"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: The 1970s

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

Bob in the Rolling Thunder Revue, 1976 - drawing by Brett Whitely from the booklet to the compilation album Strange Brew - Songs Of Inspiration: A Tribute To Brett Whiteley, see Interviews with Bob 

The Official Rarities listings pages for this decade are now here:

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[The 1960s] [The 1980s]

The Yearly Rarity pages are listed above and all audio albums and singles for the 1970s that do not contain rare tracks are listed below. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Other 1970s Pages

Mono Albums

The Dylan albums are mono reductions from stereo mixes, there were no unique mono mixes for 1970s albums.

SPMexMonoFront.jpg (29704 bytes)
Self Portrait (1970)

NewMorningBrazilMonoFront.jpg (17000 bytes)
New Morning

Stereo Albums

Self Portrait 1970
Self Portrait

New Morning 1970
New Morning

Greatest Hits Vol. II 1971
Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II (1971)
GH2UKFront.JPG (24693 bytes)
More Bob Dylan Greatest Hits* (UK, 1971)
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid 1973
Bob Dylan Soundtrack: Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid

Dylan 1973
Dylan (1973)

Planet Waves 1974
Planet Waves
Before The Flood 1974
Before The Flood
Blood On The Tracks 1975
Blood On The Tracks
The Basement Tapes 1975
The Basement Tapes
Desire 1976
Hard Rain 1976
Hard Rain
Street-Legal 1978
Bob Dylan At Budokan 1978
Bob Dylan At Budokan
Slow Train Coming 1979
Slow Train Coming
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1970s Multi-packs

*I've also included the UK More Greatest Hits releases from 1971 here because the set was also released in several other countries worldwide.

Compilation Albums

These pages now include both Promotional and Radio Station Albums.

Mono Dylan-Only Compilation Albums 1970s

Mono Various Artist Compilation Albums with Dylan Tracks 1970s

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Dylan-Only Compilations Stereo 1970s

Various Artist Compilations Stereo 1970s

Singles and EPs

All commercial and promotional singles are now combined on the yearly pages and listed by release date.

Wigwam7NorFront.jpg (25847 bytes)
International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1970
Masterpiece7JpnFront.jpg (25324 bytes)
International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1971
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International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1972

International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1973

International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1974

International 7" and 12" Singles
International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1975

Mozambique7PortFront.jpg (22979 bytes)
International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1976

Durango7SpFront.jpg (23480 bytes)
International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1977

International 7" and 12" Singles
International Singles: 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1978

Budokan7FrFront.jpg (27578 bytes)
International Singles: 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1979

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Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76

International 7" Single Sleeves

Mono singles re-released in the 1970s in the Columbia "Hall of Fame" series are listed here: Columbia "Hall of Fame" Singles.

Other Page

Who really wrote "A Fool Such As I"

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.