"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

Audio: 1972 - "Greatest Folksingers of the 'Sixties" (Various Artists)

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

Home ] Up ] 1972 "The Concert For Bangladesh" ] [ 1972 "Greatest Folksingers of the 'Sixties" ] 1972 Steve Goodman ] 1972 "A Tribute To Woody Guthrie" ]

Because of the length of the 1972 page, this sub-page contains all the entries for this release, both the original 1972 2LP releases, tape releases, and the 1987 CD releases.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 04 January, 2025

Titles in red are not available on a currently released Bob Dylan CD (for these see bobdylan.com )

Key to symbols used:
Links to other World Wide Web pages -
Links to email addresses -
Performances currently available on commercial CD are marked by (these are the ones that count as obscurities rather than as rarities)

Vinyl and Tape Releases

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - promo and commercial stereo 2LP sets: Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA), 3 Mar 1972, re-released 1975, 1986:
Record 1 of this double album i
s a selection of studio tracks from the Vanguard catalogue and Record 2 is a compilation of highlights of the Newport Folk Festivals, including Bob performing Blowin' In The Wind from the 1963 festival. The front sleeve of the album is a painting by Eric von Schmidt on all releases except the French. For the UK Folklore album Dick Fariña & Eric von Schmidt with Bob playing harmonica as "Blind Boy Grunt", see 1964. Thanks to Gil Walker for pointing out the correct date for this item - it was previously dated as 1967, but apparently Vanguard did not revert to using the "VSD" low number series until 1970. Tim Dunn gives the exact date as 3 Mar 1972. Gil Walker also has the US LP set, he confirms the picture below is of the original US gatefold sleeve.

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA), 1972:

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - front of gatefold sleeve with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

R-0022-5 Blowin' In The Wind - recorded live by "Bob Dylan (and Friends)" (including Joan Baez and Peter, Paul & Mary) at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, originally released on the 1964 Vanguard album The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see 1964 (stereo version)
Rob Carson tells me this is a different mix from the 1964 version - confirmation? If so, it could be the same as or similar to R-0818 released in 2007 on the US Columbia/Legacy DVD The Other Side Of The Mirror: Bob Dylan Live At The Newport Folk Festival 1963-1965, see VHS & DVD 2000s Part 4. This makes Bob's vocals more prominent than on the 1964 release.

Manuel García Jara's promo copy comes in the commercial gatefold sleeve and the records come in the Vanguard inner sleeves shown below. There is a white promo sticker on the front of the sleeve and the records have white promo labels.

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve with promo sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

GFS1.jpg (57836 bytes)
Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Mahmoud Sadrai of Tracy Zank's double LP (commercial release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - front scan by Mahmoud Sadrai (commercial release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - detail of outside gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

GFS2.jpg (66052 bytes)
Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - inside gatefold sleeve scan by Mahmoud Sadrai (promo and commercial releases)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - detail of inside gatefold sleeve, scan by Mahmoud Sadrai (promo and commercial releases)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - inner sleeve front, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - promo Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - detail of promo Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - promo Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - promo Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - promo Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - commercial Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - detail of commercial Side 1 scan, by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - commercial Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 18 (USA) - commercial Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 18 (USA) - commercial Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

The picture on the inside of the gatefold sleeve is of Newport Elk Lodge #104, whose web-site today is here . The records of the US 2LP set come in generic Vanguard inner sleeves. The record labels are dated 1972.

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA), 1975:

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release, no Dylan)

This album was re-released in 1975 with the same gatefold sleeve, catalogue number and identical inner sleeves to those of the original 1972 release, but with new style "marbled" Vanguard record labels, introduced in the USA in 1974. They are still dated 1972.

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release, no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 18 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release, includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 18 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release, no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (USA), 1986:

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)
Vanguard Records was bought by Welk Record Group Company in 1985 and its address was moved from New York City to Santa Monica, CA. This new reissue with the original catalogue number dates from this period and, so far, it was the last release to be issued as a double vinyl album: two different selections of tracks taken from this 2LP set were released in 1987 as single vinyl albums: in the UK (Vanguard VNP 5317, including Blowin' In The Wind, see below) and in the USA (Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102, without Blowin' In The Wind, also see below).
Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release, no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release, no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 18 (USA) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release, includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release, no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

Vanguard CVM 73102 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, picture from www.discogs.com (1987 release - no Dylan)

Vanguard VMS 73102 (USA) - front picture from www.discogs.com (1987 single LP release - no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1986 release)

This new release has some important differences:

  1. The sleeve is made of thin laminated cardboard instead of heavy cardboard, as usual in US albums
  2. Unlike all previous releases, this reissue has a wide single sleeve instead of a gatefold sleeve
  3. The artwork is almost identical to that of the previous releases, including the by then obsolete information about mono/stereo, but it now has the new address of Vanguard Records in Santa Monica and additional copyright text above the text "Printed In USA"
  4. The record labels return to the design of the late 1960s with yellow labels, used in well-known albums like Newport Broadside: Topical Songs At The Newport Folk Festival 1963 (this album, originally published in 1964, was reissued in 1967 as a complement to the documentary "Festival", see VHS & DVD 1960s) or Any Day Now: Joan Baez Sings Dylan (1968).

Thanks to Wim van der Mark, Manuel García Jara, Tracy Zank and Mahmoud Sadrai for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - single 8-track tape release: Vanguard VAN M817/18 (USA), 3 Mar 1972:

Vanguard VAN M 817/18 (USA) - front of 8-track tape cartridge slipcase, scan by Manuel García Jara
This 8-track stereo tape cartridge release has both albums on one cartridge. The cartridge is black and comes in a black slipcase.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Vanguard VAN M 817/18 (USA) - front of 8-track tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VAN M 817/18 (USA) - rear of 8-track tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VAN M 817/18 (USA) - end of 8-track tape cartridge, scan by Manuel García Jara

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - single stereo cassette release: Vanguard CVSD 17/18 (USA), 1987:

Vanguard CVSD 17/18 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara
The US single cassette release is in the Vanguard "Twofer" series as is the 1987 single CD release below. The cassette is transparent grey with white text, there are no paper labels.
Vanguard CVSD 17/18 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard CVSD 17/18 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard CVSD 17/18 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Other Vanguard Releases:

Japanese Vanguard release with obi, picture found by Moise Potié

More details required of the Japanese Vanguard release shown.

Thanks to Moise Potié for information and scan.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP sets: Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK), 3 Mar 1972, re-released 1975:

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK), 1972:

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK) - front scan by Kenneth Robson (1972 release)

In the UK Vanguard records were released by Philips (later called PolyGram, now Universal)  from the 1950s through to 1968, so the original releases of these Newport recordings in the UK was on the Fontana label, see 1964. Kenneth Robson's 1972 UK 2LP set was released by RCA, who released Vanguard recordings from 1968-74. The outside of the sleeve does not have the Stereo arrows and text "Also Playable Mono" as the US release. Also, the tracklist in the US edition has composer credits and copyrights, omitted on the rear of the UK sleeve. The inside of the UK gatefold sleeve is the same as that of the US sleeve. The UK record labels are also dated 1972.

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson (1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson (1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 17 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson (no Dylan, 1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 17 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson (no Dylan, 1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 18 (UK) - Side 3 scan by Kenneth Robson (includes R-0022, 1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 18 (UK) - Side 4 scan by Kenneth Robson (no Dylan, 1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 17 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Kenneth Robson (1972 release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson (1972 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17/18 (UK), 1975:

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17/18 (UK) - front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)
From 1975 onwards Vanguard records were again released by Philips, but now on the Pye label. This rare Pye edition of 1975 still has the original sleeve from when it was released by RCA but on the rear of the gatefold sleeve there a sticker ("Manufactured and Distributed by PYE RECORDS") next to the RCA information text.  The record labels are very different from those of the RCA edition, and now have the Pye Records logo. Although the catalogue number is "VSD 17/18" on the sleeve, the record labels have "VSD 17-1" and "VSD 17-2". Unlike on the rear sleeve, the record labels have the composer credits for each track. The records are made of translucent vinyl!

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17/18 (UK) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17/18 (UK) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17-1 (UK) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan, 1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17-1 (UK) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17-1 (UK) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan, 1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17-2 (UK) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022, 1975 release)

Vanguard/Pye VSD 17-2 (UK) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan, 1975 release)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (UK) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (1975 release)

Thanks to Kenneth Robson and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France), 1972:

GFS60s.jpg (31725 bytes)
Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

The front of this French release is completely different, but the catalogue number, the rear and inside of the gatefold sleeve are identical to other worldwide releases. The sleeve was printed in France by Grimoffset and the album was distributed by Musidisc . The records have green Vanguard labels and are numbered "VSD 17" and "VSD 18".
Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (France) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17 (France) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard VSD 17 (France) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 18 (France) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 18 (France) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy), 1972:

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
The Italian release of this album has artwork very similar to other worldwide releases but the Vanguard logo, stereo logo, reference and even designer and artist names are missing from the front of the gatefold sleeve. The Vanguard logo and the text "Distribuzioni Dischi Ricordi S.p.A." are on the rear.
Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Dischi Ricordi ASVAL 233054 (Italy) - detail of spine of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

The text at the bottom of the rear sleeve still states "All songs on VSD-17 produced by Maynard Solomon..." even though this Italian release has a different catalogue number (ASVAL 233054) from other countries (VSD 17/18). The records have yellow Vanguard labels and are numbered 1-4. There is an Italian "SIAE" copyright stamp on Sides 1 and 3.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden), 1972:

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
Even though this set was new and sealed when it was bought, only one record of this 2LP set was included! This rare Swedish release was made by Grand Prix (part of Sonet Grammofon AB) for Vanguard Records. The outside of the gatefold sleeve is fully laminated and it  has a similar design to that of the US release with Stereo information on front. There are Grand Prix logos on the front and rear. Although the outer gatefold sleeve shows the new catalogue number (GPD-10007) on the front, rear and spine, the original US catalogue number (VSD 17/18) is still visible above the tracklist on the rear sleeve.

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - detail of front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - detail of Side 3, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - detail of Side 3, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

The inside of the gatefold sleeve is the same as for other releases. The records have silver labels, used by Vanguard in some countries from the late 1960s until the mid 1970s (the commercial release of the single Spanish album below has also silver labels). Fortunately, the record included in this copy is #2 with Blowin' In The Wind!

Vanguard/Grand Prix GPD-10007 (Sweden) - spine scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - single stereo cassette release: Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia), late 1970s:

Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (no Dylan)

Vanguard TC-VAX 701620 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (includes R-0022)

This original Vanguard USA recording was manufactured for sale in Australia/NZ. by Virgin Records Pty Ltd Rear of insert Licensed by Virgin Records Australia Pty Ltd Manufactured marketed and retailed by EMI Retail Promotions. The cassette is transparent grey with white text, there are no paper labels.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand), 1972:

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - front of gatefold sleeve, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of front, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of inside gatefold, scan by Bill Hester (note difference from detail of US sleeve)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - rear of gatefold sleeve, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of inside gatefold, scan by Bill Hester

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - Side 3 scan by Bill Hester (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 3, scan by Bill Hester

Bill Hester's New Zealand 2LP release was manufactured by Pye Records of Auckland, New Zealand, on behalf of Vanguard. (Like Fontana, Pye was part of the Philips group, as the 1975 UK release above). The rear of the sleeve is in monochrome. The records are both numbered VSD 17/18 instead of VSD 17 and VSD 18, with the sides numbered 1 to 4. The red and yellow circle on the front of the New Zealand release appears to have been drawn in marker pens where a sticker was attached. Record 1 is sub-titled "Great Artists from the Vanguard Folk Catalogue" and Record 2 is subtitled "Highlights of the Newport Folk Festivals".

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Los Más Grandes Cantantes Folklóricos Americanos De Los Años Sesenta [Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties]" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases: Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain), 1972:

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - no Dylan)

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release - includes R-0022)

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release - no Dylan)

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release - promo release has the same text)

Hispavox/Vanguard HVAS 471-22 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release - includes R-0022)

The 1972 Spanish single LP release of this album, entitled Los Más Grandes Cantantes Folklóricos Americanos De Los Años Sesenta [The Best American Folksingers Of The Sixties] (Hispavox HVAS 471-22), released under licence from Vanguard, does not have a gatefold sleeve. It still contains R-0022. The very rare promo copy of the album has white Vanguard labels with text "DISCO PROMOCIONAL/PROHIBIDA SU VENTA [PROMOTIONAL RECORD/SALE PROHIBITED]". It comes in the commercial sleeve.

On the record labels Side 1 is subtitled as "Grandes artistas del catálogo Vanguard [Great artists from the Vanguard Catalogue]", Side 2 as "Selecciones de los Festivales Folk de Newport [Selections from Newport Folk Festivals]". Side 1 consists of studio recordings by artists like Ian & Sylvia, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Joan Baez and Odetta (a selection from Record 1 of the 2LP set). Side 2 has live performances taken from different Newport Folk Festivals by artists such as Judy Collins, Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger (a selection from Record 2 of the 2LP set). Bob's performance is credited to "Bob Dylan y Amigos [Bob Dylan and Friends]". Blowin' in The Wind is translated as "Quisiera Saber... [I Would Like To Know...]".

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and Manuel García Jara for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Los Más Notables Cantantes Folklóricos Americanos De La Ultíma Decada [Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties]" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard VSD 17/18 (Colombia), 1972:

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (Colombia) - front of gatefold sleeve, photo from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (Colombia) - inside of gatefold sleeve with Spanish text on left, photo from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (Colombia) - detail of rear of gatefold sleeve, photo from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VSD 17/18 (Colombia) - rear of gatefold sleeve, photo from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VSD 17 (Colombia) - Side 1 photo from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 17 (Colombia) - detail of Side 1, photo from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VSD 17 (Colombia) - Side 2 photo from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Vanguard VSD 18 (Colombia) - Side 1 photo from www.discogs.com (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VSD 18 (Colombia) - Side 2 photo from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

This 2LP set had a different Spanish title: Los Más Notables Cantantes Folklóricos Americanos De La Ultíma Decada [The Most Notable Folksingers Of The Last Decade]. It was manufactured and distributed in Colombia by Discos Orbe LTDA of Bogotá on behalf of Vanguard Records. The title and other text on the sleeve and record labels including song titles are translated into Spanish. This time the individual records do not have sub-titles.

Various Artists - "Hits Of The Great American Folksingers" - 2LP set: Bel Air COD 2 (France), 1975(?):
The material was licensed from Vanguard in the USA. Despite the different title and artwork, this is actually a reissue of the Vanguard 1972 2LP set Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties (Vanguard VSD 17/18) above. Both editions, the original and this reissue, have the same tracklist and in the same order.

HOTGAFS.jpg (30671 bytes)
Bel Air COD2 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bel Air COD2 (France) - outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of outside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of inside of gatefold sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

Bel Air COD2 (France) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Bel Air COD2 (France) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Bel Air COD2 (France) - detail of Side 3 with R-0022, scan by Manuel García Jara (mistitled as "Flowin' In The Wind")

Bel Air COD2 (France) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

The gatefold sleeve was printed in France by Grimoffset. The two records have blue Bel Air labels with the title "Hits of The Great American Folksingers" on each side, but on the inner gatefold sleeve each record has the same title as in the original release: record #1 is "Great Artists From The Vanguard Folk Catalogue" and record #2 is "Highlights Of The Newport Folk Festivals". The original album was first published in 1972 but it was reissued in 1975 in the USA and in the UK, so this must be the equivalent French reissue. On Side 3 Blowin' In The Wind is mistitled as "Flowin' In The Wind"!

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Les Géants Du Folk Américain Des Années 60 [American Folk Giants Of The 60s]" - stereo vinyl test pressing and commercial copies: Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France), 1980:

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing and commercial copies)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing and commercial copies)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing and commercial copies)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of rear with price sticker, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - test pressing Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - test pressing Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy, includes R-0022)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy, no Dylan)

Bel Air/Musidisc BEL 0010 (France) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (test pressing and commercial copies)

This new French release dates from 1980 and again came from Bel Air under license from Vanguard and distributed in France by Musidisc. This time it is a single album with yet another different title and artwork: it includes six tracks from the Vanguard catalogue and six tracks from the Newport Folk Festivals but, unlike on the Spanish album above (Hispavox HVAS 471-22), they are mixed on both sides: tracks recorded live at Newport are marked (*) on the rear sleeve. R-0022 is track 1 on Side 1 (it was on Record 2 of the original compilation).

The record of the test pressing has generic white labels with printed text "échantillon [sample]" and handwritten text including "Musidisc" and a date of "22-5-80" (22 May 1980). The record of the commercial copy has graduated pink Bel Air labels, quite different from the blue 1975 Bel Air labels above. The commercial copy has a price sticker on the rear sleeve for 19 Francs (€2.90).

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo 2LP set: Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal), 1980s:

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This very rare Portuguese release was made by Edisom LDA. for Vanguard Records, and is the only release of this compilation in Portugal. It has a single sleeve, not the usual gatefold, and it is very narrow, so the only way to keep the spine unbroken is to keep the records out of the sleeve! The front has the usual design but the rear is monochrome (without the usual pink lettering). Although it has a new catalogue number on the rear, spine and record labels it still has the US catalogue number in the tracklist of each side on the rear (VSD 17/18)l. The record labels are amazingly similar to the CBS orange/yellow design.

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - Side 3 scan by Manuel García Jara (includes R-0022)

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - Side 4 scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Vanguard/Edisom 624810 (Portugal) - spine scan by Manuel García Jara

Edisom LDA. was a small Portuguese label that distributed the Virgin Records catalogue from the mid 1970s until 1992. The Virgin Records catalogue was sold to EMI (Portuguese affiliate: Valentim de Carvalho, later EMI Music Portugal) in 1992, and Edisom suffered a major blow that caused the label to cease operations in 1995.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - stereo vinyl LP releases: Vanguard VMS 73102 (USA), 1986; Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK), 1987:

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - front (my copy)
This UK reissue of the single LP version above was released in the UK for Vanguard by Start Records in 1987. It has no gatefold sleeve and the record sides do not have titles like the 1972 2LP sets or the Spanish single LP release. The record of the copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - VNP 5317A-1  MT (handwritten) "C" (stamped), Side 2 - VNP 5317B-1  MT (handwritten) "2" (stamped).

A single LP version had previously been released in the USA in 1986 as Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102. This US LP had a different track selection from VMP 5317 and did not include R-0022! It is shown for completion.

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of front

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of front

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - rear

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of rear

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of rear

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of rear

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - Side 1 (no Dylan)

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of Side 1

Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102 (USA) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102 (USA) - rear scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (no Dylan)

Vanguard Mid-Line VMS 73102 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (also no Dylan)

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - Side 2 (includes R-0022)

Vanguard VNP 5317 (UK) - detail of Side 2 (includes R-0022)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

CD Releases

There must be many more CD releases of this set - scans required!

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - 2CD 24-track release: Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany), 1987:

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany) - front scan by Ronald Born

This 2CD set was made in West Germany and manufactured and distributed in Europe by ZYX Music. The first CD (no Dylan) is called "Great Artists From The Vanguard Folk Catalogue", the second (with Blowin' In The Wind by "Bob Dylan And Friends") is called "Highlights From The Newport Folk Festivals".
Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany) - rear insert scan by Ronald Born

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany) - CD1 scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany) - detail of CD1, scan by Ronald Born ("MADE IN GERMANY")

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (West Germany) - CD2 scan by Ronald Born (includes R-0022)

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - single CD 24-track releases:  Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK)/ Vanguard/Carrere 92015 (France)/ Vanguard/Virgin/Axis CDVAX 701620 (Australia), 1990(?):

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - CD front scan by Jack from Canada

The USA/UK CD release is in the Vanguard "Twofer" series as is the 1987 single cassette release above. It was made in England. The French CD was released in association with French company Carrere.

All these CD releases have 24 tracks on one disc. www.discogs.com dates these 24-track CDs as 1990.

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - outside of CD front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - detail of front, scan by Jack from Canada ("twofer")

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - inside of CD front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - CD rear insert scan by Jack from Canada (24 tracks)

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - detail of CD rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada ("MADE IN ENGLAND")

Vanguard VCD 17/18 (USA/UK) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Vanguard/Carrerre 92015 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Vanguard/Carrerre 92015 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (24 tracks)

Vanguard/Carrerre 92015 (France) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Vanguard/Virgin/Axis CDVAX 701620 (Australia) - CD front scan by Stuart Moore

Vanguard/Virgin/Axis CDVAX 701620 (Australia) - CD rear insert scan by Stuart Moore (24 tracks)

Vanguard/Virgin/Axis CDVAX 701620 (Australia) - CD disc scan by Stuart Moore

Thanks to Wim van der Mark, Jack from Canada, Peter Oudejans and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Folksingers Of The 'Sixties" - single CD 15-track release: Vanguard VNP 7317 (UK), 1987:

Vanguard VNP 7317 (UK) - CD front picture from www.discogs.com

This 1987 15-track CD is the direct equivalent of the single UK LP Vanguard VNP 5317 above, and was also marketed by Start Records.

Vanguard VNP 7317 (UK) - rear of CD insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Vanguard VNP 7317 (UK) - CD rear insert picture from www.discogs.com (15 tracks)

Vanguard VNP 7317 (UK) - CD picture from www.discogs.com (15 tracks)

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A Flying Pig production

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