"Searching For A Gem"

Video and DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks

Home ] Up ] VHS & DVD 1967-69 ] VHS & DVD 1970-79 ] VHS & DVD 1980-89 ] VHS & DVD 1990-94 ] VHS & DVD 1995-99 ] VHS & DVD 2000-02 ] VHS & DVD 2003-04 ] VHS & DVD 2005-06 ] VHS & DVD 2007-09 ] VHS & DVD 2010-19 ] VHS & DVD 2020s ] [ Films with Dylan Album Tracks ] Bob Dylan at the Movies ] [Questionable Video Releases]

This new section collects song performances from regular Dylan albums on VHS video and DVD included in films (I'm ignoring any editing or talking over them). The list has now been divided up into decades (there are no films from the 1960s). I would be grateful for any additional information on these items and other material to place here. I've already set up a separate section to cover Bob's regular albums and stereo singles from those albums in International Stereo Releases, so this is the video counterpart. Films are listed by date of original appearance (in theatres or on TV), not when the VHS video or DVD came out, often some years later.

For a full Dylan filmography, see "Expecting Rain" or "TV Talkin'" . For informed discussion of all Bob's screen appearances, see C.P. Lee's well-received book "Like A Bullet Of Light ".

All scans that aren't credited are from my own collection or www.amazon.com.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Fight the much-hated artificial and anti-consumer DVD Region system by making your PC DVD drive and software or your stand-alone DVD player region-free! For more information, see Inmatrix . Everyone can play all CDs worldwide, and it should be the same for DVDs! Also see DVD Codes .

Some studios are fortunately realising that they can maximise sales of individual DVD releases by making them region-free instead of having to manufacture multiple region-specific copies - click on the picture on the right to see the text.

When Blu-ray titles were originally released they were region-free, but now they are also region-encoded, with North and South America as Region A, Europe/Australasia/Africa as Region B and Central Asia including China as Region C. This is a very retrograde step!

Revised: 03 January, 2025.

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)





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Up ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks 1960s ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1970s ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1980s ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1990s ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 2000-04 ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 2005-09 ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 2010-19 ] Films with Dylan Album Tracks 2020s ]

Home ] Up ] VHS & DVD 1967-69 ] VHS & DVD 1970-79 ] VHS & DVD 1980-89 ] VHS & DVD 1990-94 ] VHS & DVD 1995-99 ] VHS & DVD 2000-02 ] VHS & DVD 2003-04 ] VHS & DVD 2005-06 ] VHS & DVD 2007-09 ] VHS & DVD 2010-19 ] VHS & DVD 2020s ] [ Films with Dylan Album Tracks ] Bob Dylan at the Movies ]

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included poster and VHS/DVD/laserdisc artwork remains with the various audiovisual companies and artists.