"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1966 - Queen Jane Approximately/One Of Must Know (Sooner Or Later)

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

As can be seen, which song was the A- or B-side of this single depended upon the country!

This page contains all 1966 7" singles/EPs with One Of Must Know (Sooner Or Later). It has been separated from 1966 because of the length of that page. "Blonde On Blonde" album releases with rarities and the major 1966 Dylan 7" singles/EPs with rarities are now listed here:

Home ] Up ] 1966 Blonde On Blonde Rarities ] 1966 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? ] 1966 I Want You ] 1966 Just Like A Woman ] 1966 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat ] [ 1966 One Of Us Must Know ] 1966 Rainy Day Women ]

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 03 January, 2025.

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately" - mono 7" promo and commercial singles, Columbia (USA/Canada), 14 Feb 1966:
This single came out well before the release of the Blonde On Blonde album! Which song was the A- or B-side of this single depended upon the country, but One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) was a previously unknown song, and Queen Jane Approximately from the 1965 mono Highway 61 Revisited album would already have been known to fans.

Columbia acetates (USA):

Thanks for Gerd Rundel for finding three acetates of this song for sale on eBay in Oct 2016. They come in buff sleeves with writing in grease pencil in the centres. All have "CO 89216" written on the sleeves at top left and "Bob Johnston" at top right.

Columbia promo singles JZSP-113147/113096 (USA):

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Columbia JZSP-113147 (USA), edited side - scan by Hans Seegers (R-0380)

These promo singles had two versions of One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later).

R-0380 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - edited version (3:07) - JZSP-113147

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Columbia JZSP-113096 (USA), unfaded side - scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia JZSP-113147 (USA), edited side - variant version with "NOT FOR RESALE" and "RADIO STATION COPY" on either side of the 45 RPM/Columbia logo box, scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia JZSP-113096 (USA), unfaded side - variant version, scan by Hans Seegers

R-0050 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49) - JZSP-113096, also on mono releases of Blonde On Blonde - see here
(R-0050 is unfaded compared with the "standard" stereo mix, the Mastersound gold CD of Blonde On Blonde restored the original length - info from Roger Ford. See here for more details)

As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

Columbia 7" single 4-43541 (USA):

SoonerPromo3.jpg (23923 bytes)
Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - promo single A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0050)

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - detail of promo single A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0050, 4:49)

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - promo single B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single A-side, scan by Al Haug

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Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single B-side, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single with generic sleeve, scan by Al Haug

R-0050-2 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49)
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

The other side of this single was Queen Jane Approximately from the mono Highway 61 Revisited album. This has matrix number JZSP-113095 and was the A-side in several countries. (Normally the lower matrix number is the A-side, and Queen Jane Approximately was JZSP-113095 while One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) was JZSP-113096.

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-(SV)5 (USA), 6 Nov 2015:

Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - photo from bobdylan.com

The 18CD Collector's Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 - Bob Dylan 1965-1966 The Cutting Edge includes nine of the mono 7" singles released in 1965 and 1966 with new picture sleeves and a "leopard-skin" spindle with which to play the singles. Columbia 4-43541 from Feb 1966 is included as Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-(SV)5 with the US commercial single labels. The front is from the Japanese single release CBS LL-919-C below, the rear is a curious hybrid of Japanese and German single rear sleeves.

Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - front of box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - "leopard-skin" spindle

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV5 (USA) - front (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV5 (USA) - rear

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV5 (USA) - detail of rear

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-5 (USA) - A-side

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-5 (USA) - detail of A-side

Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-5 (USA) - B-side

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Al Haug and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Philco Invites You To A Disc-A Go-Go Vol. 1"- 7" mono singles boxed set, Columbia Special Products CSP 120-1302 (USA), 1966:

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Columbia Special Products CSP 120-1302 (USA) - front of box scan by Hans Seegers - pink text ("VOLUME I")

There are at least three releases of this box containing five current Columbia 7" singles: the second release shown here has the same title as this with catalogue number CSP 120-1325, with orange text, not pink as here, with a different Dylan single, I Want You/Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (live), listed here. Manuel García Jara points out that the single selection in these boxes was completely random, so there is no point in buying one unless you know it contains a Dylan single!

DiscAGoGo1A.jpg (39676 bytes)
Columbia Special Products CSP 120-1325 (USA) - front of box scan by Hans Seegers - orange text and different catalogue number ("VOLUME I")

Columbia Special Products CSP 120-1302 (USA) - front of box scan by Stefan Haras - pink text ("VOLUME II")

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single A-side with "PHILCO" stamp, photo by Michael Grasberger

Columbia Special Products CSP 120-1302 (USA) - photo from eBay (three Columbia singles and two Epic singles)

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single A-side with "PHILCO" stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single A-side with "PHILCO" stamp in "Columbia" sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 4-43541 (USA) - commercial single B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

R-0050-3 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49)
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

This box with pink text has Columbia 4-43541, One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) c/w Queen Jane Approximately. Hans Seegers' box also contains singles by The Creatures and Little Jimmy Dickens, but two of the five singles are missing. The remaining singles all have "PHILCO" stamped on their labels. Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding the box on eBay illustrated with different singles:

Columbia 4-43541  Bob Dylan    Queen Jane Approximately/One Of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)
Columbia 4-43480  The Creatures  Turn Off The Light/It Must Be Love
Columbia 4-43519  Andy Williams  Bye Bye Blues/You’re Gonna Hear From Me
Epic 5-9894           Bobby Vinton   Tears/Go Away Pain
Epic 5-9876           Mike Douglas   The Men In My Little Girl’s Life/Stranger On The Shore

Stefan Haras has a copy where the box has pink text and the same catalogue number CSP 120-1302, but a different title, "VOLUME II" instead of VOLUME I". It has the same five singles as "VOLUME I".


Hans Seegers has another copy of the box with pink text with a third Dylan 7" single, Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? c/w Highway 61 Revisited, see here.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Michael Grasberger, Gerd Rundel, Stefan Haras and Manuel García Jara for information and pictures.

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately" - mono 7" single, Columbia 4-43541 (Canada), 14 Feb 1966:

Columbia 4-43541 (Canada) - A-side scan by Tom Willems (R-0050)

The commercial Canadian single had orange Columbia labels. It did not have a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scans.

Columbia 4-43541 (Canada) - detail of A-side, scan by Tom Willems

Columbia 4-43541 (Canada) - B-side scan by Tom Willems

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"- mono 7" acetate, CBS (no catalogue number) (UK), 8 Apr 1966:

A-side photo found by Bruce Mulle (B-side is blank)
R-0050-4 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49)
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

This acetate has a handwritten date of "8/4" (8 Apr 1966). It has a white CBS label with typed text and comes in a olain white sleeve, heavily annotated by the previous owner.

Thanks to Bruce Mulle and Steve Perrin for information and pictures.

A-side with sleeve, photo found by Bruce Mulle

A-side in sleeve, photo found by Bruce Mulle

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately"- mono 7" single, CBS 202053 (UK), Apr 1966:

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CBS 202053 (UK) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0050)

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CBS 202053 (UK) - promo B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 202053 (UK) - commercial release A-side scan by Anders Lindh (R-0050, push-out centre)

CBS 202053 (UK) - commercial release B-side scan by Anders Lindh (push-out centre)

CBS 202053 (UK) - commercial release A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0050, solid centre)

CBS 202053 (UK) - commercial release B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (solid centre)

R-0050-4 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49)
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

This is definitely the A-side of the UK release! The other side of this single was also Queen Jane Approximately from the mono Highway 61 Revisited album. Anton Wennbom's commercial orange label copy has a push-out centre, but Manuel's copy has a solid centre.

The UK single had no picture sleeve. Thanks to Roger Ford for pointing out that "from the UK Official Charts website, the single entered what was then the "Record Retailer" chart on 14 Apr 1966 From info about "Record Retailer", it seems this would probably have been based on sales in the week 4-9 April – they compiled their charts on a Tuesday for publication on Thursday, but based on postal returns which presumably would have had to be posted on the Sunday or Monday. So the UK single release must have been very early April at the latest, and possibly late March allowing for some lag before it entered the charts."

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Anton Wennbom, Manuel García Jara and Anders Lindh for information and scans.

"Queen Jane Approximately"/"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"- mono 7" singles, CBS 2053 (NL), May 1966:
This date may be wrong, because the later Dutch single
CBS 2307, Rainy Day Women #12 & 35/Pledging My Time was definitely released in May 1966 (it entered the Dutch charts on 21 May 1966). Tom Willems says the book "Hypnotist Collectors" by Jean-Louis Dréau and Robert Schlockoff (Média Presse, France, 1989) gives the release date of CBS 2053 as 8 Jul 1966. CBS 2053 did not enter the Dutch charts, so they're no help. Tom says another source gives the Dutch release date as after 12 Aug 1966, and definitely after CBS 2307!

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CBS 2053 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

The Dutch single had a picture sleeve, but the A- and B-sides were reversed, so that Queen Jane Approximately was the A-side! This was the first Dutch single to have a sleeve with a different rear showing pictures of contemporary CBS Holland singles. "SUCCESS" on the rear sleeve is misspelled "SUCCES". The Dutch single has two label variations, the first shows the playing speed as "45 rpm" and the second as "45 RPM", placed slightly differently.

Thanks to Francisco Lima for information and to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

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CBS 2053 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

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CBS 2053 (NL) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

"Queen Jane Approximately"/"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"- mono 7" singles, CBS 202 053 (Norway/Sweden/Denmark), May 1966:

QJA7SwedenFront.jpg (19385 bytes)
CBS 202 053 (Sweden) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 202 053 (Sweden) - detail of front with printer name, scan by
Anders Lindh

CBS 202 053 (Denmark) - front scan by Magne Karlstad

CBS 202 053 (Denmark) - rear scan by Magne Karlstad

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CBS 202 053 (Norway) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (also sold in Sweden, reversed in Denmark)

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CBS 202 053 (Norway) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0050, 4:49) (also sold in Sweden, reversed in Denmark)

Like the Dutch single above, the Swedish single had the A- and B-sides reversed, so that Queen Jane Approximately was the A-side. The Danish single had One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) as the A-side. Even though thee singles were pressed in Oslo, Norway, I haven't found an example of a Norwegian sleeve!

Information from Hans Seegers: "Until 1973 all Scandinavian releases were pressed at the PolyGram pressing plant in Oslo, but up to 1968 the CBS companies in Norway, Denmark and Sweden printed their own picture sleeves. The labels of these Scandinavian singles are therefore completely identical, and all have 710 in the matrix number."

CBS 202 053 (Sweden) - front of sleeve with UK single, photo found by Anders Lindh
The single on the left has been bought by Anders Lindh from Sweden, and is the UK pressed single as above in a Swedish sleeve.

Anders found out that the original buyer was "Marianne" (name on the rear sleeve) and it was her son who auctioned it. The single was bought in the Swedish town of Gävle in 1966 or 1967. Anders believes that this imported single release was sold legitimately in Sweden. The question is in what quantity compared with the Norwegian pressed single? Anders noticed the Scandinavian single has the UK catalogue number, which may be significant (so does the Swedish 1965 The Times They Are A-Changin' single, CBS 201 751, see Mono 7" Singles 1965.). Anders has since found two more copies like this on the Swedish auction site VinylKoll [Vinyl Check], so maybe the UK single was imported into Sweden in larger quantities.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Magne Karlstad and Anders Lindh for information and pictures.

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately"- mono 7" singles, CBS BA-221274 (Australia), May 1966:

CBS BA-221274 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0050, variant 1)

CBS BA-221274 (Australia) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1 - variant 2 has the same text)

CBS BA-221274 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS BA-221274 (Australia) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0050, variant 2)

CBS BA-221274 (Australia) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

These singles had no picture sleeve. The length of the A-side is shown as 4:55. To the right of the centre hole the A-side has "CONTROL" while the B-side has the Allan's logo.

Manuel García Jara has a copy of the single where there is a narrower gap between the central CBS logo and the song titles, especially on the B-side. The Allan's logo on the B-side is equidistant between the catalogue number and the matrix number - on the B-side of Hans' copy it is lower.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately"- mono 7" singles, CBS SSC.654 (South Africa/Rhodesia), May 1966:
Scans of the South African release required! It does not have the distinctive triangular centre of the Rhodesian single.

CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - A-side in generic "CBS Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - A-side scan by Jim Siddy

CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - B-side scan by Jim Siddy

CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - A-side in generic "Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

CBS SSC.654 (Rhodesia) - B-side in generic "Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

Generic "Seven Single" sleeve, scan by Jim Siddy

The first Rhodesian release illustrated came in the same "CBS Seven Single" sleeve as used in South Africa. Amazingly, it belonged to a woman called Rosemary Burgoyne, whom I knew when she and her husband lived in Didsbury in Manchester in the late 1960s! They subsequently moved to South Africa, where she still lives, although her husband has now died. The second Rhodesian single comes in a unique yellow/brown "Seven Single" sleeve with text in English and Afrikaans.

Thanks to Ed Ricardo, Tom Willems and Jim Siddy for information and scans.

"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5660 (France/Spain), May 1966:
For a more detailed entry on the variants of these two EPs, see here.

RDWEPFrFront.jpg (26023 bytes)
CBS 5660 (France) - front with languette, scan by Hans Seegers

R-0051M-2 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - single edit, 2:26

R-0052-2 Pledging My Time - single edit, 2:06

CBS 5660 (France) - detail of front with languette, scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5660 (France) - rear scan with languette by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5660 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 5660 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

5 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version, from mono release of Blonde On Blonde - see Mono Album Releases
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

Note the unique languette or index tab on the French EP - for more information about languettes, see 1965.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)"/"Queen Jane Approximately"- mono 7" promo and commercial singles, CBS LL-919-C (Japan), 1 Jun 1966:
This single is very rare indeed, and the promo version is almost impossible to find!

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - front of insert scan by Hans Seegers
R-0050-6 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49)
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

The other side of this single was Queen Jane Approximately from the mono Highway 61 Revisited album (4:55). The promo release has white CBS labels with the date "'66-6-1" (1 Jun 1966). The commercial release has orange CBS labels. There was a four-page insert inside the generic sleeve with release-specific artwork. The promo release came in the green Columbia sleeve (the record itself is "CBS").

For illustrations of the generic 1966 Japanese sleeves provided by Hans Seegers see 7" Singles Sleeves.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - rear of insert scan by Hans Seegers

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS LL-919-C (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Sleeve that housed the promo record, scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "This Is Folk Rock!! Vol. 2" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS YS-665-C (Japan), Jul 1966:
Despite the fact that Bob always rejected claims he invented or ever played "folk rock", CBS insisted in sticking that label on him! For the first album in the This Is Folk Rock series, see International Compilations: Various Artist Albums 1962-69.

FolkRockJpn2Front.jpg (29158 bytes)
CBS YS-665-C (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
Side 1 had a rarity:

R-0051 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - single edit, 2:26 (stereo)

Side 2 had One Of Must Know (Sooner Or Later) but it was the regular stereo album version, not the edited version (R-0380, 3:07) or the unfaded version (R-0050, 4:49) - for both of these see above. I also misreported that Side 2 of this album had the stereo version of Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - this is now confirmed to be the "standard" mono version, as found on Biograph (1985, remastered CD release 1997) and the 2000/2001 Essential Bob Dylan/Ultimate Bob Dylan compilations. The only occurrence of the stereo version is on a CBS stereo acetate, see 1965. The superb stereo version is in circulation amongst collectors on several bootleg albums and should be released by Columbia. (The CBS Spanish 7" EP and singles released in 1972 are now proved to have the track in mispressed mono, not stereo.)

FolkRockJpn2Back.jpg (33170 bytes)
CBS YS-665-C (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

The other tracks on the album are from the Byrds, Simon & Garfunkel, Chad & Jill Stuart and Chad & Jeremy.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Exciting Years" - mono compilation LP, Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA), 1966:

ExcitingYearsFront.jpg (29501 bytes)
Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

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Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

ExcitingYearsBackDetail.jpg (39937 bytes)
Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA) - detail of rear with text about Bob, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

ExcitingYearsSide2.jpg (22959 bytes)
Columbia Special Products CSM 387 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (with R-0050)

This was a Limited Edition, not available in record stores.

R-0050-7 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49), from mono release of Blonde On Blonde - see here and Mono Album Releases
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folk + Beat" - 7" mono EP, CBS EP 5999 (West Germany), 1966:

GerEP5999Front.jpg (25400 bytes)
CBS EP 5999 (West Germany) - front of sleeve with drawing of Bob, scan by Hans Seegers
R-0050-8 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version (4:49), from mono release of Blonde On Blonde - see here and Mono Album Releases
As Blonde On Blonde was released on 2CDs as part of the Oct 2010 9CD release The Original Mono Recordings, R-0050 is no longer a rarity.
GerEP5999Back.jpg (28652 bytes)
CBS EP 5999 (West Germany) - rear of sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS EP 5999 (West Germany) - A-side scan by Ronald Born (includes former R-0050)

CBS EP 5999 (West Germany) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

The other tracks on this EP were by Simon & Garfunkel, Paul Revere and the Raiders, and The Statler Brothers.

For other West German mono EPs without rarities, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

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A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.