure the Columbia logo. “COLUMBIA” is not obscured on the rear and spine. This copy has scuff damage at the bottom of the rear sleeve, therefore some text is not clearly visible. The spine has additionally printed “X698”. It comes with the original printed inner sleeve. Each record label has three red ring shaped stickers with black CBS logos to obscure the original Columbia logos. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3C, Side 2 - BL 33893-2B.

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with spine sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear with spine sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with sticker missing, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (sixth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (sixth copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (sixth copy - no stickers)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (sixth copy - no sticker)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (sixth copy - no sticker)

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 2 with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (fifth copy)

The fifth copy exported to Sweden has a black circular sticker on the front covering the "Columbia" logo and a second black sticker on the spine covering "Columbia". However, "Columbia" at the bottom of the rear sleeve is not obscured. There also is a white sticker with the former owner’s name in the upper left corner of the rear sleeve. The Side 2 record label has a black ring-shaped sticker covering the ring of Columbia logos, the sticker on the Side 1 label has either been removed or fallen off, traces of glue remain. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893 – 3 BA, Side 2 -BL 33893 – 3K.

The sixth export copy has a "CBS" sticker in the upper left corner of the front sleeve that is not stuck directly on to the sleeve, but is stuck on to the outer shrink-wrap. There are no stickers on the rear sleeve or the record labels. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893 3C, Side 2 -BL 33893 2B.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export), 1976:

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - front sleeve and Side 1 with stickers plus inner sleeve front, photo from Vinyl Garage Japan
Thanks to Lars M. Banke for finding this album on eBay from a Japanese seller. It has paper stickers over the Columbia logos on the front sleeve and record labels, and what looks like black marker pen obscuring the Columbia logos on the rear sleeve. The rings of Columbia logos on the record labels have actually been covered with six separate stickers on each side!
Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - rear sleeve with marker pen and Side 2 with stickers plus inner sleeve rear, photo from Vinyl Garage Japan

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for export) - Side 1 with stickers, photo from Vinyl Garage Japan

Bob Dylan - "Desire"/Chris Squire - "Fish Out Of Water" - radio station stereo vinyl LP, AFRTS (American Forces Radio & Television Service) RL 5-76/P-15187-88 (USA), Jan 1976:

AFRTS RL 5-76/P-15187 (USA) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
This very rare radio station LP has a selection of songs from the Desire album on Side 1, and songs from Chris Squire's 1976 album Fish Out Of Water on Side 2.
AFRTS RL 5-76/P-15188 (USA) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

AFRTS RL 5-76/P-15187 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (Dylan)

AFRTS RL 5-76/P-15188 - Side 2 scan by
Lars M. Banke (no Dylan)

Atlantic K50203 (USA) - front picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

The record came in a plain Army Green sleeve. The Dylan songs are: Isis; Mozambique; One More Cup Of Coffee; Romance In Durango.

For other 1970s albums in the same AFRTS series with Bob Dylan on one side and different artists on the other, see International Albums (Various Artist Compilations) 1970s. The 1978 AFRTS single LP release of Bob Dylan At Budokan (RL 21-9/P-18371-72) is not listed there because all tracks on both sides are by Bob Dylan. For that see the Bob Dylan At Budokan page in this section. For a 1981 AFRTS album with Bob Dylan and Art Garfunkel, see International Albums (Various Artists Compilations) 1980-86. For an AFRTS single LP release of The Concert For Bangladesh by George Harrison and Friends, see 1972.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 33893 (Canada), 5 Jan 1976, re-released mid-1970s; Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada), late 1970s:

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - front scan by Ronald Born (first and second releases)
The first Canadian release has the same catalogue number as the US release, with Columbia Canada information in English and French on the rear sleeve at bottom right. The labels are a different colour from the US labels (the ring of Columbia logos is much less prominent) with slightly different text placement and hard-to-read text "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD." at the bottom.

Columbia Records of Canada Ltd. was renamed CBS Records Canada Ltd. in late 1976. Simon Blokker has a later release of Columbia PC 33893 with the same front sleeve but different rear sleeve and record labels. This time the Canadian information (CBS Canada) in English and French on the rear sleeve is at bottom centre. The record labels now have "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD." at the bottom, so this release is from late 1976 or later.

The next Canadian release is from later in the 1970s and has a different catalogue number (VPC 33893). The CBS Canada information on the rear sleeve is again at bottom centre, slightly to the right of where it was on the second PC 33893 release. The record labels again have "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD." at the bottom, but Joey is misprinted on the Side 2 record label as "Joe".

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Ronald Born (first and second releases)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - rear scan by Ronald Born (first release)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (first release)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (first release - "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD.")

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (first release - Joey correct)

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - front scan by Ronald Born

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - rear scan by Simon Blokker (second release)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (second release)

Columbia PC 33893
(Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Simon Blokker (second release - "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Simon Blokker (second release - Joey still correct)

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Ronald Born

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - rear scan by Ronald Born

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (again "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (Joey misprinted as "Joe")

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Ronald Born (first release - Columbia Records of Canada information at bottom right)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (second release - CBS Records Canada information at bottom centre)

Columbia VPC 33893 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Ronald Born (CBS Canada information at bottom centre, slightly to right)

All releases have the same inner sleeves as the US records.

Thanks to Robert Kornovich, Ronald Born and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export), 1976:

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)
Like the US copies above, these Canadian copies were exported to Scandinavia. All these copies are the second release with "CBS Records Canada". On the first copy "Columbia" has been obscured with round black stickers on the front and spine of the sleeve only, not the rear as on the US export copies above. The rings of Columbia logos on the record labels have been obscured with black ring-shaped stickers.

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - front/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - front with black marker pen, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy - second release, CBS Records Canada information, "COLUMBIA" not obscured)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - rear/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 1 with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 2 with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (first copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" obscured with black marker pen, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy - second release, CBS Records Canada information, "COLUMBIA" obscured with black marker pen)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 1 with white ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 2 with white ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (second copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - front scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - detail of front with "Columbia" obscured with black marker pen, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with "Columbia" obscured with whitener, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 1 with gold ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Columbia PC 33893 (Canada for export)  - Side 2 with gold ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (third copy)

Lars has a second Canadian export copy bought in Sweden where “Columbia” is erased with black pen on the rear sleeve and the spine, there are no sleeve stickers. The record labels now have white ring-shaped stickers. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893 1A 2HZ, Side 2 - BL 33893 1C 2HZ.

Lars has a third Canadian export copy bought in Sweden where “Columbia” is erased with black pen on the front sleeve and with whitener on the rear sleeve. The record labels now have gold ring-shaped stickers. The record of this copy again has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893 1A 2HZ, Side 2 - BL 33893 1C 2HZ.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 86003 (UK/Ireland), 5 Jan 1976, re-released 1977, late 1970s; CBS 32570 (UK), 1984 (three times), re-released 1985; Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK), 2000s:
This album was the first UK Dylan release to have orange/yellow (sunburst) CBS record labels on first release. Arie de Reus has a 1978 UK Tour Press Pack including a copy of the UK release of Desire. The rear sleeve has a gold CBS promo stamp. Gerd Rundel also has a copy - apart from the rear promo stamp, the album is the same as my copy.

CBS 86003 (UK), 5 Jan 1976:

DesireUKFront.JPG (29549 bytes)
CBS 86003 (UK) - front (my copy)

This album has the standard US sleeve front and back. It was printed in England by Shorewood Packaging Co. Ltd. Victoria Stafford has a copy with a front sticker promoting "Hurricane" that was according to Hans Seegers only on the first 1000 copies. Although I bought my copy on the first day of release, it was only in a small town, and these probably went to big cities.

The inner sleeve is made of shaped card with folded-under flaps on the inside of the rear, unlike the Japanese rear sleeve below. The front has musician credits and the rear has sleeve notes by Allen Ginsberg. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. My copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A 1 (stamped), "ALLEN" (handwritten), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B 1 (stamped).

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of front (my copy)

CBS 86003 (UK) - front with "Hurricane" sticker, photo by Victoria Stafford

CBS 86003 (UK) - "Hurricane" sticker photo by Victoria Stafford

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of front (my copy)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of alternate front, scan by Patrick Helfrich

CBS 86003 (UK) - rear (my copy)

CBS 86003 (UK) - rear with gold promo stamp, scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of rear with gold stamp, scan by Arie de Reus (promo copy)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of rear, compare with 1985 copy below

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of rear, compare with 1984-85 releases below

DesireUKInnerFront.JPG (19406 bytes)
CBS 86003 (UK) - inner sleeve front (shaped)

DesireUKInnerBack.JPG (35166 bytes)
CBS 86003 (UK) - inner sleeve rear (shaped, front flaps fold under)

DesireUKSideA.JPG (21731 bytes)
CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 1 (my copy, song titles left aligned)

DesireUKSideB.JPG (21196 bytes)
CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 2 (1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1 (my copy, song titles left aligned)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1 (my copy, 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1 ("MADE IN ENGLAND" at bottom centre, compare with Irish release below)

CBS S 86003 (UK), re-released 1977:

CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (approx. 1977 release)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (approx. 1977 release without "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (approx. 1977 release, "MADE IN ENGLAND" still at bottom)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (approx. 1977 release - first copy, same as my 1976 copy)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (approx. 1977 release - second copy, same design as Side 1)

Gerd Rundel has a strange copy dating from around 1977 with different record labels on Side 1 and Side 2, probably from a time when the record labels changed design.

The outer sleeve and shaped printed card inner sleeve are the same as my 1976 copy. The Side 1 label is similar to those of the three late 1970s copies below with centred song titles, but there are two differences:

  1. There is no “LC|0149” in a capsule right to the centre hole

  2. The catalogue number is still “S 86003” instead of just “86003”

"MADE IN ENGLAND" is still printed at the bottom of both record labels. The Side 2 label is identical to my first release Side 2 label. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A2 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B4 (handwritten). Simon Blokker has a copy of this release where the record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A1 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B3 (handwritten) plus "ALLEN" handwritten opposite the matrix number on both sides. This means the record was mastered by Verden Allen, who worked for both CBS and WEA in the 1970s.

Gerd has a second copy of this release where the Side 2 label now matches the Side 1 label (for example, see the typeface of "33"). The outer sleeve and shaped printed card inner sleeve are the same as my 1976 copy. The Side 1 label is not shown as it is the same as the Side 1 label above left. The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A2 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B3 (handwritten) plus “ALLEN” handwritten opposite to the matrix number on Side 2.

CBS S 86003 (UK), released late 1970s:

CBS S 86003 (UK) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich (same as second 1970s Dutch CBS 86003 release below)

This release is probably the first of the late 1970s releases. The sleeve was printed in Holland and is the same as Patrick Helfrich's second Dutch sleeve below. It therefore has differences from the other listed UK variants: there is a different CBS logo at front top left; it has "CB|271" and “57” in a circle at rear top right; and there is "LC|0149" in a capsule at rear bottom right. The record comes with the original square inner sleeve and a white lyrics insert. The record labels have “S 86003” to the right of the centre hole while the other three variants below have just ”86003”.  The song titles are centred as Gerd Rundel's 1977 copy rather than left aligned as mine, and there is now an "LC|0149" capsule to the right of the centre hole.

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (same as second 1970s Dutch CBS 86003 release below)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (same as second 1970s Dutch CBS 86003 release below)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (same as second 1970s Dutch CBS 86003 release below with "CB|271" and "57")

CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first late 1970s release)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first late 1970s release - "S 86003" on right)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first late 1970s release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" at bottom)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first late 1970s release)

CBS S 86003 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (same as second 1970s Dutch CBS 86003 release below with "Printed in Holland" and "LC|0149")

Like the labels of the three variants immediately below, the arrows under "STEREO" to the left of the centre hole are present on the Side 1 label, but missing from the Side 2 label. The records of all these copies have matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A-3 (handwritten), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B-4 plus "ALLEN" (handwritten).

CBS 86003 (UK), re-released late 1970s (three variants):

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second late 1970s release - song titles centred, "MADE IN ENGLAND" still at bottom)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 1 photo from eBay (second late 1970s release - signed by Bob)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second late 1970s release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" still at bottom)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (second and third late 1970s releases with "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (third late 1970s release - song titles centred, blank at bottom)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third late 1970s release -blank at bottom)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third late 1970s release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" now in circumference text)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (all late 1970s releases - song titles centred)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (third late 1970s release)

The next three UK copies dating from the late 1970s have different record labels. The song titles are again centred as Gerd Rundel's 1977 copy and first late 1970s release, rather than left aligned as mine, and there is again an "LC|0149" capsule to the right of the centre hole. The records of all these three copies have matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A-3 (handwritten), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B-4 plus "ALLEN" (handwritten). Patrick Helfrich has a probably later UK copy of CBS 86003 where "BOB DYLAN" and the album title have a green tint. The inner sleeve of this copy is square like those of the Irish copies and Columbia/Simply Vinyl copy below, not shaped like my 1976 copy. Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for finding a signed copy of the second late 1970s release on eBay.

Gerd Rundel's second late 1970s variant has a sleeve that is the same as for the fourth late 1970s copy (with “57” in a circle on the rear sleeve at top right). The record comes in the same shaped inner sleeve as my copy, The record labels look the same as Manuel's third late 1970s copy except that this copy still has “MADE IN ENGLAND” at the bottom of the labels.

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (all late 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth late 1970s release - CBS copyright info at bottom)

CBS 86003 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth late 1970s release - same as second and third late 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (fourth late 1970s release)

The sleeve of what must be a fourth later 1970s copy is the same as mine again except for “57” in a circle on the rear sleeve to the right of the song titles. The record now comes in a non shaped printed inner sleeve with a small lip on the reverse for better removal of the record. The labels look the same as Gerd and Manuel's late 1970s copies but this copy now has CBS copyright info at the bottom. The handwritten matrix numbers, including “ALLEN” handwritten opposite to the matrix number on Side 2, are again the same as those of Manuel and Gerd's second and third late 1970s copies.

Gerd has noticed that the arrows under "STEREO" to the left of the centre hole are present on all three of these CBS 86003 Side 1 labels, but missing from all three of the Side 2 labels! This is also true for the CBS S 86003 labels immediately above.

CBS 86003 (Ireland), 1976:

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (both variants, same as 1976 UK sleeve above)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding an Irish release of CBS 86003. It has the standard UK sleeve (with "BOB DYLAN" and "DESIRE" with a slightly green tint like Patrick Helfrich's copy), but the records have "Made in Ireland" on the labels (as well as "MADE IN ENGLAND"!). The labels have the same text layout as those of my 1976 copy. The inner sleeve is not shaped but has a small flap at rear centre top and a small cut-out at front centre top.

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (both variants, same as 1976 UK sleeve above)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants - not shaped)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant, song titles left aligned)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant, compare with first UK release)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, song titles also left aligned)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant, "MADE IN ENGLAND" missing)

CBS 86003 (Ireland) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second variant)

The record matrix numbers of the first copy shown are: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A2 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS S 86003 B3 (handwritten). Lars M. Banke's copy comes in the same sleeve and inner sleeve, and same style of record labels, but "MADE IN ENGLAND" is now missing from the labels. The record matrix numbers of the second copy shown are: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A2 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS-S 86003-B3 (handwritten).

CBS 32570 (UK), 1984 (three variants):

CBS 32570 (UK) - front with "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)
In the first half of the 1980s almost all Dylan albums were re-released in the "Nice Price" series with new catalogue numbers starting with "32xxx". The four 1984-85 releases of CBS 32570 (including my 1985 copy with a rarity) shown here all have the same sleeve.

CBS 32570 (UK) - front "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - rear (all 1984-85 releases)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of rear (all 1984-85 releases - compare with 1976 release above)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of rear (all 1984-85 releases - compare with 1976 release above)

CBS 32570 (UK) - front of insert 1 (all 1984-85 releases)

CBS 32570 (UK) - rear of insert 1 (all 1984-85 releases)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of rear of insert 1 (all 1984-85 releases)

CBS 32570 (UK) - front of "Nice Price" inner sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - rear of "Nice Price" inner sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of rear of "Nice Price" inner sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release, dated "1984")

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release - CBS copyright info)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release - "MADE IN ENGLAND")

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1984 release)

Gerd Rundel's first 1984 release comes in the same sleeve as my 1985 copy below except for a different “NICE PRICE” sticker on the front. This copy has the black insert reproducing the original inner sleeve but does not have the white lyrics insert. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. The text layout is different from those of the late 1970s release of CBS 86003, and also from that of the second 1984 orange/yellow label release and the third 1984 and 1985 red label releases. The "LC|0149" capsule is high on the right, next to the large CBS logo. This copy has a different “NICE PRICE” inner sleeve from the 1984-1985 releases, but the rear is dated "1984" as shown in the detail scan. The record of the first 1984 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-S-86003-A-3 (handwritten), 32570 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS 32570 B4 (stamped), CBS-S-86003-B-4 (handwritten). This copy does not have the rarity present on the 1985 release.

Second 1984 release:

CBS 32570 (UK) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release)

The sleeve of Gerd's second 1984 variant is the same as listed for all the 1984-1985 releases but without a “Nice Price” sticker on front. This copy comes with insert 1 (the reproduced original inner sleeve) but without a lyrics insert, although this may have been lost. The orange/yellow CBS labels have the same text layout as the 1984 red CBS label copy below with CBS copyright info at the bottom and "MADE IN ENGLAND" moved to the circumference text. The "LC|0149" capsule is now printed to the right of the centre hole in the second line of text. The record comes in a different “NICE PRICE” inner sleeve as shown, again dated "1984". The matrix numbers of this copy are the same as Gerd's listed third 1984 copy with red CBS labels. This copy does not have the rarity present on the 1985 release.

CBS 32570 (UK) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release, dated "1984")

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release - text moved to circumference on 1985 release, "Don DeVito" next to last text line)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" in circumference text)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1984 release)

The producer credit line "This record could have been produced by Don DeVito." is the second line from the bottom below the song titles. The credit to Warner Brothers Music is the bottom line.

Third 1984 release:

CBS 32570 (UK) - front of "Nice Price" inner sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 and 1985 releases)

Gerd Rundel's third 1984 copy again has the same sleeve as my 1985 copy, but without the "Nice Price" sticker. His copy has no inserts, but these may have been lost. It has the same inner sleeve as my 1985 copy, which is now not dated. The record of this 1984 copy has red CBS labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A3 (handwritten), 32570 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS 32570 B5 (handwritten), 86003 (handwritten). This copy again does not have the rarity present on the 1985 release.

The producer credit line "This record could have been produced by Don DeVito." is again the second line from the bottom below the song titles. The credit to Warner Brothers Music is the bottom line.

CBS 32570 (UK) - rear of "Nice Price" inner sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 and 1985 releases)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 release - same as second 1984 release with orange/yellow labels, "Don DeVito" next to last text line)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 release - same as second 1984 release with orange/yellow labels)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 release - same as second 1984 release with orange/yellow labels)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (third 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK), 1984-85? (without rarity):

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1984-85 release?)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1984-85 release? - no text at bottom, "Don DeVito" last text line)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1984-85 release? - "LC|0149" capsule missing on right)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1984-85 release?)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1984-85 release?)

This copy from Lars M. Banke comes in the same sleeve as my 1985 copy, but has unusual red CBS labels. The producer credit line "This record could have been produced by Don DeVito." is now the bottom line below the song titles. The credit to Warner Brothers Music is the next to bottom line. (This line swap occurs nowhere else on UK record labels.) The white CBS copyright information at the bottom of the third 1984 record label has been moved to the circumference text to the right of the centre hole. However, the "LC|0149" capsule, which should be printed on one of the text lines to the right of the centre hole, is now missing. This copy again does not have the rarity present on the 1985 release. The matrix numbers of this record are: Side 1 - CBS S 86003 A 3 (handwritten) 32570 (stamped), Side 2 - CBS 32570B 5  86003 (handwritten).

CBS 32570 (UK), 1985 (with rarity):

CBS 32570 (UK) - front with different "Nice Price" sticker (1985 release, my copy)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for finding a 1985 copy on eBay with red CBS labels, this has an unexpurgated edit of Oh, Sister on Side 1 with Emmylou Harris saying "I f**ked up!" at the end. This also appeared on a UK cassette release, see 1985.

CBS 32570 (UK) - front "Nice Price" sticker (1985 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - front of insert 2 (1985 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of front of insert 2 (1985 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - rear of insert 2 (1985 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 1 (1985 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1 (1985 release - no text at bottom, "Don DeVito" next to last text line)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1 (1985 release - "MADE IN ENGLAND" plus CBS copyright info)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of Side 1 (1985 release, same as third 1984 release)

CBS 32570 (UK) - Side 2 (1985 release)

This release was apparently quickly withdrawn and replaced with copies with the standard edit. I've bought the copy, which has a "Nice Price" front sticker and a "Nice Price" inner sleeve.

Thanks to Keith Venturoni for the information about this vinyl "Nice Price" release of Desire, from "On The Tracks", 15 Sep 2000, in the article "Foreign Editions Of Bob Dylan Albums" by Lars M. Banke (page 40). The LP must have a hand-written matrix number of "CBS-32570-A5" on Side 1, as mine does (see below). Keith bought a copy in the UK with the Side 1 matrix number "CBS-32750-A" (without the "5"). This does not have the uncut version of the track, nor to my knowledge does any other vinyl version.

My 1985 copy shown has two inserts, one reproducing the original 1976 inner sleeve and a second with song lyrics. The black insert has catalogue number "32570" but the white lyrics insert still has catalogue number "86003" (my 1976 copy of CBS 86003 does not have a lyrics insert). For pictures of the rear sleeve, the "Nice Price" inner sleeve and insert 1, see above.

The 1985 record also has red CBS labels and the copy shown (with the Oh Sister rarity on Side 1) has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - "CBS-32570-A5", Side 2 - "32570 B6". The only differences that I can see between the third 1984 and these 1985 record labels are that the white CBS copyright information at the bottom of the 1984 label is in the circumference text of the 1985 label, which is now a much bolder white (as Lars M. Banke's copy above).

The producer credit line "This record could have been produced by Don DeVito." is back to being the second line from the bottom below the song titles. The credit to Warner Brothers Music is the bottom line again.

Simon Blokker now has two copies with the Emmylou Harris rarity on Oh Sister with very slight differences.

  1. With the 'sleeve' insert, no lyrics insert. 'Nice price' inner sleeve. Circumference text in the bold white. Black lettering on labels has moved slightly to the left in comparison to the other copy. Very slight difference in position of rim text.  No 'Nice Price' sticker on the sleeve. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-32570-A5, Side 2 - CBS-32570 B5  86003.

  2. No inserts. 'Nice price' inner sleeve. Here the circumference text is less bold. Black lettering slightly more to the right and rim text is situated just a bit higher than on the other copy. No 'Nice Price' sticker on the sleeve. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-32570-A5, Side 2 - 32570 B6.

Simon does not think the differences in the labels are worthy of showing on the site. Although the Side 2 matrix numbers are different, both Side 1s have the CBS-32570-A5, matrix number as expected.

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK), 2001:

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara
Thanks to Patrick Helfrich and Manuel García Jara for scans of the Simply Vinyl 2001 180gm heavyweight vinyl reissue. It comes in a strong clear PVC sleeve. The front sleeve has a gold "Simply Vinyl" sticker. The rear sleeve has a barcode. The record has red Columbia labels and comes in a square inner sleeve with fold-under flaps. Lars M. Banke's sealed copy has an alternate "Simply Vinyl" front sticker and a second sticker on the rear across the flap of the PVC sleeve (opening the copy will mean breaking it or trying to peel it off to keep it intact).

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - front with alternate sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - alternate "Simply Vinyl" front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - "Simply Vinyl" front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (no catalogue numbers)

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - sealed rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - "Simply Vinyl" rear sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (barcode)

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - inner sleeve front (not shaped), scan by Patrick Helfrich

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - inner sleeve rear (not shaped), scan by Patrick Helfrich

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 86003 1/Simply Vinyl SVLP 350 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich

Thanks to Victoria Stafford, Arie de Reus, Gerd Rundel, Lars M. Banke, Patrick Helfrich and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 86003 (NL), 5 Jan 1976, reissued 1977; CBS 86003 (Spain for NL), 1976; CBS 32570 (NL), 1980s (two releases); Columbia 32570 (NL), 1991; Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL), 19 Aug 2013:

CBS 86003 (NL), 5 Jan 1976, reissued 1977:

CBS 86003 (NL) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich (first and second 1970s releases)

Patrick Helfrich has two releases of CBS 86003 with differences as detailed. He has two copies of the first release which are not identical. Both have a card inner sleeve, which is not shaped like the inner sleeve of the UK pressing. There is also a lyric sheet, not provided with the UK release.

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release variant 1 - green)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release variant 2 - grey/gold)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1970s release variant 3 - gold)

CBS 86003 (NL) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release variants 1 and 2)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release variants 1 and 2 with "y" in circle)

CBS 86003 (NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1970s release variant 3)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1970s release variant 3 with "54" and "y" in circles)

CBS 86003 (NL) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (second 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (second 1970s release with "CB|271" and "57")

CBS 86003 (NL for Sweden) - detail of rear with CBS Records Sweden promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1970s release with "CB|271" and "57")

CBS 86003 (NL) - inner sleeve front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - lyrics insert front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - lyrics insert rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (all 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release without star)

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (first 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (second 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Patrick Helfrich (second 1970s release with star)

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (second 1970s release)

Both of Patrick's copies of the first release have matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 A III (handwritten) AL 33893 -3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B II (handwritten) BL 33893 -2B (stamped). The sleeve of both first release copies is thicker and more solid than the second release - not as thick as US covers but thicker than normal NL pressings, The "BOB DYLAN DESIRE" text on the front sleeve is printed with a green shade on one copy and in a grey/gold shade on the other. There is no "LC" on the rear sleeve, and a blue "y" in a circle instead of "CB|271" and "57" in the top right corner. The labels have no star above "Ram's Horn Music".

Patrick's copy of the second release has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-2A-1 A NL, Side 2 - 01-86003-3B-1 A NL. This release has a "softer" sleeve compared to his two copies of the first release, similar to the other normal Dutch pressings of Dylan albums. The "BOB DYLAN DESIRE" text on the front sleeve is in a much lighter colour than on the covers of the two copies of the first release. The rear sleeve has "LC" in right bottom corner, with "CB|271" and "57" in the top right corner. The labels have a star above "Ram's Horn Music", no LC Number, and "(P)" at the bottom. Lars M. Banke has a Dutch copy of the second 1970s release bought in Stockholm with a gold CBS Records Sweden promo stamp on the rear sleeve at top right. The record has the same orange/yellow labels as Patrick's with a star above "Ram's Horn Music" to the right of the centre hole.

Gerd Rundel has a copy of this album bought as part of a French set from 1978 with Blood On The Tracks and Hard Rain, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 1970s. The set has an outer sleeve to hold all three albums that was printed in France, although the records themselves were made in Holland. This copy has a variant of the first release Dutch sleeve with the blue "(y)" in a circle in the rear top right hand corner, but with an additional "(54)" in a green circle next to it. This "(54)" and "(y)" is the same as the Spanish release variant below. The "BOB DYLAN DESIRE" text on the front sleeve appears to be printed in a stronger gold than Patrick's second variant, but this may just be a scanning difference. The album has second release record labels with the star above "Ram's Horn Music" to the right of the centre hole. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 A 1 (handwritten) AL 33893-3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B-6 (handwritten) BL 33893-2B (stamped).

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Simon Blokker (late 1970s release - green)
Simon Blokker has two variant copies.

The first variant has the name and title on the front sleeve in green instead of gold, as also is the front sleeve border. It also has "(54)" and "(Y)" in circles on the rear sleeve like the Spanish release variant below, and also the "LC|0149" capsule at rear bottom right. The record has the "*" above "Ram's Horn Music" on the labels and this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS 01-86003-1A-3 (stamped), no handwritten number; Side 2 - BL 33893-2B (stamped), 86003 B-* (handwritten).

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (late 1970s release - "LC|0149" capsule)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (first 1970s release variant 4 with "62" and "y" in circles plus "54" on a yellow circular sticker)

The second variant has the name and title on the front sleeve in gold as Gerd Rundel's first 1970 release variant 3, as also is the front sleeve border. It now has "(62)" and "(Y)" in circles on the rear sleeve plus "54" on a yellow circular sticker, and also the "LC|0149" capsule at rear bottom right. It also has the lyrics sheet. The record has the "*" above "Ram's Horn Music" on the labels and this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-1A-2 (stamped), no handwritten number; Side 2 - BL 33893-2B (stamped)  86003-B7 (handwritten).

CBS (S) 86003 (Spain for NL): 1976/late 1970s releases:

CBS S 86003 (Spain for NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release - "NO. UNO EN USA")

These releases were made in Spain for the Dutch market. The records have orange/yellow CBS labels, title "DESIRE" in English and a completely different song title layout from the Spanish record labels with titles in English only. The catalogue number on the record labels is "CBS 86003" rather than "CBS S 86003" as on the other Spanish labels.

The 1976 sleeve was printed in Spain and still has the text "NO. UNO EN USA" printed on the front while the rear sleeve this time has notes in English. CBS Spain changed their printer in the last months of 1976 to Indugraf, Alcorcón, Madrid, from Offset ALG. (The Spanish release of the album Hard Rain was printed by Indugraf from the first release.) There is no Discos CBS Madrid address. This release did not have the picture inner sleeve and lyrics insert.

CBS S 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release - Dutch front design)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich (late 1970s release - Dutch front design)

CBS S 86003 (Spain for NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1976 release - no printer's name as on Spanish rear sleeve)

CBS 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases - sleeve notes in English, printer's name "Indugraf")

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (late 1970s release with "(54)" and "(y)" - see late 1970s Dutch sleeve above)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of lyrics insert front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases - title Desire)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases, "MADE IN SPAIN")

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases - Dutch style)

CBS 86003 (Spain for NL) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases - title Desire)

The record labels are Dutch in style, they have "MADE IN SPAIN" in English, but have the logo of the Dutch copyright organisation "BIEM/STEMRA" rather than the Spanish organisation "SGAE" so the album could not have been sold in Spain without the "SGAE" logo. The matrix numbers of the 1976 copy are: Side 1 - AL 33893-3A D (stamped) 2T 5055 86003 A (written), Side 2 - BL 33893-3E F (stamped) 1915 (handwritten in mirror writing).

Patrick Helfrich has a copy of this release without the Spanish "NO. UNO EN USA" overprint and with "(54)" and "(y)" in circles on the rear sleeve like the Dutch release above. Sergio Mariano Romay has a similar copy which does have the picture inner sleeve with “Printed in Spain by Indugraf ALCORCON – Madrid” and the lyrics insert. The sleeve was again printed in Spain by Indugraf and has notes in English. The front has the Dutch style CBS logo at top left. The rear sleeve has the "LC|0149" capsule at bottom right. The record labels are the same as those of the 1976 release. The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003-A (plus triangle) (stamped), Side 2 - BL 33893-3E (stamped too but different typeface) 1812 (handwritten faintly in mirror writing).

CBS 86003 (NL): early 1980s release (gold vinyl):

CBS 86003 (NL) - 1980s gold vinyl release - Side 1 picture from Arie de Reus

Thanks to Paul Prince, Hans Seegers and Arie de Reus for pictures of a 1980s Dutch release on gold vinyl with red CBS labels. Arie de Reus confirms that this is genuine and was privately pressed by employees of CBS Holland, along with Highway 61 Revisited and Infidels. It has the 1970s catalogue number of CBS 86003, not the 1980s/1990s catalogue number of CBS 32570 (the new numbers were introduced in 1982).

CBS 86003 (NL) - 1980s gold vinyl release - Side 1 photo by Paul Prince

CBS 86003 (NL) - 1980s gold vinyl release - Side 2 photo by Paul Prince

CBS 86003 (NL): early 1980s release:

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

Gerd Rundel has the equivalent official release with red record labels on black vinyl. The labels have "CBS 86003" to the right of the centre hole and are identical to those of Paul Prince's unofficial gold vinyl release. The sleeve is the same as listed for the CBS 32570 1980s releases below and has the same “NICE PRICE” sticker on the front as the alternate 1980s copy. This means that to have “red CBS 86003 labels” in a “CBS 32570 sleeve” is possible. This copy comes with a printed inner sleeve and has the text insert. The record's matrix numbers are: Side 1 - 86003 A IV (handwritten), AL 33893-3L (stamped), Side 2 - 01-86003-3B-1 (stamped).

CBS 32570 (NL), 1980s (two releases):

CBS 32570 (NL) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich for scans of a 1980s CBS release with the plain red record labels and the new catalogue number CBS 32570. The rear sleeve has a barcode plus codes "CB|231" and "52" in a circle at top right. The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-2A-1 (handwritten), Side 2 - 01-86003-3B1 (stamped).

CBS 32570 (NL) - front with "NICE PRICE" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - front "NICE PRICE" sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases)

DesireNL4BackDetail.jpg (54893 bytes)
CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (both 1980s releases)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases)

CBS 32570 (NL) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

DesireNL4Side1.jpg (17299 bytes)
CBS 32570 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release - extra text left and right of the centre hole)

CBS 32570 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate 1980s release)

Gerd Rundel's 1980s copy comes in the same sleeve, but without the “NICE PRICE” sticker on the front. The record comes in the picture inner sleeve shown and has the same red CBS labels. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-2-A-2, Side 2 - 86003-D1.

Gerd Rundel's alternate 1980s copy comes in the same sleeve as Patrick's 1980s release with a “NICE PRICE” sticker on the front and again with red CBS record labels. There are two differences on the record labels from Patrick's copy: there is additional text above the "LC|0149" capsule to the left of the centre hole and “(PC 33893)” is printed below the catalogue number to the right of the centre hole. The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-20 2A1 (handwritten), Side 2 - 01-86003-3B-1 (stamped).

Columbia 32570 (NL), 1991:

Columbia 32570 (NL) - front with sticker, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release)

The Columbia 32750 1991 release has a "Nice Price Dylan Originals 30 Years on Columbia" sticker on the front sleeve and the logo at top left has been obscured. There is a barcode on the rear sleeve in the top right corner. It has a paper inner sleeve and a lyric insert. The record has red Columbia labels and the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-32570-26-2A1 (handwritten) 01-86003-20 2A1(handwritten), Side 2 - 01-86003-3B-1 (stamped) 01-32570-26-3B1(handwritten).

Thanks to Gurbir Dhillon for finding a mispressed copy of this release for sale on eBay that plays Side 1 on both sides!

Columbia 32570 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release - silver)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release - logo obscured)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - 1991 sticker, scan by Patrick Helfrich

Columbia 32570 (NL) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release - compare with French release below)

Columbia 32570 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (1991 release)

Simon Blokker has a Dutch Desire copy with the 1980s release sleeve with "CBS 32670" below the barcode and "[CB|231]" and "(52)" to the left, but the front sleeve has the 1991 Nice Price sticker "Dylan Originals 30 Years on Columbia" as shown. They probably had sleeves left over from the 1980s release and just put the sticker on. The record labels are the 1991 design as shown above.

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL), 19 Aug 2013:

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL) - front picture from Music On Vinyl web-site (2013 release)

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL) - Side 1 scan by William Henry Prince (2013 release)

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by William Henry Prince (2013 release)

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL) - Side 2 scan by William Henry Prince (2013 release)

Music On Vinyl/Sony Music MOVLP836 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by William Henry Prince (2013 release)

This heavyweight vinyl release was made by Dutch specialist company Music On Vinyl under licence from Sony Music. The record has US-style red Columbia labels with the ring of yellow Columbia logos round the circumference.

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich, Gerd Rundel, Hans Seegers, Paul Prince, William Henry Prince, Sergio Mariano Romay and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France), 1990s (two variants):

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (Dutch sleeve)

This release was made in Holland for the French market and curiously has the old "86003" catalogue number, even though it was released on the Columbia label after the catalogue number changed. Also curiously, Gerd Rundel's copy comes in a UK CBS sleeve printed by Shorewood Packaging Co. Ltd., England, with a gold embossed CBS promo stamp at top left of the rear sleeve and "57" in a circle at rear top right. This sleeve has CBS 86003 on the front and spine. Lars M. Banke's copy comes in a Dutch Columbia sleeve which may actually be the right sleeve for this release.

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (Dutch sleeve - no logo)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (Dutch sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (Dutch sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve - CBS logo)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - rear with promo stamp, scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - rear promo stamp scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (Dutch sleeve with barcode)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel
(UK sleeve)

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel ("SACEM")

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel ("MADE IN HOLLAND")

Columbia 86003 1 (NL for France) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Both sleeves have the same record, which comes in a card inner sleeve and has red Columbia labels. The record labels have the logo of the French copyright organisation “SACEM” in a rectangle to the left of the centre hole but “MADE IN HOLLAND” in the circumference text (the corresponding Dutch release above has "BIEM/STEMRA" on the labels, not "SACEM"). Unlike the equivalent Dutch release, the sides are numbered "A" and "B". The record of both copies shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01 86003 2A-1, 01 32570 A, Side 2 - 01-32570-20-3B-1.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy), 20 Jan 1976, re-released late 1970s (twice):

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first and second releases)

This release was made in Italy by CBS Sugar and distributed by Messaggerie Musicali of Milan. The front sleeve has the CBS logo. The rear sleeve has two folded-over flaps. The record has the usual inner sleeve and lyrics insert. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. The 1976 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - SCI-86003-1L  20/1/76, Side 2 - SCI-86003-2L  20/1/76.

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (first and second releases)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first and second releases)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release -"CBS SUGAR")

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release - "SUGAR" missing but text still aligned as before)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - front scan by scan by Lars M. Banke (third release)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - detail of front, scan by scan by Lars M. Banke (third release - top of white box much higher)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - rear scan by scan by Lars M. Banke (third release)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by scan by Lars M. Banke (third release)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (third release - "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS" in circumference text)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by scan by Lars M. Banke (third release)

CBS Sugar 86003 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first and second releases)

CBS 86003 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (third release - "SUGAR" missing after "CBS-" at bottom right)

The secxond release owned by Lars M. Banke comes in the same sleeve, but has variant labels with just "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS" at the bottom of the labels, instead of "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR". The text is still aligned as if "SUGAR" were present! The matrix numbers are identical to those of the 1976 record. Lars also has a copy, again in the same sleeve, with “MADE IN ITALY BY CBS SUGAR” at the bottom of the Side 1 label and “MADE IN ITALY BY CBS ” at the bottom of the Side 2 label! The matrix numbers are again identical.

The third Italian release comes in a different sleeve without folded-over flaps and no mention of CBS Sugar on the rear.  This re-release has the usual inner sleeve and the lyrics sheet. The record still has orange/yellow/red CBS labels, but "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS" is now in the circumference text. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 1L, Side 2 - 86003 2L. Also "20 1 76" is mentioned on both sides.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Lars M. Banke and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

"Deseo [Desire]" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS S 86003 (Spain), Jan 1976; CBS S 86003 (Spain), late 1976 and 1977 (two releases); CBS 32570 (Spain), 1985, 1988; CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain), 1992:
There were eight Spanish stereo vinyl releases, three in 1976, two in 1977, plus releases in 1985, 1988 and 1992.

CBS S 86003 (Spain): first 1976 release:

In the 1970s, Bob was one of the most important artists in Spain and Desire is his best sold album there. There was a music bar in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands) called "Dylan Pub" (decorated with Dylan pictures and playing Dylan music at all times) that opened in 1975. The matchbook below right, still intact, dates from 1976. Desire is on the front: the sleeve illustrated is from the earliest Spanish release with the text "NO. UNO EN USA" on a sticker, not printed directly on to the front.

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front with first sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

The first release of the album was made in Spain and had a multi-coloured sticker with "NO. UNO EN USA" with the text except "USA" in white on black. This was replaced by a sticker with the text except "USA" in black on white, which is much more common. The stickers were easily peeled off, so may be missing, but there are several other distinguishing features to mark this release. On the front sleeve the CBS logo at top left can be seen to cover partly obscured text "PC 33893" and "Columbia" from the American release (this may be hard to see on the scans). The title is shown as Desire on the front and "DESEO" on the spine.

David Abarca Esteve has a test pressing with exactly the same record labels as shown in a white card sleeve from Sonic S.A. of Barcelona. the rear sleeve is plain white.

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front scan by David Abarca Esteve (1976 test pressing)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - first multi-coloured front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front with second sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - second multi-coloured front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

Desire matchbook front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Desire matchbook outside, scan by Manuel García Jara

Desire matchbook outside, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - no printed characters)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - 1976 Spanish charts scan by Manuel García Jara (Desire at #2)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - no printer's name)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - CBS address of "Calle Princesa" and printer's name)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on eight lines)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on seven lines)

The rear sleeve has notes in Spanish and the Discos CBS address of Calle Princesa 1, Madrid-13. This was the last release by Discos CBS at that address, they moved to a new address in Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16, in May 1976. The printer's name and address (Offset ALG, Calle San Raimundo 31, Madrid-20) is printed below the CBS address. On later releases this is printed in the photo border midway down the right hand side. There is an inner sleeve and a lyrics sheet in English (see the second 1976 release below). The record labels are orange/yellow with stereo arrows and title "DESEO". The song titles are in Spanish and English and on Side 1 the text has eight lines, while on Side 2 it has seven lines.

Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy of what looks like the first release except that the front sleeve has the former sticker text “NO. UNO EN USA” printed in black (like the second 1976 release below). The rear sleeve however still has the Discos CBS address of "Calle Princesa, 1 / Madrid-13" and the printer’s name and address "Offset ALG / San Raimundo, 31 / Madrid-20" printed below the CBS address, like the first 1976 release. The lyrics sheet has printed on both sides “© 1975 by Ram’s Horn Music. Used by permission. All Rights Reserved”. The record labels are exactly the same as the ones shown above for the first 1976 release. The record of this copy has stamped US matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3C, Side 2 - BL 33893-3E.

CBS S 86003 (Spain): second 1976 release:

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release)

The second 1976 release of this album was also made in Spain and now has the former sticker text "NO. UNO EN USA" printed on the front sleeve in black. On the rear sleeve the Discos CBS address is now Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16. The printer's name and address  (Offset ALG, Calle San Raimundo 31, Madrid-20) is now printed in the photo border midway down the right hand side. The record has the same orange/yellow CBS labels as the first 1976 release with stereo arrows and title "DESEO". The song titles are in Spanish and English and on Side 1 the text has eight lines, while on Side 2 it has seven lines. There is an inner sleeve and a lyrics sheet as shown.

CBS 86003/CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1976 release. sleeve notes in Spanish, address "Avenida del Generalísimo")

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1976 release, printer's name and address "Madrid-20")

DesireSpLyrics1.jpg (24031 bytes)
CBS 86003 (Spain) - front of lyrics sheet, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 and 1977 releases)

DesireSpLyrics2.jpg (25327 bytes)
CBS 86003 (Spain) - reverse of lyrics sheet, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 and 1977 releases)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 and 1977 releases)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 and 1977 releases, printer's name)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 and 1977 releases)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on eight lines)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release, stereo arrows)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (second 1976 release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on seven lines)

CBS S 86003 (Spain), 1976 "Discolibro" release:

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

"Discolibro" Summer 1976 catalogue (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

"Discolibro" Summer 1976 catalogue (Spain) - inside page scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release - sleeve notes in Spanish)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of spine, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on eight lines)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 "Discolibro" release - title Deseo, stereo arrows, song titles on seven lines)

Manuel García Jara has a copy of the rarest Spanish release of Desire, a Summer 1976 release of CBS S 86003 from the mail order music store Discolibro, of which only a few hundred were sold.. It has the "Discolibro" logo on the front, rear and spine of the sleeve, and is numbered "8472" on the front, rear and spine of the sleeve, which is of thinner card than normal. ("8472" is Discolibro's catalogue number). The sleeve notes on the rear sleeve are in Spanish. The album is titled Deseo on the record labels and the song titles are in Spanish and English (as the second 1976 release labels). It does not have the lyric sheet or the inner sleeve. Also shown is the "Discolibro" catalogue for Summer 1976 with Desire featured on the cover and inside. The Spanish text on the inside page says "...his first #1 in ten years" (incorrect, because although Dylan didn't reach #1 in the Spanish album chart in 1966, he did it in 1974 with Planet Waves). Strangely, Desire does not appear again in the "Discolibro" catalogue until Winter 1977, it's missing from the catalogues of Winter and Spring of 1976. The Summer 1976 catalogue shows Desire available for the first time on vinyl (340 pesetas, €2.00) and on cassette (320 pesetas, €1,90). For the 1976 "Discolibro" cassette release of Desire, see here.

CBS S 86003 (Spain): first 1977 release:

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (first 1977 release)

This release is very similar to the second 1976 release (from which it follows on, the 1976 "Discolibro" and Holland/Spain releases above are anomalies) and the sleeve was still printed by Offset ALG. On the rear sleeve the Discos CBS address is the new address of Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16. The printer's name and address (Offset ALG, Calle San Raimundo 31, Madrid-20) is printed in the photo border midway down the right hand side. The record has the same orange/yellow CBS labels as the first 1976 release with stereo arrows and title "DESEO". The song titles are in Spanish and English and on Side 1 the text has eight lines, while on Side 2 it has seven lines. There is an inner sleeve and a lyrics sheet as above.

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1977 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain): second 1977 release:

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1977 release - title Deseo, no stereo arrows, song titles on seven lines)

The second 1977 release uses the same sleeve as the first 1977 release. The front sleeve has the text "NO. UNO EN USA" printed, the rear sleeve has the Discos CBS address as Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16. The printer information is again printed in the photo border midway down the right hand side as shown in the detail scan for the second 1976 release above. The third 1977 release record labels have "ESTEREO" without arrows to the left of the centre hole and the song titles on seven lines on Side 1 and six lines on Side 2. The album title is "Deseo". The matrix numbers of the copy shown are Side 1 - AL 33893-3C (stamped), Side 2 - BL 33893-3E (stamped). As well as the lyrics sheet there is a picture inner sleeve with text in Spanish and an insert with a Discos CBS Spain record catalogue.

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1977 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1977 release, no stereo arrows, "33
" centred)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 releases)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1977 release - title Deseo, no stereo arrows, song titles on six lines)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate first 1977 release)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate first 1977 release, no stereo arrows, "33" on right)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate first 1977 release)

Lars M. Banke has a copy of this release with a slight label variant - to the left of the centre hole "33" is printed to the right of "ESTEREO" instead of being centred.

CBS 86003 (Spain): 1985 release (?):

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release?)
This release still has the original catalogue number on the front sleeve and on the record labels, but the CBS labels are now red. This copy has a front sticker from a record shop in Almansa, Spain. The front sleeve again has the text "NO. UNO EN USA" printed, and the rear sleeve has a new Discos CBS address of Paseo de la Castellana 93, 28046 - Madrid, as the CBS 32570 releases below (Manuel explains that Discos CBS did not in fact move offices, but part of Paseo de la Castellana was renamed "Avenida del Generalísimo" during the Franco regime and reverted to its previous name after Franco died). The printer's name and address are in the same place but with a new postcode, "2809-Madrid" instead of "Madrid-20". The album comes with the usual inner sleeve and lyrics insert. The record was pressed by Discos CBS S.A. and this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - OAL 33893 - 1A, Side 2 - BL 33893 3L.
CBS S 86003 (Spain) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release? - "S 86..." visible under sticker)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release?)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release? - printer's name and address now new postcode "2809 - Madrid")

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release?)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release? - "FABRICADO EN ESPAÑA POR DISCOS CBS S.A.")

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release?)

CBS S 86003 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1985 release? - sleeve notes in Spanish, new Discos CBS address "Paseo de la Castellana 93, 28046 - Madrid" on two lines)

CBS 32570 (Spain): 1985 and 1988 releases:
Manuel García Jara has a 1985 copy with a "Precio Redondo [Nice Price]" front sticker (not shown).

CBS 32570 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1)
The 1980s releases had a different sleeve with the new catalogue number CBS 32570 on the front and the new addresses for both Discos CBS and the printer. The first copy shown is from 1988 and is without a barcode on the rear. The new catalogue number on the front sleeve has been overprinted, so the sleeve is actually the same as the last CBS 86003 release above.

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release - both variants)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 2)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear without barcode, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear with barcode on left, scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release both variants - new printer's address, same as last release of CBS 86003 above)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1 - sleeve notes in Spanish, new Discos CBS address on two lines, same as last release of CBS 86003 above)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1 - "FABRICADO EN ESPAÑA POR DISCOS CBS S.A.")

CBS 32570 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1988 release variant 1)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2 - sleeve notes in Spanish, new Discos CBS address on one line)

CBS 32570 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2 - "FABRICADO EN ESPAÑA POR TECNODISCO S.A.")

CBS 32570 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1988 release variant 2)

The record again has red CBS labels and was again made by Discos CBS S.A. he second copy shown comes in the same sleeve as the 1992 release below, with a barcode on the rear at top left and different CBS copyright text plus address details at bottom centre. The record was now made by Tecnodisco S.A. This copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 32570 A, Side 2 - 32 570 B.

CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain): 1992 release:

CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release)
Patrick Helfrich has a 1992 copy with catalogue number CBS 32570 with plain red CBS/Sony labels with titles in English only. It again has the front sleeve with the "NO. UNO EN USA" overprint with the old catalogue number overprinted by the new one. There is a barcode on the rear sleeve at top left. The 1980s release had the same sleeve with the new catalogue number without the barcode on the rear. The record has plain red CBS labels.

DesireSp3FrontDetail1.jpg (17672 bytes)
CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release, overprint of new catalogue number)

DesireSp3BackDetail.jpg (57510 bytes)
CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release - same as 1988 release variant 2)

CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release)

DesireSp3Side1.jpg (15957 bytes)
CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 32570 (Spain) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1992 release - same as 1988 release variant 2)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, David Burgess, Patrick Helfrich, Gerd Rundel Lars M. Banke and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 86003 (Portugal), 1976, re-released mid-1980s:

CBS 86003 (Portugal), 1976:

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

This album was made in Portugal. It comes in the regular sleeve and has a paper picture inner sleeve which opens at the right hand side, not the top as the other sleeves on this page. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels.

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - inner sleeve front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - Side 3 scan by Patrick Helfrich (1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal), mid-1980s:

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)
This mid-1980s re-release of the album was again made in Portugal and comes in a slightly different sleeve. The CBS logo at front top right is different, as is the Portuguese text at rear bottom centre. The copy shown has a price sticker of "825" (Portuguese escudos) at rear top right. The record has red CBS labels and the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-86003-A, Side 2 - 01-86003-B.
CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Portugal) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

Note the different lay-out at the bottom of the rear sleeve compared to the original release.

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS 86003 (Greece), 1976 (three variants), re-released 1980s (two variants); Columbia 32570 (Greece), 1991:

CBS 86003 (Greece), 1976 (three variants):

CBS 86003 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variants 1 and 3 - same as Dutch front above)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2 - same as UK front above)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - rear with price sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear with price sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear with printer details, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 releases variants 1 and 2)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - front scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - rear scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 releases variants 1 and 2 - "MT 4446" obscured)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 releases variants 1 and 2 -
printer details on right)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1 - two lines of circumference text)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1 with "MADE IN GREECE" in Greek)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1 - variants 2 and 3 are similar)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1 - no "BIEM/STEMRA" logo)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2 - two lines of circumference text)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2 - Greek text missing)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2 - "A/A 4446" on left, "BIEM/STEMRA" logo on right)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Franck Faugere (1976 release variant 2)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - same as variant 1)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3

CBS 86003 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 with "MT 4446" visible)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - no printer details on right)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - "y" in circle at top right as Dutch rear sleeve)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - one line of circumference text)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - Greek text missing)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3 - "A/A 4446" on left, "BIEM/STEMRA" logo on right)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 3)

Both the sleeve and record of the 1976 album were made in Greece. The rear sleeve is monochrome only. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. Three copies are shown with different front sleeves and record labels. The CBS logo on the front of the first and third 1976 copies shown with just "86003" is the same as that of the Dutch 1970s releases above, and the same as that of the Greek 1980s release below. The CBS logo on the front of the second 1976 copy shown with "CBS 86003" is the same as that of the UK 1970s releases above.

The first two rear sleeves are identical, with a white border, although that of the first 1976 release copy shown has a price sticker for 300 Greek Drachmas (€0.97). At bottom left, over the text "Made and printed in Greece", some text has been erased (but not on the third variant rear sleeve, see below). The CBS Greece text is at bottom right, printed over the photo, and printer details are printed vertically at bottom right. All three sets of record labels have "MADE IN GREECE" in the circumference text to the right of the centre hole, and the first variant also has Greek text at the bottom of the label. On the first variant labels the "⅓" in the "33⅓" playing speed to the left of the centre hole is just visible, on the second variant labels it looks like "33 / ". The song titles are left aligned on all three label variants. The record labels of the second 1976 release have the logo of the Dutch copyright organisations "BIEM/STEMRA", not present on the labels of the first 1976 release, and also "A/A 4446" to the left of the centre hole. Both variant labels have two lines of copyright text round the circumference, the outer line in English and the inner line in Greek. Lars M. Banke has seen two copies online with mixed record labels - the first has a variant 1 label on Side 1 and a variant 2 label on Side 2, while the second has a variant 2 label on Side 1 and a variant 1 label on Side 2.

The third variant shown has the same front sleeve as the first variant, with the same CBS logo at top left as the Dutch releases above with just "86003". The rear sleeve now does not have a white border, so the printer details printed vertically at bottom right on the first two variant rear sleeves are missing. At bottom left the text "MT 4446" over the text "Made and printed in Greece" is now visible. At top right the bottom half of "y" in a circle is now visible, just like the first and second Dutch sleeve variants above. The record labels are similar to those of the second variant Greek labels, with "BIEM/STEMRA" to the right of the centre hole, and also "A/A 4446" to the left of the centre hole. The main difference is that there is only one line of circumference text, in English. The inner line of circumference text in Greek is now missing. Also, the "⅓" in the "33⅓" playing speed to the left of the centre hole is again just visible, as on first variant labels.

CBS 86003 (Greece), re-released 1980s (two variants):

CBS 86003 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1980s releases

The fully laminated sleeve of the Greek early and mid-1980s releases looks the same as the 1976 sleeve apart from two differences: the CBS logo at front top left is the same as that of Lars M. Banke's first and third 1976 copies (the same as that of the Dutch releases above, different from that of Franck Faugere's 1976 copy); the vertical text (printer's name "GRAPHA TAMI") at rear bottom right is also different from that of all 1976 rear sleeves. The CBS Greece text is still at bottom right, printed over the photo.

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases - same as Dutch front above)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1980s releases

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of rear with printer details, scan by Gerd Rundel (both 1980s releases)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release - "OH, SITER" mistake)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release - "OH, SITER" mistake still present)

CBS 86003 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

The record of the early 1980s release has totally different orange/yellow CBS labels from those of the 1976 releases, although they again have the logo of the Dutch copyright organisations "BIEM/STEMRA" as do two of the 1976 releases. The song titles are centred instead of being left aligned, and Oh, Sister on the Side 1 label is mistitled as "Oh, Siter". These labels again have two lines of copyright text round the circumference, the outer line in English and the inner line in Greek. The record of the early 1980s copy shown with orange/yellow labels has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 A (handwritten), AL 33893-3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B (handwritten), BL 33893-2B (stamped).

The album was re-released in the same sleeve and catalogue number in the mid-1980s, this time with a record with red CBS labels. The black text layout is the same as for the early 1980s labels, but the white circumference text is longer. Oh, Sister on the Side 1 label is again mistitled as "Oh, Siter". The record of the mid-1980s copy shown with red labels has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 A (handwritten), AL 33893 3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B (handwritten), BL 33893 2B (stamped).

CBS 32570 (Greece), late 1980s:

CBS 32570 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)
The late 1980s release now has a new catalogue number, "32570". The logo on the front sleeve has the new catalogue number in black in a white box. The Diski CBS Greece details on the rear sleeve are now at bottom centre in the white border instead of bottom right. There are new printer details printed vertically at bottom right. The record of the late 1980s release again has red CBS labels, still with the logo of the Dutch copyright organisations "BIEM/STEMRA". Oh, Sister on the Side 1 label is still mistitled as "Oh, Siter". The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003 A (handwritten), AL 33893 3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B (handwritten), BL 33893 2B (stamped). This is the same as the mid-1980s record with red labels with the original catalogue number.

CBS 32570 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release - "OH, SITER" mistake still present)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS 32570 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece), 1991:

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - front with "NICE PRICE" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)
The 1991 release is now on the Columbia label, with the new catalogue number, "32570". This sleeve is exactly the same as that of the late 1980s red CBS label release of the album, and still says "CBS". The printer details printed vertically are partially on the spine on this copy, so not fully visible. The copy shown has two stickers on the rear sleeve at bottom right.

The record of the 1991 release now has red Columbia labels, still with the logo of the Dutch copyright organisations "BIEM/STEMRA". Oh, Sister on the Side 1 label is still mistitled as "Oh, Siter". The record of the 1990s copy shown has the same matrix numbers as the early 1980s CBS release: Side 1 - 86003 A (handwritten), AL 33893-3L (stamped), Side 2 - 86003 B (handwritten), BL 33893-2B (stamped).

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - front "NICE PRICE" sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - rear with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - detail of rear with printer details (partially on spine), scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release - "OH, SITER" mistake still present)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Columbia 32570 (Greece) - detail of rear with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (1991 release)

Thanks to Franck Faugere, Gerd Rundel and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia), 1976 (released four times):
Definitive information on release dates required!

This was the first CBS Dylan album to be released in Yugoslavia, although there had been a few Dylan singles released in the country. There were four Yugoslavia releases of the album, manufactured under licence for CBS by Suzy Records of Zagreb (now Croatia). Suzy Records had previously released Planet Waves in conjunction with Asylum Records, but released Before The Flood in Yugoslavia in limited quantities only, because they thought buyers would be put off by the cost of a 2LP set! Other Dylan albums were imported from Italy or Holland. The Desire records were pressed by Jugoton, also of Zagreb. The album has the regular inner sleeve, but with no lyric insert. The inner sleeve is very fragile, and poorly printed. There are a bew8ildering number of sleeve/record label variants!

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia), 1976 (first release, two record label variants):

Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first release - no silver star)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first three releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release, first variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release, first variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (first release, second variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (first release, second variant and his copy of second release, second variant, see below)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release, first variant - "DESIRE" above "BOB DYLAN", no text on left, "SOKOJ" on fifth of six text lines on right)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (first release, second variant - "DESIRE" above "BOB DYLAN", no text on left, "SOKOJ" on second of six text lines on right)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (first release, third variant - "DESIRE" above "BOB DYLAN", "SOKOJ" and "STRANA 1" on left)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (first release, third variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (first release, third variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first three releases)

The first release front sleeve is the same as the UK release with the exception of the Suzy logo on the front. The rear sleeve has the Suzy logo at top centre and Yugoslav text at bottom right. The orange/yellow CBS record labels have the side numbers as "STRANA 1/2" and there is no text to the left of the centre hole. Manuel García Jara's first release record has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ULS 222-1 14776 ZP, Side 2 - ULS 222-2 12776 ZP. The labels are different from those of Ronald's first release copy, with "SOKOJ" differently placed to the right of the centre hole. The artists' organisation "SAKOJ" (Union of Composers of Yugoslavia) became "SOKOJ" (Federation of Organisations of Composers of Yugoslavia) in 1976, so "SOKOJ" appears on all Desire record labels. Ronald Born has a copy of this album in the sleeve without the silver star with variant record labels, still with no text to the left of the centre hole. Lars M. Banke has a copy in the sleeve without the front star and the first variant rear text with yet another label variant! This time "SOKOJ" and "STRANA 1/2" are on the left of the centre hole. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ULS 222-1 14776 ZP, Side 2 - ULS 222-2 12776 ZP.

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia), 1976 (second release, four record label variants):

The second to fourth releases have a silver star printed on the front (not a sticker) with the text "SREBRNA [SILVER]", released after the album achieved "silver" sales in Yugoslavia. There are two different positions of this star! The records have the same inner sleeve as the first release copies.

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front with "SILVER" star at bottom left, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, first variant)

Lars M. Banke's second release copy (which I have listed as "second release, first variant") comes in a sleeve with the silver star at bottom left. The record labels now have text on both sides of the centre hole, and the side numbers are still given as "STRANA 1/2". "DESIRE" is still listed above "BOB DYLAN". This record also has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ULS 222-1 14776 ZP, Side 2 - ULS 222-2 12776 ZP.

Lars M. Banke has another second release copy (which I have listed as "second release, second variant") that comes in the same sleeve with the silver star at bottom left. The record labels again have text on both sides of the centre hole, but the side numbers are now given as "SIDE 1/2". "DESIRE" is still listed above "BOB DYLAN". The text above the centre hole is noticeably higher than on the other second release variants.

Ronald Born's second copy of this album (which I have listed as "second release, third variant") again has the silver star printed on the front sleeve at bottom left. This album has a very different Side 1 record label, with "SIDE 1/2" again to the left of the centre hole, but "BOB DYLAN" is now above "DESIRE". Strangely, the Side 2 label is the same as the Side 2 label on his first release, second variant copy.  I assume that there are second release, third variant, copies in existence with a Side 2 label similar to Ronald's Side 1 label!

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front with "SILVER" star at bottom left, scan by Ronald Born (second release, third variant, first and second variants are the same)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of front with "SILVER" star at bottom left, scan by Ronald Born (second release, third variant, first and second variants are the same)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front with "SILVER" star on collar, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, fourth variant/third release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of front with "SILVER" star on collar, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, fourth variant/third release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, first variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, first variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, first variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, second variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, second variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (second release, third variant - this copy has a Side 2 label the same as the first release, second variant, above!)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, fourth variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, fourth variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, first variant - "DESIRE" still above "BOB DYLAN", no gap between "DESIRE" and "BOB DYLAN", "STEREO" and "STRANA 1" now on left)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second release, second variant - "DESIRE" still above "BOB DYLAN", gap between "DESIRE" and "BOB DYLAN", "STEREO" still on left but not bold, "SIDE 1" instead of "STRANA 1")


CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (second release, third variant - "BOB DYLAN" above "DESIRE", gap between "BOB DYLAN" and "DESIRE", "SIDE 1" instead of "STRANA 1")

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, fourth variant - "BOB DYLAN" above "DESIRE", no gap between "BOB DYLAN" and "DESIRE")

Manuel's second release copy (which I have listed as "second release, fourth variant") has a front sleeve with the silver star printed at centre left on Bob's collar. This copy has labels which are similar to the Side 1 label of Ronald's second release, third variant copy, the differences are shown by the detailed scans.

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia), 1976 (third release):

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front with "SILVER" star on collar, scan by Manuel García Jara (third release, same as second release, third variant)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (third release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (third release - "DESIRE" above "BOB DYLAN" again, otherwise same as second release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (third release)

Manuel's third release copy, which is rarest, has the same outer sleeve as the second release, fourth variant, with the silver star on Bob's collar, but different record labels as shown. "DESIRE" is now above "BOB DYLAN" as on the first release and second release, first/second variants, labels. The record has the same inner sleeve as the previous releases. However, Lars M. Banke has a mysterious copy with these third release labels without a silver star on the front!

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia), 1976 (fourth release):

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - front with "SILVER" star at bottom left, scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release)

Lars M. Banke has what looks like a fourth release of the album. The front sleeve is the same as the second release, first to third variants, with the "SILVER" star at bottom left. The rear sleeve has different Yugoslav text at bottom right, partly obscured.  The record has the same inner sleeve as the previous releases, but completely different labels from all the previous releases as shown.

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release - "BOB DYLAN" above "DESIRE", gap between "BOB DYLAN" and "DESIRE", "STEREO" and "Side 1" on right)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release)

CBS/Suzy Records 86003 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth release - different Yugoslav text)

Thanks to Ronald Born, Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 86003 (Israel), 1976:

CBS 86003 (Israel) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This album has the UK catalogue number. The record has orange 1960s-style CBS labels. All the copies shown have the same sleeve but the record labels have the text elements positioned slightly differently.

CBS 86003 (Israel) - genuine promo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 86003 (Israel) - genuine promo sleeve front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 86003 (Israel) - fake promo sleeve front, scan by Patrick Helfrich

CBS 86003 (Israel) - promo front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 86003 (Israel) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of rear with Hebrew text, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (variant 1A)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (all variants are similar)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (variant 1A)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of Side 2, scan by Patrick Helfrich (variant 1A - "1" below ""33", variant 1B is similar)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of Side 2, photo by Simon Blokker (variant 1C - "1" further to right)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of Side 2, photo by Simon Blokker (variant 1D - "1" further to left)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Jérémie Viala (variant 1B)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Jérémie Viala (variant 1B)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (variant 1E)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (variant 1E)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 1F)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 1F)

CBS 86003 (Israel) - detail of Side 2, scan by Lars M. Banke (variant 1F - song titles higher, just below "33")

CBS 86003 (Israel) - Side 1 photo by Simon Blokker (variant 2 with "ACUM" logo)

For a fake promo album with what purports to be a unique monochrome sleeve with text in Hebrew, see Questionable Recordings. Promo copies issued by CBS in Israel were just the regular albums with promo stickers as shown. For other examples of promo copies with stickers, see Bob Dylan and Another Side Of Bob Dylan. The rear Israeli sleeve has Hebrew text and also the address of CBS Records Limited, P.O. Box 681, Tel Aviv.

Jérémie Viala and Simon Blokker have copies of the album with record labels with variable positioning of the tracklisting, which must have been printed separately from the other text elements of the labels (I've called these variants "1A" to "1D"). Ronald Born has a copy which I've called variant 1E where the record labels look similar to variant 1A but do not have the small pressing ring in the centre round the CBS logo. The Side 1 label photo found on eBay by Stuart Moore (which I've called "variant 2") has an "ACUM" logo to the right of the CBS logo. Simon Blokker has an album like this in the fake promo sleeve - the Side 2 label of this copy does not have the "ACUM" logo. Lars M. Banke has another copy, which I've called variant 1F, where the song titles on Side 1 are printed higher. The record of this copy has a handwritten matrix number on Side 1 only: 86003 A II.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Patrick Helfrich, Manuel García Jara, Jérémie Viala, Stuart Moore, Simon Blokker and lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan), 25 Feb 1976:

DesireJpnFront.JPG (33551 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - front with obi (my copy)

This album has an obi in dark green, pink and white with price ¥2,500. The sleeve itself has the US design front and back. The record of my copy has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels with matrix numbers: Side 1 - SOPO 116 A1 1A12, Side 2 - SOPO 116 B1 1A12. Øyvind Svele has a later copy of this with matrix numbers: Side 1 - SOPO 116 A1 1A16, Side 2 - SOPO 116 B1 1A13.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for scans of the promo release, which has white labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - SOPO 116 A1 1A1, Side 2 - SOPO 116 B1 1A6. Thanks to Wil Gielen for the scan of the front of a 12-page stapled press handout which came with his copy. This has a date of "2-25" (25 Feb).

DesireJpnBack.JPG (36487 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - rear with obi

DesireJpnBooklet.JPG (37133 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - front of lyrics booklet

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - front of stapled promo press handout, scan by Wil Gielen

DesireJpnInnerFront.JPG (20748 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - inner sleeve front (square)

DesireJpnInnerBack.JPG (36974 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - inner sleeve rear (front flaps fold over with white edge)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

DesireJpnSideA.JPG (17358 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - Side 1 (commercial release)

DesireJpnSideB.JPG (16372 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Japan) - Side 2 (commercial release)

There is a dark green six-page fold-out lyric booklet with the Japanese translations of the sleeve notes, plus the lyrics in Japanese and English. The printed inner sleeve is the same design as the UK inner sleeve, but is square rather than shaped. It is made of thinner paper than the UK inner sleeve, but has an additional polythene insert. The fold-over flaps are on the outside of the rear, with a white edge, as shown below.

Desire was reissued on vinyl in Japan as CBS/Sony 24AP 289, see below.

"Desire" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LPs, CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan), early 1977. re-released late 1977:
Desire was first issued on vinyl in Japan in Feb 1976 as CBS/Sony SOPO 116, see above.

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (early 1977 release)

This is the second commercial release, with a new catalogue number. This release has a pale-green, black and white obi. The late 1977 release has a wider obi including the 1978 tour dates from which the live albums Bob Dylan At Budokan and The Complete Budokan 1978 were taken. As well as the commercial release with orange/cream labels, there was a promo release with white labels. The record matrix numbers of the copy shown are: Side 1 - 25AP 289-B1, Side 2 - 25AP 289-B1. There is a booklet and inner sleeve.

DesireJpnFront2.JPG (28800 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - front with obi with tour dates, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1977 release)

DesireJpnBack2.JPG (34893 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Thanks to Ulf Gyllenspetz for information and to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases: CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia), 1976, re-released 1980s:

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (original release)

This album has the first CBS/Sony Japan catalogue number, SOPO 116. The album was jointly manufactured and distributed for CBS/Sony in Singapore by EMI (Singapore) PTE. Limited and in Malaysia by EMI (Malaysia) SDN, BHD. The front sleeve of Arie de Reus' copy has an EMI price sticker for $14.90 for West Malaysia only (that part of Malaysia on the island of Borneo). Manuel García Jara thinks this copy of the album is actually from the late 1970s/early 1980s because he has Singapore/Malaysia copies of Slow Train Coming, Saved and Shot Of Love with exactly the same West Malaysia price sticker. There is a date of "18/8/79" handwritten on the front sleeve, so the album may indeed be a reissue.

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front with sticker, scan by Arie de Reus (1979 copy)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front logo and sticker, scan by Arie de Reus (1979 copy)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - rear scan by Arie de Reus (1979 copy, original release is the same)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (first release - circumference text 1)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all copies)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Simon Blokker (first release - circumference text 1)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (second release variant 1 - circumference text 2)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (second release variant 1 - circumference text 2)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus (second release variant 2 - circumference text 2)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (first release - circumference text 1 "RESERVED. PUBLIC PERFORMANCE...", no "UNAUTHORISED"/"UNAUTHORIZED")

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus (second release variant 2 - circumference text 2)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release - circumference text 3)

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (second release variant 1 - circumference text 2 "RESERVED AND UNAUTHORISED PUBLIC PERFORMANCE...")

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release - circumference text 3 "RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED PUBLIC PERFORMANCE...")

CBS/Sony SOPO 116 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release - circumference text 3)

Hans Seegers' record has unique orange/black CBS/Sony labels with handwritten matrix numbers Side 1 - SOPO 116A, Side 2 - SOPO 116B. Manuel's copy from 1976 is identical except for the sticker, and the record has the same matrix numbers.

Lars M. Banke has a copy in exactly the same sleeve as shown, but the record now has red labels with a ring of CBS/Sony logos. This style was introduced with Slow Train Coming in 1979, so this reissue must date from the early 1980s. The record has the same matrix numbers as before.

Thanks to Simon Blokker for pointing out the differences in circumference test between the various record labels:




Simon's record looks as if it may be the first release from 1976. It comes in the same sleeve as shown and has the same matrix numbers. The two copies of the second release are identical except that the second variant has a more pronounced pressing ring.

Thanks to Arie de Reus, Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Lars M. Banke and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong), 1977:

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - front scan by Arie de Reus

This album from Hong Kong has the second CBS/Sony Japan catalogue number from 1977. The record has orange/white Japanese-style CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information and scans.

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - detail of front, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - rear scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - detail of rear, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - detail of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus

CBS/Sony 25AP 289 (Hong Kong) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS SBP 234778 (Australia), 1976, re-released mid 1970s, late 1970s and 1982:

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich

The Australian releases have a unique gatefold sleeve with the designs from the inner sleeve on the inside of the gatefold. The Australian records all have orange/yellow CBS labels. Patrick Helfrich's first release has the songs credited to "Albert" on the labels, Stuart Moore has two copies with the same design, but on the first the "MX 176638" matrix number to the right of the centre hole is immediately under the three lines of catalogue number and copyright information, not separated. On the second copy the text layout is the same as Patrick's copy, but the text elements are slightly higher. Stuart also has a copy from the late 1970s with longer copyright text along the bottom edges of the labels, but the songs are still credited to "Albert".

DesireAus2FrontDetail.jpg (74493 bytes)
CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - rear scan by Patrick Helfrich

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Patrick Helfrich

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first release variant 1 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first release variant 2 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (first release variant 2 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (first release variant 2 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first release variant 3 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (first release variant 3 "Albert")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (second release "Albert", after A.R.C. ownership change)

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (second release "Albert")

DesireAus2Side1.jpg (20034 bytes)
CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (late 1970s release "Chappell")

DesireAus2Side2.jpg (19219 bytes)
CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (late 1970s release "Chappell")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (1982 release "Warner Bros")

CBS SBP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (1982 release "Warner Bros")

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for Australia) - Side 1 with taped ring, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia PC 33893 (USA for Australia) - Side 2 with taped ring, scan by Stuart Moore

Early Australian release labels had the text "MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" without a CBS copyright. This is because up to 1977 all Australian records were manufactured by the Australian Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (A.R.C.) on behalf of CBS. A.R.C. changed its name to CBS Records Australia Limited on 17 Oct 1977, and after that date the longer bottom edge text includes the CBS copyright information. (Stuart Moore says that the label change may not have occurred till late 1978 or early 1979, Bob Dylan At Budokan from 1978 still does not have a CBS copyright nor does Masterpieces, Slow Train Coming from 1979 does have the CBS copyright.)

Stuart Moore's later releases have the songs credited to "Chappell" and after 1982 to "Warner Bros". Stuart Moore also has copy of the album in Patrick Helfrich's Australian sleeve shown but with the US record Columbia PC 33893 with stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-3B, Side 2 - BL 33893-2D as above, and black stickers on the labels blocking out the ring of Columbia logos. This record must have been imported into Australia to fill a shortage in demand.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and to Patrick Helfrich and Stuart Moore for scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LPs, CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand), 1976 (two variants), re-released late 1970s:

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

These New Zealand releases did not have a gatefold sleeve as the Australian releases did. The sleeves of all the copies shown are identical. The 1976 record has plain orange 1960s-style CBS labels in two variants, while the later record has orange/yellow 1970s-style CBS labels. The 1976 variant with "SIDE 1/2" instead of "SIDE ONE/TWO" on the labels has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - SBP 234778 A 9144 700, Side 2 - SBP 234778 B 9145 700 (the 9144 and 9145 numbers are very hard to read).

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - insert front scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of insert front, scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (1976 release variant 1)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (1976 release variant 1 - "SIDE ONE")

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (1976 release variant 1)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 2)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 2 - "SIDE 1")

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester (1976 release both variants)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release variant 2)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - insert rear scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of insert rear, scan by Stuart Moore (all releases)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester (late 1970s release)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester (late 1970s release)

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester (late 1970s release)

All releases had an insert instead of the inner sleeve, while the records themselves were in plain sleeves. Both the sleeves and the records were made in New Zealand. These albums were all marketed in New Zealand by Phonogram Ltd., Wellington (then part of Philips, later PolyGram and now Universal.) For the New Zealand Quadraphonic release of Desire, see below.

Thanks to Stuart Moore, Bill Hester and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa), 1976; CBS COL 40052 (South Africa), 1983:

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)
These releases were manufactured and distributed in South Africa for CBS Records by The Gramophone Record Company (Pty.) Ltd., the South African subsidiary of EMI. Interpak is not mentioned on the sleeves as the printer.

The sleeves have laminated fronts. The rear sleeves have the musician credits that appear on other worldwide releases' inner sleeve front replacing Bob's sleeve notes. The 1976 South African record has orange CBS labels and comes in a picture inner sleeve with details of current CBS albums including Blood On The Tracks. The front sleeve has a green border. Scans are shown of alternate labels from Lars M. Banke - as both were made by the same scanner there must be colour differences. Lars M. Banke's first copy has a stamp from "Hades Disco" on both labels!

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - inner sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release, second copy)

CBS ASF 1870 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release, third copy)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa), 1983:

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

The 1983 South African release with a new catalogue number is in the "Star Spectacular Original Artists" series and the front sleeve has a gold border. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels and comes in a plain paper inner sleeve. It now has "MARKETED AND DISTRIBUTED BY GRAMOPHONE RECORD CO. (PTY) LTD." on the labels.
CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

CBS COL 40052 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1983 release)

Thanks to Jon Paterson for initial information and to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for further information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia), 1976 (twice); CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe), early 1980s, re-released mid-1980s:

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia), 1976 (twice):

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1976 releases)
These releases were manufactured and distributed in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) for CBS Records by The Gramophone Record Company (Pty.) Ltd., the South African subsidiary of EMI. These Rhodesian releases have a similar sleeve to the South African 1976 release, although they are made from thinner paper, and the fronts are not laminated. The sleeves were printed in Rhodesia by Belmont Printers, although not indicated on the rear sleeve of the first 1976 release. The second 1976 release sleeve has "4-A" on a white sticker. Belmont Printers used codes starting with "4" for sleeves they printed for CBS Records, they used other codes for other record companies. Like the South African releases, the rear sleeves have the musician credits that appear on other worldwide releases' inner sleeve front replacing Bob's sleeve notes.

The 1976 record has plain orange CBS labels with no country of origin, both copies shown have records with the same labels. The record of the second 1976 release copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF 1870 - AL 33893, Side 2 - ASF 1870 - BL 33893.

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (first 1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1976 releases - no "4-A", see Zimbabwe rear sleeve below)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1976 release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1976 release - "4-A" code used by Belmont Printers on sticker)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1976 releases)

CBS ASF 1870 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (both 1976 releases)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe), early 1980s, re-released mid-1980s:

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s/mid-1980s releases)

The next releases date from the early 1980s, after Zimbabwe became independent. The sleeve now has the Belmont Printers code "4-A" printed on the rear at bottom centre. The record now has orange/yellow CBS labels with "MARKETED AND DISTRIBUTED BY GRAMOPHONE RECORD CO. (PTY) LTD." This style of labels was used in Zimbabwe from late 1980 until 1986.

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - front with promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - front promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s/mid-1980s releases)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s release/mid-1980s releases - "4-A" code used by Belmont Printers now printed)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s release with album title and "BOB DYLAN" below centre hole)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (early 1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release with "CUP OF TEA" mistake, album title and "BOB DYLAN" above centre hole and different text layout left and right of centre hole)

CBS ASF 1870 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1980s release)

Lars M. Banke has an early 1980s promo copy with a "D. J. SAMPLE" stamp on the front sleeve. The rear sleeve is as shown with the printed "4-A" code at bottom centre, but the record still has the plain orange labels like the Rhodesian release above. There are no matrix numbers.

Lars also has what must be a mid-1980s release with different orange/yellow labels. The sleeve is the same as shown. The album title and “BOB DYLAN” are now above the centre hole and not below. Also “Ram’s Horn Music” and "STEREO" are omitted to the left of the centre hole and “AL 33893” is omitted to the right of the centre hole. The playing speed has "rpm" instead of "RPM" and these labels have “(P) 1979 CBS Inc.” to the left of the centre hole and not “(P) 1976 CBS Inc.”. Finally there is a hilarious error in song title 4 on Side 1 - "ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE" is given as "ONE MORE CUP OF TEA"! This record has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 33893-1 ASF-1870, Side 2 -BL 33893-1 ASF-1870.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Deseo [Desire]" - stereo vinyl LP release, Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico), 1976, re-released late 1970s:

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - front photo from eBay (fake promo release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases)

Discos CBS CLS-5496 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both releases)

This release has the Columbia STEREO logo with arrows on the front sleeve above Bob's head. On the rear sleeve the sleeve notes are omitted and replaced by the list of musicians. The record of the 1976 release has plain orange CBS labels with the album title and song titles in Spanish and English.

Sergio Mariano Romay's late 1970s copy has a stiff cardboard sleeve. The front and the rear sleeves are the same as for those of Hans Seegers' copy. The front sleeve has silver (almost green) border/text. The spine text is "CLS-5496    DESEO (DESIRE)  BOB DYLAN   (CBS logo) CBS/COLUMBIA INTERNACIONAL S.A.". The record has new style orange/yellow labels, completely different from those of the 1976 release. The album title and song titles are again in Spanish and English. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 02-11-11535-1A, Side 2 - 02-11-11536-1A.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans. Thanks to Manuel García Jara for finding a fake Mexican promo on eBay. The record looks genuine enough, although it has a fake promo stamp, but the sleeve is obviously fake. You are urged to avoid buying such items!

"Desire" - stereo/mono vinyl LP releases, CBS 230.005 (Brazil), 1976, re-released 1977, 1980s, late 1980s; Columbia 184.025 (Brazil), 1990s:

CBS 230.005 (Brazil), 1976:

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

These albums were made in Brazil. The sleeves were not laminated and the 1976 copy was sealed with a São Paolo Billboard record store sticker with text "SELADO PARA SU PROTEÇÃO [SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION]". The record has the regular picture inner card sleeve and the record has orange stereo/mono CBS labels. The 1976 release was made by Discos Copacabana (based in São Bernardo do Campo), records made by them for other companies have on the labels only "Som Indústria E Comercio S.A.". The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-33893 1-A, Side 2 - BL-33893 2-A.

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - rear with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - rear sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release, dated 1976)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release, made by SOM IND E COM S.A., São Bernardo do Campo)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1976 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil), 1977 release:

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release)
The 1977 release has the same outer and inner sleeves as the 1976 release. This time it was made by Gravaçôes Electricas S.A., São Paulo. The copy shown has a black/white record shop sticker on the front sleeve. The record still has plain orange CBS labels but they are different from the 1976 design and dated 1977. The record of the 1977 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-33893-A=R, Side 2 - BL-33893-B.

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release, dated 1977)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release, made by Gravaçôes Electricas S.A., São Paulo)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1977 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil), 1980s release (three variants):

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release)
The 1980s release has the same sleeve but this time the record has orange/yellow Discos CBS labels. This release was made by Discos CBS, Rio de Janeiro.
CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - rear with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of rear with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release, variant 1)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release, variant 1)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1980s release, variant 2)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release, variant 1, now made by Discos CBS, Rio de Janeiro - variant 2 has the same text, differently positioned)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release, variant 1)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1980s release, variant 2)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release, alternate variant 2)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1980s release, variant 2 with C.G.C. code on right - "43.203.520/0002.95")

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1,
scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release, alternate variant 2 with different C.G.C. code on right - "33.131.376/0008.60")

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1980s release, alternate variant 2)

The copy shown has a sticker on the rear sleeve with "BRENNO ROSSI" and a large "D", which may be a record store label. The record of the 1980s copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-33.893 230.005-A, Side 2 - BL-33.893 230.005-B. Sergio Mariano Romay's copy comes in the same sleeve, but the record labels have extra text "C.G.C. 43.203.520/0002-95" in a box to the right of the centre hole. Sergio thinks "C.G.C." means "Catalogo General Columbia [Columbia General Catalogue]" in Portuguese. These labels have the same circumference text as Manuel's labels, but differently positioned round the circle (the little CBS logo is bottom centre instead of being off to the left). Lars M. Banke has a copy in the same sleeve where the record labels are similar to Sergio's, but with a different C.G.C. number - "33.131.376/0008.60".

CBS 230.005 (Brazil), late 1980s release:

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)
This is the fourth Brazilian edition of this album. It was bought in 1990 but it could have been released in the late 1980s: the record has the new design of labels (with a big "1" and "2" on both sides) used for the first time for Down In The Groove (1988).
CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - rear with stickers, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - rear sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - second rear sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS 230.005 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

The sleeve still has the original front with the obsolete information about mono and stereo between "Stereo" and the CBS logo at top left, however, this information is no longer at the bottom of the rear sleeve (this is the unique difference from previous releases). This album was bought in a Carrefour in São Paulo and has a store sticker on both front and back of the opening edge. It also has a price sticker of 33.00 Brazilian Reals (about $14). The record is in the usual inner sleeve.

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil), 1990s:

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke
This fifth release is now on the Columbia label with a new catalogue number. It has a Sony Music "BEST PRICE" sticker on the front sleeve. The rear sleeve now has a barcode at top left, the Sony Music logo at top centre, and Sony Music copyright information on the bottom. The record has Columbia labels with the logos in a ring round the circumference. The copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers with the old Brazilian and US catalogue numbers: Side 1 - 230.005 A I AL 33893, Side 2 - 230.005 A II BL 33893.

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 184.025 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Lars M. Banke and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Desire" - test pressing, promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, Discos CBS 119.525 (Argentina), 1976:

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)
Lars M. Banke's test pressing comes in a white card promo sleeve with a typewritten front sticker with the album details and track listing. The record has typewritten CBS Argentina orange/yellow labels with promo stickers.

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 1 with promo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 1 promo sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)
DesireArgFront2.jpg (31657 bytes)
CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - front photo by Sergio Magnacca (all releases)

DesireArgBack.jpg (40898 bytes)
119.525 (Argentina), rear sleeve with promo sticker - photo by Sergio Magnacca (promo release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - inner sleeve front scan by Ronald Born (all releases)

119.525 (Argentina) - inner sleeve rear scan by Ronald Born (all releases)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 2 with promo sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
DesireArgGatefold.jpg (68084 bytes)
119.525 (Argentina) - inside gatefold photo by Sergio Magnacca

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release - no "33")

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (alternate commercial release)

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (alternate commercial release - "33")

CBS 119.525 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (alternate commercial release)

The commercial and promo releases come in a unique gatefold sleeve that has the Spanish words "INCLUYE TODOS LOS TEXTOS DE LAS CANCIONES" ("Includes all lyrics of songs") printed on the front sleeve at the bottom. The gatefold sleeve opens to show the lyrics to all the songs on a white background in English (not translated). The rear sleeve design is unique in that it's a mixture of the "standard" rear sleeve and the UK and Japanese inner sleeve rear in layout, with the Allen Ginsberg liner notes translated into Spanish. The large black-and-white picture of Bob is missing. There is also a small "disco para demostracion/venta prohibida" ("demonstration record/sale prohibited") sticker on the promo copy next to the CBS logo in the top right hand corner. This text is also printed on the promo labels. This album is very collectable as it was discontinued because pressing the gatefold sleeves was too expensive. The record comes in a generic CBS Argentina inner sleeve. Ronald Born's commercial copy has the same gatefold sleeve as Hans Seegers' copy but the labels now have "33" below the centre hole.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Eduardo Gomez Kodela for the information that a previous statement that "later Argentinean releases abandoned the gatefold sleeve" was incorrect. In fact there were no later Argentinean vinyl releases - the local market was served afterwards with imports from the USA and Brazil (which didn't have a gatefold sleeve).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Sergio Magnacca, Ronald Born and Lars M. Banke for information and pictures.

"Desire" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 14568 (Colombia), 1976:

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
The rare Colombian edition of Desire was the first Dylan album to be released by CBS in Colombia in the 1970s (only John Wesley Harding and possibly Nashville Skyline were released by CBS in the 1960s; and before this album Planet Waves and possibly Before The Flood were released by Elektra in Colombia). From 1976 till 1986 all Dylan albums, with some exceptions, were released punctually in Colombia. The sleeve is made of fragile cardboard and has an unique worldwide front with a yellow, not golden border, and a yellow CBS logo plus a "Estereo Sonido 360"/arrows logo on a green background (this logo is printed over a previous CBS logo). 
CBS 14568 (Colombia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara
CBS 14568 (Colombia) - Side 1 with promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - Side 2 with promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke 

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara ("FABRICADO EN COLOMBIA [MANUFACTURED IN COLOMBIA]")

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 14568 (Colombia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara ("HECHO EN COLOMBIA [MADE IN COLOMBIA]")

The rear sleeve is monochrome with a black border. It has printer information ("Intergraficas Ltda") and the usual sales tax protest slogan in Latin American countries: "El disco es cultura [Records are Culture]". The CBS record labels are plain orange with two tones of black lettering: darker for the CBS logo, speed and copyright text; lighter, nearly grey, for the rest of the information; the variable information was almost certainly printed over generic CBS labels as was usual in other Latin American countries. The song titles are in English only. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 14568 A  29-3-76 (mastering date 29 Mar 1976), Side 2 - 14568 B   3-3-76 (mastering date 3 Mar 1976); there is also a strange symbol (not shown) stamped on Side 2.

Lars M. Banke has found a promo copy with stamps of "DISCO PROMOCIONAL PROHIBIDA SU VENTA [PROMOTIONAL RECORD SALE PROHIBITED]" on both record labels. The sleeve is the same as that of the commercial copy.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Desire" - fake promo stereo vinyl album, CBS/Columbia SE-76003 (Peru), 2022:

CBS/Columbia SE-76003 (Peru) - front plus Side 1, photo found by François Guillez

CBS/Columbia SE-76003 (Peru) - rear photo found by François Guillez

CBS/Columbia SE-76003 (Peru) - Side 1 with promo stamp, photo found by François Guillez

CBS/Columbia Peru - front of 1970s promo sleeve - scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Columbia Peru - rear of 1970s promo sleeve - scan by Manuel García Jara

Desire was never released in Peru. François Guillez has found what purports to be a promo copy in a red/white sleeve. The record has stained white labels with an unreadable promo stamp on Side 1. It may be a genuine copy of Desire from some other country with a fake label but I am sure the sleeve is entirely fake.

Manuel García Jara says: "CBS Peru used the same promotional sleeve in the 1970s and 1980s. I've got Peruvian promo copies of Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd), released in 1975, and Born In The USA (Bruce Springsteen) from 1984 and the promo sleeve always remained the same. The front has a big CBS/Columbia logo and the text "PROMOCIONAL / PROHIBIDA SU VENTA" at bottom right, without any mention of artist or album title; the rear always is blank with the stamped text "PROMOCIÓN". The catalogue number SE-76003 (first European editions were CBS 86003) does not belong to Peruvian CBS albums. In the 1970s and 1980s the genuine catalogue number was "SE" plus a four-digit code (not a five-digit code), starting with "8.", My Peruvian copy of Wish You Were Here, released in 1975, is SE-8.385, Animals (Pink Floyd, 1978) is SE-8.398. Peruvian promo editions come with the commercial vinyl with stamped promo text, never a white label."

"Desire" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Plaksan 86003 (Turkey), 1976 (twice), re-released late 1970s:

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - front scan by Arie de Reus (all releases)
The sleeves and records of these releases were made in Turkey by Plaksan for CBS - all three copies shown have identical front sleeves.

The first 1976 release rear sleeve is in monochrome black and white instead of in grey/blue as the two later releases. The two 1976 releases have plain orange CBS labels and the late 1970s release has orange/yellow CBS labels. The first 1976 release record labels have text to the left and right of the centre hole in different positions from the second 1976 release. The most noticeable difference is that the second 1976 release has "CBS 86003/a" and "CBS 86003/b" to the right of the centre hole below the Plaksan logo and the first 1976 release has just "CBS 86003" on both labels. The first 1976 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 86003-1, Side 2 - 86003-2.

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of front, scan by Arie de Reus (all releases)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of rear, scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 and late 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - rear scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 and late 1970s releases)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release - "y" in circle as first Dutch releases above)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of rear, scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 and late 1970s releases - same "y" in circle)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 2, scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus (both 1976 releases)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus (second 1976 release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus (late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - detail of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus (late 1970s release)

CBS 86003 (Turkey) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus (late 1970s release)

Thanks to Arie de Reus and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Desire" - stereo vinyl release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe), 1 Dec 2017:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455301 (Europe) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Quadraphonic Vinyl and Tape Releases

At the time there were three incompatible audio systems for quadraphonic sound, a confusion which probably led to the format's demise - Columbia releases used the Sony SQ system, Asylum releases used the Quadradisc system.

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl release: Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA), Jan 1976:
As these quadraphonic albums are rarities, they're also listed in 1976.

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - front scan by Olav Langum ("Quadraphonic" at top left)

This album was created using the Columbia "SQ" quadraphonic system. Thanks to Simon Blokker for spotting that the inner sleeve has four lines of extra quadraphonic information on the front, crediting additional engineers Harold J. Kleiner and Don Young.

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - detail of front (my copy)

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - rear (my copy)

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - detail of rear

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - inner sleeve front

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - detail of inner sleeve front (includes four lines of quadraphonic information)

CBS 32570 (UK) - detail of inner sleeve front (my copy - Columbia PC 33893 has the same text)

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - inner sleeve rear (same as regular inner sleeve rear)

DesireQuadLabel1.jpg (21081 bytes)
Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Olav Langum

DesireQuadLabel2.jpg (20974 bytes)
Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Olav Langum

There are mistakes in:

Joey - at the end of verse three there is a vocal mistake - "to the boss I say he said" - this must have been edited out on the regular release (R-0124).
Romance In Durango - again at the end of verse three there is a vocal mistake - "In the face of God will appear" - this too must have been edited out on the regular release (R-0125)

It was also reported there is an outstandingly bad trumpet track in R-0125 that was removed from the regular stereo release - Aaron Derfel tells me that the trumpet track is in fact still in the regular stereo mix, but has been mixed down considerably. He thinks "the trumpet is terribly off-key at times, but it does have its charms".

Another lesser difference is that in One More Cup Of Coffee there is apparently an intrusive scraping sound just before the third verse, again something that was edited out of the regular stereo release.

Rob van Estrik says: "The entire album was drastically remixed by Don DeVito from the master session tapes for quadraphonic replay. The resulting LP sounds entirely different from the regular release and is consequently one of the most collectable Dylan albums. Contrary to what was stated in Isis #50, the CD version of the album is NOT the Quadraphonic remix." This is confirmed by Les Kokay, who has sent me a detailed analysis of the differences between the current CD version and the Quadraphonic mix. Thanks to Olav Langum for the scans and further information. My copy has the same front sleeve and record labels as Olav's copy.

The front sleeve of this album is as shown above, the rear sleeve is the same as the first commercial stereo release with the smaller text "© 1975 Ram's Horn Music". The inner sleeve is also similar to that of the commercial stereo release, without the quadraphonic catalogue number. The record has gold labels with catalogue number PCQ 333893, and “QUADRAPHONIC”/“SQ” in red in a circle round the circumference. The record of my copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - QAL 33893 1B, Side 1 - QBL 33893 1B.

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl release: Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK), 1976:

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - front with "Columbia" covered by "MECOLICO" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - detail of front with "Columbia" covered by "MECOLICO" sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - rear with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - detail of rear with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - Side 1 with white ring-shaped sticker and marker pen, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA for export to UK) - Side 2 with white ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

William Henry Prince has a US copy (now owned by Lars M. Banke) that was exported to the UK. The "Columbia" logo on the front sleeve is covered by a "MECOLICO" [Mechanical Copyright Licensing Company] sticker showing that the album has been exported legally to the UK and that UK purchase tax has been paid. On the rear sleeve the instances of "Columbia" have been obscured with black marker pen. There is also a small sticker over "Columbia" on the spine. There are white ring-shaped stickers on the record labels obscuring the ring of logos, which ironically just have “QUADRAPHONIC”/“SQ”, which don’t need to be covered, although the stickers do obscure the small Columbia copyright text at the bottom of the labels. On Side 1 an instance of "Columbia" that was left uncovered because of poor placement of the sticker has been obscured with the same black marker pen!

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl releases, Columbia PCQ 33893 (USA); CBS Q 86003 (NL/Spain); CBS SQP 234778 (Australia/New Zealand), Jan 1976:

CBS Q 86003 (NL), Jan 1976:

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers ("Quadraphonic" at bottom centre)

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - rear scan by Ronald Born

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Ronald Born

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Ronald Born

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - inner sleeve front, scan by Simon Blokker

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Simon Blokker (includes four lines of quadraphonic information as US release)

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (same as regular inner sleeve rear)

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Q 86003 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

The very rare Dutch release has a similar rear sleeve to the regular release and a printed inner sleeve which has quadraphonic information on the front as does the US inner sleeve. The record has gold labels with "CBS"/"QUADRAPHONIC"/"SQ" in a ring round the circumference.

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl release: CBS Q 86003 (Spain), Jan 1976:

CBS Q 86003 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers

The Spanish release has a distinctive gold border, and extra printing on the right centre of the front sleeve "NO. UNO EN USA" [#1 IN USA]. The unique rear sleeve has the song titles in Spanish and English with pictures of six other quadraphonic releases including Nashville Skyline. The record has matrix numbers: Side 1 - Q PAL 33893-1A, Side 2 - Q PBL 33893-1A. The labels translate the album title as "DESEO" and also have the song titles in Spanish and English.

CBS Q 86003 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Q 86003 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Q 86003 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl release: CBS SQP 234778 (Australia), Jan 1976:

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - front photo by Peter Lindberg ("Quadraphonic" at lower left)

Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the Australian release and to Peter Lindberg and Michel Pomarede for pictures. This release is in a gatefold sleeve with a laminated front sleeve and gold quadraphonic SQ labels. It is dated 1975 (the copyright year). On the Side record label Joey is credited to "Dob Dylan"!

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Michel Pomarede

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Michel Pomarede

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - rear photo by Peter Lindberg

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - inside of gatefold sleeve, photo by Peter Lindberg

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - Side 1 photo by Peter Lindberg

CBS SQP 234778 (Australia) - Side 2 photo by Peter Lindberg (Joey credited to "Dob Dylan!)

"Desire" - Quadraphonic vinyl release: CBS SQP 234778 (New Zealand), Jan 1976:

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - front with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara
Thanks to Hans Seegers for the information that the very rare New Zealand quadraphonic release of this album had the same catalogue number, CBS SBPQ 234778, as the Australian release but had a different sleeve and labels. Unlike in other countries, the New Zealand quadraphonic release has the standard stereo sleeve. It was manufactured in New Zealand by Phonogram Ltd., part of the Philips group (later PolyGram, now Universal). The sleeve is fully laminated, with a white sticker on the front including information about quadraphonic sound; there is another sticker on the rear covering the stereo logo and catalogue number, with a new catalogue number and price code. It includes an insert, not an inner sleeve, which is the same as that of the regular release. The record labels are very different from those of the New Zealand stereo release. For two New Zealand stereo releases of Desire, see below.

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - rear with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - rear sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - insert front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of insert front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBP 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of insert rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS SBPQ 234778 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

There must be other international quad releases to list here! None of them were ever reissued as far as I know.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, William Henry Prince, Olav Langum, Bill Hester, Peter Lindberg, Rob van Estrik, Manuel García Jara, Ronald Born, Patrick Helfrich and Simon Blokker for information and pictures. Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for my copy of Columbia PCQ 33893!

Tape Releases (8-Track and Cassette)

Because of the length of this page (the longest on this web-site), Desire tape releases are now here.

CD and MD (MiniDisc) Releases

Because of the length of this page (the longest on this web-site), Desire CD releases are now here.

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.