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This notice is to inform you about the policies for collection and use of personally identifiable information on the Searching For A Gem web-site. Sites which are linked to this site may have different policies; please review the privacy policy notices on those sites for details.
This is a non-commercial site - it does not use cookies and I do not ask visitors to register. Under normal circumstances, the only evidence I have that someone has visited this site is the page counter. I do not collect personally identifiable information from visitors without their knowledge. I can only collect personally identifiable information about you if all such information is provided directly by you with your consent. Visitors may have noticed that this web-site is now labelled as "Not Secure" by Google Chrome and other browsers. This is because I haven't stumped up the extra £200 per year to upgrade to Secure Hosting (HTTPS). However, there is little risk because this web-site is totally passive, and visitors can only view pages, there is no interaction, as already stated. This means of course that the new regulation in European Union (EU) law on data protection and privacy, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), applicable since 25 May 2018, does not apply to this web-site.
I list all contributors to the site by name only and do not reveal their email addresses to anyone. I normally credit all contributors automatically, but if you do not wish me to credit you as an information provider on the Acknowledgements page or wish to use an alias, please tell me. If someone contacts me asking to put in touch with a collector or collectors, I forward their request to the third-party (by implication with their permission) and do not give them any third-party email addresses. If you contact me with a request for information that I cannot answer, I ask your permission to forward it to a third party contact, who will never be a commercial organisation. If you wish me to contact them without passing on your email address, please let me know.
The only place I provide email or web-site addresses on this
site is on the Trading
page. All the people or organisations listed sell or trade Bob Dylan rarities.
Some of these names have been provided by the people themselves, others by
visitors to this site. If you don't want your name or site listed on the Trading
page, contact me and I'll remove it immediately.
On rare occasions, visitors to the site provide me with their postal addresses or telephone/fax numbers in the course of buying or trading Dylan rarities or providing information about them. I do not share this information with anyone except with their permission. I do not send out email newsletters, so I have no need to keep mailing lists of site visitors, let alone rent or sell mailing lists to any third party.
I take steps to maintain the security of your personal information and to prevent unauthorised access to it by those who do not have a legitimate need for it.
I have no knowledge of any visitors to this site under the age of 13, but...
There should be nothing on this site that will cause offence to
anyone under 13. If you see anything that you think would do so, contact me
and I'll remove or change it. This site does not knowingly provide links to
other sites that have such material, but I obviously have no control over them.
All material is posted by me as webmaster, and no visitor can post inappropriate material
or harass other visitors.
I do not collect any personally identifiable information without the knowledge of the visitor and unless it is provided by them. If you are under 13 years of age, you should not provide any personally identifiable information to this site without the knowledge and permission of your parent or guardian. If I learn that you are under 13 years of age, I will not maintain or use any personally identifiable information about you without the verifiable consent of your parent or guardian. If I ask you to provide me with contact information on your parent or guardian, I shall use this information only for the purpose of contacting your parent or guardian to notify them of my information practices with respect to children, to notify that person of your participation on this site, and/or to seek the consent of your parent or guardian to such participation.
My activities on this site are carried out in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and other relevant national legislation. Under that Act, I may not ask a child to provide more personal information than is reasonably necessary in order to participate in an activity related to this site. I comply with this requirement, and any personally identifiable information collected from a visitor on this site is used only for the purpose of enabling the visitor's participation in that activity, such as a request for information about Bob Dylan official releases.
parent or guardian of any person under the age of 13 whose personal
information I have collected on this site may ask to review that personal
information, to have it deleted, and to forbid further collection of the
information. For more information on how to do this, please contact me.
No personal information collected on this site is shared with third parties other than a parent or guardian of a site visitor. In particular, I do not rent or sell mailing lists of site visitors to any third party.
This web-site is the recipient of many emails per day from
Nigeria or other African countries (and sometimes purporting to be from the Far
East) offering a huge commission for
helping to transfer a very large sum of money. I am well aware this is a
notorious fraud and I
forward all those messages received here to the UK National Crime Intelligence
Service (NCIS)
. This does not infringe the site
Privacy Policy.
The operator of this site is Alan Fraser in Macclesfield, England, on behalf of Flying Pig Productions, full postal address available on demand by contacting alanfraser87@gmail.com.
This policy may change as my site develops and grows, so please re-visit this page as often as you wish.
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A Flying Pig production
Listings ©
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain
with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record
and audiovisual companies and artists.