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Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits

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Blonde On Blonde 1966
Blonde On Blonde

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

Because of the length of this page, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits CD releases are now here. For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

John Wesley Harding 1968
John Wesley Harding



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 14 January, 2025.

US stereo album front

Original US stereo LP, Columbia KCS 9463, 27 Mar 1967.

The front photograph is a live 1966 shot by Rowland Scherman, whose name is misspelled on the rear sleeve as "Roland Scherman". The rear photo is by David Gartner and Fred Hammerstein. The Milton Glaser poster included with this album is shown on the right. According to the 2012 French Télérama magazine "Dylan Is Dylan" the Milton Glaser poster was inspired by the 1959 work "Self Portrait in Profile" by French artist Marcel Duchamp (far right).

Also shown on the left is a composite picture of the mono and stereo releases - the stereo release has a higher crop of the picture than the mono release, which cuts off the top of Bob's hair.

For mono releases of this album, see Mono Album Releases.


Side 1: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; It Ain't Me, Babe: Like A Rolling Stone

Side 2: Mr Tambourine Man; Subterranean Homesick Blues; I Want You; Positively 4th Street (stereo version of 1965 mono single); Just Like A Woman

Picture from www.track16.com

Composite of stereo and mono fronts

With the exception of Positively 4th Street, all the tracks are the standard stereo album versions. Positively 4th Street was released previously only as a mono single, so this stereo mix at 3:56 was a new release. The latest remastered CD edition of this US release of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (including the 2012 Steve Hoffman remix) contains a slightly longer mix at 4:12, but the 3:56 mix is still available on Biograph. The 4:12 stereo mix, first released on a 1966 record club album called Disco Teen 66, was previously listed as a rarity (R-0049, see Released Rarities).

For worldwide stereo albums with the title Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits with different tracklists, see International Albums (Dylan-only Compilations).

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia KCS 9463 (USA), 27 Mar 1967, reissued late 1960s/early 1970s (twice); Columbia PC 9463 (USA), late 1970s; Columbia JC 9463 (USA), 1980s; Columbia JC 9463 (USA), late 1980s (Columbia House Edition); Columbia 9463 (USA), 1990s and 2001:
For the mono release of this album, see Mono Album Releases.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA), 27 Mar 1967:

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers
The original release of the stereo album (KCS 9463) had black and white or purple and white stickers on the front sleeve - for the purple sticker, see Mono Album Releases. The record has Columbia "360° SOUND" stereo labels. The rear sleeve is identical to the mono rear sleeve and has both mono and stereo catalogue numbers.

Gerd Rundel's first release copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-1A, Side 2 - XSM 117278-1A. The front sleeve has the sticker advertising the giant poster as shown. Joe Hancock has a copy with an "S" in a circle at bottom right of the rear sleeve (this indicates the sleeve was printed at Columbia's plant at Santa Maria, California). Jeff Day has a copy of this original release that comes with the poster and where the record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-1B, Side 2 - XSM 117278-1B. This was the second cutting from the first master.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front of sealed copy with sticker, photo by Paul Melone

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear of sealed copy with poster inside shrinkwrap,
photo by Paul Melone

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of front with Columbia logo and stereo logo, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCL 2663/KCS 9463 (USA) - black/white sticker scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear scan by Jeremy Mayle

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCL 2663/KCS 9463 (USA) - poster scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, photo by Gerd Rundel

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both stereo and mono catalogue numbers)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 2, photo by Gerd Rundel

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (no number at bottom right)

Melody Zanaty has a pristine copy with the poster where the record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-1K, Side 2 - XSM 117278-1H. According to the Steve Hoffman Forum, "xH" pressings were made at Columbia's Carrollton, GA, plant, so "xK" pressings must have came from there too.

Columbia KCL 2663/KCS 9463 (USA), stereo copies with mono record labels (late 1960s?):

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in mono sleeve that plays stereo)

Several contributors to the site have copies of what purports to be the mono album with the second mono release labels as shown in Mono Album Releases ("MONO" without the "360° SOUND" logo), but which play stereo. All these records have stereo matrix numbers on both the record and the labels to the right of the centre hole, although they have the mono catalogue number on the labels to the left of the centre hole! Hans Seegers, Ron Kraft, Chip Ordway, Stefan Neyman, Renaud Depierreux, Justin Calderone and Sergio Mariano Romay also have copies of this mislabelled album, so it appears to have been a batch that was labelled incorrectly. Hans Seegers confirms this is a known error and the copies are very collectable.

Sergio Mariano Romay has two copies with mono labels, both of which have records that play stereo. The first comes in a mono sleeve, and the second in a stereo sleeve. Both rear sleeves have a "1" at bottom right, indicating the sleeve was fabricated by Modern Album Finishing Co., probably at Terre Haute, IN. Sergio's second copy has a front sticker advertising the giant poster, different from the sticker shown above, Both of Sergio's records have stamped stereo matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-1A, Side 2 - XSM 117278-1C. Justin Calderone has a copy with mono labels and with the same stereo matrix numbers. Chip Ordway's copy has stereo matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-1E, Side 2 - XSM 117278-1A. Stefan Neyman's copy has stereo matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1A, Side 2 - XSM117278-1G. Renaud Depierreux's copy has stereo matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1E, Side 2 - XSM117278-1E.

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in mono sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in mono sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in mono sleeve, with "1" at bottom right)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in stereo sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in stereo sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in stereo sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in stereo sleeve, also with "1" at bottom right)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of spine, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in KCL 2663 mono sleeve)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front sticker scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in stereo sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of front sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy in stereo sleeve that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers (different sticker with thinner white borders for comparison, see above)

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of spine, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in stereo sleeve - "PRINTED IN U.S.A.")

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy that plays stereo - mono catalogue number on left, "XSM" stereo matrix number on right)

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (second release copy that plays stereo)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in mono sleeve, no photo credit)

Columbia KCL 2663 (USA) - detail of rear, photocopy by Paul Shenton (mono sleeve, photo credit to David Gartner only)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (copy in stereo sleeve, with photo credit to David Gartner and Fred Hammerstein)

All three of the rear sleeves shown have a "1" at bottom right, meaning they were fabricated by Modern Album Finishing Co., probably at Terre Haute, IN.

Ian Woodward has a Columbia US catalogue from late 1968 with a tear-off portion so dealers could order albums to stock for Christmas. The only two Dylan albums listed are Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits and John Wesley Harding, both in four stereo formats: LP, 4-track stereo, 8-track stereo and stereo reel-to-reel tape (all shown here). This indicates that by late 1968 Columb8ia US had stopped promoting mono LPs.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA), early 1970s reissue (two variants):

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - front photo by Alex Rafi

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Patrick Helfrich (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear with promo sticker, photo by Alex Rafi

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear promo sticker photo by Alex Rafi

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Patrick Helfrich (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release - "STEREO")

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Patrick Helfrich (second early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Patrick Helfrich (second early 1970s release - no "STEREO")

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Patrick Helfrich (second early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release - "A" at bottom right)

The record labels of Patrick's copy no longer have STEREO" to the left of the centre hole. Patrick's record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2C, Side 2 - XSM117278-1C.

Columbia KCS 9463 was reissued without the STEREO/arrows logo on the front and with 1970s style Columbia labels with the logo in a ring round the circumference. Patrick Helfrich's copy still has the sticker on the front and the Milton Glaser poster. The rear sleeve of the sleeve is pasted on. Gerd Rundel's copy also has the Milton Glaser poster, and the rear sleeve has an "A" at bottom right, indicating it was made at Columbia Records, Terre Haute, IN. The record labels of this copy still have “STEREO” to the left of the centre hole below the catalogue number. This record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1AJ, Side 2 - XSM117278-1AD.

Alex Rafi has a copy with a promo sticker on the rear sleeve, which does not have a number at bottom right. The record labels have the second early 1970s design without "STEREO" to the left of the centre hole. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2C, Side 2 - XSM117278-1C.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - rear photocopy by Paul Shenton (second early 1970s release)
Pauyl Shenton has a copy of the KCS 9463 album with the same record labels as shown above from Patrick Helfrich without "STEREO", the one I've called the second early 1970s release. The rear sleeve has two symbols at bottom right, a heart next to the Columbia logo, and a "1" at the far right. This means it was probably made for Columbia Records at Pitman, NJ. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2C, Side 2 - XSM117278-2A.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, photocopy by Paul Shenton (second early 1970s release - heart symbol and "1" on right)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA), late 1970s:

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - front photo by Adam Briggs (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - rear photo by Adam Briggs (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Adam Briggs (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1970s release with blocky "S" next to logo)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear with military stamp, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - military stamp on rear, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

Columbia PC 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (late 1970s release)

This album was reissued in the late 1970s as Columbia PC 9463. The catalogue number on the front sleeve, the spine and the record labels is "PC 9463", but "KCS 9463" is still on the rear sleeve as shown. Adam Briggs' copy of this album has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277  2A  IT, Side 2 - XSM117278-2B. Hans Seegers' copy of this album has a gold stamp saying "FOR MILITARY SALE ONLY" (presumably at PXs worldwide).

Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy of this release with a blocky “S” near the Columbia logo on the rear sleeve. This means the sleeve was printed at the Columbia Records plant in Santa Maria, CA.  The record labels of all three copies shown are identical. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2D, Side 2 - XSM117278-2B.

Columbia JC 9463 (USA), 1980s (two releases):
GH1US1970Front.jpg (21301 bytes)
Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - front with sticker, picture from eil.com
The album was released as Columbia JC 9463 in the 1980s. Gerd Rundel has two copies of Columbia JC 9463 with different rear sleeves and record labels. They have catalogue number JC 9463 on the spine of the sleeve and record labels, and come with the Milton Glaser poster and a front sticker.

Gerd's first release copy has a black sticker without a white border advertising the wall poster and a price sticker for $7.49 plus "84" which may be 1984. There is no barcode on the rear sleeve. The record shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2AE, Side 2 - XSM117278-2K. “COLUMBIA NY” is also stamped on both sides of the vinyl.

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - front sticker and price sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release - no white border)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - front with alternate sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - alternate front sticker scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (with white border)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (all 1980s releases)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release with inverted triangle)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release)

Sergio Mariano Romay's first release JC 9463 copy has a different dark violet sticker including text “KCL 2663/KCS 9463” (not the same as the 1967 purple sticker). The rear sleeve (no barcode) and record labels (without inverted triangle) are the same as Gerd's and this copy also has a poster. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-2K, Side 2 - XSM117278-2E (which implies it's earlier than Gerd's first copy).

Gerd's second 1980s release from 1986 has a barcode on the rear sleeve, not the same as on the rear sleeve of Hans Seegers' copy below. This copy can be dated after 1985 because of the inverted triangle on the Side 1 record label, introduced on record and cassette labels with Biograph in 1985. The record of the second 1980s release shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-2AF, Side 2 - XSM-117278-G2D. Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for pointing out that this 1986 release has superb sound, much better than any of the previous releases! The record of his copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277-2AF, Side 2 - XSM-117278-2AA.

Columbia JC 9463 (USA), late 1980s (Columbia House Edition):

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release)
This unusual release comes in the second 1980s sleeve with a barcode on the rear as shown above. There is no mention of “Columbia House” (formerly the Columbia Record Club), on the sleeve.
Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release)

Columbia JC 9463 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s Columbia House release - no "A" at bottom right)

Apart from “Columbia House” to the left of the centre hole the record labels look the same as Gerd Rundel's listed second 1980s release above, with the inverted triangle on the Side 1 record label, introduced on record and cassette labels with Biograph in 1985. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - (FXAP) XSM117277-G2F, Side 2 -(FXAP) XSM117278-G2F.

Columbia 9463 (USA), late 1980s/early 1990s, re-released 2001:

Columbia 9463 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 9463 (USA) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 9463 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (labels say "PC 9463")

Columbia 9463 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (labels say "PC 9463")

Columbia 9463 (USA) - 2001 180gm reissue, detail of front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

On the final release in the late 1980s/early 1990s, the catalogue number is reduced to just "9463" on the sleeve, but the record has plain red Columbia 1980s/1990s style labels which have the catalogue number as "PC 9463". The rear sleeve again has a barcode. Columbia 9463 was reissued in 2001 on "180 Gram Virgin Vinyl" (not recycled vinyl). In all other respects it is identical to the 1990s release.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA), stereo 180gm heavyweight vinyl reissue, 17 May 2011:

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) -
picture from www.amazon.com (2011 release)
More details of this release will be added when available.

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA), stereo 180gm heavyweight vinyl reissue, 15 Dec 2014:

Columbia KCS 9463 (USA) - picture from www.amazon.co.uk (2014 release)

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this 180gm heavyweight vinyl reissue. More information will be added when available.

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551  (USA), stereo 180gm heavyweight vinyl 2LP reissue, 13 Oct 2015:

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551  (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information about this 180gm heavyweight vinyl reissue, on two LPs playing at 45 rpm, released by Mobile Fidelity under licence from Columbia in 2015. Gerd Rundel has a 180gm RTI test pressing of the 2LP set. The test pressing is undated, but normally they are made 6 - 12 months before the commercial release. Each record comes in a plain white sleeve with stickers at front top left. Sides 1 and 3 have generic RTI labels while Sides 2 and 4 have plain white labels. The matrix numbers are wrongly listed on the sleeve of the second record (“22769.1-22769.2” instead of “22769.3-22769.4”). The records of this copy have handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - MFSL 2-417 A1 plus 22769.1 (3), KW @ MoFi opposite, Side 2 - MFSL 2-417 B1 plus 22769.2 (3), KW @ MoFi opposite, Side 3 - MFSL 2-417 C1 plus 22769.3 (3), KW @ MoFi opposite, Side 4 - MFSL 2-417 D1 plus 22769.4 (3), KW @ MoFi opposite. In the matrix numbers, “KW” means that the records were mastered by Krieg Wunderlich of Mobile Fidelity.

The Milton Glaser portrait of Bob from the 1967 poster is now inside the gatefold sleeve of the commercial release.

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551  (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) - detail of front sleeve of test pressing Record 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) - test pressing Side 1 (Record 1, Side 1), scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) - test pressing Side 2 (Record 1, Side 2), scan by Gerd Rundel (Side 4 is the same)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) - detail of front sleeve of test pressing Record 2, scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) - test pressing Side 3 (Record 2, Side 1), scan by Gerd Rundel

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) -  Side 1 (Record 1, Side 1) scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551  (USA) - inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) -  Side 2 (Record 1, Side 2) scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) -  Side 3 (Record 2, Side 1) scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

Mobile Fidelity/Columbia MFSL 2-417/88875022551 (USA) -  Side 4 (Record 2, Side 2) scan by Gerd Rundel (2015 commercial release)

There was also a 2016 SACD release of this album from Mobile Fidelity. Thanks to record store Badlands for news that this 2LP set will be re-released in Sep 2023.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel, Patrick Helfrich, Ted Popma, Jeremy Mayle, Sergio Mariano Romay, Adam Briggs, Adam S and Paul Melone for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export), 1970s:

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke

This 1970s copy of Columbia PC 9463 was bought in South Africa. It has "CBS" labels on the shrink-wrap (not the sleeve) covering the Columbia logos on front and rear, but the other instances of "Columbia" on the sleeve are not obscured. The record labels do not have stickers covering the ring of Columbia logos. It comes with the usual Milton Glaser poster as advertised on a front sticker. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277 – 2K, Side 2 - XSM117278 – 2E.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - front "CBS" sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - rear with black circular sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - rear "CBS" sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia PC 9463 (USA for export) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export), 1980s:

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - rear with black circular sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - detail of rear with black circular sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - Side 1 with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia JC 9463 (USA for export) - Side 2 with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

This 1980s copy of Columbia JC 9463 was bought in Sweden. “Columbia” is not erased or hidden on the sleeve except for one black circular sticker in the upper right cover of the rear sleeve. The record labels have black ring-shaped stickers covering the ring of Columbia logos. The record of this copy again has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277 – 2K, Side 2 - XSM117278 – 2E.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo reel-to-reel tapes, Columbia CQ 1019/HC 1019 (USA), 27 Mar 1967:

GH1USTapeFront.jpg (20952 bytes)
Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

GH1USTapeBack.jpg (24697 bytes)
Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers
GH1USTapeReel1.jpg (17892 bytes)
Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - tape reel scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CQ 1019 (USA) - detail of tape label, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - front scan by Steven Fant

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - detail of front, scan by Steven Fant

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - rear scan by Steven Fant

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Steven Fant

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - tape reel scan by Steven Fant

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - detail of tape label, scan by Steven Fant

This album was released in 1967 on stereo reel-to-reel 4-track tape in two versions: Columbia CQ 1019 ran at 7½" per second, Columbia HC 1019 ran at 3¾" per second. The tape boxes were identical apart from the catalogue number and the tape speed on the spine. The 7½" per second speed recording was the higher quality, because it used twice as much tape. The tape boxes were made of black card, hinged at the left, with a wraparound label covering the front, spine and rear, and a second top label. The 7½" per second tape reel had a silver label, the 3¾" per second tape had a white label. Both tape reels are grey, but of different designs. Hans Seegers has a copy of HC 1019 with the same tape reel as Steven Fant's copy shown.

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - spine of tape box scan by Steven Fant (CQ 1019 is the same apart from the catalogue number and tape speed)

Columbia HC 1019 (USA) - top of tape box scan by Steven Fant (CQ 1019 is the same apart from the catalogue number)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Steven Fant for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo 4-track cartridge, Columbia 14 KO 0220 (USA), 1967:

Columbia 14 KO 0220 (USA) - slipcase top, scan by Hans Seegers
This is a very rare item! 4-track was a short-lived continuous tape format, quickly superseded by 8-track. It has only two "programs" per tape instead of four as in 8-track (see below). The cartridge is in green plastic, contained inside a black slipcase.

Unusually, the running order has not been changed to make both programs of approximately equal length, and the sides are the same as that of the vinyl release.

Columbia 14 KO 0220 (USA) - slipcase underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 14 KO 0220 (USA) - cartridge top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 14 KO 0220 (USA) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. For US and Canadian 8-track releases from 1968 onwards, see below.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo 8-track cartridges, Columbia (various catalogue numbers) (USA), 1968 onwards; CBS 18 10 0220 (USA for UK), 1968:

Columbia 18 10 0220 (USA) - slipcase top, scan by Hans Seegers (this slipcase was also used for Columbia 18 KO 0220 and Columbia PCA 00220)

Columbia 18 10 0220 (USA) - slipcase underside, scan by Hans Seegers (this slipcase was also used for Columbia 18 KO 0220 and Columbia PCA 00220)

Columbia 18 10 0220 (USA) - cartridge top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 10 0220 (USA) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 18 10 0220 (USA for UK) - slipcase top, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 18 10 0220 (USA for UK) - slipcase underside, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 18 10 0220 (USA for UK) - cartridge top, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 18 10 0220 (USA) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House JCA 00220 (USA) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 18 10 0220 (USA for UK) - cartridge underside, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (USA) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia PCA 00220 (USA) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (USA) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House JCA 00220 (USA) - slipcase top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House JCA 00220 (USA) - slipcase underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House JCA 00220 (USA) - cartridge top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia House JCA 00220 (USA) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia PCA 00220 (USA) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Hans Seegers has four copies of this release with catalogue numbers: 18 10 0220 (1968), 18 KO 0220 (1970), JCA 00220 (early 1970s) and PCA 00220 (mid 1970s).

8-track was a continuous tape cartridge format, with four stereo "programs" per tape. For a 1967 US 4-track release, see above. The 1968 cartridge is in red plastic, contained inside a black slipcase. It was released twice, in 1968 as 18 10 0220 and in 1970 as 18 KO 0220. The Columbia House release JCA 00220 had a blue slipcase and a black cartridge. The mid 1970s Columbia release PCA 00220 also had a black cartridge and used the same black slipcase as the 1968 and 1970 releases. The track order on all releases was rearranged to make all four programs of roughly equivalent length:

Program 1: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Mr. Tambourine Man
Program 2: Positively 4th Street; Like A Rolling Stone
Program 3: The Times They Are A-Changin'; It Ain't Me, Babe; I Want You
Program 4: Just Like A Woman; Subterranean Homesick Blues; Blowin' In The Wind.

The cartridge on all releases had a top label and a separate underside/end label.

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (USA) - the cartridge top of the second release was the same as for the first release, 18 10 0220.

Columbia PCA 00220 (USA) - the cartridge top of the fourth release was the same as for the third release, Columbia House JCA 00220.

Manuel García Jara has a copy of the 1968 "18 10 0220" release with "Columbia" replaced by "CBS" that was bought in London in late 1969, although it could have been released some months before. It was made in the USA to be exported to the UK and possibly to other European countries. Unlike an 8-track release of The Times They Are A-Changin' listed on that album's page, the cut-outs in the front and rear of the slipcase match exactly the artwork of the tape. This slipcase, similar to that of the US release, has "CBS" logos on the front and the rear instead of "Columbia", even though it was made in the USA ("Printed in USA" is above the cut-out and "Manufactured by CBS... New York" at the bottom). The cartridge itself has a "CBS" sticker covering the "Columbia" logo. There are two separate labels on the front and rear of the cartridge, and, unlike on the tape cartridge for the US market, there is no label on the end.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA), early 1970s (three releases); Columbia JCT 00220 (USA), 1980s ; Columbia JCT 9463 (USA), late 1980s:

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA), early 1970s (three releases):

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (all early 1970s releases)
These three early 1970s releases have the same catalogue number. The cassettes of the first two releases have white paper labels, and the first release has an earlier insert than those of the second and third releases. The reverse of the first early 1970s insert has details of different Columbia artists cassette releases, including 1967's Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, but not Self Portrait. The reverse of the second and third early 1970s inserts has details of other Columbia artists' cassette releases, including 1970's Self Portrait (although not New Morning).

All the 1970s cassettes are light grey, the first three have white paper labels and the third has black text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" is missing from the first two sets of labels.

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release )

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - detail of inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release - Greatest Hits)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release variant 1 - white paper labels, "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" missing from right)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release variant 1 - white paper labels, "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" missing from right)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Augie Krater (first early 1970s release variant 2 - "ASSEMBLED IN MEXICO" embossed)
Augie Krater's copy of the first early 1970s release has the same insert and case sticker as Gerd Rundel's copy but the cassette is different. The labels are off-white and the cassette has "ASSEMBLED IN MEXICO" embossed. This may actually be the very first US cassette release.
Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Augie Krater (first early 1970s release variant 2 - off-white paper labels, "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" missing from right)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Augie Krater (first early 1970s release variant 2 - off-white paper labels, "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" missing from right)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third early 1970s releases - different cassette releases)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - detail of inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third early 1970s releases - Self Portrait)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second early 1970s release - white paper labels)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second early 1970s release - white paper labels)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first early 1970s release - "9 220" upside down)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first and second early 1970s release variants - "MADE IN U.S.A.", on the first release it's on both sides, on the second, Side 1 only)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (third early 1970s release - no paper labels)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (third early 1970s release - no paper labels)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - end of cassette case, scan by Steven Fant (first early 1970s release)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - end of cassette case, scan by Gerd Rundel (second early 1970s release)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (USA) - top of cassette, scan by Gerd Rundel (second early 1970s release)

The cassette of the first release (with paper labels) has "MADE IN U.S.A." embossed on both sides and what looks like "9 220" printed upside down on Side 1. The cassette of the second release (also with paper labels) has "MADE IN U.S.A." embossed on Side 1 only and "10 220" (part of the catalogue number) stamped in black on the top. The cassettes of both the second and third releases have "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" on the far right, this is missing from the first release cassette.

The black cassette case of the first early 1970s release has a white sticker with black text, the black cassette case of the other early 1970s releases has a white sticker with purple text.

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA), later 1970s:

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Steven Fant (later 1970s release)

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Steven Fant (later 1970s release)

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Steven Fant (later 1970s release)

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Steven Fant (later 1970s release)

Columbia PCT-00220 (USA) - end of cassette case, scan by Steven Fant (later 1970s release)

This later 1970s release looks similar to the third early 1970s release apart from having a new catalogue number. This time there are no Bob Dylan cassette releases listed on the inside of the insert. The cassette is again light grey with black text, there are no paper labels. "COLUMBIA STEREO CASSETTE" is now printed on the left of each cassette side. The black cassette case again has a white sticker with purple text.

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA), 1980s (three variants):

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s releases, inside is blank)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release variant 1 - "MADE IN USA" embossed at top right)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release variant 1)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release variant 2)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release, inside is blank)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release - "MADE IN USA" embossed at top right)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1980s release)

Columbia JCT 00220 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first 1980s release variant 2 - "MADE IN USA" embossed at top right)

This release has another new catalogue number, JCT 00220. This 1980s insert has a barcode on the front and the inside is blank. The first release cassette is again light grey with black text, there are no paper labels. There are two cassette variants: the first has "MADE IN USA" embossed at top right of Side 1 while the second has it on top right of Side 2.

The insert that comes with the second 1980s release cassette has the same catalogue number but a smaller barcode on the front. The second release cassette is now clear plastic with white text. The copy shown has "MADE IN USA" embossed at top right of Side 1.

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA), late 1980s (two variants):

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release variant 1, inside is blank)

The late 1980s release has another new catalogue number, JCT 9463 (in line with the LP catalogue number of that time - "JC 9463"). There are two insert variants, both blank on the inside. The first insert has a barcode on the back, the second has the barcode on the front and a different spine. The cassette is smoked transparent grey with white text, there are again no paper labels.

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release)

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release variant 2)

Columbia JCT 9463 (USA) - spine scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1980s release variant 2)

Columbia CT 65975 (USA), 1999:

Columbia CT 65975 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1999 release)
This is probably the final US cassette release and is dated 1999 on the rear of the insert. It has a unique catalogue number, CT 65975. The cassette is smoked transparent grey with white text, there are again no paper labels.
Columbia CT 65975 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1999 release)

Columbia CT 65975 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1999 release)

Columbia CT 65975 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1999 release)

Columbia CT 65975 (USA) - spine scan by Gerd Rundel (1999 release)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel, Steven Fant and Augie Krater for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada), 1967 (three 1960s releases and one 1970s release); Columbia PC 9463 (Canada), 1976; Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada), late 1970s (four releases):
All releases of the Canadian album have the Milton Glaser poster.

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada), 1967:

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1960s releases)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of front with "mono playable" stamp, scan by Ted Popma (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of front with "PLAYABLE ON MONO EQUIPMENT..." stamp, scan by Ted Popma (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (1960s releases)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1960s releases)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release - "STEREO" in black, song titles left aligned)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1967 release)

The first 1967 Canadian release of KCS 9463 has "Manufactured by Columbia Records/CBS Inc." at the bottom of the rear sleeve and the record labels have the "STEREO"/"360° SOUND"/arrows logo in black. Ted Popma's 1967 Canadian copy of KCS 9463 has a stamp with "PLAYABLE ON MONO EQUIPMENT, FOR BEST RESULTS USE STEREO NEEDLE" at top right of the front sleeve. The record labels have "PRINTED IN CAN." at the bottom.

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada), 1960s (second release):

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third 1960s releases)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1960s release - "STEREO" in white, song titles still left aligned, "COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA")

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (second 1960s release)

The second Canadian release of KCS 9463 has a front sleeve without the "PLAYABLE ON MONO EQUIPMENT..." stamp, and different text at the bottom of the rear sleeve including "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD.". This text is repeated in upper case at the bottom of the record labels, which now have the "STEREO"/"360° SOUND"/arrows logo in white. The song titles on the labels are still left aligned. The record of this copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1A, Side 2: XSM117278-1J.

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada), 1960s (third release):

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third 1960s releases)

The third 1960s Canadian release of KCS 9463 has "MANUFACTURED BY COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD." and "SHOREPAK CAN..." at the bottom of the rear sleeve and the record labels again have the "STEREO"/"360° SOUND"/arrows logo in white. The song titles on the record labels are now centred.

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (third 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (third 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (third 1960s release - "STEREO" in white, song titles centred, "COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA")

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (third 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (third 1960s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada), early 1970s:

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

The early to mid 1970s release has the same front sleeve as the second and third 1960s releases, but the rear sleeve now has extra “COLUMBIA" and "MARCAS REG.” text at bottom right. The sleeve has “LITHO IN CANADA” on the spine. The record now has 1970s style labels with Columbia logos in a ring and COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA LTD.” on the bottom. The copy of the record shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1AE (handwritten), Side 2 - XSM117278-1J (stamped).

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release - still "COLUMBIA RECORDS OF CANADA")

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia KCS 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release - extra "COLUMBIA" and "MARCAS REG" text)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada), 1976:

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

The 1976 release has a new catalogue number, PC 9463, and the record again has 1970s-style labels with Columbia logos in a ring. The rear sleeve has much longer text at the bottom including the CBS Records Canada Ltd. address of Don Mills, Ontario (Columbia Records of Canada Ltd. was renamed CBS Records Canada Ltd. in late 1976). This new company name is also on the record labels.

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release - "CBS RECORDS CANADA")

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada), late 1970s (four releases):

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release 1)

Manuel García Jara has a later copy with catalogue number Columbia "VPC 9463" on the front and rear sleeve and the record labels. The sleeve again has "CBS RECORDS CANADA LTD.", as do the the first two record label variants shown.

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2 - "NICE PRICE/JOLI PRIX")

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - front with sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3 - "RIGHT PRICE/BON PRIX")

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (all late 1970s releases)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all late 1970s releases)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (all late 1970s releases)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 1) 
Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 1 with matrix number on right) 

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 1 - "CBS RECORDS CANADA")  
Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 1) 
Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2 with matrix number on left) 
Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2 - "CBS RECORDS CANADA") 
Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 2)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3 with matrix number back on right)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3 - "CBS MUSIC PRODUCTS INC." and extra text)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 3)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 4)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 4 with matrix number back on left)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 4 - same as release 3)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release 4)

Columbia VPC 9463 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all late 1970s releases)

There are four record label variants, all of which come with the same sleeve, differences as shown on the detail scans above.

Gerd Rundel has two further copies of "VPC 9463" in what looks like the same sleeve, but with front stickers. The first (late 1970s release 3) has a purple/orange front sticker with "NICE PRICE/JOLI PRIX" in English and French. The record labels are different - they still have the matrix number in brackets printed to the right of the centre hole, but the bottom text is much longer, with the company name now shown as "CBS MUSIC PRODUCTS INC./PRODUITS DE MUSIQUE CBS INC." plus the Ontario address and postcode. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - VPC-9463 A (XSM-117277-1A scratched out), Side 2 - VPC-9463 B (XSM-117278-1A scratched out). The second copy (late 1970s release 4) has a different blue/white sticker on the front with "RIGHT PRICE/BON PRIX". The record labels now have the matrix number in brackets printed to the left of the centre hole and the same longer bottom text.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ted Popma, Manuel García Jara and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export), 1976:

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - front with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy)
Lars M. Banke has two export copies of the Canadian release of PC 9463 bought in Sweden and the UK with the Columbia logos on the front and rear of the sleeve obscured as shown. This is because Columbia traded as CBS in countries where the Columbia trade name was then owned by EMI (or RCA).

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of front with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with Columbia logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy, second has the same sticker)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - front with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of front with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with Columbia sticker removed, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with Columbia logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy, second has the same sticker)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - first copy, "Columbia" not obscured)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - second copy, "Columbia" not obscured but with glue marks)

The front sleeve doesn't have the top right-hand "PLAYABLE ON MONO EQUIPMENT..." stamp. On the front and rear sleeves the Columbia logos at top left and top right have been obscured (for comparison see Hans Seegers' PC 9463 scans). On the first copy bought in Sweden this is with round black stickers, on the second copy bought in the UK this is with square black stickers. On the rear sleeve of the first copy "Columbia" has not been obscured in the bottom copyright line, on the second rear sleeve there are glue marks over "Columbia" showing that a sticker has been removed or fallen off. Each record label has a black ring-shaped sticker obscuring the ring of Columbia logos round the circumference.

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - front with sticker and Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of front with sticker and Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - rear with two instances of "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear with Columbia logo obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - Side 1 with Columbia logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - Side 2 with Columbia logos obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy)

Columbia PC 9463 (Canada for export) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1976 release - third copy, "Columbia" obscured)

This third Canadian copy was bought in Sweden and has “Columbia” in the Columbia logos blacked out with black pen on the front and rear sleeve plus at the bottom of the rear sleeve. There are “handmade” rings made with black pen on the labels obscuring the "Columbia" logos. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277 1A, Side 2 - XSM 117278 1A.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo 8-track cartridges, Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada), 1970; Columbia PCA 00220 (Canada) mid 1970s:

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada) - slipcase top, scan by Hans Seegers (this slipcase was also used for Columbia PCA 00220)
These two Canadian 8-track releases use the same catalogue numbers as their equivalent US releases, although the first release used a white cartridge instead of a red one. The second release used a dark-grey cartridge. These cartridges are slightly different in style from the US cartridges, in that they don't have a top ridge and thus have a single wraparound label instead of a separate top label and an underside/end label. The same slipcase with English and French text was used for both releases.

The track order/program division is the same as the US 8-track releases.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada) - slipcase underside, scan by Hans Seegers (this slipcase was also used for Columbia PCA 00220)

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada) - cartridge top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 18 KO 0220 (Canada) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers (wraparound label)

Columbia PCA 00220 (Canada) - cartridge top, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia PCA 00220 (Canada) - cartridge underside, scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia PCA 00220 (Canada) - cartridge end, scan by Hans Seegers

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada), early 1970s; Columbia PCT 220 (Canada), mid-1970s (three variants); Columbia PCT 220 (Canada), late 1970s; Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada), 1980s (three variants):

All these releases come with minimal packaging with only the album sleeve and song titles on the insert, the reverse of the inserts are blank.

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada), early 1970s:

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

The first Canadian cassette release has catalogue number "16 10 0220". The cassette is light grey with yellow paper labels, and "MADE IN CANADA" is embossed on Side 1 at top centre as shown. The track listing on the insert and paper labels is different from later Canadian and US cassette releases.

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release - "MADE IN CANADA" embossed)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release with "MADE IN CANADA" embossed at top middle)

Columbia 16 10 0220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (early 1970s release)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada), mid-1970s (three variants):

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - detail of front of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 1 - same as early 1970s release)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - detail of cassette Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 1)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 1 - "MADE IN CANADA" embossed)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variants 2A and 2B)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - detail of front of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variants 2A and 2B - different song order, later releases below have the same order)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 2A - "MADE IN CANADA" embossed)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 2A - with "MADE IN CANADA" embossed on right)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 2A)
The first variant with catalogue number PCT-0220 has the same track listing as the early 1970s release. The cassette is light grey with yellow paper labels and "MADE IN CANADA" is embossed at top middle of Side 2.

The later mid-1970s cassette variants are light grey with black text, there are no paper labels. The insert is the same for both variants, with a different track order from that of variant 1. On the variant 2A cassette "MADE IN CANADA" is embossed on the right hand edge of Side 1. This is missing on the variant 2B cassette.

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 2B - no "MADE IN CANADA")

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1970s release variant 2B, same as variant 2A)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada), late 1970s:

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release)
This late 1970s cassette release still has catalogue number PCT 220 and the same tracklist as the previous release. The insert has a new design, there is no barcode but there is a CrO2 (chromium dioxide) logo. The cassette is black with silver text, there are again no paper labels.

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release)

Columbia PCT 220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (late 1970s release)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada), 1980s (three variants):

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1)
The first 1980s insert looks similar to the late 1970s release, but with a new catalogue number. The cassette is again black without paper labels and has silver text with a CrO2 logo.
Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1 - silver text)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 1 - silver text)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2)
The second 1980s release now has a longer insert with a barcode and a price code but no CrO2 logo. The cassette is still black without paper labels, but the text is now gold.
Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2 - price code, missing from variant 3)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2 - gold text)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 2 - gold text)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Jack from Canada (1980s release variant 3)

The third 1980s release insert is similar to that of the second release but without the price code. The cassette is now clear plastic with white text, there are again no paper labels.

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 3)

Columbia VPCT-220 (Canada) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1980s release variant 3)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

"Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl compilation LP, CBS SBPG 62847 (UK), Mar 1967, re-released 1975; CBS S 62847 (UK), 1985; CBS 460907 1 (UK), 1988, plus various worldwide releases:

CBS SBPG 62847 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers (first release)

The UK version of this album has a different sleeve and a different tracklist with twelve songs instead of ten. The album is therefore listed in International Albums (Dylan-only Compilations), but because of the large number of releases, both in the UK and elsewhere, full details are here.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Tom Willems for information and scans.

GH1UKFront.JPG (23292 bytes)
CBS SBPG 62847 (UK) - front (second, third and fourth releases, my copy)

CBS S 62847 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1985 release)

CBS 460907 1 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1988 release)

CBS S 62847 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS S 62847 (Israel) - front scan by Tom Willems

CBS SBPG 62847 (Kenya) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1968 release - UK first release front)

CBS S 62847 (Kenya) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1970 release)

CBS S 62847 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS S 62847 (Spain for NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS S 62847 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1970 & 1975 releases)

CBS 62847 (Greece) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1976 and 1978 releases)

CBS 62847 (Portugal) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-62847 (Iran) - outside of cassette insert scan by Manuel García Jara
GH1UKFront.JPG (23292 bytes)
CBS 10080/UK AL 62847 (India) - front scan by Hans Seegers

RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia) - outside of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo 8-track cartridge releases: CBS 42-63482/18-KO-0220 (UK), 1968; CBS 42-63482 (UK), late 1960s (two variants):

CBS 42-63482/18-KO-0220 (UK) - front of tape cartridge, photocopy by Paul Shenton
These releases are oddities! As far as I know, these are the only CBS UK Greatest Hits releases with the US 10 song tracklist instead of the UK 12 song tracklist! The cartridges were made in England and the serial number of CBS 63482 dates them as from mid-1968 onwards. The four Programs on the tapes are exactly the same as for the US 8-track releases above.
CBS 42-63482/18-KO-0220 (UK) - rear of tape cartridge, photocopy by Paul Shenton

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - front of tape cartridge (variant 1 - my copy)

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - rear of tape cartridge (variant 1)

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - front of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - detail of rear of tape cartridge (variant 1 - "MADE IN ENGLAND")

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - detail of rear of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2 - also "MADE IN ENGLAND")

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - rear of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

CBS 42-63482/18-KO-0220 (UK) - spine of tape cartridge, photocopy by Paul Shenton ("MADE IN ENGLAND" at top)

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - spine of tape cartridge (variant 1)

CBS 42-63482 (UK) - spine of tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Paul Shenton's copy with the US front sleeve must be the first UK release. It has the US catalogue number 18-KO-0220 as well as the UK catalogue number 42-63482. There are two separate labels on the cartridge and the rear label has been badly applied so that "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the bottom is only visible on the spine scan.

The first variant without the US catalogue number (my copy) has a white tape cartridge with two separate labels, again with the US front sleeve photo. The second variant has a black tape cartridge with a single wraparound label with a crop of the UK front sleeve photo.

The 1967 UK 12 song album is listed in International Albums (Dylan-only Compilations), but because of the large number of releases, both in the UK and elsewhere, full details are here.

Ronald Born has a CBS UK catalogue from 1974-75 that lists a UK 8-track stereo tape cartridge release, CBS 42-62847, with the UK track list. A Dutch 8-track stereo tape cartridge with this catalogue number is listed here, but I have not yet found a UK release. Scans required!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo/mono vinyl LP, CBS S 62.847 (France), Mar 1967:

CBS S 62.847 (France) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)
This album has the US sleeve with a yellow circle (not a sticker but part of the sleeve design) in the top right hand corner advertising a "Giant Poster". The poster included is the Milton Glaser poster as with the US release.

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2 - "(U)")

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1, variant 2 is the same)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS S 62.847 (France) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (variant 2)

CBS 62.847 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Even though this album has the UK catalogue number, the tracklist is the same as the US release. The rear sleeve has two fold-over flaps and is not laminated. It has sleeve notes in French. As this release has three unique edits, it is also listed in 1967. The record has orange CBS labels and the first variant copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 17277-1C YPARTX 60441, Side 2 - XSM 17278-1G YPARTX 60442. Gerd Rundel's copy comes in a sleeve that is the same as Manuel's but the rear sleeve has an “U” in a circle next to the CBS logo at top right. The record labels have a different “STEREO/MONO” logo without arrows to the left of the centre hole. This copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - YPARTX 60441 21, plus M6 264938 opposite, Side 2 - XSM117278-1G, YPARTX 60442, plus M6 256179 opposite. Simon Blokker has a copy in the same sleeve as Gerd's where the matrix numbers are also: Side 1- M6 264938 YPARTX60441 21, Side 2 - XSM117278-1G YPARTX 60442.

Arie de Reus has a test pressing of this album on two discs with classical music on the reverse of each disc. This test pressing has blank labels, so no scans are needed.

Thanks to Franck Faugere and Arie de Reus for information and to Manuel García Jara and Gerd Rundel for further information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS KC-9463 (India), 1967:

CBS KC-9463 (India) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This album was manufactured and distributed in India by The Gramophone Company of India Ltd., part of the EMI group (bought by Universal in 2012). It has the US catalogue number and standard sleeve but has unique labels with silver printing on black. The sleeve is of thick card with white borders on both sides. For a 1983 Indian Greatest Hits release with the UK 1967 tracklist, see International Compilations (Dylan-only) 1980s.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS KC-9463 (India) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS KC-9463 (India) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS KC-9463 (India) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS KC-9463 (India) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS KC-9463 (India) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore), 1967:

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore), first and second release copies:

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - front scan by David Burgess
(release exported to Singapore)

David Burgess has a copy of the US first release stereo album bought in the USA but was actually a copy exported to Singapore. The front sleeve and rear sleeves have white CBS logos which are actually printed, not stickers. This 1967 release has record labels in the US black "STEREO/360º SOUND" style (not actually used in the USA for this album), but with three black CBS logos in white boxes, also printed, not stickers. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1C, Side 2 - XSM117278-1B - these indicated it was pressed from a US master. Vince Miller also has a copy of this album. Gerd Rundel now has a copy of this album where the record has the same sleeve and matrix numbers. Terje Vist has what looks like an identical copy to Gerd's, although it was bought in Norway.

Thanks also to Gerd Rundel for finding a copy on eBay with the UK front sleeve including the UK tracklist but with the same record labels as these (poor quality photos shown for comparison). This record also has the same matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM117277-1C, Side 2 - XSM117278-1B.

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - detail of front with CBS logo, scan by David Burgess (release exported to Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - front photo from eBay (UK design)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 1 photo from eBay (same as below left)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 2 photo from eBay (same as below left)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - detail of front, photo by Tim Yim (release exported to Hong Kong)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (release exported to Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - detail of rear with CBS logo, scan by Gerd Rundel (release exported to Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release exported to Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release exported to Singapore - widely spaced text, track 1 above centre hole)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (first release exported to Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release exported to Hong Kong/Singapore)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (second release exported to Hong Kong/Singapore - larger text, left aligned)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (second release exported to Hong Kong/Singapore)

Tim Yim has an alternate copy of the 1967 KCS 9463 release bought in Hong Kong. It has the CBS logo in a blue square and text "STEREO CAN ALSO BE PLAYED ON MONO EQUIPMENT" on the front sleeve. The record labels have three white CBS logos and the "360° SOUND/STEREO" logo is in white instead of black. Gerd Rundel's second copy has the same sleeve as Daniel Pritchett's Singapore copy below and the same labels as Tim Yim's. Gerd's record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-117277 (no suffix), Side 2 - XSM-117278 (no suffix). CBS had a record pressing facility in Singapore from 1967, so records after that were sourced locally.

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore), alternate second release copies:

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copies)

Gerd Rundel has two more label variants of the second release export copy which come in the same sleeve. The sleeve has printed CBS logos on the front and rear as shown. The record labels have three printed CBS logos. The record labels of variant 1 have the song titles and writer's credit in a smaller text size than that of the “Hong Kong/Singapore” export copy above. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - "XSM 117277" plus a small handwritten “1488”, Side 2 - "XSM117278" plus a small handwritten “216”.

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copies)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copies)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copies)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy variant 1)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy - variant 1, smaller text, left aligned)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy variant 1)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy variant 2)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy - variant 2, larger text, centred)

CBS KCS 9463 (USA for export to Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (alternate exported second release copy variant 2)

In contrast the record labels of variant 2 have centred song titles. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - "XSM117277" plus a small handwritten “241”, Side 2 - "XSM117278" plus a small handwritten “216” (Side 2 same as the first variant).”

Thanks to Vince Miller, David Burgess, Tim Yim and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia), 1967 (two variants);  CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore), early 1970s; CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore), 1972 (two variants); CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Malaysia), 1972; CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia), mid-1970s:
These releases from Singapore and Malaysia use the US catalogue number KCS 9463. The 1967 releases are on CBS, all the 1970s releases are on CBS/Sony.

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia), 1967 (two variants):

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases)

Daniel Pritchett's 1967 copy was made by Hup Hup Records for the Singapore and Malaysian markets (see Blonde On Blonde), and also sold in Hong Kong. It has "Printed by K. M. I. L. P. J." on the rear sleeve. This means "King Music Industries Limited Petaling Jaya", based in Malaysia, a company which was owned and operated by Hup Hup (Petaling Jaya is a suburb of Kuala Lumpur). The record labels of Daniel Pritchett's copy have three CBS logos and the "360° SOUND/STEREO" logo is in white. The title is misspelled "BOB DYLAN'S GREATEAST HITS"!  The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM-117277  726, Side 2 - XSM-117278 727. There is no country of manufacture.

Lars M. Banke's alternate 1967 copy has the same front sleeve, but the rear sleeve does not have the box with "STEREO CAN ALSO BE PLAYED ON MONO EQUIPMENT" at top right. It also has "PRINTED IN U.S.A." at bottom right. The record labels again have three CBS logos and the "360° SOUND/STEREO" logo in white, but the title is now correct. The matrix numbers of the record are the same as those of Daniel Pritchett's copy.

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of front, scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases - "Printed by K. M. I. L. P. J." = "King Music Industries Limited Petaling Jaya")

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - rear scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 release - three "CBS" logos)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases "CBS" and "STEREO..." box)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release - "COLUMBIA" and no "STEREO..." box)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 release - three "CBS" logos)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release - three "CBS" logos)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 release - three "CBS" logos, title misspelled as "GREATEAST")

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release - three "CBS" logos, title correct)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release - three "CBS" logos)

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Daniel Pritchett (1967 and 1972 releases - no centre bottom text, "Printed by K. M. I. L. P. J.")

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1967 release - "PRINTED IN U.S.A")

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore), early 1970s:

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release - three "CBS/Sony" logos)

The 1970s release from Lars M. Banke comes in the same sleeve as Daniel Pritchett's copy above, printed by K. M. I. L. P. J. The record labels now have three CBS/Sony logos.

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release - three "CBS/Sony" logos, title correct)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (early 1970s release - three "CBS/Sony" logos)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore), 1972 (two variants); CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Malaysia), 1972:

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 releases)

The 1972 Singapore release from Hans Seegers has the same sleeve as the two previous copies. It was also made in Singapore by Hup Hup Records and has new design black/orange on red “360º SOUND” CBS/Sony labels with "Made in Singapore" and one CBS/Sony logo only. The copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - U7 XSM-117277  ***, Side 2 - L1612 XSM-117278. This record is thinner than the 1967 release! Lars M. Banke has a CBS/Sony Singapore copy in the same sleeve but which does not have "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." and "Made in Singapore" in black on the record labels. The Malaysian 1972 release from CBS/Sony is in the same sleeve and has "Made in Malaysia/PRINTED IN MALAYSIA" on the record labels.

CBS KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1972 releases)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release - "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." and "Made in Singapore" in black above "STEREO")

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1972 release - "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." and "Made in Singapore" missing)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (alternate 1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Malaysia) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Malaysia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Malaysia) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1972 release)

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia), mid-1970s:

CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - front picture from eBay (mid 1970s release)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding a mid 1970s copy on eBay with later style CBS/Sony labels.
CBS/Sony KCS 9463 (Singapore/Malaysia) - Side 1 picture from eBay (mid 1970s release)

Thanks to Daniel Pritchett, Hans Seegers, Lars M. Banke and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS SBP-233407 (Australia), 1967, reissued 1970s:
For the mono release of this album, CBS BP-233407, see Mono Album Releases.

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia), 1960s releases:

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of front scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - rear scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1960s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1960s release- Allan's and Albert logos))

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1960s release)

This album has the same front sleeve but a different rear sleeve from the US release. It was released four times in the 1960s with orange CBS labels. The first 1960s release of the album can be distinguished from the later releases in three ways:

  1. The front sleeve has a stereo/arrows logo at top left above the CBS logo
  2. The rear sleeve does not have a bottom text box about playing stereo records on mono players
  3. The orange CBS record labels have the Allan's and Albert copyright logos to the right of the centre hole.

The copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX151980, Side 2 - MX151981.

GH1AusFront.jpg (18235 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (second/third releases)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore (second/third releases)

GH1AusBack.jpg (25355 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - rear scan by Stuart Moore (second release onwards)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore (all releases)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (second 1960s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (second 1960s release)

GH1Aus1Side1.jpg (17957 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (third 1960s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (all 1960s releases)

GH1Aus1Side2.jpg (15055 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (third 1960s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth 1960s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth 1960s release)

The 1960s record labels without the Allan's and Albert logos have three variations, with different placement of the text elements:

  1. On the second release the SBP catalogue number to the right of the centre hole is level with "CBS", there is a space between the CBS logo and the album title. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX151980-C, Side 2 - MX151981-9-D.
  2. On the third release the SBP catalogue number to the right of the centre hole is higher than "CBS", the album title and song titles are higher. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX151980C  A, Side 2 - MXXX MX151981 D.
  3. On the fourth release the SBP catalogue number to the right of the centre hole is again level with "CBS" but further to the right, the album title is lower and in larger text. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX151980-D  A, Side 2 - MXXX MX151981 D.

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - front photo by Nigel Barker (fourth release)
Nigel Barker's copy has a record with fourth release orange CBS labels as above, the same rear sleeve, but a different "Stereo" logo on the front sleeve at top right. As shown on right, this is the same as the "Stereo" logo on the late 1960s/early 1970s Australian release of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. III (the Dutch 1967 compilation). The record of this copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX 151980-D SBP233407-1, Side 2 - MXXX MX 151981-D SBP233407-2.
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of front, photo by Nigel Barker (fourth release)

CBS SBP 234735 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore (late 1960s/early 1970s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia), 1970s releases:

The 1960s and first 1970s record labels shown have at the bottom the text "MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY A REGISTERED USER OF THE TRADE MARKS" without a CBS copyright. This is because up to 1977 all Australian records were manufactured by the Australian Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (A.R.C.) on behalf of CBS. A.R.C. changed its name to CBS Records Australia Limited on 17 Oct 1977, and after that date the longer bottom edge text includes the CBS copyright information. (Stuart Moore says that the label change may not have occurred till late 1978 or early 1979, Bob Dylan At Budokan from 1978 still does not have a CBS copyright nor does Masterpieces, Slow Train Coming from 1979 does have the CBS copyright.)

Short copyright text (mid 1970s):

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1970s release variant 1 - songs credited to Albert/Allan)

These two copies with the short copyright text have the same sleeve and the same matrix numbers. The second copy has the variable text printed a lot lower.

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1970s release variant 1)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1970s release variant 2 - songs credited to Albert/Allan)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (first 1970s release variant 2)

Long copyright text (late 1970s):

CBS SBP 234735 (Australia) - detail of front, scan by Stuart Moore (late 1970s releases)
The 1970s labels have four variants: the first (with two sub-variants) shown above has short copyright text on the bottom edge and songs credited to Allan's and Albert, the second has the longer copyright text with the songs also credited to Allan's and Albert, the third has the longer copyright text and songs credited to Warner Bros only, and the fourth (again with two sub-variants) has songs credited to Warner Bros and Chappell.

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (second 1970s release, after A.R.C. ownership change - songs credited to Albert/Allan)

GH1Aus2Side1.jpg (18540 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (second 1970s release)

GH1Aus2Side2.jpg (18493 bytes)
CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (second 1970s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (third 1970s release - songs credited to Warner Bros only)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (third 1970s release)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth 1970s release variant 1 - songs credited to Warner Bros/Chappell)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth 1970s release variant 1)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth 1970s release variant 2 - songs credited to Warner Bros/Chappell)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (fourth 1970s release variant 1 - songs credited to Warner Bros/Chappell)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - detail of Side 1. scan by Stuart Moore (fourth 1970s release variant 2 - songs credited to Warner Bros/Chappell)

CBS SBP-233407 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth 1970s release variant 2)

The copies shown have matrix numbers:

First 1970s release (both variants): Side 1 - MX151980-C, Side 2 - ˆMX151981-9-D
Second 1970s release: Side 1 - MX151980C A, Side 2 - ˆMX151981-D
Third 1970s release: Side 1 - MX151980C D, Side 2 - MX151981 E
Fourth 1970s release variant 1: Side 1 - MX151980C D, Side 2 - MX151981 E (same as third release)
Fourth 1970s release variant 2: Side 1 - MX151980C D, Side 2 - MX151981 E (plus "G" before each matrix number)

Thanks to Stuart Moore, Peter Lindberg and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia), 1 Jul 2022:

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - front and blue vinyl disc, picture from www.jbhifi.com.au

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - front with sticker, photo by Geoff Lambourn

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - front sticker photo by Geoff Lambourn

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (no sticker)

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - Side 1 scan By Lars M. Banke (blue vinyl)

Columbia 19439863541 (EU for Australia) - Side 2 photo by Geoff Lambourn (blue vinyl)

Thanks to Geoff Lambourn for finding this 2022 release on "cool blue" vinyl from JB Hi-Fi in Australia. The album was made in the EU and the record comes in a plain white inner sleeve. The original Milton Glaser poster is also included. Thanks to Lars M. Banke for further information and scans. His copy does not have a "JB Hi-Fi" front sticker.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo cassette releases, CBS PC 407 (Australia), early 1970s onwards:

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette insert scan by Stuart Moore (first/second releases, inside is blank)
The first and second cassette releases have a grey plastic case and white CBS paper labels, with the same insert, blank on the inside. The grey cassette labels are completely different.

Paul Shenton's alternate second release has a similar folded insert to that of the first/second releases, also blank on the inside. Instead of general cassette information on the right of the insert it has details of other CBS Australia cassette releases. The cassette is similar to that of the third release, white with white CBS paper labels.

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (second release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (alternate second release, inside is blank)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette insert scan by Stuart Moore (third release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore (third release)

PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton (alternate second release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton (alternate second release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (third release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (third release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (fourth release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette insert scan by Stuart Moore (fourth release - inside is blank)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette insert scan by Manuel García Jara (fifth release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (fifth release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (fifth release)

CBS PC 407 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (fifth release)

The third cassette release has a white plastic case with printed text in black and no paper labels, although the text layout is similar to that of the second release. This time the cassette has Dolby noise reduction. The fourth cassette release has a similar shorter insert to the third and fifth releases, but it is this time blank on the inside. The fourth cassette is off-white with blue text and again no paper labels. The fifth cassette release has the same insert as the second but the cassette is transparent smoked grey with printed text in white, again no paper labels.

Thanks to Stuart Moore and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico), 1968, re-released 1970s and 1980s (two variants):

GH1MexFront.jpg (19680 bytes)
CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1968 release)

The sleeves of these releases were made in Mexico. The records were also made in Mexico and the first two releases have orange CBS labels. Manuel García Jara's second release copy has what appears to be the same sleeve, but completely different labels, also plain orange and made in Mexico. The song titles on the sleeve and the labels are in English only. The third 1980s release has dark orange/yellow CBS and again has what looks like the same sleeve as the first and second releases. The records of Manuel's second and third release copies both have matrix numbers: Side 1 - CLS 5328 L1 / 02.11.6401.1C, Side 2 - CLS 5328 L2 / 02.11.6402.1B.

Sergio Mariano Romay has a third 1980s release copy with a different front sleeve without the oval surrounding "STEREO/CLS 5238". The rear sleeve, the record labels and the matrix numbers are the same as those of Manuel's third release copy.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release - stereo and mono catalogue numbers)

GH1MexBack.jpg (21372 bytes)
CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1968 release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s/1980s releases)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s/1980s releases)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1968 release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release)

GH1MexLabel.jpg (18299 bytes)
CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1968 release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1968 release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release - 1968 release is similar)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (alternate 1980s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (alternate 1980s release - stereo catalogue number only)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s releases)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s releases)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1980s releases)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1970s release)

CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front photo from eBay (fake 1960s/1980s promo sleeve)
Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Manuel García Jara for finding fake Mexican promos on eBay. The records look genuine enough, although they have fake promo stamps, but the sleeves are obviously fake. You are urged to avoid buying such items! The sleeve on the left has been paired with both 1960s and 1980s records!
CBS CLS 5238 (Mexico) - front photo from eBay (fake 1980s promo sleeve)

"Los Monstruos Del Rock [The Monsters Of Rock]: Bob Dylan" - stereo compilation LP, CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico), 1990:

MonstruosMex.jpg (41574 bytes)
CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This release has a unique picture sleeve and sleeve notes and song titles in Spanish. This album is part of a series released by CBS in Mexico called "Los Monstruos del Rock" (a similar series called "Los Monstruos del Pop" with the same artwork also was published by CBS at the same time). All of these albums were previously released in Mexico as Greatest Hits compilations: Janis Joplin, Earth, Wind & Fire, Electric Light Orchestra, Santana, Boston, Chicago, etc. The picture of Bob dates from 1978, used for the first time for the Spanish 7" single Baby Stop Crying and for the UK and Irish 12" Is Your Love in Vain singles. It was reused for a 2001 UK free CD called The Voice Of Every Generation, see 2001.

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS CLS-463764 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

This is actually the 1967 album Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits with the tracks reordered, so is now listed here.

Side 1: Como Una Piedra Rodante (Like A Rolling Stone); La Respuesta Esta En El Viento (Blowin’ In The Wind); El Blues De La Guarida Subterranea (Subterranean Homesick Blues); No Me Tienes Nena (It Ain't Me, Babe); El Hombre Del Tambor (Mr. Tambourine Man).

Side 2: Los Tiempos Cambian (The Times They Are A-Changin' ); Mujer En Dia Lluvioso (Rainy Day Women #12 & 35); Te Deseo (I Want You); Calle 4 Francamente (Positively 4th Street); Como Toda Una Mujer (Just Like A Woman).

The song titles are translated into Spanish and subtitled in English both on the rear sleeve and on the labels. The Spanish translations are different from earlier Mexican releases (see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965)! Also compare the different titles on a 1967 South American mono album called El Trovador De Nuestro Tiempo - Bob Dylan - Poeta O Profeta? - see Mono LPs - Dylan-only Compilations.

There is also a panel (part of the graphics, not a sticker) on the front sleeve with the tracklist in Spanish and English: note the translation of It Ain't Me Babe as "No me tientes nena" (Don't Tempt Me, Babe), surely a mistake because on the rear sleeve and on the Side 1 label this same track is translated as "No me tienes nena" (I'm Not Yours), although the most usual translation is "No soy yo, nena". Also, Rainy Day Women is translated as "Mujer (Woman) en día lluvioso" instead of "Mujeres (Women)..." The rear sleeve has biographical notes in Spanish with several stupid mistakes:

Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits'" - stereo vinyl LP, CSJ Records CSJ-817 (Taiwan), 1970s:

CSJ Records CSJ-817 (Taiwan) - front scan by Patrick Helfrich
This release was legal in Taiwan at the time of release, but was produced without authorisation from Columbia. Because of this full details are in Questionable Releases. For a legitimate 1984 Taiwanese release, see below.

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich for information and scan.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa), 1972 (two releases); CBS COL 40051 (South Africa), 1983 (two releases), reissued 1986:
For the original 1967 mono release of this album, CBS ALD.8035, see Mono Album Releases. It was not released in stereo in South Africa until 1972.

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa), 1972 (two releases), mid-1970s:

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release)
The rare first South African stereo pressing has a non-laminated sleeve which was printed in South Africa by Interpak. This first release sleeve has Stereo/CBS logos on front and rear with the text "CAN ALSO BE PLAYED ON MONO EQUIPMENT" in a box between "Stereo" and the CBS logo.

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release - mono text present)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release - mono text present)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1972 release)

This information was unusual at this time: it is missing from the CBS logos on the sleeves of the South African releases of Self Portrait and New Morning and it is also missing from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II, also released in South Africa in 1972 but before this album. The 1970s records were made in South Africa by the Gramophone Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (part of EMI) for CBS Records, although this is not stated on the sleeve or record labels.

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release - "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." on top line)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (all 1970s releases - "interpak")

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - front scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release, same as second 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1972 and mid-1970s releases - mono text missing)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release, same as second 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (second 1972 and mid-1970s releases - mono text missing)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (second 1972 release - "ASF.1674" on top line)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1972 releases)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1972 releases)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of Side 2, scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (mid-1970s release)

CBS ASF 1674 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (all 1970s releases)

Both 1972 records have plain orange CBS labels that are very different from those of the mid-1970s South African release shown: note the size of the album title, the text to the left and right of the centre hole and the different typefaces of the tracklist. The record of the first 1972 release shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF-1674 XSM-177277, Side 2 - ASF-1674 XSM-177278. Lars M. Banke has a copy which comes in the same sleeve as Hans Seegers' mid-1970s release, without the text "CAN ALSO BE PLAYED ON MONO EQUIPMENT" in a box between "Stereo" and the CBS logo found on the front and rear sleeve of the first release. This intermediate copy has record labels that are similar to the first release labels, except for the text to the right of the centre hole: on the first release labels "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." is the top line, above "ASF.1674"; on the second release labels "ASF.1674" is the top line, and "(P) 1972 CBS Inc." is on the third line.

Simon Blokker's copy has different handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 -  COL 40051  ASF 1674 - XSM 117277  (ASF 1674 is crossed out; first 7 in '117277' was a '2' first, but is corrected, Side 2 -  COL 4005B  ASF 1674 - XSM 117278   COL 40051  (ASF 1674 is crossed out).

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa), 1983 (two releases):

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (both 1983 releases)

The 1983 record was again made in South Africa by the Gramophone Record Company (Pty) Ltd. (part of EMI) for CBS Records, and this is now stated on the rear sleeve (and the first record labels). The sleeve of the 1983 release was printed in South Africa by Artone Press. The spine text is: “BOB DYLAN’S GREATEST HITS  BOB DYLAN  COL 40051”. The disc comes in a plastic bag with small circular holes in both sides.

The record of Manuel García Jara's copy of the 1983 release (same as Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff's copy) has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF-1674 XSM-117277A, Side 2 - ASF-1674 XSM-117277B.

Sergio Mariano Romay has a copy in the same sleeve as Hanns Peter Bushoff's copy shown, with orange/yellow CBS labels with the "STAR SPECTACULAR" logo and copyright text at the top of the record labels. "MARKETED AND DISTRIBUTED BY GRAMOPHONE RECORD CO (PTY) LTD." is printed at the bottom of the labels.

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of front, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (both 1983 releases)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (both 1983 releases)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (both 1983 releases)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first 1983 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first 1983 release - copyright text at top)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first 1983 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (second 1983 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (first 1983 release - "MARKETED AND DISTRIBUTED BY GRAMOPHONE RECORD CO (PTY) LTD." at bottom)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (second 1983 release - no text at top, copyright text at bottom)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1983 release)


CBS COL 40051 (South Africa, 1983) - detail of rear, scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

The record of Sergio's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - COL 40051 (almost illegible)  ASF 1674 (streaky, crossed out) – 117277, Side 2 - COL 4005B (almost illegible)  ASF 1674 (streaky, crossed out) – XSM117278   COL 40051 (almost illegible).

The record of Hanns Peter Bushoff's copy has the same labels with no text at the top of the labels and slightly different copyright text moved to the bottom as shown in the detail scans.  "MARKETED AND DISTRIBUTED BY GRAMOPHONE RECORD CO (PTY) LTD." is printed now missing. I believe Sergio's copy to be earlier because this text is now the same as the text on the 1986 labels. Neither 1983 Side 1 label has the "RAINY DAY WOMAN" mistake, see below.

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa), 1986:

GH1SAFront.jpg (24601 bytes)
CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release)
The 1970s releases and the 1983 releases in the Star Spectacular series use the standard US artwork but the 1986 release has a completely new maroon design with contemporary 1980s pictures front and back!

GH1SABack.jpg (29517 bytes)
CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release - "Rainy Day Woman")

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release - no text at top, copyright text at bottom)

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1986 release - "Rainy Day Woman")

CBS COL 40051 (South Africa)
- Side 2 scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (1986 release)

This new sleeve is not exclusive to this Dylan release. In 1986, CBS released in South Africa a new series called "The Greatest Hits Collection": all the albums of this new series were "Greatest Hits" compilations of CBS artists and all of them have sleeves with this same design, showing contemporary pictures of the artists. Unlike the 1983 "Star Spectacular" series with the logo on the front, albums of this 1986 series don't have any logo, but it is present on the artwork of the cassette releases, see below. The 1986 release was made in South Africa by Gallo/Gramophone Record Company for CBS Records, and this is stated on the rear sleeve (on other South African records this is shown as "Gallo/GRC"). The printer is not identified but was again Artone Press.

The record of Manuel García Jara's copy of the 1986 release has orange/yellow CBS labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF-1674 XSM-117277, Side 2 - ASF-1674 XSM-117277-X. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is mistitled "Rainy Day Woman" on both the rear sleeve and the Side 1 record label. The text round the bottom of the record labels is the same as the second 1983 release above, with no text at the top of the labels.

Lars M. Banke has a copy of the 1986 release (CBS COL 40051) with the “Star Spectacular” logos on the record labels, like the 1983 release.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff, Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo cassette releases, CBS 60 40051 (South Africa), 1983, re-released 1986:

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1983 release - "Rainy Day Women" is correct)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1983 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1983 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1983 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release - "Rainy Day Woman")

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1983 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - detail of cassette Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

CBS 60 40051 (South Africa) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

This album was reissued in vinyl in 1983 as part of the CBS series "Star Spectacular" (above). This is the equivalent in cassette format, with the logo of this series on the insert, which was printed by Artone Press. The cassette labels have the logo of a different series: "Star Special". The cassette is yellow with marbled white paper CBS labels.

The 1986 tape with new "The Greatest Hits Collection" artwork was manufactured by Gallo/Gramophone Record Company (GRC) and printed by Artone Press. Note the same misprint as on the rear sleeve and Side 1 record label of the vinyl album: "Rainy Day Woman". The cassette is black with silver text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia), 1972, reissued mid 1970s, late 1970s; CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe), late 1980s; CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe), late 1980s:

Seven releases of this album are shown, five from when the country was white-ruled and called Rhodesia, and two from after black majority rule when renamed Zimbabwe. All the sleeves were printed by Belmont Printers of Bulawayo (they can be identified by the "4-A" code at bottom right of the rear sleeve on all except the first release). Belmont Printers used codes starting with "4" for sleeves they printed for CBS Records, they used other codes for other record companies. The records were made for CBS Records by the Gramophone Company (Pty) Ltd., part of the EMI group (bought by Universal in 2012).

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia), 1972:

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release)
The first Rhodesian release has a record with plain orange CBS labels. The rear sleeve does not have "4-A" at bottom right. The album illustrations on the rear sleeve have been updated to show Bob's then last six albums up to Greatest Hits Vol. II in 1971. The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF 1674 – XSM 117227, Side 2 - ASF 1674 – 117278 plus "NL" (Sides 1 and 2 are the regular sides as for other worldwide releases).

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release, regular Side 1)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release, regular Side 1 - album title and artist name above centre hole)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release, regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1972 release, "no "4-A")

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia), mid 1970s (two variants):

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - front with promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of front with promo stamp, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1, regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1, regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1, regular Side 2 - album title and artist name above centre hole)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid 1970s release variant 1, regular Side 1)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release variant 2, regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release variant 2, regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release variant 2, regular Side 2 - album title and artist name below centre hole, compare with late 1970s release variant 1 below)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release variant 2, regular Side 1)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid 1970s release with "4-A" on right)

The mid-1970s Rhodesian releases now have records with orange/yellow CBS labels. Side 1 and Side 2 are now reversed. The Times They Are A-Changin' on Side 2 is wrongly shown as "The Times They Are AChangin'". The rear sleeve now has "4-A" at bottom right. The variant 1 record labels still have the album title and artist name above the centre hole, like the labels of the 1972 release above. The variant 2 record labels now have the album title and artist name below the centre hole, like the labels of the late 1970s releases below.

Lars M. Banke has a variant 1 copy with promo stamp “SAMPLE RECORD NOT FOR SALE” on the front sleeve. The record has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF 1674 XSM 117278, Side 2 - ASF 1674 XSM 117277 A.

The record of the variant 2 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF 1674 - XSM-117278-A, Side 2 - ASF 1674 - XSM-117277-B NC.

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia), late 1970s (two variants):

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release - both variants)

The records of these last Rhodesian releases have the late 1970s style of white CBS labels with blue text and the CBS logo again in a box, but this time Sides 1 and 2 are correct, unlike the later Zimbabwean releases, where Sides 1 and 2 are again reversed. The sleeve is the same as the first Zimbabwean release below. The Times They Are A-Changin' is again wrongly shown as "The Times They Are AChangin'" on both releases. The variant 1 record has labels similar to the mid-1970s variant 2 orange/yellow labels above, with the same layout of the text elements. The copy of the variant 1 record shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF 1674 XSM 117277 A (the first "7" in "117277" is unreadable), Side 2 - ASF 1674 XSM 117278.

The variant 2 record has different blue/white labels with the text elements to the left and right of the centre hole rearranged as shown in the detail scans. The copy of the variant 2 record shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - ASF-1674-117277, Side 2 - ASF-1674-117278.

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release - both variants)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release variant 1 - correct)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release variant 1 - correct)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release variant 2 - correct)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1970s release variant 1 -  - "33 RPM" and "STEREO" on left on one line, "SIDE ONE" on right, album title and artist name below centre hole, compare with mid-1970s release variant 2 above)


CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release variant 2 - "Side 1" and just "33⅓" on left on two lines, "STEREO" on right, album title and artist name below centre hole)

CBS ASF 1674 (Rhodesia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1970s release variant 2 - correct)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe), late 1980s (first release):

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (late 1980s release)

The rare Zimbabwean release of CBS ASF 1674 can be dated to the late 1980s because of the label style with the new CBS logo (this time in red) and blue text. It therefore overlaps with the "Star Spectacular" releases below.

The sleeve, which looks identical to that of the late 1970s release, was again printed by Belmont Printers, with the "4-A" code on the rear. The sleeve is of flimsy recycled cardboard. The Times They Are A-Changin' is again wrongly shown as "The Times They Are AChangin'" on both releases. The record of the Zimbabwean copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - "ASF 1674 - XSM-117278-X", Side 2 - "ASF 1674 - XSM-117277-A". (Side 1 and Side 2 are again reversed!)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release - regular Side 2)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first release - compare with COL 40051 below)

CBS ASF 1674 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first release - regular Side 1)

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe), late 1980s (second release):

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

The "Star Spectacular" series, equivalent to "Nice Price", was released in South Africa and in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. This series included three Dylan albums: The Times They Are A-Changin' (COL 40001),Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (COL 40051) and Desire (COL 40052). This compilation is the most reissued Dylan album in both countries. This version with white labels is the second release in this series released in Zimbabwe. The first release dates from 1983 and it has orange/yellow CBS labels (scans will be added soon).

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (regular Side 2)

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (compare with ASF 1674 above)

CBS COL 40051 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (regular Side 1)

Both releases have the same sleeve, different from the earlier "ASF 1674" releases. The front has the logo of the series "Star Spectacular" instead of the stereo information and the new catalogue number. The rear sleeve also has this logo but now it is monochrome. The catalogue numbers of the Dylan albums shown on the rear are now missing. There are also some differences in the text printed at bottom but the most important is the record company code used by Belmont Printers, usually "4-A" or "4A", and the printer's name is here also (printed vertically).

The record was pressed in Zimbabwe, because this style of labels was not used in South Africa. The labels are again white and the typeface is almost identical to that of the "ASF 1674" Zimbabwe release above. The record sides are again reversed. The only difference is the new catalogue number "COL 40051" printed above the old catalogue number. The Times They Are A-Changin' is still wrongly shown as "The Times They Are AChangin'".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique), 1972:

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique)
- front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS ASF 1674 (Mozambique) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

This very rare record was made in Mozambique by Companhia Ultramarina de Comércio, Lda, as usual at the time, and the sleeve was printed by Globo Lda. Although it is essentially the same release as the 1972 South African and Rhodesian editions, there are important differences that make this Mozambique edition a very collectable item. The sleeve is not laminated and the CBS logos printed on front and on rear are different: there are no oblique lines above "Stereo" which is in a box, and the box with information about mono/stereo is empty - this logo does not match any other African logo. The rear sleeve has the text "Produzido e distribuido em Moçambique por: Companhia Ultramarina de Comércio, Lda" at the bottom, as well as the printer's logo "Globo Lda". However, the most noticeable difference is that only three Dylan albums are shown on rear instead of six: Nashville Skyline, Self Portrait and New Morning (all from after the original 1967 release of this compilation), this must be because only these three Dylan albums were released in Mozambique and the other three weren't.

The plain orange CBS record labels have the same tracklist layout as the record labels of the South African and Rhodesian releases, but there are also some differences: "BOB DYLAN" is above the album title, "SIDE 1/2" is in capital letters, and there is no stereo arrows logo.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand), 1968, re-released 1973, mid-1970s:

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release with folded-over flap)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release - pressing ring in centre of label)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release - "MADE IN N.Z.")

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester (1970s releases)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of front, scan by Bill Hester (all releases)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester (1973 release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester (1973 release - pressing ring round circumference of label, "MADE IN NEW ZEALAND")

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester (1973 release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Bill Hester (1970s releases)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester (1970s releases without folded-over flap)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1970s release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1970s release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (mid-1970s release)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1968 release with folded-over flap)

CBS SBP 473751 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1970s releases without folded-over flap)

New Zealand already had had a mono release of the version with the UK tracklist in the 1960s, see International Mono Releases - Dylan-Only Compilations 1960s. These stereo releases are of the US version. The 1968 New Zealand stereo release has "STEREO ALSO PLAYS MONO" and the Allan's logo on the labels. The rear sleeve has two folded-over flaps. The record was made in New Zealand and has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - MX151980-0 SBP 233407-1, Side 2 - MX151981-0 SBP 233407-2.

The 1973 rear sleeve shown looks the same as the 1968 sleeve, but without the folded-over flaps on the rear. It does not feature the Phonogram logo introduced around 1974. There was also a compact cassette release, PC 751, see below. The sleeve and record were made in New Zealand. The record still has orange CBS labels, but with a different design, the album title is now above the centre hole.

The mid-1970s record now has orange/yellow CBS labels and comes in the same sleeve as the 1973 record. This copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 -MX151080- C SBP 233407-1 (stamped), Side 2 - SBP 473751 B (handwritten). The numbers are very hard to read on side 1.

Thanks to Bill Hester, Les Kokay, Phoenix C and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette, CBS PC 751 (New Zealand), cir 1973:

CBS PC 751 (New Zealand) - front scan by Tom Willems

CBS PC 751 (New Zealand) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems

CBS PC 751 (New Zealand) - cassette Side 1 scan by Tom Willems

CBS PC 751 (New Zealand) - cassette Side 2 scan by Tom Willems

The stereo cassette release with the US tracklist is the counterpart of the 1973 LP release CBS SBP 473751 above. The cassette insert was made in Auckland, New Zealand, and is blank on the inside. The cassette itself is white with orange CBS paper labels.

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette, CBS CSC-5644 (Peru), 1970s:

CBS CSC-5644 (Peru) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

This very rare Peruvian cassette release was distributed for CBS by Discos Independientes S.A,, Lima. The insert has the track listing on the reverse in English and Spanish. The cassette has a black case with white paper labels and black text.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

CBS CSC-5644 (Peru) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS CSC-5644 (Peru) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS CSC-5644 (Peru) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette, Mag Music MM-0034 (Poland), 1970s:

Mag Music MM-0034 (Poland) - outside of cassette insert (reverse is blank)
This unauthorised cassette has the UK front picture but the US tracklist with Side 1 of the record on Side 2 of the cassette and vice-versa.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for the loan of the cassette.

Mag Music MM-0034 (Poland) - cassette Side 1

Mag Music MM-0034 (Poland) - cassette Side 2

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan), 1976:

JFamClubFront.jpg (19266 bytes)
CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This record club edition has a different track list from previous versions of the album in Japan (see International Album Releases (Dylan-Only Compilations) 1960s), and now had the same tracks as the US Greatest Hits (Columbia KCS 9463 stereo). It has the US front sleeve with a wide red border, but the picture from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II on the back. There was a single-sided 12" x 12" insert.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information about a CBS/Sony set of four boxes of Greatest Hits LPs, The Great Collection Of Popular Artists, which includes this album.

JFamClubBack.jpg (20852 bytes)
CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan) - insert scan by Gerd Rundel (reverse is blank)

CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS/Sony Family Club FCPA-19 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

The Great Collection Of Popular Artists - photo from buyee.jp

The Great Collection Of Popular Artists - photo from www.buyee.jp

The Great Collection Of Popular Artists - photo from www.buyee.jp

Side 1: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Blowin' In The Wind; The Times They Are A-Changin'; It Ain't Me, Babe: Like A Rolling Stone
Side 2: Mr Tambourine Man; Subterranean Homesick Blues; I Want You; Positively 4th Street; Just Like A Woman

The version of Positively 4th Street - slightly longer at 4:12 as opposed to 3:56 on regular track, is the same as the version from 1965 Witmark tape (see 1965). This stereo version has been released on the remastered Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (US release) and is no longer a rarity. This album is now also listed in Released Rarities.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels and stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - FCPA-19 A1, Side 2 - FCPA-19 B3.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan), 1976-77:

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

This was the first regular release of the US Greatest Hits album in Japan (it had been previously released in 1969 with this sleeve but with a different tracklist, see International Album Releases (Dylan-Only Compilations) 1960s). It contains the Milton Glaser poster as other worldwide releases.

This album with the US tracklist was released three times with different obis, the red obi in 1976, the first blue obi at the beginning of 1977, and the wider blue obi at the end of 1977 with an advert for the Feb 1978 Budokan concerts. The catalogue numbers of the albums illustrated on the rear sleeve are the 1976 CBS/Sony Japan "25AP xxx" numbers. It had an eight-page booklet and the Milton Glaser poster. All releases have orange/cream CBS/Sony labels except the promo release, which has black/white labels.

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - poster (all releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (early 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Les Kokay (early 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (late 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - detail of poster, scan by Michel Pomarede (all releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - obi front and rear scans by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - obi front and rear scans by Hans Seegers (early 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - obi front and rear scans by Hans Seegers (late 1977 release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - booklet front scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial releases)

Thanks to Patrick Helfrich for information and to Hans Seegers, Les Kokay and Michel Pomarede for further information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan), 26 Oct 2022:

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - front with obi and sticker, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music Japan has released Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits on transparent clear vinyl. The obi reproduces the design used for obis in 1971. The poster by Milton Glaser is included and the price is ¥4,180 (tax included). The album has a front sticker with information:

End-to-end manufacturing in Sony Music Group. 180gram.
Lacquer was cut from analogue masters at Sony Music Studios Tokyo, 2022.
New lyrics translations by Yoshiaki Sato with his commentaries.
Translations of liner notes plus notes by Toyo Nakamura from the Japanese initial release, also includes Clinton Heylin's notes from the 2013 box set with annotations by Heckel Sugano.
American-type sleeve with obi replicated from the Japanese CBS/Sony initial release

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - front with obi and clear vinyl record, picture found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - front sticker scan by Sonny Boy McFitzson

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - front of Japanese language booklet, scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony Music SIJP 1047 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Four Ukiyo-e postcards were given away in 2022 with new Sony Music Japan stereo copies of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (white vinyl), Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II (blue vinyl) and Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 3 (red vinyl). Photos by Nicolas Cornet.

There is an eight page booklet with lyrics in English and Japanese. The record of the copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - SIJP 1047 1 A1, Side 2 - SIJP 1047 1 B1.

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson, Lars M. Banke and Nicolas Cornet for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong), early 1980s:

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This release from CBS/Sony Hong Kong has the Japanese 1976 catalogue number. The catalogue numbers of the albums illustrated on the rear sleeve are the 1976 CBS/Sony Japan "25AP xxx" numbers. There is an insert with a photo of Bob and the lyrics in English on the reverse. The record has red CBS/Sony labels with the logos in a ring round the circumference, which dates it to the early 1980s, like the second Philippines release below.
CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - insert front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - detail of insert front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 276 (Hong Kong) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines), 1976, reissued early 1980s:
For a 1967 Philippines mono release, Columbia KCL 2663, made for Columbia by Mareco Inc., see Mono Album Releases.

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)
This version of the CBS/Sony Japanese 25AP 276 release was manufactured and distributed in the Philippines by Blackgold Record Corporation under licence from CBS/Sony, Japan, which is why it has the Japanese catalogue number. The 1976 and early 1980s sleeves are identical except that the early 1980s sleeve is on thinner card. The 1976 record has blue/white CBS/Sony labels (this label style was discontinued in 1981). The early 1980s record comes in the same sleeve and has red CBS/Sony labels with the logos in a ring round the circumference.

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of front, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1976 release)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1980s release)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1980s release)

CBS/Sony LP-1398 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1980s release)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for finding this on eBay and to Hans Seegers for scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines), 1983, re-released late 1980s:

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1983 release)
Between 1983 and 1989 Dylan records were released in the Philippines by OctoArts International Inc. on the CBS label, no longer on the CBS/Sony label.

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (both releases - "Columbia" logo)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1983 release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (both releases)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (both releases)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (both releases)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1983 release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1983 release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1983 release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

CBS QCL-22085 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (late 1980s release)

The record of the 1983 release has orange/yellow CBS labels. This album is QCL-22085, 1983's Infidels was QCL-22077, so this must also be dated 1983 (1984's Real Live was QCL-22158). The record of the late 1980s release has red labels with CBS logos in a ring round the circumference. As far as I can see both records come in the same sleeve, although the late 1980s sleeve is in very bad condition. Unusually for a CBS release, the sleeve has a "Columbia" logo on the front.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 135.001 (Argentina), Jul 1977, re-released Oct 1977:
Both the Argentinean album and the Uruguayan album below had the 1967 US Greatest Hits sleeve design and the same tracks.

CBS 135.001 (Argentina), test pressings, before Jul 1977:

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 1)
These test pressings come in a white card sleeve with "DISCO PARA PROMOCION [PROMOTIONAL RECORD]" on the front. The first copy has album details typed in red with song titles in Spanish and dated 1977 are on a piece of paper taped to the front sleeve. The record has orange/yellow Discos CBS labels with typed text in black and stickers with "DISCO PARA PROMOCION /VENTA PROHIBIDA [PROMOTIONAL RECORD / NOT FOR SALE]" on both sides. The record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 9463, Side 2 - BL 9463.

The second copy comes in the same sleeve but without the front typed details. The record has commercial labels with a promo sticker on Side 1 only. The record has the same matrix numbers as the first copy.

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 2)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 1)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 1)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 2 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 1)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 2)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 2)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing 2 - same as commercial release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina), Jul 1977:

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release)
All the song titles are translated into Spanish on the front and rear sleeves. The Argentinean album has a laminated sleeve. The front sleeve has a printed yellow and pink circle (not a sticker - part of the sleeve) with "Incluye: Poster Color [Includes a Colour Poster]". This was again the Milton Glaser poster as shown on the right.
CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release - "SERIE ESPECIAL" shorter)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release, compare with Oct 1977 release)

Advert from Argentinean magazine "Expreso Imaginario", Jul 1977, scan by
Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - poster scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1977 releases)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1977 releases)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release - "1877-1977" but "Finkel S.A.I.C. y A." missing)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of poster, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release, not present on Oct 1977 poster)

The sleeve of this very rare Jul 1977 release has several differences from that of the much more widely available Oct 1977 release. On the front sleeve the text "SERIE ESPECIAL" under the CBS logo at top left is smaller than the same text on the Oct 1977 front sleeve. The Spanish language album title and song titles are displayed very differently from the Oct 1977 front sleeve: the first line of the album title is "LOS MAD GRANDES" and the song titles are ordered differently. Bizarrely, Positively 4th Street ("POSITIVAMENTE EN LA CUARTA CALLE") is split over two lines, but on the fourth and eighth song title text lines, not two consecutively lines! Subterranean Homesick Blues is translated as "TRISTEZA DE AUSENCIA [Sadness of Absence] (singular)".

On the rear sleeve are details of the latest three Dylan albums: Blood On The TracksDesire and Hard Rain, and there is a logo commemorating 100 years of recorded sound, 1877-1977. There is no printer's name below this logo. Also on the rear sleeve two titles have mistakes: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is given as "Rainy Day Woman" (following the mistranslation "Una Mujer En La Lluvia [A Woman In The Rain]" on the front and rear sleeves). Just Like A Woman is misspelled "Jus Like A Woman". The titles are correct on the record labels. The record was made in Argentina by Discos CBS and has orange/yellow labels. The Jul 1977 record has the same labels as the Oct 1977 commercial record below.

Also shown is a page from the Jul 1977 issue of the Argentinean music magazine "Expreso Imaginario [Imaginary Express]" with an advertisement for the album showing the front sleeve as illustrated above.

CBS 135.001 (Argentina), Oct 1977:

GrandesExitosArgFront.jpg (25260 bytes)
CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release)
Three Argentinean Oct 1977 copies are shown, one is a promo in the commercial sleeve but with "DISCO PROMOCIONAL PROHIBIDA LA VENTA [PROMOTIONAL RECORD SALE PROHIBITED]" stamped on the record labels. The other promo has a promo sticker on the rear sleeve with text "DISCO PARA DEMOSTRACION VENTA PROHIBIDA [DEMONSTRATION RECORD SALE PROHIBITED]"as well as the promo labels, and third copy is the commercial release. This time the front sleeve album title has just "LOS MAS" on the first line. Positively 4th Street ("POSITIVAMENTE EN LA CUARTA CALLE") is now correctly listed on one line and Subterranean Homesick Blues is now translated as "TRISTEZAS DE AUSENCIA [Sadnesses of Absence] (plural)". The rear sleeve is the same as for the Jul 1997 release with the same title mistakes, but now the logo commemorating 100 years of recorded sound, 1877-1977 has a printer's name "FINKEL S.A.I.C. y A." below it.

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release - "SERIE ESPECIAL" longer)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release, compare with Jul 1977 release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (all releases)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Oct 1977 promo release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Oct 1977 promo release)

GrandesExitosArgBack.jpg (26630 bytes)
CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release)

Advert from Argentinean magazine "Expreso Imaginario", Oct 1977, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release - "1877-1977" and "FINKEL S.A.I.C. y A.")

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of poster, scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release, not present on Jul 1977 poster)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - poster scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial releases)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and both commercial releases)

CBS 135.001 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial releases)

Also shown is a page from the Oct 1977 issue of the Argentinean music magazine "Expreso Imaginario [Imaginary Express]" with an advertisement for the several CBS albums including this one, and this time the front sleeve is of the Oct 1977 release.

Both Sergio Magnacca and Manuel García Jara have copies of the Oct 1977 release with record matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 9463, Side 2 - BL 9462.

Thanks to Sergio Magnacca, Manuel García Jara, Sergio Mariano Romay and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo cassette releases, CBS 535 001 (Argentina), Jul 1977 onwards:

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release, inside is blank)

The first Dylan cassette release of this album in Argentina from Jul 1977 has a folded cassette insert which is blank on the reverse. "INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA" is printed on the front at the top of the album artwork, possibly stamped. The song titles are translated into Spanish on the cassette insert and the cassette itself. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is mistranslated as "Una Mujer En La Lluvia [A Woman In The Rain]". The cassette is light grey with orange CBS paper labels.

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release - "INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA", missing from Oct 1977 release and Uruguayan 1977 release below)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release - compare with Uruguayan 1977 release below)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release, orange paper labels)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Jul 1977 release, orange paper labels)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Oct 1977 release, red text)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release, inside is also blank)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Oct 1977 release, red text)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release, orange text)

CBS 535 001 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (Oct 1977 release, orange text)

The Oct 1977 release has almost the same insert as for the Jul 1977 release, with an inside that is also blank. The colour of the album picture on the front of the insert is now almost monochrome. "INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA" is now no longer present at the top of the album artwork. The cassette is now white with red text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. Manuel García Jara's copy has the Oct 1977 insert but the cassette is white with orange text printed directly on to it, there are again no paper labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan Grandes Éxitos [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo cassette release, Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina), 1991:

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

This was probably the last Argentinean release of this album in tape format. The inside of the cassette insert is dated 1991. Note the changes in title, catalogue number, artwork and even Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is correctly translated now. The cassette is white with red text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. Both cassettes shown are sealed, although Side 2 of Manuel's copy has five fake screws - these are missing from Side 2 of Sergio's copy. The clear cassette leader tape has repeated text "Sony Music".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (with fake screws)

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - alternate cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - alternate cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (without screws)

Columbia 620.164/4-463088 (Argentina) - cassette leader tape with "Sony Music", scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 135.001 (Uruguay), Jul 1977, re-released Oct 1977:

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - front with sticker, photo from eBay (first promo copy)
The Uruguayan LP release was made in Uruguay by Sondor S.A. on behalf of CBS Inc. The sleeve was not laminated. The front sleeve of the commercial copy has the same printed yellow and pink circle as the Argentinean release but the text is missing. There was no included Milton Glaser poster, which is certainly why the text is missing!
CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - rear with radio station sticker, photo from eBay (first promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first commercial copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - front photo from eBay (second promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies, text missing)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - rear photo from eBay (second promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - promo letter photo from eBay (second promo copy, first has the same letter)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first commercial copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of rear, "1877-1977", scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies, Desire artwork missing)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - Side 1 with promo stamp, photo from eBay (first promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - Side 1 with promo stamp, photo from eBay (second promo copy)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara ("EKITOS" mistake))

CBS 135.001 (Uruguay) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both commercial copies)

There were two different front designs, one from Jul 1977 and the other from Oct 1977, which follow the same pattern as the Argentinean releases above: on the Jul 1977 release, the first line of the album title is "LOS MAD GRANDES"; Positively 4th Street ("POSITIVAMENTE EN LA CUARTA CALLE") is split over two lines, but on the fourth and eighth song title text lines, not two consecutively lines! Subterranean Homesick Blues is translated as "TRISTEZA DE AUSENCIA [Sadness of Absence] (singular)". On the Oct 1977 release the front sleeve album title has just "LOS MAS" on the first line; Positively 4th Street ("POSITIVAMENTE EN LA CUARTA CALLE") is now correctly listed on one line and Subterranean Homesick Blues is now translated as "TRISTEZAS DE AUSENCIA [Sadnesses of Absence] (plural)". On the rear sleeve of the Uruguayan release of Street-Legal (CBS 19.901, 1978) at the bottom there are two pictures of Dylan LPs: Hard Rain (not released in Uruguay) and Los Más Grandes Éxitos de Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits] (with the erroneous front sleeve from Jul 1977)!

The rear sleeve has details of the latest three Dylan albums: Blood On The Tracks, Desire and Hard Rain, but the Desire artwork is missing. This was because Desire was not released in Uruguay, although copies were imported from Argentina. The rear sleeve has the same 1877-1977 logo as the Argentinean album but without the Argentinean text.

The records of the Uruguayan copies shown have orange/yellow CBS labels with a different text layout than the Argentinean labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 9463, Side 2 - BL 9463.

Thanks to Dag Braathen and Sergio Mariano Romay for finding advance promo copies on eBay. These copies have simplified artwork and the text "DISCO DE PROPAGANDA PROHIBIDA SU VENDA [PROMOTIONAL RECORD SALE PROHIBITED]" stamped on the rear sleeve and the record labels. They both come with a promo letter from Sondor S.A., dated Oct 1977. The first copy has a radio station sticker on the front and the Sondor logo at front top right and rear top left, plus details of the tracklisting and two Dylan albums on the rear. The second copy has the CBS logo at front top right and rear top left and the panel tracklisting plus two Dylan albums on the rear is differently placed, implying it's a sticker on a Sondor generic rear sleeve. The records of both promo copies have the commercial labels with promo stamps, although they are differently placed on the copies.

The labels of the first promo copy have "(P) 1977/CBS, Inc.” at high top left and "AGADU" (the Uruguayan copyright organisation) at high top right under "LADO 1/2". The circumference text has “INDUSTRIA URUGUAYA (MADE IN URUGUAY) SONDOR S.A.”. The labels of the second promo copy have "CBS Inc./(P) 1977" at high top left and "AGADU / ART. 78" at high top right under "LADO 1/2". The circumference text has “INDUSTRIA URUGUAYA/SONDOR S.A." at the bottom.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for spotting that there is an error on the Side 2 label: "GRANDES EXITOS" is misspelled "GRANDES EKITOS"! The Side 1 label is correct.

Thanks to Sergio Magnacca for information and to Manuel García Jara, Dag Braathen and Sergio Mariano Romay for further information and scans.

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo cassette release, CBS 535.001 (Uruguay), Jul 1977:

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - cassette front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (does not have "INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA" - see Jul 1977 Argentinean cassette release above)

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - cassette rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Argentinean information cut off - see Jul 1977 Argentinean cassette release above)

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (inside is blank)

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("MADE IN URUGUAY")

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("GRABADO EN URUGUAY", "SONDOR S.A.")

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 535.001 (Uruguay) - cassette spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

This 1977 album is possibly the first cassette release of any Dylan album in Uruguay. The insert was printed in Argentina and has the Argentinean information "AADI-CAPIF SADAIC-BIEM" cut off at bottom right (compare with the Jul 1977 Argentinean cassette insert above). "INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA" is not present at the top of the album artwork. The cassette was made in Uruguay by Sondor S.A. and is black with orange CBS labels.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo cassette release: CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay), 1986:

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - cassette insert scan by Dag Braathen

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - outside of paper insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - inside of paper insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Dag Braathen

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (date "1977")

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Dag Braathen (date "1986")

CBS/Renew Variety Records 450.632 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 2 scan by Dag Braathen

This stereo cassette release of this album from Uruguay was made on behalf of CBS Inc. by Renew Variety Records in Uruguay in the "Lineo Platino [Platinum Line]" series. The insert is dated 1977. Thanks to Dag Braathen for the information that the cassette is dated 1986 and the front design is based on a photo from 1984. The cassette also contains a folded paper insert with biographical notes in Spanish by Alfredo Leiros, a Uruguayan journalist and speaker.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Dag Braathen and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Los Más Grandes Éxitos De Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits]" - stereo cassette release: CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay), 1990:

CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (inside is blank)
This release dated 1990 is part of the “Masters of Rock” series. This was probably the last Uruguayan release of this album on cassette. It has a folded cassette insert of textured paper which is blank on the reverse. The front shows the picture of the US Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits.
CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay) - cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

CBS 8313-4 (Uruguay) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The text is in English only, except for the copyright text on the cassette labels, that includes “Made in Uruguay”. There is a “Dolby System” logo on the front and on the spine. The cassette is white with orange paper labels with black text, with the song titles in English only. Also present is the “Dolby System” logo and “AGADU” (the Uruguayan copyright organisation). The cassette can be opened, as there are five screws on Side 2.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits'" - stereo vinyl LP, Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan), 1984:

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - front with stickers, scan by Manuel García Jara
This was the first official Columbia Records Dylan release in Taiwan, released in association with Himalaya Records. For an unofficial 1970s Taiwanese release of this album, see above.
Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - first front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - second front sticker scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - insert front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of insert front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of insert rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of Side 1 sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Himalaya CBR 8471 (Taiwan) - detail of Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara

The front sleeve is made of heavy card (unofficial sleeves are very flimsy) and has white and orange stickers with Chinese text. The same orange sticker is on the Side 1 label, so Manuel García Jara thinks this indicates the copy is a promo. There is a double-sided 12" insert with lyrics in English. There is Chinese text on the rear sleeve and rear of the insert. The record has red Columbia labels with the logo in a ring round the circumference, and also the Himalaya logo. The labels have "PRINTED IN U.S.A.", although this may not be correct. The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - XSM 117277 G2D, Side 2 - XSM 117278 G2B.

There was also a cassette release, CBS/Himalaya CBC 8471 (not shown).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette, CBS KJJC-0628 (Chile), 1986:

CBS KJJC-0628 (Chile) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

This rare cassette release was made by CBS Records Chile Ltda. The insert has the track listing on the reverse in English only. The cassette is light grey with pale orange paper labels and orange text. There is a mistake inside the cassette insert where the photographer's name is given as just "Roland" instead of "Roland Scherman".

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

CBS KJJC-0628 (Chile) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS KJJC-0628 (Chile) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS KJJC-0628 (Chile) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

"Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette releases, CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?), 1987:

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - front scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1 - Bob with Tom Petty on right)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - rear of cassette, scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1 - "SONY MUSIC")

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1 - "PTS EC 91/12")

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - detail of cassette Side 1, scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2 - "SONY MUSIC")

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

Usual.jpg (14753 bytes)
CBS 651148 7 (NL/Spain/Portugal) - 1987 7" single front scan (my Dutch copy)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - cassette Side 1 scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

CBS JCT 9463 (Europe?) - cassette Side 2 scan by Dag Braathen (variant 2)

Dag Braathen bought his copy of this CBS stereo cassette release with two 1980s pictures from a Spanish dealer. The reverse rear picture was used for singles with The Usual from the Hearts Of Fire film soundtrack in 1987. It has the US catalogue number but there's no country of origin. Hans Seegers thinks it was made in Holland for distribution within Europe. "SONY MUSIC" is embossed on side 1 of the cassette at top right. Manuel García Jara has a copy also bought in Spain with a price sticker of 90.00 on the case. He thinks it was made in the USA for distribution in the Far East (90 baht was the price of a cassette in Thailand). Manuel has a second copy with the same insert although the tracklist on the album front picture is blurred. This cassette is clear with pale blue paper labels with dark blue text. It also has "SONY MUSIC" is embossed on side 1 of the cassette at top right and has "PTS EC 91/12" reversed stamped into the cassette on both sides.

Both Gerd Rundel and I suspect this may be from Singapore/Malaysia, but confirmation is needed.

Thanks to Dag Braathen, Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and for scans.

"Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl compilation LP releases, CBS 463088 1 (NL), 1989; Columbia 463088 1 (NL), 1990s:

CBS 463088 1 (NL), 1989:

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

GH1NLStandardFront.jpg (17956 bytes)
CBS 463088 1 (NL) - front without sticker, photo by Sergio Magnacca

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 463088 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

This album uses the UK front sleeve photo but has the US Greatest Hits tracklist! The record has red CBS labels. For earlier Dutch Greatest Hits releases see International Album Releases (Dylan-Only Compilations) 1960s and here. The matrix numbers of Sergio Magnacca's copy are: Side 1 - 01 463088 1A1, Side 2 - 01 463088 1B1.

Columbia 463088 1 (NL), 1990s:

Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
This Columbia album again uses the UK front sleeve photo but has the US Greatest Hits tracklist. The rear sleeve has different text from the CBS release at top right and along the bottom edge. |
Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia 463088 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

The record now has red Columbia labels. The copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01 4630 88 20 1A1, Side 2 - 01 463088 20 1B1.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Sergio Magnacca, Lars M. Banke and Peter Oudejans for information and pictures.

"Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette releases, CBS 463088 4 (NL), 1989; Columbia 463088 4 (NL), 1990s:

CBS 463088 4 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 463088 4 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 463088 4 (NL) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 463088 4 (NL) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-62847 (NL) - front of cassette insert, scan by Tom Willems (1974 release with UK tracklist)

Columbia 463088 4 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (NL) - cassette Side 1 photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (NL) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 460907 4 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton (1991 release with UK tracklist)
These equivalent cassette releases to the previous entry are even more unusual in that they not only use the UK front design but also include the UK tracklist (missing from the LP front), even though the tracks on the cassettes themselves are the US ten song selection.

The 1989 release is on the CBS label. The cassette is black with red CBS labels. The 1900s release is on the Columbia label. The cassette is transparent smoked grey with white text, there are no paper labels.

For the previous Dutch cassette release which did have the UK tracklist, see UK Greatest Hits. To make matters more complicated, the version with the UK twelve song tracklist was reissued in Holland in 1991 under the Columbia label, also see UK Greatest Hits.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl releases, CBS 463088 1 (Spain), 1989 (twice); CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain), 1990, reissued 1992:

CBS 463088 1 (Spain), 1989 (first release):

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - front with "Precio Redondo" sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1989 release)
These albums also use the UK front sleeve (without track titles) but have the US Greatest Hits tracklist! The previous Spanish releases between 1970 and 1988 with this front sleeve design had the 12 song UK tracklist and can be found here. Both the sleeves and the records were made in Spain. The sleeve was printed by Offset ALG and the records were made by Tecnodisco S.A.

This is the equivalent release to the 1989 Dutch LP release above, and has the same catalogue number. For the corresponding 1989 CD release, see below. For a Greek Columbia vinyl release with the same catalogue number, also see below. This was the first time that Positively 4th Street had appeared on a widely available Spanish compilation (the Spanish release of Biograph had it, but that was released in very limited quantities, far outnumbered by imported copies from Holland).

The 1989 front sleeve has a "Precio Redondo [Nice Price]" sticker. The record has red CBS labels dated 1989 and the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 463088 1A0, Side 2 - 463088 1B0.

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - "Precio Redondo" front sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1989 releases)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1989 releases)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (all four releases)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (first 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both 1989 releases)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain), 1989 (second release):

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - front with "Precio Redondo" sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1989 release)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1989 release - with telephone number)

CBS 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (second 1989 release)

The second 1989 release has the same sleeve as the first again with a "Precio Redondo [Nice Price]" front sticker. The record has red CBS labels dated 1989 but the labels this time also have the Tecnodisco telephone number. The copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 463088 1A0, Side 2 - 463088 1B0.

Michel Pomarede has a copy with the 1989 sleeve but with the 1990 record labels as below.

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain), 1990:

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - front with "20th Anniversary" sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

The 1990 release now comes from CBS/Sony. It has a black sticker with gold text "Greatest Hits - 20 Aniversario - 1970-1990". This is incredibly misleading, because the album released in this form with the US tracklist only dates from 1989! The 1969 (not 1970) Spanish release and all releases up to 1988 had the UK tracklist and are found here. The rear sleeve has the same copyright as the 1989 releases above.

The record has red CBS/Sony labels dated 1989 and the copy shown again has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 463088 1A0, Side 2 - 463088 1B0.

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - "20th Anniversary" sticker scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS S 62847 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers (1969 release with UK tracklist)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1990 and 1992 releases)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1990 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (1990 and 1992 releases - with telephone number)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain), 1992:

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - front with "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release)

The 1992 release has a "Nice Price" sticker in English on the front sleeve and the record has red CBS/Sony labels again dated 1989. As before the record was made by Tecnodisco S.A. for Discos CBS and the copy shown again has matrix numbers: Side 1 - 463088 1A0, Side 2 - 463088 1B0. The rear sleeve has different copyright text from the 1989 and 1990 releases.

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - front "Nice Price" sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release)

CBS/Sony 463088 1 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (1992 release, 1990 release is the same as the 1989 releases above)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Michel Pomarede for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette, CBS 463088 4 (Spain), 1989:

CBS 463088 4 (Spain) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara
This cassette release also uses the UK front sleeve but has the US Greatest Hits tracklist! The song titles are in English on the cassette insert and the cassette itself. The cassette is of white plastic with text printed on directly, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 463088 4 (Spain) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 463088 4 (Spain) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 463088 4 (Spain) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl release, Columbia 463088 1 (Greece), 1990s:

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - front scan by Arie de Reus
This album again uses the UK Greatest Hits front sleeve without the track list. Unlike the previous releases of this album in Greece, for which see here), it has the US track list and the same rear sleeve design as the 1989 Spanish CBS/Sony release.  
Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - front with "NICE PRICE" sticker, scan by Simon Blokker

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - detail of front, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - rear scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Arie de Reus

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Arie de Reus
Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - insert front scan by Simon Blokker
Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - insert rear scan by Simon Blokker

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Arie de Reus
Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Simon Blokker ("MADE IN GREECE")

Columbia 463088 1 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Arie de Reus

Both the sleeve and the record were made in Greece. The record has dark red Columbia labels. Simon Blokker has a copy with a CBS "NICE PRICE" sticker on the front. This copy also has a 1991 CBS double-sided insert with illustrations of Bob's "NICE PRICE" and full price albums on vinyl, cassette and CD. Simon cannot find any matrix numbers on the record.

Thanks to Arie de Reus and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette release, CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey), late 1980s:

CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey)
- outside of cassette insert, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey) - cassette Side 1 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS/Uzelli 01-463088-10 (Turkey) - cassette Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

This official release with the new catalogue number was manufactured and distributed in Turkey by Uzelli for CBS Records. It uses the UK front design but has the US track list. The cassette is clear with light buff CBS labels.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette release, Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey), 1990s:

Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey) - outside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

This second official Turkish release is now on Columbia and was manufactured and distributed in Turkey by Sony Müsik A. Ş. (Türkiye), Istanbul. It again uses the UK front design but again has the US track list. The insert now has a barcode.

The cassette is transparent smoked grey with what looks like a frosted coating, similar to other CBS/Columbia Turkey cassettes.

Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey) - inside of cassette insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 1 with sticker. photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey) - cassette Side 2 photocopy by Paul Shenton

Columbia 463088 4 (Turkey) - bottom of cassette showing "Sony Music" on leader tape, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Thanks to Paul Shenton for information and pictures.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette release, RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia), 1990s:

RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia) - cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

RTVL-CBS KL 1935 (Yugoslavia) - cassette Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits and Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits 2, the 1966 and 1967 Dutch compilations, were the only Dylan compilations released as vinyl LPs in the former Yugoslavia (both in 1982, see International Mono Releases - Dylan-Only Compilations 1960s). However, the worldwide compilations Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits and Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II/More Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, although never released there in vinyl, were released in Yugoslavia in tape format only. Manuel García Jara believes that these two compilations were the last Dylan albums ever released in the former Yugoslavia, in the early 1990s, only some months before the civil war.

This release with Dolby noise reduction was distributed in the then Yugoslavia by Radio TeleVisje Ljubljana (RTVL/ZKPRTV) Slovenija, from Ljubljana in what is now Slovenia on behalf of CBS and again comes with minimal packaging with only the album sleeve and song titles on the insert. It uses the UK front design but has the US tracklist. The cassette is grey transparent plastic with pink labels. The 1971 double compilation More Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits with the UK title and front design but again with the US tracklist was also released in Yugoslavia in the 1990s as RTVL-CBS KL 1936 (Under The Red Sky was RTVL-CBS KL 1958).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"The Greatest Hits Of The Superstars 11"/"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl release, Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea), 1991:

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

Sony/Columbia CK 9463/DPL-5011 (South Korea) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

This South Korean LP release with unique artwork and yellow/red record labels is #11 in a series called "The Greatest Hits Of The Superstars" released by Seoul Records Inc. under license from Columbia/Epic Music (South Korea) Inc. There was also a CD release, DPK-5011, see here.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo compact cassette release, Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia), 1990s:

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - detail of inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

This stereo cassette release has the UK front picture but the ten song US tracklist is an official release from Saudi Arabia on the Megastar label and was made by Modern Electronics Establishment, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, licensed by Columbia. It is for sale in GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) countries only - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman. The cassette itself is transparent smoked grey with white text, there are no paper labels. Note the "Megastar" and Arabic text on the leader tape!

Megastar/Columbia 102701 (Saudi Arabia) - cassette leader tape, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits" - stereo vinyl release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe), 1 Dec 2017:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - front scan by Gerd Rundel
This release has a "We are vinyl" front sticker. It comes with the Milton Glaser poster and an MP3 download code for the album.

Éamonn Ó Catháin says the sound is excellent and it contains the longer stereo version of Positively 4th Street.
This 4:12 stereo mix, first released on a 1966 record club album called Disco Teen 66, was previously listed as a rarity (R-0049, see Released Rarities). The original stereo mix released on the 1967 album was 3:56.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - detail of front, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - front sticker scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88985455611 (Europe) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

CD Releases

Because of the length of this page, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits CD releases are now here.

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Blonde On Blonde 1966
Blonde On Blonde

Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits

John Wesley Harding 1968
John Wesley Harding
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A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.