"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: The 2020s

The Official Rarities listings pages for this decade are now here:

[The 2010s] Home ] Up ] 2020 ] 2021 ] 2022 ] [2023] [2024] [2025]

The Yearly Rarity pages are listed above and all audio albums and singles for the 2020s that do not contain rare tracks are listed below. All Honourable Mentions are now here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

The 50th Anniversary Collections (2020-)

50th Anniversary Collection 1970 (2020)

50th Anniversary Collection 1973 (2023)
Bob Dylan And The Band - Live 1974: The Copyright Collection (2024)

There was no 50th Anniversary Collection 1971! This is frustrating because we know there is unreleased material from the 1971 New York recording sessions that produced the Watching The River Flow and George Jackson singles, as well as the new material on Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II. There was no 50th Anniversary Collection 1972 but none was expected. The 50th Anniversary Collection 1973 contains material from the Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid Original Soundtrack sessions in early 1973 but nothing from the Nov 1973 Planet Waves sessions. The 50th Anniversary Collection 1974 (streaming only) contains 219 audience recordings from the Jan-Feb 1974 tour with The Band,

Other 2020s Pages

Stereo Albums

Rough And Rowdy Ways (2020)

Bob Dylan 1970 (2021)

The Bootleg Series Vol. 16 - Springtime In New York 1980-1985 (2021)

The Bootleg Series Vol. 17 - Fragments: "Time Out Of Mind" Sessions 1996-1997 (2023)

Shadow Kingdom (2023)

The Complete Budokan 1978 (2023)

Another Budokan 1978 (2023)

The 1974 Live Recordings (2024)

2020s Multi-packs


Mono Albums

None so far.

Compilations and Promotional Albums

All Promotional and Radio Station Albums are now included in the Dylan-Only and Various Artists Compilations lists.

International Album Releases (Dylan-only Compilations) 2020s

International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 2020s

Singles and EPs

All Promotional Singles are now included in the International Singles list.

International Singles: All Formats 2020s

International 7" Single Sleeves

Up ] The 1960s ] The 1970s ] The 1980s ] The 1990s ] The 2000s ] The 2010s ] [ The 2020s ]

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies and artists.