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Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963

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The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos 1962-1964 (2010)

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular (normally) stereo Dylan albums. This album is actually in mono, but it's included here because it has been added to the albums page! They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections. Although this album is available in mono only, it's included here because it's listed on the albums page.

Tempest (2012)

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 07 January, 2025.

Release date of limited CD edition: 19 Oct 2010 (USA), 18 Oct 2010 (Europe/Australia/New Zealand), 5 Mar 2011 (Japan).

Release date of regular CD edition: 12 Apr 2011 (USA), 11 Apr 2011 (Europe), 25 May 2011 (Japan)

Release date of regular vinyl edition: 16 Apr 2011 (USA), 26 Apr 2011 (Europe)

The 7-track CD was originally given away as a bonus disc in a card sleeve with copies of The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos and the 9CD set The Original Mono Recordings. It was released as a regular album as a CD in a jewel case and as an 180gm mono vinyl LP in Apr/May 2011.

All tracks were recorded live at the 1st Annual Folk Festival, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Friday 10 May 1963.

R-0859 Honey Just Allow Me One More Chance (incomplete)
R-0860 Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues
R-0861 The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
R-0862 Masters Of War
R-0863 Talkin' World War III Blues
R-0864 Bob Dylan's Dream
R-0865 Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues

All these performances are no longer rarities now this album has been added to the albums page!

Thanks to Fred Muller for reminding me of the item in the "Isis" newsletter that Bob Dylan could headline an event called “50th Anniversary Bob Dylan Folk Festival”. Reported in “Brandeis Hoot” (Brandeis University’s Community Newspaper) the event, the brainchild of student organisers, would be held in the 2013 Spring semester to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dylan’s concert there on 10 May 1963. However, the same student paper has now announced that Dylan’s booking price, nearly $300,000, would hamper the net finances of the university. It seems the event will still go ahead, but without Bob Dylan!

Vinyl Releases

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono 180gm vinyl LP test pressing, RTI for Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA), 29 Dec 2010:

Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

This very rare 180gm US LP test pressing of Brandeis University was made for Columbia/Legacy by RTI (Record Technology Inc.). Side 1 has a generic RTI label and is dated 29 Dec 2010 while the Side 2 label is plain white, The record comes in a plain white sleeve without any text. It has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 88697847431-A, opposite to “19627.1(3)”, Side 2 - 88697847431-B, opposite to “19627.2(3)”, plus a small “STERLING” stamp on both sides.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono 180gm vinyl LP releases, Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA), 16 Apr 2011; Columbia/Legacy/Music on Vinyl MOVLP 286 (NL for Europe), 26 Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - front with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (no "Sony Music" above "RECORDS")

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - front of first insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - outside of folded second insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - inside of folded second insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - rear of first insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (download code obscured)

Columbia/Legacy/Music on Vinyl MOVLP 286 (NL for Europe) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Music on Vinyl MOVLP 286 (NL for Europe) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Music on Vinyl MOVLP 286 (NL for Europe) - rear with stickers, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Music on Vinyl MOVLP 286 (NL for Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (two stickers)

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (with two horizontal lines)

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84743 1 (USA) - spine photocopy by Paul Shenton

The USA vinyl release of the album comes in a clear plastic wallet with two stickers, one similar to the CD sticker. The notes by Michael Gray are included on the rear sleeve. There are two inserts, one with details of a free MP3 download (code deleted), the other advertising The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos and The Original Mono Recordings.

The record has labels re-producing an "audiosonic" recording blank with matrix numbers: Side 1 - 88697847431-A (written), "STERLING" (stamped), Side 2 - 88697847431-B (written), "STERLING" (stamped). The US record labels have two horizontal lines separating the text, missing from the 2017 European labels below.

According to "Isis" newsletter 155½ this album has been released on mono vinyl in Europe as well as the USA after all. Columbia have licensed the recording to Dutch company Music On Vinyl, who produced European vinyl releases of the original mono recordings in 2010. The album is the same as the US release, with different stickers front and back. The copy shown is still sealed, so I don't have scans of the record labels.

Dag Braathen and Paul Shenton have found pirate copies with picture labels on white or blue vinyl. These are definitely not official Columbia releases and are now listed here with Questionable releases of official Dylan albums.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono vinyl release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe), 25 Aug 2017:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - front photocopy by Paul Shenton
Original copies had a front blue/black sticker with "we are vinyl". The front of Paul Shenton's copy doesn't have stickers.
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - rear photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - detail of rear, photocopy by Paul Shenton (includes "Sony Music")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (without horizontal lines)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - detail of rear, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music/Music On Vinyl 88985438261 (Europe) - spine photocopy by Paul Shenton

The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 88958* 2A MOVLP 286, Side 2 - 88958 2B MOVLP 286 (*should be "88985"!).

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin, Stephan Weber, Ronald Born and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

CD Releases (Limited Edition in Card Sleeve, 2010)

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - limited edition mono CD releases, Columbia/Legacy 88697 794552 2 (USA), 19 Oct 2010; Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe/Australia), 18 Oct 2010:

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - front of card sleeve,
scan by Moise Potié

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - outside of card sleeve showing spine text and rear design, advance artwork picture from Badlands web-site

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - rear of card sleeve omitting "Sony Music" at bottom right,
scan by Moise Potié

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - detail  of rear of card sleeve, scan by Moise Potié

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - front of card sleeve, scan by Jeremy Mayle

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - front inside shrink wrap with The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos 1962-1964 (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jeremy Mayle

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - CD
scan by Moise Potié

Columbia/Legacy 88697 79455 2 (USA) - detail  of CD, scan by Moise Potié

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Australia) - front of card sleeve, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Australia) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - CD scan by Jeremy Mayle

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - detail of CD (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Europe) - detail of rear of card sleeve (my copy)

Poster for Brandies University Folk Festival 1963 from "Isis" 152

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Australia) - detail of CD, scan by Bill Hester

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 80442 2 (Australia) - detail of rear of card sleeve, scan by Bill Hester

This 7-track CD in a card sleeve was given away as a bonus disc with copies of The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos and the 9CD set The Original Mono Recordings . All tracks were recorded live at the 1st Annual Folk Festival, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Friday 10 May 1963. The advance artwork showed a card sleeve with spine text, which is the US design - the European and Australian card sleeves have no spine text. It also omitted the text in red "1ST SET" and "2ND SET", which is present on all three commercial releases shown. The CD itself has the design of a 1960s "audiosonic" blank (equivalent to a CD-R today). The European release has "Made in the EU" on both the rear sleeve and the CD. The Australian release has "Distributed in Australia by Sony Music Entertainment Australia Pty. Ltd." on both the rear sleeve and the CD. The European and Australian releases have the Sony Music logo, omitted from the US release. Thanks to Derek Barker of "Isis" magazine for pointing out that Bob's set took place on Friday evening, 10 May 1963, not "SATURDAY EVENING" as on the back of the sleeve, and also that the ticket price on the Brandeis poster they published in "Isis" 152 was $4.00, not $4.40!

Thanks to "Isis" 152 for the picture of the Brandeis poster and the story of how this performance was discovered in the Ralph Gleason archives by site contributor Jeff Gold, for more details see Jeff's blog here . Thanks to Steven Jump of Badlands and Éamonn Ó Catháin for the artwork, to Derek Barker of "Isis" and Arie de Reus for information and to Moise Potié, Jeremy Mayle, Stuart Moore and Bill Hester for scans.

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - limited edition mono CD releases, Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan), 5 Mar 2011:

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - front of card sleeve, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson
This CD could be ordered with vouchers that came with the Japanese releases of The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 - The Witmark Demos and the 9CD set The Original Mono Recordings in 2010. It was promised for mid-Feb 2011 but actually arrived on 5 Mar 2011. It has a Japanese language insert with song commentaries and an edited translation of Jeff Gold's blog (see above) by Heckel Sugano. There was also a card thanking the recipient for being a Sony Music customer.

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for information and scans.

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - detail of rear of card sleeve, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - insert scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson (reverse is blank)

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - card scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - CD scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SBCI 80013 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

CD Releases (Commercial Edition in Jewel Case, 2011)

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - promo mono CD/CD-R releases, Columbia/Legacy A 53130 (USA), Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy A 53130 (USA) - promo CD-R photo by Hervé from France
Thanks to Hervé from France for the left-hand photo of a 2011 US CD-R promo of this album. It came in a clear plastic wallet with a folded paper insert. The front of the insert has the CBS "MONO" logo missing from 2010 releases.

Thanks to Ian Woodward for information about a promo CD copy in a card sleeve with a front sticker advising that retail copies will be in a jewel case with a booklet.

Columbia/Legacy A 53130 (USA) - front of promo CD card sleeve with sticker, picture from

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono CD release, Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA), 11 Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Andrew Wellman for news that listed this 2010 bonus CD for general sale in the USA and Europe on 12 Apr 2011. The 2010 disc came in a card sleeve, but the 2011 release is in a jewel case and the front insert is an 8-page stapled booklet with notes by Michael Gray, author of "Song & Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan" and "The Bob Dylan Encyclopaedia" (which contains a flattering entry about me and this site). There are also several previously unreleased photographs in the booklet. There is also a folded insert advertising The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 and The Original Mono Recordings.

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - front sticker scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - outside of front booklet unfolded, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - detail of reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada (with catalogue number, not present on reverse of European rear insert below)

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - detail of rear of front booklet, scan by Jack from Canada (correct catalogue number, compare with rear of European front booklet below)

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - outside of unfolded insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - inside of unfolded insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy 88697 84742 2 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada (compare with European rear insert below)

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono CD release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe), 11 Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - front with sticker (my copy)
The European release is essentially the same as the US release, with the inserts and discs made in the EU. The catalogue number is given incorrectly as "88597 84742 2" on the rear of the front European insert.
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - front sticker

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - detail of front

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - outside of unfolded front insert

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - inside of unfolded front insert

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - front

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - detail of rear of front insert ("88597" instead of "88697")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - rear insert
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - reverse of rear insert (no catalogue number at bottom right)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - CD

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - detail of CD ("Made in the EU")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Europe) - detail of rear insert (Sony Music logo, "Made in the EU")

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono CD release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia), 11 Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - front sticker scan by Stuart Moore
Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian release, which was made in Australia.
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - detail of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Australia) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Stuart Moore

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - mono CD release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Brazil), Apr 2011:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Brazil) - front scan by Izidio Filho
This Brazilian release is essentially the same as the European release, with the same catalogue number. It has a round front sticker with the same text as the stickers above translated into Portuguese.

Thanks to Izidio Filho for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Brazil) - sticker scan by Izidio Filho

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Brazil) - CD scan by Izidio Filho

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88697 84742 2 (Brazil) - detail of CD, scan by Izidio Filho

"Bob Dylan In Concert: Brandeis University 1963" - promo and commercial mono CD-R/CD releases, Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan), 25 May 2011:

Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan) - promo insert scan by Gerd Rundel
This CD-R promo for the Japanese release comes in a clear plastic wallet with a single-sided insert. Both the insert and the CD-R are dated "2011-05-25" (25 May 2011), which was the commercial release date in Japan.
Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan) - promo CD-R scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Gerd Rundel

Sony Music SICP-3157 (Japan) - commercial CD scan by Gerd Rundel

The commercial CD release has a yellow obi with black text which includes price ¥1,995 (¥1,900 plus sales tax), Japanese release date "11-5-25" (25 May 2011) as per the promo CD-R, US release date "11-4-11" (11 Apr 2011) and withdrawal date "11-11-24" (24 Nov 2011).

Thanks to Hervé from France and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

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The Bootleg Series Vol. 9 -
The Witmark Demos 1962-1964

Bob Dylan In Concert:
Brandeis University 1963

Tempest (2012)

<- ^ ->

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.