"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities


thank you animation

Revised: 10 February, 2025.

This web-site would not be possible without all the people who have contributed entries, pictures, comments and corrections. Despite the size of this site, it's still like a jigsaw puzzle with hundreds of pieces missing - every new item for inclusion is very gratefully received.

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Special thanks go to the late Hans Seegers for his provision of huge amounts of information and scans of unique rarities, also for his patience in sorting out previous errors.

Thanks also to Jeani Hoftijzer and the late Wim van der Mark from the Netherlands for the extensive Dylan discography site "Inside The Museums", which has provided much vital information and corrections to existing entries. Sadly, this resource is no longer available.

Thanks to Rod MacBeath for his series of articles "Looking Up Dylan's Sleeves" in "The Telegraph" from 1994 to 1997, continued since then in "The Bridge" magazine . These articles answer so many queries to this web-site that I would like to see them published as a book that I could recommend to readers.

Thanks to Alan Hoaksey for the information provided by his ongoing series of discographical lists in his section "The Dime Store" in "The Bridge".

Hans1.jpg (21549 bytes)
Hans Seegers, passed away 30 Nov 2022

Thanks to Sam C. Visser for all the information provided by his web-site "Rebel With A Cause" featuring Dylan 7" picture sleeves. Sadly Sam died on 28 Feb 2005 at far too young an age. Other contributors no longer with us are Pete Baker and Martin Barrack, both of whom died in 2008, David Plentus, webmaster of the "Dylan Covers" site, who died in a house fire in Jan 2011, and Polish Bob Dylan fan Artur Jarosiński, who died in a car crash on his way home from a concert in 2011 aged only 32. Steven Jump of Badlands in Cheltenham, who died in Sep 2013, supplied me with many Dylan rarities including "The 50th Anniversary Collection" in 2012. Mike Silk, who also died in 2013, was a great friend from my tape and CD-R collecting days. Dean Chambers, also known as "Lowgen" and Sandy Gant, died in 2016. We also mourn the loss of musician and writer Peter Stone Brown, brother of Tony Brown who played bass on "Blood On The Tracks", who died in Oct 2019, Dylan historian Dr. C. P. Lee, who died in Jun 2020, and US collector Paul Prince.

Thanks to Peter Gilmer from Australia for a huge bundle of Dylan rarities from his extensive collection, some of which were new to the site.

HPB with Ozzy Osbourne!

Thanks to the late Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff of BMG Germany and Sony Music for his sterling work in re-releasing obscure and rarely-heard cover versions of Dylan songs, especially the unreleased songs, in his 1997-2003 BMG "May Your Song Always Be Sung" series and the 2011 Sony Music "Pure Dylan" compilation. Hanns Peter sadly died on 19 Oct 2024, aged 73.

Also thanks to Roger Ford and Jeff Friedman for their discographies inside Robert Shelton's "No Direction Home: The Live & Music of Bob Dylan" (New English Library, 1986) and Bob Spitz's "Dylan: A Biography" (Michael Joseph, 1989). Robert Shelton's book was republished by Omnibus Press in 2011 in an expanded edition edited by Elizabeth Thompson and Patrick Humphries. A new appendix describes this web-site as "chillingly thorough", a rather back-handed compliment!

Thanks to Tim Dunn for his help with Dylan copyrights, for copies of his books, and for information from US "Goldmine" magazines. Buy the latest edition of Tim's book "The Bob Dylan Copyright Files 1962-2007" from www.amazon.com and all other Internet bookshops.

Various issues of the UK "Record Collector" magazine, edited by Peter Doggett, have also proved very useful for supplying and verifying information for these pages . Thanks also to Jason Draper and Ian Shirley from "Record Collector". Thanks to David Burgess for supplying several articles from back issues from the 1980s onwards. Thanks also to David for providing scans and for the loan of the book "Bob Dylan: An Illustrated Discography" by Stuart Hoggard and Jim Shields.
Thanks also to Derek and Tracy Barker of "Isis" magazine, and Ian Woodward, author of "The Wicked Messenger" diary, both sources of much information for these pages. Derek's book "The Songs He Didn't Write: Bob Dylan Under The Influence" (Chrome Dreams, 2008), which has been used extensively to check the correct authorship of songs somewhere attributed to Bob in the "Starlight In The East - Bob Dylan's Unreleased Songs" section.

Love him or hate him, this site has made extensive use (always credited) of the work of Clinton Heylin including "Dylan: Behind Closed Doors, The Recording Sessions 1960-1994", "A Life In Stolen Moments - Bob Dylan Day By Day: 1941-1995", "Bob Dylan Behind The Shades Take Two", "Revolution In The Air - The Songs Of Bob Dylan Vol. 1: 1957-73", "Still On The Road - The Songs Of Bob Dylan Vol. 2: 1974-2008" and "Judas! From Forest Hills to the Free Trade Hall - A Historical View of the Big Boo".

Also many thanks to Michael Gray, author of "Song & Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan" and "The Bob Dylan Encyclopaedia" (which contains a flattering entry about me and this web-site). Michael's web-site is here .

Thanks to Jeff Gold, the record dealer and rock music writer who has just written "101 Essential Rock Records: The Golden Age of Vinyl from The Beatles to The Sex Pistols" including The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Another Side Of Bob Dylan, Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde. Visit Jeff's web-site www.recordmecca.com for unique rarities and memorabilia.

Thanks also to Lars M. Banke who has contributed many imported copies of US and Canadian albums exported to Scandinavia with the "Columbia" logos obscured or stickered-over - three examples are shown on the right.

Thanks also to Dr. C. P. Lee, eminent Mancunian and author of "Like The Night: Bob Dylan and the Road to the Manchester Free Trade Hall" (1998 and 2004). I was at the Free Trade Hall concert in May 1965, but unfortunately not there in May 1966! C. P. sadly passed away on 25 Jun 2020.

It's also worth mentioning "The Bob Dylan Album File & Complete Discography" by Brian Hinton, a book which contains two very flattering references to this web-site, in the introduction on page 7 and in the section on " Websites and Fanzines" on page 449!

And of course, my own "Bob Dylan Worldwide: The First Twenty Years", co-authored with Christoph Maus of Maus of Music, Hamburg, Germany.

Added this time: Romain Perrot

Photos of some of our major contributors:

Ronald Born, Germany

Arie de Reus, Holland

Tim Dunn, Ohio, USA

Franck Faugere, France (on right)

Wil Gielen, Holland (also a long-time fan of Valentino Rossi and Newcastle United!)

Bill Hester, Wellington, New Zealand, with his wife Marilyn in Jones Street, New York, 2007 (location of the Freewheelin' cover)

Manuel García Jara, Seville, Spain

Harold Lepidus, Massachusetts, USA

Les Kokay, Christchurch, New Zealand

Stuart Moore, Queensland, Australia

Fred Muller, Whangarei, New Zealand, in front of the Tempest statue, Vienna, Austria, Jun 2013


Éamonn Ó Catháin, Ireland

Sergio Mariano Romay, Tandil, Argentina

Gerd Rundel, Germany

Keith Venturoni, Texas, USA


Thanks also to:

Espen Aas, Tormod Aas, Siwert Aldenryd, George Alevizos, Stuart Allen, Jürg Ambühl, Omri Amit, Fast Tony Anderson, Martin Andrzejewki, Dale Araki, Freddy Ordóñez Araque, Stefan Asplund, Christian Attfield, Juan Antonio Yague Ayuso, Isaac Azumba

Ben Backhurst, Jordi Badell, Mark Bahlen, Philip Bajo, Colin Baker, John Willy Bakke, Berry Bakker, Geoff Bale, Mitchel Balmayne, Michael Bällstav, Nigel Barker, Jenni Barrett, Norman Barrett, Scott Barrey, Reginald Bartlette, Richard Batey, Garry Batt, Carsten Baumann, Eric Baumel, Amanda Beauchamp, Pachi Becerril, Joachim Beck, Dolf Beckers, Ede Beckeringh, Henry V. Bell, Howard Bender, Charles "Chuck" Berendt, Daniel Berg, Roberto Bergadano, Josh Berger, Pete Bernard, Janice Bernath, Lukáš Berný, Gabriel Sola Berrozpe, "Betsy", Elmer Biewenga, Christos Billis, John Blewett, Dorwin Clay Black, Marc Blaker, Joe Boden, Izzy Bogus, Simon Blokker, Ralph Boehm, Harvey Bojarsky, Billy Bolley, Steve Bonilla, Ronald Born, Luis Borrego, Giorgio Bosio, Coenraad Botha, Brian Bourdages, Rogier van den Braak, Dag Braathen, Stephen Braitman, Thor-Kenneth Brandth, Paul Bridgman, Adam Briggs, Andrea Brillo, Justin Brooks, Peter Stone Brown, William Brown, John Buck, Jamie Buckley, Philip Bull, Allan Burger, Neil Burling, André Burmester, Christopher Burton, Anthony Bush, John W. Busher, Mike Butler

Phoenix C, Stefano Cagnucci, Justin Calderone, Al Cale, Kevin Calhoun, Craig Callahan, Peter W. Callas, Francisco Espinoza Cárcamo, "Carlo" from Italy, Wayne Carr, Kevin Carroll, Rob Carson, John Caruth, Christopher Casale, Micol Cazzell, "Chad", Shawn Chambers, Chris Chilvers, David Christman, Dr George Christos, Matthew Cianci, Brian Clarke, Walter Clay, Ben Clayton, Paul Clement, Eddie Doug Cline, Cockrell, Andrew Codd, Don Cohen, Rob Cole, Jacques Colinet, Dave Colleran, Doug Collette, Christine Consolvo, Henry Cooper, Peter Coulthard, Austin Cowden, Rick Craddock, Anthony Craig, Larry Crum, Xavier Cunillera, Steve Cunningham, Mitchell Cutler

Per Erik Dahlberg ("Monoman"), Jan Damgaard, Gordon Darroch, Derek Davies, Jeff Day, Andre de Gaye, Thomas Deak, Matt Dempsey, Stan Denski, David Denyer, Peter Denzler, Renaud Depierreux, Aaron Derfel, Wouter de Wit, Gurbir Dhillon, Mitch Diamond, Amy Dickerson, Don DiMuccio, Wiebke Dittmer, Nitish Dixit, David Dixon, Betti Dockery, Jan Doczyn, James Dodds, Richard Dodds, Matt Dornan, Larry Doubleu, Kevin Doyle, Jason Draper, Christopher Dunn, Robert Dunn, Tim Dunn, Barry Dunnings, James Dunseth

Mark Easter, Mick Ecker, Bob Egan, Blake Eikenberry, Goran Ekberg, Klaus Eklund, Clay Ellwood, Manfred Endtner, Felix Epper, Viktor Ericsson, Steve Espinola, David Abarca Esteve

Christian Faerber, Steven Fant, Thomas Fattoruso, Franck Faugere, David Faulkner, Richard Feirstein, Fritz Fensham, Francisco Fernández, Hilda Fernhout, Joe Ferrari, Izidio Filho, John Fitzgerald, Pat Fitzgerald, David Flanagan, Juergen Flicker, William Flint, John Flood-Paddock, Sean Flores, Ben Floresca, Sigbjørn Flyen, Lloyd Fonveille, Roger Ford, Rowland Ford, Ivan Forgac, Jonathan P. Foulkes, Martin Frandsen, Yoram Franzen, Karen Fredericks, Glenn French, Jeff Friedman, Chris Friedrich, Ingo Friedrich, Glenn Friesen, Yan Friis, Frank Fritsching, Alexandre Froemming, Jack Frost, Scott Fugate, Patti Fultz

Jordan L. Gall, Gino Galvez, Francisco Fernández García, Gavin García, Martin Gayford, John Gaylor, Guiseppe Gazerro, Ewan Gee, Jaydee Gee, Konstantinos Georgopolous, Jakob Gerber, Gerard Germano, Trevor Gibb, Allen Gibson, Wil Gielen, Peter Gilmer, Stu Gilmour, Shireen Ginger, Preston Ginn, Antoine Glemain, Roger Glodowski, Mark Goedegebuur, David Goldsmith, Stephen Goldsmith, Peter Good, Michael Goodall, John Goodwin, James Goulding, Benjamin Graansma, Michael Grasberger, Edward Grazda, Alex Greenway, Neil Gregan, Lee Griffin, Utz Grimminger, Brian Grist, Erik Grobet, David Grossman, Ryan Grubb, Ulf Gyllenspetz

Edwin Haast, Scott Haddrill, Lutz Haertlein, Frans Hagendoorn, Chad Hahn, Eerik Hakala, Riku Halinen, George Hall, Barney Hallingby, Johannes Hampf, Joe Hancock, James Hannigan, Georg Hansson, Stefan Haras, Dale Hargraves, John Harju, Harley ("Big Neon"), Jane Harper, Ted Harrington, Nigel Harrison, Terry Harvey, Al Haug, Tim Hayter, Norman Healy, Juan B. Heinink, Denis Hegron, Manfred Helfert, Patrick Helfrich, Don Helling, Ger Hemel, Hiroshi Hemmi, Guðni Már Henningsson, J Silver Hertford, Hervé from France, Bill Hester, Justin Hickerson, Pea Hicks, Dennis Hieger, Jean-Pol Hiernaux, Richard Hillier, Colin Hindson, Chris Hirte, Roland Hiss, Heather Hively, Alan Hoaksey, Vince Hockey, Martin Hoefermann, Max Hökdal, Yme Hoeksma, Anneke Derksen Hoftijzer, Ian Hollingworth, Stefan Hollstein, Bert Holthuis, Chris Hood, Jon Hopkins, John Howells, Stephen Hu, Bob Hudson, Jeff Hunt, Bowie Hurde, Dag Stian Husby

Matthew Ingate, Philippe Isnard, Alex Ivanov

Grzegorz J., Jack from Canada, Lance Jacobs,Craig Jamieson, Eelco Janzen, Manuel García Jara (from his own collection and that of his late father MGM), Andy Jenkins, Skip Jenkins, T. J. Jenkins, Bjarne Rother Jensen, David Jetson, Rene Jørgensen, Allan Johansen, Robert Johnson, Danny Jones, Dr. Kevin Jones, Pete Jones, Dan Jordan, Stephen Jordan, Rob Joy, Neale Judd, Patricia Jungwirth

François Kahn, Rinji Kamihata, Brendan Kane, John Kanellis, John Kappes, Magne Karlstad, Masato Kato, Justin Kau, Lee Kaufman, Karen Kavanaugh, Darrin Keane, Gage Kenady, Jerry Kendall, Stephen Kennedy, Jim Kenney, Peter van der Kerk, Martin Killeen, Maryann Kirk, Michael Kinnear, Michio Kinoshita, Tony Klein, Andrew Klewan, Lars-Arne Klintworth, Henning Klokkeråsen, David Knowles, Eduardo Gomez Kodela, Les Kokay, Robert Kornovich, Eddie Korvin, Mike Koshitani, Sascha Kossjak, Stefan Kraft, Dirk Krah, Augie Krater, Vladimir Krutoshinskij, Ilkka Kurkela, Marc Kuszel, Nicholas Kutscheid

Leon de Laat, Geraldo Lagden, Rob Lake, Geoffrey John Lambourn, Gil Lamont, Paul Landon, Olav Langum, Dan Lardner, A J LaRue, Barry Latter, Dr. C P Lee, Tim Leeman, Stuart Leitch, Marianna Lemos, Harold Lepidus (Bob Dylan Examiner), Tobias Levander, Harlan Levine, Paul S. Levine, Dan Levy, Mary Lewis, Tommy Lidgren, Ole Lien, Doug Lilly, Francisco Lima. Peter Lindberg, Derek Linfield, Lee Lintott, Jim Linwood, Paul Loeber, Nicolas Louvet, Thomas Lund, Matthew Lutthans, Edvard Lysne

Jon McAuliffe, David McBride, Norman McBride, Ted McCallion, Gary McCarthy, Duff McDonald, Trevor McDonald, Sonny Boy McFitzson, Stephen MacKinnon, Hans-Henrik Dragsbæk Madsen, Sergio Magnacca, Derek Mankelow, Dave Mansell, Daniel Maoz, Evan Marshall, Ray Martell, Damián Martinez, Onno Mastenbroek, Marc Matsumoto, Kenny Matthew, Bill Matthews, Kenny Matthews, Mark Matthews, Robert Matthews, Gerry Mauriello, Mauro from Italy, Christoph Maus, Jeremy Mayle, Bob Mazer, Henk Meijer, Paul Melone, Roberto Mento, Jean-Pierre Mercier, Randy Metheny, Michael Mets, Bob Meyer, Thomas Michalzik, Thommy Mikkat, Beth Miller, Michael Miller, Vince Miller, Christopher Mitchell, Donald Mitchell, John Moore, Stuart Moore, Eddy Moors, Matt Moran, Bruce Mulle, Fred Muller, Logan Mullin, Alex Munro, Joy Munsey, Seiji Murata

Larry Naeve, John Napa, Damien Napoli, Benoît Narinx, Nathaniel Nash, Bryce Navin, Tim Neely, Stefan Neyman, Kimmo Niemi, Dan Norbury, Jules Normington, Scott Neuman, Omer Nuriel

David O'Brien, Éamonn Ó Catháin, Rob O'Connor, Brian Ojalvo, Crispin Ollington, David Olmsted, Magnus Peterson Olsson, Chip Ordway, Giuseppe Orlandi, Emmanuele Orrú, Peter Oudejans, Hervé Oudet, John R. Overall, Robert Ovrebo, Keith Owen

Jim and Gail Paboucek, Luke Pacholski, Michael Palinkas, Jarmo Palokallio, Jim Parkin, John Parris, Bruce Partridge, Jon Paterson, Emanuele Patrocco, Ian Patterson, Robert Paulsen, Bob Paxon, Mike Pearson, Peter Pearson, Cosimino Pecere, Duncan Pedrana, Wouter Peeters, Luis Peixoto, Frank Pellegrino, Máximo Díaz Peña, Paulo Peña, Jim Perlman, Michael Perri, Steve Perrin, Anthony Perry, David Peters, Scott Peters, Jan Halfdan Petersen, Rick Petreycik, Dietmar Petschl, Truman Peyote, Ralph Phippard, Daniel Piancastelli, Jeffrey Lee Pierre, Anthony Pignataro, Yann Pinguet, Jeff Place (Smithsonian Folkways Recordings), Robin Platts, Sam Plessers, Len Pogost, Keith Polasko, David Pollock, Ted Popma, Enrico Porro, Moise Potié, Jay Powers, Jordan Preslar, Tim Price, Jesko Priess, Paul Prince, William Henry Prince, Charlie Pritchard, Daniel Pritchett, John Pruski, Gord Pugh, Vernon Purnell

Liam Quinn

Manuel Rabasse, Bob Radil,  Rafae, Alex Rafi, Paul Raine, Nick Ralph, Donald Randles, James Ratcliff, Raja Abdul Razak, Paul Read, Stephane Rebeschini, Hermann Rechberger, Colm Redmond, Sam Reed, David Reid, Arie de Reus, Jérôme Rey, Bernard Reynaert, Peter Rice, Andrea Richards, John Richardson, Mike Richardson, Tom Ringtved, Rinus ("Stiff Stuff"), Rob Rioux, David Ritter, Mick Robinson, Kenneth Robson, Miguel Ángel García Rodríguez, Dr. Walter Roedl, Patrick Roefflaer, Christopher Rollason, Sergio Mariano Romay, Jim Romeo, Oliver Rose, Elias Rost, George Rothe, Peter Roy, Tom Ruddock, Anke and Gerd Rundel ("Wherever we travel we're never apart"), John Rush, Andrew Russ, Evan Ruster, Jonas Ruthenberg

Marco S from Italy, Mahmoud Sadrai, Troy Saldana, Anssi Sallmén, David Sandilands, Roger Sarao, Jean-Luc S from France, Liesbeth Sarniel, Marcus Saroop, Yoshihiko Satake, Dave Sauve, Brad Savage, Martin Schaefer, Jerry Schatzberg, James Schilling, Gerhard Schinzel, Aaron Schmidt, Tom Schreck, Jeffrey Schulberg, Jeff Schuldt, Harald Schuster, Keith Schweiger, Alejandro Segura, Peter Schoefboeck, Donald J. Senno, Denis Shabes, "ShaKe", Theodore Sharieff-Winston, Paul Shenton, Brett Sherris, William Shetler, "Shnaggletooth", Brian Shoop, Tom Shreck, Jim Siddy, Jennifer Siedenburg, Halvard Sivertsen, Claire Simmons, Harald Sigvartsen, Michele Simpson, John Singer, Halvard Sivertsen, Magnus Sjöberg, Peter Sjöblom, Jo Espen Skog, David Slater, Graham Small, Gary Smith, Michael Smith, Scott Smith, Henk Soeten, Josef Söreke, Stuart Sonshine, David Spano, Paul Spencer, Jason Spradlin, Clay Stabler, Bob Stacy, Marco Stadler, Victoria Stafford, Sam Staycoff, Austin Steele, Mark Steil, John Stevens, Ian Stewart, Roger Stewart, Samuel Stone, Szymon Strużyna, Bill Succolosky, Graham Sullivan, Øyvind Svele, Gabriel Swossil, Anton Sylvain, Gerard Szaulis

Alan Tautfest, Ben Taylor, Stuart Taylor, William Taylor, Siamak Tazari, Robert Teets, Toyohiko Tejima, Peter Tesoro, Dick Teunis, Joshua Tharp, Georg Thoma, David Thomas, Dylan Thomson, Jack Tiggleman, Tjeerd Timmerman, Gordon Todd, Howard Tom, Stanislav Tomik, Simon Topping, Carl Torstensson, Stuart Torrence, Phill Townsend, Royce Townsend, Daniel Trainor, Darren Tucker

Peter van der Kerk, Erik Vanderlinden, Pierre van der Pol, Philip van Dijk, Rob van Estrik, Hendrik van Kampen, Zack van Natta, Paul van Oost, Thierry van Reeth, Joop van Seters, Jan van Thiel, Michael Ventimiglia, Keith Venturoni, Raoul Verolleman, Jérémie Viala, Nick Viani, Peter Viney, Terje Vist, G. Vittori, Andreas Volkert, Jurgen Vreugdenhil, Wim Vuijck

Lawson Wakefield, Bryan Waller, Glynne Walley, Per Wallin, Gil Walker, Jürgen Wasser, Matthew Watt-Smith, Larry Weaver, Stephan Weber, Mark Webster, Daryll Weisblott, Andrew "Hank" Wellman, Donald Welsh, Jan Welter, Anton Wennbom, Fredrik Wennerberg, Janusz Weselski, Annie West, Chevy West, Frans Westerholt, Lars Westerlund, Micah Whalen, Gavin Whitehouse, Dale Wiese, André Wilbers, Johannes Wilbrand, Steve Wilkison, Senne Willems, Tom Willems, Morris Williams, Grant Lloyd Willis, Thomas Wilmeth, Jon Wilson, Steve Wilson, Wolfram Winkler, Jens Winter, Eric Wishart, Carsten Wohlfeld, Harlan Wolfe, Rich Wong

Juan Yagüe, Jake Yahnker, Orhun Yakin, Richard Yakle, Mike Yamhill, Dennis Yardley, Anders Ydremark, Tim Yim, T. J. Young

Melody Zanaty, Tracy Zank, Zanza from Switzerland, Martin Zehr, Hans-Juergen Zollerg, Jan Zoltowski, Orpheas Zoupanos, Matthew Zuckerman and John Z ("Zuke").

And thanks to all those who write in with words of encouragement, it's greatly appreciated!

Keep on keepin' on!

Alan Fraser

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record and audiovisual companies and artists.