"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1988

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

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This yearly page now contains only the main Rarities List! Promotional Items (Albums and Singles) are now here. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 08 September, 2024

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

Warren Zevon - "Reconsider Me"/"The Factory" - 7" promo single, Virgin America 7-99370 (USA), Jan 1988:

ZevonReconsiderUS.jpg (23010 bytes)
Virgin America 7-99370 (USA) - sleeve scan by Brian Shoop
R-0190-4 The Factory (Warren Zevon) - Bob plays harmonica on the B-side of a promo single from the Sentimental Hygiene album
For the album and earlier singles, see 1987.

There was also a 12" promo single (PR 2216) that has only the title track on both sides, and a US promo CD (PRCD 2216) that also has just the title track. These are not Dylan rarities.

Thanks to Brian Shoop and his "Zevonista" web-site for information and scans. In October 2002 Bob performed four Warren Zevon covers in concerts, as a tribute to Warren, who had then been diagnosed with terminal cancer, although not The Factory. (Warren died in 2003.)

ZevonReconsiderLabelB.jpg (20196 bytes)
Virgin America 7-99370 (USA) - B-side scan by Brian Shoop (titled just "Factory")

Warren Zevon - "Reconsider Me"/"The Factory" - 7" stereo singles, Virgin VST 1055 (UK)/Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany), Jan 1988:

ZevonReconsider7UKFront.JPG (23284 bytes)
Virgin VS 1055 (UK) -
7" single front (my copy)

R-0190-5 The Factory (Warren Zevon) - Bob plays harmonica on the B-side of a second single from the Sentimental Hygiene album
For the album and earlier singles, see 1987.

Both these 7" records have "injection" labels - each side has an injected silver plastic ring (much brighter than indicated by the scans) into which the text and graphics have been cut to show the black vinyl underneath, there are no paper labels (unlike the 1987 UK 7" single, see 1987.) My copy has a sticker with catalogue number "VS 1055" on the rear sleeve and a barcode, missing from the rear sleeve of the West German single.

The rear sleeve of both 7" singles has a list of Warren's European tour dates for Feb 1988. The West German front sleeve also has a sticker with the four tour dates in Germany.

ZevonReconsider7UKBack.JPG (19012 bytes)
Virgin VS 1055 (UK) - 7" single rear

Virgin VS 1055 (UK) - detail of 7" single rear with sticker and barcode

Virgin VS 1055 (UK) - 7" single A-side (no Dylan)
ZevonReconsider7UKSideB.JPG (20288 bytes)
Virgin VS 1055 (UK) - 7" single B-side (R-0190 titled just "Factory")

Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany) - 7" single front with tour sticker, picture from www.discogs.com

Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany) - 7" single rear picture from www.discogs.com

Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany) - detail of 7" single rear, picture from www.discogs.com

Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany) - 7" single A-side picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Virgin 109 763-100 (West Germany) - 7" single B-side (R-0190 titled just "Factory")

Warren Zevon - "Reconsider Me" - 12" stereo singles, Virgin VST 1055 (UK)/Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany), Jan 1988:

Virgin VST 1055 (UK) - 12" single front picture from www.discogs.com

Reconsider Me was also available in the UK as a 12" single, VST 1055. The UK 12" test pressing, which I also have, is in a plain black sleeve, and has completely blank white labels, with just the matrix numbers (A-side - VST 1055 A, B-side - VST 1055 B) on the record itself for identification, so is not illustrated. The 12" commercial record has regular paper labels. The B-side has R-0190 and a third track from the Sentimental Hygiene album called Bad Karma.

The rear sleeve of both 12" singles has a list of Warren's European tour dates for Feb 1988. Like the UK 7" single, the UK 12" single has a barcode on the rear sleeve, missing from the rear sleeve of the West German single.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Virgin VST 1055 (UK) - 12" single rear picture from www.discogs.com

Virgin VST 1055 (UK) - detail of 12" single rear, picture from www.discogs.com

Virgin VST 1055 (UK) - 12" single A-side, picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Virgin VST 1055 (UK) - 12" single A-side, picture from www.discogs.com (includes R-0190 titled just "Factory")

Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany) - 12" single front scan by Ronald Born

Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany) - 12" single rear scan by Ronald Born

Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany) - detail of 12" single rear, scan by Ronald Born

Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany) - 12" single A-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

Virgin 609 763-213 (West Germany) - 12" single B-side scan by Ronald Born (includes R-0190 titled just "Factory")

USA For Africa (Various Artists) - "We Are The World" - flexidisc given away with magazine (Russia), Mar 1988, recorded Jan 1985:

Magazine front scan by Hans Seegers
R-0164-6 We Are the World (Michael Jackson-Lionel Ritchie) - Bob contributes vocals to charity song (6:22)

This single was released in Russia in Mar 1988 as a clear blue flexidisc given away with a magazine in a transparent plastic sleeve. I've used a digital effect to show the stamping in Cyrillic characters on the flexidisc. Many Dylan flexidiscs appeared in Russia, but this is one of only two that were official!

For previous releases of We Are The World, see 1985, 1986 and VHS & DVD 1980s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Flexidisc scan by Hans Seegers

Detail of flexidisc showing Cyrillic characters stamped in centre

Eric Clapton - "Crossroads" - 6LP boxed sets: Polydor 835262-1 (USA)/Polydor 35261 (UK), Apr 1988; 4CD boxed sets: Polydor 835 261-2 (Canada)/Polydor 835 261-2 (UK), Oct 1990; 4CD sets in book-style digipak: Polydor 835 261-2 (USA), 1996; Polydor 0600753028094 (Europe), 2007, re-released 2010s:

 6LP sets - Polydor 835262-1 (USA)/Polydor 35261 (UK), Apr 1988:

Polydor 835261-1 (USA) - 6LP box front picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

This 6LP retrospective boxed set contains two Dylan covers and a Dylan rarity:

Knockin' On Heaven's Door on Side 9 (Record 5, Side 1)
Sign Language on Side 10 (Record 5, Side 2)
If I Don't Be There By Morning (Bob Dylan/Helena Springs) is on Side 11 (Record 6, Side 1). For more information about this song, see Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan’s Unreleased Songs.

R-0122-3 Sign Language - Bob duets with Eric Clapton on this version of his otherwise unreleased song from Eric's 1976 RSO album No Reason To Cry. Also see 1976 for all other releases of this track.
The lyrics of this song on bobdylan.com are

Polydor 35261 (UK) - 6LP set in 12" box (1988 release)

Polydor 835261-1 (USA) - 6LP box rear picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835261-1 (USA) - insert picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835266-1 (USA) - front of sleeve for Record 5, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835266-1 (USA) - rear of sleeve for Record 5, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835266-1 (USA) - Side 9 (Record 5, Side 1), picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release -includes Dylan cover)

Polydor 835266-1 (USA) - Side 10 (Record 5, Side 2), picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release = includes R-0122)

Polydor 835261-1 (USA) - front of booklet, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835261-1 (USA) - rear of booklet, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835267-1 (USA) - front of sleeve for Record 6, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835267-1 (USA) - rear of sleeve for Record 6, picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

Polydor 835267-1 (USA) - Side 11 (Record 6, Side 1), picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release - includes cover of unreleased Dylan song)

Polydor 835267-1 (USA) - Side 12 (Record 6, Side 2), picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release - no Dylan)

Polydor 835262-1 (USA) - 6LP box spine picture from T. J. Jenkins (1988 release)

The 6LP box is numbered 835 261-1, and the individual LPs are numbered 835 262-1 to 835 267-1.

4CD sets - Polydor 835 261-2 (West Germany), 1988; Polydor 835 261-2 (UK/Canada), 1990; Polydor 835 261-2 (USA), 1996:

Polydor 835 261-2 (West Germany) - front of 12" box, scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release)
The 4CD version of this set was reissued in Oct 1990 with all tracks reportedly remastered, as are those on the 1996 CD release of the original No Reason to Cry album, see 1976.
Polydor 835 261-2 (West Germany) - rear of 12" box, scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release)

Polydor 835 268-2 (West Germany) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release - no Dylan)

Polydor 835 269-2 (West Germany) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release - no Dylan)

Polydor 835 270-2 (West Germany) - CD3 scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release - includes Dylan cover)

ClaptonCrossroadsUSFront.jpg (34083 bytes)
Polydor 835 261-2 (USA) - front of book-style digipak, scan by Jack from Canada (1996 release)

Polydor 835 261-2 (Canada) - front of 12" box - scan by Jack from Canada (1990 release)

Polydor 835 261-2 (Canada) - rear of 12" box - scan by Jack from Canada (1990 release)

Polydor 835 271-2 (Canada) - CD4 scan by Jack from Canada (1990 release - includes R-0122 and Dylan cover)

Polydor 835 271-2 (West Germany) - CD4 scan by Peter Oudejans (1988 release - includes R-0122 and Dylan cover)
ClaptonCrossroadsUSBack.jpg (43857 bytes)
Polydor 835 261-2 (USA) - rear of book-style digipak, scan by Jack from Canada (1996 release)

Polydor 835 261-2 (UK) - front of 12" box (1990 release)

Polydor 835 261-2 (Canada) - CD4 front scan by Jack from Canada (1990 release)

Polydor 835 261-2 (Canada) - CD4 rear insert scan by Jack from Canada (1990 release)

ClaptonCrossroadsUSCD4.jpg (22607 bytes)
Polydor 835 271-2 (USA) - CD4 scan by Jack from Canada (1996 release - includes R-0122 and Dylan cover)

CD4 with R-0122 is numbered 835 271-2. If I Don't Be There By Morning is also on CD4, while Knockin' On Heaven's Door is on CD3 (835 270-2).

Polydor 0600753028094 (Europe), 2010s - 4CD set:

Polydor 0600753028094 (Europe) - 4CD set in book-style digipak, front scan by Jack from Canada (2010s release)
This set was reissued in 2007 in Europe in a book-style digipak with picture discs made in Germany by EDC C. The edition shown was released in Europe in the 2010s with discs made by Sony DADC. The individual CDs are numbered 835 269 2 to 835 271 2.
Polydor 0600753028094 (Europe) - 4CD set in book-style digipak, rear scan by Jack from Canada (2010s release)

Polydor 835 268 2 (Europe) -
CD1 scan by Jack from Canada
(2010s release) (no Dylan)

Polydor 835 269 2 (Europe) -
CD2 scan by Jack from Canada
(2010s release) (no Dylan)

Polydor 835 270 2 (Europe) - CD3 scan by Jack from Canada (2010s release) (includes Dylan cover)

Polydor 835 271 2 (Europe) - CD4 scan by Jack from Canada (2010s release) (includes R-0122 and Dylan cover)

12" box sets information and scans from John Hamilton's "Ultimate" Eric Clapton Discography Thanks to T. J. Jenkins for finding pictures of the 1988 US 6LP set. Thanks to Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for further information and scans.

"Down In The Groove" - test pressing and commercial stereo vinyl LP with different tracks, Columbia 120.017 (Argentina), Jun 1988:
For the released album, see International Albums (Regular).

DITGArgFront.jpg (19098 bytes)
Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - test pressing front scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - test pressing rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - test pressing rear sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - test pressing Side 1 with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (includes R-0195 and R-0196)

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - test pressing Side 2 with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (includes R-0191)

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Hermann Rechberger (title on left hand side)

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Columbia logo)

Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
DITGArgLabel1.jpg (24909 bytes)
Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hermann Rechberger (includes R-0195 and R-0196)

DITGArgLabel2.jpg (25747 bytes)
Columbia 120.017 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Hermann Rechberger  (includes R-0191)

DITGUSCD.jpg (16821 bytes)
US CD front for comparison - title on right hand side

R-0195-3 Let's Stick Together (Wilbert Harrison) - - slightly longer fade out (3:10 - released track is 3:08)

R-0196-3 Got Love If You Want It (James Moore - "Slim Harpo")

R-0191-4 The Usual (John Hiatt) - from the Hearts of Fire film soundtrack (see 1987)

These latter two tracks were instead of Death Is Not The End and Had A Dream About You, Baby (the second version, not R-0193 from the Hearts Of Fire soundtrack, see 1987).

This LP (mispressed to be the same as the second Down In The Groove test pressing, also see 1987) has nothing on the sleeve or record labels to indicate the track changes, it just lists the regular tracks but plays the replaced tracks - information from Sam C. Visser and Hermann Rechberger. The record with the rarities has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 40.957, Side 2: BL 40.957.

The front sleeve has the title down the left hand side instead of down the right hand side as the US release and the Columbia logo on the right hand side. The rear sleeve has the same picture as the US release but in black and white. The titles are translated into Spanish with the exception of the names Sally Sue Brown and Shenandoah. Another difference from the US release is that the musicians and producer are listed on the right hand side of the rear sleeve. On the record labels the tracks are listed both in Spanish and English.

Lars M. Banke has a test pressing of this album in a white card promotional sleeve with a sticker on the rear sleeve listing the Spanish titles of the regular tracks. The track listing is actually: Side 1- Let's Stick Together; When Did You Leave Heaven?;  Got Love If You Want It; Ninety Miles An Hour; Sally Sue Brown, Side 2 - Ugliest Girl In The World; Silvio; The Usual; Shenandoah; Rank Strangers To Me. The record has Discos CBS labels with typewritten album information typed at 90°. Each side has two stickers, one with "306", which may be a radio station catalogue number.

Thanks to Sam C. Visser, Hermann Rechberger, Sergio Mariano Romay and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Down In The Groove" - stereo cassette release with different tracks, Columbia 620.017 (Argentina), Jun 1988:

Columbia 620.017 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
The commercial Argentinean cassette release also plays the replaced tracks as on the second US promo cassette, see 1987. I have no information about an Argentinean CD release (if there was one).

Columbia 620.017 (Argentina) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia 620.017 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes three rarities)

Columbia 620.017 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes three rarities)

Columbia 620.017 (Argentina) - cassette leader tape with CBS logos, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The song titles are the same as those of the regular release. There is a short insert with the song titles in Spanish on the outside and in English and Spanish on the inside. The cassette is white with red text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. Again the song titles are the same as those of the regular release, listed in Spanish only. The clear leader tape has CBS logos.

Thanks to Keith Venturoni and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Breaking The Price Barrier: Special Limited Edition Sampler" - promo compilation stereo vinyl LP: CBS NICEONE (Australia), 1988:

CBS NICEONE (Australia) - LP front photo by Gary McCarthy
This promo LP release has "NICE PRICE RETAIL SAMPLER" on both record labels.

Bob's contribution is an exclusive edit of Hurricane from Desire as track 3 on Side 1.

R-2352 Hurricane (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) - edit (5:40)

CBS NICEONE (Australia) - LP rear photo by Gary McCarthy

CBS NICEONE (Australia) - Side 1 photo by Gary McCarthy (includes R-2352)

CBS NICEONE (Australia) - Side 2 photo by Gary McCarthy (no Dylan)

According to T. J. Jenkins the following lyrics are missing:

Four months later the ghettos are in flame
Rubin's in South America fighting for his name
While Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery game
And the cops are putting the screws to him looking for somebody to blame

"Remember that murder that happened in a bar?
Remember you said you saw the getaway car?
You think you'd like to play ball with the law?
Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw running that night?
Don't forget that you are white"

Arthur Dexter Bradley said, "I'm really not sure."
The cop said, "A boy like you could use a break
We got you for the motel job and we're talking to your friend Bello
Now you don't wanna have to go back to jail, be a nice fellow

You'll be doing society a favor
That son of a bitch is brave and getting braver
We want to put his ass in stir
We want to pin this triple murder on him
He ain't no Gentleman Jim."

Rubin could take a man out with just one punch
But he never did like to talk about it all that much
"It's my work," he'd say, "and I do it for pay
And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way

Up to some paradise
Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice
And ride a horse along a trail."
But then they took him to the jailhouse
Where they try to turn a man into a mouse

All of Rubin's cards were marked in advance
The trial was a pig-circus. He never had a chance
The judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the slums
To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum

And to the black folks he was just a crazy n*
No one doubted that he pulled the trigger
And though they could not produce the gun
The DA said he was the one who did the deed
And the all-white jury agreed.

Various Artists - "Breaking The Price Barrier: Special Limited Edition Sampler" - promo compilation stereo cassette: CBS NICEONEC (Australia), 1988:

CBS NICEONEC (Australia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore
This equivalent promo cassette release has "NICE PRICE RETAIL SAMPLER" on the inside of the cassette insert and "NICE PRICE SAMPLER" on the cassette itself.
CBS NICEONEC (Australia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS NICEONEC (Australia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS NICEONEC (Australia) - cassette Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-2352)

Various Artists - "Breaking The Price Barrier: Special Limited Edition Sampler" - promo compilation CD: CBS NICEONECD (Australia), 1988:

CBS NICEONECD (Australia) - CD front scan by Stuart Moore
This equivalent promo CD release has "NICE PRICE RETAIL SAMPLER" on the reverse of the front insert and the CD.
CBS NICEONECD (Australia) - reverse of CD front insert, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS NICEONECD (Australia) - CD rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

CBS NICEONECD (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

All three formats have the same rarity.

Thanks to Stuart Moore, T. J. Jenkins and Gary McCarthy for information and pictures.

Harry Belafonte - "All Time Greatest Hits Vol. 2" - CD compilation, RCA 8555-2-R (USA), 1988:

RCA 8555-2-R (USA) - scan by Hans Seegers

R-0001-7 Midnight Special (Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly") - Bob plays harmonica on the title track of Harry Belafonte's 1962 The Midnight Special album (stereo version)

RCA 8555-2-R (USA) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

RCA 8555-2-R (USA) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

RCA 8555-2-R (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

For details of the original album, see 1962.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Harry Belafonte - "Harry Belafonte - 16 Top Tracks" - CD compilations, RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany); RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany); RCA/BMG BPCD 5025 (Australia), 1988:

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)
R-0001-8 Midnight Special (Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly") - Bob plays harmonica on the title track of Harry Belafonte's 1962 The Midnight Special album (stereo version)
For details of the original album, see 1962.

There were two releases of this album in West Germany - the first was in the RCA "Diamond Series", also sold in the UK, France and Australia. Other artists included Elvis Presley, Neil Sedaka, Sam Cooke and Mario Lanza. The West German album was later released in the RCA "Reflections" series with slightly different artwork and catalogue number.

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - detail of front, scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - front
scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG 90124 (West Germany) - detail of CD, scan by Peter Oudejans ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - outside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - detail of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - CD scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG 90224 (West Germany) - detail of CD, scan by Hans Seegers ("Reflections" release)

RCA/BMG BPCD 5025 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG BPCD 5025 (Australia) - outside of front insert, scan by Stuart Moore ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG BPCD 5025 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA/BMG BPCD 5025 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore ("Diamond Series" release)

RCA Diamond Series UK release - Sam Cooke

The Australian CD was made in Australia for RCA/BMG by Disctronics.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Peter Oudejans and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

U2 - "Rattle And Hum" - 2LP sets: Island 7 91003-1 (USA); Island U 27 (UK); Island 842 299-1 (mainland Europe); Island R36D-2177/2178 (Japan); Island/Festival TVL 92385/6 (Australia), 10 Oct 1988:

Island 7 91003-1 (USA) - LP front, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

R-0199 Love Rescue Me (Bono-Bob Dylan) - Bob plays harmonica and provides backing vocals

R-0200 Hawkmoon 269 (Bono) - Bob plays organ - this also appeared on Island UK promo CD single U2V7 below

Hawkmoon 269 is on Side 1 of the 2LP set, there is a cover of All Along The Watchtower on Side 2, and Love Rescue Me is on Side 3. Side 4 has no Dylan material.

Thanks to U2 fan Rogier van den Braak for information about worldwide releases of Rattle And Hum from his "U2 Wanderer" web-site which can be found here: .

Island U 27 (UK) -
LP front, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

Island 7 91003-1 (USA) - LP rear picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

Island 842 299-1 (mainland Europe) - LP front, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

Island R36D-2177/2178 (Japan) - LP front, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

Island/Festival TVL 92385/6 (Australia) - LP rear scan by Stuart Moore

Island/Festival TVL 92385/6 (Australia) - detail of LP insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Island/Festival TVL 923856 (Australia) - LP Side 3 scan by Stuart Moore

Alan Hoaksey adds: "There's a single put out by U2 shortly after Rattle And Hum in various formats/countries.  The single features the track Love Rescue Me but this is not the LP version - it's a live recording and does not feature Dylan."

The three Australian releases shown here and below were distributed by Festival Records of Australia on behalf of Island. Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

U2 - "Rattle And Hum" - 2LP sets: Island 2LA.833 (Mexico), 1988; Island/PolyGram LPR 25019 A2 (Mexico), 1989; Island TLP-2 10.001 (Argentina), 1988; Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru), 1988; Island 212022/23-1 (Uruguay), 1988:

Island 2LA.833 (Mexico) - front with sticker, scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release)

Island 2LA.833 (Mexico) - front sticker scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release)

Island 2LA.833 (Mexico) - rear scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release)

Island 2LA.833 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release)

Island/PolyGram LPR 25019 A2 (Mexico) - front scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island/PolyGram LPR 25019 A2 (Mexico) - rear scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island TLP-2 10.001 (Argentina) - front scan found by Wil Gielen

Island TLP-2 10.001 (Argentina) - rear scan found by Wil Gielen

Island TLP-2 10.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen (includes R-0200)

Island TLP-2 10.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen

Island/PolyGram LPR 25019 A2 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island/PolyGram LPR 25019 A2 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - front scan found by Wil Gielen

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - detail of front, scan found by Wil Gielen

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - rear scan found by Wil Gielen

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - detail of rear, scan found by Wil Gielen

Island 212022/23-1 (Uruguay) - front scan found by Wil Gielen

Island 212022/23-1 (Uruguay) - rear scan found by Wil Gielen

Island 212022/23-1 (Uruguay) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen (includes R-0200

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - Side 1 scan found by Wil Gielen (includes R-0200

Island AN-ISL 0303400.2 (Peru) - detail of Side 1, scan found by Wil Gielen

Thanks to Wil Gielen for finding scans of these Latin American releases from Mexico (two releases), Argentina, Peru and Uruguay. All come in a wide single sleeve, not a gatefold sleeve.

U2 - "Rattle And Hum" - stereo cassette releases: Island UC 27 (UK); Island/Festival TVC 92385/6 (Australia), 10 Oct 1988:

Island UC 27 (UK) - cassette front (my copy)

RattleHum.jpg (40212 bytes)
Island UC 27 (UK) - cassette insert (my copy)

Island UC 27 (UK) - cassette Side 1 with R-0200, picture from www.discogs.com

Island UC 27 (UK) - cassette Side 2 with R-0199, picture from www.discogs.com

Island/Festival TVC 92385/6 (Australia) - front of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Island/Festival TVC 92385/6 (Australia) - page of inside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Island/Festival TVC 92385/6 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 with R-0200 and Dylan cover, scan by Stuart Moore

Island/Festival TVC 92385/6 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 with R-0199, scan by Stuart Moore

The UK cassette release is my copy, but the cassette itself is now missing!

Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian cassette release, distributed by Festival Records of Australia on behalf of Island.

U2 - "Rattle And Hum" - CD releases: Island 7 91003-2 (USA); Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA); BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA); Island CIXD-1204 (Canada); Island CID U27/842 299-2 (UK/France/Europe/Scandinavia); Island 842 299-2 (Australia), 10 Oct 1988; Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia), date?; Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa), 1991:

Island 353400 (USA); Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA); BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA), 1988:

Island 353400 (USA) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Island 353400 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Island 353400 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans

Island 353400 (USA) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Island 353400 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
1988-U2-RattleAndHum.jpg (17018 bytes)
BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - CD front picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - rear of CD front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia House/Island A2 91003 (USA) - detail of CD scan by Peter Oudejans

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - detail of rear of CD front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - CD rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - detail of CD rear insert, picture from www.discogs.com

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - detail of CD, picture from www.discogs.com

BMG Direct/Island D 200596/7 91003-2 (USA) - CD picture from www.discogs.com

As well as the regular Island US CD release, there were US record club CD releases from Columbia House and BMG Direct.

Island CIXD-1204 (Canada), 1988:

Island CIXD-1204 (Canada) - front picture from www.discogs.com

The US and Canadian releases have similar artwork, with black discs with a silver rim.
Island CIXD-1204 (Canada) - rear of front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Island CIXD-1204 (Canada) - rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

Island CIXD-1204 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (UK/France/other Europe/Scandinavia), 1988:

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (various European countries) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Island CID U27 (UK) - rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

Island CID U27 (UK) - detail of rear insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Island CID U27 (UK) - CD picture from www.discogs.com

Island CID U27 (UK) - CD picture from www.discogs.com ("Made in France by MPO")

Island 842 299-2 (France) - front scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2/CID U27 (France) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2/CID U27 (France) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2 (France) - rear insert scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2/CID U27 (France) - outside of unfolded booklet, scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2 (France) - centre pages of unfolded booklet, scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2/CID U27 (France) - detail of rear insert, scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2/CID U27 (France) - CD scan by T. J. Jenkins

Island 842 299-2 (France) - detail of CD, scan by T. J. Jenkins ("CID U27" missing, "SACEM" (French copyright organisation), "MADE IN FRANCE BY PDMC")

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (both variants)

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (both variants)

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 1)

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - detail of CD, scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 1 "BIEM/MPCS")

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 2)

Island CID U27/842 299-2 (other Europe) - detail of CD, scan by Peter Oudejans (variant 2 "BIEM/STEMRA","Made in France by PDMC")

Island CID U27 (Scandinavia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Island CID U27 (Scandinavia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (no barcode)

Island CID U27 (Scandinavia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Island CID U27 (Scandinavia) - detail of CD, scan by Peter Oudejans ("NCB" = Scandinavian copyright organisation)

There are several variant CD releases sold in Europe with catalogue numbers CID U27, 842 299-2, or combinations of both numbers. They all have a two-fold front insert plus a sixteen-page stapled booklet.

The UK CD was made in France and is black with a silver rim like the US and Canadian discs above. The French release has a silver Island CD that was also made in France. There are also two releases sold elsewhere in Europe with the same inserts but different CDs. One has "BIEM/MPCS" and no country of manufacture, the other has "BIEM/STEMRA" (the Dutch copyright organisation) and was again made in France. Another CD release was sold in Scandinavia with a black CD with "NCB" (the Scandinavian copyright organisation).

Island 842 299-2 (Australia), 10 Oct 1988; Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia), date?:

Island 842 299-2 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (first release)

Island 842 299-2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (first release)

Island 842 299-2 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (first release)

Island 842 299-2 (Australia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (first release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - rear of front insert, scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - page from CD booklet, scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - page from CD booklet, scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore  (second release - variant 1)

Island/Festival TVD 92385/6 (Australia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans  (second release - variant 2)

The first Australian CD release was distributed by PolyGram on behalf of Island Records and has a silver CD. The second Australian CD release was distributed by Festival Records of Australia. Stuart Moore's second release CD does not have a silver rim, but Peter Oudejans' CD does have one.

Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa), 1991:

Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa) - CD front scan by Manuel García Jara


Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa) - rear of CD front insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa) - CD rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa) - CD scan by Manuel García Jara

Island STARCD 5878 (South Africa) - detail of CD, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to T. J. Jenkins and Jack from Canada for the scan of the US, Canadian and French releases.

U2 - "Rattle And Hum" - CD releases: Island P33D-20075 (Japan), 30 Oct 1988; Island P24D-10054 (Japan), 1 Sep 1989; Island PHCR-1707 (Japan), 5 Jul 1992; Universal/Island UICY-6569 (Japan), 8 Nov 2006:

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - front with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, promo copy)

Thanks to Wil Gielen for finding scans of these four Japanese releases and for further information.

Island P33D-20075 (Japan), 30 Oct 1988: Promo and commercial copies are shown. The release date is given as "R-10-30" (30 Oct 1988). The price was ¥3,300 as indicated in the catalogue number. The promo copy has a red/white sticker on the front with "SAMPLE" in Japanese and also "SAMPLE" in English and Japanese in the centre of the CD.

Island P24D-10054 (Japan), 1 Sep 1989: The release date is given as "E-9-1" (1 Sep 1989). The price was ¥2,472 (¥2,400 plus sales tax). After sales tax was introduced in Japan record companies including CBS/Sony stopped using price codes in their catalogue numbers.

Island PHCR-1707 (Japan), 5 Jul 1992: The release date is given as "92-7-5" (5 Jul 1992). The price was ¥2,500 (¥2,427 plus sales tax).

Universal/Island UICY-6569 (Japan), 8 Nov 2006: The copy shown is still sealed. The release date is given as "06-11-8" (8 Nov 2006). The price was ¥1,980 (¥1,886 plus sales tax).

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, promo and commercial copies)

Island P24D-10054 (Japan)- front with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island P24D-10054 (Japan)- rear scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island P24D-10054 (Japan)- CD scan found by Wil Gielen (1989 release)

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - CD scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, promo copy)

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, promo copy)

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - front with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, commercial copy)

Island PHCR-1707 (Japan) - front with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1992 release)

Island PHCR-1707 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (1992 release)

Island PHCR-1707 (Japan) - CD scan found by Wil Gielen (1992 release)

Universal/Island UICY-6569 (Japan) - front with obi and sticker, scan found by Wil Gielen (2006 release)

Universal/Island UICY-6569 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan found by Wil Gielen (2006 release)

Island P33D-20075 (Japan) - CD scan found by Wil Gielen (1988 release, commercial copy)

U2 - "Excerpts From 'Rattle And Hum'" - 4-track promo CD single, Island U2V7 (UK), Oct 1988:

Island U2V7 (UK) - promo CD single front, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site
R-0200-2 Hawkmoon 269 (Bono) - Bob plays organ on this track from Rattle And Hum above

Thanks to U2 fan Rogier van den Braak for information about worldwide releases of Rattle And Hum from his "U2 Wanderer" web-site which can be found here: .

Island U2V7 (UK) - promo CD single inside gatefold sleeve, picture from "U2 Wanderer" web-site

Traveling Wilburys - "Traveling Wilburys Volume One" - stereo vinyl releases, cassette releases, CD releases, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), 18 Oct 1988:

WilburyVol1USFront.jpg (90032 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Brothers 9 25796-2 (USA) - long box front, scan by Hans Seegers
The Traveling Wilburys on Volume One were Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison and Tom Petty. Roy Orbison died on 6 Dec 1988 before the release of the single End Of The Line, and only his photograph is shown in the video of the song performed by the four surviving group members. The album tracks were added to this list later than the exclusive single tracks, which is why their R-numbers are higher. The US edition came in a "long box". For full details of all releases of this album, see here. For other Wilburys releases in 1998, see Wilburys 1988. For the reissue of this album in The Traveling Wilburys Collection with three bonus tracks, see Wilburys 2007.

Wilbury Records/Warner Brothers 9 25796-2 (USA) - front of commercial CD in jewel case, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

R-0328    Handle With Care

R-0329    Dirty World

R-0330    Rattled

R-0331    Last Night

R-0334    Heading For The Light

R-0335    Margarita

R-0336    Tweeter And The Monkey Man

R-0337    End Of The Line

R-0332    Not Alone Any More

R-0333    Congratulations

Wilbury Records/Warner Brothers 925 796-2 (West Germany for Europe) - CD front insert (my copy)

(All songs credited to the Traveling Wilburys)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information and scans.

Various Artists - promo album for documentary "Folkways - A Vision Shared: A Tribute To Woody Guthrie And Lead Belly", Columbia CAS 1261 (USA), 1988:
For the A Vision Shared VHS and DVD releases, see the
VHS & DVD 1980s page. The documentary is narrated by Robbie Robertson.

FolkwaysPromo1.JPG (47705 bytes)
Columbia CAS 1261 (USA) - photocopy of front of LP sleeve by Ole Lien

R-0315 Song To Woody - album version talked over by Bob (this song is not on the soundtrack album, see below)

FolkwaysPromo2.JPG (26639 bytes)
Columbia CAS 1261 (USA) - photocopy of rear of LP sleeve by Ole Lien

Letter distributed with album, scan by Brian Clarke

Columbia CAS 1261 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CAS 1261 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Ole Lien also informs me this album also has an interview with Bob. "It's the same as on the video (probably). If I remember right it is a little bit more than on the liner notes from the album. I think it also was from a BBC radio programme." Before the song Bob says: "Woody was like a particular sound and besides that he said something that seemed to be needed to be said, to go along with his sound. I like the way he played to say and I like the things that he said when he sang".

Over the complete version of the song, Bob says: "I started singing his songs. There was a time I did nothing but his songs. He's written so many and I knew them all! I think I was a Woody Guthrie jukebox! I was completely taken over by him. By the spirit or whatever. I mean, he had so much to give, you know. He was like a link in the chain for me. You could listen to his songs and actually learn how to live. I think he did a whole lot more then he ever knew he did" (Thanks to Hans Seegers for transcript.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ole Lien, Brian Clarke and Peter Schoefboeck for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folkways - A Vision Shared: A Tribute To Woody Guthrie And Lead Belly" - soundtrack album, LP releases: Columbia OC 44034 (USA), 1988; CBS 460905 1 (Europe/Australia), 1988; CBS/Sony 25AP 5219 (Japan); Columbia 70.046 (Argentina), Jun 1989:
For the A Vision Shared VHS, laserdisc and DVD releases, see the
VHS & DVD 1980s page.

Columbia OC 44034 (USA) - LP front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0202 Pretty Boy Floyd (Woody Guthrie) - also on the 1993 Japanese promo CD Mr. D's Collection # 3, see 1993
This song is not on the promo LP for the tribute documentary - see above.

Columbia OC 44034 (USA) - LP rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia OC 44034 (USA) - detail of LP rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia OC 44034 (USA) - LP Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (Spain) - promo LP Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (UK) - LP front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (UK) - detail of LP rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (UK) - detail of LP rear, scan by Hans Seegers)

CBS 460905 1 (UK) - LP Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0202)

CBS 460905 1 (NL) - LP Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0202)

CBS 460905 1 (Spain) - promo LP front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (NL) - LP front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (UK) - detail of LP rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (Spain) - promo LP detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (Spain) - promo LP detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (Spain) - promo LP detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers

VisionArgFront.jpg (49805 bytes)
Columbia 70.046 (Argentina) - LP front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25AP 5219 (Japan) - LP detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25AP 5219 (Japan) - LP detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25AP 5219 (Japan) - LP obi scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - LP front with sticker, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - inner sleeve front, scan by Stuart Moore

VisionArgBack.jpg (43650 bytes)
Columbia 70.046 (Argentina) - LP rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 70.046 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0202)

CBS/Sony 25AP 5219 (Japan) - LP Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes R-0202)

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - inside of gatefold sleeve unfolded, scan by Stuart Moore

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - LP rear scan by Stuart Moore

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-0202)

CBS 460905 1 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (no Dylan)

R-0202 appeared on the Sony Music Bob Dylan Custom Mix CD web-site, Apr 2003, see Online Performances (Other). It was also one of the 42 rarities included for download with the Aug 2006 Apple iTunes Bob Dylan Collection, see Online Performances (Other).

The US LP has a white on purple inner sleeve. The UK LP has a white on grey/black card inner sleeve, the Dutch LP has a white on grey paper inner sleeve. The Japanese LP has a 4-page booklet but does not come in a CBS/Sony inner sleeve. The promo Spanish LP has yellow CBS labels - the promo text "DISCO PROMOCIONAL PROHIBIDA SU VENTA" is printed on the labels. The sticker on the LP front also has Spanish text.

Thanks to Sergio Magnacca for the information that this album was also issued in 1988 in Argentina with a slightly different cover with Spanish text added - below A Vision Shared is the text "Una Vision Compartida" and at the bottom right "Un Tributo A Woody Guthrie Y Lead Belly". The Argentine catalogue number is CBS 70.046 with the US number 44034 right below it. Sergio adds: "The title of Bob's song is in my opinion mistranslated as "Floyd El Muchachito" which really means "Floyd the little boy". There is no reference to "Pretty" in the translated title." Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian LP release.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folkways - A Vision Shared: A Tribute To Woody Guthrie And Lead Belly" - soundtrack album, cassette releases: CBS 460905 4 (UK/NL), 1988; CBS/Sony 25KP 5219 (Japan), 1988; CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay), 1988:
For the A Vision Shared VHS and DVD releases, see the VHS & DVD 1980s page.

CBS 460905 4 (UK):

CBS 460905 4 (UK) - cassette insert unfolded (my copy)

CBS 460905 4 (UK) - cassette Side 1 (includes R-0202)

CBS 460905 4 (UK) - reverse of cassette insert unfolded (liner notes by Bob)

CBS 460905 4 (UK) - cassette Side 2 (no Dylan)

The UK CBS cassette release had a multiple folded card insert and a black cassette with red CBS labels.

CBS 460905 4 (NL):

CBS 460905 4 (NL) - cassette insert unfolded, scan by Tom Willems

The Dutch cassette release had a smaller card insert together with a folded insert on thin paper with the same information and pictures as the UK card insert. The cassette was also black with red CBS labels, but the labels were significantly different.

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scans.

CBS 460905 4 (NL) - reverse of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems

CBS 460905 4 (NL) - cassette insert unfolded, front scan by Tom Willems

CBS 460905 4 (NL) - cassette insert unfolded, rear scan by Tom Willems

CBS 460905 4 (NL) - cassette Side 1 scan by Tom Willems (includes R-0202)

CBS/Sony 25KP 5219 (Japan):

CBS/Sony 25KP 5219 (Japan) - front photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson
This album was also released on cassette in Japan. It had a folded insert and came in a white case.

Scans required!

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for information and pictures.

CBS/Sony 25KP 5219 (Japan) - rear photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay):

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay) - outside of unfolded cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

This cassette release has a long folded card insert, blank on the inside.  The titles of the songs (insert and labels) are in English only. “Made in Uruguay” is printed in the insert and also on the labels (very small text). The cassette is white, with yellow/brown paper labels printed in black and blue ink. The folded card insert was printed in Uruguay by FIMASA and the cassette was made by WEL S.A. (like other CBS Uruguayan releases on cassette, including Warner Wilburys releases). The insert and the labels have the Dolby Noise Reduction logo. The cassette can be opened, as there are five screws on Side 2.

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes Bob)

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 8262-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (no Dylan)

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folkways: A Vision Shared - A Tribute To Woody Guthrie & Lead Belly" - soundtrack album, CD releases: Columbia CK 44034 (USA/Canada); Columbia 460905 2 (Europe); CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan), 1988; Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil), 1988:
For the A Vision Shared VHS and DVD releases, see the
VHS & DVD 1980s page.

Columbia CK 44034 (USA):

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - front of CD jewel case with "NICE PRICE" sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

The first release of the US CD came in a long box. The front insert is a 20-page booklet. Jean-Pol Hiernaux has an unusual variant of the US CD Columbia CK 44034 with two differences:

  1. The text "Made in Austria" appears on the right below the Compact Disc logo.
  2. There is an extra line of copyright text at the bottom of the CD.
  3. The information round the centre hole has the European catalogue number "CDCBS 460905"

The front and rear inserts are the same as illustrated.

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - front of CD booklet, scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - outside of CD booklet, scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - inside pages of CD booklet, scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - rear of CD booklet, scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Gerd Rundel (first variant)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Gerd Rundel (both variants)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD long box front, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD long box rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (second variant)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (second variant with "CDCBS 460905" detail)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (second variant with "Made in Austria" detail)

Columbia CK 44034 (USA) - CD rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

Gerd Rundel's copy does not come in a long box and the jewel case has a front "NICE PRICE" sticker. It probably dates from the early 1990s. The front and rear inserts are again the same as illustrated. Hans' CD from the long box is the same as Gerd's.

Columbia CK 44034 (Canada):

Columbia CK 44034 (Canada) - CD front scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of the Canadian CD release, also Columbia CK 44034. It has a different rear insert design from the US release. The CD itself was manufactured in the USA, as there was at that time no Columbia CD pressing plant in Canada.

Columbia CK 44034 (Canada) - CD rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 44034 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

CBS 460905 2 (Europe), 1988:

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - CD front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - CD front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - CD rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - detail of CD rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 460905 2 (Europe) - detail of CD, scan by Hans Seegers

The European CD was made in Austria like the US CD variant above.

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe), 1990s:

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - front with sticker, scan by David Burgess
The 1990s Columbia CD release has a different front sticker and comes with a stapled "NICE PRICE" booklet. The CD was again made in Austria.
Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - front sticker scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - detail of rear insert, scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - CD scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - outside of "NICE PRICE" booklet, scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - inside pages of "NICE PRICE" booklet, scan by David Burgess

Columbia COL 460905 2 (Europe) - detail of CD, scan by David Burgess

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan):

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - CD front scan by Hans Seegers

The Japanese CD had the same design light-green, white, black and red obi as the LP. Hans Seegers has both a promo and a commercial copy of this. The promo CD has text in Japanese handwritten in the clear centre.

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - CD rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - CD obi scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - promo CD scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - detail of promo CD, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - CD front insert scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 25DP 5219 (Japan) - commercial CD scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil):

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - front scan by Alexandre Froemming
The Brazilian CD release on the Columbia label was made by Sony Music Entertainment (Brazil), Rio de Janeiro.
Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - detail of rear of front insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - detail of rear insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - CD scan by Alexandre Froemming

Columbia 700.827/2-460905 (Brazil) - detail of CD, scan by Alexandre Froemming

Thanks to Sergio Magnacca for information and to Hans Seegers, Jean-Pol Hiernaux, Jack from Canada, Alexandre Froemming, David Burgess and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Promotional/Regular Items for 1988

Living In Another Country: International Stereo Releases

Stereo promo items for 1988 which don't contain rare material but which are still very collectable are now included with promo releases of regular albums and commercially released singles on the appropriate page in International Stereo Releases.

Down In The Groove 1988
Down In The Groove

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A Flying Pig production

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