"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: Interviews with Bob

Press conference, Hotel Georges V, Paris, France, 23 May 1966, from the Live 1966 booklet (also see R-0534)

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 This page lists audio items that include interviews with Bob and other speech only material. Video items are on the relevant page of VHS & DVD. There must be many more items than these, and information (including colour scans where possible) will be very much welcomed.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 01 January, 2025.

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)


"20/20: Vision For The Future" - promo stereo 2LP set: Columbia Masterworks ANS 201/202 (USA), 24 Jul 1968:

Columbia Masterworks ANS 201/202 (USA) - front of box, photo from eBay

Columbia Masterworks ANS 201/202 (USA) - rear of box, photo from eBay (plain white)

Columbia Masterworks ANS 201 (USA) - Side 1 photo from eBay (Record 1, Side 1)

Columbia Masterworks ANS 202 (USA) - Side 2 photo from eBay (Record 2, Side 1)

Columbia Masterworks ANS 202 (USA) - Side 3 photo from eBay (Record 2, Side 2)

Columbia Masterworks ANS 201 (USA) - Side 4 photo from eBay (Record 1, Side 2)

This promo stereo 2LP set with a 28-page illustrated book was distributed to attendees at the Columbia Records National Convention held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 24 Jul 1968 - a "Lavish Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the LP". The records come in white paper inner sleeves. The programme is narrated by Walter Cronkite and includes excerpts from The Times They Are A-Changin' and Like A Rolling Stone, as well as audio of Bob talking to a reporter from "Time" magazine from Don't Look Back, see VHS & DVD 1960s. The sides are ordered for auto-change record players, so that Record 1 (ANS 201) has "Side 1" and "Side 4" and Record 2 (ANS 202) has "Side 2" and "Side 3". For I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties, also narrated by Walter Cronkite, see 1970.


"What’s It All About?" - 7" radio station disc produced by Radio TRAV Atlanta, GA, for the Presbyterian Church USA in conjunction with Columbia Records, TRAV programmes 107/108 (USA), broadcast 1971:
This discs came in plain white sleeves, and each programme lasted about 5 mins.

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TRAV programme 108 (USA) - Bob Dylan/George Jackson) - scan by Hans Seegers

R-0499 Excerpts from George Jackson ("Big Band" Version - R-0084) with commentary by host Bill Huie

For the full version of R-0084, see 1971.

Bob is on the B-side - programme 108. The A-side - programme 107 - is about Don MacLean's American Pie (which of course features Bob as "The Jester").

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

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TRAV programme 107 (USA) - Don MacLean/American Pie) - scan by Hans Seegers


"Bob Dylan vs. A.J. Weberman" - stereo vinyl LP, Folkways FB 5322 (USA), 1977:

Folkways FB 5322 (USA) - 1977 release front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0531 Telephone conversations with A.J. Weberman, New York, 6 & 9 Jan 1971

This album was quickly withdrawn after legal action from Bob! It had an 8-page booklet giving the background to the phone calls.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. Thanks to Tony Cox for information that a copy for sale on eBay has blue labels. However, Hans Seegers believes that only copies with black labels as shown are genuine - this album was on the market for too short a time to have had a second release.

Folkways FB 5322 (USA) - 1977 release rear scan by Hans Seegers

Folkways FB 5322 (USA) - 1977 release front of booklet scan by Hans Seegers

"Broadside FB 5322" (USA) - 1988 pirate release front picture from eBay

"Broadside FB 5322" (USA) - 1988 pirate release rear picture from eBay

"Broadside FB 5322" (USA) - 1988 pirate release Side 1 picture from eBay

"Broadside FB 5322" (USA) - 1988 pirate release Side 2 picture from eBay

Folkways FB 5322 (USA) - 1977 release Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Folkways FB 5322 (USA) - 1977 release Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Michel Pomarede has found a 1988 pirate copy of the Folkways album on eBay with information: "The folks that released this 1988 LP were responsible for some of then best looking and sounding bootlegs in the industry. They always did a fantastic job. They released mainly Beatles LP's on the NEMS Label, and Lennon LPs on the Bag Label, but were responsible for many more incredible pieces. Their most famous Dylan release is Ten Of Swords. The label name changed with every artist, and would always be a name associated with that artist. The sleeve and record labels of this title state the record company to be 'Broadside Records' (the label that originally released it)."

For a 2004 UK reissue of this material, see below.


"What’s It All About?" - 7" radio station disc, TRAV MA 1791 (USA), produced by Radio TRAV Atlanta, GA, for the Presbyterian Church USA in conjunction with Columbia Records, Radio Series MA 1791 (USA), broadcast Aug 1980:
We also know MA 1788, also broadcast in Aug 1980, was about Paul Simon.

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TRAV MA 1791 (USA) (programme 509 - Bob Dylan) - scan by Hans Seegers

R-0497 Fragments from Gotta Serve Somebody; Blowin' In The Wind; Subterranean Homesick Blues; Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35; Like A Rolling Stone; When You Gonna Wake Up, mixed with extracts from Dylan interview and voice over by host Bill Huie

Bob is on the A-side - programme 509. The B-side - programme 510 - is about David Bowie.

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TRAV MA 1791 (USA) (programme 510 - Davud Bowie) - scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Alan Hoaksey for information that the Dylan interview used here is not the San Francisco 1965 interview as originally thought, but the "religious" interview with Pat Crosby recorded in Pittsburgh, PA, for KDKA-TV, 15 May 1980 and broadcast the same day. More excerpts from this interview (Bob's responses only) can be seen in the 2006 unauthorised Highway 61 Entertainment/MVD USA video Bob Dylan 1975-1981: Rolling Thunder and The Gospel Years, see Honourable Mentions - Video.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wim van der Mark for information and to Hans Seegers for scans.

"What’s It All About?" - 7" radio station disc, TRAV MA 1805 (USA), produced by Radio TRAV Atlanta, GA, for the Presbyterian Church USA in conjunction with Columbia Records, Radio Series MA 1805 (USA), broadcast Sep 1980:

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TRAV MA 1805 (USA) (programme 542 - Bob Dylan) - scan by Hans Seegers
R-0497-2 Fragments of officially released tracks mixed with interview statements and a voice-over by Bill Huie

Bob is on the B-side - programme 542, which is actually a re-release of programme 509 (MA 1791 above). The A-side - programme 541 - is about the Beach Boys.

For programme 646 from Nov 1982, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Rob van Estrik and Anthony Perry for information and to Hans Seegers for scans.

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TRAV MA 1805 (USA) (programme 541 - The Beach Boys) - scan by Hans Seegers


"Bob Dylan, Der Prophet Der Rockmusik [Bob Dylan, The Prophet Of Rock Music" - 7" flexidisc, Rennbahn Express in conjunction with CBS SHOL 3150A (Austria), Jul 1981:
This free flexidisc (in a plain white sleeve) was issued with Austrian rock music magazine "Rennbahn Express". Although released in Austria only, it was actually made in Holland.

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Flexidisc label scan by Hans Seegers

R-0356 Fragments of songs (not cited separately) from the officially released versions of Main Title Theme and Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid), Blowin’ In The Wind (from The Concert For Bangladesh), Hurricane (from Desire), and an interview segment from December 1980

Alan Hoaksey says the interview is actually two very brief segments from the Paul Vincent radio programme. The information printed on the disc is incorrect in two respects:
1)    The interview was broadcast live on 18 Nov 1980, not December as stated.
2)    The two interview snippets are actually between tracks 2 and 3 and between tracks 3 and 4, not as track 5 at the end.
Also, it would be more accurate to say that the interview segments are talked over at the end rather than overdubbed.  The German narration is not a translation or even a summary of the interview.

Thanks to Rob van Estrik, Hans Seegers and Alan Hoaksey for information and scan.

"Dylan London Interview" - promo LP, Columbia AS 1259 (USA), Sep 1981:

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Columbia AS 1259 (USA) - cover of LP is plain apart from the two stamps (my copy)

R-0155 Interview with Dave Herman, White House Hotel, London, 2nd July, 1981, Bob strums guitar throughout

Broadcast on Radio WNEW-FM, New York, on 27th July, 1981. The LP also includes three sample songs from Shot Of Love: the title track, Heart Of Mine, and Every Grain Of Sand. One of these was originally reported to me as an exclusive live version from Earls Court, London, where Bob played from 26 Jun 1981 to 1 Jul 1981, but sadly this is not so.

The album was released in two variants, one with Side 2 as 22:35 and the other with the timing as 22:59 - Hans Seegers informs me the second variant does actually have 24 seconds more of the interview!

Promo letter sent by Columbia Records, New York - scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia AS 1259 (USA) - rear with letter from Dave Herman, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia AS 1259 (USA) - Side 1 label (first variant - my copy)

Columbia AS 1259 (USA) -
Side 2 label (first variant) showing timing as 22:35

Columbia AS 1259 (USA) -
Side 1 label (second variant), scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia AS 1259 (USA) - Side 2 label (second variant) showing timing as 22:59, scan by Hans Seegers

Side 1: track 1 (14:25) includes Shot Of Love, track 2 (11:08) includes Heart of Mine; Side 2: track 1 (variant 1 - 22:35, variant 2 - 22:59) includes Every Grain Of Sand.

According to the UK "Record Collector" magazine, counterfeit copies exist of this album, and can be identified because the matrix numbers on the record centre are handwritten. However, my copy was bought from a reputable source and has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-168271 1D F4, Side 2 - XSM-168272 1E F5. Both sides also have "MASTERED BY CAPITOL" stamped in the vinyl.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Truman Peyote for scans and additional information.

Al Kooper & Friends - "The Third Annual Kapusta Kristmas Album" - stereo vinyl LP, private distribution by Al Kooper, Partners In Crime NL-109 (USA), Dec 1981:

Partners In Crime NL-109 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0487 Bob introduces Al Kooper's parents from the stage at the Meadowlands Arena, East Rutherford, NY, 27 Oct 1981 (during In The Garden)

Thanks to Keith Venturoni for information about this item.

From the eBay description provided by the seller: "For a few years in the 70's and early 80's, Al Kooper put out an annual Christmas album filled with novelty and strange music and dialogue for his friends only. This one, the third, features a track with Bob Dylan in concert introducing Al's parents, Sam and Natalie, at a Meadowlands, NJ, concert from the stage. Here's what the notes say: "In 1981, I toured for three months with BD and my parents came to see us play in New Jersey. I mentioned to Bob that my folks were there before we went onstage, and this is what happened. Thanks Bob." Bob introduces them, goofs around telling the audience they are the parents of a friend, but he's not gonna tell the audience who. Then after a bit, he says "OK, I'll tell you". And introduces Al. No music, but a rare bit of Bob humour. There are also bits with Buddy Rich yelling at his band, a famous tape called "J & H" productions with an out of it promoter trying to get work from a record label, and other strange bits. With a great cover and Al's funny liner notes. Very very rare."

eBay trader "Nethollywood" has this for sale/auction, for more details see here ..

Partners In Crime NL-109 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Partners In Crime NL-109 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (with R-0487)

Partners In Crime NL-109 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers


"What’s It All About?" - 7" radio station disc produced by Radio TRAV Atlanta, GA, for the Presbyterian Church USA in conjunction with Columbia Records, Radio Series MA 3052 (USA), broadcast Nov 1982:

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TRAV MA 3052 (USA) (programme 646 - Bob Dylan) - scan by Hans Seegers
R-0497-3 Fragments of officially released tracks mixed with interview statements and a voice-over by Bill Huie

Bob is on the B-side - programme 646, which is actually a second re-release of program 509 (MA 1791 above). The A-side - programme 645 - is about The Rolling Stones. For programme 542 also see 1980 above.

Thanks to  Wim van der Mark, Hans Seegers, André Wilbers and Carsten Baumann, for information and scans.

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TRAV MA 3052 (USA) (programme 645 - The Rolling Stones) - scan by Hans Seegers


"Bob Dylan: What's The Question? - San Francisco Press Conference, Dec 3, 1965" - 12" picture disc, Speaking-Tube Records 001 (USA), mid 1980s:
Each copy in this limited edition of 1000 comes in a clear plastic sleeve with a sticker. The copy shown is #407.

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Speaking-Tube Records 001 (USA) - Side 1 photo by Manfred Helfert
R-0496 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

For a UK 1988 LP and CDs with this material released in 1988 and 1997, see below. Information and pictures from Manfred Helfert. Thanks to Paul Read for additional information.

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Speaking-Tube Records 001 (USA) - Side 2 photo by Manfred Helfert
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Speaking-Tube Records 001 (USA) - Sleeve sticker scan by Manfred Helfert

"Dylan On Dylan" - 5LP set of radio station discs, Westwood One (USA), broadcast week of 17 Nov 1984; 3LP set of radio station discs broadcast week of 23 Sep 1985:

"Dylan On Dylan" - Cue sheet hour 1, picture found on eBay by "Rob" (5LP version - 17/11/1984)

R-0501 Interview by Bert Kleinman at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York, 30 Jul 1984, plus album versions of 23 or 15 Dylan songs (see below)
The interview is split across all sides of the sets.

The record labels are the same for both sets with only the album title and side number: the 5LP set has ten sides, Side 10 is blank; the 3LP set has six sides, Side 6 is blank.

"Dylan On Dylan" - Cue sheet hour 2, picture found on eBay by "Rob" (5LP version - 17/11/1984)

"Dylan On Dylan" - Cue sheet hour 3, picture found on eBay by "Rob" (5LP version - 17/11/1984)

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"Dylan On Dylan" - Cue sheet hour 1, scan by Hans Seegers (3LP version - 23/9/1985)

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"Dylan On Dylan" - Cue sheet hour 2, scan by Hans Seegers (3LP version - 23/9/1985)

Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (identical for both sets)

Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (identical for both sets)

Side 3 scan by Hans Seegers (identical for both sets)

Side 4 scan by Hans Seegers (identical for both sets)

Side 5 scan by Hans Seegers (identical for both sets)

Side 6 scan by Hans Seegers (5LP set)

Side 7 scan by Hans Seegers (5LP set)

Side 8 scan by Hans Seegers (5LP set)

Side 9 scan by Hans Seegers (5LP set)

Side 10 scan by Hans Seegers (Side 10 of 5LP set and Side 6 of 3LP set, both blank)

5LP version (3 hours - 23 songs):

Hour 1: Talkin' New York; Blowin' In The Wind; Song To Woody; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Masters Of War; All I Really Want To Do; Maggie’s Farm; Subterranean Homesick Blues; Positively 4th St.

Hour 2: Like A Rolling Stone; Just Like A Woman; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; All Along The Watchtower; Lay, Lady, Lay; It’s Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding); Tangled Up In Blue.

Hour 3: Gotta Serve Somebody; Jokerman; Most Likely You Go Your Way (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Knockin' On Heaven's Door (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Like A Rolling Stone (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Blowin In The Wind (live with The Band from Before The Flood).

3LP version (2 hours - 15 songs):

Hour 1: Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; Positively 4th St.; Like A Rolling Stone; Just Like A Woman; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Lay Lady Lay; Tangled Up In Blue.

Hour 2: Gotta Serve Somebody; Tight Connection To My Heart (not on the 5LP set - it had not been released in 1984); Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (live with The Band from Before The Flood); It Ain't Me, Babe (live with The Band from Before The Flood, again not on the 5LP set); Knockin' On Heaven's Door (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Like A Rolling Stone (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Blowin In The Wind (live with The Band from Before The Flood).

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tim Dunn, Ulf Gyllenspetz, "Rob", Wiebke Dittmer and Fred Muller for information and pictures.

The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem - "The Story Of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem" - VHS releases: Third Floor/Warner Home Video ZZV 9 (UK/Ireland), late 1984; Shanachie 201 (USA), 1991; DVD release: Shanachie 201 (USA), 20 May 2003:

clancy01.JPG (46848 bytes)
Third Floor/Warner Home Video ZZV 9 (UK/Ireland) - VHS front/spine scan by Manfred Helfert (1984)
R-0500 Excerpt of interview with Bob talking about the Clancy Brothers by Derek Bailey (director of this film) from Slane Castle, Dublin, 8 Jul 1984

Thanks to Manfred Helfert for this transcript and information: "Well, I'd never heard those kind of songs before. I'd heard them on record but I hadn't heard them close up. All the legendary people they used to sing about -- Brennan on the Moor or Roddy McCorley -- I wasn't aware of them when they existed... but it was as if they'd just existed yesterday."

The documentary ends with The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem singing "The Parting Glass", which inspired Bob's Restless Farewell from The Times They Are A-Changin'.

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Third Floor/Warner Home Video ZZV 9 (UK/Ireland) - VHS rear scan by Manfred Helfert (1984)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - VHS front picture from eBay (1991)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - DVD front scan by Jack from Canada (2003)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - DVD rear scan by Jack from Canada (2003)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - detail of DVD rear, scan by Jack from Canada (2003)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - screenshot by Jack from Canada (2003)

Shanachie 201 (USA) - DVD scan by Jack from Canada (2003)

The text of the complete 1984 Derek Bailey interview appeared in "The Telegraph #18" and is included in "Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan" by John Bauldie (Penguin paperback edition, 1992, pages 46-48), but not the hardback edition of this book (Black Spring Press, 1990). The Penguin paperback edition must be compiled from two earlier hardbacks. An abridged version appears in "All Across The Telegraph: A Bob Dylan Handbook" by Michael Gray and John Bauldie (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1987, page 20).

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque, Alan Hoaksey, Manfred Helfert and Jack from Canada for information and scans.


"Pioneers In Music Starring Bob Dylan" - 2 radio station LPs, D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA), broadcast 14 Apr 1986:

These LPs, total time: 61:44 (including local ads), contain the 1981 London interview with Bob Dylan plus 12 songs, all album versions, although all are incomplete. The programme is contained on three sides of the LPs - the second side of the second record is blank!

 D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Hans Seegers

R-0155-2 Interview with Dave Herman, White House Hotel, London, 2nd July, 1981, Bob strums guitar throughout

 D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA) - Side A scan by Hans Seegers

 D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA) - Side B scan by Hans Seegers

 D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA) - Side C scan by Hans Seegers

 D. I .R. Broadcasting show # 39 (USA) - Side D scan by Hans Seegers (blank)

The Dylan tracks are: Talkin' New York (1:40 excerpt); You're No Good; Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; All I Really Want To Do (3:55 fadeout); Like A Rolling Stone (3:00 excerpt); Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (1:15 excerpt); Just Like A Woman (4:40 fadeout); This Wheel's On Fire (3:40 fadeout); All Along The Watchtower; Lay Lady Lay (2:00 excerpt); Knockin' On Heaven's Door (live with The Band from Before The Flood); Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (live with The Band from Before The Flood).

All tracks are partly talked over.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Tim Dunn for information and to Hans Seegers for scans.

"US Tour Press Conference 1986" - 7" clear vinyl and picture disc singles on unidentified label, USBOB 86 (UK), 1986:

Usbob86-1.jpg (16852 bytes)
USBOB 86 (UK) - Side 1 (clear vinyl, my copy)
Both these discs have the same material:

R-0495 Interviews with Bob and Tom Petty, Westwood One offices, Los Angeles, CA, 10 Apr 1986 (7:01)

Ede Beckeringh has a copy of this where the record is also of clear plastic but has plain white labels. This copy has matrix numbers "bdh 451 a/b".

Thanks to David O'Brien for information and Hans Seegers for scans of the picture disc.

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USBOB 86 (UK) - Side 2 (clear vinyl)

Picture disc version - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Picture disc version - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"US Tour Press Conference 1986" - CD in box/LP picture disc, Hearts Of Fire Records (UK), 1986:
The CD itself has a black and white 1986 picture of Bob (not very easy to see in the picture) and is #0520 of a limited edition of 1000. The box also contains two colour photographs of Bob from 1986 - one the colour version of the one used for the box cover and CD inserts, and one with Tom Petty.

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Front of box with #0520 - scan by Manfred Helfert

R-0495-2 Interviews with Bob and Tom Petty, Westwood One offices, Los Angeles, CA, 10 Apr 1986

R-0524     Interview with Bob in London at the Hearts Of Fire press conference, 17 Aug 1986

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CD front insert - scan by Manfred Helfert
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CD rear insert - scan by Manfred Helfert
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Enclosed 1986 colour picture of Bob with Tom Petty - scan by Manfred Helfert
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Enclosed 1986 colour picture of Bob - scan by Manfred Helfert

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CD itself with picture of Bob - scan by Manfred Helfert

12" picture disc - front scan by David O'Brien

12" picture disc - rear scan by David O'Brien

12" picture disc - Side 1 partial scan by David O'Brien

12" picture disc - Side 2 partial scan by David O'Brien

Information and scans from Manfred Helfert. Thanks to Paul Read for information about the picture disc and David O'Brien for scans. Claire Simmons has a copy of the picture disc entitled "Sydney Press Conference" with the 10 Apr 1986 conference on Side 1, running time listed as 18:30. The Hearts Of Fire conference is on Side 2.


Various Artists - "Psychedelic Psnack" - radio station LP, Westwood One PP 87-53 (USA), week of 28 Dec 1987:

Westwood One PP87-53 (USA) - cover letter front, scan by Kenneth Robson

Bob's contribution to this show is Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home, plus a snippet of Like A Rolling Stone.

Westwood One PP87-53 (USA) - cover letter reverse, scan by Kenneth Robson

Westwood One PP87-53 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Kenneth Robson

Westwood One PP87-53 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson

Westwood One PP87-53 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson

There is also a clip from an interview, where Bob says: "The record business has changed because see when I went in in a what they call I guess what they call the early days it was in the sixties really. Everybody made records the same as I did no matter who, Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Animals, The Byrds and you were a group you were a somebody before you went in and made the record you were a somebody, now people don't want to pay dues no more."

R-0155-3 Interview with Dave Herman, White House Hotel, London, 2nd July, 1981, Bob strums guitar throughout

For a 1989 "Psychedelic Snack" show with Bob, see International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1989.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans. Thanks to Alan Hoaksey for identifying this as being from the 1981 Dave Herman interview.


"Bob Dylan: The San Francisco Press Conference December 65" - 12" picture disc, Highway 61 Records (UK), Jan 1988:
These copies were un-numbered.

Front of sleeve scan by Hans Seegers
R-0496-2 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

For the sleeve notes by David Bramhall see here. For CDs with this material released in 1997 see below. Thanks to Manfred Helfert for information and to Hans Seegers for scans.  Thanks to Paul Read and Hans Seegers for additional information.

Rear of sleeve scan by Hans Seegers

Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Bob Dylan: The San Francisco Press Conference December 3rd 65" - CD release, PDO CDYLAN1 (UK/France), 1988:

PDO CDYLAN1 (UK/France) - front of booklet, scan by Brian Clarke
This CD release is a limited edition of 500 but the copies were un-numbered. The CD was made by PDO in France.

R-0496-3 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

Thanks to Brian Clarke for information and scans.

PDO CDYLAN1 (UK/France) - rear of booklet, scan by Brian Clarke

PDO CDYLAN1 (UK/France) - CD scan by Brian Clarke

Various Artists - promo album for documentary "Folkways - A Vision Shared: A Tribute To Woody Guthrie And Lead Belly", Columbia CAS 1261 (USA), 1988:
For full details of this promo album, see 1988. For the A Vision Shared VHS and DVD releases, see the
VHS & DVD 1980s page.

FolkwaysPromo1.JPG (47705 bytes)
Columbia CAS 1261 (USA) - photocopy of front of LP sleeve by Ole Lien
R-0315 Song To Woody - album version talked over by Bob

Bob does not actually appear in the film performing this song, it plays over a series of stills in disc chapter 18 "Bob Dylan & Woody" as part of an interview recorded for this project with Bob talking to Ralph Rinzler about Woody Guthrie.

Before the song Bob says: "Woody was like a particular sound and besides that he said something that seemed to be needed to be said, to go along with his sound. I like the way he played to say and I like the things that he said when he sang".

Over the complete version of the song, Bob says: "I started singing his songs. There was a time I did nothing but his songs. He's written so many and I knew them all! I think I  was a Woody Guthrie jukebox! I was completely taken over by him. By the spirit or whatever. I mean, he had so much to give, you know. He was like a link in the chain for me. You could listen to his songs and actually learn how to live. I think he did a whole lot more then he ever knew he did" (Thanks to Hans Seegers for transcript.)

Thanks to Ole Lien, Hans Seegers and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

CMV/Legacy CVD-49006 (USA) - DVD front with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada


"The Bob Dylan Bootleg Tapes" - 3CD set of radio station discs, Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) , broadcast week of 13 May 1991:

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - cue sheet for CD1, scan by Jack from Canada

R-0511 Shortened versions of several songs from The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 and excerpts from the 1991 interview with Bob by Elliott Mintz (not listed separately)

This interview was recorded in a hotel room in Los Angeles, CA, in Mar 1991. Excerpts were used in several Westwood One broadcasts (see below).

Most of the three hour radio programme consists of full length versions of songs from the newly-released compilation. For rarities associated with this album see 1991.

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - cue sheet for CD2, scan by Jack from Canada

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - cue sheet for CD3, scan by Jack from Canada

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Westwood One Show #91-20 (USA) - CD3 scan by Jack from Canada

Westwood One US generic card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada (rear is plain white)

Thanks to John Gaylor, Ulf Gyllenspetz, Dan Jordan and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Solid Gold Scrapbook - Birthday Salute: Bob Dylan" - radio station CD, Unistar Radio Programming (USA) , broadcast 24 May 1991:

Cue sheet photo by Ulf Gyllenspetz
This one-hour show broadcast on Bob's 50th birthday contains four interview segments with Bob - more information required.

Dylan album tracks are played as follows: Like A Rolling Stone; Positively 4th Street; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; I Want You; Just Like A Woman; Knockin' On Heaven's Door.

Dylan covers are played as follows: Mr. Tambourine Man (The Byrds); Blowin' In The Wind (Stevie Wonder); It Ain't Me, Babe (The Turtles); Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (The Wonder Who [The Four Seasons]); Mighty Quinn (Manfred Mann); All Along The Watchtower (Jimi Hendrix).

For more radio shows in the "Solid Gold Scrapbook" series, see International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1980-86, International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1987-88, International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1989, International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1990, International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 1991.

Thanks to Ulf Gyllenspetz for information and photographs.

Radio station CD photo by Ulf Gyllenspetz


The Beatles - "The Beatle Years" - radio station disc, Westwood One Show #93-04 (USA)  "Beatles & Dylan", broadcast week of 18 Jan 1993:

Westwood9304CD.jpg (22968 bytes)
Westwood One Show #93-04 (USA) - disc scan by Hans Seegers
R-0541 Shortened versions of several Dylan songs and excerpts from the 1991 interview with Bob by Elliott Mintz (not listed separately)

The excerpts from the 1991 Elliot Mintz interview concern Bob talking about John Lennon.

For a second Dylan-related disc in this series, see 1995.

Thanks to Carsten Baumann and Hans Seegers for information and to Hans Seegers for scans.

Westwood9304Cue.jpg (29821 bytes)
Westwood One Show #93-04 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Hans Seegers
WestwoodOneCover.jpg (18467 bytes)
Westwood One generic CD sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Showcase Of Rock: Positively Bob Dylan" - 3 radio station CDs, Unistar (USA), broadcast 19-21 Nov 1993:
This show was presented by Earle Bailey.

Front of box, scan by Kenneth Robson
Because this set contains a rarity by The Travelling Wilburys, full details are in 1993 (Wilburys). There is also an an excerpt from the 1981 Dave Hermann London interview (see above), and a snippet from Bob's Hall of Fame acceptance speech, Cleveland, OH, 20 Jan 1988.

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.


Various Artists - "Woodstock '94 Minutes" - radio station discs (6CD), MediaAmerica Inc/Neer Perfect Productions (catalogue number?) (USA), Jun/Jul 1994:

Cue sheet for CD2, scan by Jack from Canada (dated 27 Jun 1994)

CD2 in white sleeve with cut-out, scan by Jack from Canada

Cue sheet for CD3, scan by Jack from Canada (broadcast dates 17-21 Jul 1994)

CD2 in white sleeve with cut-out, scan by Jack from Canada

Cue sheet for CD3, scan by Jack from Canada (broadcast dates 24-28 Jul 1994)

CD4 in white sleeve with cut-out, scan by Jack from Canada

CD2 scan by Jack from Canada (dated week of 10 Jul 1994)

CD3 scan by Jack from Canada (dated week of 17 Jul 1994)

CD4 scan by Jack from Canada (dated week of 24 Jul 1994)

The first of these radio station discs has a cue sheet dated 27 Jun 1994, and the broadcast dates on the other sheets and all three CDs are for July 1994, so these programmes were aired before the 1994 Woodstock Festival took place. This explains why they contain excerpts of Dylan album tracks and previous interviews. CDs 1, 5 and 6 had no Dylan content.

CD2 (week of 10 Jul 1994) includes excerpts of Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited and Positively 4th Street from Greatest Hits. It also includes an interview with Bob about performing on stage.

CD3 (week of 17 Jul 1994) includes excerpts of I Want You from Blonde on Blonde and Positively 4th Street from Greatest Hits. It also includes an Interview with Bob.

CD4 (week of 24 Jul 1994) includes excerpts of I Want You and Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 from Blonde on Blonde. This disc does not include an interview with Bob, but does include interviews with Steve Cropper and George Harrison talking about Bob.

I have not allocated R-numbers to these excerpts.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information scans.


Various Artists - "Strange Brew - Songs Of Inspiration: A Tribute To Brett Whiteley" - 2CD set in digipak, Columbia 481538 2 (Australia), 1995:
This 2CD set in a digipak with an attractive booklet is a tribute to Australian artist Brett Whiteley, who died on 15 Jun 1992. It has now been deleted.

Columbia 481538 2 (Australia) - front of digipak (my copy)
R-0246 Telephone interview - a 15 second snippet from a telephone interview with Bob in Los Angeles by Australian journalist Stuart Coupe in Sydney on 13 Mar 1992, in which he mentions artist Whiteley. The snippet is followed by the studio version of Desolation Row (CD1, tracks 3 and 4) and a cover of Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues by Nina Simone is also included (CD1, track 1). The CD booklet also contains a Rolling Thunder era portrait of Bob by Brett Whiteley (right).

For more details see International Album Releases (Various Artists Compilations) 1995.

Whitely2.JPG (40420 bytes)
Columbia 481538 2 (Australia) - booklet page with Bob


"Bob Dylan" - picture CD and illustrated book, Mastertone/Omnibus Press 8036 (USA), 1996:

Mastertone/Omnibus Press 8036 (USA) - front insert
R-0349 Interview material including:
  • "Folksinger's Choice" WBAI radio broadcast with Cynthia Gooding, New York, 13 Jan 1962 (broadcast 11 Mar 1962)
  • Interview with Antoine de Caunes in France, 17 Jun 1984
  • Interview with Klas Burling, Sweden, 29 Apr 1966 (also see 2000 below)

Gary Smith says "It's a little over 29 minutes long, the bulk it containing roughly 12 minutes of the interview portions only from the famed "Folksinger's Choice" WBAI radio broadcast with Cynthia Gooding, 1962, and an interview from 1984 which, as good as I can guess (there's no exact date given) is from 6/17, with Antoine De Caunes in France. The interviewer is most certainly French, and the interview is nearly 16 minutes in length. Also there's about a minute's worth of the interview with Klas Burling in Sweden, 4/29/66 and a couple of snippets from other periods, none of which I recognize nor have info on."

Thanks to Gary Smith for the loan of the CD.

Mastertone/Omnibus Press 8036 (USA) - picture CD


"Yéyés: Reportages et Interviews par Francois Jouffa" - LP: Europe 1 AD 101/MC: Europe 1 M7820/CD: Europe 1 AD 101 (France), 1997:

Europe 1 AD 101 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers
R-0534 Press conference, Hotel Georges V, Paris, France, 23 May 1966 - see the photo at the top of this page

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Europe 1 AD 101 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Europe 1 AD 101 (France) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

Europe 1 AD 101 (France) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (Bob's name is spelled "Bod Dylan"!)

"Bob Dylan: The 1965 Interview" - interview CD, Baktabak CBAK4107 (UK), 1997:

baktabak.jpg (19537 bytes)
Baktabak CBAK4107 (UK) (my copy)
R-0496-4 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

This CD version of the San Francisco interview is uninterrupted, unlike the item below, and therefore much more collectable.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for the scans.

Baktabak CBAK4107 (UK) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Baktabak CBAK4107 (UK) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray), scan by Jack from Canada

Baktabak CBAK4107 (UK) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

"Summer Of Love: Highway Of Diamonds/An Evening With Bob Dylan" - interview CD, LaserLight 12 830 (USA), 1997:

LaserLight.JPG (25908 bytes)
LaserLight 12 830 (USA) (my copy)
R-0496-5 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

This version of the San Francisco interview is misdated 1966, and interspersed throughout with comments by "host" author Geoffrey Guiliano. The "Summer of Love" title refers to the summer of 1967 and has nothing to do with the contents of this disc.

LaserLight 12 830 (USA) - rear insert

LaserLight 12 830 (USA) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray)

LaserLight 12 830 (USA) - CD


"Rock Report: Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks" - interview picture CD, KRB KRB6030-2 (USA), 1998:

KRB KRB6030-2 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.com
R-0496-6 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

This is the version of the San Francisco interview interspersed throughout with comments by "host" author Geoffrey Guiliano as on the Summer Of Love CD above. The "Blood On The Tracks" title of this CD is again misleading and again has nothing to do with the contents of this disc. There is no front insert and the reverse of the rear insert under the clear CD tray is generic for the "Rock Report" series.

KRB KRB6030-2 (USA) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

KRB KRB6030-2 (USA) - reverse of rear insert (under clear CD tray), scan by Jack from Canada

KRB KRB6030-2 (USA) - picture CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.


"Tarantula" - Bilingual English & Swedish publication of Bob Dylan's only book with an associated interview CD, Bakhåll (Sweden), 2000:

R-0504 Interview with Bob by Klas Burling in Stockholm, Sweden,  29 Apr 1966, on CD included with book.

For more information and ordering details, go to Bakhåll's web-site


"Bob Dylan 2001 Radio Capsules" - radio broadcast CD-R, Here And There International (no catalogue number) (Australia), 2001:

Cue sheet and CD-R photo from eBay
This radio broadcast CD-R with cue sheet contains eight Dylan tracks and unspecified interview material.

Tracklisting: Like A Rolling Stone; Subterranean Homesick Blues; Hurricane; Knockin' On Heaven's Door; Rainy Day Women #12 and #35; Just Like A Woman; Lay, Lady, Lay; Positively 4th Street.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay. Dag Braathen suggests the interview is from Rockman's Regency Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 20 or 21 Feb 1986 (interviewer unknown), broadcast on EON-FM, Melbourne, Australia, 21 Feb 1986.

CD-R photo from eBay


"The Rome 2001 Interview Parts 1 & 2" - interview 2CD set, Text-CD FISK002/003 (NL), Jan 2002:
This is a 2CD set legally released in Holland.

rome1-1.jpg (20873 bytes)
Text-CD FISK002 (NL) - front (my copy)
R-0526 Interview with Bob in Rome on 21 Jul 2001 with eleven European music journalists (Part 1 =  33:44, Part 2 = 51:30)

This interview was available as a download from iTunes UK in Nov 2013, see below.

Thanks to Anneke Derksen for information.

rome2-1.JPG (21188 bytes)
Text-CD FISK003 (NL) - front


"Pop Culture- Interviews & Reportages De François Jouffa 1964-1970" - CD release: Fremeaux & Associés FA 5064 (France), 2003:

Fremeaux & Associés FA 5064 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This compilation of celebrity interviews and reporting by French journalist François Jouffa includes a 1966 Dylan interview.

R-0534-2 Press conference, Hotel Georges V, Paris, France, 23 May 1966 - see the photo at the top of this page

Fremeaux & Associés FA 5064 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Fremeaux & Associés FA 5064 (France) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

"The Classic Interviews 1965-1966" - Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK), Apr 2003:
This CD was released in association with the Dylan fan magazine "Isis" and has a 16 page booklet. The CD itself is designed to look like a tape spool, as is the reverse of the rear insert seen through the clear plastic tray.

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - scan by Bob Goerens
R-0496-7 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

R-0608 Interview at press conference, Los Angeles, CA, 16 Dec 1965 (also see R-0497, 1980 above, and note below)

R-0609 Martin Bronstein interview, CBC radio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 20 Feb 1966

Thanks to Bob Goerens and Franck Faugere for scans.

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - rear insert scan by Franck Faugere

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - reverse of rear insert scan (under CD tray) by Franck Faugere

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - outside of front insert scan by Bob Goerens

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - inside of front insert scan by Franck Faugere

Chrome Dreams CIS 2004 (UK) - CD scan by Franck Faugere

R-0608 is complete: excepts from this interview (all listed as R-0506) were used in these video documentaries:

"The Shelter From The Storm" - Text-CD FISK004 (NL), 2003:
This CD is legally released in Holland.

FISK004 (NL) - front scan by Derek Mankelow
This CD features interviews with Bob from "The Gospel Years" with Lynne Allen, Bruce Heiman, Paul Vincent, Ernst Bladden, Tim Blackmore and Paul Gambaccini, virtually the same as the 2006 Chrome Dreams CD The Classic Interviews Vol. 3 - 1979-1981, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

FISK004 (NL) - rear scan by Derek Mankelow

FISK004 (NL) - CD scan by Derek Mankelow

"A Lot Of Love Talk" - Text-CD FISK005 (NL), 2003:
This CD is legally released in Holland.

FISK005 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers
R-0155-3 Interview with Dave Herman, White House Hotel, London, 2nd July, 1981, Bob strums guitar throughout

R-0532    WBAI Radio interview, New York, 21 May 1986

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

FISK005 (NL) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

FISK005 (NL) - outside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

FISK005 (NL) - inside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

FISK005 (NL) - CD scan by Hans Seegers


"Bob Dylan: A Tribute" - 2CD "audio book", Random House Audio RHCD 432 (USA), 13 Jan 2004:

Random House Audio RHCD 432 (USA) - front scan by Rob Cole
Thanks to Peter Gilmer for information about this item, who says: "This double CD is from Random House Audio, RHCD 432.  Once again, it's a less than exciting Geoffrey Giuliano piece.  It includes lengthy excerpts from the San Francisco 1965 press conference (of course) and, I think, the Los Angeles press conference from the same year (I'll check that soon) and the Rome 2001 press interview.  There's also a large chunk of the Klas Burling interview from Sweden, 1966 and a short extract from Dylan's Grammy acceptance speech where he talked about seeing Buddy Holly in the Duluth Armory.  Also, it contains two very short excerpts from very early interviews that I'm not familiar with at the moment.  I'll track them down, hopefully.  The back of the CD includes the following sentence: "He has toured the country as a member of The Travelling Wilburys, joining with rock icons Tom Petty, George Harrison and Roy Orbison."  I must've missed that!"
Random House Audio RHCD 432 (USA) - rear scan by Rob Cole

Random House Audio RHCD 432 (USA) - CD1 scan by Rob Cole

(Peter is quite right - no Travelling Wilburys tour ever took place!)

R-0496-8 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

R-0608-2 Interview at press conference, Los Angeles, CA, 16 Dec 1965
See note below!

R-0526-2 Interview with Bob in Rome on 21 Jul 2001 with eleven European music journalists (excerpt)

R-0504-2 Interview with Bob by Klas Burling in Stockholm, Sweden, 29 Apr 1966

R-0608 is the complete Los Angeles interview, excepts from this interview (all listed as R-0506) were used in these video documentaries:

Alan Hoaksey has identified the complete contents of the two discs as follows:

1:1         6:24       40 seconds excerpt from the Studs Terkel Interview, Chicago, Illinois, 26 April 1963 plus 15 sec excerpt from the Acceptance Speech, Grammy Awards Ceremony, Radio City, 25 February 1998

1:2         5:22       30 seconds excerpt from the Studs Terkel Interview, Chicago, Illinois, 26 April 1963 plus 2 minute10 second excerpt from Bert Kleinman & Artie Mogull interview, New York City, 30 July 1984

1:3         12:39     8½ minute excerpt from the Los Angeles Press Conference, 16 December 1965

1:4         3:24       2 minute excerpt from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

1:5         7:12       6½ minute excerpt from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

1:6         5:21       5 minute excerpt from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

1:7         4:49       4½ minute excerpt from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

1:8         5:58       3 excerpts (2, 2½ & 1 minute) from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

1:9         5:43       5 minute excerpt from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

2:1         6:12       3 excerpts (2, 1½ & 2 minutes) from the San Francisco Press Conference, 3 December 1965

2:2         3:36       2½ minute excerpt from the Horace Judson Interview, London, 9 May 1965

2:3         11:58     11½ minute excerpt from the Klas Burling Interview, Stockholm, 28 April 1966 (i.e. missing the last 30 seconds or so).

2:4         6:53       1 minute excerpt from the EON-FM Radio Interview, Melbourne, 21 February 1986 plus a 1½ minute excerpt from the Press Conference, Rome, 23 July 2001

2:5         6:18       2 excerpts (1 & 5 minutes) from the Press Conference, Rome, 23 July 2001

2:6         4:52       4 excerpts (1, 1, 2 & ½ minute) from the Press Conference, Rome, 23 July 2001

2:7         7:10       2 excerpts (3 & 4 minutes) from the Press Conference, Rome, 23 July 2001

2:8         5:52       3 excerpts (½, 2 & 3 minutes) from the Press Conference, Rome, 23 July 2001

2:9         no Dylan speech

Thanks to Rob Cole and Alan Hoaksey for further information and scans.

"The Classic Interviews Vol. 2 - The Weberman Tapes" - Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK), 26 Jan 2004:
This CD was again released in association with the Dylan fan magazine "Isis". It includes a 16-page booklet with a current article by A J Weberman, and a rare cover photo by Elliott Landy. The little girl with Bob is probably Maria, Sara Dylan's daughter by Hans Lownds. Bob's daughter Anna was several years younger.

Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK) - front of slipcase (my copy)

Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK) - outside of front insert

Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK) - rear insert

Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK) - reverse of rear insert (behind CD tray)

Chrome Dreams CIS 2005 (UK) - CD

R-0531-2 Telephone conversations with A.J. Weberman, New York, 6 & 9 Jan 1971

The CD is a jewel case with a transparent tray, inside a slipcase with a booklet. The front and rear covers of the slipcase and the booklet are the same as the front and rear inserts. For the original 1977 release of this material by Folkways, see above.

Thanks to John Caruth for information about this item.


"The Bob Dylan Scrapbook, 1956-1966" - interview CD included with book, Simon & Schuster (USA/UK/France), 13 Sep 2005; Simon & Schuster/Softbank Publishing (Japan), 9 Nov 2005:

Front of slipcase with sticker (my American copy)
This book was released in association with the 2005 Bob Dylan exhibition at the Experience Music Project, Seattle, WA, with text by Robert Santelli of the EMP. For Bob Dylan's American Journey 1956-1966, the 2005 Columbia compilation CD associated with this exhibition, see International Albums (Dylan-Only Compilations).

Rear of slipcase (my American copy)

Front of book

Spine of slipcase of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Front of slipcase of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Rear of slipcase of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Inside front cover with CD pocket

French CD booklet - scan by Jean-Pierre Mercier

Interview CD - scan by Jean-Pierre Mercier

Front of book of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Front of booklet of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Inside page of booklet of Japanese edition, scan by Wil Gielen

Japanese interview CD - scan by Wil Gielen

Bob Dylan's American Journey 1956-1966, see International Albums (Dylan-Only Compilations)

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Mercier for the information that the CD has 14 tracks:

  1. Oscar Brand Interview 29/10/61 (1:08)

  2. Cynthia Gooding Interview 13/01/62 (4:18)

  3. Allen Stone Interview 24/10/65 (6:19)

  4. Martin Bronstein Interview 20/02/66 (9:50)

  5. to 14. Interviews taken from the Martin Scorsese film "No Direction Home", see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 3.

The story that this CD would also contain a previously unreleased Dylan performance was wishful thinking.

Special thanks to Tim Dunn for the book. Thanks to Wil Gielen for scans of the Japanese edition, which has an extra 36-page stapled booklet in English and Japanese. Thanks to Jean-Pierre Mercier for scans of the French edition.


"The Classic Interviews Vol. 3 - 1979-1981" - interview CD, Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK), 22 May 2006:

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - front of slipcase (my copy)

This CD was again released in association with the Dylan fan magazine "Isis". It comes in a slipcase and has a 16 page booklet. The front and back of the booklet are the same as the slipcase.

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - outside of rear insert

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - rear of slipcase

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - reverse of rear insert (under CD tray)

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - CD

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - outside of front insert

Chrome Dreams CIS 2014 (UK) - inside of front insert

Thanks to Ian Woodward for information about the contents:
  1. San Francisco, CA - critical audience reaction to one of the gospel shows, ? Nov 1979
  2. Tucson, AZ - telephone interview with Bruce Helman, KMGX radio, 7 Dec 1979, broadcast 7 Dec 1979
  3. San Francisco, CA - interview backstage with Paul Vincent, KMEL FM radio, 18 Nov 1980, broadcast 19 Nov 1980
  4. San Francisco, CA - telephone interview with Ernest Bladden, KPRI FM radio, 21 Nov 1980, broadcast 25 Nov 1980
  5. Detroit, MI - telephone interview with Paul Gambaccini, BBC Radio 1, London, 12 Jun 1981, broadcast 20 Jun 1981
  6. Detroit, MI - telephone interview with Tim Blackmore, Capital Radio, London, 12 Jun 1981, broadcast 15 Jun 1981
  7. Detroit, MI - telephone interview with Yves Bigot, Radio Europe 1, Paris, 12 Jun 1981, broadcast 22 & 23 Jun 1981

"The Interview Box" - 3CD set, Chrome Dreams BSCD 6028 (UK), 25 Sep 2006:

Chrome Dreams BSCD 6028 (UK) - front scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux
This set contains all three of the Chrome Dreams interview CDs - see immediately above, 2003 and 2004.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and to Jean-Pol Hiernaux for the scan.

"New Yorker Magazine" - download available from magazine web-site (USA), 4 Dec 2006:

Picture from "New Yorker" web-site (4 Dec 2006 issue)
R-0762 Interview with Bob on Bob Fass radio show "Radio Unnameable", WBAI radio, New York, 20 Jan 1966

This is the show where several of Bob's friends are also in the studio, and Bob refers to Al Kooper as "Roosevelt Gook".

Alan Hoaksey finally managed to obtain a copy of the "New Yorker" from 4 Dec 2006. It includes a lengthy article about Bob Fass, which describes the show in broad terms. However, there's only a brief mention of Dylan, but not a single quote from Dylan is included. The 20 Jan 1966 show is no longer available to download.

This interview was included in full on Pacifica Radio's 2CD-R set Bob Fass With Bob Dylan (see below and 2011) and an excerpt is included in the 2013 US DVD Radio Unnameable (see VHS & DVD 2010s).

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1210 (USA) - CD-R1 scan by Jack from Canada (2011)

Kino Lorber K 1095 (USA) - DVD front scan by Jack from Canada (2013)

Bob Fass died on 24 Apr 2021 at the age of 87.

Thanks to Rob Carson, Alan Hoaksey and Jack from Canada for information and scans.


Various Artists - "Acoustic Storm" - 3 radio station CDs, United Stations Radio Network, Acoustic Storm #443 (07-16) (USA) broadcast 21-22 Apr 2007:

Acoustic Storm logo scan by Hans Seegers
This three-hour radio broadcast has two Dylan interview segments:
  1. a 20 sec interview segment about coping with being famous
  2. a 25 sec interview segment about famous outlaws like Robin Hood and Jesse James

More details will be added when these are identified.

For full details see International Releases (Various Artists Albums) 2007.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Hans Seegers for information and scan.


"Wolfgang's Vault" - download available from web-site (USA), Sep 2009:

Bob Dylan interview, 1 Jan 1979, screenshot by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

There is a short Bob interview (1:52) : https://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/dt/bob-dylan-interview/20050143-814.html

R-0669 Excerpt of interview with Bob

This was wrongly identified as being from the Ron Rosenbaum interview published by "Playboy" magazine in Jan 1979, conducted in Mar 1978. For a transcript of the interview, see here . However, André Wilbers informs me that it is actually an excerpt from the 1981 London interview with Dave Herman (R-0155, see 1981 above).


"Bob Dylan: Assorted Interviews" - CD-R and cassette releases, Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1209 (USA), Mar 2011:

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1209 (USA) - CD-R scan by Jeff Friedman

This CD-R has three separate sections:

1) Bob Dylan on the Billy Faier Show, 1962; Bob Dylan performing on the Billy Faier show at WBAI, October 1962. He performs Baby Let Me Follow You Down, Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues, The Death of Emmett Till, and Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor.

2) Bob Dylan on the Skip Weshner Show, 1963 - Bob Dylan performing on The Skip Weshner Show on WBAI, February 1963. He performs Tomorrow Is a Long Time (this recording only has the last verse), Masters of Wars, and Bob Dylan's Blues.

3) Bob Dylan interview outtakes from "No Direction Home", 2000 - Selected outtakes from interview with Bob Dylan used in the "No Direction Home" documentary about Dylan, conducted by Jeff Rosen, 2000. He talks about listening to the radio as a youth; entertainment in NYC, including his favourite rock n' roll performers at the time; hearing Lead Belly play; playing with Fred Neil at Cafe Wha? in NYC; the origins of It Ain't Me, Babe; going to see gospel shows; John Hammond introducing him to Robert Johnson and other blues artists; negative reactions to Subterranean Homesick Blues; his perception by British audiences; Mary Martin introducing Dylan to the Band (then called the Hawks).

[The actual CD title is BOB DYLAN ON THE BILLY FAIER SHOW, 1962; BOB DYLAN ON THE SKIP WESHNER SHOW, 1963; BOB DYLAN INTERVIEW OUTTAKES FROM "NO DIRECTION HOME", 2000; a bit different but close enough on the cassette.]

As it contains musical performances, this CD-R is also listed in 2011.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information and to Jeff Friedman for the scan.

"Bob Fass with Bob Dylan, January 1966" - CD-R and cassette releases, Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1210 (USA), Mar 2011:

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1210 (USA) - CD-R1 scan by Jack from Canada
R-0762-2 Interview with Bob on Bob Fass radio show "Radio Unnameable", WBAI radio, New York, 20 Jan 1966

This is the show where several of Bob's friends are also in the studio, and Bob refers to Al Kooper as "Roosevelt Gook". This set is also listed in 2011.

This interview was also available to download for a short period from the "New Yorker" magazine's web-site in Dec 2006 (see above) and an excerpt is included in the 2013 US DVD Radio Unnameable (see VHS & DVD 2010s).

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1210 (USA) - CD-R2 scan by Jack from Canada

Picture from "New Yorker" web-site (4 Dec 2006 issue)

Kino Lorber K 1095 (USA) - DVD front scan by Jack from Canada (2013)

Bob Fass died on 24 Apr 2021 at the age of 87.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan And Cynthia Gooding" - CD-R and cassette releases: Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1211 (USA), Mar 2011; "Folksinger's Choice With Cynthia Gooding" - 2CD set: Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1256 (USA), 2011

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1211 (USA) - CD-R scan by Larry Crum
This release features a live radio broadcast with 10 songs, two of them newly-written Dylan originals, performed by Bob during an interview with Cynthia Gooding for the "Folksinger's Choice" WBAI radio programme, recorded 13 Jan 1962, in New York City, broadcast 11 Mar 1962. (These dates are speculative, some say the programme was never actually broadcast.)

The interview is notorious for the outrageous lies Bob tells to the admiring Cynthia about his early life!

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1256A (USA) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Pacifica Radio Archives IZ 1256B (USA) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Left Field Media LFMCD 501 (UK) - Picture from "Isis" web-site

R-0900    (I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle [listed as Lonesome Whistle Blues] (Hank Williams/Jimmie Davis)

R-0901    Fixin’ To Die (Bukka White)

R-0902    Smokestack Lightning (Howlin' Wolf [Chester Burnett])

R-0903    Hard Travelin’ (Woody Guthrie)

R-0904    The Death Of Emmett Till (Bob Dylan)

R-0905    Standing On The Highway (Bob Dylan)

R-0516-2 Roll On, John (Traditional)
Previously released on CD on the Smithsonian Folkways album There Is No Eye: Music For Photographs, Nov 2001, accompanying a book of photographs "There Is No Eye" by John Cohen (of the New Lost City Ramblers), see

R-0906    Stealin’, Stealin’ (Will Shade)

R-0907    Makes A Long Time Man Feel Bad (Traditional)

R-0908    Baby Please Don’t Go (Big Joe Williams)

R-0922    Hard Times In New York Town

Tim Dunn's copy cuts off during R-0908, so I missed R-0922 off this original listing, which is why it has a later R-number. Larry Crum had a similar copy, but emailed Pacifica and they sent a replacement with the full interview. The 2010 Left Field Media UK release has the interview in full, see Questionable Releases.

The 2CD set IZ 1256 contains the same material as IZ 1211, split over two discs: CD1 - 30:04, CD2 - 26:02. The CDs come in white paper sleeves.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information and to Larry Crum and Jack from Canada for further information and scan.

Various Artists - "Exotic Beatles 4" - compilation CD, Cherry Red Records PELE15CD (UK), 25 Apr 2011:

Cherry Red PELE15CD (UK) - front scan from www.amazon.de

This compilation of Beatles covers has several excerpts from "Theme Time Radio Hour" including Bob talking about Liverpool, the Mersey and Bob Wooler (the Cavern Club DJ who introduced the Beatles to Brian Epstein) and introducing "Hello Goodbye". On the Cherry Red web-site the track list also includes Bob introducing "Back in the USSR", but it isn't listed on the CD rear insert.

Thanks to Dirk Krah for information.

Cherry Red PELE15CD (UK) - rear scan from www.amazon.de


Joe Smith - "Off The Record: An Oral History Of Popular Music" - Library of Congress Recordings (USA), 2012:

Picture from Library of Congress web-site
Thanks to Derek Mankelow for information that these recordings by Joe Smith, a former executive with Capitol Records, are now available on the US Library of Congress web-site. There are two excerpts from an interview with Bob, one in which he talks about Little Richard and folk music, and the other in which he talks about the 1960s and plays down its importance. As these recordings are not available for purchase I haven't allocated R-numbers. The recordings comprise 238 hours of interviews with 225 artists, and transcripts of some including the Dylan interview were published in Joe's 1988 book "Off the Record", published by Warner Books.


"Jon Wiener's Dylan Interviews" - 2CD set, Pacifica Radio Archives KZ4227A-B (USA), released ca. 23 Oct 2013:

Disc 1:

Track 1: Dylan In China – Sean Wilentz (13 Apr 2011). The music included is live from Beijing, China, 6 Apr 2011: 1) approx. 65 seconds of Ballad Of A Thin Man; 2) approx. 99 seconds (the last verse) of A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall; 3) approx. 99 seconds of All Along The Watchtower; 4) approx. 77 seconds of Highway 61 Revisited

Track 2: Dylan’s Xmas Album – Sean Wilentz (11 Nov 2009). Includes fragments of these songs from Christmas In The Heart: Here Comes Santa Claus; I’ll Be Home For Christmas; Must Be Santa; Winter Wonderland; O Little Town Of Bethlehem; and Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Track 3: Dylan’s “Chronicles V. 1” – Sean Wilentz (23 Mar 2009). With brief excerpts of Sean Penn reading from the book

Track 4: Dylan In America – Sean Wilentz (6 Jan 2010). Includes fragments of Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues (The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 - Live 1964), A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall (The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 - Live 1964), Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Blonde On Blonde), Like A Rolling Stone (Highway 61 Revisited)

Disc 2:

Track 1: Like A Rolling Stone – Greil Marcus (25 Jul 2006). Includes fragments of Like A Rolling Stone (Highway 61 Revisited, Jimi Hendrix Live At Monterrey, The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Live 1966 [Manchester 1966])

Track 2: Writings On Dylan – Greil Marcus (24 Nov 2010). Includes fragments of With God On Our Side (The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 - Live 1964), Like A Rolling Stone (Best Of The Original Mono Recordings)

Track 3: “Love & Theft” – Greil Marcus (5 Oct 2001). Includes fragments of these songs from the album: Honest With Me; High Water (For Charley Patton); Sugar Baby; Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum

Track 4: Dylan biographer Howard Sounes (16 Jun 2001). Includes fragments of The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (The Times They Are A-Changin’), Like A Rolling Stone (The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 - Live 1966), This Wheel’s On Fire (The Basement Tapes), Gotta Serve Somebody (Slow Train Coming), Things Have Changed (The Wonder Boys: Music From The Motion Picture)

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

"Rome Press Conference 2001" - interview download, iTunes (no catalogue number) (UK), Nov 2013:

Picture from iTunes UK
R-0526-2 Interview with Bob in Rome on 21 Jul 2001 with eleven European music journalists (1:25:14)

Also see the 2002 Text-CD Dutch 2CD set above.

Thanks to Ian Woodward for information.


"Lost Songs: The Basement Tapes Continued" - Blu-ray release, Eagle Vision EVB 355079 (USA), 15 Jun 2015:

Eagle Vision EVB 355079 (USA) -Blur-ray release (my copy)
R-1232 Interview with Bob about the manuscripts of 24 unrecorded songs from "The Basement Tapes" era completed by other artists and released in 2014 on Lost On The River: The New Basement Tapes, produced by T-Bone Burnett.

For more information see Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan’s Unreleased Songs and VHS & DVD 2010 onwards.

Electromagnetic Recordings/Harvest Records 2537950140 (USA/Europe) (my copy)

"The Press Conferences 1965, 1966 & 2001" - 2CD set, Enlightenment Series EN2CD9067 (UK), 4 Dec 2015:

Picture from www.amazon.co.uk
R-0496-9 Interview at press conference, San Francisco, CA, 3 Dec 1965

R-0608-3 Interview at press conference, Los Angeles, CA, 16 Dec 1965 (also see R-0497 above)

R-0609-2 Martin Bronstein interview, CBC radio, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 20 Feb 1966

R-0526-3 Interview with Bob in Rome on 21 Jul 2001 with eleven European music journalists (1:25:14)


"Mavis!" - Firm First Co. documentary released in USA on 19 Feb 2016, Blu-ray release, Dogwoof (catalogue number?) (UK), 23 May 2016:

US film poster, picture from imdb.com
This documentary film about Mavis Staples directed by Jessica Edwards was premiered at the SXSW Music, Film + Interactive Festival, Austin, TX, 2015. it includes some snippets of Bob doing Blowin' in the Wind from 1963's "Folk Songs And More Folk Songs," some Dylan remarks about the Staples Singers, and Mavis talking about Dylan.
UK DVD front, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Mavis Staples and Jessica Edwards at the premiere of Mavis! at the SXSW Festival, Austin, TX, 2015

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

"Bob Dylan: Freewheelin' - His Life And Music " - book plus 4DVD set, Encore ENB 0298 (UK), 25 Apr 2016:

Picture from www.amazon.co.uk
The 4DVD set accompanying this unauthorised book features in depth interviews with Dylan, complemented by a wealth of informative insights from dedicated musicologists, journalists and critics who toured with the band. There is no Dylan music. More information about the interview content will be added when available.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information.


Gene Simmons - "The Vault 1966-2016" - 10CD set in model safe, Gene Simmons Records (catalogue number?), Jan 2018:

Photo of Gene Simmons with The Vault 1966-2016 from Gene's web-site
Thanks to Alex Filosa and Tom Shreck for news that in Jan 2018 Gene Simmons released The Vault 1966-2016, a collectable model safe full of Simmons memorabilia including 10CDs plus a bonus CD, including three co-compositions with Bob Dylan on CDs 5 and 6 - Na, Na, Na, Na, Everybody Wants Somebody and Waiting For The Morning Light, the last of which was previously released in a shorter version in 2004 on Gene's solo Sanctuary Records album entitled A**hole. For all of these see Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan’s Unreleased Songs. CD5 also contains a 15:40 track called Bob Dylan Writing Session, which can be classed as a rarity. Each safe costs $2000 and will be hand-delivered to the buyer by Gene Simmons himself! (Presumably just in the continental USA.)

R-1912 Bob Dylan Writing Session - 15:40 recording of Bob and Gene in 1996 during the composition of Waiting For The Morning Light, a song not released by Bob himself.

"The Bob Dylan Story At 70: Radio Interviews" - 5CD set, (record company?) (catalogue number?), 2018:

Photo of 5CD set by Dave Leggett
Dave Leggett purchased these CDs from a "Drawn Blank" exhibition launch, probably the first set of paintings. They have the 2011 Kris Kristofferson narrated programme from BBC Radio over 5 CDs. More information can be found here:


There are no company details or catalogue numbers on the CDs, and the volume is quite low.

Thanks to Dave Leggett for information and photo.

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