Audio: The Traveling Wilburys 1990

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

"The most modest group in the known Universe" - Traveling Wilburys ad from "Q" magazine, UK, Dec 1990

"Boo Wilbury" - postcard included with the limited edition of the Traveling Wilburys' 7" single Wilbury Twist

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The Traveling Wilburys on Nobody's Child (R-0206) and the album Volume Three were Bob Dylan (Boo), George Harrison (Spike), Jeff Lynne (Clayton) and Tom Petty (Muddy) - different pseudonyms from those on the first album, see Wilburys 1988. The story at the time was that Del Shannon would replace Roy Orbison, because Jeff Lynne was producing an album for him with George Harrison and Tom Petty also participating. However, Del sadly died in Feb 1990 - the otherwise unreleased single bonus track Runaway (R-0210, see below) could be a tribute to him. It was reported that before his death in 2001 George Harrison was working on a new Wilburys anthology to be called Maximum Traveling which was going to contain three unreleased tracks recorded by the Wilburys with Del, although there seem to be no plans to release these.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 08 January, 2025

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

Traveling Wilburys - "In The Studio: Show 92 - The Traveling Wilburys Volume One", The Album Network/Bullet Productions, US radio station disc for broadcast during the week of 25 Mar 1990:
This show was repeated three times on different discs: Show 251 - 12 Apr 1993; Show 351 - 13 Mar 1995; Show 510 - 30 Mar 1998.

WilburyStudio251Front.JPG (34602 bytes)
"In The Studio" generic front of card sleeve (my copy)

This radio show introduced by "Redbeard", telling the story of the 1988 album (see 1988), includes interviews with George Harrison and Tom Petty, and the album versions of:

R-0328-14 Handle With Care

R-0330-3   Rattled

R-0336-3   Tweeter And The Monkey Man

R-0334-7   Heading For The Light

WilburyStudio92CD.jpg (22173 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 92 - 25 Mar 1990 - scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyStudio251CD.JPG (24294 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 251 - 12 Apr 1993

WilburyStudio351CD.jpg (23706 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 351 - 13 Mar 1995 - scan by Hans Seegers
WilburyStudio351Front.jpg (28899 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 351 - 13 Mar 1995 (sleeve with annotation) - scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyStudio351Cue.jpg (27658 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 351 - 13 Mar 1995  - cue sheet scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyInStudio510.JPG (23571 bytes)
"In The Studio" show 510 - 30 Mar 1998

R-0335-3   Margarita

R-0331-9   Last Night

R-0332-2   Not Alone Any More

R-0337-11   End Of The Line

(All songs credited to the Traveling Wilburys.)

The show trailer (included on the CD) and the opening minutes of the show proper contain snippets of some of these album songs.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for scans of shows 351 and 510.

Traveling Wilburys - "Nobody's Child"  - Warner Bros 7", 12" and CD singles, (UK), 18 Jun 1990; (Germany), 19 Jun 1990; (Australia), 1990:
This single was never released in the USA.

R-0206 Nobody's Child (Cy Coben-Mel Foree) - The Traveling Wilburys

Even though this is billed as a Traveling Wilburys single the other tracks are non-Wilbury from the Romanian Angel album below - both the CD and 12" singles include Lumière by David A. Stewart and With A Little Help From My Friends by Ringo Starr, the 7" single has Lumière only, as has the UK cassette single W9773C.

7" singles:  W9773/5439-19773-7 (UK),  W9773/5439-19773-7 (Germany), 5439-19773-7 (Australia):

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK & Germany, both variants) - 7" single front scan by Patrick Helfrich

The UK had a promo release (not shown). The German singles were exported to Scandinavia, France, Benelux and Italy. The Australian single was also exported to New Zealand.

There was apparently a South African promo release only - WB Records 5439-19773-7 (scans required).

WilburysNobodysChild7UKBack.jpg (44866 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - 7" single rear scan by Kenneth Robson

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Kenneth Robson

WilburysNobodysChild7UKSideA.jpg (28001 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - 7" single A-side scan by Kenneth Robson (R-0206)

WilburysNobodyGerPromo.jpg (44097 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) - fact sheet sent out with promo 7" single, scan by Patrick Helfrich (dated 19 Jun 1990)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany, both variants) - 7" single rear scan by Patrick Helfrich

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany, both variants) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany, both variants) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich ("Made in Germany")

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - detail of 7" single A-side, scan by Kenneth Robson ("Made in UK")

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - 7" single B-side scan by Kenneth Robson (non-Wilbury)

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single front scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) -  7" single A-side scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (R-0206, closed centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) -  detail of 7" single A-side, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (both variants, "MADE IN GERMANY")

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) -  7" single B-side scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (non-Wilbury, closed centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) -  7" single A-side scan by Patrick Helfrich (R-0206, open centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (Germany) -  7" single B-side scan by Patrick Helfrich (non-Wilbury, open centre)

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single rear scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Hans Seegers (Australian info on bottom line in tiny text)

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0206)

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - detail of 7" single A-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros 543919773-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single B-side scan by Hans Seegers (non-Wilbury)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9773 (UK) - detail of 7" single rear, scan by Kenneth Robson

12" singles: W9773T/7599-21576-0 (UK/Germany):

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - 12" single front (my copy)

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - 12" single rear

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - detail of 12" single rear

NobodysChild12LabelA.JPG (23794 bytes)
Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - 12" single A-side (R-0206)

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - detail of 12" single A-side ("Made in UK")

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - 12" single B-side (non-Wilbury)

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - 12" single front, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - 12" single rear, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - detail of 12" single rear, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - 12" single A-side, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman (R-0206)

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - detail of 12" single A-side, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman ("MADE IN GERMANY")

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - 12" single B-side, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman (non-Wilbury)

Warner Bros W9773T (UK) - details of 12" single rear

Warner Bros W9773T (Germany) - details of 12" single rear, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman ("MADE IN GERMANY" at bottom)

CD single:  W9773CD/7599-21576-2 (Germany):

NobodysChildCD.JPG (37354 bytes)
Warner Bros W9773CD (Germany) - front of CD single insert (my copy)
My copy in a slimline CD single jewel case with a double-sided insert was bought in the UK but was made in Germany. Gerd Rundel has provided a much more readable scan of the CD!

Warner Bros W9773CD (Germany) - inside of CD single insert (my copy)

Warner Bros W9773CD (Germany) - CD single (my copy, scans badly because of reflective surface)

Warner Bros W9773CD (Germany) - CD single scan by Gerd Rundel

Warner Bros W9773CD (Germany) - detail of CD single, scan by Gerd Rundel ("Made in Germany")

Cassette single:  W9773C (UK):

WilburysNobodysCasUKFront.jpg (57634 bytes)
Warner Bros
W9773C (UK) - cassette single insert scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros W9773C (UK) - detail of cassette single insert, scan by Hans Seegers
WilburysNobodysCasUKBack.jpg (38696 bytes)
Warner Bros
W9773C (UK) - inside of cassette single insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros W9773C (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Tommy Lidgren

Warner Bros W9773C (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Tommy Lidgren

This UK cassette single had a folded insert and the same two tracks on both sides.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Patrick Helfrich, Kenneth Robson, Tjeerd Timmerman, Gerd Rundel and Tommy Lidgren for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Nobody's Child"  - 3" CD single, Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6241 (Japan), 19 Jun 1990:

WilburyNobodys3-2.jpg (57585 bytes)
Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6241 (Japan) - 3" CD single in small card cover, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyNobodys3-1Front.jpg (28631 bytes)
Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6241 (Japan) - front of card cover, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyNobodys3-1Inside.jpg (67559 bytes)
Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6241 (Japan) - inside of card cover, scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyNobodys3-1Back.jpg (30861 bytes)
Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6241 (Japan) - rear of card cover, scan by Hans Seegers

Nobody's Child (Cy Coben-Mel Foree) - The Traveling Wilburys

WPDP-6241 is housed in a small card cover. I have another Dylan Japanese 3" CD single like WPDP-6241, and the card cover is folded-over a hard plastic mount containing the little CD, and which can itself be folded to make a display stand for the CD.

Like the 7" and cassette singles in Europe, this single had just Nobody's Child and Lumière (mis-spelled "Lemiere").

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "El Niño De Nadia [Nobody's Child]"  - 7" promo single: Warner Bros PRO 500 (Mexico), 1990:

Warner Bros PRO 500 (Mexico) - front picture from eBay
This Mexican promo (PRO 500) found on eBay has an unusual sleeve and an unusual pairing. The B-side is Hombre Medicin [Medicine Man] by Elton John. The title on the record is "ROMANIAN ANGEL APPEAL 2".

There is a genuine Mexican promo record on Discogs (PRO 499) with title "ROMANIAN ANGEL APPEAL 1" and two more tracks from the album below:

A-side: Guns N' Roses - Guerra Civil [Civil War]
B-side: Stevie Wonder - Alimentándose Del Amor De La Tierra [Feeding Off The Love Of The Land]

Warner Bros PRO 500 (Mexico) - rear picture from eBay

Warner Bros PRO 500 (Mexico) - A-side picture from eBay (R-0206)

Warner Bros PRO 500 (Mexico) - A-side picture from (no Dylan)

PRO 499 does not have a picture sleeve. My conclusion is that the PRO 500 record is probably genuine but that the "promo sleeve" is probably fake.

Thanks to François Guillez and Derek Barker for information.

Various Artists - "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal" charity album - CD releases, Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA)/Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada)/Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe), 24 Jul 1990:

R-0206-3 Nobody's Child (Cy Coben-Mel Foree) - The Traveling Wilburys

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA):

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - front scan by Tommy Lidgren
This charity album was instigated by Olivia Harrison, wife of George. The front insert is a single sheet folded into eight.
Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - unfolded front insert scan by Tommy Lidgren

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - reverse of unfolded front insert, scan by Tommy Lidgren

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - rear insert scan by Tommy Lidgren

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - detail of rear of front insert, scan by Tommy Lidgren (short catalogue number)

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - CD scan by Tommy Lidgren

Warner Bros 9 26280-2 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Tommy Lidgren ("MADE IN USA")

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada):

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada

The Canadian release was distributed by WEA Music of Canada Ltd. It was probably made in the USA.

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada

Warner Bros CD 26280 (Canada) - detail of rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe):

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - front (my copy)

My copy was bought in the UK but was made in Germany for Europe-wide distribution. The reverse of the front insert still has "Made in USA".

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - rear insert

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - unfolded front insert (my copy)

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - reverse of unfolded front insert

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - detail of rear of front insert (long catalogue number)

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - detail of reverse of front insert ("Made in USA")

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - CD

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - detail of CD ("Made in Germany")

Warner Bros 7599-26280-2 (Germany for Europe) - detail of rear insert ("Made in Germany")

Thanks to Jack from Canada and Tommy Lidgren for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal" charity album - stereo LP release, Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe), Jul 1990:

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of inner sleeve front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, includes Bob)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, variant 2 has the same text)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, no Dylan)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (variant 2, includes Bob)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, includes GB publishing credits after track 8)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - detail of Side 1, photocopy by Paul Shenton (variant 2, GB publishing credits missing)

Warner Bros WX 353/7599-26280-1 (Germany for Europe) - Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (variant 2, no Dylan)

Manuel's LP copy was bought in Spain at a branch of the El Corte Inglés department store chain but was again made in Germany for Europe-wide distribution. It has a picture inner sleeve. The price sticker is for 1570 pesetas (€9.50). Paul Shenton's LP copy has the same outer and inner sleeves, but different record labels - the three lines of GB publishing credits below the tracklisting are now missing.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

Various Artists - "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal" charity album - CD release, Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan), 30 Aug 1990:

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers
This release has a white obi with a and reddish-brown and yellow spine and black and reddish-brown text. It has price ¥2,400 (¥2,330 before tax) and release date "90-8-30" (30 Aug 1990). Also shown is a promo copy with a numbered white promo sticker on the rear insert and red Japanese characters indicating a promo in the clear centre of the CD itself.

Also shown is an in-store promo display on thick card advertising the album. It has a fold-out stand for counter use.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen (commercial copy)

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - store counter display, scan by Wil Gielen

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen (commercial copy)

RomAngelJpnFront.jpg (61537 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - unfolded front scan by Hans Seegers

WilburyNobodys3-1Obi.jpg (51885 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - obi scan by Hans Seegers

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - detail of rear insert, scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Warner-Pioneer WPCP-3639 (Japan) - detail of CD, scan by Wil Gielen (promo copy)

Various Artists - "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal" charity album - stereo cassette release, Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany), Jul 1990:

Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany) - front photocopy by Paul Shenton

Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany) - outside of unfolded cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (includes R-0206)
This cassette release was manufactured in Germany for Europe-wide release. It has a long folded insert and the inside has the song listings and a thank you letter from Olivia Harrison. Nobody's Child is song 1 on Side 1. The cassette is clear with white text  printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany) - inside of unfolded cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Warner Bros 759926280-4/WX353C (Germany) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (no Dylan)

Various Artists - "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal" charity album - stereo cassette release, Warner Bros 759926280-4 (Australia), Jul 1990:

Warner Bros 759926280-4 (Australia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore
This cassette release was manufactured and distributed in Australia by WEA Records Pty. Limited. It has a similar long folded insert to that of the European cassette release. Nobody's Child is again song 1 on Side 1. The cassette is transparent smoked grey with white text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. The white bands on the cassette are the same as other Australian cassette releases.
Warner Bros 759926280-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-0206)

Warner Bros 759926280-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (no Dylan)

Warner Bros 759926280-4 (Australia) - outside of unfolded cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Rock Over London" - radio station CD, Westwood One show 90-27 (USA), 6-12 Jul 1990:

RockLondon9027Front.jpg (14572 bytes)
Rock Over London show 90-27 - front sleeve scan by Hans Seegers

R-0206-4 Nobody's Child (Cy Coben-Mel Foree) - The Traveling Wilburys

(This Traveling Wilburys single and Romanian Angel Appeal album had been released in the UK but not in the USA.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

RockLondon9027Cue.jpg (43129 bytes)
Rock Over London show 90-27 - cue sheet scan by Hans Seegers
RockLondon9027CD.jpg (21564 bytes)
Rock Over London show 90-27 - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Traveling Wilburys - "The Source Classics" - 2 radio station CDs, Westwood One show 90-31 (USA), 30 Jul 1990:
This show included the whole of the album The Traveling Wilburys Volume One
, see 1988 (Wilburys)

SourceFront.jpg (15823 bytes)
The Source Classics Westwood One shows - generic front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0328-15 Handle With Care

R-0329-2   Dirty World

R-0330-4   Rattled

R-0331-10 Last Night

R-0332-3  Not Alone Any More

R-0333-3  Congratulations

R-0334-8  Heading For The Light

R-0335-4   Margarita

R-0336-4   Tweeter And The Monkey Man

R-0337-12 End Of The Line

(All songs credited to the Traveling Wilburys.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SourceCue1.jpg (22782 bytes)
The Source Classics Westwood One 90-31 Cue Sheet 1 - scan by Hans Seegers

SourceCD1.jpg (21498 bytes)
The Source Classics Westwood One 90-31 CD1 - scan by Hans Seegers
SourceCue2.jpg (20225 bytes)
The Source Classics Westwood One 90-31 Cue Sheet 2 - scan by Hans Seegers
SourceCD2.jpg (20554 bytes)
The Source Classics Westwood One 90-31 CD2 - scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Top Hits Selections 1990 August" - promo CD, Warner-Pioneer PCS-54 (Japan), Aug 1990:

WarnerPioneerAug1990JpnFront.jpg (16371 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-54 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen
R-0206-5 Nobody's Child (Cy Coben-Mel Foree) - The Traveling Wilburys (from the Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal charity album and all formats of singles, see above)

R-0206 from the Japanese release Warner-Pioneer/Wilbury Records WPDP-6241/WDCP-3639 is track 5 on this 17-track CD. The front insert is a 4-page booklet and there is an additional one-sided insert that opens out, both in English and Japanese.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

WarnerPioneerAug1990JpnBack.jpg (34006 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-54 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen
WarnerPioneerAug1990JpnCD.jpg (21595 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-54 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

"Traveling Wilburys Volume Three" - stereo LP, stereo vinyl cassette and CD releases, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (various catalogue numbers) (Worldwide), 23 Oct 1990:

The album tracks were added to this list later than the exclusive Wilbury singles tracks, which is why their R-numbers are higher. For full details of all releases of this album, see here.

Stereo LP releases:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7599-26324-1 (USA) - LP front scan by Marc Kuszel

Side 1:

R-0338 She's My Baby

R-0339 Inside Out

R-0340 If You Belonged To Me

R-0341 The Devil's Been Busy

R-0342 7 Deadly Sins

R-0343 Poor House

Side 2:

R-0344 Where Were You Last Night?

R-0345 Cool Dry Place

R-0346 New Blue Moon

R-0347 You Took My Breath Away

R-0348 Wilbury Twist

(All songs credited to the Traveling Wilburys.)

Warner Bros/Columbia House W1-26324 (USA) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7599-26324-1/WX384 (Germany for Europe) - LP front scan by Gerd Rundel

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7599 26324-1 (Italy) - front scan by Michel Pomarede

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7599-26324-1 (Greece) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros/MMC Records 7599-26324-1/PL MMC 9010 (Hungary) - LP front scan by Alex Ivanov

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros/Jugoton 7599-26324-1 (Yugoslavia) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/WEA  7599-26324-1 (Australia) - LP front scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Bros/Tusk Music Company WBC 1686 (South Africa) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

Warner Bros/Tusk Music Company/ TEAL Records WBC 1686 (Zimbabwe) - LP front scan by Gerd Rundel

Warner Bros/Oasis Records 7599-26324-1 (South Korea) - LP front scan by Patrick Helfrich

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros LPXB-7028 (Mexico) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

WEA/BMG Ariola 670.9286 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/WEA 23 (1031) 00140 (Colombia) - LP front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/WEA 1-26324 (Uruguay for Argentina) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

The German LP was distributed throughout Europe, except for Italy, Greece, Hungary and Yugoslavia.

Wilbury Records/WEA 1-26324 was made in Uruguay for sale in Argentina, although Manuel García Jara bought his copy in Montevideo, so some copies must have found their way back.

There must be more LP releases of this album!

Stereo cassette releases:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 4-26324/7599-26324-4 (USA) - front of cassette insert, picture from

There must be more cassette releases of this album!

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros/Columbia House 4-26324/7599-26324-4 (USA) - front of cassette insert, picture from

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros/Columbia House W4 26324/7599-26324-4 (Canada) - front of cassette insert, picture from

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WX 384C/7599-26324-4 (Germany) - front photocopy by Paul Shenton

Warner Bros/MMC Records 7599-26324-4/PK MMC 9010 (Hungary) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Jugoton MC-7-S 3029067 (Yugoslavia) - front of cassette insert, picture from

Warner Bros/Wilbury Records 9 26234-4 (Indonesia) - front of cassette insert, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Warner Bros/Wilbury Records 759926234-4 (Australia) - front of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Warner Bros/Wilbury Records 759926234-4 (New Zealand) - front of cassette insert, scan by Fred Muller

WEA/Wilbury Records 4-26324 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

WEA 20066-4 (Uruguay) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CD releases:

WilburyVol3USFront.jpg (60980 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9-26324-2 (USA) CD long box - front scan by Hans Seegers
There must be more CD releases of this album!

WilburysVol3USPromoCD.jpg (32615 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 26324-2-DJ (USA) - promo edition, CD scan by John Gaylor

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W2 26324 (USA) - Columbia House edition, CD front scan by Jack from Canada

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros D 124817/9 26324-2 (USA) - CD front scan by Marc Kuszel

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros CD 26324 (Canada) - CD front scan by Jean-Pol Hiernaux

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 7599-26324-2 (Germany for Europe) - CD front (my copy)

Wilburys Records/Warner-Pioneer WPCP-4002 (Japan) - CD front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

For the reissue of this album in The Traveling Wilburys Collection with two bonus tracks, see Wilburys 2007.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Jack from Canada, Marc Kuszel, Jean-Pol Hiernaux, Wil Gielen, Manuel García Jara, Gerd Rundel, Alex Ivanov, Stuart Moore, Fred Muller, Tjeerd Timmerman and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "She's My Baby" - promo CD single, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros PRO-CD-4518 (USA), Oct 1990:

WilburyPromo.JPG (39949 bytes)
PRO-CD-4518 promo CD (USA) rear insert (no front insert) (my copy)

R-0338-2 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - single track on promo CD

This single was not released commercially in the USA.

PRO-CD-4518 promo CD (USA)

Traveling Wilburys - "She's My Baby" - CD, 7", 12" and cassette singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (UK/Canada/Germany), Oct 1990:
All European singles were made in Germany.

R-0338-3 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys)

R-0210    Runaway (Del Shannon-Max D. Crook) - on 12" and CD singles only
Note this is a far superior version of the track than R-0783, released on The Traveling Wilburys Collection (see 2007). R-0783 has a new instrumental track, regrettably omitting Bob's harmonica solo.

R-0211    New Blue Moon (Traveling Wilburys) - instrumental version of R-0346 on 12" and CD singles and B-side of 7" and cassette singles
This instrumental is available only on these 1990s vinyl, cassette and CD singles.

UK releases:

MyBaby3.jpg (31861 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523T (UK) - 12" single front (my copy - 7" single front is the same)

7" single - W9523/7599-21799-7 (UK). The front is the same as the 12" single shown.

12" single - W9523T (UK).

Cassette single - W9523C (UK). The UK cassette single comes in a clear plastic case with a folded card insert. It has the same two tracks on both sides.

MyBaby12Back.JPG (19128 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523T (UK) - 12" single rear (R-0338, R-0211, R-0210)

MyBaby12LabelA.JPG (24128 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523T (UK) - 12" single A-side (R-0338)

MyBaby12LabelB.JPG (24516 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523T (UK) - 12" single B-side (R-0211, R-210)

WilburysBaby7UKBack.jpg (19934 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (UK) - 7" single rear scan by Kenneth Robson

WilburysBaby7UKSideA.jpg (27250 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (UK) - 7" single A-side scan by Kenneth Robson (R-0338)

WilburysBaby7UKSideB.jpg (26359 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (UK) - 7" single B-side scan by Kenneth Robson (R-0211)

WilburysBabyCasUKFront.jpg (53195 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523C (UK) - outside of cassette single insert, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0338, R-0211)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523C (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Tommy Lidgren

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523C (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Tommy Lidgren

German releases:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (UK & Germany) - 7" single front scan by Patrick Helfrich

7" single - W9523/5439-19523-7 (Germany)

Patrick Helfrich's copy of W9523 has a cut-out centre - Manuel García Jara's copy of W9523 has a solid centre and a promo stamp from a radio station. Sergio Mariano Romay's copy of W9523 has an embossed promo stamp on the front sleeve - the record also has a solid centre.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single rear scan by Patrick Helfrich

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Patrick Helfrich (R-0338) (cut-out centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Patrick Helfrich (R-0211) (cut-out centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single "Product Facts" sheet scan by Stefan Haras

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - detail of 7" single front with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - detail of 7" single front with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (R-0338) (solid centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (R-0211) (solid centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0338) (solid centre with radio station stamp)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523 (Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0211) (solid centre with radio station stamp)

MyBabyCDFront.JPG (50207 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - outside of CD single insert (my copy)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - detail of outside of CD single insert ("MADE IN GERMANY")

MyBabyCDBack.JPG (35983 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - inside of CD single insert (R-0338, R-0211, R-0210)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (R-0338, R-0211, R-0210)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - alternate CD scan by Gerd Rundel (R-0338, R-0211, R-0210)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W9523CD (Germany) - detail of CD, scan by Gerd Rundel ("MADE IN GERMANY")

12" single - W9523T/7599-21799-0 (Germany) - not shown

CD single - W9523CD/7599-21799-2 (Germany)
Thanks to Gerd Rundel for providing a CD scan that is easier to read.

Canadian release:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 91 95234 (Canada) - front of cassette single slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada

The Canadian cassette single is in a card slipcase. Both sides are the same apart from the side number.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 91 95234 (Canada) - rear of cassette single slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada (R-0338, R-0211)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 91 95234 (Canada) - cassette single Side 1, scan by Jack from Canada (R-0338, R-0211)

Australian release:

Wilbury Records/WEA 5439195234 (Australia) - front of cassette single slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

Wilbury Records/WEA 5439195234 (Australia) - rear of cassette single slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore (R-0338, R-0211)

Wilbury Records/WEA 5439195234 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Wilbury Records/WEA 5439195234 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (same as Side 1)

Thanks to Stuart Moore for scans of the Australian cassette single. The cassette is clear with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Patrick Helfrich, Jack from Canada, Manuel García Jara, Stefan Haras and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "She's My Baby"/"New Blue Moon (Instrumental)" - 3" CD single, Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer WPDP -6251 (Japan), Oct 1990:

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer WPDP-6251 (Japan) - front of "snap pack", scan by Wil Gielen
The Japanese 3" CD single (Warner Bros/Pioneer WPDP-6251) with just R-0338 and R-0211 came in a "snap pack". A snap pack was a uniquely Japanese design that was essentially a mini digipak, hinged at the top, with the CD in a plastic tray in a 6" x 3" pack on the rear flap. The lower half of the plastic tray could be snapped off in order to create a 3" x 3" digipak, although serious collectors prefer to leave the snap pack complete. The tracks are listed as being from Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 25P2-2327 (CD), 23P1-2327 (LP) and 23P4-2327 (cassette).

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6073 (Japan) - inside of "snap pack" (reverse of rear) with CD in tray, scan by Wil Gielen

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer 10P3-6073 (Japan) - inside of "snap pack" (reverse of front), scan by Wil Gielen

Wilbury Records/Warner-Pioneer WPDP-6251 (Japan) - rear of "snap pack", scan by Wil Gielen

Traveling Wilburys - "She's My Baby"/"New Blue Moon (Instrumental)" - 7" single, Wilbury Records 543919523-7 (Australia), Oct 1990:

Wilbury Records 543919523-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single front scan by Hans Seegers (R-0338)

This Australian single was also exported to New Zealand.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Wilbury Records 543919523-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single rear scan by Hans Seegers (R-0338)

Wilbury Records 543919523-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0338)

Wilbury Records 543919523-7 (Australia/New Zealand) - 7" single A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0211)

Traveling Wilburys- "Ella Es Mi Neña [She's My Baby]" - 7" promo single, Warner Bros PRO 509 (Mexico), Oct 1990:

Warner Bros PRO 509 (Mexico) - 7" promo single, B-side scan by Hans Seegers
R-0338-4 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - both sides of promo single

This single was not released commercially in Mexico. The sides are identical except for the numbers "UNO" and "DOS" underneath the catalogue number as shown.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Warner Bros PRO 509 (Mexico) - 7" promo single, detail of B-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Bros PRO 509 (Mexico) - 7" promo single, WEA generic sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

Traveling Wilburys- "She's My Baby"/Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians/"Mama Help Me" - 7" jukebox single, Geffen PROMO 399 (Italy), Oct 1990:

WilburysBrickellLabelA.jpg (23022 bytes)
Geffen PROMO 399 (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0338)

R-0338-5 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - A-side of jukebox single

WilburysBrickellLabelB.jpg (22815 bytes)
Geffen PROMO 399 (Italy) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (Edie Brickell)

Geffen PROMO 399 (Italy) - 1991 jukebox strip, scan by Hans Seegers

Geffen PROMO 399 (Italy) - alternate A-side scan by Ronald Born (R-0338)

Ronald Born's copy has the Italian copyright organisation SIAE's stamp in a slightly different position on the A-side.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Wilbury Twist" - promo CD single, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros PRO-CD-4642 (USA), Oct 1990/Mar 1991:

WilburyTwistPromoCD.JPG (41384 bytes)
PRO-CD-4642 (USA) promo CD rear insert (no front insert) (my copy)

R-0348-2 Wilbury Twist (Traveling Wilburys) - one-track promo CD

This single was not released commercially in the USA

PRO-CD-4642 (USA) promo CD

Traveling Wilburys - "Wilbury Twist" CD, 7" and 12" singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (USA/UK/Germany), Oct 1990/Mar 1991:
All European singles were made in Germany: 7" single - W0018 (5439-19443-7), 12" single - W0018T (9362-40044-0), CD single - W0018CD (9362-40044-2).

R-0348-3 Wilbury Twist (Traveling Wilburys)

R-0211-2 New Blue Moon (Traveling Wilburys) - instrumental version of R-0346, B-side of 7" single and on 12" and CD singles also
This instrumental is available only on these 1990s vinyl, cassette and CD singles.

R-0345-2 Cool Dry Place (Traveling Wilburys) - on 12" and CD singles only

There were cassette singles with R-0348 and R-0211 in the USA (9 19443-4) and UK (W0018C).

Cassette single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 19443-4 (USA):

WilburysTwistCasUSFront.jpg (49219 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 19443-4 (USA) - cassette single in card sleeve, front scan by Hans Seegers

Scans of the US cassette required!

WilburysTwistCasUSBack.jpg (52587 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9 19443-4 (USA) - cassette single, rear scan by Hans Seegers

7" single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK)/12" single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK)/Cassette single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018C (UK)/CD single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK):

WilburyTwist7Front.JPG (25283 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - front of 7" single (my copy)

WilburyTwist7Cover.JPG (24686 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - limited edition brown cardboard sleeve containing UK 7" single and four postcards (my copy)

WilburyTwist7Back.JPG (24949 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - rear of 7" single

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - detail of rear of 7" single

WilburyTwistLabelA.JPG (24993 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - A-side of 7" single (R-0348)

WilburyTwistLabelB.JPG (24217 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - B-side of 7" single (R-0211)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK) - front of 12" single, scan by John Blewett

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (UK) - detail of rear of 7" single (12" single is the same)

WilburyTwistCD.JPG (67599 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - front insert of CD single (my copy)

WilburyTwistCD2.JPG (31502 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - inside of insert of CD single

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - CD single

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - detail of CD single (compare with German CD single below)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK) - rear of 12" single, scan by John Blewett

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK) - detail of rear of 12" single, scan by John Blewett

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK) - A-side of 12" single, scan by John Blewett (R-0348)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (UK) - B-side of 12" single, scan by John Blewett (R-0211, R-0345)

WilburysTwistCasUKFront.jpg (36458 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018C (UK) - cassette single in clear plastic case, insert scan by Hans Seegers

WilburysTwistCasUKBack.jpg (28913 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018C (UK) - cassette single, inside of insert scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - detail of outside of insert of CD single (compare with German CD single below)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018CD (UK) - detail of inside of insert of CD single (compare with German CD single below)

The UK 7" single also came in a limited edition in a brown cardboard sleeve with stamped black text and graphics, and four "band member" postcards (see top of page for "Boo Wilbury"). There is a misprinted release of the UK CD single with the inside of the insert without printing. Scans of the UK cassette required!

7" single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany); 12" single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany):
WilburyTwist7Front.JPG (25283 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - front of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara

As can be seen, there are minor differences on the rear sleeve between these and the UK 7" and 12" releases. However, the record labels are quite different in the placement of the text elements and the size of the song titles.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - rear of 7" single with promo stamp, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - promo stamp scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - promo leaflet scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - front of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - rear of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - detail of rear of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - detail of rear of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - A-side of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0348)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018 (Germany) - B-side of 7" single, scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0348)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - rear of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - detail of rear of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - detail of rear of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - A-side of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman (R-0348)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros W0018T (Germany) - B-side of 12" single, scan by Tjeerd Timmerman (R-0211, R-0345)

CD single - Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany):

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - outside of CD single insert, scan by Gerd Rundel
The UK and German CD singles are slightly different. The outside and inside of the insert plus the CD itself have "Made in Germany", not present on the UK insert or CD.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - inside of CD single insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

WilburyTwistGerCD.jpg (27063 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - CD single scan by Kenneth Robson

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - CD single scan by Kenneth Robson (compare with UK CD single above - "Made in Germany")

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - detail of outside of CD single insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (compare with UK CD single above - "Made in Germany" on left)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40044-2 (Germany) - detail of inside of CD single insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (compare with UK CD single above - "Made in Germany" at bottom)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, John Blewett, Kenneth Robson, Manuel García Jara, Tjeerd Timmerman, Sergio Mariano Romay and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Inside Out" - promo CD single, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros PRO-CD-4652 (USA), 1990/1991:

InsideOutPromo.JPG (44189 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros PRO-CD-4652 promo CD (USA) rear insert (no front insert) (my copy)

R-0339-2 Inside Out (Traveling Wilburys) - one-track promo CD

This single was not released commercially in the USA.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros PRO-CD-4652 promo CD (USA)

Traveling Wilburys - "Inside Out" - CD and 7" singles, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros (UK/Germany), 1990/1991:

InsideOut.JPG (52450 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany/Germany for UK) - front of 7" sleeve (my copy)

All European singles were made in Germany. The 7" single sold in Germany was different from the one sold in the UK in that the UK single had a cut-out centre.

InsideOutBack.JPG (45879 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany/Germany for UK) - rear of 7" single sleeve

InsideOutLabelA.JPG (24924 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany for UK) - A-side (R-0339) (open centre)

InsideOutLabelB.JPG (24876 bytes)
Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany for UK) - B-side (R-0211) (open centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany) - A-side (R-0339), scan by Manuel García Jara (closed centre)

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40011-2 (Germany) - front of CD single insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40011-2 (Europe) - inside of CD single insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40011-2 (Germany) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40011-2 (Germany) - alternate CD single scan by Gerd Rundel

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 9362-40011-2 (Germany) - detail of CD single, scan by Gerd Rundel ("Made in Germany")

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros WE171 (Germany) - B-side (R-0211), scan by Manuel García Jara (closed centre)

R-0339-3 Inside Out (Traveling Wilburys) - album version

R-0211-3 New Blue Moon (Traveling Wilburys) - instrumental version of R-0346, B-side of 7" single and on CD single also
This instrumental is available only on these 1990s vinyl, cassette and CD singles.

R-0345-3 Cool Dry Place (Traveling Wilburys) - on CD single only, misspelled Cold Dry Place

Gerd Rundel has provided an alternate CD scan that is much more readable. The 12" single previously reported with R-0211 and R-0345 on the B-side was not in fact released.

Thanks to Hervé from France, Andy Seddon, Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Traveling Wilburys - "Inside Out"/"New Blue Moon (instrumental)" - stereo cassette single, Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 543919402-4 (Australia), 1990:

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 543919402-4 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore
This cassette was made by Warner Music Australia Pty Ltd and has R-0339 and R-0211 on both sides. The cassette is smoked grey with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 543919402-4 (Australia) - inside scan by Stuart Moore

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 543919402-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore

Wilbury Records/Warner Bros 543919402-4 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore

Various Artists - "Merry Melodies & Happy Songs" - promo CD, Warner Music WM PROMO 3 (Germany), 1990:

MerryFront.jpg (24002 bytes)
Warner Music WM PROMO 3 (Germany) - front scan by Hans Seegers

R-0339-4 Inside Out (Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Warner Music WM PROMO 3 (Germany) - rear scan by Hans Seegers
MerryCD.jpg (23369 bytes)
Warner Music WM PROMO 3 (Germany) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "GoldDisc 3 # 664" - promo compilation CD, TM Century 664 (USA), 1990:

GoldDisc3.jpg (24594 bytes)
TM Century 664 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

This CD was part of a service from TM Century Inc. of Dallas, TX, to supply weekly compilations on CD to local radio stations. This was a practical proposition while CD releases of the tracks used for the compilations were fairly uncommon, but once CDs became widespread the service was no longer required. Keith Venturoni from Dallas tells me that the company is no longer in business, and the CDs in this series were sold off in Dallas for $1 each! Other compilation CDs from this company with Dylan tracks can be found in the Various Artists Compilations section for 1989, 1990 and 2006.

R-0338-6 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan. Thanks to Keith Venturoni for further information.

Various Artists - "Top Hits Selections 1990 November" - promo CD, Warner-Pioneer PCS-60 (Japan), Nov 1990:

WarnerPioneerNov1990JpnFront.jpg (32321 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-60 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen
R-0338-7 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

R-0338 from the Japanese release Warner-Pioneer/Wilbury Records WPCP-4002 is track 4 on this 18-track CD. The front insert is a 4-page booklet and there is an additional one-sided insert that opens out, both in English and Japanese.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

WarnerPioneerNov1990JpnBack.jpg (36751 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-60 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen
WarnerPioneerNov1990JpnCD.jpg (22523 bytes)
Warner-Pioneer PCS-60 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

Various Artists - "Top 40 CD Sampler" - promo CD given away with "Hitmakers" trade magazine, Vol. 45 (USA), 16 Nov 1990:

HitmakersUSBack.jpg (38855 bytes)
Rear insert scan by Hans Seegers
R-0338-8 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

For a previous CD in this series, see Wilburys 1989.

There is no front insert. Thanks to Dave Sauve for finding this CD on eBay and to Hans Seegers for scans.

HitmakersUSPromoCD.jpg (31546 bytes)
CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Christmas '90" - promo CD, Warner Music PRO 18 (Greece), 1990:

R-0338-9 She's My Baby (Traveling Wilburys) - album version on promo compilation CD

Information from Hans Seegers.

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.