Audio: International Album Releases (Regular)

The Best Of Bob Dylan (US CD release)

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<i>Picture used by the BBC to advertise the forthcoming Scorcese documentary</i>
The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 - No Direction Home

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

Modern Times



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.

US release in digipak, Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2, 15 Nov 2005.

The cover picture is by Ken Regan from the 1975 Rolling Thunder Revue tour. This album is not the same as the 1997 European release of the same name which contained a rarity, the alternate version of Shelter From The Storm from the "Jerry Maguire" film soundtrack, not the version from Blood On The Tracks.

Tracklisting: Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Mr. Tambourine Man; Like A Rolling Stone; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; All Along The Watchtower; Lay, Lady, Lay; Knockin' On Heaven's Door; Tangled Up In Blue; Hurricane; Forever Young; Gotta Serve Somebody; Jokerman; Not Dark Yet; Things Have Changed (R-0299); Summer Days. Liner notes describing the songs are by Bill Flanagan.

Like The Essential Bob Dylan US release, this album has now been added to the Bob Dylan albums page on, and R-0299 has been removed from the rarities list, see Released Rarities.

Vinyl and Tape Releases

None at present.

CD Releases

"The Best Of Bob Dylan" - compilation CD, Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA/Canada); Sony Music (catalogue number?) (Japan), 15 Nov 2005:

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA):

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - front of sealed digipak with sticker (my copy)

This release, all tracks of which come from the remastered album releases, comes in a digipak with a 16-page stapled booklet. Things Have Changed (R-0299) is no longer a rarity, see Released Rarities.

Hans Seegers has a copy of this album in a "long box" with a bonus CD of Bob Dylan Live At Carnegie Hall 1963, see 2005. Paul Shenton's first copy has "THE BEST OF" in red missing from the spine of the digipak. Paul Shenton's second copy is from the BMG Direct Record Club and has a different barcode on the rear of the digipak. The rest of the packaging and the CD are the same.

Gerd Rundel has found a copy with a promo sticker on the rear of the digipak.

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - sticker from front

130C 675013LB (USA) - "long box" front scan by Hans Seegers (includes bonus CD)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - outside of digipak (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - rear of digipak with promo sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - promo sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

130C 675013LB (USA) - "long box" rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - outside of digipak with "THE BEST OF" in red missing from spine, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - outside of digipak, photocopy by Paul Shenton (BMG Direct Record Club release)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - rear of sealed digipak

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - inside of digipak, CD tray on right

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - outside of booklet unfolded

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - CD

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - detail of outside of digipak (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - outside of digipak with "THE BEST OF" in red missing from spine, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - detail of outside of digipak (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (USA) - detail of outside of digipak, photocopy by Paul Shenton (BMG Direct Record Club release - new barcode)

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada):

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - front of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jean-Pol Hiernaux and Jack from Canada for information and scans of the Canadian release.

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - rear scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - CD scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - inside of digipak with CD, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Columbia/Legacy 82876 75013 2 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada

Scans of Japanese release required!

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Paul Shenton, Gerd Rundel, Jean-Pol Hiernaux and Jack from Canada for information and pictures.

"The Best Of Bob Dylan" - compilation CD, Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China), Jun 2007:

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - photo by John Kappes
This official release was distributed by Guangdong [Canton] Starwin Culture Communication Company Ltd. on behalf of Sony BMG. It comes in a slipcase with a folded poster. The front insert is a stapled booklet with Chinese text. The CD has the same design as the US and Canadian releases.

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - inside with CD, scan by Gerd Rundel

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - CD plus poster, photo by John Kappes

Starwin/Sony BMG 97897799628370 (China) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Thanks to John Kappes and Gerd Rundel for information and pictures.

"The Best Of Bob Dylan" - compilation CD in "eco-friendly" packaging, Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA/Canada), Oct 2008:

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA):

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - front scan by David Plentus

This "eco-friendly" release comes in what is called a "discbox slider". The sleeve has a fixed sliding tray which pulls out and then unfolds to reveal the CD. Liner notes are not included and must be downloaded from here. The CD has a new catalogue number and different copyright text at the bottom on the rear from the 2005 digipak releases.

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - front sticker scan by David Plentus

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - rear with slider open and unfolded, scan by David Plentus

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada):

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - front with "eco" sticker, scan by Jack from Canada
The Canadian release has the same "ecofriendly" construction as the US release.
Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - front with slider pulled out and unfolded with CD removed, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - front with slider pulled out but still folded and with CD in place, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (Canada) - rear with slider pulled out but still folded, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to David Plentus, Jack from Canada and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"The Best Of Bob Dylan" - compilation CD in "eco-friendly" packaging in plastic crate with T-shirt Columbia/Legacy 88697 36522 2 (USA/Canada), 18 Aug 2009:

Picture from
This package includes the CD above with a white T-shirt in a black plastic collapsible crate.

Thanks to Mark Webster for information.

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<i>Picture used by the BBC to advertise the forthcoming Scorcese documentary</i>
The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 - No Direction Home

The Best Of Bob Dylan

Modern Times

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.