"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974

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This is part of a list by release date of international (now including the USA, which was once listed separately) promo and commercially-released stereo 7" and 12" singles and EPs for 1974 that do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know many are not included on any other Internet site. Special thanks to Hans Seegers for many of these items! Stereo promo versions of commercially released singles that were formerly listed in the Promotional Items sections of the yearly pages are now listed here. Singles released exclusively for promotional purposes are now listed here also. I would also like to include cassette singles here, but I don't have any, and none have been notified to me so far.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 25 January, 2025.

"Gold Disc" - 7" stereo single, CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan), 1974:

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

This single with Blowin' In The Wind and Like A Rolling Stone has a folded sleeve and comes in a generic green CBS/Sony inner sleeve. There are at least four front sleeve variations with "BOB DYLAN" and "LIKE A ROLLING STONE" (the B-side) in turquoise, red and violet (Hans Seegers' copies) and light blue (Jim Siddy and Michel Pomarede's copies). Wil Gielen has two copies of the record with sleeve variant 1 but with a slightly different record company name round the bottom edge of the record labels. The first variant has "CBS SONY RECORDS INC. TOKYO JAPAN" and the second has just "CBS/SONY INC. TOKYO JAPAN".

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1, titles in turquoise)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2, titles in red)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3, titles in violet)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - front photo by Michel Pomarede (variant 4)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - front photo by Jim Siddy (variant 4)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of front, photo by Jim Siddy (variant 4, titles in light blue)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - rear photo by Michel Pomarede (all variants)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - rear photo by Jim Siddy (all variants)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - outside of sleeve, photo by Jim Siddy (variant 4)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - inside of sleeve, photo by Jim Siddy (all variants)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - A-side in generic sleeve, photo by Jim Siddy (all variants)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Wil Gielen (variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of B-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - B-side scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (variant 1)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (variant 2A)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Wil Gielen (variant 2A)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Michel Pomarede (variant 2B)

CBS/Sony SOPB 232 (Japan) - A-side scan by Michel Pomarede (variant 2B)

Sergio Mariano Romay's copy has the sleeve with violet text (variant 3) and variant 1 record labels. The labels of Michel Pomarede's copy in the sleeve with the light blue song titles (variant 4) have the second variant text with "CBS/SONY INC." but differently positioned so that "TOKYO JAPAN" is directly under "BOB DYLAN" at the bottom.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen, Jim Siddy, Michel Pomarede and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and pictures.

"Gold Disc: Bob Dylan Vol. 1" - 7" stereo EP in gold foil sleeve, CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan), 1974:

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - front photo by Michel Pomarede
This beautiful EP has a gatefold card sleeve with the outside artwork printed on gold foil, which is very difficult to scan satisfactorily. The rear sleeve features nine albums in the CBS/Sony Gold Disc series, one of which is by Bob, see International Album Releases (Dylan-Only Compilations) 1970-79.

The EP contains four hits from the 1960s:

A-side: Blowin' In The Wind; Like A Rolling Stone
B-side: The Times They Are A-Changin'; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - rear photo by Michel Pomarede

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - front of insert, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - inside of sleeve unfolded, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - rear of insert, scan by Stefan Haras

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD-11 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Jim Siddy, Stefan Haras and Michel Pomarede for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 51 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Bob Dylan, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 220 (see International Album Releases). None of this series of 1974 Japanese EPs listed here (SOPD 51-63, see the rest below) had an insert. They were released to promote the reissues of all Bob's albums up to 1973's Dylan and are all very rare.

CBS/Sony SOPD 51 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: Talkin' New York; Freight Train Blues
B-side: Song To Woody; House Of The Risin' Sun.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 51 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/ Sony SOPD 51 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/ Sony SOPD 51 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 52 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 221 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 52 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 52 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 52 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 52 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"CBS/Sony SOPD 52" (Japan?) - 3" CD single front picture from eBay

"CBS/Sony SOPD 52" (Japan?) - 3" CD single picture from eBay

A-side: Blowin' In The Wind; A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
B-side: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right; Masters Of War.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Éamonn Ó Catháin has found a 3" CD single with this catalogue number, artwork and tracklist for sale on eBay. This is definitely unauthorised and possibly comes from Russia.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and scans.

"The Times They Are A-Changin'" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 53 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from The Times They Are A-Changin', specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 222 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 53 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: The Times They Are A-Changing'; With God On Our Side
B-side: When The Ship Comes In, The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 53 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 53 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 53 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Another Side Of Bob Dylan" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 54 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Another Side Of Bob Dylan, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 223 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 54 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: All I Really Want To Do; My Back Pages
B-side: It Ain't Me, Babe; I Don't Believe You.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 54 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 54 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 54 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Bringing It All Back Home" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 55 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Bringing It All Back Home, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 224 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 55 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: Mr. Tambourine Man; It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
B-side: Subterranean Homesick Blues; It's All Right, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding).

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 55 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 55 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 55 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Highway 61 Revisited" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 56 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Highway 61 Revisited, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 225 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 56 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: Like A Rolling Stone; Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
B-side: Highway 61 Revisited; Ballad Of A Thin Man.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 56 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 56 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 56 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Blonde On Blonde" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 57 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Blonde On Blonde, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPJ 47-48 (see International Album Releases). This EP was previously wrongly listed as being from 1968 - this is the correct date.

BOBEPJpnFront.jpg (27791 bytes)
CBS/ Sony SOPD 57 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (4:36); I Want You (3:08)
B-side: Just Like A Woman (4:51); Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (3:27).

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

For details of rarities on this album release, see 1966 Blonde On Blonde Rarities.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

BOBEPJpnBack.jpg (26231 bytes)
CBS/ Sony SOPD 57 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

BOBEPJpnSide1.jpg (16512 bytes)
CBS/ Sony SOPD 57 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

BOBEPJpnSide2.jpg (16565 bytes)
CBS/ Sony SOPD 57 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"John Wesley Harding" - 7"stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 58 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from John Wesley Harding, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 226 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 58 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: John Wesley Harding; I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
B-side: All Along The Watchtower; Dear Landlord.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 58 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 58 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 58 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Nashville Skyline" - 7"stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 59 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Nashville Skyline, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 227 (see International Album Releases). This EP was previously wrongly listed as being from 1969 - this is the correct date.

ThrewEPJpnFront.jpg (22800 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPD 59 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: Lay, Lady, Lay; I Threw It All Away
B-side: Girl From The North Country (with Johnny Cash); Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

For a 1969 CBS/Sony Japan Nashville Skyline EP with a different tracklist, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1960s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

ThrewEPJpnBack.jpg (29965 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPD 59 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

ThrewEPJpnSideA.jpg (16407 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPD 59 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

ThrewEPJpnSideB.jpg (16392 bytes)
CBS/Sony SOPD 59 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Self Portrait" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 60 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Self Portrait, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPJ 49-50 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 60 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: Blue Moon; Early Mornin' Rain
B-side: The Boxer; Take A Message To Mary.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

For earlier EPs from this album, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1970.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 60 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 60 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 60 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"New Morning" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 61 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from New Morning, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 228 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 61 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: If Not For You; Day Of The Locusts
B-side: Girl From The North Country (with Johnny Cash); Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

For earlier EPs from this album, see International 7" Singles & EPs 1970 and International 7" Singles & EPs 1971.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 61 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 61 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 61 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid" - 7"stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 62 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the regular stereo versions from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, specifically the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPM 70 (see International Album Releases).

CBS/Sony SOPD 62 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

A-side: Lay, Lady, Lay; I Threw It All Away

B-side: Girl From The North Country (with Johnny Cash); Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPD 62 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 62 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 62 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

"Dylan" - stereo EP, CBS/Sony SOPD 63 (Japan), 1974:
All tracks are the stereo versions from the deleted 1973 album Dylan, the 1974 Japanese release CBS/Sony SOPL 236 (see 1973 and International Album Releases). This is the final EP in the set SOPD 51-63.

CBS/Sony SOPD 63 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
A-side: A Fool Such As I (R-0099); Can't Help Falling In Love (R-0100)

B-side: Mr. Bojangles (R-0101); Big Yellow Taxi (R-0102)

CBS/Sony SOPD 63 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 63 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony SOPD 63 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

As this EP contains four rarities, full details are in 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"A Fool Such As I"/"Lily Of The West" - stereo 7" singles, Columbia 4-45982 (USA). S CBS 2006 (UK), CBS S 2006 (West Germany), CBS 2006 (NL), CBS Serie Gemini 2006 (France), CBS/Sony SOPB 269 (Japan), Jan 1974:

FoolUS7Trader.jpg (17708 bytes)
Columbia 4-45982 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
These singles from the 1973 Columbia album Dylan contain two rarities, for full details, see 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS S 2006 (NL/West Germany/Sweden) - scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band, Carly Simon/James Taylor, Bette Midler, Deep Purple - promo set of two 7" singles, Asylum/Elektra/Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1287W/P-1289E/P-1291Y/P-1293Y (Japan), 1974:
This rare set comes in a folded card sleeve with the covers of the four singles being promoted. The records have white promo labels and come in clear plastic inner sleeves.

JapAsyPromoOuter.jpg (38242 bytes)
Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1287W/P-1289E/ P-1291Y/P-1293Y (Japan) - scan of outer sleeve by Hans Seegers

Record 1:

On A Night Like This by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves (Asylum P-1293Y) - the Dylan/Band promo and commercial singles were backed by You Angel You, see below.

In The Mood by Bette Midler (Atlantic P-1291A) - this comes from her 1973 Atlantic album Bette Midler which had the same cover design. For an Atlantic US jukebox EP with her cover of I Shall Be Released from the same album, see Honourable Mentions. Bette Midler shares vocal with Bob on her version of Buckets Of Rain on a track from her Atlantic album Songs For The New Depression, see 1976. She also appears as part of the ensemble USA For Africa on the charity single We Are The World, see 1985.

JapAsyPromoInner.jpg (43133 bytes)
Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1287W/P-1289E/ P-1291Y/P-1293Y (Japan) - scan of inner sleeve by Hans Seegers

Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1287W (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (no Dylan)

Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1289E (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (no Dylan)

Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1291A (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (no Dylan)

Asylum/Elektra/ Atlantic/Warner Bros P-1293Y (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (includes Bob)

Record 2:

Mockingbird by Carly Simon and James Taylor (Elektra P-1289E)/Burn by Deep Purple (Warner Bros P-1287W)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Asylum AS 11033 (USA), 7 Mar 1974:

Asylum AS 11033 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant with stamped date)
This promo single with two label variants had the stereo version of this track from Planet Waves on one side and a mono version on the other side. For the mono side see 1974.

With the first variant (left), the placing of "STEREO" as the last line on the right suggest it was pressed at Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA. With the second variant (right), the placing of "STEREO" as the top line suggests it was pressed at Santa Maria, CA. For details of Asylum pressing plants in the USA, see below.

For US and international stereo singles with You Angel You as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11033 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant without date)

Asylum AS 11033 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" stereo singles, Asylum AS 11033 (USA/Canada), 7 Mar 1974:

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
The US Asylum singles occur in five different variants:
  1. "STEREO" above the catalogue numbers to the right of the centre hole
  2. "STEREO" in much larger type above the catalogue numbers to the right of the centre hole
  3. "STEREO" below the publishing information (which is printed on three lines) - this variant was also supplied to juke boxes
  4. "STEREO" between the catalogue number and the publishing information (which is printed on three lines)
  5. "STEREO" between the catalogue number and the publishing information (which is printed on two lines)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - juke box strip used with third variant, scan by Hans Seegers

Note the labels for the third and fifth variants are badly centred!

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Kenneth Robson (second variant alternate)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - front of Asylum sleeve, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (third variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - rear of Asylum sleeve with B-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (third variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - detail of rear of Asylum sleeve, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (third variant dated 5 Apr 1974)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (fourth variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (fourth variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (fifth variant)

Asylum AS 11033 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (fifth variant)

This implies that variants 1 and 2 were pressed at Santa Maria, CA, variant 3 was pressed at Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA, and variants 4 and 5 were pressed at Terre Haute, IN - see below.

For a stereo/mono 7" US promo single with On A Night Like This on both sides, see 1974 and Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76. For the stereo side of this promo single, see above.

For details of other Asylum/Island 7" single releases with On A Night Like This/You Angel You, see below.

The US copy owned by Kenneth Robson is an example of the second variant with "STEREO" on the top line of text on the right of the centre hole, but placed higher on the label. It has a plastic insert in the centre hole (this is not an official Asylum variant). Sergio Mariano Romay from Argentina has a copy of the third variant single in a generic Asylum sleeve. The sleeve has a date in Spanish of "5 ABR. 1974 (5 Apr 1974). This is my copy has matrix numbers: A-side - ASS-11033A-1  SP (handwritten)  KENDUN (stamped); B-side - ASS-11033B-1  SP (handwritten)  KENDUN (stamped).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" stereo single, Asylum AS 11033 (Canada), 7 Mar 1974:

Night7CanSideA.jpg (24068 bytes)
Asylum AS 11 033 (Canada) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

The Canadian single had white labels and did not have a picture sleeve. It also occurs with two apparent A-sides, this is a labelling error - the record actually plays the B-side correctly.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Night7CanSideB.jpg (22792 bytes)
Asylum AS 11 033 (Canada) - B-side with A-side label, scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This" - 10" acetate, Hispavox for Asylum (no catalogue number) (Spain), 1974:

Acetate A-side scan by Arie de Reus
This Spanish acetate manufactured by Hispavox for Asylum has a no Dylan song on the B-side, but as there's no label it can't be identified. The subsequent promo and commercial releases below had You Angel, You as the B-side.

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information and scan.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/Graham Nash - "On The Line" - 7" jukebox single, Asylum J.B. 53 (Italy), 1974:

NightItalyJukeLabelA.jpg (22070 bytes)
Asylum J.B. 53 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (Bob Dylan/The Band)
This rare Italian jukebox single features the track from Planet Waves with Bob and The Band on one side (from AS 13 005) and Graham Nash on the other.

For the Italian 7" commercial release with You Angel You on the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

NightItalyJukeLabelB.jpg (21547 bytes)
Asylum J.B. 53 (Italy) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (Graham Nash)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 13 005 (NL), 1974:

NightNLFront.jpg (32441 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (rear the same)

These two songs were the regular album versions from Planet Waves. For the equivalent US 7" single, Asylum AS 11033, see above. The Dutch single was released in two different sleeves, one with photo, one without. Each sleeve was the same on both sides.

Stefan Haras has a copy with the first variant sleeve. The A-side record label looks the same as the A-side of Hans' copy except that the catalogue number and "STEREO" to the right of the centre hole are slightly differently positioned further right. François Guillez has a copy of the first variant single in a strange custom sleeve.

NightNLBack.jpg (25538 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - alternate front scan by Hans Seegers (again rear the same)

NightNLLabelA.jpg (23398 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - A-side in custom sleeve, scan by François Guillez (variant 1)

Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - B-side in custom sleeve, scan by François Guillez (variant 1)

Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - A-side scan by Stefan Haras (variant 2)

Asylum AS 13 005 (NL) - B-side scan by Stefan Haras (variant 2)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Stefan Haras and François Guillez for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany), 1974:

NightGerFront.jpg (31764 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

NightGerBack.jpg (28237 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

NightGerPromoInsert.jpg (15469 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - promo insert scan by Hans Seegers

NightGerPromoLabelA2.jpg (23490 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - detail of promo A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - bottom text on one line)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

NightGerPromoLabelA1.jpg (23790 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - detail of promo A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 - bottom text on two lines)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Ronald Born (variant 2)

NightGerLabelA.jpg (25438 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release - bottom text on two lines)

Asylum AS 13 005 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (commercial release)

This promo single came in the regular sleeve with an insert as shown right. It was released with two label variants (the layout of the text under the "Bob Dylan" composer credit "(From the Album "Planet Waves" Asylum AS 53 300)" is on one line or two). The commercial single has labels with the blue/white cloud design and the second text variant with the text "(From the Album "Planet Waves" Asylum AS 53 300)" on two lines.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel, You" - 7" test pressing, Asylum AS 13 005 (France), 1974:

NightFrTest.jpg (20246 bytes)
Asylum 13 005 (France) test pressing - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
For other 1974 single releases of On A Night Like This/You Angel, You see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 13 005 (France), 1974:

NightFrFront.jpg (21671 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers
The French single had a picture sleeve and the Asylum blue sky /white cloud labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

NightFrBack.jpg (24216 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

NightFrLabelA.jpg (24848 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 13 005 (France) - B-side scan by Ronald Born

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 13 005 (Italy), 1974:

NightItalyFront.jpg (24577 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers

To my eyes the picture on the sleeve of the Italian single looks like a scene from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, which is strange since these are Asylum releases, and the film soundtrack was released on Columbia, which Bob had just left! The rear sleeve has the same design as the front, but with a cut-out at the top.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Asylum AS 13 005 (Italy) - rear scan by Ronald Born

NightItalyLabelA.jpg (24431 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

NightItalyLabelB.jpg (23104 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 005 (Italy) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Una Noche Como Esta [On A Night Like This]"/"Eres Un Angel [You Angel You]" - 7" promo single, Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain); 7" commercial singles - Asylum/Hispavox 45-1042 (Spain), 1974:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Planet Waves. For the equivalent US 7" single, Asylum AS 11033, and other European singles, see above.

OnANight7SpPromoFront.jpg (25633 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
Thanks to Francisco Lima for information about this Spanish release, which was manufactured by Hispavox for Asylum. For a Hispavox test pressing of the A-side, see above.

The promo single had a different sleeve from the commercial single and white Asylum labels. The commercial single has blue Asylum labels and there was a misprint on the B-side - the writer credit was to "Dob Dylan"! This was subsequently corrected.

For a Chilean promo single with En Una Noche Como Esta [On A Night Like This] by Bob Dylan and The Band on one side and Lo Mejor De Mi Amor [The Best Of My Love] by The Eagles on the other side, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1975.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

OnANight7SpPromoSideA.jpg (24009 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

OnANight7SpPromoSideB.jpg (22413 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

OnANight7SpSideA.jpg (25681 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)
OnANight7SpSideB1.jpg (25397 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, misprint)
OnANight7SpSideB1Detail.jpg (81950 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - detail of B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, misprint)
OnANight7SpPromoBack.jpg (24702 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

OnANight7SpFront.jpg (24797 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

OnANight7SpBack.jpg (15897 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)
OnANight7SpSideB2.jpg (24406 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, corrected)
OnANight7SpSideB2Detail.jpg (82496 bytes)
Asylum/Hispavox CP-221/45-1042 (Spain) - detail of B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release, corrected)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal), Feb 1974:

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers

This single has a picture sleeve and white Asylum labels.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for finding a copy on eBay with a fake picture sleeve. The record looks like a genuine copy with a fake promo sticker. Rod MacBeath has a second fake promo copy. This time the genuine record is housed in a fake promo sleeve and there is a fake promo sticker on the B-side.

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - fake sleeve and genuine A-side in inner sleeve with fake promo sticker, photo from eBay

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - genuine A-side in fake promo sleeve with fake promo sticker, scan by Rod MacBeath

Asylum N-S-07-2 (Portugal) - genuine B-side in fake promo sleeve with fake promo sticker, scan by Rod MacBeath

Thanks to Francisco Lima, Hans Seegers, Sergio Mariano Romay and Rod Macbeath for information and pictures.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum/Suzy ASY 13005/USD-251 (Yugoslavia), 1974:

Asylum/Suzy ASY 13005/USD-251 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This single was produced by Suzy Records of Yugoslavia on behalf of Asylum (they also produced Bob's CBS releases there). The record was pressed by Jugoton of Zagreb (now Croatia) and has Asylum blue sky/white clouds labels.

Thanks to Francisco Lima for finding this on eBay and to Hans Seegers for scans.

Asylum/Suzy ASY 13005/USD-251 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum/Suzy ASY 13005/USD-251 (Yugoslavia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum/Suzy ASY 13005/USD-251 (Yugoslavia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Asylum P-1293Y (Japan), 1974:

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - front scan by
Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - rear scan by Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - promo A-side scan by Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - promo B-side scan by Stefan Haras

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - commercial A-side scan by Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1293Y (Japan) - commercial B-side scan by Wil Gielen

For an Asylum Japan promo set of two 7" stereo singles with the A-side of this single, see above.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial singles, Asylum AS-11033 (Australia), Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand), 1974:

Asylum AS-11033 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS-11033 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Night7NZSideA.jpg (23779 bytes)
Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Night7NZSideB.jpg (24310 bytes)
Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand) - A-side in WEA sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand) - B-side in WEA sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

The Australian and New Zealand singles did not have picture sleeves. For pictures of the standard sleeves used for these releases, see 7" Single Sleeves. Manuel García Jara's New Zealand copy comes in a different WEA sleeve from the one shown on that page.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the New Zealand release, and to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for further information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 11033 (Philippines), 1974:

Asylum AS 11033 (Philippines) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
This incredibly rare single did not have a picture sleeve. It was manufactured in the Philippines for Asylum by Marecc Inc. under agreement with Cosdel Inc.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11033 (Philippines) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 11033 (Philippines) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 11033 (India), 1974:

Asylum AS 11033 (India) - A-side photo from eBay
This is another incredibly rare single that did not have a picture sleeve. It was manufactured in the India for Asylum by The Gramophone Company of India, Ltd., part of EMI (bought by Universal in 2012). This is the only Indian Asylum Dylan single I know about.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay.

Asylum AS 11033 (India) - detail of A-side, photo from eBay

Asylum AS 11033 (India) - B-side photo from eBay

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" promo single, Asylum (no catalogue number) (Barbados), 1974:

A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

A-side in generic W.I.R.L. sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Detail of W.I.R.L. sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

This very rare 7" stereo single looks like a promo because it has no catalogue number and white labels, but may have been sold commercially. It was made in Barbados by W.I.R.L. (West Indies Records (Barbados) Limited) under licence from Elektra/Asylum/Nonesuch Records, and comes in a generic W.I.R.L. sleeve (same both sides).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "En Una Noche Como Esta [On A Night Like This]"/"Tú Ángel Tú [You Angel You]" - stereo 7" singles, Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico), 1974 (two releases):

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side in Gamma generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Gamma Mexico generic sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - different Gamma generic sleeve, scan by François Guillez

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum Mexico generic sleeve, front scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side in Asylum generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum Mexico generic sleeve, rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

The first Mexican release of this single made by Gamma (the Mexican subsidiary of Spanish Hispavox) with clouds in a grey sky labels design. It has a blue Gamma generic sleeve. François Guillez's copy has a red Gamma generic sleeve.

The second Mexican release has the same catalogue number, identical type characters and copyright text in the circumference but the record labels have now the typical Asylum design with clouds on a blue sky and the coloured Asylum logo. Note also the different position of Bob Dylan and Ram's Horn Music, below title tracks instead of above the centre hole, and also the timing not present in the labels of the first release. The record has now an Asylum generic sleeve, instead of Gamma. Note the different Mexico City addresses of Gamma Records: "Emerson 432" on the first release, and "Ejército Nacional 167" on the second release. Manuel has found a copy of the first release on eBay that also comes in a generic Gamma sleeve but with a different Mexico City address - "Emerson 304"!

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - fake front photo from eBay
This single is being offered for sale on eBay with a fake picture sleeve, although the record is a genuine copy of the first release that should come in a Gamma sleeve. You are advised not to buy anything from this rogue seller!
Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - fake rear photo from eBay

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum ASYCS-70.003 (Brazil), 1974:

Asylum ASYCS-70.003 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This single came in a generic Asylum Brazil sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves. The first copy shown was sent to a Brazilian radio station, Radio São Manuel, and has stamps on both sides. The second copy shown has a Brazilian record store sticker on the A-side.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans. Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding the second copy on eBay.

Asylum ASYCS-70.003 (Brazil) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum ASYCS-70.003 (Brazil) - A-side with sticker in Asylum generic sleeve, photo from eBay

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Elektra EKS 634 (South Africa), 1974:

Elektra EKS 634 (South Africa) - A-side scan by Dag Braathen
This single is unusual in that it's on the Elektra label rather than Asylum. It also has a different Elektra logo with a caterpillar instead of a butterfly. Thanks to Manuel García Jara for pointing out that Elektra used the caterpillar logo on singles and the butterfly logo on LPs! The single has a generic sleeve.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

Elektra EKS 634 (South Africa) - B-side scan by Dag Braathen

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial singles, Warner Bros/Teal Records EKS 634 (Rhodesia), 1974; Elektra/Teal Discos EKS 634 (Mozambique), 1974:

Warner Bros/Teal Records EKS 634 (Rhodesia) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
Like the Rhodesian and Mozambican releases of Planet Waves, these singles were manufactured by Teal Records, the South African company with branches in Rhodesia, Mozambique and Angola.

Unlike the South African release of this single (which was released by Elektra), and unlike the South African and Rhodesian releases of Planet Waves (released by Elektra and Asylum), the first single has Warner Bros. labels, although it still has the Elektra EKS 634 catalogue number. The only countries worldwide where Planet Waves was released by Warner Bros. were Turkey and Mozambique. It was made by the Teal Record Company and has a generic Teal sleeve, with the Portuguese text "Discos Teal", so this copy of the record could have been sold in Mozambique (or even Angola). The design of labels (white labels, typeface and characters, English text in the circumference instead of Portuguese) are typically Rhodesian, used from late 1974 when the Warner Bros "palm tree" design was changed for this new white label design. The publisher credits ("Reveille Music") were used only in Rhodesia. South African and Mozambican releases of Planet Waves have "Ram's Horn". Despite the sleeve, this single is listed as "Rhodesia".

Warner Bros/Teal Records EKS 634 (Rhodesia) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros/Teal Records EKS 634 (Rhodesia) - A-side in "Discos Teal" sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros/Teal Records EKS 634 (Rhodesia) - B-side in "Discos Teal" sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Elektra/Teal Discos EKS 634 (Mozambique) - A-side picture from eBay

Elektra/Teal Discos EKS 634 (Mozambique) - B-side picture from eBay

Elektra/Teal Discos EKS 634 (Mozambique) - B-side in alternate "Discos Teal" sleeve, picture from eBay

The second single on the expected Elektra label is definitely from Mozambique and was made by Teal Discos. It also has "Ram's Horn" publisher credits as expected and comes in a different Teal Discos sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Luis Peixoto for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"You Angel You" - 7" commercial single, Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey), 1974:

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This very rare single had a pink Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros generic sleeve. The record was made in Turkey and has Warner Bros Burbank labels. It has the German catalogue number and the logo of the German copyright organisation GEMA, noticeably larger on the A-side than on the B-side. This copy may be a promo as the labels are missing the Turkish text "Perakende Satis" which means "For Sale", normal on Turkish singles.

For a Melodi Plâk 7" single from Before The Flood, see below.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This"/"Forever Young" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Island WIP.6188 (UK)/Island WIP 6188  (Ireland), 1974:

NightUKLabelA2.jpg (30353 bytes)
Island WIP.6188 (UK) promo single - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Island WIP.6188 (UK) promo single - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Island WIP.6188 (UK) promo single - A-side with promo stamps, picture from www.discogs.com

Island WIP.6188 (UK) - commercial single A-side in pink Island UK sleeve, scan by Rod MacBeath

Island 1975 generic 7" sleeve - front scan by Kenneth Robson

Island 1975 generic 7" sleeve - rear scan by Kenneth Robson
NightUKLabelA.jpg (30553 bytes)
Island WIP.6188 (UK) - commercial single - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Island WIP.6188 (UK) commercial single - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seeger

NightUKLabelB.jpg (30269 bytes)
Island WIP.6188 (UK) - promo and commercial single - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Island WIP 6188 (Ireland) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Island WIP 6188 (Ireland) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Island WIP 6188 (Ireland) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara
These two songs were the regular album versions from Planet Waves. These UK and Ireland Island singles were unique in having Forever Young (the fast version from Planet Waves) as the B-side.

There was no picture sleeve, but the UK single was housed in an Island UK pink generic sleeve. The only difference in the promo single is that the A-side label has a big "A" on the right-hand side.

The Island UK sleeve was changed to an attractive blue and white design around Aug/Sept 1975 (Kenneth Robson's copy comes in this sleeve).

For details of a 1974 US promo 7" single with a mono version of On A Night Like This, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Manuel García Jara, Tom Willems and Rod MacBeath for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You" - mono/stereo 7" promo singles, Asylum AS 11035 (USA), 10 May 1974:

Asylum AS 11035 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant with date stamp)
This promo single with two label variants had a radio edit (3:05) of the stereo version of this track from Planet Waves (4:46) on the A-side and a mono version of the edit on the B-side. For full details see 1974.

For information about the placement of "STEREO" on these label variants, see above.

For US and international stereo singles with the full 4:46 album version of Something There Is About You on the A-side and Tough Mama as the B-side, see below.

Asylum AS 11035 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant without date stamp)

Asylum AS 11035 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Tough Mama" - 7" stereo singles, Asylum AS 11035 (USA), 10 May 1974:
Again these singles have two songs from Planet Waves. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version.

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
These Asylum singles occur in four different variants:
  1. "STEREO" above the catalogue numbers to the right of the centre hole
  2. "STEREO" below the publishing information (which is printed on three lines)
  3. "STEREO" between the catalogue number and the publishing information (which is printed on two lines) with the song title on one line
  4. "STEREO" between the catalogue number and the publishing information (which is printed on two lines) with the song title on two lines.

This implies that 1 was pressed at Santa Maria, CA, 2 was pressed at Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA, and 3 and 4 were pressed at Terre Haute, IN - see below. For 1974 mono/stereo US promo singles with the A-side only, see 1974 and below. For international stereo releases of this single, see below.

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (fourth variant)

Asylum AS 11035 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (fourth variant)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Tough Mama" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 13 007 (NL), 1974:

SomethingNLFront.jpg (33408 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (rear is the same)
Again these singles have two songs from Planet Waves. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version. Like AS 13 005, this single was released in Holland, France and West Germany with different picture sleeves.

Again this Dutch single has a picture sleeve with the rear same as the front, and the record has the blue/white clouds design.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SomethingNLLabelA.jpg (24970 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

SomethingNLLabelB.jpg (24886 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (NL) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Tough Mama" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Asylum/Elektra AS 13 007 (West Germany), 1974:

SomethingGerFront.jpg (30635 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

Again these singles have two songs from Planet Waves. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version.

This single is also available as an Asylum/Elektra white label promo in the same sleeve. François Guillez has a promo copy with a shaped cut-out in the sleeve as shown.

For the equivalent US 7" single, Asylum AS 11035, see above.

SomethingGerBack.jpg (26214 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - rear scan by François Guillez (promo copy with cut-out)

Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - detail of rear, scan by François Guillez (promo copy with cut-out)
SomethingGerPromoLabelA.jpg (26524 bytes)
Asylum/Elektra AS 13 007 (West Germany) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers
SomethingGerPromoLabelB.jpg (25492 bytes)
Asylum/Elektra AS 13 007 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Hans Seegers

SomethingGerLabelA.jpg (25918 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

SomethingGerLabelB.jpg (23087 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and François Guillez for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Tough Mama" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Asylum P-1315Y (Japan), 1974:

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - front of insert, scan by Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - rear of insert, scan by Wil Gielen

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - B-side scan by Wil Gielen (promo release)

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - A-side scan by Wil Gielen (commercial release)

Asylum P-1315Y (Japan) - B-side scan by Wil Gielen (commercial release)

This single came in the red and white generic Asylum Japan sleeve shown in 7" Single Sleeves. It had a double-sided insert. The promo copy has white labels and the commercial copy has Asylum blue sky/white clouds labels.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Tough Mama" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 11035 (New Zealand), 1974:

Something7NZSideA.jpg (25097 bytes)
Asylum AS 11035 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
Again this single has two songs from Planet Waves. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. Thanks also to Bill Hester for information about this New Zealand release, which didn't have a picture sleeve, and has the American catalogue number. Betti Dockery has a copy of AS 11035 with the clouds design - I suspect this is the American single!

Scans of the Australian release required!

Something7NZSideB.jpg (23583 bytes)
Asylum AS 11035 (New Zealand) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Tough Mama"/"Something There Is About You" - 7" commercial single, Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal), 1974:

ToughMama7PortFront.jpg (28529 bytes)
Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - detail of front, scan by François Guillez

Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - rear with "OFERTA" stamp, scan by François Guillez

ToughMama7PortBack.jpg (9702 bytes)
Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

ToughMama7PortSideA.jpg (19950 bytes)
Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

ToughMama7PortSideB.jpg (20598 bytes)
Asylum N-S-07-3 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

This Portuguese single has the same two songs from Planet Waves but with Tough Mama as the A-side. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version.

François Guillez has a copy with an embossed stamp on the front sleeve and a promo stamp with "OFERTA" on the rear sleeve. The record is as shown.

Thanks to Francisco Lima, Hans Seegers and François Guillez for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You"/"Going Going Gone" - 7" commercial single, Asylum AS 13 007 (France), 1974:

SomethingFrFront.jpg (25776 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This single has two songs from Planet Waves. Something There Is About You is the full 4:46 album version. This single is unique in having Going Going Gone as the B-side instead of Tough Mama.

This French single has a gold picture sleeve with a different rear sleeve design, and the record has the blue/white clouds design.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SomethingFrBack.jpg (21125 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

SomethingFrLabelA.jpg (24892 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

SomethingFrLabelB.jpg (24717 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 007 (France) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Asylum AS 11043 (USA), 1974:

Asylum AS 11043 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
This promo single with two label variants had the stereo version of this track from Before The Flood on the A-side and a mono version on the B-side. For the B-side see 1974. Both sides are timed at 3:38.

For information about the placement of "STEREO" on these label variants, see above.

For US and international stereo singles with Stage Fright by The Band as the B-side, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11043 7" promo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)" - 7" one-sided acetate, Island (no catalogue number) (UK), 1974:

MostLikelyUKTest.jpg (18350 bytes)
Island UK acetate - scan by Hans Seegers
This acetate of the live version with The Band from Before The Flood is very rare and also unique, because the UK did not ultimately release this track as a single. The track is not timed. It was released backed with Stage Fright by The Band in the USA, Canada, France, West Germany, Italy and Turkey - see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" stereo singles, Asylum AS 11043 (USA/Canada), 1974:

MostLikelyUSStereo1.jpg (23902 bytes)
Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers ("CSM"=Santa Maria, CA)

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - B-side scan by Andrew Klewan ("CSM"=Santa Maria, CA)

MostLikelyUSStereo2.jpg (23618 bytes)
Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers ("SP"=
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA)

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Andrew Klewan ("CSM"=Santa Maria, CA, on right)

MostLikelyUSStereo3.jpg (25739 bytes)
Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers ("CTH"=Terre Haute, IN)

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers ("SP"=
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA, on left)

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers ("CTH"=Terre Haute, IN, on right)

Asylum AS 11043 7" stereo single (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (non Dylan)

These were live versions from Before The Flood. These 7" singles are very collectable, especially if you have the set of three US releases. The A-side is timed at 3:38 on the US releases and at 3:40 on the Canadian release. Andrew Klewan has timed his A-side and confirmed the length at 3:38.

These Asylum singles were made at three different pressing plants in the USA, each is identified by a code on the single label:

CSM - Santa Maria, CA ("STEREO" on top line to the right of centre hole)
SP -
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA ("STEREO" on bottom line to the right of centre hole)
CTH - Terre Haute, IN ("STEREO" in centre line to the right of centre hole)

(Some of the Asylum US LPs have a "CP" code, which means the Columbia pressing plant, Pitman, NJ.)

For 1974 mono/stereo US promo singles with the A-side only, see 1974 and above. For international stereo releases of this single, see below.

Ad from "Radio & Records" (USA), 26 Jul 1974, scan by Dag Braathen

This ad from the 26 July 1974 issue of “Radio & Records”, USA, is for two 7" singles: Asylum AS 11043 and Asylum AS 11041, A-side Joni Mitchell's Free Man In Paris from her album Court And Spark.

Asylum AS 11041 7" stereo single (USA) - A-side picture from www.discogs.com (non Dylan, "CTH"=Terre Haute, IN)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Andrew Klewan and Dag Braathen for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum AS 13 011 (France/West Germany/Italy), 1974:

MostLikelyFrFront.jpg (22633 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers

These were live versions from Before The Flood. The French single is also available as a white label promo in the same sleeve - scans required. For the equivalent US and Canadian 7" singles, Asylum AS 11043, see above.

The record labels of all these singles had the blue/white clouds design. The A-sides are timed at 3:16, unlike the US singles, which are timed at 3:38, whereas the Canadian and Japanese singles are timed at 3:40. Terry Harvey says: "I have checked my French copy and the song is not edited. The actual song begins about 15 seconds in and ends with very little audience noise following, whereas the album track begins about 45 seconds in and has about 15 seconds of audience noise at the end. The 3.38 version, which I also have, also has significantly less audience noise at the start compared to the album track (surprisingly slightly less than the 3.16 version) and an audience end similar to the album track. These aren’t exact timings but any editing is in audience noise rather than the song itself. By the way the 3.16 version is actually nearer 3.30". In view of this I shall not allocate an R-number to the "3.16" edit.

MostLikelyItalyFront.jpg (16696 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikelyFrBack.jpg (24065 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikelyFrLabelA.jpg (25778 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 13 011 (France) - B-side scan by Ronald Born

MostLikelyGerFront.jpg (23419 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikelyGerBack.jpg (27555 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (West Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikelyItalyBack.jpg (24387 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (Italy) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikelyItalyLabelA.jpg (26235 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 13 011 (Italy) - alternate A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum AS 13 011 (Italy) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

MostLikelyGerLabelA.jpg (25081 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 011 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 13 011 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Ronald Born

Manuel García Jara has two copies of the Italian single. The B-sides are identical and the A-side of the first is the same as that of Hans' copy shown. The A-side of the second copy has the right-hand text closer to the centre hole and there is also an "SIAE" stamp at top left (not present on Hans' copy).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Manuel García Jara and Terry Harvey for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum 45-1102 (Spain), 1974:

MostLikely7SpFront.jpg (23588 bytes)
Asylum 45-1102 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers

This Spanish single was manufactured by Hispavox on behalf of Asylum. The rear sleeve has a "languette" or index tab usually found only on French releases. The A-side is again timed at 3:16.

MostLikely7SpBack.jpg (25487 bytes)
Asylum 45-1102 (Spain) - rear with "languette", scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum 45-1102 (Spain) - detail of rear with "languette", scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikely7SpSideA.jpg (26829 bytes)
Asylum 45-1102 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikely7SpSideB.jpg (25738 bytes)
Asylum 45-1102 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Francisco Lima for information about the Spanish release and to Hans Seegers for scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum NS-07-6 (Portugal), 1974:

Asylum NS-07-6 (Portugal) - front scan by Kenneth Robson
This single had white Asylum labels. There are no track timings.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

Asylum NS-07-6 (Portugal) - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum NS-07-6 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Kenneth Robson

Asylum NS-07-6 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Kenneth Robson

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros 74603 (Turkey), 1974:

MostLikelyTurkLabelA.jpg (21736 bytes)
Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros 74603 (Turkey) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

This Turkish single was again pressed by Melodi Plâk of Turkey on behalf of Warner Bros Records. I'm told that this single is also available mislabelled as a track by Roy Wood's group Wizzard (who were also on Warner Bros). The record has unique green Warner Bros labels. There are no track timings. It didn't have a picture sleeve - for a picture of the Melodi Plâk generic sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves. The Turkish text "Perakende Satis. Fiatr: 17.50 TL" means "For Sale. Price 17.50 Turkish Lira".

For a Melodi Plâk 7" single from Planet Waves, see above.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros 74603 (Turkey) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seeger

Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros 74603 (Turkey) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seeger

MostLikelyTurkLabelB.jpg (21107 bytes)
Melodi Plâk/Warner Bros 74603 (Turkey) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan), 1974:

MostLikely7JpnFront.jpg (28660 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

MostLikely7JpnBack.jpg (32021 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

MostLikely7JpnPromoSideA.jpg (18114 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

MostLikely7JpnPromoSideB.jpg (16836 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
MostLikely7JpnSideA.jpg (25366 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)
MostLikely7JpnSideB.jpg (24654 bytes)
Asylum/ Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Thanks to Francisco Lima for information about the Japanese release Asylum/Warner-Pioneer P-1330Y. It came as a white label promo as well as the commercial release with the blue/white cloud design Asylum labels. The A-sides are timed at 3:40, like the Canadian single above.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" singles, Asylum AS 11043 (Australia/New Zealand), 1974:

Asylum AS 11043 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the New Zealand release - that and the Australian release didn't have a picture sleeve. Both A-sides are timed at 3:16.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Bill Hester for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11043 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

MostLikely7NZSideA.jpg (24927 bytes)
Asylum AS 11043 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Asylum AS 11043 (New Zealand) - B-side scan by Bill Hester

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum AUS 403 (Rhodesia), 1974:

Asylum AUS 403 (Rhodesia) - A-side scan by Ronald Born
This single was sold as being a South African release, but it is on the Asylum label and not on Elektra as the South African On A Night Like This/You Angel You single above. It is actually from Rhodesia, so scans of the South African single are required. The labels are similar to the New Zealand Asylum labels immediately above. It has an unusual catalogue number (AUS 403) and handwritten matrix numbers: A-side - AUS-403A, B-side - AUS-403B.

Thanks to Ronald Born and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Asylum AUS 403 (Rhodesia) - B-side scan by Ronald Born

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"/The Band - "Stage Fright" - 7" single, Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil), 1974:

Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This single comes in a generic Asylum Brazil 7" sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil) - A-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil) - B-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bob Dylan/The Band - "It Ain't Me, Babe"/The Band - "Endless Highway" - 7" stereo single, Asylum AS 11040 (Australia), 1974:

Asylum AS 11040 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

As far as I know this is the only pairing of these two live songs from Before The Flood to be commercially released worldwide. Endless Highway is miscredited to Bob Dylan and The Band when it should be to The Band only (as Stage Fright above). For a 3:15 edit of It Ain't Me, Babe paired with All Along The Watchtower (including an Australian release) see below. This single does not have track times, so I assume the A-side is the full album version.

This single did not have a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11040 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Bob Dylan/The Band - "It Ain't Me, Babe"/"All Along The Watchtower" - 7" mono/stereo promo and commercial singles, Asylum E-45212 (USA/Canada), Summer 1974:
Both sides of this single are taken from Before The Flood, recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, evening show, 14 Feb 1974. Only the B-side of this single is in stereo, the A-side is a mono reduction, and is a 3:15 edited splice of the evening and afternoon performances, unavailable elsewhere (the 3:40 album track is from the evening performance). The stereo B-side is a 2:58 edit of the 3:19 album track.

Watch7Promo2.jpg (22526 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) promo B-side (edit) - variant scan by Hans Seegers ("CSM"=Santa Maria, CA)
As these singles contain rarities, full details are in 1974.

For information about the placement of "STEREO" on these label variants, see above.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Dag Braathen for information and scans.

Watch7Promo.jpg (23176 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) promo B-side (edit) - variant scan by Hans Seegers ("SP"=
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA)

Watch7.jpg (24857 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) commercial single B-side (edit) - scan by Hans Seegers ("CSM"=Santa Maria, CA)

Asylum E-45212 (Canada) commercial single B-side (edit) - scan by Dag Braathen

Bob Dylan/The Band - "It Ain't Me, Babe"/"All Along The Watchtower" - 7" stereo promo and commercial singles, Island WIP 5215 (UK), 8 Nov 1974; Asylum AS 13 013 (NL/France/West Germany), 1974; Hispavox/Asylum 45-1189 (Spain), 1974; Asylum AS 13013 (Australia), 1975 :
These were live stereo versions from Before The Flood. For a 1974 US promo version of this single with It Ain't Me, Babe in mono, see 1974 and above. As the A-side is a 3:15 edit of the album track, these singles are also listed in 1974.

Island WIP 6215 (UK), 8 Nov 1974:

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information about this UK single, listed online in an Island Records discography. I have not yet seen any proof it was actually released.

Asylum AS 13 013 (NL/France/West Germany) - promo and commercial releases, 1974:

IAMB7GerFront.jpg (23129 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

The West German single is also available as a white label promo in the same sleeve. The promo record has white Elektra "caterpillar" labels and handwritten matrix numbers: A-side - WEA  E-45212-A, B-side -WEA  E-45212-B. The promo text is in German, French and English. The commercial copy has Asylum "door in blue sky with clouds" labels.

I'm told this single was released with the same catalogue number in Holland, France and Australia - scans required.

IAMB7GerBack.jpg (23584 bytes)
Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Gerd Rundel (promo release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - detail of A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Asylum AS 13 013 (West Germany) - detail of rear; scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

Hispavox/Asylum 45-1189 (Spain) - promo and commercial releases, 1974:

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - front without languette, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

The Spanish promo sleeve has printed promo information in Spanish and the A-side title is translated as "No soy yo, nena" on the rear sleeve and A-side record label. On the commercial sleeve and A-side this was changed to "No soy yo, baby"! The record has white Asylum/Hispavox promo labels.

The commercial Spanish single sleeve has a French-style "languette" index tab, missing from the promo sleeve. For more information about languettes, see 1965. the A-side title is translated as "No soy yo, baby" on the rear sleeve and A-side record label. The record has Asylum/Hispavox "door in blue sky with clouds" labels.

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - front with languette (blank side), scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - rear without languette, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of rear with promo text, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of rear with "No soy yo, nena", scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of A-side with "No soy yo, nena", scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - rear with languette (text side), scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of rear with languette (text side), scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of rear with "No soy yo, baby", scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - detail of A-side with "No soy yo, baby", scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Asylum/Hispavox 45-1189 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - untitled compilation EP, Royal Sound TKR-160 (Thailand), 1974:

Royal Sound TKR-160 (Thailand) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This EP was again legal in Thailand at the time of release, but there is no association with Columbia. These Thai releases are extremely rare and sell for very high prices.

The A-side of this EP has She's Gone by Daryl Hall and Joan Oates and Watching The River Run by Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina. The B-side has On A Night Like This by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves and Help Me by Joni Mitchell.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Royal Sound TKR-160 (Thailand) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Royal Sound TKR-160 (Thailand) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.