`"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Video and DVD: 2000-02

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

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This first part of the 2000s list collects non-album song performances and interviews by Bob Dylan on VHS video and DVD (and laserdisc where I have information) from 2000-02. I would be grateful for any additional information on these items and other material to place here. Video material included on CD-ROMs or CD Plus discs is still in the main directory in the appropriate part. Unauthorised documentaries or compilations of performance footage are now included in Questionable Video. For 2000-02 films with Dylan album tracks, see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks 2000s Part 1.

Films are listed by date of original appearance (in theatres or on TV), not when the VHS video or DVD came out, often some years later. This page does not include songs from regular albums that appear in films or videos without performance footage, nor do I include music videos of standard album tracks - for a full Dylan filmography, see "Expecting Rain" or "TV Talkin'" .

For informed discussion of all Bob's screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light ".

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Mercier for laserdisc details and catalogue numbers and Michel Pomarede for scans. Thanks also to Larry Crum for checking these entries against his own collection, "Positively Bob Dylan" by Michael Krogsgaard, "Bob Dylan on Video" (article in "Record Collector" magazine, Sep 1992), and several other sources. All scans that aren't credited are from my own collection or www.amazon.com

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Fight the much-hated artificial and anti-consumer DVD Region system by making your PC DVD drive and software or your stand-alone DVD player region-free! For more information, see Inmatrix . Everyone can play all CDs worldwide, and it should be the same for DVDs! Also see DVD Codes .

Some studios are fortunately realising that they can maximise sales of individual DVD releases by making them region-free instead of having to manufacture multiple region-specific copies- click on the picture on the right to see the text.

Revised: 01 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)


"Don't Look Back" - Collector's Edition, DVD: Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447/VHS: Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9442 (USA), 4 Jan 2000:

DLB2000DVD.jpg (37674 bytes)
Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - DVD picture from NewVideo

This DVD Collector's Edition of the classic Don Pennebaker film of Bob's UK tour of 1965 contains five uncut live audio performances in addition to the material listed for the 1967 film (see VHS & DVD 1960s), so warrants a separate entry. See 1981 for songs broadcast in "Retro Rock" radio programmes in 1981 about D.A. Pennebaker. This DVD was often advertised for sale as being Region 1 (USA/Canada only). However it was actually Region 0 (all Regions) and could be played in any DVD player worldwide.

Rarities from the original release:

R-0666-2 Only A Pawn In Their Game - recorded live, Civil Rights Rally, Silas Magee's Farm, Greenwood, MS, 6 Jul 1963 (excerpt)
I've included this separately from R-0043 because it doesn't belong to 1965.

DLB2000VHS.jpg (48524 bytes)
Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9442 (USA) - VHS picture from NewVideo

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - sticker from DVD front, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (not present on my copy)

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - DVD outside cover unfolded, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - DVD insert unfolded (my copy)

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - inside of DVD insert unfolded (my copy)

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - DVD first release (my copy)

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - DVD later release, scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

R-0402-3 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - live, City Hall, Newcastle, England, 6 May 1965 (appeared in the 1981 radio broadcast)

R-0403-3 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - hotel room, Savoy Hotel, London, England, 8 May 1965 (appeared in the 1981 radio broadcast)

R-0404-2 It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - live, Royal Albert Hall, London, England, 9 May 1965

R-0405-3 Talking World War III Blues - live, Royal Albert Hall, London, England, 9 May 1965 (appeared in the 1981 radio broadcast)

R-0043-2 Other performances - live footage from the May 1965 England tour, but only fragments of songs
For a full list of these performances see here .

The five new audio performances are:

Docurama/NewVideo NVG-9447 (USA) - detail of inside of DVD insert (my copy - underlined dates are wrong)
R-0294 To Ramona - unidentified performance, misdated as The Oval, City Hall, Sheffield, England, 30 Apr 1965 (wrongly shown on the DVD insert as 4 May 1965, there was no concert on that day)
This was available on bobdylan.com as BDC60 (see Online Performances (bobdylan.com) ) where the date of the Sheffield show was given correctly. However, it's definitely not Sheffield, see below, and its actual date was unknown until the release of the 50th Anniversary Collection 1965 in Dec
2015, when it was finally revealed to be from City Hall, Newcastle, 6 May 1965 (although still wrongly dated as Sheffield). This performance, again wrongly dated 30 Apr 1965, is also on the exclusive to Japan live compilation Bob Dylan Live 1961-2000: Thirty-Nine Years Of Great Concert Performances, see 2001.

R-0295 The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll - dated correctly as Royal Albert Hall, London, England, 10 May 1965

R-0296 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - dated correctly as Royal Albert Hall, London, England, 10 May 1965, same as BDC61 (see Online Performances (bobdylan.com) )

R-0297 Love Minus Zero/No Limit - The Oval, City Hall, Sheffield, England, 30 Apr 1965, misdated as City Hall, Newcastle, England, 6 May 1965 (wrongly shown on the DVD insert as 9 May 1965, which was the date of the first Royal Albert Hall show in London).
However, unlike R-0294, this actually is from Sheffield, see below.

R-0298 It Ain't Me, Babe - dated correctly as Royal Albert Hall, London, England, 10 May 1965

Bob Stacy has now deduced from an existing audience recording which can only be from Sheffield, 30 Apr 1965, that the first half performances of Sheffield and Newcastle, 6 May 1965, have been mislabelled (probably at the time) and Columbia are still listing them with the wrong dates to this day.

The Collector's Edition was also released on VHS in the same digital quality, although these five audio performances were not included. Information and photographs kindly provided by NewVideo, thanks to Alison Bulman and Brian Carmody. Thanks also to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for the scans of his copy of the US DVD. A UK release was planned for 6 Sep 2004, but was cancelled.

Comments on the audio dating:

Thanks to Paul Loeber, Bob Stacy and Simon Shoefield for checking the DVD performances against the circulating 1965 recordings and other material.

To Ramona - This performance is definitely not the one known by Dylan collectors to be from Sheffield (from an audience tape containing six songs which could only have been recorded at Sheffield)! It is now proved to be the one from Newcastle, 6 May 1965.

My previous reasoning was also that Newcastle was the right venue was as follows: "So where is it from? The preface to the book "Do You Mr. Jones - Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors" edited by Neil Corcoran may supply the answer! In this preface Professor Corcoran recalls his first Dylan concert, in Newcastle on 6 May 1965. (Mine was the night after at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester on 7 May 1965). He tells of a microphone breakdown: "In Newcastle, after recovering briefly, the mike went dead once or twice again. Dylan seemed entirely patient and relaxed, sitting on the edge of the stage and talking to the immediate audience." Neil is confused because the "Don't Look Back" book says the microphone breakdown happened in Sheffield (we now know this was because the Dylan camp had the tapes swapped)! Now maybe the microphone did break down as noticeably in Sheffield as well as Newcastle, but I'd submit it's unlikely. My feeling therefore is that the Dylan camp have mixed the tapes, and the tape they call "Sheffield" is Newcastle, and vice-versa. They must have taken the performance of To Ramona from the tape with the microphone breakdown. This would then date it as City Hall, Newcastle, England, 6 May 1965. Bob Stacy feels this isn't positive proof, and this recording may still come from one of the other shows that don't circulate, such as Leicester, Liverpool or Royal Albert Hall 10 May 1965, but I still think Newcastle is the most likely."

Love Minus Zero/No Limit - this is not Newcastle as listed but definitely from Sheffield, 30 Apr 1965, the spoken introduction and conclusion are the same as on the Sheffield audience tape.

The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll/It's All Over Now, Baby Blue/It Ain't Me, Babe - an audience tape exists of one of the Royal Albert Hall concerts, which was originally dated as 10 May 1965, but was then for several reasons dated as 9 May 1965. The three audio performances on the DVD are not the same as the ones on the tape. However, the release of the 50th Anniversary Collection 1965 in Dec 2015 proves the audience tape was indeed from 10 May 1965 as originally dated, so these listed dates are correct.

Columbia/Sony BMG Entertainment 82876832139 (Europe) - front scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (2007 2DVD Deluxe Edition)
Thanks to Harold Lepidus for news that a 2DVD "Deluxe 1965 Tour Edition" was released by Docurama in the USA on 27 Feb 2007 - this contains the original film, a new hour-long documentary called "Bob Dylan 1965 Revisited" with newly released additional video footage and two books - the first is a reprint of the original 1960s 168-page companion book to the film, and the second is the "Subterranean Homesick Blues Flipbook", a frame-by-frame still photo presentation of the famous card sequence that starts the film.
Docurama NVG-9875 (USA) - picture found by Jean-Pol Hiernaux (2007 single DVD Standard Edition)

Sony Music 88697 85658 9 (Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Franck Faugere (2011 Blu-ray release)

The Criterion Collection CC2551BD (USA) - picture from www.examiner.com (2015 Blu-ray release)

A single DVD Standard Edition that is a reissue of this 2000 release has also been issued - for more details of the 2007 releases, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4. The 2007 2DVD edition was released as a single Blu-ray edition in 2011. A new "Director-Approved Edition" was released on Blu-ray and as a 2DVD set as part of The Criterion Collection in the USA on 24 Nov 2015 and the UK on 17 Oct 2016, see VHS & DVD 2010s.

Thanks to Bob Stacy, Paul Loeber, Derek Barker, Harold Lepidus and Jean-Pol Hiernaux for information and pictures.

"Wonder Boys" - feature film Jan 2000, DVD releases: Paramount Home Video 33261 (USA)/Universal 0784682 (UK), 13 Mar 2001; Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway), 2001; Magna Pacific DVD09600 (Australia) (date?); VHS releases: 4 Front Video 9063673 (UK), Jun 2002; Magna Pacific MOD 09560-1 (Australia) (date?):
This film directed by Curtis Hanson stars Michael Douglas. For the Feb 2000 Columbia Wonder Boys soundtrack album, see International Album Releases (Various Artist Compilations) 2000s Part 1. It has been moved from the 2000 page since the full version of Things Have Changed ceased to be a rarity after being included in The Essential Bob Dylan. For Lucky You, the 2007 film directed by Curtis Hanson which also contains a Dylan rarity, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4.

Paramount Home Video 33261 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada (Region 1)

R-0667 Things Have Changed - a song written and recorded specially for this film, lyrics on bobdylan.com here, shortened version played over opening credits

R-0299 Things Have Changed - full version, played over closing credits
Now no longer a rarity since it is included in The Essential Bob Dylan (2000) on the bobdylan.com albums page.

Paramount Home Video 33261 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

WonderBoysDVDUK.JPG (51517 bytes)
UK Region 2 DVD release - unfolded front insert (my copy)

UK Region 2 DVD release - insert card (other side blank)
WonderBoysDVDAus.jpg (18887 bytes)
Australia Region 4 DVD release - scan by Stuart Moore

WonderBoysVHSAus.jpg (15579 bytes)
Australia VHS release

Paramount Home Video 33261 (USA) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada

Australia VHS release - outside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore

UK Region 2 DVD release - DVD
WonderBoysUKVHS.jpg (15619 bytes)
UK VHS release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Australia Region 4 DVD release - outside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Australia Region 4 DVD release - inside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Australia Region 4 DVD release - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

R-0320 Shooting Star - Oh Mercy version remastered
No longer a rarity since the release of the remastered version of the album in 2003.

R-0321 Buckets Of Rain - Blood On The Tracks version remastered
No longer a rarity since the release of the remastered version of the album in 2003.

Promo VHS scan from eBay
Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding a promo VHS cassette on eBay containing the video of Things Have Changed:

R-0450-2 Things Have Changed - radio edit (3:52)
For promo CD-R singles with this radio edit, see 2000.

I have given this the same R-number as the audio radio edit even though it's timed at 3:52 and the radio edit is timed at 3:37. Several instances of the song have varying printed times but are exactly the same.

In the UK and Australian releases a different picture of Katie Holmes replaces Tobey Maguire in the top row next to Michael Douglas! The other stars pictured are Robert Downey Jr. and Frances McDormand. Both the US Region 1 DVD and the UK Region 2 DVD also contain a full-length promotional video for Things Have Changed, not the shorter video that promoted the radio edit of the song in 2000. A previous report that the UK DVD didn't have any extras was incorrect. The UK release has an insert card printed on one side only.

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for the information that Wonder Boys was released in South America under the title Fin De Semana De Locos [Crazy Weekend], and for the scan. This uses the US picture layout.

Thanks to Artur Jarosiński for scans of two DVD releases of Wonder Boys in Poland, retitled "Cudowni Chłopcy". The first is the regular release in a DVD case with a folded insert, the second is in a card sleeve and was given away free with an issue of the Polish magazine "Dom & Wnetrze". Thanks to Stanislav Tomik for scans of the 2005 DVD release of Wonder Boys in the Czech Republic/Slovakia, retitled "Skvělí Chlapi". This is an official release. Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian DVD and VHS releases.

Polish DVD magazine release - front of card sleeve, scan by Artur

Polish DVD release - unfolded front insert, scan by Artur

Polish DVD release - outside of unfolded insert, scan by Artur

Polish DVD release - inside of unfolded insert, scan by Artur

Polish DVD release - DVD scan by Artur

Polish DVD magazine release - rear of card sleeve, scan by Artur

Polish DVD magazine release - DVD scan by Artur

Czech DVD release - DVD scan by Stanislav Tomik

Czech DVD release - unfolded front insert, scan by Stanislav Tomik

South American Region 4 DVD release - scan by Freddy Ordoñez Araque

Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway) - DVD front scan by Harald Sigvartsen

Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway) - DVD rear scan by Harald Sigvartsen

Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway) - DVD inside scan by Harald Sigvartsen

Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Harald Sigvartsen

Warner Home Video Z12 18643 (Norway) - DVD scan by Harald Sigvartsen

Inside the Norwegian DVD release the text below the scene selections translates as: “To get more information from Wonder Boys press 'Menu' button on the remote control. To go back to the movie: press 'Menu' button again.”

Thanks to Jack from Canada, Stuart Moore, Gerd Rundel, Freddy Ordoñez Araque, Artur Jarosiński, Stanislav Tomik and Harald Sigvartsen for information and scans.

Ramblin' Jack Elliott plus Guests - "The Ballad Of Ramblin' Jack" - feature film shown Aug 2000, DVD/VHS releases: Winstar Home Video (catalogue numbers?) (USA), 8 May 2001; Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada), 2002:

JackBalladVHS.jpg (55282 bytes)
US VHS release

Appearances by Bob in the film directed by Jack's daughter Aiyana Elliott include:

  • driving a bus on the Rolling Thunder Revue in 1975, in which Jack Elliott took part (a clip from Renaldo & Clara - see 1978 and VHS & DVD 1970s)
  • an excerpt from Talkin' New York from Bob Dylan is played over stills
  • a short clip of Bob saying that he once had a hat like Jack's - thanks to Ian Woodward for reminding me this is from Don't Look Back - see above and VHS & DVD 1960s)
I previously reported that the film includes Bob's performance of Acne (R-0324) from the Aug 2000 Vanguard soundtrack album (see 2000). However, this performance must be available in audio only, and is missing from the film.
RamblinJackDVD.jpg (47296 bytes)
US DVD release - picture from Freddy Ordoñez Araque

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - front of second insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - rear of second insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada

Picture from Amazon Prime Video UK

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - outside of unfolded insert, scan by Jack from Canada (inside is blank)

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - screenshot by Jack from Canada

Alliance Atlantis 4422 (Canada) - screenshot by Jack from Canada

As far as I know this film has not been released commercially in the UK, although it has been shown on the BBC Knowledge cable channel (I watched it). It's available to be streamed on Amazon Prime.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Jesus' Son" - feature film released in the USA on 7 Jul 2000, DVD: Universal/Lionsgate Home Entertainment 21103 (USA), 2000; Lionsgate VM8354D (USA), 2003; Lionsgate Home Entertainment 14861E (Canada), 2003; Universal/Lionsgate Home Entertainment (catalogue number?) (USA), 23 Jun 2009; VHS: Universal Studios (catalogue number?) (USA), 28 Aug 2001:
This film was made in 1999, but not released in cinemas until Jul 2000. It stars Billy Crudup, Samantha Morton, Dennis Leary and Holly Hunter. For the soundtrack album, see 2000.

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), 2000 "Widescreen" DVD release (my copy)

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), case insert unfolded

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), detail of rear of case insert ("2000")

Universal Studios US 2000 VHS release, picture from www.amazon.com

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), front of inside insert

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), rear of inside insert

Universal/Lionsgate Entertainment 21103 (USA), DVD

Lionsgate VM8354D (USA) - detail of rear of case insert, photo from eBay ("MMIII" = "2003")

Lionsgate VM8354D (USA) - 2003 DVD release front photo from eBay
JesusSonCanFront.jpg (33927 bytes)
Lionsgate Home Entertainment 14861E (Canada) - 2003 DVD release front scan by Jack from Canada
JesusSonCanBack.jpg (42188 bytes)
Lionsgate Home Entertainment 14861E (Canada) - 2003 DVD release rear scan by Jack from Canada
JesusSonCanDVD.jpg (13817 bytes)
Lionsgate Home Entertainment 14861E (Canada) - 2003 DVD scan by Jack from Canada

Momentum UK 2002 DVD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Paramount France 2001 DVD release, picture from www.amazon.fr

Lionsgate US 2009 DVD release, picture from www.amazon.com

R-0090-7 (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone (Dave Kirby-Glen Martin) - Bob plays guitar, organ and provides backup vocals for Doug Sahm
For the original release on the Atlantic album Doug Sahm & Band, see 1973.

R-0090 was also re-released on CD as follows:

The Best Of Doug Sahm & The Sir Douglas Quintet 1968-1975, see 1990
Doug Sahm & Friends: The Best Of Doug Sahm (Atlantic Sessions)
- see 1992
Promo compilation US 2CD set Rhino ● Atlantic ● Remasters (Various Artists), also see 1992

Promo compilation CD Wex On Wax: A Tribute To Jerry Wexler (Various Artists), see 1999
Warner Bros Germany 2CD compilation Are You Ready For The Country? (Various Artists), see 2001
Rhino Handmade 2CD compilation The Genuine Texas Groover, see 2003
Nascente Records UK 2CD compilation
Bar Nashville: Classic & New Country Flavours (Various Artists), see 2008
Rhino US promo 2CD compilation Rhino Presents Atlantic And Atco Remasters Series (Various Artists), also see 2008

The film also includes the instrumental Bunkhouse Theme from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, which is not on the soundtrack album. The film was also released on DVD by Momentum in the UK in 2002, by Paramount in France in 2001, and re-released in the USA by Lionsgate in 2009 - more information required.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and to Jack from Canada for scans of the Canadian release.

"Bob Dylan: The American Troubadour" - VHS: A&E Home Video AAE-17988 (USA), Oct 2000/DVD: A&E Home Video AAE-70729 (USA), Dec 2002/A&E Home Video AAE-72795 (USA), 2005:
This 100 min show was originally broadcast in the "Biography" series on the A&E Television Network.

Biography1.JPG (51031 bytes)
A&E Home Video AAE-17988 (USA) - VHS cassette label (my copy)
Biography2.JPG (43653 bytes)
A&E Home Video AAE-17988 (USA) - generic VHS cassette sleeve

A&E Home Video
AAE-70729 (USA) - 2002 DVD release scan by Ted Harrington

A&E Home Video AAE-70729 (USA) - 2002 DVD+R scan by Jack from Canada

A&E Home Video AAE-72795 (USA) - 2005 DVD, front scan by
Freddy Ordoñez Araque

A&E Home Video AAE-72795 (USA) - 2005 DVD, rear scan by
Freddy Ordoñez Araque

A&E Home Video AAE-72795 (USA) - 2005 DVD scan by Jack from Canada

R-0483 Excerpts from released and unreleased Bob Dylan tracks, including an early song from the 1950s with a lyric that sounds like "Betty Lou" and a fragment of Gene Vincent's Be-Bop-A-Lula, both from the John Bucklen tape

Thanks to David Pollock and Rob Carson for drawing this to my attention. Larry Crum adds "Also includes excerpts of live performances of Only A Pawn In Their Game (R-0024, see 1964), Hurricane (R-0132, see 1975-76 Hurricane Singles, Maggie's Farm with Tom Petty and Willie Nelson at Farm Aid, and Seeing The Real You At Last with Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers from Buffalo, NY, 4 Jul 1986.

This unprecedented BIOGRAPHY® presents a portrait of a man whose life and music have been a weathervane for his times."

This set was released on DVD in Dec 2002 - however the disc was a DVD+R, which would not play on all DVD players. Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for information about the DVD and to Ted Harrington for the scan. It was released in 2005 as a regular DVD, thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque and Jack from Canada for the information and scans.

The show description says: "He was a skinny nineteen-year-old with a battered guitar and a dream of meeting Woody Guthrie. In just a few short years, he took his place alongside his idol as one of the most important musicians of the 20th century.

Bob Dylan didn't just transform music--he embodied an era. But unlike other performers who are reluctant to change in case their appeal fades, he has never shied from challenging his fans and himself. BIOGRAPHY® follows the influential singer from his boyhood days in Minnesota to superstardom and beyond in this feature-length special. Rare photos from his arrival in New York City show the boy who would soon become a legend, and period recordings capture the brilliance that set the folk world afire. Fellow musicians Dave Van Ronk and Happy Traum reflect on his shocking electric set at the Newport Folk Festival, the first of his many, highly-publicized re-inventions. And we'll get an up-close look at Dylan today, an aging superstar who remains a musical force, even if his days as a cultural icon are past.

"Hendrix" - US TV movie first shown in 2000, DVD release: MGM 1001534 (USA), 2001:

HendrixDVD.jpg (37394 bytes)
MGM 1001534 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This biographical drama stars Wood Harris as Jimi, and includes authentic concert and other footage from the 1960s. Bob appears in an excerpt from the Los Angeles, CA, press conference, 16 Dec 1965.

R-0506-4 Interview at press conference, Los Angeles, CA, 16 Dec 1965 (without original sound)

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for details of this item and to Jack from Canada for further information and scans..

MGM 1001534 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

MGM 1001534 (USA) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada

For the complete 1965 Los Angeles interview, R-0608, see Interviews with Bob. Excepts from this interview (all listed as R-0506) were used in these video documentaries:


Various Artists - "42nd Grammy Awards" - DVD: Sony Home Video (catalogue number?) (USA), Mar 2001:

Grammy2001.jpg (42083 bytes)
Picture from www.amazon.com web-site
Bob isn't one of the artists actually performing on this DVD of the 2000 Grammy Awards, but he makes a two minute appearance with Lauryn Hill presenting the award for best album to Carlos Santana.

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for information about this release.

"Love And Theft" - TVC and Video Compilation #8 on writeable DVD, Sony (Australia), 18 Sep 2001:

Sony TVC and Video Compilation #8 (Australia) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This writeable DVD dated "18/09/01" was released to Australian TV, and has two 30 second clips of "Love And Theft" - Australian and US versions. I assume they are different versions of the "poker playing" commercial featuring Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. It is in a plain white card sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Sony TVC and Video Compilation #8 (Australia) - DVD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "American Roots Music" - DVD & VHS release of PBS documentary TV series, Palm Pictures/Manga Video 3039-2 (USA), Oct 2001:

AmRootsDVD.jpg (32469 bytes)
DVD release (2 DVDs)
Details of Bob's involvement in this documentary series from Larry Crum (all excerpts of track, not complete versions):

Episode Three: A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall (LP version), The Times They Are A-Changin' (from Don't Look Back, see VHS & DVD 1960s), Maggie's Farm (LP version), and It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (LP version). The LP tracks are played over still photographs of Dylan.

It was reported on the Internet that Episode Three "ends with Dylan's electric set and its impact at the Newport Folk Festival." - this was not true. If it had been included, it would almost certainly have been an excerpt from Murray Lerner's 1966 film Festival, see VHS & DVD 1960s.

Episode Four: "The Times They Are A-Changin'" (also from Don't Look Back)

There is also a 4CD soundtrack album (which won a Grammy in Feb 2002) and which contains the album version of The Times They Are A-Changin' as well as performances of several other songs associated with Bob. The same track is also on a single Highlights CD, for both see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2001.

AmRootsVHS.jpg (31409 bytes)
VHS release (4 video boxed set)


The Band plus Guests - "The Last Waltz - Special Edition" - DVD release (Region 1): MGM Home Video 1003426 (USA), 7 May 2002; MGM Home Video 1007451 (USA) [in boxed set "The Martin Scorsese Film Collection"], 8 Feb 2005; Blu-ray releases: MGM Home Entertainment 15024 (USA), 2006; MGM/20 Century Fox M-100134 (USA), 2008:

LastWaltzDVDStickers.JPG (39841 bytes)
The Last Waltz Special Edition (USA) - Limited Edition DVD slipcase front with stickers - the top sticker just says "Limited Edition Packaging" (my copy)

This DVD Special Edition of the classic Martin Scorsese film of The Band's last concert at Winterland, San Francisco, CA, 25 Nov 1976, contains extra material in addition to that listed for the 1978 film (see VHS & DVD 1970s), so warrants a separate entry. For the 4CD Rhino Records boxed set including an extra audio track, Hazel from Planet Waves, see 2002. The US copy shown here is packaged as a "Limited Edition" in a slipcase. There is an 8-page stapled booklet.

R-0142-5 Forever Young

R-0143-6 Baby Let Me Follow You Down (Rev Gary Davies, arr. Eric von Schmidt) - reprise
Thanks to Larry Crum for pointing out that the video performance of this track has more of the intro riffs than the edit on the audio releases (see 1978 for the 3LP set and 2002 for the 4CD boxed set). This was also true of the original VHS release, see VHS & DVD 1970s.

R-0144-6 I Shall Be Released

R-0142/R-0143 - Bob Dylan with The Band; R-0144 - Bob Dylan with The Band and ensemble.

R-0140 ( Baby Let Me Follow You Down) and R-0141 ( I Don't Believe You) from the 1978 soundtrack album are missing from the film itself as is R-0540 (Hazel) - apparently on Bob's instructions, his performance was only filmed from R-0142 onwards. Thanks to Fred Muller from New Zealand for pointing this out.

LastWaltzDVDStickers2.JPG (31456 bytes)
Sticker from front of US Limited Edition DVD slipcase

The Last Waltz Special Edition (USA) - picture from booklet with Bob

LastWaltzDVDFront.JPG (55605 bytes)
The Last Waltz Special Edition (USA) - unfolded insert

The Last Waltz Special Edition (USA) - outside of unfolded booklet

The Last Waltz Special Edition (USA) - DVD

The Last Waltz: Press Kit Photography CD (USA) - front of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

MGM Home Video 1007451 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection box front, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Video 1007451 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection box back, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Video 1003426 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection Special Edition front, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Video 1003426 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection Special Edition rear, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Video 1003426 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection Special Edition front detail, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Video 1007451 (USA) - Martin Scorsese Film Collection DVD, scan by Jack from Canada

MGM Home Entertainment 15024 (USA) - 2006 Blu-ray release, front picture from www.discogs.com

MGM Home Entertainment 15024 (USA) - 2006 Blu-ray release, rear picture from www.discogs.com

MGM Home Entertainment 15024 (USA) - 2006 Blu-ray release, disc picture from www.discogs.com

MGM/20th Century Fox M-100134 (USA) - 2008 Blu-ray release, front scan by Jack from Canada

MGM/20th Century Fox M-100134 (USA) - 2008 Blu-ray release, rear scan by Jack from Canada

MGM/20th Century Fox M-100134 (USA) - 2008 Blu-ray release, disc scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of his US copy, which comes as part of the boxed set "The Martin Scorsese Film Collection" with "New York, New York", "Raging Bull" and "Boxcar Bertha" (but not "Taxi Driver"). The catalogue number is the same but the rear design is completely different from my copy, as is the disc design. Thanks also to Jack from Canada for information about the high definition 2006 and 2008 US Blu-ray releases (these will not play in a standard DVD player, and need a special Blu-ray player that is not compatible with discs with the rival HD-DVD system). Thanks to Hans Seegers for details of a Warner Bros promo CD called The Last Waltz: Press Kit Photography CD. This is actually a CD-ROM and has a video excerpt from R-0143, more details are in 2002.

Thanks to Steve Perrin for information about a 2018 Blu-ray Eureka Video UK Blu-ray release, see VHS & DVD 2010s.

The Band plus Guests - "The Last Waltz - Collector's Edition" - DVD releases (Region 2): MGM Home Entertainment 17337DVD (UK), Oct 2002:

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - DVD front (my copy -"U" rated)
This UK release is retitled "Collector's Edition". Thanks to Peter Good for the UK DVD test pressing, which is dated 30 Aug 2002. It came in a plain jewel case with a sticker that promises two discs, although the material is actually contained on one.

My copy is rated "U" for universal viewing. Thanks to Moise Potié for information and scans of an edition that is rated "15" and has a front sticker and leaflet advertising a competition to win a signed guitar. Gerd Rundel's copy has a slightly different rear insert (still rated "15") but the DVD is rated "U". The Irish ratings are "G" and "PG".

UK DVD test pressing - sticker from jewel case (my copy)

UK DVD test pressing

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - DVD front with sticker, scan by Moise Potié ("15" rated!)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - DVD rear scan by Moise Potié ("15" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - booklet outside scan by Moise Potié

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - guitar competition leaflet front, scan by Moise Potié

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - guitar competition leaflet reverse, scan by Moise Potié

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - DVD scan by Moise Potié ("15"/"PG" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - detail of rear of case insert, scan by Moise Potié ("15" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - detail of rear of alternate case insert, scan by Gerd Rundel ("15" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - unfolded case insert, scan by Gerd Rundel ("15" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - DVD scan by Gerd Rundel ("U"/"G" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - detail of DVD, scan by Gerd Rundel ("U"/"G" rated)

The Last Waltz Collector's Edition (UK) - detail of DVD, scan by Moise Potié ("15"/"PG" rated)

The Band plus Guests - "The Last Waltz - Special Edition" - DVD release (Region 2): MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan), 2002:

LastWaltzJpnDVDFrontObi.jpg (44786 bytes)
MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

Thanks to Wil Gielen for scans of the Japanese release, which has an embossed metallic case and a wraparound top obi.

LastWaltzJpnDVDFront.jpg (32623 bytes)
MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen

LastWaltzJpnDVDBack.jpg (41691 bytes)
MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan) - rear scan by Wil Gielen

LastWaltzJpnDVDDisc.jpg (22890 bytes)
MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan) - DVD scan by Wil Gielen

LastWaltzJpnDVDObi.jpg (156569 bytes)
MGM Home Entertainment GXBA-17337 (Japan) - obi unfolded, scan by Wil Gielen

The Band plus Guests - "The Last Waltz - Special Edition" - DVD release (Region 4): MGM Home Video 17337SD (Australia), 2002:

LastWaltzAusDVDInsert.jpg (71815 bytes)
The Last Waltz Special Edition (Australia) - DVD insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian release.

LastWaltzAusDVDDisc.jpg (23663 bytes)
The Last Waltz Special Edition (Australia) - DVD scan by Stuart Moore

The Band plus Guests - "The Last Waltz - Special Edition" - DVD release (Region 2): MGM Home Video 17233748 (France), Aug 2003:

The Last Waltz Special Edition (France) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Franck Faugere
Thanks to Franck Faugere for information and scans of the French release. This comes in a clear plastic DVD case and does not have a booklet. The disc is the same as Moise Potié's UK disc above.

The Last Waltz Special Edition (France) - inside of DVD insert, scan by Franck Faugere

The Last Waltz Special Edition (France) - DVD scan by Franck Faugere

The Band plus Guests - "El Último Vals - Edición Especial [The Last Waltz - Special Edition]" - DVD release (Region 4): MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina), 2007:

MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina) - outside of DVD insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina) - DVD scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina) - detail of DVD, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

MGM Home Video 17337 DVDM 191 DOCUMENTAL (Argentina) - detail of scan of DVD insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The Argentinean release has the title translated into Spanish, this time literally (the original Argentinean vinyl and cassette releases were titled El Último Rock [The Last Rock]). On the front below the title is: “¡LA MEJOR PELICULA DE ROCK! [THE BEST FILM OF ROCK!]”. The rear text is also in Spanish, but includes  “4-CD BOX SET DE 'THE LAST WALTZ' DISPONIBLE EN WARNER BROS. RECORDS [4-CD BOX SET OF 'THE LAST WALTZ' AVAILABLE ON WARNER BROS. RECORDS]” (the 2002 4CD set was never actually released in Argentina - this is an error caused by translating the entire English text into Spanish).

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Hollywood Rocks The Movies" - American Movie Classics TV series shown weekend of 4 Jul 2002 (USA):

Picture from www.culturevulture.net
Thanks to Rob Cole for information about this series hosted by Ringo Starr: Part 1, Hollywood Rocks The Movies: The Early Years (1955-1970), features two clips from Don't Look Back (see above and VHS & DVD 1960s). Apparently all that is included is a short excerpt of a concert performance and footage of a reporter calling in a story.

Part 2, Hollywood Rocks The Movies: The 1970s, includes a clip from The Last Waltz (see above and VHS & DVD 1970s). Bob isn't mentioned as a guest, but can be seen in a shot of the stage during the finale. For more information, see here.

"The Sopranos - The Complete Third Season" - boxed set (4 Region 1 DVDs: HBO 99234 (USA), 27 Aug 2002; 5 NTSC VHS tapes, HBO (catalogue number?) (USA), 27 Aug 2002; 4 Region 2 DVDs: Warner Home Video (catalogue number?) (UK), 21 Oct 2002:

Sopranos3DVD.jpg (31529 bytes)
Season 3 - US DVD release
R-0585 Return To Me [Ritorna A Me] (Danny Di Minno/Carmen Lombardo) - soundtrack version from episode "Amour Fou [Mad Love]", Season 3, episode 38, different from album version (R-0464, see 2001)

Keith Venturoni informs me: "The version of Return to Me used on the show was different and longer than the CD version. It also did not have the verse sung in Italian. It may just be an edit job, as it is hard to tell because there was dialog over the song in many parts."

Season 3 - US DVD release (repackaged version)

Season 3 - UK DVD release (open)

Season 3 - UK DVD release (front)

Season 3 - US DVD release (repackaged version)

Seasons 1-3 boxed set - US DVD release

Seasons 1-4 boxed set - US DVD release

Season 3 - US DVD release, rear scan by Jack from Canada

Season 3 - US DVD release, disc 4 scan by Jack from Canada
Sopranos3VHS.jpg (29258 bytes)
Season 3 - US VHS release

Seasons 1-5 - US DVD release

Seasons 1-6.1 - US DVD release (first part of Season 6 only)

Seasons 1-6 complete - US DVD release

Seasons 1-6 compete - US DVD release (Ultimate Collection)

The set has also been released in the USA in six multi-season DVD sets: The Sopranos Complete First Three Seasons, The Sopranos Complete First Four Seasons, The Sopranos Complete First Five Seasons, The Sopranos Seasons One to Season 6 Part 1 plus two versions of the complete series including Seasons 6.1 and 6.2.

(Seasons 1 to 5 were 13 episodes each, but Season 6 had 21 episodes shown in two parts: 12 in Season 6.1 in 2006 and 9 in Season 6.2 in 2007.) Episode 24 of Season 2 and Episode 86 of Season 6.2 also had Dylan album tracks, see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks 2000s.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of the US DVD release, other pictures from www.amazon.com and www.amazon.co.uk.

"Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood" - DVD/VHS releases, Warner Home Video (USA), 5 Nov 2002/Warner Home Video Z1 23308 (UK), 24 Mar 2003/Warner Home Video 22827 (Australia), 2003:
For details of the May 2002 film soundtrack album, see 2002. This song is being performed live for the first time on Bob's autumn tour of Europe in Oct-Nov 2013.

YaYaUSDVD.jpg (35804 bytes)
US first DVD release
R-0552-2 Waitin' For You - new Dylan composition exclusive to this film's soundtrack, recorded in Los Angeles, CA, in late Feb/early Mar 2002

Note the different positions of the biplane over the sunflower head on the US DVD and VHS sleeves!

YaYaUSDVDWideFront.jpg (44737 bytes)
Warner Home Video 85392 33082 (USA) - "wide screen" DVD release front

Warner Home Video 85392 33082 (USA) - "wide screen" DVD release, disc scan by Jack from Canada

YaYaUSDVDWideBack.jpg (58762 bytes)
Warner Home Video 85392 33082 (USA) - "wide screen" DVD release back
YaYaUSDVDFullFront.jpg (46153 bytes)
Warner Home Video 85392 28272 (USA) - "full screen" DVD release front

Warner Home Video Z1 23308 (UK) - front and back of "clip front" sleeve (my copy)

Warner Home Video Z1 23308 (UK) - inside of "clip front" sleeve with DVD in tray

Original US theatrical release poster

YaYaUSDVDFullBack.jpg (60241 bytes)
Warner Home Video 85392 28272 (USA) - "full screen" DVD release back

Warner Home Video 22827 (Australia) - "wide screen" DVD release insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Home Video 22827 (Australia) - "wide screen" DVD disc, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Home Video Z1 23308 (UK) - DVD

YaYaUSVHS.jpg (43726 bytes)
US VHS release

The US DVD was re-released in Mar 2003 in "full screen" (4:3) and "widescreen" versions in card "clip front" sleeves - thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for information about these releases. (The biplane stayed on the right!) The UK DVD release (in 2.35:1 widescreen only) is also in a card "clip front" sleeve, but features a revised cover picture with a still from the film replacing the sunflower head, which is relegated to the back. The UK VHS release (not shown) has the same picture. The US theatrical release poster has the film title in the centre of the sunflower head instead of below the cast pictures.
YaYaPromo2.jpg (23352 bytes)
Picture from eBay - full page ad for the film in US "Variety" magazine, 6 Jan 2003

For a CD-R single with R-0552 submitted for an Academy Award nomination in Feb 2003, see 2003.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for the US DVD disc scan and to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian widescreen DVD release.

"The Bootleg Series Vol. 5 - Bob Dylan Live 1975: The Rolling Thunder Revue" Limited Edition with Bonus DVD - 2CD set + DVD, Columbia Legacy C2K 87047 (USA/Canada); Columbia Legacy 510140 3 (Europe)/SME Records SICP 293-5 (Japan), 26 Nov 2002/Columbia Legacy 5101403000 (Australia), 9 Dec 2002:

Columbia Legacy CSD 59299 (USA/Canada) - front of slipcase with yellow Limited Edition sticker, scan by Jack from Canada
This Limited Edition is included here and in 2002 because the bonus DVD with video and audio performances was only available for a short period. For more information, including pictures of the full packaging and artwork for the 2CD set, see International Albums (Regular).

Live1975LtdEdFront.JPG (34177 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 510140 3 (Europe) - front of slipcase with yellow Limited Edition sticker (my copy)

SME Records SICP 293-5 (Japan) - front with obi and sticker, scan by Wil Gielen

Live1975Aus.jpg (19576 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 5101403000 (Australia) - front of slipcase with clear sticker, picture from Darren Tucker

Columbia Legacy CSD 59299 (USA/Canada) - front of Bonus DVD sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia Legacy CSD 59299 (USA/Canada) - rear of Bonus DVD sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada (NTSC)

Columbia Legacy CSD 59299 (USA/Canada) - Bonus DVD scan by Jack from Canada (the CDs have the same design - CD1 is yellow and CD2 is blue)

Live1975DVDBack.JPG (23803 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 510140 1 (Europe) - front of Bonus DVD card sleeve

Live1975DVDFront.JPG (27032 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 510140 1 (Europe) - rear of Bonus DVD card sleeve (PAL)

Live1975DVDdisc.JPG (22070 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 510140 1 (Europe) - Bonus DVD

The two performances on film on the bonus DVD are:

R-0245-3 Tangled Up In Blue (video) - live, Boston, MA, 21 Nov 1975 (evening show), from Renaldo & Clara (see VHS & DVD 1970s) This video previously appeared in the 1998 video Rolling Stone: 20 Years Of Rock 'N' Roll (see VHS & DVD 1990s Part 2), and the CD+ version of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 3 (see 1995)

R-0596 Isis (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) (video) - live, Montreal, Canada, 4 Dec 1975, from Renaldo & Clara (see VHS & DVD 1970s), edited performance (4:10), previously unreleased
Thanks to Larry Crum for pointing out the audio part of this is a new mix and an edit of R-0533, see below.

These are complemented by an audio performance in Dolby 5.1 sound:

R-0533 Isis (Bob Dylan/Jacques Levy) (audio) - live, Montreal, Canada, 4 Dec 1975, as above but complete performance (5:21), remix of original complete stereo audio performance released on 4 Songs From "Renaldo & Clara" (see 1978), on US and Dutch 7" Jokerman singles (see 1984), and Biograph (see 1985)
Thanks to Larry Crum for pointing this out.

Thanks to Jack from Canada, Will Gielen and Darren Tucker for information and scans.

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included poster and VHS/DVD/laserdisc artwork remains with the various audiovisual companies and artists.