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Audio: International Album Releases (Regular)

The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Bob Dylan Live 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert

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Time Out Of Mind

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

For releases of this album in Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

The Essential Bob Dylan (2000)



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.


US release (2CD), Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759, 12 Oct 1998

This album, recorded live with The Hawks (later The Band) at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, 17 May 1966, has had a long history before being finally released. The title refers to the fact that bootleg releases of the concert were erroneously attributed to the Royal Albert Hall, London, for many years. Columbia prepared a master of the concert in 1994, which was reportedly rejected by Bob because it was "too clean" and didn't reflect the audience's experience. At least one copy of this master on DAT found its way into the hands of bootleggers to become widely circulated as Guitars Kissing And The Contemporary Fix (the title of a chapter heading in Bob Dylan's book "Tarantula", see Questionable Releases). One track from this abandoned master, I Don't Believe You, was released in error on the recalled release of Biograph, see 1997. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue from this show was released on Biograph in 1985, so appears here in remastered form.

This title was one of the fifteen Dylan albums scheduled for release in late 2003 as a hybrid CD/SA-CD, although it was subsequently dropped. This would have been playable both in stereo on an ordinary CD player and in perhaps in 5.1 surround sound on an SA-CD player or a DVD player that also plays SA-CDs (Sony's higher range models all do this).

Picture from eBay (Emidisc test pressing)
The mono test pressing on an Emidisc recording blank with pink handwritten text plays at 33⅓ RPM and lasts 8:20. It is a mono occurrence of this performance with the famous "Judas!" shout and Bob's response, much bootlegged as from the "Royal Albert Hall" concert, and finally released in stereo in 1998. For more details, see 1966.
Label photo by Alex Greenway (I.B.C. test pressing)

Covering letter from Brian Carroll, photo by Alex Greenway (I.B.C. acetate)

The I.B.C. mono acetate contains two tracks recorded live with The Hawks (later The Band) from the concert at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, 17 May 1966, finally released in 1998 as The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Bob Dylan Live 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert after years of being one of Dylan's most famous bootlegs. As well as Ballad Of A Thin Man, it includes Like A Rolling Stone with the infamous "Judas!" shout. The record was engineered by Brian Carroll at I.B.C. Recording Studios, 35 Portland Place, London, W1. It has a red I.B.C. generic label with black handwritten text and is accompanied by a covering letter from Brian authenticating the disc as the only copy. Brian has also signed the label. The owner Alex Greenway has researched Brian Carroll and confirmed he was indeed an engineer working for I.B.C. at the time the acetate was made. Again, for more details see 1966.

For Columbia LP-length acetates of the 1966 live performance with The Hawks, see International Album Releases (Dylan-only Compilations) 1965-69.

For performances included in 1991 on a CD with Il Dizionario del Rock, an Italian part-work magazine, which are probably from this concert, also see Questionable Releases.

For the complete story of Bob's 1966 Manchester concert, read "Like The Night: Bob Dylan and the Road to the Manchester Free Trade Hall" by the late musician and musicologist Dr. C P Lee (Helter Skelter Books, UK, 1998), revised as "Like The Night (Revisited)" (Helter Skelter Books, UK, 2004).

My photo on the right shows alleged "Judas!" shouter Keith Butler being interviewed by BBC Radio presenter Andy Kershaw on stage at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, Jan 1999. The photo by Bleddyn Butcher at far right shows the assembled 17 May 1966 veterans with Dr. C. P. Lee at the back.

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2LP set, Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA), 1998:

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front (my copy)

This Limited Edition 2LP boxed set on heavyweight vinyl was released by Classic Records on behalf of Columbia.

The box contains a 12" booklet with much larger pictures than in the CD booklet, and several exclusive photos. Each LP has a card picture sleeve. There was a gold foil sticker on the box front affixed to the shrink-wrap.

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front sticker (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - limited edition sticker, photo from eBay

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box rear (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of box rear with numbered silver foil sticker, picture from eBay

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of box rear (my copy - dated "1985")

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - booklet front

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - booklet rear

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - LP1 sleeve front

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - LP1 sleeve rear

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - LP2 sleeve front

Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - LP2 sleeve rear

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1A (USA) - Side 1

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1A (USA) - detail of Side 1 with catalogue number

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1A (USA) - detail of Side 1 with 1985 copyright date

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1B (USA) - Side 2

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1C (USA) - Side 3

Columbia/Legacy C2-65759-1D (USA) - Side 4

The rear of the box misleadingly has "1985" as the original release date. The record labels also have "ORIGINALLY RELEASED 1985" at the bottom. The rear of the inner sleeves are correct.

The records have labels reproducing the mid-1960s Columbia US design. The records of my copy have handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - CK 65759-A, Side 2 - CK 65759-B, Side 3 - CK 65759-C, Side 4 - CK 65759-D, plus “BG” handwritten on Sides 1 and 4. (This indicates mastering engineer Bernie Grundman.)

Thanks to Renaud Depierreux for finding a copies on eBay numbered "0216" and "0309" which were part of a limited edition of 1000 available only through bobdylan.com.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - single LPs, Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA), 2003:
The Classic Records web-site gives these the catalogue numbers "CK-65759-A" and "CK-65759-E", although these do not appear anywhere on the items ("CK-65759-A" is the matrix number of Side 1).

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759-1 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (Acoustic)
These are the LPs from the box above sold separately! The records are identical to the ones above (Sides 1/2 and Sides 3/4).

Thanks to Larry Crum for finding these on the Classic Records web-site, and to Hans Seegers for the scans and further information.

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759-1 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (Acoustic)

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759-1 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers (Electric)

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759-1 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (Electric)

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2LP 200gm test pressing, RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA), 7-8 Aug 2006:

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) - sticker on both front sleeves, photo by Bruce Mulle

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) - detail of rear sleeve of Record 1, photo by Bruce Mulle

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) - detail of rear sleeve of Record 2, photo by Bruce Mulle

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) - rear sleeve of Record 2, photo by Bruce Mulle

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) - Side 3 photo by Bruce Mulle

RTI/Columbia/Legacy CK-65759 (USA) -Side 4 (blank) with sleeve, photo by Bruce Mulle

This test pressing was made for Classic Records by RTI (Record Technology Inc.) and dated 7-8 Aug 2006. Both discs come in plain white sleeves that were originally sealed by RTI. Each sleeve has a sticker with a barcode at front top left with text "BOB DYLAN/ROYAL ALBERT HALL/200 GRA" "TCCS 65759Q". The first album sleeve has the following stamped at rear top right: "AUGUST 7 2006 CK - 65759 A/B". The second album sleeve has the following stamped at rear top right: "AUGUST 8 2006 CK - 65759 C/D". Sides 1 and 3 have generic RTI Co. labels, while the reverse sides 2 and 4 have plain white labels. The records have matrix numbers: Side 1 - CK - 65759 - A, Side 2 - CK - 65759 - B, Side 3 - CK - 65759 - C, Side 4 - CK - 65759 - D.

Thanks to Bruce Mulle for information and photos.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2LP 200gm test pressing, Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA), Aug 2006:

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Record 1 sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel

This very rare test pressing is unusual because it looks as if Classic Records made their own test pressings in addition to the RTI test pressings from Bruce Mulle above. Each record comes in a plain white cut-out sleeve with a printed sticker affixed to the sleeve at top right. Sides 1 and 3 have generic Classic Records labels without text while Sides 2 and 4 have plain white labels. The records have handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - CK 65759-A, Side 2 - CK 65759-B, Side 3 - CK 65759-C, Side 4 - CK 65759-D. In addition Sides 1 and 4 have "BG" handwritten. This is the same as my 1998 copy.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Record 2 sleeve scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Record 1 sleeve sticker scan by Gerd Rundel ("A/B")

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Record 2 sleeve sticker scan by Gerd Rundel ("C/D")

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK 65759 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Gerd Rundel

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2LP 200gm boxed set, Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA), 2006:

Live1966USLPFront.jpg (19443 bytes)
Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front with just "200 GRAM" sticker, scan by Stuart Moore
This is a new version of these records by Classic Records as a boxed set again, with a 56-page booklet. The records are now pressed in 200gm heavyweight vinyl. The box rear of the 2006 release is identical to that of the 1998 release above. There was also a release Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 in regular 140gm weight vinyl (not shown).

The records have the same Columbia US reproduction labels and come in the same inner sleeves as for the original 1998 2LP release.

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front with two stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box front "200 GRAM" sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - box rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of box bottom, scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - booklet front scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of box rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (dated "1985")

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - booklet rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of booklet, rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - inner sleeve 1 front scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - inner sleeve 1 rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - detail of inner sleeve 1 rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (dated "1998", inner sleeve 2 rear is the same)

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - inner sleeve 2 front scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - inner sleeve 2 rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Gerd Rundel

Classic Records/ Columbia/Legacy CK2-65759-1 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Gerd Rundel

The rear of the box again misleadingly has "1985" as the original release date. The record labels also have "ORIGINALLY RELEASED 1985" at the bottom as above. The records of Gerd's copy have handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - CK 65759-A, Side 2 - CK 65759-B, Side 3 - CK 65759-C, Side 4 - CK 65759-D, plus “BG” handwritten on Sides 1 and 4, exactly the same as those of my 1998 copy above.

Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information and to Stuart Moore and Gerd Rundel for the scans.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - promotional single cassette release, Columbia/Legacy (no catalogue number) (UK), 1998:

Insert scan by Gerd Rundel

This promo release from Whitfield Street Mastering Studios, London is recorded on to a black/transparent commercial chrome cassette (probably a C120 since both CDs are longer than 45 mins). Side A has a white sticker with "Bob Dylan" but no album title, Side B has no stickers. There is also no album title on the insert, and Ballad Of A Thin Man is misprinted as "Ballad Of Ta Thin Man". The insert is blank on the reverse.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Cassette Side A scan by Gerd Rundel

Cassette Side B scan by Gerd Rundel

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - stereo cassette release, Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL), Nov 1998:

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 4 (NL) - front of slipcase, photo by Francisco Fernández García
Manuel García Jara's copy of this single cassette release comes with minimal artwork. The cassette was made in Holland and is transparent smoked grey with white text, there are no paper labels.

However, Francisco Fernández García's copy comes in a slipcase with a booklet. The slipcase has catalogue number COL 491485 4. As well as the catalogue number, the rear of the slipcase differs from the rear of the CD slipcase below in that the track listing has "SIDE ONE" and "SIDE TWO" instead of "DISC ONE" and "DISC TWO". The cassette of Francisco's copy is exactly as shown with the same insert.

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 4 (NL) - rear of slipcase, photo by Francisco Fernández García

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 4 (NL) - detail of rear of slipcase, photo by Francisco Fernández García

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy 491485 4 (NL) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Francisco Fernández García for information and pictures.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - promotional two cassette set, Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan), 6 Nov 1998:

Sony Records SRCS 8758 (Japan) - insert for cassette 1, scan by Wil Gielen
This promo set comes in two separate cassette boxes, one with a blue insert and the other with a red insert. Both cassettes are identical with white cases and black labels with white text, there's nothing on them to say which is which. The title is given as "LIVE AT ROYAL ALBERT HALL"

Both inserts give the release date as 21 Oct 1998, but it was actually 6 Nov 1998. For a Sony Music Japan 2CD promo set, see below. As far as I know this set was never released commercially on cassette in any country.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony Records SRCS 8758 (Japan) - cassette 1, Side 1 scan by Wil Gielen (cassette 2 is identical)

Sony Records SRCS 8759 (Japan) - insert for cassette 2, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8759 (Japan) - cassette 1, Side 2 scan by Wil Gielen (cassette 2 is identical)

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - stereo cassette release, Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey), 1998:

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - front scan by Dag Braathen
This release was made in Turkey and comes on a double-length cassette. There is a three-fold double-sided insert. The cassette has a clear case with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 1 scan by Dag Braathen

Columbia/Legacy 491485-4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 2 scan by Dag Braathen

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - stereo cassette release, Sony Music 491485 4 (India), Dec 1998:

Sony Music 491485 4 (India) - front scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491498 4 (India) - outside of insert, scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491485 4 (India) - detail of outside of insert, scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491485 4 (India) - inside of insert, scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491498 4 (India) - Side 1 scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491485 4 (India) - detail of Side 1, scan by Paul van Oost

Sony Music 491485 4 (India) - Side 2 scan by Paul van Oost

This release again comes on a double-length cassette, with timings 41:23 (Side 1) and 48:12 (Side 2). It has a date of "12/98" and a price of 150 rupees (about $3.29). There is a three-fold double-sided insert. The cassette has a clear case with white text and the incorrect information "Originally Recorded 1966, Originally Released 1985" on both sides.

Thanks to Paul van Oost for information and scans.

CD Releases

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - promo 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA), Oct 1998:

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - press kit documents and front of booklet, picture from eBay

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - centre of press kit booklet, picture from eBay

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - press kit letter and rear of booklet, picture from eBay

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - promo picture from eBay with clear jewel cases found by Peter Good

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65760 (USA) - promo CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65760 (USA) - detail of promo CD1 with incorrect catalogue number, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy CK 65760 (USA) - detail of promo CD1, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65761 (USA) - promo CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65761 (USA) - detail of promo CD2, scan by Jack from Canada

This promo release has different CD labels from the regular US release which include the song titles and the text "Demonstration - Not for Sale". The example from eBay came in plain jewel cases, while Jack from Canada's copy comes in a slimline 2CD jewel case with the standard front and rear inserts. Gerd Rundel has the same 2CD promo set as Jack - CD1 should have catalogue number "CK 65760" but is misprinted as "CK 65761". The second CD's catalogue number is correct at "CK 65761".

Thanks to Peter Good and Hervé from France for information, and to Jack from Canada for scans. Thanks to Renaud Depierreux for finding a copy of this promo set on eBay with a press kit consisting of a 2-page promo letter, the liner notes and a four-page printed promo booklet.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (CK 65760/CK 65761) (USA), 13 Oct 1998:

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - slipcase front with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

This set is in a slimline 2CD jewel case with a clear tray and comes in a slipcase with a 56-page booklet. The front insert is just a folded card.
Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - slipcase front sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - slipcase front, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - slipcase rear, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - front of jewel case, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - rear of jewel case, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy C2K 65759 (USA) - front of booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65750 (USA) - detail of CD1, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65750 (USA) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65750 (USA) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Note the truncated CD title, just "LIVE 1966", also the big "STEREO"/"360 SOUND"/arrows symbol (from the 1960s Columbia record labels). These CDs have no song titles.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe), Oct 1998:

Live1966UKFront.JPG (23827 bytes)
Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - front of slipcase (my copy)
This set, in a slimline 2CD jewel case with a clear tray, is the same as the US release apart from the catalogue number. It comes in a slipcase with a 56-page booklet. The front insert is just a folded card.

The CDs are similar to the US CDs, although they are red instead of orange.

Both Senne Willems and Harald Sigvartsen have copies where the extra text "SPINE" is printed on the spine of the slipcase in blue. This must be a printer's instruction that has not been removed.

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of spine of slipcase with misprint, photo by Senne Willems

Live1966UKBack.JPG (34657 bytes)
Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - rear of slipcase

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - rear insert

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - reverse of rear insert

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - outside of front insert

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - inside of front insert

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - booklet front

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - booklet back

Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - detail of CD1

Live1966UKCD1.JPG (24670 bytes)
Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - CD1

Live1966UKCD2.JPG (24473 bytes)
Columbia/Legacy COL 491485 2 (Austria for Europe) - CD2

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe), Dec 2010:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - front scan by Arie de Reus
This set comes in a slimline 2CD jewel case without a slipcase. It is dated 2010 on the rear insert, the rear of the front booklet and the CDs. Bizarrely, the CDs have text "ORIGINALLY RELEASED 1985" (the date It's All Over Now, Baby Blue from this show was released on Biograph). This must be a mistake, as Ian Woodward assures me no release of the complete show was planned in 1985.

Thanks to Arie de Reus for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - outside of booklet, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - detail of outside of booklet, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - CD1 scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - detail of CD1, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - detail of CD1, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697732892 (Europe) - CD2 scan by Arie de Reus

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - promo 2CD-R set, Columbia/Legacy COL1-CD1/COL2-CD2 (Australia), Oct 1998:

Columbia/Legacy COL1-CD1 (Australia) - CD-R1 scan by Stefan Haras
This promo release came in a jewel case without sleeve or insert, and has ROYAL ALBERT HALL/BOB DYLAN only on the discs, with SAMPLE ONLY (left) and NOT FOR SALE (right).

Thanks to Hervé from France, Gerd Rundel and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy COL2-CD2 (Australia) - CD-R2 scan by Stefan Haras

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy 491485 2 (Australia), Oct 1998:

Columbia/Legacy 491485 2 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Bill Hester

Thanks to Bill Hester for the information about the Australian release Columbia/Legacy 491485 2. The booklet and slipcase were manufactured in Australia as were the discs. They are otherwise identical to the European release.

Columbia/Legacy 491485 2 (Australia) - detail of CD1, scan by Bill Hester

Columbia/Legacy 491485 2 (Australia) - CD2 scan by Bill Hester

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - promotional 2CD set, Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan), 6 Nov 1998:

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - slipcase front with obi and information sticker, scan by Wil Gielen
Unlike the Japanese promo cassette set above, this set comes with the full commercial artwork. It's packaged in a card slipcase with a side obi with price ¥3,780. The date is given on the obi as "98-11-6" with the US release date of "98-10-13" below. There is no promo indication apart from the word "SAMPLE" in the clear centre of each CD. The set is in a resealable clear plastic wallet with an information sticker advertising Time Out Of Mind and the exclusive Japanese Dylan Alive 2CD single set with rare live tracks, see 1998. The two CDs are in a slimline jewel case, and inside the slipcase there are two booklets, a 56-page booklet in English, and a 60-page booklet in English and Japanese.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - information sticker scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - slipcase front scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - front insert scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - front of booklet 1, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - front of booklet 2, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758-9 (Japan) - slipcase rear scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758 (Japan) - promo CD1 scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758 (Japan) - detail of promo CD1, scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8759 (Japan) - promo CD2 scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 8758 (Japan) - detail of promo CD2, scan by Wil Gielen

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan), 1998:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - front of outer slipcase with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - Chinese sticker scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - rear of outer slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - front of inner slipcase with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - US sticker scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - rear of inner slipcase scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - front of Chinese booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - rear of Chinese booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - front of US booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - rear of US booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (Taiwan) - spine of outer slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music C2K 65759 (USA for Taiwan) - spine of inner slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

The Taiwanese release of Live 1966 consists of a sealed US copy packaged inside an outer slipcase and then sealed again. Inside the outer slipcase is an extra 48-page Chinese language booklet in addition to the 56-page booklet normally included with the 2CD set. The Chinese booklet includes some never-before-seen pictures of Dylan, an essay in Chinese about Dylan’s career before 1966, and Chinese translations of all the lyrics of the songs that Dylan performed on 17 May 1966.

Thanks to Jeffy from Taiwan and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert" - 2CD set, Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil), 2002:

Live1966BrazSlipcaseFront.JPG (34130 bytes)
Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil) - front of outer slipcase
This set comes in a card slipcase and is part of a series of reissues of "Live" Columbia albums (also including Bob Dylan At Budokan in this section and MTV Unplugged, see 1995). It has a single width 2CD jewel case. The album packaging is minimal, with just the front picture and track listings, no other album artwork. The rear insert is plain on the reverse, the front insert has just the tracklisting. The CDs are plain red with just the title in silver, again truncated to "LIVE 1966".

As can be seen, the inside of the front insert has only the tracklisting with Brazilian copyright numbers, there is no other information.

Thanks to Alexandre Froemming for this album.

Live1966BrazSlipcaseBack.JPG (29857 bytes)
Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil) - rear of outer slipcase

Live1966BrazFront.JPG (21464 bytes)
Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil) - front insert (plain black on the reverse)

Live1966BrazRear.JPG (33074 bytes)
Columbia 2-036067 (Brazil) - rear insert (plain white on the reverse)

Live1966BrazInside.JPG (35011 bytes)
Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil) - inside of front insert

Live1966BrazCD1.JPG (15373 bytes)
Columbia 2-491485 (Brazil) - CD1

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Time Out Of Mind

The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966

The Essential Bob Dylan (2000)

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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.