"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: Mono 7" Singles & EPs: 1970-76

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This page contains promotional and commercial releases of mono 7" singles and EPs with Dylan album tracks for 1970-76. These don't contain rare tracks, but they're included because it is no longer possible to buy mono versions of album tracks (for completeness, mono singles that did include rare tracks are now listed here, with their full entries on the yearly pages). There were no new Columbia mono singles after 1976, although there were some mono reissues of original 1960s singles, listed on the appropriate 1960s pages. Mono LPs have their own pages, see Mono Album Releases.

For illustrations of all the generic 7" single sleeves used by Bob's record companies from the 1960s onwards, see the 7" Single Sleeves page. (A single has much less value to a collector if it doesn't have its correct original sleeve.)

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 01 January, 2025.

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"Wigwam"/"Copper Kettle" - 10" mono 45RPM acetate, Columbia Recording Studios, Nashville, TN, no number (USA), Jul 1970:

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Wigwam US acetate - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
This acetate is very rare and unusual for two reasons: firstly it's 10" instead of 8" (the normal acetate size); and secondly because it's in mono. This was unusual because the promotional and commercial singles in the USA and Canada were all stereo, although mono versions were released in other countries. For stereo US and international singles with Wigwam/Copper Kettle see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1970. For mono non-US singles with Wigwam/Copper Kettle see below. For the Self Portrait mono LP, see Mono Album Releases.

R-1091 Wigwam - mono version of Self Portrait track

R-1092 Copper Kettle (Albert Frank Beddoe) - mono version of Self Portrait track

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Wigwam US acetate - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

These tracks could be reductions from stereo from the mono LP. However, Mark Easter informs me that Columbia mixed tracks from stereo-only albums in mono specially for singles up to 1970, so these mono tracks could be exclusive mixes for the non-US 7" single releases. They're also listed in 1970.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Wigwam"/"Copper Kettle (The Pale Moonlight)" - 7" mono promo and commercial singles, CBS 5122 (Ireland/West Germany/France/Italy/Spain), 13 Jul 1970; CBS 5122 (NL), 14 Aug 1970; CBS 33675 (Brazil); CBS SSC 1074 (South Africa); CBS BA 221757 (Australia); CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand); CBS 15005 (Venezuela), Jul 1970:
This was actually Bob's best-selling single in Holland! Wigwam was confusingly issued in mono in some countries and stereo in others - for the stereo singles issued in both 1970 and 1973 see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1970. Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the New Zealand release, CBS BA 461296. See above for a comment about whether these tracks are mono reductions from stereo or mono mixes exclusive to these 7" singles. They're also listed in 1970. For the Self Portrait mono LP, see Mono Album Releases. Larry Crum has a copy of the German CBS 5122 and believes it be stereo, and also believes the Dutch CBS 5122 may be stereo also. The French CBS 5122 is definitely mono. Confirmation required!

The UK release was CBS S 5122 and in stereo, so is listed in US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1970.

R-1091-2 Wigwam - mono version of Self Portrait track

R-1092-2 Copper Kettle (Albert Frank Beddoe) - mono version of Self Portrait track
(On some singles Copper Kettle is either uncredited or incorrectly credited to "None" or "Traditional" instead of "Albert Frank Beddoe" - it is not in fact a "genuine" folk song,
but was written in 1953 for a "folk opera" called "Go Lightly, Stranger". Pete Seeger says he learned it in 1946 from a tall stranger called Frank!)

CBS 5122 7" promo singles (West Germany):
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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - promo front scan by Manfred Helfert (both copies)

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by Manfred Helfert

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of promo A-side, scan by Manfred Helfert ("B. Dylan" without brackets - same as commercial release variant 2 below)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of A-side with promo stamp, scan by Manfred Helfert

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Manfred Helfert (same as commercial variant 1A - incorrectly uncredited)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of promo B-side, scan by Manfred Helfert (same as commercial variant 1A - incorrectly uncredited)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by Ronald Born

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of A-side with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (same as commercial variant 1C - correctly credited)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of promo B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (same as commercial variant 1C - correctly credited)

These three promo copies come in the same promo "Blitzinformation" sleeve but the record inside is a regular commercial single in all cases. For the generic rear sleeve of these promo singles, see 7" Single Sleeves.

The first copy has "UNVERKÄUFLICH [NOT FOR SALE]" stamped on the A-side only. Copper Kettle on the B-side is uncredited (as commercial variant 1A). There are two copies with a different promo stamp with "Muster ohne Wert [Sample without Value]". On Ronald Born's copy this is upside-down. These too have Copper Kettle on the B-side uncredited. The third copy has a white promo sticker on the A-side with text "Unverkäufliche Musterplatte [Sample Record not for Sale]". Copper Kettle on the B-side is sub-titled "(The Pale Moonlight)" and correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe" (as commercial variant 1C).

CBS 5122 7" commercial single (West Germany):

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - commercial sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (same front and back)

The commercial single was first released with the same writing credit mistake on the B-side as the first promo variant, then this was corrected but the title was misspelled as "COOPER KETTLE" - they got it right the third time! On the second and third variants the B-side title is sub-titled "The Pale Moonlight".

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - B-side variants 1A-1C)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - B-side variants 1A-1C, "B. Dylan" in brackets)

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1A - incorrectly uncredited)

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1B - correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe", but with the title mis-spelled "COOPER KETTLE"!)

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CBS 5122 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1C - correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe", and now with the title correct!)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Ger Hemel (alternate variant 1, comes with variant 1A or 1C B-side)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - detail of A-side, scan by Ger Hemel (alternate variant 1 - "B. Dylan" without brackets, same as promo release above)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Peter Denzler (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Peter Denzler (variant 2 - correctly credited)

Ronald Born has a copy of variant 1C in a promo "Blitzinformation" sleeve but without any promo indications on the record labels.

Ger Hemel has two copies of the German commercial single with "B. Dylan" without brackets below the song title on the A-side. This is the same as the German promo single shown above, so may be the first variant. One has B-side variant 1A  with Copper Kettle uncredited and the other has B-side variant 1C with Copper Kettle correctly credited.

The West German label variant of CBS 5122 supplied by Peter Denzler has "BOB DYLAN" at the top of the label and the CBS logo on the left hand side! Copper Kettle is spelled and credited correctly. Peter says this single sounds as if it is in stereo, even though there is no stereo indication on the label. Peter also has a West German stereo copy with CBS mid-1970s labels, see US & International 7" Singles 1970.

CBS 5122 7" commercial single (France), re-released late 1970s/early 1980s:

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CBS 5122 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers (with languette on right)

The sleeve of this single has an index tab or "languette", unique to France. For more information about languettes, see 1965.

The record was released with four label designs, all in the same sleeve: two designs of regular orange paper labels, orange/brown injection "labels" and reddish injection "labels" (not shown), which I'd date from late 1970s/early 1980s. Jim Siddy has a copy of the single where the record has the first variant orange paper labels but "BOB DYLAN" and the song details are printed much lower down on the A-side. This is probably just a printing alignment difference.

CBS 5122 (France) - detail of front with languette, scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5122 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (with reverse of languette on left)

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CBS 5122 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (orange paper label - first variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (orange paper label - first variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (orange paper label - first variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - A-side scan by Jim Siddy (orange paper label - alternate first variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Jim Siddy (orange paper label - alternate first variant, text much lower)

CBS 5122 (France) - B-side scan by Jim Siddy (orange paper label - alternate first variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (orange paper label - second variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (orange paper label - second variant)

CBS 5122 (France) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (orange paper label - second variant)

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CBS 5122 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (brown injection label)

CBS 5122 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (brown injection label)

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CBS 5122 (France) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (brown injection label)

For an injection label a thin coloured plastic ring-shaped layer is injected into the record itself, and the text/graphics cut out using a stamp, there is no paper label.

Copper Kettle is correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe" on the rear sleeve but not on the B-side record labels.

CBS YD 245/YD 248 7" jukebox singles (Italy):

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CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)
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CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 - larger typeface for title)

CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2 - no Dylan)

CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy), A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

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CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Jukebox strip for CBS YD 248 (Italy) with misspelling of "Wigwam" as "WINGAM" - scan by Hans Seegers

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "SAPAR")

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CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 - different text to right of centre hole)

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - front scan by François Guillez (copy with variant 3 single)

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - rear scan by François Guillez (copy with variant 3 single)

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by François Guillez (variant 3 - different text to right of centre hole)

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by François Guillez (variant 3 - "J B R")

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - B-side scan by François Guillez (variant 3 - no Dylan)

CBS YD 248 jukebox single (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 - "JUKE BOX SERVICE")

There were two mono Italian jukebox singles with Wigwam - CBS YD 245 had 25 Or 6 To 4 by Chicago on the other side, CBS YD 248 had Hi-De-Ho by Blood, Sweat & Tears on the other side.

YD 245 was released in two variants: on variant 1 the title "Wigwam" is 13cm in length, on variant 2 the title is 18cm in a different typeface.

YD 248 was released in three variants - variant 1 had "SAPAR JUKE BOX VIETATA LA VENDITA [SALE FORBIDDEN]" on the right of the centre hole, while in variant 2 this was replaced by "JUKE BOX SERVICE JUKE BOX VIETATA LA VENDITA" and variant 3 has "J B R JUKE BOX VIETATA LA VENDITA". François Guillez's copy of the variant 3 YD 248 comes in a cut-out commercial sleeve, variant 1 below.

CBS 5122 7" commercial singles (Italy):

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CBS 5122 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

The rear sleeve of this single has the catalogue number and song titles, plus pictures of six contemporary CBS LPs including Nashville Skyline. There are two rear sleeve variants with different printer names printed vertically at bottom right - the first has "Stampa reparto grafico C.G.D." and the second has "Rep. Grafico CBS-SUGAR"). The record has orange CBS labels. Copper Kettle is uncredited.

There were also two record label variants, which as far as I know are not connected to the rear sleeve variants. The differences are to the right of the centre hole on both labels: the "R" in a small circle below the "SIAE" logo is missing, and "45" is positioned higher. Additionally Manuel's copy has a "SIAE" stamp on the A-side missing from the A-sides of both Hans and Ronald's copies (Ronald's A-side is not shown because it's exactly the same as Hans').

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CBS 5122 (Italy) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "Stampa reparto grafico C.G.D.")

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CBS 5122 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (both variants)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of B-side, scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (variant 2 - "Rep. Grafico CBS-SUGAR")

CBS 5122 (Italy) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (Italy) - detail of B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 5122 7" commercial single (Spain):

CBS 5122 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (Spain) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (Spain) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (Spain) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (mono single)

CBS 5122 (Spain) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (Spain) - A-side with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (mislabelled copy)

CBS 5122 (Spain) - detail of A-side with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (mislabelled copy)

CBS 5122 (Spain) - B-side with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (mislabelled copy)

CBS 5122 (Spain) - detail of B-side with sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (mislabelled copy)

CBS 5122 (Spain) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (stereo single -shown for comparison)

This single has the same sleeve as the Spanish stereo release of CBS 5122, with colour variation of the titles from dark blue to almost pink. The record labels differ from the stereo version of this single in not having "ESTEREO" to the right of the centre hole. Also, the B-side of the mono single always has 'CALDERA DE COBRE "Copper Kettle"' on one line, on the stereo single it can be on one line or two. The sleeve was printed by Offset ALG, Madrid. The mono single was made in Spain by Fonogram S.A. for Discos CBS, Madrid, as was the stereo single. Manuel García Jara has a copy from the first batch released that has the A- and B-side record labels swapped. This has been corrected with purple/white stickers with "WIGWAM" and "CALDERA DE COBRE".

CBS 5122 7" commercial singles (Portugal):

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers (light brown)

This single was issued three times with sleeve colour differences (two not shown) and label variants:

1) (P) 1970 above "FACE 1/2" on the left on both sides, "(Bob Dylan)" is under song title on A-side
2) No date, "(Bob Dylan)" is next to song title
on A-side
3) No date, "(Bob Dylan)" is under song title on A-side

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (all variants)

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Portugal) - A-side of demo copy, scan by François Guillez (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Portugal) - B-side of demo copy with promo stamp, scan by François Guillez (variant 1)

CBS 5122 (Portugal) - promo stamp on B-side of demo copy, scan by François Guillez

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

CBS 5122 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variants 2 & 3)

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CBS 5122 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

The sleeve was released as pale brown, a lighter pale brown and cream.

The B-side is mistitled "(That Pale Moonlight)" on the sleeve and labels of all variants. It is not translated.

François Guillez has a copy of the variant 1 single with a demo stamp with text "DISCO AMOSTRA INVENDAVEL NOT FOR SALE SAMPLE RECORD" on the B-side. This copy came without a sleeve. Some visitors think the sticker might be a fake, like the fake sleeve copy below.

CBS 5122 (Portugal) - fake sleeve and genuine B-side with fake promo stamp, photo from eBay
Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for finding a copy on eBay with a fake picture sleeve. The record looks like a genuine copy of variant 1 with a fake (unreadable) promo stamp.

CBS 5122 7" commercial single (Norway):

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CBS 5122 (Norway) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This single was also exported to Denmark and Sweden. It came with a folded sleeve which was plain on the reverse.

The record has orange CBS labels with a push-out UK-style centre.

On the B-side Copper Kettle is just titled "Copper Kettle", "(The Pale Moonlight)" is missing, and the song is wrongly credited as "Traditional".

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CBS 5122 (Norway) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5122 (Norway) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 5122 7" commercial singles (NL), 14 Aug 1970:

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CBS 5122 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

I previously listed the release date of this single as 13 Jul 1970, the same as the other European release dates, but Tom Willems says the book "Hypnotist Collectors" by Jean-Louis Dréau and Robert Schlockoff (Média Presse, France, 1989) gives the release date as 14 Aug 1970. The single did not enter the Dutch charts until 29 Aug 1970. It remains Bob Dylan's biggest single hit in Holland!

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CBS 5122 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 5122 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5122 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (open centre)

CBS 5122 (NL) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

CBS 5122 (NL) - B-side with open centre and non-standard insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 5122 (NL) - A-side scan by Ger Hemel (push-out centre)

CBS 5122 (NL) - B-side scan by Ger Hemel (push-out centre)

The rear sleeve of this single is a generic one with no record details, just pictures of nine contemporary CBS LPs. This single exists in an interesting mislabelled version, with the A-side shown as Why Can't I Touch You by Ronny Dyson! The B-side is correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe". Manuel's copy has a non-standard plastic insert in the open centre. Ger Hemel has a copy with a push-out centre. As stated above, this single may be in stereo. A definite stereo version with a completely different sleeve, CBS S 5122, was made in Holland for export to Denmark and Sweden in 1973, see US & International 7" Singles 1973. However, the 1973 release may not have been released in Holland itself.

CBS SSC 1074 7" commercial single (South Africa):

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CBS SSC 1074 (South Africa) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (solid centre)

This single has orange CBS labels and comes in a standard sleeve. The B-side is correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe". Hans Seegers' copy has a solid centre, Manuel García Jara's copy has a push-out centre.

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CBS SSC 1074 (South Africa) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (solid centre)

CBS SSC 1074 (South Africa) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (push-out centre)

CBS SSC 1074 (South Africa) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (push-out centre)

CBS SSC 1074 7" commercial single (Rhodesia):

CBS SSC 1074 (Rhodesia) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This Rhodesian single looks the same as the South African single above, but can be distinguished by its unique triangular push-out centre. Like the South African single, it came in a standard CBS sleeve.
CBS SSC 1074 (Rhodesia) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 7" commercial single (Australia):

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CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

This record has orange CBS labels. The B-side is correctly titled and credited. Manuel García Jara has two copies with demo stamps on the B-side. The first has a very faint stamp with just "NOT FOR SALE SAMPLE RECORD", the second has a much clearer stamp with the same text plus four more lines in smaller print. This copy comes in a paper sleeve, not plastic as some Australian sleeves, in a dark pink colour, not orange.

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - B-side with faint demo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - detail of B-side with faint demo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - B-side with demo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - detail of B-side with demo stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - B-side with demo stamp in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 461296 7" commercial single (New Zealand):

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CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers
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CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS BA 461296 (New Zealand) - B-side with "NZBC" stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

This single has orange CBS labels and comes in a standard sleeve. The B-side is just titled "Copper Kettle", "(The Pale Moonlight)" is omitted, and it's incorrectly credited to "Bob Dylan"! Manuel García Jara has a copy with an "NZBC" (New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation) sticker on the B-side.

CBS 33675 7" promo and commercial singles (Brazil):

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CBS 33675 (Brazil) - A-side of promo and commercial singles, scan by Hans Seegers

This record is in a plain sleeve, has orange CBS labels and plays at 33⅓ RPM. Wigwam is translated as "Cabana de Indios", Copper Kettle is translated as "Chaleira De Cobre" and is correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe".

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CBS 33675 (Brazil) - B-side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 33675 (Brazil) - B-side of commercial single, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 33675 (Brazil) - A-side of commercial single in Discos CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 33675 (Brazil) - B-side of commercial single in Discos CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

The promo copy shown is identical to the commercial single, but has both a small black stamp with "AMOSTRA INVENDÁVEL [SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE]" on the A-side and a large red stamp which says "Pertence à Rádio 9 de Julho" [Property of Radio 9 July] on the B-side. (Radio 9 July is a station in São Paolo.) Thanks to Alexandre Froemming for translating and explaining the red promo stamp! Manuel García Jara's commercial copy comes in the Discos CBS sleeve shown.

CBS 10472 7" commercial single (Costa Rica):

CBS 10472 (Costa Rica) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This rare single has orange CBS labels and comes in a sleeve exclusive to Costa Rica, see 7" Single Sleeves. It was made in Costa Rica by Industrio de Discos Centroamericana, S.A. (Indica) on behalf of CBS Records.

CBS 10472 (Costa Rica) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 10472 (Costa Rica) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 10472 (Costa Rica) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 10472 (Costa Rica) - detail of CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

The A-side is mistitled "Wigwan" instead of "Wigwam". The Self Portrait album was not released in Costa Rica.

CBS/Columbia 15005 7" promo and commercial singles (Venezuela):

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

These rare singles have orange CBS labels and come in a sleeve exclusive to Venezuela, see 7" Single Sleeves. There is an unusual “CBS/Columbia” logo on the singles. The A-side of each single is mistitled "WIGWAN" instead of "Wigwam", like the Costa Rican single. The B-side title is translated as "PAILA DE COBRE (COPPER KETTLE)", "(The Pale Moonlight)" is omitted. It is correctly credited to "A. F. Beddoe".

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - "45 R.P.M." on left, "CBS 15005-A" on right)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - commercial releases are similar)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - commercial releases are similar)
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CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release variant 1)
Wigwam7VenSideB.jpg (21465 bytes)
CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release variant 1)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release variant 2)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release variant 2)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - A-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release variant 2)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release variant 1 - "ASCAP" on left, "15005-A" on right)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release variant 2 - same text as variant 1 but shifted to left)

CBS/Columbia 15005 (Venezuela) - B-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release variant 2)

The promo single has “PROMOCIONAL [PROMOTIONAL]” printed, not stamped, and has different text to the left and right of the centre hole from the commercial single. Manuel García Jara's commercial single is the same as Hans’ but has the variable text offset to the left instead of being centred as on Hans' copy. The Self Portrait album was not released in Venezuela.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manfred Helfert, Ronald Born, Peter Denzler, Manuel García Jara, Sergio Mariano Romay and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Luna Azul [Blue Moon]" - 7" mono EP, CBS EPC 1018 (Mexico), 1970; "Cabaña De Indios [Wigwam]" - 7" mono EP, CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico), 1970:
These Mexican EPs are now very rare! All tracks are from Self Portrait.

MexBlueMoon70.jpg (34252 bytes)
CBS EPC 1018 (Mexico) - front scan by Hans Seegers

The records have orange CBS labels.

EPC 1018 A-side: Luna Azul [Blue Moon]; Bella Isla [Belle Isle]
EPC 1018 B-side: El Esquimal [Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)]; Olvide Mas De Lo Que Crees [I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know].

Only Record 2 of Self Portrait was released in Mexico, see International Albums (Regular). This means that Belle Isle and I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know, which are from Record 1, were otherwise unreleased in Mexico.


CBS EPC 1018 (Mexico) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EPC 1018 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EPC 1018 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers
MexWigwam70.jpg (26009 bytes)
CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - A-side with promo stamp, scan by François Guillez

CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - A-side promo stamp scan by François Guillez

CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EPC 1028 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers
EPC 1028 A-side: Cabaña De Indios [Wigwam]; Ella Me Pertenece [She Belongs To Me] - live
EPC 1028 B-side: Caldera De Acero [Copper Kettle]; Tomame Como Soy [Take Me As I Am (Or Let Me Go)].

All these songs are from Record 2 of Self Portrait, so were available on LP in Mexico. Copper Kettle is mistranslated as "Caldera De Acero [Steel Kettle]" - it was correctly translated in Spain (see above). It isn't credited to Alfred Frank Beddoe but to "Derechos Reservados [All Rights Reserved]". François Guillez has a copy with a promo stamp on the A-side.

This was the last official Dylan EP to be released in Mexico, although the 1965 Like A Rolling Stone EP (see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965) was re-released several times afterwards.

This picture was also used for the 1971 Watching The River Flow singles with a rarity on the B-side, see 1971.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and François Guillez for information and scan.

"Wigwam"/"Lay, Lady, Lay" - 7" mono promo and commercial singles, CBS 22.257 (Argentina), 1970:

Wigwam7ArgPromoSideA.jpg (24271 bytes)
CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - A-side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers
R-1091-3 Wigwam - mono version of Self Portrait track

These singles have orange CBS labels and play at 33⅓ RPM. Both tracks are mono reductions of the performances from Self Portrait and Nashville Skyline. For these mono albums, see Mono Album Releases. Lay, Lady, Lay was released worldwide as the A-side of a mono single, see Mono 7" Singles and EPs 1969.

The promo copy shown of this single has "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA" [DEMONSTRATION DISC NOT FOR SALE] stamped on both sides. Manuel García Jara's commercial copy comes in a generic CBS sleeve with a printed price on the rear: "Precio I.V.A. $11,50.-" - (I.V.A. means "Impuesto al Valor Agregado [VAT - "Value Added Tax"], "$11,50.-" means 11.50 Argentinean Pesos (the dollar symbol was used in many countries).

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

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CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - B-side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers

Wigwam7ArgSideA.jpg (25160 bytes)
CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - A-side of commercial single, scan by Hans Seegers

Wigwam7ArgSideB.jpg (23743 bytes)
CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - B-side of commercial single, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - A-side of commercial single in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - B-side of commercial single in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - detail of rear of CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

"All The Tired Horses" - mono 8" 45RPM acetate, Columbia NCO 101488 (USA), 19 Aug 1970:

HorsesMono.jpg (22407 bytes)
Columbia NCO 101488 (USA) - scan by Hans Seegers
R-0689 All The Tired Horses - mono version of track from Self Portrait (stereo version is not a rarity)
More details are in 1970.

This and the 7" promo single below are the only appearances of this song in mono, as it was not released as a commercial single. This acetate is very rare. The mono version again could be a reduction from stereo, not true mono - for the Self Portrait mono LP, see Mono Album Releases. As mentioned above, Mark Easter informs me that Columbia mixed tracks from stereo-only albums in mono specially for singles up to 1970, so this mono track could be an exclusive mix for a 7" single release.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"All The Tired Horses" - 7" mono/stereo promo singles, Columbia AE 25 (USA), Aug 1970:

TiredHorses7USPromoMono.jpg (21242 bytes)
Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single mono side - scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

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Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single stereo side - scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Horses7USPromo1SideB.jpg (22726 bytes)
Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single mono side - scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)
Horses7USPromo1SideA.jpg (22598 bytes)
Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single stereo side - scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)
Horses7USPromo2SideB.jpg (23794 bytes)
Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single mono side - scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)
Horses7USPromo2SideA.jpg (24206 bytes)
Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single stereo side - scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

R-0689-2 All The Tired Horses - mono version of track from Self Portrait (stereo version is not a rarity)

These singles have the mono version (as above) on one side, and the regular album stereo version on the other. See above for a comment about whether these tracks are mono reductions from stereo or mono mixes exclusive to these 7" singles - for the Self Portrait mono LP, see Mono Album Releases.

The mono sides have a white promo label with red lettering, the stereo sides have a blue and yellow promo label with black lettering. There are three variants:

1   "BOB DYLAN" printed vertically
2   "BOB DYLAN" printed horizontally on one line
3   "BOB DYLAN" printed horizontally on two lines

Thanks to Michael Palinkas for information and to Hans Seegers and Martin Hoefermann for information and scans.


"Watching The River Flow" - 7" mono/stereo promo singles, Columbia 4-45409 (USA), 3 Jun 1971:
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information from the Steve Hoffman Forum that the mono mix is different from the stereo mix, and not a reduction. Steve Hoffman says:
"The mono mix, as issued on the original Columbia 45 4-45409 (matrix number JZSP 155106) is tight, punchy with the drums pushed up a few db in the mix. Exciting, until you compare it to the stereo mix and remember that, after all, it's a Dylan song, not Leon Russell. The mono mix obscures Dylan's voice, lowering it in the mix and rendering it murky and slightly distorted. The stereo mix (J76412/BC546045) is more dynamic, actually has better & more delineated bass and even though the drums are a bit back in the mix, Dylan's voice is lifelike, with an unmistakable "breath of human" sound."

Watching7USPromoMonoSideA1.jpg (25151 bytes)
Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono promo, both sides scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1: Record 1)
For the commercial singles with Spanish Is The Loving Tongue on the B-side, see 1971. For more Watching The River Flow international mono and stereo 7" singles, see 1971 and US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1971.

Five mono/stereo promo singles are shown here. The first two promo singles have white labels with red text and the title track in mono on both sides, the next three have a white label with red text on the mono side and a light blue label with black and yellow text on the stereo side.

Watching7USPromoMonoSideA2.jpg (21511 bytes)
Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono promo scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2: Record 2 - mono both sides, Record 3 has stereo side variant 1)
Watching7USPromoMonoSideA3.jpg (23844 bytes)
Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono promo scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3: Record 4 with stereo side variant 2)

Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, mono side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 4: Record 5)

Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, detail of mono side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 4: Record 5)

Watching7USPromoStereoSideA1.jpg (24688 bytes)
Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, stereo side scan by Hans Seegers (Record 3: variant 1, other side as mono variant 2)
Watching7USPromoStereoSideA2.jpg (26176 bytes)
Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, stereo side scan by Hans Seegers (Record 4: variant 2, other side as mono variant 3)

Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, stereo side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 3: Record 6, other side as mono variant 4)

Columbia 4-45409 (USA) - mono/stereo promo, detail of stereo side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 3: Record 5)

The mono sides of Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara's promo singles have four label variants:

  1. Large "BOB DYLAN", publisher's credits "Big Sky Music (ASCAP)" printed on two lines on the right-hand side (Record 1)
  2. Small "BOB DYLAN", publisher's credits "Big Sky Music (ASCAP)" printed on three lines on the right-hand side (Records 2 and 3)
  3. Largest "BOB DYLAN", title split over two lines, publisher's credits "Big Sky Music (ASCAP)" printed on two lines on the right-hand side (Record 4)
  4. Large "BOB DYLAN", title on one line, publisher's credits "Big Sky Music (ASCAP)" printed on two lines on the right-hand side. "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" on the right hand side above the catalogue number (Record 5)

The stereo sides of Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara's promo singles have three label variants:

  1. Same mono side as mono variant 2, stereo side has "RESERVICE" on the right and title on one line (Record 3)
  2. Same mono side as mono variant 3, stereo side has no "RESERVICE" and title on two lines. The copy shown has "AUG 1971" rubber stamped (Record 4)
  3. Same mono side as mono variant 4, both sides have "SPECIAL RUSH RESERVICE" on the right and title on one line (Record 5)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Watching The River Flow"/"Spanish Is The Loving Tongue" - 7" mono promo and commercial singles, Columbia 4-45409 (USA/Canada); CBS 7329 (Various European countries); CBS/Sony SCBSA 82116 (Japan), CBS BA-2218312 (Australia), Jun 1971:
Mono releases were very unusual for Japan, where stereo was introduced far earlier than in other countries! For complete details of these singles and other international singles with this combination, see 1971.

CBS 7329 (West Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0687 Watching The River Flow - mono version (stereo version is not a rarity)

R-0072M Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (Charles Badger Clark-Billy Simon) - solo version authorised by Bob, B-side of Watching The River Flow CBS/Sony Japanese 7" single, 1971 (mono - stereo version is R-0072)

CBS/Sony SCBSA 82116 (Japan) - front of insert, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA-221831 (Australia), A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Even though New Zealand had a stereo single (with "STEREO" on the record labels), the Australian single CBS BA-221831 does not say "STEREO" on the labels and Larry Crum says he has a copy and both sides are definitely in mono.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.


"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Like A Rolling Stone" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33100 (USA), 1973; Columbia 13-33100 (USA), 1975 onwards:
For the location of all mono and stereo singles in the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series, see "Hall Of Fame". For US and Canadian "Hall Of Fame" and Collectables 7" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves. These singles were used for jukeboxes and are most valuable with their pink jukebox strip - see below right for 13-33100. Both tracks are the standard mono versions: Like A Rolling Stone from Columbia 4-43346 (Jun 1965), Rainy Day Women from Columbia 4-43592 (Mar 1966).

I originally had the first US release of this "Hall of Fame" single dated as 1973, but there is now some evidence that Columbia 4-33100 was first released in Oct 1966. If this release date is corroborated this page will be revised.

Columbia 4-33100 (USA), 1973:

RDW7HOFUSSideA1.jpg (24604 bytes)
Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Columbia 4-33100 had three label variations, all with "RAINY DAY WOMEN #12 & 35" on one line:

  1. Without release dates to the right of the centre hole
  2. With release dates printed 2mm above the catalogue numbers
  3. With release dates printed 9mm above the catalogue numbers (this is also available in a mislabelled version where the record is actually a Johnny Cash single!)

Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1, no release date)

RDW7HOFUSSideB1.jpg (22368 bytes)
Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2, release date 2mm above catalogue number)

Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

RDW7HOFUSSideA2.jpg (23630 bytes)
Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3, release date 9mm above catalogue number)

RDW7HOFUSSideB2.jpg (23967 bytes)
Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA), 1975 onwards:

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side without sunburst, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 1)

This single was re-released in 1975 as Columbia 13-33100, twice in the 1980s and again in 1997, still in mono. In 1997 Like A Rolling Stone was the A-side. The 1980s releases have grey labels, the 1997 release has red/yellow labels. All variants of Columbia 13-33100 have "RAINY DAY WOMEN #12 & 35" on two lines. Stefan Haras points out that the song title is lower on the A-side of his copy of the 1975 release without the sunburst to the right of the centre hole than Manuel's. The B-sides look the same.

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side without sunburst, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 1)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side without sunburst, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 1 - title higher than variant 2)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - B-side without sunburst, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release variant 1)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side without sunburst, scan by Stefan Haras - 1975 release variant 2)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side without sunburst, scan by Stefan Haras - 1975 release variant 2 - title lower than variant 1)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - B-side without sunburst, scan by Stefan Haras (1975 release variant 2, same as variant 1)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side with sunburst, scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - B-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side in "Hall Of Fame" gold sleeve with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1987 Columbia release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1987 Columbia release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1987 Columbia release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s Collectables release)

Columbia 13-33100 (USA) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s Collectables release)

RDWHOFColl2.JPG (27229 bytes)
Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - A-side scan by Manfred Endtner (1987 Collectables release in sleeve)

Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - B-side picture from eBay (1987 Collectables release in sleeve)

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Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

LARSHOFB.jpg (20845 bytes)
Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - "CLASSIC HIT" jukebox strip, scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Columbia 13-13100 (USA) - front of sleeve of copy exported to Belgium, scan by Francisco Lima
The black plastic clip shown in the scans of Columbia 13-33100 by Kenneth Robson is not an official Columbia accessory. These clips were sold in record shops so that ex-jukebox records that had had their push-out centres removed could be played on standard turntables, especially automatic turntables that could play multiple singles or LPs (as an alternative to the plastic rings that can be placed on the turntable spindle in order to play ex-jukebox records).

Columbia 13-13100 (USA, 1975) - front of Dutch sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel

Columbia 13-13100 (USA, 1975) - rear of Dutch sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel

Ger Hemel has a US copy with the black sunburst on the record labels. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: A-side - ZSP110938 -1BA, B-side – ZSP 113564-2E. The record is the same as Kenneth Robson's copy except for the plastic centre clips. This record came in a Dutch "Oldies 45" sleeve. The rear sleeve has a list of other singles in this series - "EVENEENS VERKRIJGBAAR" means "ALSO AVAILABLE". There may be more of these Dylan US singles in Dutch sleeves, which were sold legally in Dutch record stores.

Francisco Lima has found the sleeve of a copy of Columbia 13-33100 exported to Belgium. This looks like a generic sleeve used by an importer with the artist and song titles rubber stamped.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Manfred Endtner, Kenneth Robson, Francisco Lima and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Like A Rolling Stone" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33100 (Canada), 1973, re-released 1975; Columbia 13-33100 (Canada), 1976, re-released 1997:

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada), 1973, re-released 1975:

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release)
The original 1973 Canadian release of this single has the same label design as the first US single variant without the release dates or publisher credits to the right of the centre hole, see above. The labels have "PRINTED IN CAN." at the bottom.

The 1975 release is again similar to the US 1975 release above, and now has original release dates to the right of the centre hole, but still no publisher credits. The labels now have "MANUFACTURED IN CANADA" at the bottom.

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release - no date or publisher credit)

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release)

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - date, no publisher credit)

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release - "PRINTED IN CAN.")

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release - "MANUFACTURED IN CANADA")

Columbia 4-33100 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada), 1976, re-released 1997:

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release)

The 1976 record labels now have the new catalogue number 13-33100. Both original release dates and publisher credits are now printed to the right of the centre hole. The bottom text has changed to "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.". (Columbia Records of Canada Ltd. was renamed CBS Records Canada Ltd. in late 1976.)

This single was re-released in Canada in 1997 with a completely new light blue/purple "HALL OF FAME/DISQUES D'OR" label design.

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - date and publisher credit)

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release - "MANUFACTURED BY CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Columbia 13-33100 (Canada) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Just Like A Woman"/"I Want You" - 7" mono singles in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33108 (USA), 25 Apr 1973; Columbia 13-33108 (USA), 1975, reissued early 1980s and 1987:

I originally had the first US release of this "Hall of Fame" single dated as 1973, but there is now evidence that Columbia 4-33108 was first released in Jan 1967. This release date is corroborated online so this page will be revised as soon as possible.

Columbia 4-33108 (USA), 25 Apr 1973:

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - A-side (R-0323, 2:56 edit), scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

Columbia 4-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant)

This single contains an edited version of the A-side (2:56, album track is 4:54), for full details see 1973.

Columbia/Legacy/ Sony Music 88875124412 (Europe) - detail of inside page of book 1 (my copy)
Thanks to Ian Woodward for pointing out that the Artist's Contract Card illustrated on the inside page of the 2015 6CD set The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 - Bob Dylan 1965-1966 The Cutting Edge Deluxe Edition (printed on the card pocket holding CD3) shows the release date of Columbia 4-33108 as "1/16/67" (16 Jan 1967)!

Columbia 13-33108 (USA), 1975, reissued early 1980s and 1987:

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant, 1987 release)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (third variant, 1987 release)

For the location of all mono and stereo singles in the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series, see "Hall Of Fame". For details of the various "Hall Of Fame" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Just Like A Woman"/"I Want You" - 7" mono singles in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33108 (Canada), 25 Apr 1973; Columbia 13-33108 (Canada), 1975 (two variants); Columbia 13-33108 (Canada), 1997:

Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) - A-side (R-0323), scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release)

This single was released in Canada in 1973 and 1975, for full details see 1973. It was re-released in Canada in 1997 with a completely new label design. For details of the Canadian "Hall Of Fame" sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release)
Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) - A-side (R-0323), scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release variant 1)
Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) -B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1975 release variant 1)
Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) - A-side (R-0323), scan by François Guillez (1975 release variant 2)
Columbia 4-33108 (Canada) - B-side scan by François Guillez (1975 release variant 2)

Columbia 13-33108 (Canada) - A-side (R-0323), scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Columbia 13-33108 (Canada) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33178 (USA), 1973; Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 onwards:
I originally had the first release of this "Hall of Fame" single dated as 1973, but there is now evidence that Columbia 4-33178 was first released in 1970. This page will be revised if that is confirmed.

Columbia 4-33178 (USA), 1973:

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, first variant)
Both tracks are from Nashville Skyline. I had previously assumed this single was in stereo. However, Mark Easter informs me that it is definitely in mono, and that the mono mixes are not stereo reductions. Columbia mixed tracks from stereo-only albums in mono specially for singles up to 1970, so these tracks could be from the mono 7" single releases.

Columbia 4-33178 was available in two label variants: one with the release dates just touching the white line above, and one with the release dates 5mm below the white line. There are also two different jukebox strips for Columbia 4-3 3178."All Time His" and "HIT OLDY". All versions of the single had the text 'From the Columbia LP "NASHVILLE SKYLINE" - KCS 9825' under the song title on the A-side, even after that release had been deleted. KCS 9825 was the original US stereo release, see International Album Releases (Regular).

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, first variant)

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, second variant)

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) 1973 "All Time Hits" jukebox strip - scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) 1973 "HIT OLDY" jukebox strip - scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 4-33178 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, second variant)

These same two tracks had previously been released on a CBS Greece mono 7" single, see International Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969. Jordan Preslar has a copy with the first label variant that has the labels reversed, the side with the Lay, Lady, Lay label actually plays I Threw It All Away and vice-versa.

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 onwards:

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (with sunburst)

The USA single was re-released with catalogue number 13-33178 in 1975, twice in the 1980s, and again in 1997. The late 1980s jukebox release on Collectables Records was licensed by Columbia.

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (with sunburst)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (without sunburst)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (without sunburst)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - A-side scan by François Guillez (without sunburst but with sticker)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - B-side scan by François Guillez (without sunburst but with sticker)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - A-side scan by François Guillez (with white rectangle)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1975 release - B-side scan by François Guillez (with white rectangle)

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1987 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1987 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

LadyJuke.jpg (25177 bytes)
Columbia 13-33178, 1997 release: single and "Hit Oldy" jukebox strips - picture from eBay

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), late 1980s jukebox release by Collectables Records - A-side scan by Patrick Helfrich

Columbia 13-33178 (USA), late 1980s jukebox release by Collectables Records - B-side scan by Patrick Helfrich

Lady7USCollectablesA.JPG (19799 bytes)
Columbia 13-33178 (USA), late 1980s jukebox release by Collectables Records - A-side (my copy)
Lady7USCollectablesB.JPG (20405 bytes)
Columbia 13-33178 (USA), late 1980s jukebox release by Collectables Records - B-side (my copy)

LadyHOFA.jpg (19447 bytes)
Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1997 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

LadyHOFB.jpg (19525 bytes)
Columbia 13-33178 (USA), 1997 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Hans Seegers has two copies of the 1975 release, one with a black sunburst on the labels to the right of the centre hole, one without. François Guillez has a copy exported to the UK without the sunbursts but with stickers covering "Columbia" on both labels. François has another copy with white rectangles to the right of the centre hole.

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich for scans of the Collectables Re-Issue 7" single. This copy has matrix numbers: A-side - ZSP-150045-IAH, B-side: ZSP-139975-IAH. Note the different positioning of the B-side label on Patrick's copy from mine, cutting away part of the song title!

For locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame". For Hall Of Fame and Collectables Records 7" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Columbia 13-33178 (Singapore), 1987 release - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Manuel García Jara has a copy of Columbia 13-33178 similar to the 1987 release above with grey labels bought in Singapore in a generic sleeve. It has matrix numbers: Side A - P ZSP I50045- IAG, Side B - P ZSP I39975- IAE.

Columbia 13-33178 (Singapore), 1987 release - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

A stereo version of this single was released in 1976 in the UK with a picture sleeve, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1976.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Patrick Helfrich, Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973; Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), late 1976, re-released 1997:

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973, re-released ca. 1975:

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first release, "BOB" centred above "DYLAN")

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first release without dates)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers ("MANUFACTURED IN CANADA", second release has the same text)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first release)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - A-side scan by François Guillez (second release, "BOB" left aligned above "DYLAN")

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - detail of A-side, scan by François Guillez (second release with dates)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), 1973 release - B-side scan by François Guillez (second release)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), ca. 1975 release - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (third release, "BOB" centred above "DYLAN" again)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), ca. 1975 release - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (with dates)

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), ca. 1975 release - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara ("COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA")

Columbia 4-33178 (Canada), ca. 1975 release - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (third release)

This single was released twice in Canada in 1973 as Columbia 4-33178, first without original release dates on the right of the centre hole, and then with dates. These singles have short bottom circumference text including "MANUFACTURED IN CANADA". There is a peculiarity about the second 1973 release, to the left of the centre hole "BOB" is left aligned instead of being centred above "DYLAN".

Columbia 4-33178 with original release dates was re-released in Canada around 1975 with much longer circumference text including "COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA". To the left of the centre hole "BOB" is now centred again above DYLAN, as it was on the later 13-33178 release.

Columbia Records of Canada Ltd. was renamed CBS Records Canada Ltd. in late 1976. This is reflected in the different text on Columbia album sleeves and record labels after that date.

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), late 1976, re-released 1997:

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1976 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers
 ("BOB" centred above "DYLAN" again)

The single was re-released in Canada after late 1976 as Columbia 13-33178. The 1977 release again has original release dates and the longer circumference text now has "CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.".

It was then released in 1997 with a completely new label design
, There are two variants with very different text placement both above and below the centre hole.

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1976 release - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers ("CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.")

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1976 release - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (with dates)

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1976 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1997 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1997 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1997 release - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Columbia 13-33178 (Canada), 1997 release - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Positively 4th Street"/"Subterranean Homesick Blues" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33221 (USA), 1973 ; Columbia 13-33221 (USA), 1975 onwards:

Columbia 4-332211 (USA), 1973:

P4thSt7HOFUSSideA1.jpg (23809 bytes)
Columbia 4-33221 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, no release date)

These singles were used for jukeboxes and are most valuable with their pink jukebox strip - see above and below right. Columbia 4-33221 exists with two label variants: the first has the original release date "MARCH 1965" only on the B-side. It's also available with a promo sticker "PROMOTION RECORD FOR BROADCAST & REVIEW ONLY/NOT FOR SALE" on three lines. Al Kooper's name is misspelled "Cooper" on all the A-sides (his real name is Alan Peter Kuperschmidt, although perhaps it should be spelled "Kupferschmidt" - "Coppersmith" in German).


P4thSt7HOFUSSideB1.jpg (24918 bytes)
Columbia 4-33221 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973 release, with release date)

P4thSt7HOFUSJukeStrip.jpg (18260 bytes)
Columbia 4-33221 (USA) 1973 "HIT OLDY" jukebox strip - scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33221 (USA), 1973 onwards:

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side in "Columbia Hall Of Fame" picture sleeve, scan by Jeremy Mayle

This single was re-released in 1975 as Columbia 13-33221, twice in the 1980s and again in 1997. All these releases give the B-side title as "SUBTERRANEAN HOME SICK BLUES" with "HOMESICK" as two words, split over two lines on the record label. The labels of David Burgess' copy don't have a black sunburst, while those of Kenneth Robson's copy do have one.

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side in "Columbia Hall Of Fame" gold sleeve with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side with sticker covering "Columbia", scan by François Guillez (1975 release, no release date)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - B-side with sticker covering "Columbia", scan by François Guillez (1975 release, with release date)

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Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by David Burgess (1975 release, no release date)

hall1.jpg (20302 bytes)
Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - B-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by David Burgess (1975 release, with release date)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release, with sunburst)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - B-side with unofficial plastic centre clip, scan by Kenneth Robson (1975 release, with sunburst)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) 1997 "CLASSIC HIT" jukebox strip - scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1987 release)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side with misprint, scan by Stefan Haras (1987 release)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1987 release)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s Collectables release)

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s Collectables release)

P4thStHOF.jpg (22408 bytes)
Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1997 release)

Please note that the black plastic centre clips shown in the scans by David Burgess and Kenneth Robson are not official Columbia accessories. These clips were sold in record shops so that ex-jukebox records that had had their push-out centres removed could be played on standard turntables, especially automatic turntables that could play multiple singles or LPs (as an alternative to the plastic rings that could be placed on the turntable spindle in order to play ex-jukebox records singly).

The 1987 release of Columbia 13-33221 has grey labels, and there was also a late 1980s release with the same style labels by Collectables Records of Narberth, PA, including the Collectables logo. Stefan Haras has a copy of the 1987 release where the last three lines of text below the centre hole are missing. The B-side of this copy is printed normally.

Hans Seegers informs me that when this single was imported into Europe CBS put a blank red sticker over "Columbia". François Guillez has a copy of the 1975 release without the sunburst with white stickers.

For locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame". For Columbia Hall Of Fame 7" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves. Original US releases had a gold sleeve (see above), which was later changed to light yellow.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, David Burgess, Kenneth Robson, Jeremy Mayle and François Guillez for information and scans.

"Knockin' On Heaven's Door" - 10" mono acetate, Columbia (no catalogue number) (USA), Aug 1973:

Picture from eBay
This 10" mono single-sided acetate has a Columbia Reference Recording label with typewritten text. As it contains a rarity, for full details, see 1973.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay.

"Knockin' On Heaven's Door" - 7" mono/stereo promo single, Columbia 4-45913 (USA), 8 Aug 1973:

Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - mono side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0536)
This white label promo single contains a rarity on the mono side, for full details, see 1973.

For US stereo releases of this single with Turkey Chase on the B-side, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1973.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


"A Fool Such As I" - radio station promo stereo/mono 7" single, also Columbia 4-45982/JZSP 159121 (USA), Jan 1974:

FoolUSPromoMono1.jpg (21822 bytes)
Columbia 4-45982 promo 7" single (USA) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers
This single contains two rarities, for full details, see 1974.

"Just Like A Woman"/"I Want You" - 7" mono single, Columbia 4-33100 (USA), 1974:

More details required of this single! It contains two A-sides of singles with rarities - Just Like A Woman was originally edited and paired with Obviously Five Believers (see 1966) and I Want You was paired with the live performance of Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (see 1966).

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "On A Night Like This" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Asylum AS 11033 (USA), 7 Mar 1974:

NightUSMono1.jpg (23484 bytes)
Asylum AS 11033 7" promo single (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
R-0454 On A Night Like This - mono version on B-side of Asylum radio station promo 7" single

For more details, see 1974. For the stereo side of this single, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

For details of other Asylum/Island 7" single releases with On A Night Like This in stereo, also see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

NightUSMono2.jpg (21789 bytes)
Asylum AS 11033 7" promo single (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Something There Is About You" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Asylum AS 11035 (USA), 10 May 1974:

Asylum AS 11035 7" promo single (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
R-0684M Something There Is About You - radio edit (3:05) of album track from Planet Waves (4:43) on B-side of Asylum radio station promo 7" single (mono version)

For more details, see 1974. For details of other Asylum/Island 7" single releases with the album version of Something There Is About You in stereo and Tough Mama on the B-side, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Asylum AS 11035 7" promo single (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Bob Dylan/The Band - "Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Asylum AS 11043 (USA), 1974:

MostLikelyUSPromoMono.jpg (23275 bytes)
Asylum AS 11043 7" promo single (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (mono - "SP"=
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA)
R-0543 Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine - mono version of Before The Flood album track live with The Band on B-side of Asylum radio station promo 7" single

For more details, see 1974. For the stereo side of this single, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

For the regular US and internationally released stereo singles, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Bob Dylan/The Band - "It Ain't Me, Babe"/"All Along The Watchtower" - 7" mono/stereo promo and commercial singles, Asylum E-45212 (USA/Canada), Summer 1974:
The US Asylum singles were made at three different pressing plants in the USA, each is identified by a code on the single label: "CSM" - Santa Maria, CA; "CTH" - Terre Haute, IN; "SP" -
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA. Labels from only two plants are shown. Some Asylum albums also have code "CP", which means the Columbia pressing plant at Pitman, NJ. The tracks are live with The Band from Before The Flood. The A-side is a reduction to mono from stereo, as no mono version of this album was released.

Babe7MonoPromo.jpg (23252 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) promo A-side (mono edit, 3:15, R-0113) - scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1  - "CSM"=Santa Maria, CA)
Promo singles and US commercial single:

R-0113 It Ain't Me, Babe (3:15) - Before The Flood version with The Band, recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, evening show, recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, evening show, 14 Feb 1974, in false mono

Babe7MonoPromo2.jpg (23396 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) promo A-side (mono edit, 3:15, R-0113) - scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2 - "SP"=
Specialty Record Corp, Olyphant, PA)

Babe7Mono.jpg (24563 bytes)
Asylum E-45212 (USA) regular single A-side (mono edit, 3:15, R-0113) - scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - "CSM")

Asylum E-45212 (USA) commercial single A-side (mono edit, 3:15, R-0113M) - scan by Hans Seegers Ger Hemel (variant 2 - "SP")

I previously reported this as a different performance from that on Before The Flood, but the story is more complicated! Les Kokay reports in "Isis" issue 102 that, while the performances are essentially the same, there is a noticeable difference on the last line of the third verse: on the album track and the regular singles (USA, Canada, West Germany, Spain) Bob sings "It still ain't me, babe"; here he sings just the expected "It ain't me, babe." Les' theory, confirmed by Bob Meyer, is that on this promo version the last three lines of the third verse are spliced in from the afternoon performance of the same date.

Canadian commercial single:

Asylum E-45212 (Canada) regular single A-side (mono 3:40, R-0555) - scan by Dag Braathen
R-0555 It Ain't Me, Babe (3:40) - Before The Flood version with The Band, recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, evening show, recorded at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, evening show, 14 Feb 1974, in false mono
This would appear just to be the "mono" version of the complete album track, which is indeed 3:40.

For more details of all these singles, see 1974.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Bob Meyer, Les Kokay, Dag Braathen and Ger Hemel for information and scans.


"Tangled Up In Blue" - mono/stereo 7" promo single, Columbia 3-10106 (USA), 25 Feb 1975:

TangledUSmono.jpg (21824 bytes)
Columbia 3-10106 7" promo single (USA) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers
R-0313 Tangled Up In Blue - mono version of Blood On The Tapes album track (5:31)

This promo single had the regular stereo album version on the other side. For a different version of this promo single with the same catalogue number, but with an edited version of Tangled Up In Blue, see above.

For the promo and commercial versions of the regular stereo single with the same catalogue number and with the full length version of Tangled Up In Blue as the A-side and If You See Her, Say Hello as the B-side, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1975.

Columbia 3-10106 7" promo single (USA) - stereo side scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Ole Lien for referring this item to me, and Hans Seegers for further information and scans. Éamonn Ó Catháin points out that this single (stereo or mono) is 5:31 in length while the album track is 5:41. The track is not edited but speeded up, and "makes Bob sound like The Chipmunks"!

"Million Dollar Bash" - stereo/mono 7" promo single, Columbia 3-10217 (USA), 16 Sep 1975:

BashUSMono.jpg (23230 bytes)
Columbia 3-10217 7" promo single (USA) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers
R-0449 Million Dollar Bash - mono version with The Band

This promo single had the regular stereo album version on the other side. For more details, see 1975. For the stereo side of this single, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1975.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Hurricane" - stereo/mono 7" promo singles, Columbia 3-10245 (USA), Nov 1975:

There were two main releases - the first has ZLP 160777 (mono side) and ZSM 160778 (stereo side) below the catalogue number 3-10245. The second has ZLP 160777-2 (mono side) and ZSM 160778-2 (stereo side). Each comes in several variants, all illustrated.

For world-wide commercial releases in 1975 and 1976 with Hurricane split over two sides of a 7" single (Part I = R-0126, Part II = R-0127), and alternate versions of Hurricane Part I (R-0126) with a swear-word bleeped (stereo = R-0441, mono = R-0525), see 1975-76 Hurricane Singles.

HurricaneUSPromoFront2.jpg (28398 bytes)
Columbia 3-10245 (USA) promo sleeve 1, rubber-stamped "DEMONSTRATION - NOT FOR SALE" - scan by Hans Seegers

R-0448 Hurricane - full-length mono version

These promo singles had the regular stereo album version on the other side. For more details, see 1975. For the stereo side of this single, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1975.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.


"Mozambique" - stereo/mono 7" promo single, Columbia 3-10298 (USA), 17 Feb 1976:

MozambiqueUSMono.jpg (22757 bytes)
Columbia 3-10298 (USA 7" promo single) - mono side scan by Hans Seegers
R-0455 Mozambique - mono version on B-side of 7" promo single

For more details, see 1976. For the stereo side of this single, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1976.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Ukep.jpg (41695 bytes)
Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1962-64
SHBNor.jpg (19946 bytes)
Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965
GerEP6158Front.jpg (25158 bytes)
Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68
ThrewSpainFront.JPG (28334 bytes)
Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969

International 7" Single Sleeves

Home ] Up ] Bob Dylan 1962 Mono ] Freewheelin' 1963 Mono ] The Times They Are A-Changin' 1964 Mono ] Another Side Of Bob Dylan 1964 Mono ] Bringing It All Back Home 1965 Mono ] Highway 61 Revisited 1965 Mono ] Blonde On Blonde 1966 Mono ] Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits 1967 Mono ] John Wesley Harding 1968 Mono ] Nashville Skyline 1969 Mono ] Mono LPs - Dylan Compilations 1960s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1960s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1960s ] Self Portrait 1970 Mono ] New Morning 1970 Mono ] Mono LPs - Dylan Compilations 1970s ] Mono LPs - Various Artist Compilations 1970s ] Original Mono Recordings 2010 ] Mono 7" Singles 1961-64 ] Mono 7" Singles 1965 ] Mono 7" Singles 1966-68 ] Mono 7" Singles 1969 ] [ Mono 7" Singles 1970-76 ]

A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.