"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 2006

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

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This yearly page now contains only the main Rarities List. Promotional Items (Albums and Singles) are now here. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised:06 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

Audience recordings are indicated by (A).

Various Artists - "Hit's A Sony Music Express Vol. 36 January" - promo compilation CD, Sony Music SDCI 80309 (Japan), Jan 2006:

Sony Music SDCI 80309 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen
R-0649-2 Tell Ol' Bill - previously unreleased Dylan song, recorded mid-2005, from the soundtrack of the film North Country, Sony Music Soundtrax SICP-1021, released in Japan on 21 Jan 2006
For the Sony Music Soundtrax original soundtrack album, see 2005. For the film DVD release, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 3.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony Music SDCI 80309 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Music SDCI 80309 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

The groups illustrated are Destiny's Child and The Dead 60s. For other volumes in this series with Dylan rarities, see 2001, 2007 and 2008. For 2000s volumes in this series with Dylan album tracks, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2000s. For 1990s promotional albums in this series, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 1990s.

Various Artists - "1971: Ein Jahr Und Seine 20 Songs [1971: A Year And Its 20 Songs]" - book with compilation CD, Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-073-3 (Germany), 2006:

SudDeutscheZeitung1971Front.jpg (21656 bytes)
Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-073-3 (Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This book is one of a series of fifty called "1000 Songs Fünfzig Jähre Popmusik [1000 Songs Fifty Years Pop Music]", each with a compilation CD of tracks from the year, not always the obvious choices. To order it, go here. The Dylan track is a rarity:

R-0084-13 George Jackson ("Big Band" version), lyrics on bobdylan.com here - from 7" single, see 1971
Also see
1971 for all subsequent appearances on LP or CD.

SudDeutscheZeitung1971Back.jpg (37273 bytes)
Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-073-3 (Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-073-3 (Germany) - copyright page scan by Peter Oudejans

SudDeutscheZeitung1981Front.jpg (38378 bytes)
Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-081-4 (Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers

SudDeutscheZeitung1981Back.jpg (36424 bytes)
Süddeutsche Zeitung ISBN 3-86615-081-4 (Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Anthony Pignataro has a copy of the 1971 book and reports the Dylan track has pops and crackles and hisses as if it has been just copied from vinyl onto CD. The 1981 book in this series (ISBN 3-88615-081-4) contains Every Grain Of Sand from Shot Of Love.

Thanks to Dirk Krah for information about this book and to Hans Seegers and Peter Oudejans for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Late Night Moods Vol. 3" - 2CD compilation, EMI (catalogue number?) (UK), 10 Apr 2006:

Picture from www.amazon.co.uk
R-0359-19 Rise (Bob Dylan/Gabrielle/F. Unger-Hamilton/Ollie Dagois) - a looped sample from the start of the version of Knockin' On Heaven's Door from the Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid soundtrack is used throughout this song performed by UK soul singer Gabrielle

For the original single and album by Gabrielle, see 2000.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information about this compilation.

Harry Belafonte - "The Original Singles" - compilation CD, BMG (catalogue number?) (USA), 25 Apr 2006:

BelafonteOriginal SinglesUSFront.jpg (21074 bytes)
Picture from www.amazon.com
R-0001-39 Midnight Special (Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly") - Bob plays harmonica on the title track of Harry Belafonte's 1962 The Midnight Special album (stereo version)

For details of the original album, see 1962.

Various Artists - "May Your Song Always Be Sung: The Songs Of Bob Dylan" - BMG BVCM 34048 (Japan), 21 Jun 2006:
This 18-track collection on a single CD uses the artwork from the first May Your Song Always Be Sung collection, see 1997, but is actually a selection of the tracks of that album and those of the second May Your Song Always Be Sung collection, see 2001. For the third May Your Song Always Be Sung collection, see 2003.

BMG BVCM 34048 (Japan) - picture from www.hmv.co.jp
R-0486-2 Midnight Special (Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly") - Bob plays harmonica for Harry Belafonte on a previously unreleased alternate take of the title track of his 1962 RCA album The Midnight Special, recorded at Webster Hall, New York City, on 2 Feb 1962. For the originally released recording R-0001, see 1962.
This alternate version originally appeared on the second May Your Song Always Be Sung collection, see 2001.

BMG BVCM 34048 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel

BMG BVCM 34048 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel

BMG BVCM 34048 (Japan) - picture of 2006 promo CD-R found by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for finding the 2006 Japanese promo on https://www.tokyomusicjapan.com. The CD-R comes in a clear CD jewel case with no rear insert. Thanks to Ronald Born (who sings on the 2003 collection) for correcting the information about this tracklist.

"Someday Baby" - 2-track promo CD single, Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA), 20 Jul 2006:

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel
R-0741 Someday Baby - edited version of track (3:07) from Modern Times (the album version is 4:55)

This track has been edited by removing a verse from the middle.

This glass-mastered CD single, dated "July 20, 2006", comes in a thin CD single jewel case with a folded front insert, and also contains the 4:55 album version. There is a flyer advertising the single and a promotional leaflet. For a US one-track and European CD singles with this edit, see below. For promo CD-Rs with the full album version of the song, see International Singles - 2000s.

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - unfolded front insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - flyer scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - front of promotional leaflet, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 82876 89973 2 (USA) - reverse of promotional leaflet, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hervé from France, Paul S. Levine, Peter Good, Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Blues" - compilation CD, Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA), 8 Aug 2006; Columbia/Legacy/Sony BMG 88697 00917 2 (Germany), Sep 2006; Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697009172 (Australia), 2006:

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA), 8 Aug 2006:

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel
Barnes & Noble in the USA are selling an exclusive Dylan compilation - Blues. Thanks to Paul Pearson and Tim Dunn for information about this album. It has liner notes by Bill Flanagan, who wrote the notes for 2005's The Best Of Bob Dylan above. Thanks to Tim Dunn and others for information that "Altar" is misspelled "Alter"!

Ian Woodward has a US promo copy, still sealed, with a hole punched through the jewel case at front top left.

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - front of sealed copy with sticker (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - front of Dylan bookmark, scan by Gino Galvez

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - reverse of Dylan bookmark, scan by Gino Galvez

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - Barnes & Noble sticker from front (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - front of sealed promo copy with sticker and hole punched through at top left, scan by Ian Woodward

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - detail of hole punched through at front top left, scan by Ian Woodward

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - rear insert scan by Gerd Rundel ("Altar" spelled "Alter")

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - outside of unfolded front insert booklet, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - inside pages of front insert booklet, scan by Gino Galvez

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray), scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - front of insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - inside pages of front insert booklet, scan by Gino Galvez

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - inside pages of front insert booklet, scan by Gino Galvez

Columbia/Legacy 82876 88900 2 (USA) - rear of insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

All tracks are previously released and are: She Belongs To Me; Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat; It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3); Down in the Flood (Crash On The Levee) (1971 version from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 2); Meet Me In The Morning; Gotta Serve Somebody; The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar; Seeing the Real You At Last; Everything Is Broken; Dirt Road Blues; High Water (For Charlie Patton); Blind Willie McTell.

The album has three tracks that have definitely been remastered from the currently available album versions:

R-0743 The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar - remastered version of 1981 track, originally a single B-side then added to Shot Of Love

R-0744 Seeing The Real You At Last - remastered version of 1985 track from Empire Burlesque

R-0745 Dirt Road Blues - remastered version of 1999 track from Time Out Of Mind
This may be from the remastered version of the album scheduled for release by Columbia/Legacy in 2003, but dropped from the schedule.

Special thanks to Peter Stone Brown for the copy of the album!

Columbia/Legacy/Sony BMG 88697 00917 2 (Germany), Sep 2006:

/Sony BMG 82876 00917 2 (Germany) - front with sticker, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Thanks to Thomas Michalzil for information about the European release exclusively available at www.jpc.de. Thanks to Hanns Peter Bushoff of Sony Music Germany for arranging the European release of this compilation, and to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for scans. Note that "Altar" is spelled correctly! (See comment for US release above.)

/Sony BMG 82876 00917 2 (Germany) - front sticker scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

/Sony BMG 82876 00917 2 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux ("Altar" spelled correctly)

/Sony BMG 82876 00917 2 (Germany) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697009172 (Australia), 2006:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - outside of unfolded front booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - inside pages of front booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - inside pages of front booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - inside pages of front booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 82876009172 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

The Australian edition of Blues was distributed in Australia by Sony Entertainment Australia Pty Ltd. The booklet and rear track listings have "Altar" spelt correctly.

Thanks to Gino Galvez, Jean-Pol Hiernaux, Stuart Moore and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Rollin' and Tumblin'" - 3-track promo CD single, Columbia 82876 89628 2 (USA), 15 Aug 2006:

Columbia 82876 89628 2 (USA) - front of sealed copy with "Best Buy" stickers (my copy)
This 3-track promo CD is being sold for $2.99 at Best Buy stores in the USA and features a track from Bob's new album Modern Times plus Not Dark Yet from Time Out Of Mind and High Water (For Charley Patton) from "Love And Theft".

R-0742 Not Dark Yet - remastered version of track from Time Out Of Mind
This may be from the remastered version of the album scheduled for release by Columbia/Legacy in 2003, but dropped from the schedule.

Columbia 82876 89628 2 (USA) - front insert (reverse is plain black except for copyright notice and catalogue number)

Columbia 82876 89628 2 (USA) - rear insert

Columbia 82876 89628 2 (USA) - CD

Thanks to Peter Stone Brown, Ian Woodward and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information. Thanks to Harvey Bojarsky for the CD!

"Modern Times" - Limited Edition CD release with DVD, Columbia 82876 88306-2 (USA)/Columbia 8 2876894942 9 (long box), 29 Aug 2006; Columbia 82876 88306-2 (Europe), 28 Aug 2006 (25 Aug 2006 in some countries); Columbia 82876883062 (Australia), 28 Aug 2006; Sony Music Entertainment SICP 1136-37 (Japan); Sony BMG 82876 87686-2 (Taiwan), 30 Aug 2006; Australia/New Zealand 2007 Tour Edition: Columbia 82876876862 (Australia/New Zealand), 2007:

Columbia 8 2876894942 9 (USA) - long box edition front scan by Hans Seegers
This Limited Edition is in bound book form and cannot be scanned inside without breaking the spine. As well as the album, it contains a DVD with four video performances - all have been released before:

R-0671-3 Blood In My Eyes (Lonnie Chatman) - version with extended intro on video (5:09), see VHS & DVD 1990s Part 1

R-0263-11 Love Sick - live, Grammy Awards, Radio City Music Hall, New York City, 25 Feb 1998, with gatecrasher "Soy Bomb" edited out - same as BDC18 (see Online Performances (bobdylan.com) ), previously released on the European Columbia Love Sick singles, also on a bonus disc included with the Australian tour limited edition of Time Out Of Mind, 1998 (for both see 1998)

Columbia 82876 88306-2 (Europe) - front scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia 82876 88306-2 (Austria for Europe) - copy with French sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music SICP 1136-37 (Japan) - front of sealed set (my copy)

Sony BMG 82876-87686-2 (Taiwan) - front with obi, picture from eil.com

Columbia 82876883062 (Australia) - front scan with two stickers by Bill Hester

ModernTimesAusTourFront.jpg (35276 bytes)
Columbia 82876876962 (Australia/New Zealand) - Australia/New Zealand 2007 Tour Limited Edition, front scan by Stuart Moore

R-0299-25 Things Have Changed from the Wonder Boys soundtrack album as well as Columbia compilations and singles (listed in 2000, Various Artist Compilations 2000s Part 1, International Singles 2000s, International Singles 2000s and VHS & DVD 2000s Part 1), lyrics on bobdylan.com here
Now no longer a rarity since it is included in The Essential Bob Dylan (2000) on the bobdylan.com albums page.

R-0617-3 Cold Irons Bound - live from Jack Fate and his band, recorded at Stage 6, Ray-Art Studios, Canoga Park, CA, 18 Jul 2002, from the motion picture Masked And Anonymous, see 2003 and VHS & DVD 2000s Part 2
This track was also available in Oct 2004 on the Apple iTunes Online Music Store, see Online Performances (Other).

The US CD has the same catalogue number as the CD in the Standard Edition, see International Album Releases. Thanks to Harold Lepidus for pictures of the Limited Edition and Tim Dunn for information. Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for the scans. The iTunes downloadable album has a different 8-page booklet with a gold spine, front cover shown below. iTunes also include the 1983 Jokerman video as a bonus, although this is not a rarity.

The Apple iTunes Online Music Store in the USA is offering a bonus of these four performances. In Europe only the Things Have Changed video was offered. The 1983 Jokerman video was offered for pre-sales in both the USA and Europe, but is no longer available.
Million2.jpg (27317 bytes)
Columbia CSK-42171-S1 (USA) - 1999 CD single (my copy) as included with some US copies of Modern Times
Thanks to Donald Mitchell for news that some copies of Modern Times have been released in the USA as a dual pack with a copy of the 1999 Million Miles: Live Recordings 1997-1999 promo CD single, then Columbia CSK-42171-S1, now renumbered Columbia 978663 (see picture far left). This single contains four live rarities, for more details see 1999.

Various Artists - "Theme Time Radio Hour With Bob Dylan: Baseball" - promo CD with XM satellite radio programme broadcast 24 May 2006, Columbia 82876 89194 2 (USA), 29 Aug 2006:

Columbia 82876 89194 2 (USA) - front of sleeve, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux
R-0737 Take Me Out To The Ball Game (Jack Norworth/Albert Von Tilzer) - a cappella version (0:26)

This promo CD in a card sleeve is being given away by bobdylan.com in conjunction with the Sony Music Store with purchases of the Limited Edition with DVD of Bob's 2006 album Modern Times.

Thanks to Harold Lepidus for information about this album. Thanks to Tim Dunn for information about the song, which dates from 1908. Jack Norworth also wrote Shine On Harvest Moon. Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux and David Plentus for the scans.

Columbia 82876 89194 2 (USA) - rear of sleeve, scan by David Plentus

Columbia 82876 89194 2 (USA) - CD scan by David Plentus

"Bob Dylan - The Collection" - multi-album collection for download, Apple iTunes Online Music Store (USA), 29 Aug 2006/(Europe), 28 Aug 2006:

Picture from the iTunes Online Music Store found by Éamonn Ó Catháin
This exclusive download for $199 (£169 in the UK, €199 in EMU countries) includes all Bob's albums plus 42 rarities! In addition to the 42 rarities "Rare Tracks From The Vaults" this set also includes the long-deleted 1973 Dylan album, see 1973.

Full details are in Online Performances (Other).

Thanks to Artur Jarosinski, Harold Lepidus, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information.

Picture from the iTunes Online Music Store found by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

"Someday Baby" - one- and two-track promo CD and CD-R singles, Columbia (no catalogue number) (USA), Aug 2006; Columbia USSM10603929/USSM10603299 (Poland), 28 Aug 2006; Columbia LC 00162 (Germany)/Columbia USSM10603929 (Finland), Sep 2006:

US promo CD-R scan by Gerd Rundel

R-0741-2 Someday Baby - edited version of track (3:03) from Modern Times (the album version is 4:55)

The US single comes in a clear plastic wallet without insert and is numbered "66" to the right of the centre hole. For a Jul 2006 US two-track promo CD single (timed at 3:07), see above.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for clarifying that there are at least two different versions of the German one-track single - Columbia LC 00162 is a regular CD in a plain white sleeve, although Gerd Rundel's copy came in the Columbia red/white card sleeve illustrated (which is copyrighted 2001 so may not be the right sleeve).

Columbia LC 00162 (Germany) - CD scan by Ronald Born

Columbia promo card sleeve (Germany) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia promo card sleeve (Germany) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia USSM10603929 (Finland) - CD-R scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia USSM10603929 (Finland) - Teosto Finnish/English language sticker scan by Eerik Hakala

Columbia USSM10603929/USSM10603299 (Poland) - CD-R scan by Hervé from France

Eerik Hakala has a copy distributed in Finland with a different disc style numbered USSM10603929 (Columbia has no manufacturing plant in Finland so it must have been manufactured in Austria for distribution in Finland - the sticker is from Teosto, the Finnish music copyright organisation). Hervé from France has a 2-track CD-R from Poland where the edit has catalogue number USSM10603929 and the album version has catalogue number USSM10603299. The edit is timed at 3:07 on the US and Polish releases, 3:03 on LC 00162 and 3:09 on the Finnish copy, but I think they're all the same edit.

For promo CD-Rs with the full album version of the song, see International Singles - 2000s.

Thanks to Peter Coulthard for finding the German promo on eBay and to Ronald Born for further information and the CD scan. Thanks to Hervé from France, Eerik Hakala, Hervé from France and Gerd Rundel for further information and scans.

George Harrison - "Living In The Material World" - remastered CD release with bonus tracks, Apple 9436 69002 (UK), 25 Sep 2006:

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - front of sealed Limited Edition box (my copy)

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - outside of Limited Edition box

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - outside of Limited Edition double digipak

Apple Records/Capitol/Universal/Universal Music 3791387 (UK/USA) - 8 disc set including R-0281 and R-0747 (2014)

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - sticker on Limited Edition

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - front of 40-page booklet

Apple 9436 69002 (UK) - inside of Limited Edition double digipak with CD and DVD (the picture under the CD trays is the same purplish hand design as above.

R-0281-2 Miss O'Dell (George Harrison) - Bob is rumoured to be the harmonica player on this B-side from 1973, although there is no corroborating evidence

R-0281 was released only as the B-side of Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth), and is now included as a bonus track. The Limited Edition shown comes with a bonus DVD which has an alternate take of Miss O'Dell (audio with stills, not video).

R-0747 Miss O'Dell (George Harrison) - alternate take, also with harmonica

No-one is credited in the 40-page booklet with playing harmonica, although it is present on both versions of this song (George is credited with guitar only). Christoph Maus says the harmonica player is in fact George, who can also be heard playing harmonica on Apple Scruffs on his 1970 3LP set All Things Must Pass. This version of Living In The Material World was also released in 2014 as part of the 8 disc set The Apple Years 1968-75, included with this entry because the possibly Dylan-related material is exactly the same.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Christoph Maus for information. There was a US release by Capitol/EMI on 26 Sep 2006 - more details required.

Mudbone [Gary "Mudbone" Cooper] featuring Nadirah X - "Fresh Mud" - Influx Music/Universal INFLUXCD 1 (UK), 2 Oct 2006:

Influx Music/Universal INFLUXCD 1 (UK) - front (my copy)
R-0740 Home (Dave Stewart/Gary "Mudbone" Cooper/Bob Dylan) - Bob plays piano on this track from Jan 2002 previously made available on the Internet by Dave Stewart as part of a project called Electroblues Volume One.

Bob is thanked on page 2 of the 20-page booklet while Bob's piano contribution and co-composition credits are on page 19.

To hear the song, visit Dave Stewart's web-site (on the "menu" bar on the right of the screen click on number "2", then click on "Bob Dylan").

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information and to Jack from Canada for scans of the un-numbered CD-R promo. This comes in a clear soft plastic wallet with a card insert, the insert is blank on the reverse. Thanks to Hans Seegers for the scans of his alternate CD-R promo, which has a folded insert with text on the reverse - the discs are the same.

Influx Music/Universal INFLUXCD 1 (UK) - rear insert

Influx Music/Universal INFLUXCD 1 (UK) - page 2 of booklet crediting Bob

Influx Music/Universal INFLUXCD 1 (UK) - CD

UK promo CD-R insert scan by Jack from Canada (reverse is plain white)

Alternate UK promo CD-R insert reverse, scan by Hans Seegers

UK promo CD-R disc scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Midwinter" - 4CD compilation, Free Reed Records FRQCD 30 (UK), 16 Oct 2006:
This set from independent UK folk music label Free Reed consists of songs celebrating "the folk music and traditions of Christmas and the Turning of the Year".

MidwinterUKBoxFront.jpg (32020 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRQCD 30 (UK) - front of box, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux
R-0013-2 Xmas Island (Richard Fariña) - from the 1964 Folklore UK album Dick Fariña & Eric von Schmidt
Bob is credited as "Blind Boy Grunt" - for the original album and the 2007 2CD set release see 1964.

This performance is track 8 on CD1, Past & Presents. For purchase information see the Free Reed Records web-site .

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information about this set and to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for the scans.

MidwinterUKBookletFront.jpg (35320 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRQCD 30 (UK) - booklet front, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

MidwinterUKBookletPage27.jpg (57160 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRQCD 30 (UK) - booklet page 27, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

MidwinterUKCD1Front1.jpg (61347 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRCD 31 (UK) - CD1 front insert unfolded, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

MidwinterUKCD1Back.jpg (52759 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRCD 31 (UK) - CD1 rear insert scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux
MidwinterUKBoxBack.jpg (66363 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRQCD 30 (UK) - rear of box, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

MidwinterUKCD1Front2.jpg (47519 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRCD 31 (UK) - inside of CD1 front insert unfolded, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

MidwinterUKCD1Disc.jpg (32670 bytes)
Free Reed Records FRCD 31 (UK) - CD1 scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Various Artists - "Forever Changing: The Golden Age Of Elektra Records 1963-1973" - 5CD compilation, Rhino 8122747462 (USA), 30 Oct 2006/Deluxe Edition: Elektra 8122 74746 2 (UK), Jan 2007/Standard Edition: Elektra 8122 74745 2 (UK), Jan 2007:
This set was released in 2006 as a Limited Edition at $199.98 in a 12" x 12" box, and a regular edition in a 12" x 6" box was released on 23 Jan 2007 at $69.98. As far as I can see the difference is in the packaging and extras, not the actual CDs.

Rhino 8122747462 (USA) - picture from Rhino web-site (2006 limited edition)

Elektra 8122 72746 2 (UK) - deluxe edition front sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

R-0038-3 Downtown Blues (Frank Stokes) - Bob plays piano as "Bob Landy" for Geoff Muldaur (stereo version, 2:28), recorded Mastertone Studios, New York, Aug/Sep 1963

For the original Elektra The Blues Project stereo album containing this track, see 1964.

For Crossroads: White Blues In The 1960s, an Elektra US 3LP set including R-0038, see 1984.

For Journey To Love: Rare & Early Elektra Classics, a compilation CD given away with the UK music magazine "Mojo" in Nov 2010 also containing R-0038, see 2010.

Rhino 8122747462 (USA) - front picture from Rhino web-site (2007 regular edition)

Rhino 8122747462 (USA) - rear picture from Rhino web-site (2007 regular edition)

Elektra 8122 72746 2 (UK) - deluxe edition front, scan by Hans Seegers

Elektra 8122 72746 2 (UK) - deluxe edition spine, scan by Hans Seegers

Elektra 8122 72746 2 (UK) - deluxe edition rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Elektra 8122 72745 2 (UK) - standard edition front, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Elektra 8122 72745 2 (UK) - standard edition back, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Elektra 8122 72745 2 (UK) - standard edition booklet front, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Elektra 8122 72745 2 (UK) - standard edition booklet page with Geoff Muldaur, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Elektra 8122 72745 2 (UK) - CD1 scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (includes R-0038)

The 1964 stereo Blues Project album was not reissued on CD until it was included in the 2015 Elektra Europe set of five original 1960s albums, The Greenwich Village Folk Scene: Original Album Series, see 2015.

Thanks to Peter Gilmer for information about this set and to Hans Seegers and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for scans.

The Band/Bob Dylan - "Superstar Concert Series" - 2 radio station discs, Westwood One Radio Broadcast, Westwood One Show #06-45 (USA), broadcast 4-5 Nov 2006:

WestwoodOneSuperstarUSRadio2006CueSheet.jpg (26037 bytes)
Westwood One Show #06-45 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Jack from Canada
Recorded with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers in Sydney, Australia, 24 & 25 Feb 1986 plus Tacoma, WA, 31 Jul 1986, this is a excerpt of the Westwood One show from 31 Aug 1986. For details of the original Westwood One radio broadcast, see 1986. This 2006 show on two CD-Rs also includes five live performances by The Band (on disc 1).

R-0183-3 Positively 4th Street - Sydney, Australia, 24 Feb 1986

R-0184-2 All Along The Watchtower - Tacoma, WA, 31 Jul 1986

R-0185-4 Masters Of War - Sydney, Australia, 24 Feb 1986

R-0174-7 Like A Rolling Stone - Sydney, Australia, 25 Feb 1986 (also on the 1986 video Hard To Handle, see VHS & DVD 1980s)

R-0187-4 Blowin' In The Wind - Sydney, Australia, 25 Feb 1986

These five songs are split over tracks 3 and 4 on the CD.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

WestwoodOneSuperstarUSRadio2006CD2.jpg (21685 bytes)
Westwood One Show #06-45 (USA) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

"Thunder On The Mountain" - 2-track promo CD single, Sony BMG/Columbia 8869 7070 5027 2 (Austria for Europe), 12 Dec 2006:

Sony BMG/Columbia 8869 7070 5027 2 (Austria for Europe) - front of card sleeve, scan by Ronald Born
This CD single in a card sleeve or CD single jewel case with a unique front picture contains two versions of this track from Modern Times, the full album version (5:55) and a 3:59 edit.
Sony BMG/Columbia 8869 7070 5027 2 (Austria for Europe) - sealed UK copy with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (CD single jewel case version)

Sony BMG/Columbia 8869 7070 5027 2 (Austria for Europe) - front insert unfolded, scan by Gerd Rundel (CD single jewel case version)

Sony BMG/Columbia 8869 7070 5027 2 (Austria for Europe) - CD scan by Ronald Born (both versions)

R-0760 Thunder On The Mountain - edited version of track (3:59) from Modern Times

The UK copy shown has a promo sticker dated 19 Mar 2007, released prior to Bob's European Spring tour 2007 including shows in the UK. For an UK CD-R version of this single, see 2007. For a video viewable at the Sony Music Box web-site with a different edit, see Online Performances (Other). In the video version, the "art of love/fit me like a glove" verse is missing; in this radio edit version, it is present but the later "tough sons of bitches/orphanages" verse is cut out. The CD single insert shown unfolded is blank on the reverse.

Thanks to Martin Schaefer for information and to Ronald Born, Gerd Rundel and Manuel García Jara for scans.

Promotional/Regular Items for 2006

Living In Another Country: International Stereo Releases

Stereo promo albums and singles for 2006 which don't contain rare material but which are still very collectable are now included with promo releases of regular albums and commercially released singles on the appropriate page in International Stereo Releases.

Modern Times (2006)

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