"Searching For A Gem"

7" and 12" Single Sleeves

Front and back of a collectable sold in the UK in 1965 - a "generic Dylan" picture sleeve which you could use to house a Dylan 7" single from The Times They Are A-Changin' onwards. It has spaces on the back for you to write the song titles! Scans thanks to Hans Seegers. The woman in the doorway of the cabin in the front picture is the then Sara Lownds. The tall woman with Bob on the rear of the sleeve has also been identified as Sara, but she isn't. Some say (because of the height and the large hands) it isn't a woman at all, but Al Kooper in drag!

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This page shows generic 7" and 12" single sleeves used by Columbia/CBS  and other record companies for Bob Dylan singles from the 1960s onwards for records without picture sleeves. Almost all these scans and information have been provided by Hans Seegers, to whom many thanks are due. The eventual aim of this page is to show all generic 7" and 12" single sleeves used by Columbia/CBS for Dylan singles world-wide, as well as those of other companies with Dylan single releases such as Asylum in 1974 and MCA in 1986. The value of a Dylan 7" single or 12" single to a serious collector is considerably enhanced if it is in the correct sleeve for its time period, and not in a plain or incorrect sleeve! (To be specific, a "plain" sleeve is one without any writing on it whatsoever, usually white, although Columbia USA used a plain Army green sleeve for many releases.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for many of these sleeves!

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Also, if you spot any broken links! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 04 February, 2025


Columbia USA, 1950s onwards:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This plain Army green 7" sleeve was used by Columbia in the USA from the 1950s up until the end of vinyl. For example, it was used for all US Columbia releases of George Jackson, see 1971. Stephen Goldsmith points out that this sleeve can be found on many Columbia promo records for sale on eBay today, and may have been used primarily for promo releases in the 1960s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Columbia USA, up to 1960:

ColumbiaUS1966Sleeve.JPG (15441 bytes)
Commercial sleeve front, scan by Robert Kornovich
Although Hans Seegers says the sleeve on the left was only used up to 1960, Robert Kornovich's white label promo of Just Like A Woman (edited version) and Obviously 5 Believers came in one like this, see 1966. Gerd Rundel's promo copy of Mixed Up Confusion/Corrina, Corrina as sent to radio stations and DJs in Nov/Dec 1962 came in the distinctive "COLUMBIA RECORDS INTRODUCES" promo sleeve variant on right, see 1962. Both sides of the promo sleeve are the same but the printing on the rear is slightly higher.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and to Robert Kornovich and Gerd Rundel for the scans.

Promo sleeve front with disc, scan by Gerd Rundel

Promo sleeve front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia USA, up to 1962:

Columbia 1962 US generic 7" sleeve - front scan by Hans Seegers

This sleeve was also used up to 1962 and was used for commercial copies of the mono 7" single Mixed Up Confusion/Corrina, Corrina, see 1962. That single is the only Dylan single which appears in this sleeve because it was discontinued at the end of 1962.

Manuel García Jara has a demo copy of this single in a completely different Columbia 7" sleeve!

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 1962 US generic 7" sleeve - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 4-42656 (USA) - A-side in alternate Columbia sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Audiodisc acetates for Columbia USA, 1963-70:

Picture from eBay of "audiodisc" sleeve
Audio Devices Inc. were manufacturers of the blank acetates used by Columbia in the 1960s, housed in generic "audiodisc" sleeves.

For a 1964 MPHC acetate of I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) in this sleeve, see Mono Singles & EPs 1962-64. For a 1965 Columbia acetate of Positively 4th Street in this sleeve, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965. It was also used for Columbia acetates of All The Tired Horses and If Not For You in 1970, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1970.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information.

Picture from "Isis" magazine of "audiodisc" sleeve

Columbia USA, 1963:

ColUSSleeveGray.jpg (24271 bytes)
Scan by David Plentus
The 1963 single of Blowin' In The Wind/Don't Think Twice It's All Right came in the mushroom coloured sleeve, see Mono Singles & EPs 1962-64. David Plentus also has the 1966 single of I Want You/Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (live) in this sleeve, see 1966. Hans Seegers has promo and commercial copies of Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat/Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) in the red and blue sleeves respectively, also see 1966.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and David Plentus for information and scan.

ColumbiaUS1966SleeveRed.jpg (22553 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
ColumbiaUS1966SleeveBlue.jpg (27513 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers

"Stereo Seven" Jukebox Sleeve, Columbia USA, 1965:

Scan by Manuel García Jara
This sleeve was used for Columbia Stereo Jukebox singles such as the 1965 Bringing It All Back Home "Little LP" (the term "EP" was never used in the USA), see 1965.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

Columbia Record Club, USA, 1965-66:

Columbia 4-43346 (USA) - A-side in Columbia Record Club sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

This blue sleeve was used by the Columbia Record Club in 1965-66. The panel with text is at bottom right on the front and at bottom left on the rear. As well as Like A Rolling Stone/Gates Of Eden shown, this sleeve was also used for club releases of Positively 4th Street (1965) and Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (1966).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 4-43346 (USA) - B-side in Columbia Record Club sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia USA, 1966:

Scan by Tom Willems
This 1966 promo copy of the Just Like A Woman 7" single came in an Army green version of the 1963 sleeve shown above (see 1966 Just Like A Woman). The 1966 jukebox single of Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 came in a blue version of the sleeve (see 1966 Rainy Day Women).

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scan.

Scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia USA, 1969:

ColumbiaUS1969Sleeve.jpg (20376 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
For the singles which used these sleeves, see Mono Singles & EPs 1969.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 4-44926 (USA) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia USA, 1969-70:

Columbia 4-44926 promo-only single (USA) - mono side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 4-44926 promo-only single (USA) - stereo side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
ColUSSleeveBrown.jpg (17969 bytes)
Scan by David Plentus

Front scan by Kenneth Robson (flaps inside)

Rear scan by Kenneth Robson (flaps inside)

Columbia 4-45199 (USA) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Manuel García Jara's copy of a 1969 mono/stereo promo single of Lay, Lady, Lay is the first known use of this type of sleeve, see International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1960s. David Plentus has the 1970 stereo single of Wigwam/Copper Kettle in this sleeve, see US & International 7" Singles & EPs 1970. Kenneth Robson's example has flaps on the inside, not outside. Another example of this single from Hans Seegers in a sealed shrink-wrap is shown on the right.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, David Plentus, Kenneth Robson and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia USA, 1970-71:

Sleeve scan by Stefan Haras
Manuel García Jara's 1970 stereo/mono promo copy of All The Tired Horses comes in this orange/white sleeve. Stefan Haras has a 1971 stereo promo single of George Jackson in the same sleeve, see 1971.

Thanks to Stefan Haras and Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

Columbia AE 25 (USA), promo single stereo side in Columbia sleeve - scan by Manuel García Jara (third variant, 1970)

Columbia "Playback" sleeve, USA, 1972-74:

"Playback" front sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara
Columbia Record Club released exclusive singles and EPs from 1972 until 1974 in the "Playback" series including inserts with a feedback system. There were two variants of sleeves and design of record labels: the sleeve has seven occurrences of "Playback" on the front and seven or six on the rear. Only one 1972 release had Dylan content, I Ain't Got No Home by Bob Dylan and The Band from A Tribute To Woody Guthrie, full details of this release can be found here.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

PlaybackUSBack.jpg (16669 bytes)
"Playback" rear sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia "Hall Of Fame" Sleeve USA, 1973 onwards:

Front scan by Kenneth Robson
This gold sleeve was used for the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series of singles when first issued in 1973 and also in 1975 and 1976. HOFSleeve1976.jpg (15102 bytes)
Rear scan by Hans Seegers (flaps outside)

Rear scan by Kenneth Robson (flaps inside)

Columbia 13-33108 (USA) - single with unofficial centre plastic clip in Columbia Hall Of Fame sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson

Columbia 13-33221 (USA) - single in "Columbia Hall Of Fame" picture sleeve, scan by Jeremy Mayle

For locations of the singles themselves, which are split over several pages, see "Hall Of Fame". In 1973 shiny gold sleeves were used, in 1975 non-shiny gold sleeves, and later releases used yellow sleeves. The single owned by Jeremy Mayle has a complete different picture sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

Atlantic and Atlantic/Atco/Cotillion Sleeves USA, 1973:

Front scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1973 sleeve)
These sleeves were used for the US Atlantic 7" mono/stereo promo single with Bob contributing to (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone (R-0090/R-0090M) by Doug Sahm & Band, see 1973.

The Atlantic Records address on the rear of the first and second sleeves is 1841 Broadway, New York, NY 10023. During 1973 Atlantic Records moved to 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019, and this new address is on the rear of the third sleeve shown.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1973 sleeve with Broadway address)

Scan by Hans Seegers (Broadway address)

Atlantic 45-2946 (USA) - mono side of promo single in first Atlantic sleeve (my copy, Rockefeller Plaza address)

Atlantic 45-2946 (USA) - mono side of promo single in second Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 45-2946 (USA) - stereo side of promo single in second Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Atlantic 45-2946 (USA) - detail of rear of second Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (Broadway address)

Atlantic 45-2985 (USA) - promo 7" single A-side in third Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Atlantic 45-2985 (USA) - detail of rear of third Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (Rockefeller Plaza address)

Asylum USA, 1974:

Design 1 - front scan by Hans Seegers (no centre hole)
These sleeves are the five used by Asylum during the period Bob was signed to them. The first sleeve has a centre hole in the rear only, the second sleeve is the same design with the centre hole in both front and back. The other three sleeves are the same front and back.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

AsylumSleeve1.jpg (17415 bytes)
Design 1 - rear scan by Hans Seegers (centre hole)

Design 1 - front scan by Hans Seegers (centre hole in both sides)

Design 1 - rear scan by Hans Seegers (centre hole in both sides)

Design 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Design 3 scan by Hans Seegers

Design 4 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia USA, late 1970s:

ColumbiaSleeve70s.JPG (17009 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
This is the rear of the sleeve with the Columbia Records address at the bottom of 51 W. 52nd Street, New York, NY. The front is the same without the address.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Columbia "Hall Of Fame" Sleeve USA, 1987:

FoolHOFUSPromo.jpg (24711 bytes)
1987 release of Columbia 13-33259 (USA) in Columbia Hall Of Fame sleeve - scan by Dan Lardner
This sleeve was used for the US Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series of singles for the 1987 reissues.  For locations of the singles themselves, which are split over several pages, see "Hall Of Fame".

Information from Hans Seegers and Dan Lardner.

Collectables Records, reissue of Columbia "Hall Of Fame" singles USA, late 1980s/early 1990s:

Late 1980s Collectables Records release with sleeve - front scan by Patrick Helfrich
Columbia licensed the "Hall Of Fame" singles to Collectables Records Inc, of Narberth, PA, for re-releases in the late 1980s and early 1990s  For locations of the singles themselves, which are split over several pages, see "Hall Of Fame".

Information from Hans Seegers and Manfred Endtner.

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich for scans of two Collectables Re-Issue 7" singles.

Stone_f1.jpg (35068 bytes)
Late 1980s Collectables Records release with sleeve - front scan by Manfred Endtner

RDWHOFColl.JPG (40603 bytes)
Late 1980s Collectables Records release with sleeve - rear scan by Manfred Endtner

Knock_b1.jpg (35618 bytes)
1993 release by Collectables Records - rear scan by Manfred Endtner (same front sleeve as before)

Columbia Limited Edition 7" single, 2001:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This unique red and black sleeve was used for the promo 7" single of Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum/Bye And Bye, 2001, see International Singles 2000s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers


Columbia Canada, early 1960s:

Scan by Tom Willems
This Canadian 7" sleeve dates from the early 1960s but I have no information yet of it being used for any Dylan singles.

Thanks to Tom Willems for the scan.

Columbia Canada, 1963-66:

CanSleeve.jpg (32165 bytes)
Scan by David Plentus
Dag Braathen has a 1963 single with Blowin' In The Wind and Don't Think Twice, It's All Right in the orange/white sleeve, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1961-64. Manuel García Jara's copy came in a red/white generic sleeve.

David Plentus has a 1966 single with Just Like A Woman and Obviously 5 Believers in the orange/white sleeve, see 1966. Hans Seegers has a Canadian copy of Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat/Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) in the red/white sleeve, also see 1966.

ColumbiaCan1966Sleeve.jpg (36482 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 4-42856 (Canada) - A-side in Columbia sleeve, scan by  Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Hans Seegers, David Plentus and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia Canada, 1969-75:

ColumbiaCan1969Sleeve.jpg (17060 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers
For a 1969 stereo single that came in this sleeve, see International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1962-69. This sleeve was used until 1975, although all the 1974 Canadian Dylan singles were on Asylum!

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 4-45913 (Canada) - A-side in Columbia sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973)

Rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1974, non Dylan)

Columbia 3-10106 (Canada) - A-side in Columbia sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975)

Columbia Canada, 1973:

Scan by Sam C. Visser
This gold sleeve was used for the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series of singles when first issued in 1973 with the "4-" series of catalogue numbers. It differs from the US version because it has white stripes across the top and does not have country information at the bottom. For the 1973 singles themselves, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76.

Thanks to the late Sam C. Visser for information and scan.

Atlantic Canada, 1973:

Atlantic AT 2946 (Canada) - B-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This sleeve was used for the Atlantic Canada 7" stereo single with Bob contributing to (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone (R-0090) by Doug Sahm & Band, see 1973.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

WEA Canada, 1974:

WEASleeveCan1974.jpg (15739 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
These sleeves were used by Asylum in Canada during the period Bob was signed to them, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974.

The only sleeve actually used by Asylum Records in Canada for Dylan singles is the one sent by Hans Seegers. Sam C. Visser's sleeve was used only after 1976 when Reprise Records was deactivated by Warner Bros. Hans' sleeve still has the logo of Reprise Records whereas Sam's sleeve doesn't.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Sam C. Visser and Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Scan by Sam C. Visser (second variant)

Columbia Canada, 1976/1997:

Scan by Sam C. Visser (1976)
This purple/light blue "CBS" sleeve was used for the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series of singles when reissued in 1976 with the "13-" series of catalogue numbers. For the 1976 singles themselves, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76 (where they're listed with the original 1973 releases) and "Hall of Fame". For the sleeve used for the 1973 releases, see above. The bottom text is "CBS Marcas Reg. Printed in Canada". The same sleeve was used in 1997 when the singles were reissued.

Thanks to Sam C. Visser and Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Front scan by Hans Seegers (1997)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (1997)

Detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1997)

Columbia Canada, 1988-89:

Scan by Sam C. Visser
This orange "CBS" sleeve was used for Silvio/Driftin' Too Far From Shore in 1988 and the unique to Canada 1989 Everything Is Broken promo 7" single, for both see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1987-89. The bottom text is "CBS Marcas Reg. Printed in Canada".

Thanks to Sam C. Visser for information and scan.

Columbia 38-07970 (Canada) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1988)


CBS UK, up to 1965:

UKCBS1.jpg (33793 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used in the UK up to 1965. The reverse is the same, and no postal address is included. I have a no Dylan single from 1963 with this sleeve.

In the 1960s the UK Columbia record label was part of EMI, and had no link with the US Columbia record label, which is why US Columbia records were released everywhere except North America on the CBS label. I've illustrated an EMI Columbia UK sleeve for comparison. Sadly, some eBay sellers insist on putting CBS Dylan singles in the wrong sleeves, probably because the original CBS sleeve has been lost.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan. Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for finding the mismatched single on eBay.

1964 EMI Columbia UK 7" single sleeve (my copy)

CBS 201900 (UK) - 7" Dylan single in wrong sleeve, picture from eBay

CBS UK, 1965:

Front scan by Kenneth Robson (1 - curved top)
This sleeve is the negative image of the previous one, with orange and white reversed! There are four versions - with a curved top, a wavy top, a deeper orange wavy top and a straight-edged top. On the first two versions, the reverse is identical, with no postal address. On the third version, it is replaced by a different design with orange graphics on a white background, featuring names of current CBS artists. There is still no postal address. The fourth version comes with either an identical rear sleeve (as the first two) or the sleeve with CBS artists (as the third). My 1966 copy of I Want You/Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues comes in the third sleeve variant with the deeper orange colour.

Information and scans from Hans Seegers, David Burgess and Kenneth Robson.

Rear scan by Kenneth Robson (1- curved top)

Front scan by Kenneth Robson (2 - wavy top)

Rear scan by Kenneth Robson (2- wavy top)

Front scan by Kenneth Robson (3 - wavy top, deeper orange)
4thstreet2.jpg (29307 bytes)
Rear scan by David Burgess (3 - wavy top, deeper orange)
UKCBS2.jpg (32575 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers (4 - straight edged top, rear is either the same or with CBS artists)

CBS UK, 1965:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
"Generic Dylan" picture sleeves including the one pictured at the top of the page, sold in the UK in 1965 to house Bob Dylan CBS orange label 7" singles from The Times They Are A-Changin' onwards. There was an alternate front design, also shown. There are spaces on the back in which to write the song titles.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers
H61RmonoUK2.jpg (30584 bytes)
Alternate front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS UK, 1966:

UKCBS3.jpg (34224 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers
This first sleeve has the same design on the front as the 1965 UK sleeve, but in red instead of orange. There is still no postal address. UKCBS3Back.jpg (29019 bytes)
Rear scan by Hans Seegers
CBSUK1966Sleeve.jpg (36252 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers
This second sleeve uses the same design as the red Canadian sleeve above, but with "CBS" instead of "Columbia" and the added words "SEVEN SINGLE". Hans Seegers has a UK copy of Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat/Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) in this sleeve, see 1966. It is the same both sides.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.


CBS UK, 1967-69:

UKCBS4.jpg (26798 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers

This sleeve had four different reverse sides, all with the address of CBS Records, 28/30 Theobalds Road, London WC1.

Reverse used in 1967-68 - scan by Kenneth Robson

UKCBS4Back1.jpg (18718 bytes)
Reverse used in 1967-68 - scan by Hans Seegers

UKCBS4Back2.jpg (25090 bytes)
Reverse used in 1968 with added mono/stereo message - scan by Hans Seegers

UKCBS4Back3.jpg (27333 bytes)
Reverse used in 1969 - scan by Hans Seegers

My copy of If Not For You/New Morning (CBS S 7092, 5 Mar 1971), has this sleeve with the "Golden Singles" reverse. The two Dylan singles released in the "Golden Singles" series were The Times They Are A-Changin' (CBS 201751) and Like A Rolling Stone (CBS 201811). Bruce Mulle has a Jan 1966 acetate of Can You Please Crawl Out  Your Window? in a sleeve with the same front as shown and the second rear - this is unlikely to be original. The "Golden Singles" rear sleeve includes Bob as one of the featured artists and lists his two singles in the series.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

CBS UK, 1970-73:

UKCBS5.jpg (14998 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
The reverse of this "THE MUSIC PEOPLE" sleeve was the same as the front, but with the CBS London address - again 28/30 Theobalds Road, London WC1 ("WC1X 8PB" from early 1970 although not changed on sleeves). This was the last sleeve to be used with singles with orange labels. The S CBS 2006 single from 25 Jan 1974 shown was probably the last to use this sleeve.

The Music People was the title of a 1972 3LP compilation of CBS artists which included a rarity from Bob, see 1972.

S CBS 2006 (UK) - A-side in "CBS THE MUSIC PEOPLE" sleeve (my copy)

S CBS 2006 (UK) - B-side in "CBS THE MUSIC PEOPLE" sleeve (my copy)

CBS 1762 (Sweden) - A-side in "THE MUSIC COMPANY" sleeve, scan by Tommy Lidgren

S CBS 2006 (UK) - detail of rear of  "CBS THE MUSIC PEOPLE" sleeve (address "28/30 Theobalds Road, London WC1", my copy)

Tommy Lidgren has a Swedish single from 1973 in a completely different sleeve with "THE MUSIC COMPANY".

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Tommy Lidgren for information and scans.

Atlantic UK, 1972-73:

AtlanticUK1973SleeveFront.jpg (16656 bytes)
Front scan by Kenneth Robson
This generic sleeve was used for both the promo and commercial copies of the Atlantic UK stereo 7" single (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone/Don't Turn Around by Doug Sahm & Band with Bob contributing, see 1972

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

AtlanticUK1973SleeveBack.jpg (17327 bytes)
Rear scan by Kenneth Robson

CBS UK, 1973-79:

GuardsSleeveFront.jpg (33181 bytes)
Front of sleeve (my copy)
This sleeve had four different reverse sides with different London addresses and text:
  1. CBS Records, 28/30 Theobalds Road, London WC1*, as above (1973)
  2. CBS Records, 17/18 Soho Square, London W1B 5PD (1973-75) - the last single to be used with this sleeve was CBS 3665 (Million Dollar Bash/Tears Of Rage from The Basement Tapes) in Oct 1975
  3. CBS Records, 17/19 Soho Square, London W1V 6HE (1975-78) - when they expanded into number 19 Soho Square they acquired a new postcode! The first single to be used with this sleeve was CBS 3878 (Hurricane Part 1/2) in Jan 1976 - see 1976
  4. CBS Records, 17/19 Soho Square, London W1V 6HE (1978-79) - between Jul 1978 and Sep 1978 CBS added extra text to the rear of the sleeve with a copyright warning for use for the rest of 1978 and in 1979.
UKCBS7.jpg (21400 bytes)
Reverse used in 1973 only, still with the Theobalds Road address - scan by Hans Seegers

GuardsSleeveBack.jpg (31629 bytes)
Reverse used in 1973-75 with new Soho Square (17/18) address (my copy)

CBSUK1978Sleeve.jpg (30893 bytes)
Reverse used from 1975-78 with "expanded" Soho Square (17/19) address and left/right flaps (my copy)

Reverse used from 1975-78 with "expanded" Soho Square (17/19) address and bottom/right flaps, scan by Kenneth Robson

UKCBS8.jpg (27699 bytes)
Reverse used from 1978 with "expanded" Soho Square (17/19) address, extra copyright text and left/right flaps - scan by Hans Seegers

Reverse used from 1978 with "expanded" Soho Square (17/19) address, extra copyright text and bottom/right flaps - scan by Kenneth Robson

*The postcode changed from "WC1" to "WC1X 8PB" in early 1970, but CBS didn't update the address on the sleeves.

Kenneth Robson's two 1978 sleeves are made differently with flaps on the bottom and right-hand side of the rear, while the sleeves shown previously have flaps ion both left and right-hand sides. Thanks also to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Island UK, 1974:

Island WIP 6188 (UK) - commercial single A-side in pink Island UK sleeve, scan by Rod MacBeath
This pink 7" sleeve was used for UK singles by Bob Dylan and The Band from Planet Waves and Before The Flood in the period Bob was signed to Asylum in the USA and Island in the UK, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974.

it was changed to an attractive blue and white design in Aug/Sep 1975 and Dylan singles can be found in this too.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson and Rod Macbeath for information and scans.

Island 1975 generic 7" sleeve - front scan by Kenneth Robson

Island 1975 generic 7" sleeve - rear scan by Kenneth Robson

WEA/Atlantic UK, 1978:

AtlanticUK1976SleeveFront.jpg (30778 bytes)
Front scan by Kenneth Robson
This generic sleeve was used for the Atlantic UK stereo 7" single Buckets Of Rain/La Vie En Rose by Bette Midler with Bob contributing, see 1978.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

AtlanticUK1976SleeveBack.jpg (31340 bytes)
Rear scan by Kenneth Robson

CBS UK "Golden Decade 1967-76" series, 1979:

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, front scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)
This series of 20 singles by 20 artists had Bob as number 17. There were two sleeve variants with different gold coloured printing.

The Dylan single was Lay, Lay, Lay/I Threw It All Away, see International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1979.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, rear scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, front scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, rear scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Pyral acetates for CBS UK, 1981:

Scan by Hans Seegers (1981)
In 1981 CBS UK used blank acetates from a French company called Pyral, part of Rhône-Poulenc Systemes. The sleeve used for the Heart Of Mine acetate in 1981 is shown on the left, see 1981, and for Precious Angel on the immediate right, see 1979. This is a rare sleeve - the more common sleeve used to house blank Pyral acetates is shown on the right. The reverse of these sleeves is plain white. For 1960s French acetates in Pyral sleeves, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Photo by Bruce Mulle (1979)

Scan by Hans Seegers

CBS UK, 1979-1983:

Front scan by Kenneth Robson
This sleeve with the 17/19 Soho Square address was the last generic sleeve to be used by CBS UK. The final single to be released using it was the Jokerman promo (see 1984). All later singles, including promos, came in a picture sleeve. Thanks to Kenneth Robson for pointing out that this sleeve came in both dull and shiny versions - sadly the difference doesn't show in the scans.

Again, I have a no Dylan single from 1981 with this sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

UKCBS9.jpg (11987 bytes)
Rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS UK "Back Tracks" series, 1984:

CBSUK1984BackTrackSleeveFront.jpg (38095 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers
This series of stereo singles was released in 1984. Bob was represented by Lay, Lady, Lay/I Threw It All Away. The full list of singles is given on the rear of the sleeve.

For the single itself (which was originally released in stereo in 1969), see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1962-69.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBSUK1984BackTrackSleeveBack.jpg (46966 bytes)
Rear scan by Hans Seegers


CBS/Columbia Japan, 1966:

CBSJpnSleeve1966.jpg (35701 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers (orange CBS variant)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (green Columbia variant)
The 1966 release of Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (see 1966) came in the orange CBS sleeve. The 1966 release of One Of Must Know (Sooner Or Later) (see 1966) came in the green Columbia sleeve. Wil Gielen's copy of the 1966 release of Just Like A Woman (see 1966) came in the green/yellow Columbia sleeve shown below. (However, this may not have been the original sleeve for this single.)

In the 1960s the UK music company EMI owned a label called Columbia with the music note logo shown below left and the US Columbia label was called "CBS" in the UK and other countries outside the USA. However, the companies worked together in many market, as shown by the Japanese obi with both record company logos amongst others. "Pye" was a UK label of the Dutch company Philips, later PolyGram and now Universal.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Contemporary obi scan by Hans Seegers showing both EMI Columbia (at top) and CBS Columbia logos

For information, contemporary Columbia EMI UK sleeve (my copy)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (green Columbia variant)

Columbia Records Japan 1960s sleeve - front scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia Records Japan 1960s sleeve - rear scan by Wil Gielen

Columbia Records Japan 1960s sleeve - detail of rear, scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony Japan, 1969-71 - PanAm-sponsored Airplay Series:

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)
This series sponsored by the now defunct US PanAm airline ran between 1969 and 1971. The singles in these sleeves had folded inserts that were release-specific. There were five different front sleeves.

The "747" series had two different fronts, the first had four different rear pictures. The 1969 release of Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? came in different "747" sleeves including the one with the variant 3D plane on the front and the "Young Power" rear sleeve. The Japanese 7" promo and commercial singles of Watching The River Flow came in the "Look World" sleeve , see 1971.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3A)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3B)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3C)

Rear scan by Wil Gielen (variant 3D)

Front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 4)

Rear scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 4)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 5)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 5)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS/Sony Japan, 1972 - 12" promo sleeves:

CBS/Sony LITE 91033 (Japan) - sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara
These generic CBS/Sony 12" sleeves were used for promo albums in 1972. For both of these see International Albums (Various Artists Compilations) 1970s.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS/Sony LITE 91034 (Japan) - front of sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony LITE 91034 (Japan) - rear of sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum Japan, 1974:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for all the Asylum singles with Bob Dylan and The Band released in Japan.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony Japan, 1974-1985:

Front scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)
The 1974 Japanese 7" promo single of Knockin' On Heaven's Door and the 1975 promo and commercial 7" singles of Tangled Up In Blue came in the lime-green sleeve, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974.

The Japanese 7" promo and commercial singles with Hurricane split over both sides came in the blue sleeve, see 1975.

Rear scan by Ronald Born (variant 1)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

Front scan by Ronald Born (variant 3)

Rear scan by Ronald Born (variant 3)

Front scan by Hans Seegers (variant 4)

Rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 4)

CBS-SonySleeveFront.JPG (28686 bytes)
Front of sleeve with label cut-out (variant 5)

CBS-SonySleeveBack.JPG (29109 bytes)
Rear of sleeve (variant 5)

The orange sleeve was used in the mid-1980s, and I have a copy of the Japanese 7" single release of Sweetheart Like You in variant 5 (which has a text box in Japanese on the back that is missing from variant 4), see 1983.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

CBS/Sony Japan "New Gold Disc", 1976:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for the "New Gold Disc" series, including the Dylan single of Blowin In The Wind/Like A Rolling Stone, CBS/Sony 06SP 50, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1976.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers

Warner-Pioneer Japan, mid-1980s:

Warner-PioneerSleeveFront.JPG (44357 bytes)
Front of sleeve with label cut-out (my copy)
This is the sleeve used for the Japanese 7" single release of Band Of The Hand (R-0182) on MCA Records, see 1986. Warner-PioneerSleeveBack.JPG (49688 bytes)
Rear of sleeve

Other European Countries


Supraphon, 1967:

Front of sleeve (my copy)
Supraphon distributed CBS records in Czechoslovakia from the 1960s onwards. The sleeve shown houses a cover of When The Ship Comes In from The Times They Are A-Changin' by popular Czech singer Waldemar Matuška. Many thanks to Lukáš Berný for the single, which can be founds in Honourable Mentions!
Rear of sleeve (my copy)


Generic Jukebox Sleeve, 1960s:

Front scan by François Guillez
This sleeve was used for French jukebox singles in the 1960s.

Thanks to François Guillez for information and scans.

Rear scan by François Guillez

Pyral Acetates, 1965(?):

Front picture from eBay
This generic sleeve from a French company called Pyral, part of Rhône-Poulenc Systemes, was used for acetates in early 1965, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965. For Pyral sleeves used in the UK in the 1980s, see above.
Rear picture from eBay

Disques CBS France, 1965:

CBS 1692 (France), jukebox single - A-side (R-0045) in generic sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

This generic sleeve was used for this 1965 jukebox single, see 1965 Like A Rolling Stone.

Thanks to Jim Siddy for information and scan.

Disques CBS France, 1966:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This is the sleeve used for the French 7" single of Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, see 1966 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Disques CBS France, 1969:

Front scan by Manuel García Jara
This black "Pop Music Revolution" sleeve was used for the French 7" promo mono single of I Threw It All Away, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969. It's made of card with two folded-over flaps on the rear sleeve, which also has a cut-away on the open edge and a central hole to display the record label.

François Guillez has a copy of the 1969 French 7" release of Lay, Lady, Lay/Peggy Day in the generic jukebox sleeve shown.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.

Rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Front of jukebox sleeve, scan by François Guillez

Rear of jukebox sleeve, scan by François Guillez

Germany (West)

CBS West German sleeve, 1966:

CBS 1900 (West Germany) - generic CBS West Germany 7" single sleeve scan by Augie Krater
Augie Krater's West German copy of the 1966 7" single Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?/Highway 61 Revisited comes in this generic sleeve, although the single also had a picture sleeve. The slogan "Musik der Welt auf CBS Schallplatten Deutschland" means "Music of the World on CBS Records Germany".

Thanks to Augie Krater for information and scan.

CBS West German promo sleeves, 1970s:

CBS 7329 (West Germany, 1971) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
These "CBS-Blitzinformation" (CBS Lightning Information) sleeves were used by CBS in West Germany for promotional singles in the 1970s. The rear sleeve is generic without text. For the front sleeves of the various singles with the lightning logo, see yearly pages from 1971 onwards. The orange/yellow design was only used for CBS 6697 in 1978, all previous promo singles had the red/white design.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBSGermanyPromoBack.jpg (12154 bytes)
Generic early 1970s rear sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 6697 (West Germany, 1978) - front scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Generic 1978 rear sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers

CBS West German sleeve, 1973:

CBS 1973 West German sleeve - scan by Peter Denzler
This German 7" sleeve is orange and again has the slogan "Musik der Welt" (Music of the World). It also has the text "1963-73: 10 Jahre CBS Schallplatten Deutschland" (1963-73: 10 Years of CBS Records Germany).

Thanks to Peter Denzler for information and scans.


CBS Greece, 1966-69:

Scan by Manuel García Jara (1966 copy)
At this time CBS records were distributed from Athens by a company called "Music-box". This sleeve therefore has the words 'Distributed by "Music-box" Athens' on the rear. The front is the same without the overprinting and the folded-over flaps at the side. Shown on the left is a 1966 single. For a 1969 mono single that came in this sleeve, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBSGreekSleeve1969.jpg (37992 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers (1969 copy)

CBS Greece, 1975:

CBS Greece sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara
This generic sleeve was manufactured in Greece for CBS Records of Greece S.A. It was used for the 1975 stereo single with Hurricane from Desire spilt over both sides, see 1975.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

Detail of CBS Greece sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara


CBS Italy, 1966:

Front sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara (jukebox release)
This generic jukebox sleeve was used for the Mar 1966 white label jukebox single of Highway 61 Revisited/Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Rear sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara (jukebox release)

CBS Italy, 1969:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for CBS jukebox singles in Italy in 1969, specifically the single with Peggy Day and La Mia Vita Con Te, CBS DPD 14, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969. It's unique to Italy in that it has "CBS SUGAR" in the three logos at the top.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS Italy, 1970:

CBS YD 245 jukebox single (Italy), second release - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

This sleeve was used for CBS jukebox singles in Italy in 1970, specifically the single with Wigwam and 25 Or 6 To 4, CBS YD 245 see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76. It again has "CBS SUGAR" in the three logos at the top.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

CBS Italy, 1985:

CBS Italian generic jukebox single sleeve - picture from eBay
This sleeve was used for CBS jukebox singles in Italy in 1985, specifically for the single with Tight Connection To My Heart and La Vita E' Adesso, see International Singles 1984-86.


CBS/Discophon, Spain, 1965:

Inner sleeve front scan by Stefan Haras
In 1965 Dylan singles were made by Discophon of Barcelona for CBS Records. This inner sleeve was used for the Like A Rolling Stone EP, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965.

Thanks to Stefan Haras for information and scan.

Inner sleeve rear scan by Stefan Haras

Camisas Dalí, Spain, 1966:

CBS EP 6107 (Spain) - front of Camisas Dalí 7" sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This EP with Like A Rolling Stone/Gates Of Eden was also given away for the purchases of products of a company based in Galicia: Camisas Dalí (Dalí Shirts). The front and rear of the generic 7" single sleeve have the slogan "This is the music of the Dalí shirt/Courtesy of Regojo Manufacturing". The "Dalí" logo reproduces the signature of the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí, who had a contract with this company at the time. The rear sleeve has two folded-over flaps, with a cut-out to display the record. For more details, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965.
CBS EP 6107 (Spain) - rear of Camisas Dalí 7" sleeve with A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Discos CBS, Spain, 1970 onwards:

Scan by Hans Seegers ("Sonido de los 70", "Princesa" address)
This generic CBS Spain orange/white patterned sleeve was printed in Madrid and has text "El Sonido de los 70" ["The Sound of the 70s"]. This slogan was also used in the UK in the early 1970s. Hans Seegers informs me this Spanish sleeve was used originally for the 1970 promo single A Boy Named Sue (Johnny Cash)/Lay, Lady, Lay (Bob Dylan), see International Singles 1970. It has the CBS Spain address of Calle Princesa 1, Madrid 13, where the company remained until 1976.

The sleeve without the "El Sonido de los 70" logos, also printed in Madrid, was used for the withdrawn Spanish EP CBS 9131 (see 1972). The single with the same catalogue number had a picture sleeve. Jordi Badell has the 1970 white label promo single of Lay, Lady, Lay with A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash in this sleeve, also the commercial single of Wigwam/Copper Kettle (for both see International Singles 1970). It has the same "Calle Princesa" address.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"Sounds of the 70s" - detail of 1970 CBS UK LP inner sleeve

Detail scan by Hans Seegers ("Sonido de los 70", "Princesa" address)

Scan by Hans Seegers (no "Sonido" logo, "Princesa" address)

Detail scan by Hans Seegers (no "Sonido" logo, "Princesa" address)

Discos CBS, Spain, 1976 onwards:

Front scan by Gerd Rundel ("Sonido de los 70", "
Generalísimo" address)

Detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel ("Sonido de los 70", "
Generalísimo" address)

Rear scan by Gerd Rundel ("Sonido de los 70", "
Generalísimo" address)

Detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel ("Sonido de los 70", "
Generalísimo" address. plus printer details printed vertically)

This sleeve from 1976 onwards still has the "El Sonido de los 70" logos and was also printed in Madrid. It now has the new CBS Spain address of  Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16, where CBS Spain moved in 1976. Tom Willems has a copy of the 1976 Spanish single of Mozambique/Oh, Sister in this sleeve, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1976 (this was unusual because this single had a picture sleeve).

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Discos CBS, Spain, 1986 onwards:

CBSSpain1986Sleeve.jpg (19338 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers

The Madrid address of Discos CBS as Paseo de la Castellana 93, 28046 Madrid is on the bottom of the sleeve in white text. The sleeve was printed in Madrid by Offset ALG.

The 1986 Spanish promo 7" single of Got My Mind Made Up from Knocked Out Loaded and the 1989 Spanish promo single of Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Dylan & The Dead came in this sleeve, see International Singles 1984-86, as did the 1989 promo single shown, see International Singles 1987-89. The 1990 Spanish promo single of Under The Red Sky also came in this sleeve, see International Singles 1990s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Dag Braathen and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

CBS ARIC 2336 (Spain) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel (1989)

Front scan by Ger Hemel (1989)

Rear scan by Ger Hemel (1989)


Discos CBS, Portugal, 1967:

Scan by Manuel García Jara
This Portuguese sleeve was used for singles, but is shown with a promo copy of an EP without its picture sleeve, see 1966.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Detail scan by Manuel García Jara


CBS, Sweden, 1973:

CBS 1762 (Sweden) - A-side in "THE MUSIC COMPANY" sleeve, scan by Tommy Lidgren
Tommy Lidgren has a Swedish single from 1973 in a sleeve with "THE MUSIC COMPANY". I don't know if this is a Sweden-only sleeve or if it was used more widely in Europe.

West Indies


West Indies Records (Barbados) Ltd, Barbados, 1986

West Indies Records (Barbados) - 7" single sleeve front, scan by François Guillez
This attractive sleeve was used for the EMI America single with Voices Of America (Various Artists) - Hands Across America/USA For Africa (Various Artists) - We Are The World with Bob on the B-side, originally released in 1985.

Thanks to François Guillez for information and scans.

West Indies Records (Barbados) - 7" single sleeve rear, scan by François Guillez

Latin American Countries


CBS Argentina, 1970-81:

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - A-side of commercial single in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)

The Argentinean 7" single of Wigwam/Lay, Lady, Lay came in the sleeve shown with a printed price on the rear: "Precio I.V.A. $11,50.-" - (I.V.A. means "Impuesto al Valor Agregado [VAT - "Value Added Tax"], "$11,50.-" means 11.50 Argentinean Pesos (the dollar symbol was used in many countries), see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76.

The Argentinean 7" test pressing and promo single of Man Gave Names To All The Animals came in sleeves like this, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1979. The standard CBS Argentina sleeves are stamped with "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA [DEMONSTRATION DISC SALE PROHIBITED]" on two lines. Slightly different stamps have been used for the test pressing and the promo release. The standard CBS sleeve is shown on right below and was used for all five commercial Dylan singles released in Argentina.

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - B-side of commercial single in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)

CBS 22.257 (Argentina) - detail of rear of CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)

Brown promo sleeve scan by François Guillez (1976)

Test pressing sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers (1979)

Promo sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers (1979)

Comparison of test pressing (above) and promo (below) sleeve stamps - scan by Hans Seegers (1979)

Regular sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers (1979)

Discos CBS DEP-200 (Argentina) - promo A-side in regular sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy (1981)

François Guillez has a 1976 promo copy of the Hurricane single in the brown CBS sleeve shown.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Jim Siddy and François Guillez for information and scans.


Discos CBS, Bolivia, 1979:

CBSBoliviaSleeve.jpg (25849 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
The very rare Bolivian 7" single of Man Gave Names To All The Animals came in this sleeve, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1979.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


EMI Odeón, Chile, 1971:

CBS/EMI Odeón 11028 (Chile) - A-side in generic CBS/EMI Odeón sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/EMI Odeón 11028 (Chile) -detail of generic CBS/EMI Odeón sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/EMI Odeón 11028 (Chile) - A-side in generic Odeón sleeve, photo from eBay

This very rare Chilean single of Lay, Lady, Lay/Una Noche Mas [One More Night] was released in Chile by EMI Odeón on behalf of CBS Records, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969. Manuel's copy comes in the red/white CBS sleeve shown, but Hans-Juergen Zollerg's copy comes in a purple and white Odeón sleeve.

Asfona, Chile, 1975:

Scan by Manuel García Jara
The very rare Chilean promo single with En Una Noche Como Esta [On A Night Like This] by Bob Dylan and The Band on one side and Lo Mejor De Mi Amor [The Best Of My Love] by The Eagles on the other side, was released in Chile by Asfona on behalf of Asylum Records, see US & International 7" & 12" Singles & EPs 1975.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.


Discos CBS, Colombia, 1970s:

Discos CBS Colombia generic sleeve, scan by Mark Bahlen
This sleeve was used by Discos CBS in Colombia for the rare 1976 Colombian 7" single of Mozambique/Oh, Sister, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1976. It has text "FABRICADO EN COLOMBIA POR DISCOS CBS S.A.".

Information and scans from Mark Bahlen.

Detail of Discos CBS Colombia generic sleeve, scan by Mark Bahlen


Discos CBS, Brazil, 1966:

CBSBrazSleeve1.jpg (33727 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
The 1966 Brazilian single of Like A Rolling Stone/Highway 61 Revisited came in these sleeves, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68. The blue sleeve was used for the first pressing only. The legs on the repeated small white "Walking Eye" symbols are pointing downwards, compare this to the sleeve found on a Uruguayan copy of the same single below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (compare with Uruguayan sleeve below)
CBSBrazSleeve2.jpg (24661 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Brazil, 1971-73:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for Brazilian singles from Watching The River Flow to Knockin' On Heaven's Door, although Manuel García Jara's promo copy of Watching The River Flow and regular copy of Wigwam come in the earlier style sleeve above.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 33675 (Brazil) - A-side in Discos CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy, 1970)

CBS 33727 (Brazil) - A-side in Disco CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy, 1971)

Asylum Brazil 1974:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for the 1974 Brazilian Asylum singles of On A Night Like This/You Angel, You from Planet Waves and Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)/Stage Fright from Before The Flood.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Asylum 3-06-101-07 (Brazil) - A-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Costa Rica

CBS/Indica Costa Rica, 1970 to early 1990s:

CBS/Indica 10472 (Costa Rica) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)
The orange/white sleeve is exclusive to Costa Rica and was used for all CBS Dylan singles, see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1984-86 (1986) and also International Singles 1990s (1992). It has the text "Hecho en Costa Rica por Industrio de Discos Centroamericana, S.A." (Indica).
CBS 11916 (Costa Rica) - A-side in special Indica sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1978)

CBS 11916 (Costa Rica) - detail of Indica sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1978)

CostaRicaSleeve.jpg (33724 bytes)
CBS/Indica sleeve scan by Hans Seegers (1986)

Detail of CBS/Indica Costa Rica sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)

Detail of CBS/Indica Costa Rica sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (1986)

The 1978 Baby Stop Crying/New Pony single came in a distinctive orange/yellow Indica sleeve. This was a special sleeve made to commemorate the centenary of recorded sound with the logo "100 Años del Sonido Grabado. 1877/1977" used for the first time in 1977 but also in the period 1978-79. After this time, Indica returned to the usual orange/white CBS design.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.


CBS Ecuador, 1985:

Scan by Hans Seegers
The very rare Ecuador single of We Are The World came in this transparent plastic sleeve, see 1985. The record was released by IFESA (Industria Fonografica Ecuatoriana S.A.) on behalf of CBS Records.

This was the only Bob Dylan single ever released in Ecuador!

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


Discos CBS, Mexico, 1966s:

Scan by Manuel García Jara
This sleeve is in clear plastic with red printing, same both sides.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

Gamma Records, Mexico, 1974:

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side in Gamma generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Gamma Mexico generic sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara

Different Gamma Mexico generic sleeve, scan by François Guillez

Asylum/Gamma G-1328 (Mexico) - A-side in Asylum generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Asylum Mexico generic sleeve, front scan by Manuel García Jara

Asylum Mexico generic sleeve, rear scan by Manuel García Jara

These three sleeves, two from Gamma Records and one from Asylum Records, were used for the releases of En Una Noche Como Esta [On A Night Like This]/Tú Ángel Tú [You Angel You] (two tracks from Planet Waves), see International Singles: 7" Singles & EPs 1974.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.

Discos CBS, Mexico, mid-1980s:

MexSleeve1988.JPG (37937 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve is again in clear plastic, this time with orange printing, same both sides.

The 1985 Mexican 7" single of Tight Connection To My Heart and the 1988 Mexican promo 7" single of Silvio both came in this sleeve, see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1984-86 and US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1987-89.

Information from Hans Seegers and Ronald Born, scan from Hans Seegers.


WEA, Mexico, 1990:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for the 1990 Traveling Wilburys 7" promo single Ella Es Mi Neña [She's My Baby], see Traveling Wilburys 1990:

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


Virrey Records/WEA, Peru, 1989:

This Virrey Records promo 7" sleeve was used for a Various Artists promo 7" stereo EP from Peru released on behalf of WEA containing Heading For The Light by  The Traveling Wilburys from The Traveling Wilburys Volume One. For the promo EP, see Traveling Wilburys 1989.


Uruguay singles were released by Sondor S.A. on behalf of CBS.

Sondor S.A./CBS,  Uruguay, date(?):

Scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 321.440 (Uruguay) - sleeve photo found by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 21.520 (Uruguay) - A-side in CBS/Sondor sleeve, picture from www.collectorsfrenzy.com

CBS 21.520 (Uruguay) - A-side in different CBS/Sondor sleeve, picture from www.collectorsfrenzy.com

CBS 321.440 (Uruguay) - promo sleeve photo from eBay

CBS 321.440 (Uruguay) - A-side in generic sleeve, picture from www.collectorsfrenzy.com

CBS 321.440 (Uruguay) - commercial A-side in Discos CBS Sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel

CBS 321.440 (Uruguay) - commercial B-side in Discos CBS Sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel

Discos CBS Uruguay) - front of 1965 sleeve scan by Ger Hemel

Discos CBS Uruguay) - detail of front of 1965 sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel (compare with Brazilian sleeve above)

Discos CBS Uruguay) - rear of 1965 sleeve scan by Ger Hemel

Discos CBS Uruguay) - detail of rear of 1965 sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel

Ger Hemel has a copy of the 7" mono single Como Un Vagabundo [Like A Rolling Stone]/Tristezas De Ausencia [Subterranean Homesick Blues] in a blue Discos CBS sleeve similar to the Brazilian sleeve above. The legs on the repeated small white "Walking Eye" symbols are now pointing upwards, compare this to the detail of the Brazilian sleeve.

Sergio Mariano Romay believes this green/white 7" sleeve is from Uruguay although there's no country of origin. Both sides are the same with Spanish text “ALTA FIDELIDAD GARANTIZADA [GUARANTEED HIGH FIDELITY]” and “CBS es marca registrada de la Columbia Broadcasting System Inc. USA [CBS is a trade mark of Columbia Broadcasting System Inc. USA]”.

The design is similar to the "sun rays" design used by Columbia USA up to 1960. The purple/white version is definitely from Uruguay, and came with the 1965 Like A Rolling Stone/Subterranean Homesick Blues 7"single. The dark blue/white CBS/Sondor sleeve is also definitely from Uruguay, and came with a promo copy of the same 1965 Like A Rolling Stone/Subterranean Homesick Blues 7" single.

Sondor S.A./CBS,  Uruguay, late 1960s:

Scan by Peter Denzler
The 1966 Uruguayan 7" single release of Blowin' In The Wind/Positively 4th St. was released in a picture sleeve, although some copies had this unique dark green CBS sleeve. For a close-up of the Uruguayan text see here. For the single and the picture sleeve see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68. Also shown is a promo copy whose sleeve appears to be dark blue.
CBS 21.520 (Uruguay) - A-side in Dylan promo sleeve, picture from www.collectorsfrenzy.com (commercial release with promo stamp, second copy)

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay and Peter Denzler for information and scans.


CBS Venezuela, 1970:

CBSVen1970Sleeve.jpg (32959 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
The mono single of Wigwam/Copper Kettle came in this sleeve, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76.

Note the small CBS logo with "MARCA REGISTRADA" under the right hand top large logo. This detail is unique to this sleeve (which otherwise looks like many others on this page).

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Detail scan by Hans Seegers

Australia/New Zealand

CBS Australia/New Zealand, 1965-73:

CBS plastic sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was made of plastic and used by CBS in Australia and New Zealand in 1965. It is the same on both sides. A sleeve of the same design but made of the more usual paper was used in Australia between 1966-73 and in New Zealand from 1966-76. The second sleeve shown is in dark pink instead of orange.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS BA-221670 (Australia) - A-side with promo stamp in CBS paper sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1969)

CBS BA 221757 (Australia) - B-side with demo stamp in CBS paper sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970)

Atlantic Records, Australia, 1973:

Atlantic 45-2946 (Australia) - A-side in Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This Atlantic Australia stereo vinyl 7" single sleeve was used for the 1973 Doug Sahm And Band release (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone/It's Gonna Be Easy with Bob participating on both A- and B-sides, see 1973.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Atlantic 45-2946 (Australia) - B-side in Atlantic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

WEA, New Zealand, 1974:

WEASleeveNZ1974.jpg (20680 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve is one used by Asylum in New Zealand during the period Bob was signed to them, see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974. Manuel García Jara's New Zealand copy of On A Night Like This/You Angel, You from Planet Waves comes in a different WEA sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scan.

Asylum AS 11 033 (New Zealand) - A-side in WEA sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS Australia/New Zealand, 1975:

CBSNZSleeve1975.jpg (41218 bytes)
Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve is the one used for singles such as Tangled Up In Blue, see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1975.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.


CBS Australia, 1975-80:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used in Australia only.  Gerard Germano's Australian promo copy of Baby Stop Crying came in this sleeve, see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1978.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerard Germano for information and scans.

Rear scan with address by Hans Seegers

CBS New Zealand, 1978:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve is the one used for singles such as Changing Of The Guards, see 1978.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS Australia/New Zealand, 1981:

Scan by Doug Lilly
This unique salmon-pink sleeve was used for singles such as Heart Of Mine, see 1981. Note the colour variations between the sides.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Doug Lilly for information and scans.

Front scan by Hans Seegers

Rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS Australia, 1983:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used in Australia only.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan with address by Hans Seegers

CBS Australia, 1986:

Front with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers
This promo sleeve was used in Australia only.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan with address by Hans Seegers

CBS Australia, 1986-89:

Front with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers
These sleeves in blue, red, purple and orange were used for copies of Australian 7" singles from Got My Mind Made Up/They Killed Him (1986) to Unbelievable/10.000 Men (1990), see US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1984-86 and US & International 7" & 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1990-99. Later sleeves have "also available on Cassette Single" at the bottom on both sides.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear of promo sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Front of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Rear of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Front of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Rear of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Front with promo stamp, scan by Hans Seegers

Rear of promo sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Front of promo sleeve with stamp, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Rear of promo sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Front of promo sleeve with stamp, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Rear of promo sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Front of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Rear of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Front of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Rear of commercial sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers ("Cassette Single" text)

Other Countries


CBS India, 1969:

CBS 4-44926 (India) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
In 1969 CBS records in India were manufactured and distributed by the Gramophone Company of India Ltd., part of EMI (bought by Universal in 2012). I assume the records themselves were , as was the 1971 record below. This red/white Gramophone Company sleeve was used for the very rare 1969 Indian mono release of Lay, Lady, Lay, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1969. Manuel García Jara has a second copy that comes in a distinctive black/turquoise Gramophone Company of India sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 4-44926 (India) - A-side in alternate generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Symphony Salon/CBS India, 1970:

Scan by Hans Seegers
In 1970 records in India were also distributed for CBS by a company called Symphony Salon of Bombay. The records themselves were manufactured by the Gramophone Company of India Ltd., as was the 1971 record below. This purple/white sleeve with the CBS and stereo logos was used for the very rare 1970 Indian stereo release of Wigwam, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1970.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS India, 1971:

Scan by Hans Seegers
In 1971 records and sleeves in India were also manufactured for CBS by the Gramophone Company of India Ltd. This sleeve was used for the very rare Indian release of George Jackson, see 1971.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


CBS Pakistan, 1969:

CBS 4-44926 (Pakistan) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1969)
This unique single with the US catalogue number and black labels with silver text was manufactured by the Gramophone Company of Pakistan Ltd., part of EMI (bought by Universal in 2012) and comes in a green/white generic sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 4-44926 (Pakistan) - detail of generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1969)


CBS Singapore, 1969:

CBS 2-582 (Singapore/Malaysia) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This single normally had a solid centre and a picture sleeve, but this copy for jukebox use has an open centre and comes in a lilac/white generic sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 2-582 (Singapore/Malaysia) - B-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara


CBS/Sony Philippines, 1985:

CBS/Sony (Philippines) - sleeve front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used in 1985 for the CBS Philippines release of Tight Connection To My Heart (Has Anybody Seen My Love?)/We Better Talk This Over. It was manufactured in the Philippines for CBS/Sony Japan by Blackgold Records Corp, who also manufactured several Dylan albums for CBS/Sony in the Philippines.
CBS/Sony (Philippines) - sleeve rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony (Philippines) - detail of sleeve rear, scan by Hans Seegers


CBS Israel, 1965:

CBSIsrael1965Sleeve.jpg (29185 bytes)
CBS Israel sleeve with Hebrew promo sticker, scan by Hans Seegers
Only two Dylan 7" singles were released in Israel. This sleeve, shown with a Hebrew promo sticker, was used for Like A Rolling Stone/Gates Of Eden in 1965. The second single was Lay, Lady, Lay in 1969, which had a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

South Africa

CBS South Africa, 1965-66:

Generic "Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers
The first sleeve was used for the release of Like A Rolling Stone in 1965. The second sleeve was used for the release of One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)/Queen Jane Approximately in 1966. The orange/white sleeve was used for the period 1966-69, such as the Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 single in 1966. All bear the slogan "Seven Single".
Generic "Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

Scan by Hans Seegers

CBS SSC.619 (South Africa) - A-side in pink/white CBS South Africa sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Manuel García Jara's 1965 South African copy of Positively 4th Street/From A Buick 6 comes in a pink/white CBS generic 7" "SEVEN SINGLE" sleeve, rather than the normal orange/white sleeve. This pink/white sleeve was also used in Rhodesia.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Jim Siddy and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS South Africa, 1970-73:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
In South Africa at this time CBS records were distributed by the Gramophone Company Ltd., part of EMI (bought by Universal in 2012).

This sleeve was used for Wigwam, If Not For You and Knocking On Heaven's Door, see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1970 and US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1973. It was also used for Watching The River Flow, see 1971.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers

Elektra South Africa, 1974:

Scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for the South African singles of On A Night Like This and Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine).

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

CBS South Africa, 1978-85:

Front scan by Hans Seegers
This sleeve was used for three Dylan singles from South Africa in this time period. CBS records were still distributed by the Gramophone Company Ltd.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Rear scan by Hans Seegers

Detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Tusk Records, South Africa, 1988:

Scan by Hans Seegers
Tusk Music Co. (Pty.) Ltd. was the distributor of Warner Bros records in South Africa in 1988. This sleeve was used for two Traveling Wilburys promo singles, see Traveling Wilburys 1988.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.


CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - A-side in generic "CBS Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Tom Willems
The 1966 single illustrated on the left is a Rhodesian release, in the same "CBS Seven Single" sleeve as used in South Africa (see above).

Thanks to Jan Welter for scans on the right of these generic sleeves used in Zimbabwe.

Scan by Jan Welter

Scan by Jan Welter


Melodi Plâk [Melodi Records], Turkey, 1974:

MostLikelyTurk.jpg (33337 bytes)
Melodi Records/Warner Brothers 74603 (Turkey) - picture of sleeve found on eBay by Ole Lien

1967 Melodi Records single in the same red/white sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Records/Warner Bros AS 13005 (Turkey) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Records single in London American sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Records single in Liberty Records sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Records single in Atlantic Records sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Melodi Plâk [Melodi Records] were the distributors of Warner Bros records in Turkey. A copy of the 7" single of Bob Dylan/The Band - Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)/The Band - Stage Fright (see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974) found on eBay was in the red and white sleeve, although Manuel García Jara says this sleeve actually dates from the 1960s, see the 1967 example. The pink Warner/Reprise sleeve was used for the 7" single of Bob Dylan/The Band - On A Night Like This/You Angel, You, also see US & International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1974. As well as releasing singles under its own label, Melodi Records released singles for Warner Bros, London American, Liberty Records, Atlantic Records and other US/UK labels, see the examples above.

Thanks to Ole Lien for the picture and to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

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