"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1976

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This is part of a list by release date of international (now including the USA, which was once listed separately) promo and commercially-released stereo 7" and 12" singles and EPs for 1976 that do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know many are not included on any other Internet site. Special thanks to Hans Seegers for many of these items! Stereo promo versions of commercially released singles that were formerly listed in the Promotional Items sections of the yearly pages are now listed here. Singles released exclusively for promotional purposes are now listed here also. I would also like to include cassette singles here, but I don't have any, and none have been notified to me so far.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 05 January, 2025.

"Hurricane" - radio station promo 7" single, S CBS 3878 (UK), 16 Jan 1976:

CBS3878UKA.jpg (28556 bytes)
S CBS 3878 (UK) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0441)
This promo single had an edited version of this track from Desire on the A-side, see 1975-76 Hurricane Singles.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Bob Dylan - "Hurricane (Part I)"/Bruce Springsteen - "Born To Run" - 7" jukebox single, CBS YD 452 (Italy), Jan 1976:

CBS YD 452 jukebox single (Italy) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126), B-side no Dylan
This unique promo single had an edited version of this track from Desire on the A-side, see 1975-76 Hurricane Singles.

Thanks to Peter Schoefboeck for information and to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS YD 452 jukebox single (Italy) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - untitled compilation EP, Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand), 1976:

Express Songs EXP.160 (Thailand) - front scan by Hans Seegers
This stereo EP was legal in Thailand at the time of release, but there is no association with Columbia. These Thai releases are extremely rare and sell for very high prices.

This EP contains two rarities, Part I and Part II of Hurricane, so full details can be found in 1975-76 Hurricane Singles.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Various Artists - "Mais 4 Hits Internacionais" - stereo EP, CBS 56487 (Brazil), 1976:

CBS 56487 (Brazil) - front scan by Hans Seegers
Bob's contribution to this stereo/mono EP is Part I of Hurricane (unbleeped version). Because this is a rarity the main entry for this EP is in 1975-76 Hurricane Singles. The other artists on the EP are Janis Ian, The Isley Brothers and The Manhattans.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan), Jan 1976:

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)
These singles have a folded insert. The first promo version has white CBS/Sony promo labels, the second promo version has the regular CBS/Sony orange labels with stamped promo information on either the A-side or the B-side.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (all releases)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (white label promo release)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (orange label promo release with stamp)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (orange label promo release with stamp)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (orange label promo release with stamp)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (orange label commercial release)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (orange label commercial release)

CBS/Sony SOPB 360 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (white label promo release)

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" stereo single, CBS BA 222203 (Australia), Jan 1976, re-released mid 1976:

CBS BA 222203 (Australia) - A-side scan by Mark Bahlen (first release)

CBS BA 222203 (Australia) - B-side scan by Mark Bahlen (first release)

CBS BA 222203 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second release)

CBS BA 222203 (Australia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second release, first release is the same)

CBS BA 222203 (Australia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second release)

The Australian single came without a picture sleeve and has 1970s style orange/yellow CBS labels. The first release labels have noticeably more orange and less yellow than those of the second release, although the text is exactly the same.

Thanks to Mark Bahlen and Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - 7" stereo singles in "Hall Of Fame" series, CBS 3945 (UK), Feb 1976; CBS A4595 (UK), 1984:

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CBS 3945 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS 3945 (UK) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side scan by Gerard Germano (first variant, open centre)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - B-side scan by Gerard Germano (first variant, open centre)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side scan by Kenneth Robson (first variant, solid centre)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson (first variant, solid centre)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Kenneth Robson (first variant, solid centre - variant with open centre has the same text layout on six lines)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - B-side scan by Kenneth Robson (first variant, solid centre)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side colour photocopy by Paul Shenton (second variant)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - detail of A-side, colour photocopy by Paul Shenton (second variant - text on five lines)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side colour photocopy by Paul Shenton (second variant)

S CBS 3945 (UK) - A-side in generic sleeve, colour photocopy by Paul Shenton (second variant)

This stereo single in fact combines two original mono A-sides, as the original mono singles had Lay, Lay, Lay backed by Peggy Day and I Threw It All Away backed by Drifter's Escape, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs: 1969. It has the regular album tracks in stereo. Only the first release came with the picture sleeve shown - later releases had either generic "Hall Of Fame" sleeves or generic CBS sleeves. The copy owned by Kenneth Robson has catalogue number "S CBS 3945" and comes in a generic CBS sleeve. It has orange/yellow labels in the CBS "Hall Of Fame Hits" series. The matrix number of the A-side is "CBS S 3945 A1", but it also has "CBS 4434 A" which is the catalogue number of the original mono single backed by Peggy Day (see Mono Singles & EPs 1969). Gerard Germano's copy comes in the picture sleeve and has an open centre. This copy has stamped matrix numbers: A-side - CBS S 3945 A1, B-side - CBS S 3945 B1.

Paul Shenton has a copy with a different text layout below the centre hole as shown. The text lines to the right of the centre hole are the same, but "BOB DYLAN" to the left of the centre hole is much larger. This copy has stamped matrix numbers: A-side - CBS S 3945-A1 CBS 34434 A, B-side - CBS S 3945-B1. This copy also comes in a generic sleeve, although one from 1965-69 that may not be original, see 7" Single Sleeves.

For a 1973 US stereo mono single with these tracks and for locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame".

This Hall Of Fame single was also released again in the UK with the new catalogue number of CBS 7071 in 1979 as part of the "Golden Decade" series - see below. It was then re-released in 1984 as CBS A4595 as part of the CBS "Back Tracks" series with unique black labels. For pictures of the "Back Tracks" sleeve, again see 7" Single Sleeves.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson and Gerard Germano for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - 7" stereo singles in "Golden Decade 1967-76" series, S CBS 7071 (UK), re-released Jun-Sep 1979:
This series of 20 singles by 20 artists had Bob as number 17.

S CBS 7071 (UK) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, first pressing plant)

There are two label variants, but the first one without the "LC" capsule at upper right was produced on two different pressing plants, and was released in Jun 1979. The second variant (with the LC capsule) was released between the end of June 1979 and September 1979.

S CBS 7071 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, first pressing plant)

S CBS 7071 (UK) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, second pressing plant)

S CBS 7071 (UK) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (first variant, second pressing plant)

S CBS 7071 (UK) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

S CBS 7071 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

S CBS 7071 (UK) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, front scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, rear scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, front scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS UK "Golden Decade" sleeve, rear scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

Forever Young/All Along The Watchtower/I Want You (all live, CBS S 7473, see below) was released on 22 Jun 1979 and came without the LC capsule. This was the last single without the capsule. The first regular single with the LC capsule was Precious Angel/Trouble In Mind; release date 31 Aug 1979 (again, see below).

There were two sleeve variants with different gold coloured printing. (I assume the "faded" looking sleeve goes with the "faded" looking single from the first pressing plant.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - 7" stereo single in "Back Tracks" series, CBS A4595 (UK), 1984:

CBS A4595 (UK) - A-side in "Back Tracks" sleeve (my copy, "Big Ben Music")
This single was then re-released in 1984 as CBS A4595 as part of the CBS "Back Tracks" series with unique black labels. There are two variants in the same sleeve, the first has the songs credited to "Big Ben Music Ltd." and the second has the songs credited to "Warner Brothers Music Ltd.". This was the only Dylan single in the series, although it also included Mr. Tambourine Man/All I Really Want To Do by The Byrds (CBS A4575).

Lady7UK84SideA.jpg (18090 bytes)
CBS A4595 (UK) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers ("Big Ben Music")

CBS A4595 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers ("Big Ben Music")
Lady7UK84SideB.jpg (18090 bytes)
CBS A4595 (UK) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers ("Big Ben Music")

CBS A4595 (UK) - A-side scan by Dag Braathen ("Warner Brothers Music")

CBS A4595 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Dag Braathen ("Warner Brothers Music")

CBS A4595 (UK) - B-side scan by Dag Braathen ("Warner Brothers Music")

CBSUK1984BackTrackSleeveFront.jpg (38095 bytes)
"Back Tracks" sleeve front scan by Hans Seegers

CBSUK1984BackTrackSleeveBack.jpg (46966 bytes)
"Back Tracks" sleeve rear scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Dag Braathen and Éamonn Ó Catháin for information and scans.

"Lay, Lady, Lay"/"I Threw It All Away" - 7" stereo single in "Hall Of Fame" series, CBS 7071 (UK), late 1980s:

CBS 7071 (UK) - A-side scan by Dag Braathen
This single was re-released yet again in the late 1980s using the 1979 catalogue number CBS 7071, this time with red labels and without a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

CBS 7071 (UK) - B-side scan by Dag Braathen

"Mozambique" - stereo/mono 7" promo single, Columbia 3-10298 (USA), 17 Feb 1976:

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (stereo

This unique promo single had a mono version of this track from Desire on the B-side, see 1976. This will have been a mono reduction from stereo, since no mono version of the Desire album was released. For promo and commercial 7" singles of Mozambique with Oh Sister on the B-side, see below. For a US stereo single with this track as the B-side, also see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 10" acetate and 7" commercial stereo single, Columbia 3-10298 (USA), Feb 1976:
Both these songs are the album versions from Desire.

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - A-side scan by Gerd Rundel (acetate)
Gerd Rundel has found a 10" acetate of Columbia 3-10298 with Reference Recording labels and blue handwritten text. The A-side is dated "2-9-76" (9 Feb 1976).

The commercial single did not have a picture sleeve. Jeremy Mayle has a commercial copy with a set of jukebox strips. Stefan Haras has a commercial copy with a hole punched in the centre, showing it was used as a promo.

For a US stereo single with Mozambique as the B-side, see below.

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - B-side scan by Gerd Rundel (acetate)

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - A-side scan by Stefan Haras (commercial single used as promo)

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - B-side scan by Stefan Haras (commercial single used as promo)

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - A-side scan by Tom Willems (commercial single)

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - B-side scan by Tom Willems (commercial single)

Columbia 3-10298 (USA) - jukebox strips scan by Jeremy Mayle

Thanks to Tom Willems, Jeremy Mayle, Gerd Rundel and Stefan Haras for information and scans.

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" commercial stereo single, Columbia 3-10298 (Canada), Feb 1976:

Columbia 3-10298 (Canada) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

This is the equivalent of the US commercial single above - it did not have a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Columbia 3-10298 (Canada) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" stereo singles, CBS/Suzy CBS 4113 (Yugoslavia), Mar 1976:

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Hans Seegers

The Yugoslav single was released by Suzy Records of Zagreb under licence from CBS, and occurs in two sleeve and label variants. The front sleeve is the same for all variants. The second sleeve variant has "'OFSET STAMPA BEOGRAD" on the botton right corner of the rear sleeve. The first label variant has "ST 45 STEREO STRANA 1/2" on the left on three lines, the second has "ST 45 STEREO" on the right on two lines in smaller text with "STRANA 1/2" also on the right below "USD-376". See below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Ronald Born for information and scans.

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (first variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - A-side scan by Ronald Born (first variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (first variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (second variant)

CBS/Suzy 4113 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (second variant - detail of bottom right corner)

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, S CBS 4113 (UK), 2 Apr 1976; CBS S 4113 (West Germany); CBS 4113 (NL/Italy/Spain/Portugal), Apr 1976:
Both these performances are the album versions from Desire. For details of a 1976 US promo 7" single with a mono version of Mozambique, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76.

S CBS 4113 (UK):

S CBS 4113 (UK) - promo single A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

S CBS 4113 (UK) - promo single B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

S CBS 4113 (UK) - commercial single A-side (my copy, solid centre)

S CBS 4113 (UK) - commercial single B-side (solid centre)

Mozambique7UK2SideA.jpg (24582 bytes)
S CBS 4113 (UK) - commercial single A-side scan by Tom Willems (push-out centre)

Mozambique7UK2SideB.jpg (23499 bytes)
S CBS 4113 (UK) - commercial single B-side scan by Tom Willems (push-out centre)

These UK 7" singles did not have picture sleeves. For the 1976 CBS UK generic sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves. The white label promo single is dated 2 Apr 1976 on the A-side.

CBS S 4113 (West Germany):

MozambiquePromoFront.jpg (23289 bytes)
CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - promo front scan by Hans Seegers

For the generic rear sleeve of the West German promo single, see 7" Single Sleeves.

Lutz Haertlain has a copy bought in Stuttgart in the 1970s as shown but with an orange jukebox strip. It is extremely rare to find these in Germany.

CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - jukebox strip scan by Lutz Haertlein

CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - commercial release front scan by Ronald Born

CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - commercial release rear scan by Ronald Born

CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - commercial release A-side scan by Ronald Born

CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - commercial release B-side scan by Ronald Born

MozambiquePromoLabelA.jpg (25098 bytes)
CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - promo A-side scan by Hans Seegers

MozambiquePromoLabelB.jpg (24077 bytes)
CBS S 4113 (West Germany) - promo B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4113 (NL/Italy/Spain/Portugal):

CBS 4113 (NL) - front scan by Gerard Germano

The Dutch single has stamped matrix numbers: A-side - S-4113-1A-1, B-side - S-4113-1B-1.
CBS 4113 (NL) - rear scan by Gerard Germano

CBS 4113 (NL) - A-side scan by Gerard Germano

CBS 4113 (NL) - B-side scan by Gerard Germano

CBS 4113 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers
Mozambique7PortFront.jpg (22979 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers (both variants)

CBS 4113 (Spain) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4113 (Spain) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4113 (Spain) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4113 (Spain) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

CBS 4113 (Spain) - B-side in generic sleeve, scan by Tom Willems

Mozambique7Port1Back.jpg (22479 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Mozambique7Port2Back.jpg (22209 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)
Mozambique7PortSideA.jpg (21783 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Mozambique7PortSideB.jpg (22502 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4113 (Portugal) - A-side with transparent film, scan by Ronald Born

CBS 4113 (Portugal) - B-side with transparent film, scan by Ronald Born

Mozambique7Port1BackDetail.jpg (33749 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

Mozambique7Port2BackDetail.jpg (35814 bytes)
CBS 4113 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

The Spanish single translated Oh, Sister as "Oh, Hermana" on the label. Tom Willems has a copy of this in a generic CBS Spain orange/white patterned sleeve printed in Madrid with text "El Sonido de los 70 [Sounds of the 70s]", see 7" Single Sleeves. This sleeve can be identified as from 1976 because it has the CBS Spain address of Avenida del Generalísimo 25, Madrid-16, where CBS Spain moved in 1976.

Thanks to Francisco Lima for information about the Portuguese release, CBS 4113. The Portuguese single has two variant sleeve designs and three variant label designs. The labels have minor differences in text placement that are too small to show in scans. There is also a mispressing that is correctly labelled but plays Mozambique on both sides. Scans required of sleeves and labels of other singles, especially the Italian single. Ronald Born's copy in the second variant of the picture sleeve has a distinctive transparent film over the record labels. Also, the "(E)" in a circle below the catalogue number to the right of the centre hole is in a different position from that of Hans' single.

Thanks to Raoul Verolleman, David Burgess, Tom Willems and Kenneth Robson for information, and to Hans Seegers, Sam C. Visser, Ronald Born, Manuel García Jara, Gerard Germano and Lutz Haertlein for scans.

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Hermana [Oh, Sister]" - 7" stereo single, CBS 7631 (Mexico), 1976:

CBS 7631 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

The Mexican single again came without a picture sleeve and has plain orange CBS labels. There is a slight mistake on the A-side, the Spanish text below Bob Dylan is "Producido po Don DeVito". It is correct on the B-side as "Producido por Don DeVito".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS 7631 (Mexico) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 7631 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

"Mozambique"/"Oh, Sister" - 7" stereo single, CBS 43306 (Colombia), 1976:
Both these songs are again the album versions from Desire.

CBS 43306 (Colombia) - A-side scan by Mark Bahlen
This rare single with plain orange CBS labels had a generic orange/white Discos CBS Colombian sleeve with text "FABRICADO EN COLOMBIA POR DISCOS CBS S.A.", which also appears on the record labels.

Thanks to Mark Bahlen for information and scans.

CBS 43306 (Colombia) - B-side scan by Mark Bahlen

Discos CBS Colombia generic sleeve, scan by Mark Bahlen

Detail of Discos CBS Colombia generic sleeve, scan by Mark Bahlen

"Bob Dylan" - 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan), Spring 1976:

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CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

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CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
JpnEP2Label.jpg (15505 bytes)
CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS/Sony 08EP 17 (Japan) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

This was the best-selling Dylan EP in Japan, and contained Blowin' In the Wind, One More Cup Of Coffee (from the recently released Desire), Like A Rolling Stone and Mr. Tambourine Man, all regular album versions.

The record has orange/cream CBS/Sony labels - the A-side of the promo release has been stamped with three Japanese characters to the right of the centre hole.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"One More Cup Of Coffee"/"Romance In Durango" - 7" stereo single, CBS/Sony 06SP 1 (Japan), Apr 1976:

DurangoJpnFront.jpg (25130 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 1 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
As the B-side of this single has a slight edit and is therefore a rarity, full details are in 1976.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for the scan.

"Tangled Up In Blue"/"If You See Her, Say Hello" - 7" stereo single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 13-33280 (USA), 1976:

Tangled7USHOFSideA.jpg (21457 bytes)
Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - original release with unofficial centre plastic clip, A-side scan by Kenneth Robson
This 7" single again has the regular album tracks in stereo. It was originally released in 1975 as Columbia 3-10106, see International Singles & EPs 1975. Jürgen Wasser has a copy with a jukebox strip.
Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Jürgen Wasser

Tangled7USHOFSideB.jpg (21708 bytes)
Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - original release with unofficial centre plastic clip, B-side scan by Kenneth Robson

Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - mid 1980s release, A-side scan by Gerard Germano

Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - mid 1980s release, B-side scan by Gerard Germano

Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - mid 1980s release, A-side in picture sleeve scan by Gerard Germano

Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - re-release in late 1980s, jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers

TangledHOFgrey.jpg (17251 bytes)
Columbia 13-33280 (USA) - re-release in late 1980s by Collectables Records, A-side scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 13-33280 was re-released twice in the 1980s with the same catalogue number, the last being by Collectables Records under licence from Columbia with grey labels. Gerard Germano's copy is from the mid 1980s and comes in a generic "Hall Of Fame" sleeve. For earlier "Hall Of Fame" sleeves and the Collectables Records sleeves, see 7" Singles Sleeves.

For locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame".

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Gerard Germano and Jürgen Wasser for information and scans.

"Mr. D's Collection # 2" - promo stereo 7" EP, CBS/Sony YBPB 3 (Japan), late 1976:

MrD2.jpg (24604 bytes)
CBS/Sony YBPB 3 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers
Because this EP contains three rarities, full details are in 1976.

"Hurricane Part 1"/"Mozambique" - 7" stereo singles in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 13-33324 (USA), Nov 1976, re-released 1978, 1987, late 1980s, 2006; Columbia 13-33324 (Canada), 1997:

HurricaneHOF1.jpg (21499 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0126)

HurricaneHOF2.jpg (22352 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 1978 label variation by Hans Seegers (A-side, R-0126)

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Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - A-side scan of 1987 re-release by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

HurricaneHOF4.jpg (21531 bytes)
Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - Collectables Records late 1980s re-release, A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (USA) - 2006 A-side scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (R-0126)

Columbia 13-33324 (Canada) - scan of 1997 re-release by Hans Seegers (A-side, R-0126)

This single has an edited version of the album track from Desire on the A-side (R-0126). Because this is a rarity, full details are in 1975-76 Hurricane Singles.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

"New Gold Disc: Blowin' In The Wind"/"Like A Rolling Stone" - 7" stereo single, CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan), Oct 1976:

Japan7-1972Front.jpg (27884 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers (dark blue)

CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - front picture from eil.com (light blue)

Japan7-1972Insert1.jpg (23993 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - insert scan by Hans Seegers (dark grey)

Japan7-1972Insert2.jpg (30155 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - alternate insert scan by Hans Seegers (light grey)
Blowin7JpnSideA.jpg (24324 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - A-side scan by Kenneth Robson
Blowin7JpnSideB.jpg (23387 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 50 (Japan) - B-side scan by Kenneth Robson

This single was released in the "New Gold Disc" series. The insert (which came in two shades) has the lyrics in English and Japanese. The two songs are the regular album versions. For a mono version of this single (with the A- and B-sides reversed) released by CBS Japan in 1965 before it was taken over by Sony, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

"Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again" - single-sided metal acetate, CBS/Sony (no catalogue number) (Japan), Nov 1976:

Stuck7JpnAcetate.jpg (13226 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 126 (Japan) - acetate of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0128)

This single-sided metal acetate came in a plain white sleeve and contains the A-side of CBS/Sony 06SP 126, a 3:35 edit of the track from Hard Rain. As this is a rarity, full details are in 1976.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

"Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again"/"Rita May" - 7" promo and commercial singles, Columbia 3-10454 (USA/Canada); CBS 4859 (Mainland Europe); CBS BA 222268 Australia); CBS/Sony 06SP 126 (Japan), Nov 1976 onwards:

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - promo single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers (first label variant)

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - promo single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers (second label variant)

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - promo single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers (third label variant)

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - first commercial single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers (label design as third promo variant)

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - second commercial single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers (fourth label variant)

Columbia 3-10454 (USA) - still sealed copy in display packaging, scan by Gerard Germano

Columbia 3-10454 (Canada) - commercial single A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers

S CBS 4859 (UK) - front scan by Michel Pomarede (purple)

S CBS 4859 (UK) - alternate front scan by Hans Seegers (black)

CBS S 4859 (West Germany) - promo release, front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS S 4859 (West Germany)/CBS 4859 (NL) - front scan by Yan Friis

CBS 4859 (France) - front scan by Stefan Haras (Stuck Inside as A-side)

CBS4859FR.jpg (32052 bytes)
CBS 4859 (France) - front with Rita May as A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 1)

CBS 4859 (France) - front with Rita May as A-side in red, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 2)

CBS4859FR2.jpg (30458 bytes)
CBS 4859 (France) - Rita May front without the inset face, scan by Hans Seegers (variant 3)

MemphisItalyFront.JPG (30897 bytes)
CBS 4859 (Italy) - front of sleeve (my copy)
CBS4859sp.jpg (26728 bytes)
CBS 4859 (Spain) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 4859 (Portugal) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Suzy Records/CBS 4859 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Hans Seegers

StuckJpnFront.jpg (28587 bytes)
CBS/Sony 06SP 126 (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 222268 Australia) - A-side (R-0128), scan by Hans Seegers

CBS BA 461735 (New Zealand) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (R-0130)

CBS 7818 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

These singles have an edited version of the live track from Hard Rain on the A-side and an out-take from Desire on the B-side. Because these are rarities, full details are in 1976 and 1977.

The French single came with four different front sleeve variants, three with Rita May as the A-side! The US, Canadian, Australia, New Zealand and Mexican singles did not have picture sleeves. The New Zealand single had Rita May as the A-side.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Yan Friis, Stefan Haras, Manuel García Jara and Gerard Germano for information and scans.

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A Flying Pig production

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