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Audio: Honourable Mentions - Blowin' In The Wind

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This page contains items that aren't eligible for the main Searching For A Gem or International Stereo Releases lists because Bob does not personally perform on them, but are nevertheless of interest to Dylan collectors. This page contains details of covers of Blowin' In The Wind, in some cases with extremely fanciful translations of the title. In countries like France, Germany or Sweden Blowin' In The Wind was always translated, with rare exceptions, as "Écoute Dans Le Vent", "Die Antwort Weiss Ganz Allein Der Wind" or "Vinden Ger Svar". However, in Spanish-speaking countries this song was translated in many different ways. Although the most usual were "La Respuesta Está En El Viento [The Answer Is In The Wind]" or "Soplando En El Viento [Blowing In The Wind]", there were many others, some of them amazing, like "Saber Que Vendrás [To Know He Will Come]", "Saber Que Estárás [To Know You Will Stay]", "Quisiera Saber [I Would Like To Know]", "Solo El Tiempo Puede Contestarnos [Only Time Can Answer Us]" and even "Algo Flota En El Viento [Something Floats In The Wind]"!

Even though there are over 1000 cover versions of this song, I have few details of singles chart success. In the UK Blowin' In The Wind has only entered the singles chart twice, in 1963 for Peter, Paul and Mary (#13) and in 1966 for Stevie Wonder (#36). In the USA the cover by Peter, Paul and Mary reached #2 on the Billboard pop chart on 17 Aug 1963 with sales exceeding one million copies. The cover by Stevie Wonder reached #9 on the Billboard pop chart on 9 Mar 1966.

For details of the false rumour that Blowin' In The Wind was really written by Lorre Wyatt, see here. The other Honourable Mentions pages are listed below.

Honourable Mentions

Honourable Mentions (Dylan's Roots)

Honourable Mentions - Covers of Blowin' In The Wind

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Various Artists)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Single Artists)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Women Sing Dylan)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Foreign Languages)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Instrumental)

Honourable Mentions - Video

The new Dylan's Roots page includes songs by other artists that have been covered by Bob or are said to have influenced Bob, including all the songs he's played on his Theme Time Radio Hour programmes.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 07 January, 2025.

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Because of the great length of this page, all Blowin' In The Wind covers are now on these four pages:

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65

Blowin' In The Wind Covers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Jun 1963 onwards

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1966-69

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1970s Onwards

The number of releases containing Blowin' In The Wind by Peter, Paul & Mary is so large that they have their own page!

Foreign Language Translations of Blowin' In The Wind

German: "Die Antwort Weiss Ganz Allein Der Wind [Only The Wind Knows The Answer]"

This version has German lyrics by Hans Bradtke.

Warner Bros A 5560 (West Germany) -
7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born

Warner Bros A 5560 (NL) -
7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born

Warner Bros/Deutsche Schallplatten Club BW 8072 (West Germany for Norway) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros/Deutsche Schallplatten Club BW 8072 (West Germany) -
7" mono EP front scan by Ronald Born

Electrola E 22 612 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan from

His Master's Voice EG 9407 (Denmark) - 7" single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Amiga 4 40 032 (East Germany) - 7" single front scan from (1964 release)

Amiga 4 40 032 (East Germany) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born (1967 release)

Amiga Sp U 263 (East Germany) - Jun 1964 7" promo EP front scan by Ronald Born

Amiga 4 40 032 (East Germany) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born (1969 release)

Amiga 4 40 032 (East Germany) - front scan from eBay (1980 release)

EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

EMI EMR 10761 (Japan) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

EMI EMR 10761 (Japan) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Derby Records 45-1070 (West Germany) - front scan by Andreas Michalke

Derby Records 45-1070 (West Germany) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 3)

Derby Records 45-1070 (West Germany) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 4)

RCA Victor 47-97149 (West Germany) - 7" mono promo single front scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA Victor 47-97149 (West Germany) - 7" mono commercial single front scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA Victor 47-97149 (West Germany) -alternate 7" mono commercial single front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Eurobridge/Teldec 66.11149 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Tempo 986 (West Germany) - 7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born

Tempo EP 4254 (West Germany) - 7" mono EP front scan by Ronald Born

Crystal Set 1607 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - 7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born

Polydor 2041 505 (West Germany) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara

Hansa 13050 AT (West Germany) - 7" stereo single front, scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA Victor 74-16.002 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara

AGM 8105 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born

These versions have different German lyrics, not the ones by Hans Bradtke.

ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (German lyrics by Marcus Müller, translated as "Die Antwort Verwehte Der Wind [The Answer Blew Away In The Wind]")

BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - front of stereo single 08 of 10, scan by Manuel García Jara (German lyrics by Wiglaf Droste, Gerhard Henschel and Kathryn Passig, translated as "Muse Feife Inner Wind [Must Blow In The Wind]")

French: "Écoute Dans Le Vent" [Listen To The Wind]"

These versions have French lyrics by Pierre Dorsay, the most frequently found translation, the most popular recording being by Richard Anthony.

Mercury MEDIUM 126.190 MCE (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Mercury 126.185 MCE (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

La Voix De Son Maître [His Master's Voice] 7 EGF 709 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia ESRF 1498 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia CH 3053 (NL) - 7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born

La Voz De Su Amo [His Master's Voice] 7 EPL 14.039 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia SLEM 2168 (Portugal) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia SCMQ 1771 (Italy) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara

Odeon 71-3118 (Brazil) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara

Odeon Pops DTOA/E 3496 (Argentina) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

é 2C-008-72493 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

EMI/Pathé 2C-008-72493 (Portugal) - EP front scan by Ronald Born

Disque Saphir LOP 5507 (France) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Soder SOD 20512 (France) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

EMI-Pathé EG 827 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Privare Release 67 173 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

Private Release 67173 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Lameye Music 56.062 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Le Kiosque d'Orphée LKO FAN (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Le Kiosque d'Orphée LKO MAL (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Fontana 460.892 ME (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Tiercé/Panorama 3306
(France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

PBM EP 46 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Disques Corélia CC 72.722 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

À Coeur Joie C. 48 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

French mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (no record company or catalogue number)

Disques VDS VDS 208 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Orage Records OR 01 (France) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Disques Benoît Zimmerman BZ 10100 (Switzerland) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Canusa C-310 (Canada) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

These versions have different French lyrics, not the ones by Pierre Dorsay.

Amicale Laïque de Sourdeval 1-7-3194 (France) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (translated again into French as "Écoute Dans Le Vent [Listen To The Wind]", but not Dorsay's lyrics, translator not credited)

T.E.N. CC 1.202
(Belgium) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (translated again into French as
"Écoute Dans Le Vent [Listen To The Wind]", but not Dorsay's lyrics, translator Louis Laurent)

C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (translated into French by Marcel Dasin and titled "Seigneur Écoute-nous [Lord, Listen To Us]" on the rear sleeve but as "Prière Universelle [Universal Prayer]" on the B-side record label!)

Arcade 3006762 (France) - CD front scan by Jack from Canada (translated as "Dans Le Souffle Du Vent", translation by Hugues Aufray)

Scandinavian Translations

Swedish: "Vinden Ger Svar [The Wind Gives The Answer]"

This version has Swedish lyrics by Tore Lagergren. It is also listed as "Och Vinden Ger Svar [And The Wind Gives The Answer]" or "Blott Vinden Ger Svar [Only The Wind Gives The Answer]".

Danish: "Vinden Gi'r Dig Svar [The Wind Gives You The Answer]"

This version has Danish lyrics by Thøger Olesen. It is also listed as "Kun Vinden Gi'r Dig Svar [Only The Wind Gives You The Answer]".

Norwegian: "Vinden Gir Svar [The Wind Gives The Answer]"

This version has Norwegian lyrics by Juul Hansen.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for translations.

His Master's Voice 7EGS 288 (Sweden) -  7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

His Master's Voice X 8461 (Sweden) -  7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Fontana 466 267 TE (Sweden) -  7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

RCA FAS 710 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Cupol SEP 359 (Sweden) - 7" mono EP front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (Swedish)

Cupol 45/120 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (Swedish)

Cupol 45/120 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (Swedish)

Sonet SXP-4091 (Sweden) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Knäppupp Records KN 4596 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (Swedish)

Kyrkoton 502 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front of insert scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Blueberry Records BB 10-05 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Svensk American SAEP 503 (Sweden) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Svensk American SAS 1009 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Svensk American SAS 1009 (Norway) - 7" mono single insert front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Swede NHS-S 1021 (Sweden) - 7" mono single insert scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Scan-Disc SCD-42
(Sweden) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front, scan by Manuel García Jara (Swedish)

Philips PF 355356 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Danish)

HMV/EMI X 8474 (Denmark) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Danish)

Sonet T 8313 (Denmark) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Danish)

Columbia GN 1718 (Norway) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Norwegian)

Philips 353.231 PF (Norway) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Norwegian)


Spanish: Various Titles!

In Spanish-speaking countries this song was translated in many different ways. Although the most usual were "La Respuesta Está En El Viento [The Answer Is In The Wind]" or "Soplando En El Viento [Blowing In The Wind]", there were many others, some of them amazing, like "Saber Que Vendrás [To Know He Will Come]", "Saber Que Estárás [To Know You Will Stay]", "Quisiera Saber [I Would Like To Know]", "Solo El Tiempo Puede Contestarnos [Only Time Can Answer Us]" and even "Algo Flota En El Viento [Something Floats In The Wind]" or "Tocando El Viento [Playing The Wind]"!

Front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
"Soplando En El Viento [Blowin In The Wind]" sheet music from Argentina. It was printed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10 May 1966, by commission of the Compañía Representante de Editoriales Americanas S.R.L. (C.R.E.A.) [Company Representative of American Publishers]. In this case, in representation of M. Witmark & Sons (New York). Blowin’ In The Wind is translated to the Spanish “Soplando En El Viento” and subtitled “Quisiera Saber [I Would Like To Know]”, because of the Spanish lyrics by R. Morena.
Page 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Page 3 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

This edition was authorised by the Music Publishers Holding Corp. and the sale of the same was authorised for these countries only: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. On the last page is the Spanish translation of the song, which is (I'm told) very peculiar, but does not abandon the general sense of the original lyrics.

Warner Bros EP 68 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento [Blowin' In The Wind"

Warner Bros HWB 327-11 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as
"Quisiera Saber [I Would Like To Know]"

Hispavox/Festival LL-3122 (Spain) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento [The Answer Is In The Wind]"

Decca SDGE 80882 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as
"Soplando Al Viento"

Los Blues (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "En El Viento [In The Wind]"

Los Iracundos - Spanish EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Discophon 27.466 (Spain, 1966) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Solo El Tiempo Puede Contestarnos [Only Time Will Answer Us]"

Escolanía de Salamanca EP 4 (Spain, 1966) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Saber Que Estarás [To Know You Will Stay]"!

1J006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "El Susurro Del Viento [The Whisper Of The Wind]"

Hispavox HH 17-312 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Quisiera Saber"

Marfer MPM. 695 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Barclay 27 534 M (France) - EP front scan by
Ronald Born
translated as "Quisiera Saber"

Gamma/Warner Bros GX 07-187 (Mexico) - 7" mono EP front scan by Ian Woodward
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

RCA Victor MKE-761 (Mexico) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

RCA Victor MKE-794 (Mexico) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

Orfeón EP-613 (Mexico) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

Orfeón 45-1942 (Mexico) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

GNP Crescendo Records/Discos Tizoc ED-212 (Mexico) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

United Artists/Gamma 07-050 (Mexico) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

FM EFM-001 (Mexico) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

Kapp KE 3056 (Mexico) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "La Respuesta Está En El Viento"

Istmo IS-13E14 (Nicaragua) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento" but actually sung as "Dejen El Viento Soplar [Let The Wind Blow]"

Sonus S-319 (Venezuela) - B-side scan by Ronald Born
translated as "Soplando En El Viento" but actually sung as "Dejen El Viento Soplar [Let The Wind Blow]"

CBS 33.414 (Argentina) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Liberty Records 33LEP-4044 (Argentina) - EP front scan by Ronald Born
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Odeón MTOA/E 6638 (Argentina) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Vik 3ZE-3574 (Argentina) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "Soplando En El Viento"

Discos V.S A 0101 (Argentina) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
translated as "
Algo Flota En El Viento [Something Floats In The Wind]"

Odeón MSOD 8482 (Chile) - B-side scan by Ronald Born
translated as "Tocando El Viento [Playing The Wind]"


Italian: "La Riposta [the Answer]"

This translation by "Mogol" (Guilio Rapetti) is the Italian standard.

Durium CN A 9187 (Italy) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Rifi RFN-NP 16146 (Italy) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara

Marfer MR. 763 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Other Languages

These performances are in other languages from Basque to Welsh.

Agorila AG 60-41 (France) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Basque)
translated as "
Entzun Aizean [Listening In The Wind]"

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Basque - banned release)
translated as "Aizean Dabilla [Walking In The Wind]"

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Basque - commercial release)

Balkanton BTK 2822 (Bulgaria) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Bulgarian)
translated as "Слушай отговора на вятъра [Listen To The Answer Of The Wind]"

Als 4 Vents A4V-6 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Catalan)
translated as "Escalta-Ho En El Vent [Hear It In The Wind]"

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - front of CD slipcase scan by Jack from Canada (Catalan)
translated as "Escalta-Ho En El Vent [Hear It In The Wind]"

Jugoton EPY-3391 (Yugoslavia) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Croatian)
translated as "Koliko
Dugo [How Long]"

Supraphon 013627 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (Czech)
translated as "
Jen Vítr To Ví A Mlčí Dál [Only The Wind Knows This And Is Silent Beyond]"

Supraphon 0 43 0507 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Czech)
translated as
"Vitr To Vi [The Wind Knows]"

Panton 04-0468 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single front, scan by Manuel García Jara (Czech)
translated as "
Řeka Života [River Of Life]"

Philips JF 327 672 (NL) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Dutch)
translated as
"Wie Weet Waar Het Begint [Who Knows Where It Begins]"

Jukebox JB 1025 (NL) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Dutch)
translated as
"Het Antwoort [The Answer]"

HMV 45-TJ 278 (Finland) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Ronald Born (Finnish)
translated as Tuulelta Vastauksen Saan [The Answer I Get From The Wind]

Moonglow M 1009EP (Belgium) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Flemish)
translated as "Woorden In De Wind [Words In The Wind]"

Arcade EP/M 1009 (Belgium) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Flemish)
translated as "Woorden In De Wind [Words In The Wind]"

Silver Star E.P. 14 (Belgium) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (Flemish)
translated as "Het Antwoord [The Answer]

Phonokol 4158-2 (Israel) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (Hebrew)
translated as
"L'col Haruchot [To All The Winds]"

RCA MKE-1348 (Mexico) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Hebrew)
translated as
"Hazman [The Time]"

Buda 3758744 (France) - front of digipak with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada (sung in Hungarian by Kek Lang)

King Records SS-137 (Japan) - stereo 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Japanese)

King Records SS-163 (Japan) - front scan by Ronald Born (Japanese)

Crown CW 490 (Japan) - 7" mono promo single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Japanese)

Edigsa CM-78 (Spain) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Mallorqui)
translated as "Només Ho Sap Es Vent [Only The Wind Knows]"

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - flexidisc EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Russian)
ranslated as "HA KPЫЛЬЯХ BETPA [On The Wings Of The Wind]"

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - alternate flexidisc EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Russian)
ranslated as "HA KPЫЛЬЯХ BETPA [On The Wings Of The Wind]"

Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia) - front picture from (Russian) translated as "Ответ знает ветер [The Wind Knows The Answer]"

Melodija GOST 5289-68 (Soviet Union) - EP B-side scan by Ronald Born (Russian)

Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Thai)
translated as
"Sam Wai Jai Rai"

Neva 15500 (Turkey) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (Turkish)
translated as
"Ne Sen Beni Unut Ne De Ben Seni [You Don't Forget Me, I Don't Forget You]"

Wren Records WRE 1005 (UK) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Welsh)
translated as "
Siglo'n Y Gwynt"

Wren Records WRE 1039 (UK) -
7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Welsh)

translated as "Siglo'n Y Gwynt"

Wren Records WRE 1048 (UK) -
7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (Welsh)
translated as "
Siglo'n Yn Y Gwynt"


There has also been a Bengali translation of the song recorded by singer, songwriter and political activist Kabir Suman as "Kotota Path [How Many Roads]". Blowin' In the Wind was translated to Romanian by poet Adrian Păunescu and was sung by folk band Pasărea Colibri with the title "Vânare De Vânt [Windhunting]". The song was also translated into Ukrainian by singer-songwriter Yuriy Veres on his 2012 album 60/70 as "Вітер десь носить [The Wind Is Somewhere]".

(Information from Wikipedia.)

Honourable Mentions

Honourable Mentions - Covers of Blowin' In The Wind

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc)

Honourable Mentions - Women Sing Dylan

Honourable Mentions - Video.

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies and artists.