"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: International Album Releases (Regular)

Shot Of Love

Test print of 1981's Shot Of Love artwork showing the withdrawn original rear sleeve, released only on the first pressing from Brazil, scan by Arie de Reus

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Saved 1980

This page is part of a list of original releases by release date of international commercially-released regular stereo Dylan albums. They do not contain rarities or obscurities and are not eligible for the Searching For A Gem list. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo releases of regular albums are now listed here and no longer in the former yearly Promo sections.

For releases of this album in CBS/Columbia multi-packs, see International Album Releases (Regular) - Multi-Packs.

Infidels 1983



If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised 06 January, 2025.

Original album sleeve

Original US stereo LP, Columbia TC 37496, 12 Aug 1981. The "pop-art" front sleeve is by Pearl Beach, with the rear photograph of Bob contemplating a rose by Howard Alk. The original rear sleeve design using a Cadillac was withdrawn and was only used for the original 1981 Brazilian release, probably by mistake. Thanks to Yan Friis for scans of two test "slicks" for the US album sleeve - the first has the Cadillac rear sleeve (with the bar code missing) and the final front sleeve, the second has an earlier version of the final rear sleeve with the credits badly placed but with the final bar code and a rejected black text version of the front sleeve. The 1981 UK release used the black text version of the front sleeve, again possibly by mistake.

This album is unique in that it's the only Bob Dylan album which has undergone a track change. This is because The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar, a non-album 7" single B-side, was added to later releases of vinyl albums and the CD release. For singles with this song as the B-side, see 1981 (they're rarities because the A-side, Heart Of Mine, was an edit of the album version).

For a promo 12" single, see US & International Stereo Singles & EPs 1980-83.

The current US CD is shown for comparison with the album sleeve (on the CD front insert Bob's name is proportionally larger).


Side 1: Shot Of Love; Heart Of Mine; Property Of Jesus; Lenny Bruce; Watered-Down Love

Side 2: The Groom’s Still Waiting At The Altar (from late 1981 only); Dead Man, Dead Man; In The Summertime; Trouble; Every Grain Of Sand.

Withdrawn rear sleeve design

Released rear sleeve design
ShotUSCDFront.jpg (47078 bytes)
Current US CD front sleeve

First test print for album sleeve, scan by Yan Friis

ShotUKFront.JPG (53947 bytes)
1981 UK album sleeve

Second test print for album sleeve, scan by Yan Friis (note hard-to-read credits at left on rear sleeve)

Out-takes from this album have been officially released as follows:

Acetates 1981: Yonder Comes Sin (R-0653) - Special Rider demo, out-take from Shot Of Love, recorded Rundown Studios, Santa Monica, CA, 27 Oct 1980, from Columbia/CBS US/UK acetates, see 1981

7" Singles: The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar (added to later vinyl and tape releases as track 1, Side 2, and to CD releases as track 6); Let It Be Me (single B-side - Shot Of Love out-take recorded May 1981 - not the 1970 Self Portrait version)

Thanks to Dag Braathen for finding this article on page 30 of the "The Sun", Lowell, MA, for 31 Dec 1981 reviewing the year's music. A paragraph about Shot of Love states that The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar had already been added to new pressings of the album. Information elsewhere on the Internet and in reference books that The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar was not added to Shot of Love until after it had been released on Biograph in 1985 is not correct, even though the liner notes for Biograph say the song had previously only been released as a single. The revised release of Columbia PC 37496 below does not have the upside-down triangle in a circle symbol on Side 1 that was added to all Columbia records and cassettes from 1985 onwards. Also, the mid-1980s release of Columbia C 37496 (the third release of the album) below does not have this symbol either.

HeartUSBLabel.jpg (21157 bytes)
Columbia 18-02510 (USA) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers

Biograph (1985): Caribbean Wind

The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 (1991): Angelina; Need A Woman; You Changed My Life

The Bootleg Series Vol. 16 - Springtime In New York 1980-1985 (2021): Angelina (alternate take); Price Of Love; I Wish It Would Rain; Let It Be Me (international 7" single B-side as above); 5 Cold, Cold Heart; Don't Ever Take Yourself Away*; Fur Slippers**; Borrowed Time; Is It Worth It?; Lenny Bruce (Alternate Mix); Yes Sir, No Sir.

*Don't Ever Take Yourself Away is listed as rarity R-0897 in 2011 when it was released on the soundtrack of the CBS release Hawaii Five-O: Original Songs From The Television Series. It is on the 2CD/2LP Standard Edition, but Sonny Boy McFitzson points out that the 2011 version has a possibly overdubbed steel drum intro not present on the original out-take to be found on bootleg albums. R-0897 may therefore remain a rarity. This song was also released with revised lyrics by Nikki Jean on her 2011 S-Curve US album Pennies In A Jar as Steel And Feathers (Don't Ever), see Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan's Unreleased Songs.

**Fur Slippers was short-listed for The Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 in 1991. It was covered by B. B. King on the soundtrack of the 1999 CBS TV mini-series Shake Rattle And Roll (Uni/MCA records, USA) and also by The Crudup Brothers (the sons of Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup) on their 2000 album Franktown Blues (Warehouse Creek Recording Corporation, USA), also see Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan's Unreleased Songs.

Vinyl and Tape Releases

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl test pressings, Capitol Records (no catalogue number) (USA), 1-26 Jun 1981:

Capitol Records generic 12" test pressing sleeve, scan by Arie de Reus (dated 26 Jun 1981)
These test pressings manufactured by Capitol Records on behalf of Columbia Records consist of two separate acetate LPs in Capitol Records generic sleeves. Side 1 of Arie de Reus' copy is dated 10 Jun 1981, Side 2 is dated 18 Jun 1981, and the sleeves are dated 26 Jun 1981 (all in UK date format).

Side 1 is unique in that it has a rarity on the reverse side, an edited version of the title track Shot Of Love (R-0695) after a full version. There is nothing on the reverse of the Side 2 disc. This entry is also listed in 1981.

Bruce Mulle has a second acetate of Side 2, in the same Capitol sleeve, this time dated 10 Jun 1981 (again in UK date format) in the same handwriting. The Side 2 label is different, coming from Precision Lacquer (which was based in Hollywood, CA) and dated "6/1/81" (1 Jun 1981 in American date format).

Detail of Capitol Records generic 12" test pressing sleeve, scan by Arie de Reus (dated 26 Jun 1981)

Test pressing of Side 1, scan by Arie de Reus (dated 10 Jun 1981, the side with R-0695 is blank)

Test pressing of Side 2, scan by Arie de Reus (dated 18 Jun 1981)

Capitol Records generic 12" test pressing sleeve, scan by Bruce Mulle (dated 10 Jun 1981)

Detail of Capitol Records generic 12" test pressing sleeve, scan by Bruce Mulle (dated 10 Jun 1981)

Test pressing of Side 2, scan by Bruce Mulle (dated 1 Jun 1981)

Thanks to Arie de Reus and Bruce Mulle for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - original stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia TC 37496 (USA), 12 Aug 1981, reissues with extra track: Columbia PC 37496 (USA), late 1981, Columbia C 37496 (USA), mid-1980s:

Columbia TC 37496 (USA)/Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - scan by Gerd Rundel (first and second releases, third release front is also the same)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - rear scan by Yan Friis (first release)

ShotLoveUSPromoBackDetail.jpg (29963 bytes)
Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear with promo stamp, scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Yan Friis (first release - four tracks on Side 2)

US Songbook front scan by Stuart Moore

US Songbook rear scan by Stuart Moore

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear with barcode, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA)/Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (all releases)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (first release only)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (first release only)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - rear scan by Gil Lamont (second release)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (first release only)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - Side 1 scan by David Plentus (first release)

Columbia TC 37496 (USA) - Side 2 scan by David Plentus (first release with Dead Man as track 1)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gil Lamont (second release)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gil Lamont (second release with The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (third release, same as earlier releases)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (third release, same as second release)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear with new barcode, scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third releases)

Columbia PC 37496 (USA) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (second and third releases - five tracks on Side 2)

Columbia C 37496 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (third release)

Columbia C 37496 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (third release with The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1)

The first release of the album, Columbia TC 37496, has four tracks on Side 2 of the record, which comes in a printed inner sleeve with handwritten musician credits, reportedly by backing singer Clydie King, who also did the lettering for the withdrawn rear sleeve. The front of the inner sleeve is black with the text in white, the rear is white with the text in black. The inner sleeve rear has a lip at the top so it is higher than the front.

This album was released later in 1981 (despite what it says on the Internet) as Columbia PC 37496 with The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar added to the album as the first track on Side 2. The rear sleeve now has the extra track listed at bottom right, and there is a different barcode on the rear sleeve at top right without hyphens. The record of Gil Lamont's second release album has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 37496 (HXAD) PAL-37496 G1A, Side 2 - BL 37496  P (BXAD) BL-37496 G2C. This record has a plain paper inner sleeve, presumably because Columbia did not want to redesign the printed inner sleeve.

The sleeve of Gerd Rundel's third release copy from the mid-1980s (again before Biograph in 1985) has “PC 37496” on the spine while the record labels have just “C 37496”. Side 2 of the record again has The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1. The record again comes in a plain white inner sleeve and the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - (HXAD) PAL-37496 G1A, Side 2 - <BXAD> BL 37496 G2C.

Stuart Moore has a copy of the US songbook, which does not include The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar.

Thanks to David Plentus, Stuart Moore, Yan Friis, Gil Lamont, Stuart Moore and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP releases, Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export), 1981 (first release):

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to Sweden) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
The first copy shown of the Columbia US release was bought in Stockholm, Sweden, and has two instances of "Columbia" on the rear sleeve erased with black marker pen. The ring of Columbia logos on the record labels is covered, not as usual by stickers, but this time the ring looks as if it has been painted or stamped on to the labels with black ink. The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - PAL 37496 1GF7, Side 2 - PBL 37496 1GF7 plus “MASTERED BY CAPITOL” stamped on both sides.
Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to Sweden) - rear with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to Sweden) - detail of rear with "Columbia" obscured, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - front/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - rear with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - rear sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to Sweden) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ink, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to Sweden) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ink, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - rear/spine sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - UK import sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured with red "CBS" ring-shaped sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TC 37496 (USA for export to UK) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured with red "CBS" ring-shaped sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

The second copy shown was bought in England. This time “Columbia” has not been erased but covered with black stickers on the rear sleeve and the spine. The rear sleeve also has a UK import license sticker. The ring of Columbia logos on the record labels is covered by black ring-shaped stickers. The handwritten matrix numbers are the same as those of the first copy: Side 1 - PAL 37496 1GF7, Side 2- PBL 37496 1GF7 plus “MASTERED BY CAPITOL” stamped on both sides.

The third copy shown comes in the US sleeve of the first release but “COLUMBIA” is not obscured on the rear or spine as on Lars' copies. It also comes with the original printed inner sleeve as shown above. The record labels have red ring-shaped stickers with yellow CBS logos to obscure the original Columbia logos. The record has different handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - PAL-37496 1AF1, Side 2 - PBL-37496 1CF3, again plus "MASTERED BY CAPITOL" stamped on both sides.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export), late 1981 (second release):

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - Side 1 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export) - Side 2 with "Columbia" logos obscured with black ring-shaped sticker, scan by Gerd Rundel

This export copy of the second release comes in the US sleeve of the second and third release with "PC 37496" on the spine (“COLUMBIA” is not obscured on the rear or spine!) The record comes in a plain white inner sleeve and the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - (HXAD) PAL-37496 G1A, Side 2 - <BXAD> BL 37496 G2C.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export), mid-1980s (third release):

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - front with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
The sleeve of this third release copy from the mid-1980s has “PC 37496” on the spine while the record labels have just “C 37496”. The barcode at top right on the rear sleeve is the same as that of Gerd Rundel's third release copy above. Side 2 of the record has The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1.  The rear sleeve has a "Sounds-Express" sticker from a West German record store and also a plain white sticker over the spine hiding "Columbia". The record comes in a plain white inner sleeve and has orange ring-shaped "Sounds-Express" stickers covering the "Columbia" logos. The record of the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - (HXAD) PAL-37496 G1A, Side 2 - <BXAD> BL 37496 G2D.

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - rear with stickers, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - detail of rear with "Sounds-Express" sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - detail of rear with sticker over spine, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - detail of spine with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - Side 1 with orange ring-shaped "Sounds-Express" sticker covering "Columbia" logos, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - Side 2 with orange ring-shaped "Sounds-Express" sticker covering "Columbia" logos, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia PC 37496 (USA for export to West Germany) - spine with sticker, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Lars M. Banke has a Canadian stereo copy of Highway 61 Revisited exported to West Germany with the same stickers on the rear sleeve and record labels.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - 8-track stereo cartridge release, Columbia TCA-37496 (USA), 12 Aug 1981:

Columbia TCA-37496 (USA) - upper side scan by Hans Seegers
8-track was a continuous tape cartridge format, with four stereo "programs" per tape. This release has a dark grey tape cartridge with two separate labels - the rear label overlaps the spine. As far as I know this is the last Bob Dylan 8-track release!

Columbia TCA-37496 (USA) - end scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia TCA-37496 (USA) - under side photo by Keith Venturoni

The tracklisting has been revised to make the four programs of equal length:

Program 1: Shot Of Love; Heart Of Mine; Property Of Jesus (Part 1)
Program 2: Property Of Jesus (Conclusion); Dead Man, Dead Man; In The Summertime
Program 3: Lenny Bruce; Watered-Down Love; Shot Of Love (Reprise)
Program 4: Trouble; Every Grain Of Sand

As well as the split Property Of Jesus, an oddity is Shot Of Love (Reprise) at the end of Program 3 - this is faded at 1:55 and must have been added to make up the program time. As these are both rarities, this album has also been added to 1981.

Thanks to Keith Venturoni for information and the photo, and to Hans Seegers for scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia TCT 37496 (USA), Aug 1981; Columbia PCT 37496 (USA), mid-1980s:

Columbia TCT 37496 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

Columbia TCT 37496 (USA) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

Columbia TCT 37496 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

Columbia TCT 37496 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

Columbia PCT 37496 (USA) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1980s release, reverse is blank)

The 1981 release has a double-sided insert, the reverse of the insert has details of other Columbia artists cassette releases. The 1981 cassette is light grey with black text, there are no paper labels.

The mid-1980s insert is blank on the reverse. The cassette is again light grey with black text, there are no paper labels. The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar has been added to Side 2 as the first track. However, if the album was actually updated in late 1981, as described above, this second cassette release may be earlier than mid-1980s.

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Columbia PCT 37496 (USA) - cassette Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1980s release)

Columbia PCT 37496 (USA) - cassette Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (mid-1980s release,
The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar first track on Side 2)

Bob Dylan - "Shot Of Love"/Art Garfunkel - "Scissors Cut" - radio station LP, American Forces Radio & Television Service RL 38-1/P-20159-60 (USA), 1981:

/P-20159 USA) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (Dylan)
This very rare radio station LP has a selection of songs from the Shot Of Love album on Side 1 (all of Side 1 of the regular album except Lenny Bruce), and songs from Art Garfunkel's 1981 album Scissors Cut on Side 2. It came in a plain white paper sleeve.
AFRTS RL 38-1/P-20160 USA) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (no Dylan)

AFRTS RL 38-1/P-20159 USA) - Side 1 in plain paper sleeve, scan by Lars M. Banke (Dylan)

AFRTS RL 38-1/P-20160 USA) - Side 2 in plain paper sleeve, scan by Lars M. Banke (no Dylan)

CBS 85259 (UK) - front (my copy, no Dylan)

For an AFRTS single LP release of The Concert For Bangladesh by George Harrison and Friends, see 1972. For 1970s albums in the same AFRTS series with Bob Dylan on one side and different artists on the other, see International Albums (Various Artist Compilations) 1970s. The 1978 AFRTS single LP release of Bob Dylan At Budokan (RL 21-9/P-18371-72) is not listed there because all tracks on both sides are by Bob Dylan. For that see the Bob Dylan At Budokan page in this section.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada), 12 Aug 1981:

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - front scan by Gerd Rundel

The sleeve and record of this album were manufactured in Canada. The sleeve has “LITHO IN CANADA” on the spine. Although the Canadian releases of Slow Training Coming and Saved had barcodes, this later release does not have a barcode on the rear sleeve at top right. The record comes in an inner sleeve and has red labels with a ring of Columbia logos. The copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-37496-1A-2HZ:, Side 2 - BL-37496-1C-2HZ:. Was this album reissued in Canada with the extra track?

Thanks to Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Columbia TCX 37496 (Canada) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP releases, S CBS 85178 (UK/Ireland), Aug 1981:

ShotUKFront.JPG (53947 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - front (my copy)

ShotUKBack.JPG (23456 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - rear

S CBS 85178 (UK) - detail of rear

S CBS 85178 (UK) - detail of rear

ShotUKInnerFront.JPG (39918 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - front of inner sleeve

ShotUKInnerBack.JPG (33177 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - rear of inner sleeve

ShotUKLabel1.JPG (23853 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - Side 1

S CBS 85178 (UK) - detail of Side 1

ShotUKLabel2.JPG (21844 bytes)
S CBS 85178 (UK) - Side 2

S CBS 85178 (Ireland) - Side 1 scan by Éamonn Ó Catháin

S CBS 85178 (Ireland) - detail of Side 1, scan by Éamonn Ó Catháin

S CBS 85178 (Ireland) - Side 2 scan by Éamonn Ó Catháin

The front sleeve of the UK album is immediately noticeable as different from the US album - the US album title is in white lettering (see above), whereas the UK sleeve has the title in black as per the rejected front design (see above). Hans Seegers informs me the UK was the only country in the world where this sleeve variation was used!

The record itself is in a stiff paper inner sleeve, with the same song information and credits on both sides: black on white on the front and white on black on the rear, which has two fold-over flaps. It has orange/yellow labels with catalogue number "S CBS 85178" and the record of my copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - S-CBS-85178-A1, Side 2 - S-CBS-85178-B2.

As far as I know the UK did not reissue the vinyl album with The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar added to the album as the first track on Side 2, although it was added to a later cassette release, see below.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for scans of the Irish release. It has the UK sleeve but the record itself was made in Ireland with a different text layout for the song titles and copyrights.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette releases, CBS 40-85178 (UK), 1981, re-released mid 1980s; Columbia BNR 983 338 4 (UK), 1993:

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release - black album title)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

The original CBS UK stereo cassette releases do not include The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar. Both cassettes are light grey with black text, there are no paper labels.

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid-1980s release - white album title)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - detail of outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid-1980s release - different graphics detail)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (mid-1980s release)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (mid-1980s release)

Columbia BNR 983 338 4 (UK) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1993 release - white album title)

CBS 40-85178 (UK) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (mid-1980s release)

Columbia BNR 983 338 4 (UK) - cassette Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1993 release)

Columbia BNR 983 338 4 (UK) - cassette Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1993 release)

The first release from 1981 has the original UK LP front design with the album title in black, the mid-1980s release has the same cassette but the album title is now white. Thanks to Paul Shenton for also noticing the difference at the tops of the front album graphics between the fronts of the 1981 and mid-1980s inserts!

The Columbia UK stereo cassette release in the "Collector Choice" series dated 1993 has the additional track The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1 on Side 2. The album title is again white. The cassette insert is blank on the inside. The cassette is transparent grey with white text, there are no paper labels.

All the cassettes have Dolby Digital noise reduction.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS 85178 (NL), Aug 1981; Columbia 467839 1 (NL), 1991:

CBS 85178 (NL), Aug 1981:

CBS 85178 (NL) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)
This release uses the US front sleeve design and the record is in a stiff paper inner sleeve with musician details and credits.

CBS 85178 (NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release - code missing from 1991 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel (both releases)

CBS 85178 (NL) - front with sticker, photo from eBay (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - rear with French price sticker, photo from eBay (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel (both releases)

CBS 85178 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

CBS 85178 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1981 release)

The 1981 record has orange/yellow CBS labels and Gerd's copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-85178-A  F5, Side 2 - 01-85178-B  F1, also with “MASTERED BY CAPITOL” stamped in the vinyl on both sides (see the US Capitol test pressings above). The record of Sergio Mariano Romay's 1981 copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01-85178-A  F4, Side 2 - 01-85178-B  F5, again with “MASTERED BY CAPITOL” stamped in the vinyl on both sides. Sergio has also found a Dutch copy on eBay France with a blue sticker on the front and a French price sticker on the rear.

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - front with stickers, scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy)

Lars M. Banke has a 1981 Dutch pressing of that was owned by Former German radio station Radio Hamburg. It has stickers on the front sleeve and handwritten text on the record labels in marker pen. It comes with a German-language "Plattenpass [Record Passport]". The record of this copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 01 - 85178A - F3, Side 2 - 01 - 85178B - F4.

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy - library catalogue number)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy - Radio Hamburg sticker with barcode)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy - same as Gerd Rundel's copy above)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - front of "Plattenpass", scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - rear of "Plattenpass", scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy with handwritten text)

CBS 85178 (NL for West Germany) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1981 promo copy with handwritten text)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL), 1991:

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - front scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

The 1991 release is on the Columbia label with a new catalogue number. It has a barcode on the rear sleeve and a different copyright line at the bottom of the rear sleeve from that of the 1981 release. The record has red Columbia labels and comes with the same printed inner sleeve as the 1981 release. It also comes with “DYLAN ORIGINALS: 30 YEARS ON COLUMBIA” "NICE PRICE" 12" double-sided insert with illustrations of all Bob's albums. The copy shown has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - 02 467839 20 1A1, Side 2 - 02 467839 20 1B1.

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - insert front scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - insert rear scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Columbia 467839 1 (NL) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel (1991 release)

Thanks to Gerd Rundel and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette release, CBS 40-85178 (NL), Aug 1981:

CBS 40-85178 (NL) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara
This cassette release has a short card insert with the tracklisting on the inside. The cassette is light grey with black text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.
CBS 40-85178 (NL) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-85178 (NL) - cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-85178 (NL) - cassette Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS 85178 (Italy), Sep 1981:

CBS 85178 (Italy) - front scan by Hans Seegers
The Italian release of CBS 85178 again has the same front sleeve as the US release. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels and the copy shown has written matrix numbers: Side 1 - CI 85178-1L 10-9-81 (mastering date 10 Sep 1981), Side 2 - CI 85178-2L 15-9-81 (mastering date 15 Sep 1981). Previous Dylan Italian releases were made by CBS Sugar, and the offset positioning of "MADE IN ITALY BY CBS" at the bottom of the record label looks as if "SUGAR" has been removed. (See the Italian releases of Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, where the first release has "SUGAR" and the second doesn't.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

CBS 85178 (Italy) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 85178 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 85178 (Italy) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 85178 (Italy) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 85178 (Italy) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS S 85178 (Spain), 1981 (twice); special edition, CBS 59790 (Spain), 1981:

CBS S 85178 (Spain), 1981 (twice):

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)
The Spanish release of CBS S 85178 again has the same front sleeve as the US release. The sleeve and inner sleeve were printed in Spain by Offset ALG of Madrid, and the Discos CBS address shown is now Paseo de la Castellana 93, Madrid-16 (see Saved for the previous address). The record was also made in Spain. It had orange/yellow CBS labels and the matrix numbers of the copy shown are: Side 1 - 85178-A, Side 2 - 85178-B.

Lars M. Banke has a copy of the album in the same sleeve but where the text layout on the record labels to the right of the centre hole is different (see detail scans). The order of the copyright text lines is changed, and is the same as the text lines to the right of the centre hole on the record labels of the special edition below.

This was one of the very few Spanish Dylan releases where white label promo copies were issued. The promo release had exactly the same sleeve as the commercial release and the record had the same matrix numbers.

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Lars M Banke (alternate commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M Banke (alternate commercial release - copyright text lines in different order)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - Side 2 scan by Lars M Banke (alternate commercial release)

CBS S 85178 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS 59790 (Spain), 1981:

CBS 59790 (Spain) - front scan by Manuel García Jara

This album was also released in 1981 in a very rare special edition from the Spanish mail order company El Círculo de Lectores [The Book Club], based in Barcelona. It has a new catalogue number, 59790. The outer and inner sleeves were printed by Offset ALG, Madrid. On the front it has the "ESPECIAL" and the new catalogue number at top left, and the rear sleeve has "ESPECIAL" and the new catalogue number plus text "Edición especial para El Círculo de Lectores". The record has orange/yellow CBS labels with "ESPECIAL" above "BOB DYLAN" and the album title, as well as the new catalogue number. The text layout to the right of the centre hole is the same as the second commercial release above. The record matrix numbers of the copy shown are again: Side 1 - 85178-A, Side 2 - 85178-B.

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of front, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 59790 (Spain) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (copyright text lines in same order as second commercial release above)

CBS 59790 (Spain)
- Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

Manuel also has a copy of Shot Of Love made in Spain for export to Portugal with "SPA" (Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores) instead of "SGAE" on the record labels to the right of the centre hole - scans to be added.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette release, CBS 40-85178 (Spain), Aug 1981:

CBS 40-85178 (Spain) - outside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara
This cassette release has a short card insert with the tracklisting on the inside. The cassette is light grey with orange text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels.
CBS 40-85178 (Spain) - inside of cassette insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-85178 (Spain) - cassette Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS 40-85178 (Spain) - cassette Side 2, scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS 85178 (Portugal), 1981:

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
Unlike Manuel's copy of Shot Of Love made in Spain for export to Portugal, this release was made in Portugal. The record labels also have "SPA" (Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores) to the left of the centre hole. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels. The matrix numbers of the copy shown are: Side 1 - 01-85178-1A1  MASTERED BY CAPITOL  H-P PORTUGAL (all stamped)  PAL-37496 1AD F16 (handwritten), Side 2 - 01-85178-1B1  MASTERED BY CAPITOL  H-P PORTUGAL (all stamped) PBL-37496 1AL F15 (handwritten).

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - rear record store sticker scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Portugal) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS 85178 (Greece), 1981:

CBS 85178 (Greece) - front scan by Lars M. Banke

This rare album has the same front sleeve as the US release and the same inner sleeve as the UK release, shown above. There is Greek text on the rear sleeve. The record was made in Greece and has orange/yellow CBS labels. as far as I know this was the only Greek release of this album.

CBS 85178 (Greece) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Greece) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke "MADE IN GREECE" in Greek)

CBS 85178 (Greece) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke "MADE IN GREECE" in English)

CBS 85178 (Greece) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Greece) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke ("MANUFACTURED IN GREECE FOR DISKI CBS AEBE")

Thanks to Fred T and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia), 1981 (two variants), re-released 1982:

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release, 1982 release is the same)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of front, scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 releases)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release - dated "1981", album title below centre hole)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of spine, scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release - damaged, but no misspelling)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Ronald Born (alternate 1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Ronald Born (alternate 1981 release - same as 1981 release except text to left of centre hole missing)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Ronald Born (alternate 1981 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release - dated "1982", pressed by Jugoton)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release - album title above centre hole)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (1982 release)

CBS/Suzy 85178 (Yugoslavia) - Spine scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release - "Short Of Love", alternate 1981 release and 1982 releases are correct)

This album was manufactured in Yugoslavia for CBS Records by Suzy Records of Zagreb (now in Croatia). The front sleeve is the same as the US album with white title text. The 1981 record has orange/yellow CBS labels dated 1981. The spine of Manuel's 1981 copy has a misprint - "Short Of Love"! Ronald Born has a 1981 copy where the text "STEREO" and "33 RPM" is missing to the left of the centre hole on both labels. The spine of this copy is correct.

The 1982 copy shown has slightly different Yugoslav text at centre bottom of the rear sleeve. There is also a number written in blue marker pen on the front sleeve, but this may just be a record store or collector's marking. The labels are dated "1982" and the album title is printed above the centre hole plus other minor differences. The record was now pressed by Jugoton, also of Zagreb. Unfortunately the spine of the 1982 copy is damaged, but there appears to be no misspelling of the album title. The record comes in the standard inner sleeve. The record of the 1982 copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - ULP 983 A SB 19 4 82, Side 1 - ULP 983 AB SB 19 4 82 (19 Apr 1982 must be the mastering date)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Lars M. Banke and Ronald Born for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette release, CBS/Suzy 40-85178 (Yugoslavia), 1981:

CBS/Suzy 40-85178 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Ian Woodward
This cassette release has just a short insert with minimal info and the black cassette has yellow paper labels. The track times on the inside of the insert are preceded by a short time (from 0 to 18 seconds), probably the length of the intro.

Thanks to Ian Woodward for information and scans.

CBS/Suzy 40-85178 (Yugoslavia) - inside scan by Ian Woodward

CBS/Suzy 40-85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 1 scan by Ian Woodward

CBS/Suzy 40-85178 (Yugoslavia) - Side 2 scan by Ian Woodward

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS 85178 (Israel), 1981:

CBS 85178 (Israel) - front scan by Lars M. Banke
This Israeli release comes with an insert with the front and rear the same as the US inner sleeve. The record was made in Israel and has orange/yellow CBS labels with the logo of the "ACUM" Israeli copyright organisation. This copy has matrix numbers: Side 1 - PAL 37496 7AB F14 (handwritten)  MASTERED BY CAPITOL (stamped)  85 178 AQ (handwritten), Side 2 - PAL 37496 7AA F13 (handwritten)  MASTERED BY CAPITOL (stamped)  85 178 BQ (handwritten)
CBS 85178 (Israel) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Israel) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Israel) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Israel) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke ("ACUM" logo)

CBS 85178 (Israel) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke ("MADE IN ISRAEL" in English and Hebrew)

CBS 85178 (Israel) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS 85178 (Israel) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (text in English and Hebrew)

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS SBP 237650 (Australia), Aug 1981:

CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - front
The front sleeve is the same as the US album with white title text. It has the same inner sleeve as the UK release above. The promo release has a stamp on the rear sleeve and white promo CBS labels. The commercial record has orange/yellow CBS labels. This was the first Australian Dylan album to be released with songs credited to "Chappell", previously albums had songs credited to "Allans" or "Albert".

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

ShotLoveAusPromoBack.jpg (21948 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - rear with promo stamp, scan by Stuart Moore

ShotLoveAusBackDetail.jpg (21565 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - detail of rear, scan by Stuart Moore

ShotLoveAusPromoInnerDetail.jpg (31744 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - detail of inner sleeve with catalogue number, scan by Stuart Moore
ShotLoveAusPromoSide1.jpg (23649 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (promo release)
ShotLoveAusPromoSide2.jpg (20939 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (promo release)

ShotLoveAusSide1.jpg (22730 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (commercial release)

ShotLoveAusSide2.jpg (22789 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (commercial release)

ShotLoveAusPromoBackDetail1.jpg (36060 bytes)
CBS SBP 237650 (Australia) - detail of rear with promo stamp, scan by Stuart Moore

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette releases, CBS PC 7650 (Australia), Aug 1981, re-released mid-1980s:

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - outside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore (1981 release)
This release has minimal artwork with just a crop of the front sleeve and track titles.

The 1982 cassette has a white case and pink CBS paper labels. Songs are credited to "Chappell". This appears to have been the last Dylan Australian cassette release with paper labels, the Infidels cassette from 1983 no longer has them.

The mid-1980s cassette comes with exactly the same insert but the cassette is now off-white with blue text, there are no paper labels. The blue text printed on the cassette sides is the same as that printed in black on the labels of the 1981 release.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - inside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore (1981 release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - cassette Side 1, scan by Stuart Moore (1981 release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - cassette Side 2, scan by Stuart Moore (1981 release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - outside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore (mid-1980s release, same as 1981 release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - inside of insert, scan by Stuart Moore (mid-1980s release, same as 1981 release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - cassette Side 1 scan by Stuart Moore (mid-1980s release)

CBS PC 7650 (Australia) - cassette Side 2 scan by Stuart Moore (mid-1980s release)

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand), Aug 1981:

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - front scan by Bill Hester
This release has the same catalogue number as the Australian release and it appears that it uses the Australian sleeve and inner sleeve. The record itself was made in New Zealand.

Thanks to Bill Hester for information and scans.

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - rear scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - detail of rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - inner sleeve front, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - inner sleeve rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - Side 1 scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - detail of Side 1, scan by Bill Hester

CBS SBP 237650 (New Zealand) - Side 2 scan by Bill Hester

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa), Aug 1981, re-released mid 1980s:


CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa)
- front scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)
This album was marketed and distributed in South Africa for CBS Records by the Gramophone Record Co. (part of EMI). The sleeve was printed in South Africa by Interpak. On the 1981 release the CBS catalogue number and other details are printed in white and hardly visible on the rear sleeve. Lars M. Banke has noticed that on the spine of the South African 1981 release the album title is listed as “Hot of Love”. This error was corrected on the mid-1980s sleeve.
CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases - printer details)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release - catalogue number etc. hardly visible)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid 1980s release)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid 1980s release - catalogue number etc. now clearly visible))

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (1981 release)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (mid 1980s release - circumference text missing)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (mid-1980s release)

CBS DNW 2658 (South Africa) - Side 2 scan by Simon Blokker (mid-1980s release, circumference text present)

It has the standard inner sleeve with song details, musician and other credits on both sides. The 1981 record has orange/yellow CBS labels and the 1981 copy shown has matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-37596  DNW-2658, Side 2 - BL-37596  DNW-2658. ("A/BL 37596" is incorrect, it should be "A/BL 37496".)

Sergio Mariano Romay has a later copy with an improved rear sleeve where the CBS catalogue number and other details at rear top right are now easily readable. The CBS logo and catalogue number are printed entirely on the blue top strip, and the other details are now printed in black. The Side 1 record label is the same as for the 1981 release, but the circumference text is missing on the Side 2 label. This must be a printing error specific to this copy. The record of the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 37496  DNW 2658 (on one line), Side 2 - BL 37496  DNW 2658 (on two lines). These matrix numbers are now correct. Simion Blokker has a mid-1980s copy with the circumference text present on both sides.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Sergio Mariano Romay and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe), Aug 1981:

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe)
- front scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - rear with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - rear record shop sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear, scan by Lars M. Banke ("4A", Belmont Printers)

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - rear with sticker removed, scan by Simon Blokker

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - detail of rear with sticker removed, scan by Simon Blokker

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (circumference text missing)

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (circumference text present)

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - Side 1 scan by Simon Blokker (circumference text present)

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Simon Blokker (text missing from Lars' Side 1 label)

CBS DNW 2658 (Zimbabwe) - Side 2 scan by Simon Blokker (circumference text present, same as Lars' copy)

This album was marketed and distributed in Zimbabwe for CBS Records by the Gramophone Record Co. (part of EMI). The sleeve was printed in Zimbabwe by Belmont Printers of Bulawayo with a "4A" printer code at rear bottom right (Belmont Printers used codes starting with "4" for sleeves they printed for CBS Records, they used different codes for other record companies). The copy first shown has a record store sticker on the rear sleeve from "MUSIC", Old Mutual Arcade, Abercorn Street - there were Abercorn Streets in Salisbury (now Harare) and Bulawayo, but Old Mutual Arcade was in Harare. As far as I know there was no printed inner sleeve. The record has orange/yellow CBS labels and the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL-37496 DNW 2658, Side 2 - BL-37496 DNW 2658. These matrix numbers are also correct. The circumference text is missing on the Side 1 record label on Lars's copy, just like on the Side 2 label of the South African copy above.

Simon Blokker has a copy which had a similar rear sticker which has now been removed. This copy has the circumference text present on both record labels.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan), 1 Sep 1981:

SOLJpnFront.jpg (61682 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - promo LP front with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (promo and commercial releases)

This album has a six-page fold-out booklet with lyrics. It has a black/yellow obi with price ¥2,500. The front sleeve is the same as the US album with white title text. The back of the obi shows the four previous Dylan albums. The record has red CBS/Sony labels with yellow "CBS/Sony" logos in a ring around the circumference. The promo album is distinguished by a white "Sample" sticker on the rear sleeve, and by the labels, which have a promo stamp with three Japanese characters indicating "SAMPLE" to the right of the centre hole above "Side A" or "Side B". Thanks to Wil Gielen for scans of a 4-page leaflet in Japanese and English accompanying his promo copy. The record comes in the usual inner sleeve with credits in English.

The rear sleeve has two minor variants at bottom right, with and without price of ¥2,500 as shown in the detail scans.

SOLJpnPromoBack.jpg (25491 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - rear with obi and "Sample" sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of rear with "Sample" sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - promo leaflet front, scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - promo leaflet inside page, scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - promo leaflet inside page, scan by Wil Gielen

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - promo leaflet rear, scan by Wil Gielen

SOLJpnBack.jpg (24864 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - rear with obi, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - insert front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of insert front, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release without price)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker (commercial release with price ¥2,500)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases)

SOLJpnPromoSide1.jpg (16968 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)
SOLJpnSide2.jpg (17383 bytes)
CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Japan) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen, Simon Blokker and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette release: CBS/Sony 25KP 690 (Japan), 1 Sep 1981:

CBS/Sony 25KP 690 (Japan) - front photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson
This album was also released on cassette in Japan. It had a folded insert and came in a white case. The cassette is white with orange CBS/Sony labels.

Scans required!

Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson for information and pictures.

CBS/Sony 25KP 690 (Japan) - outside of insert, cassette Side 1 and rear of case, photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

CBS/Sony 25KP 690 (Japan) - inside of insert and cassette Side 1, photo found by Sonny Boy McFitzson

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong), 1981:

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This release with the Japanese catalogue number was made in Hong Kong. The sleeve is made of heavy cardboard: the front design is printed on the sleeve, but the rear is a sheet of printed paper pasted on to it. This rear is almost identical to that of the Japanese commercial release except for the Hong Kong details on the left just above the roses; it even has the Japanese text at bottom right. The album also includes a single-sided insert with lyrics in English and the same inner sleeve with credits as in the Japanese release.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (same as Japanese release above)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - detail of rear, scan by Manuel García Jara (details unique to Hong Kong)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - insert scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - detail of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (same as Japanese release above)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (same as Japanese release above)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - detail of inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (same as Japanese release above)

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - Side 1 scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - detail of Side 1, scan by Manuel García Jara

CBS/Sony 25AP 2105 (Hong Kong) - Side 2 scan by Manuel García Jara

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea), 1981:

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - front scan by Lars M. Banke (both releases)

The rare promo album was made by Jigu Records in South Korea on behalf of CBS/Sony Japan and has the standard US front. On the rear sleeve the song titles are translated into Korean. The rear sleeve credits still have the Japanese information. The record of this copy has white promo CBS/Sony labels.

The commercial copy was also made by Jigu Records and comes with the usual printed inner sleeve (still with the Japanese catalogue number) has an attached four-page lyrics insert with text in South Korean and lyrics in English, making six pages in all. The record has red commercial CBS/Sony labels and the copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - KJPL 0257 A, Side 2 - KJPL 0247 B.

SOLKoreaPromoBack.jpg (23830 bytes)
CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - rear scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases - Japanese information)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - inner sleeve front scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - inner sleeve rear scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of inner sleeve rear, scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release - Japanese catalogue number)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - insert page 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of insert page 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release - Korean catalogue number)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - insert page 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

SOLKoreaPromoSide1.jpg (30908 bytes)
CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)
SOLKoreaPromoSide2.jpg (30301 bytes)
CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - insert inside page 3 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - insert page 4 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - Side 1 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of Side 1, scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - Side 2 scan by Lars M. Banke (commercial release)

CBS/Sony KJPL-0257 (South Korea) - detail of rear, scan by Hans Seegers (both releases)

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines), 1981:

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - front scan by Hans Seegers
These rare releases were manufactured in the Philippines for CBS/Sony Japan by Blackgold Records. The front design uses the US-style design with white text and a small "BOB DYLAN". The sleeve of Hans Seegers' copy shown is still in the shrink wrap. Hans' record has red CBS/Sony Masterworks labels with a ring of logos round the circumference.

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel ("37496")

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel ("37946")

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release - "37496")

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 2, scan by Hans Seegers ("MASTERWORKS" release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - Side 1 scan by Gerd Rundel (regular release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (regular release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 1, scan by Gerd Rundel (regular release - "37496")

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel (regular release)

CBS/Sony LP-1544 (Philippines) - detail of Side 2, scan by Gerd Rundel (regular release)

Gerd Rundel's copy has the same sleeve but the record has completely different labels:

The record of Gerd's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - LP-969-A, Side 2 - LP-969-B.

The rear sleeve also shows a secondary catalogue number of "TC-37946", see the detail scan above. This catalogue number is a mistake as the LP barcode and record labels both have catalogue number "37496". Thanks to Paul Shenton for pointing this out.

Thanks to Klaus Eklund for information and to Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for further information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release, CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico), 1981:

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - front scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - detail of front, scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - rear scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - Side 1 scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - detail of Side 1, scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - Side 2 scan by Tom Willems

CBS CLS-5378 (Mexico) - detail of front, rear by Tom Willems

This album was made in Mexico and uses the US front sleeve. The record has red/orange CBS labels with song titles in Spanish and English. Watered-Down Love is translated correctly as "Amor Diliudo" (see the Argentinean album below).

Thanks to Tom Willems for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo vinyl LP release with alternate rear sleeve, Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil), 1981:

SOLBrazilFront.jpg (57041 bytes)
Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil), front sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers
The front sleeve is the same as the US album with white title text, but the rear sleeve has the picture of the Cadillac car! The car is the original design for the rear album sleeve with lettering reported to be by Clydie King. It was withdrawn at the last minute to be replaced by the design with Bob contemplating a rose (see above), but for some reason the first pressings of Shot Of Love by CBS Brazil went out with the rejected design. This is a much sought-after variant.

SOLBrazilBack.jpg (33251 bytes)
Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil), rear sleeve - scan by Hans Seegers

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Gerd Rundel

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - inner sleeve front scan by Gerd Rundel

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - inner sleeve rear scan by Gerd Rundel

SOLBrazilLabel.jpg (24567 bytes)
Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers

Discos CBS 138.507 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Gerd Rundel

Jim Siddy points out that the sleeve does not have a flattened spine, and therefore there is no album title or other text on the spine. There is also an inner sleeve, which has a slight cut-out at centre front to make removal of the record easier. The record has orange/yellow Discos CBS labels. Both the sleeve and the record were made in Brazil. Gerd Rundel's copy has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - 138507-A, Side 2 - 138507-B.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel and Jim Siddy for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - test pressing, promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS/Columbia 20.251 (Argentina), 1981:

SOLArgFront.jpg (41184 bytes)
Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - front photo by Sergio Magnacca (promo and commercial releases)
The Argentinean stereo vinyl test pressing of this 1981 album comes in a white card CBS promo sleeve with a sticker with the album details and song titles in Spanish. Amusingly, Watered-Down Love is mistranslated as "Amor Submarino" (or "Underwater Love")! A more correct translation of "watered-down" is "diluido" (diluted) as on the Mexican Side 1 label above. The Discos CBS record labels have typed text and promo stickers with text "DISCO PARA DEMONSTRACIÓN/VENTA PROHIBIDA [DEMONSTRATION RECORD/SALE PROHIBITED]". The test pressing record has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - AL 37496, Side 2 - BL 37496.

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - front with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - front sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - rear scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 1 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 1 sticker scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

CBS 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 2 with sticker, scan by Lars M. Banke (test pressing)

SOLArgBack.jpg (18237 bytes)
Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - rear photo by Sergio Magnacca

Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - detail of rear sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

SOLArgSide1.jpg (26909 bytes)
Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

SOLArgSide2.jpg (25824 bytes)
Columbia 20.251 (Argentina) - Side 2 photo by Sergio Magnacca (commercial release)

The promo release of this album has a sticker on the back which again says "Disco para demostración/Venta prohibida", this time in upper/lower case. This text is also stamped on the record labels above the album title in upper case only, as on the stickers on the test pressing labels. The song titles and credits are translated into Spanish on the rear sleeve and record labels (now changed from CBS to Columbia). Watered-Down Love is again mistranslated as "Amor Submarino". The Argentinean 7" single release with Dead Man, Dead Man as the A-side and Watered-Down Love as the B-side, Discos CBS DEP 200, also has the same mistake, see International Singles: Singles & EPs 1980-83. The matrix numbers of both the promo and commercial copies shown are again: Side 1 - AL 37496, Side 2 - BL 37496. The commercial release of the album is identical but without the promo sticker on the sleeve and printed text on the record labels.

Thanks to Sergio Magnacca for information and photos, further thanks to Hans Seegers and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - stereo cassette releases, Columbia 60.251 (Argentina), 1981, re-released late 1980s:

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1981 release)
These two cassette releases from Argentina have exactly the same folded card insert, blank on the inside. Both inserts have the Dolby noise reduction system name and logo, even though the 1981 cassette does not have noise reduction. The 1981 cassette is grey with orange/white Columbia labels with the song titles in Spanish only. The cassette case is sealed, so cannot be opened.

The late 1980s cassette now has Dolby noise reduction. The cassette is light grey with orange text printed directly on to it, there are no paper labels. The song titles are again in Spanish only. This time the case can be opened, as there are four screws on Side 1.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1981 release)

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (1981 release)

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -outside of cassette insert, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s release)

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -cassette Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s release)

Columbia 60.251 (Argentina) -cassette Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (late 1980s release)

"Shot Of Love" - promo and commercial stereo vinyl LP releases, CBS 14-1521 (Colombia), late 1981:

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - front scan by Hans Seegers

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - rear scan by Simon Blokker

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - detail of rear, scan by Simon Blokker ("HECHO EN COLOMBIA")

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - detail of rear with promo text, scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - Side 1 scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - Side 2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo copy)

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (commercial copy)

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (promo and commercial copies - "FABRICADO EN COLOMBIA")

CBS 14-1521 (Colombia) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (commercial copy)

This album was made in Colombia and has the standard front sleeve with white text. Hans Seegers has a copy with promo text stamped on the rear sleeve. The record of this copy has orange/yellow CBS labels with a promo stamp on each side. Simon Blokker also has a promo copy with stamps on the record labels as shown, although the promo text on the rear sleeve is very faint and unreadable.

Sergio Mariano Romay has a commercial copy of the album. The record is in a transparent plastic bag and has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - COLOMBIA  141521  A   5-XI-81, Side 2 - COLOMBIA  141521  B   5-XI-81. ("5-XI-81" is the mastering date, 5 Nov 1981.)

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Sergio Mariano Romay and Simon Blokker for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - remastered stereo vinyl LP release, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe), 1 Dec 2017:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay
This is the first vinyl release outside the USA to include The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar! The lettering on the sleeve is white, as the original US and worldwide releases except the UK.
Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("Made in the EU")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - download card scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (code obscured)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay ("MADE IN THE EU")

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 1)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 889845451011 (Europe) - spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar is listed on both the rear sleeve and the Side Two label. However, the inner sleeve layout (not shown) has not been adjusted to include any reference to the extra track. The inner sleeve has the original black/white colour scheme. It is now a side opener rather than the original UK and Irish top opener. The album includes a "We Are Vinyl" download card. The record has US-style Columbia labels and matrix numbers: Side 1 - MRP 0986/8985451011-A plus 163850E1/A opposite, Side 2 - MRP 0986/8985451011-B plus 163850E2/A opposite.

Éamonn says it is an immaculate pressing with superb sound.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin and Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

CD Releases

"Shot Of Love" - CD releases, Columbia CK 37496 (USA/Canada), late 1980s, re-released 1990s:

Columbia CK 37496 (USA), late 1980s, re-released 1990s:

ShotOfLoveUSCDFront.jpg (42861 bytes)
Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - front scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)
As far as I know the 1990s releases are still on sale in the USA and Canada. All CD versions of this album have The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar as track 6. The front insert is a single folded card.

The 1990s CD release has a different barcode on the rear insert and different copyright text at the bottom of the CD. The 1990s CD also has "DIDP 07522" to the right of the centre hole underneath the catalogue number, missing on the 1980s CD. Both CDs have the inverted triangle to the left of the centre hole, introduced on records, cassettes and CD with Biograph in 1985.

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

ShotOfLoveUSCDBack.jpg (48429 bytes)
Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - rear insert scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

ShotOfLoveUSCD_BookletOutside.jpg (76256 bytes)
Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - outside of front insert, scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

ShotOfLoveUSCD_BookletInside.jpg (62364 bytes)
Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - inside of front insert, scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release
with mastering information at bottom right, also see European CD release below)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - rear insert scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - outside of front insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - inside of front insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release with mastering information at bottom right)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

ShotOfLoveUSCD.jpg (22466 bytes)
Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - CD scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Gil Lamont (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - CD scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (USA) - detail of CD, scan by Manuel García Jara (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada), late 1980s, re-released 1990s:

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada
Moise Potié's later Canadian copy has the same artwork as Jack's but a slightly different CD with the differences shown. The inside of the front insert is the same as the European release Columbia 467839 2 below with just one line of text at bottom right.

The 1990s Canadian CD also has "DIDP 07522" to the right of the centre hole underneath the catalogue number, missing on the 1980s CD.

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Moise Potié (no text at bottom left)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada (1980s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - CD scan by Moise Potié (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Moise Potié (1990s release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Moise Potié (1990s release)

Thanks to Gil Lamont, Jack from Canada, Moise Potié and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - CD release, Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan), 1 Dec 1991:

Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen

This later mid-priced CD is as far as I know the only CD release of this album in Japan. It has a black, red, white, blue and yellow obi in the "NICE PRICE LINE 15" series with price ¥1,800 and date "91-12-1". There is a folded front insert and a second insert which opens out (not shown).

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan) - obi scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen

Sony Records SRCS 6171 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

"Shot Of Love" - CD releases, Columbia 467839 2 (Europe), 1990s; Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe), 2002:

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - front scan by
Rene Jørgensen (1990s release)

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by
Rene Jørgensen (1990s release with tracklist)

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - inside of front insert, scan by
Gerd Rundel (1990s release with mastering information at bottom right, as US CD release above)

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - "Nice Price" sticker, scan by
Rene Jørgensen (1990s release)
SOLEur2002CDFront2.jpg (37786 bytes)
Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - front scan by Hans Seegers (2002 release)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Hans Seegers (2002 release without tracklist)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (2002 release)

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by
Rene Jørgensen (1990s release)

Columbia 467839 2 (Europe) - CD scan by
Rene Jørgensen (1990s release, one song above centre hole)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - rear insert (my copy) (2002 release)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - outside of unfolded front insert (my copy) (2002 release without tracklist)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - inside of front insert (my copy) (2002 release without mastering information at bottom right)

Columbia COL 474689-2 (Europe) - CD scan by Gerd Rundel (2002 release, three songs above centre hole)

These CD releases were made in Austria for the European market. The 1990s release, Columbia 467839 2, has a "Nice Price" sticker on the front of the jewel case and some differences from the current CD:

The tracklist is repeated on the reverse of the front insert.
On the inside of the front insert it has "Mastered for compact disc by Vic Anesini of CBS Records Studio N.Y."
Only one song is listed above the centre hole on the CD itself.

The current CD release, Columbia COL 474689-2, has been on sale since 2002. On Hans Seegers' copy of this album the front sleeve has a very strange colour balance (it's not a negative image or the album title would be black). Compare it to the US and Canadian CD releases above. The insert for my copy has the expected colours! Confusingly, the front insert Gerd Rundel's copy of COL 474689-2 has the same outside as mine without the tracklist on the rear, but it has the mastering information on the inside at bottom right as shown for the 1990s copy.

Thanks to Rene Jørgensen, Hans Seegers and Gerd Rundel for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - CD release in "Collector's Choice" series, Columbia 983 338 2 (UK), 1993:

Columbia 983 338 2 (UK) - front scan by Ronald Born

Columbia 983 338 2 (UK) - inside of front insert, scan by Ronald Born

Columbia 983 338 2 (UK) - rear of front insert, scan by Ronald Born

Columbia 983 338 2 (UK) - rear insert scan by Ronald Born

Columbia 983 338 2 (UK) - CD scan by Ronald Born

This release in Columbia's "Collectors Choice" UK 1993 series includes The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar. It seems to be the only Dylan release in this series and has a unique catalogue number "983 338 2", unrelated to the "474689-2" catalogue numbers that came before and after. The photo of Bob with the rose appears to be missing.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

"Shot Of Love" - CD release, Columbia CK 37496 (Australia), 1990s (two releases):

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (first release)
Stuart Moore's copy was the first release on sale in Australia - it looks exactly the same as the US release and there's no mention of Australia on the inserts or the CD. Compared with the US CD, this CD has the "DIDP" information under the "CK 27496" to the right of the centre hole and extra text at the bottom of the disc outside the black rings. The "DIDP" number (Digital Identification Popular) is a code used by Sony DADC (Digital Audio Disc Corporation) on CDs pressed in Terre Haute, IN, or one of their other CD plants in the USA, from 1983 onwards (Classical CDs had "DIDC"). Keith Schweiger's copy is a later release with a new red CD design that does mention Australia. The inserts look identical apart from colour shading.

Thanks to Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - front scan by Keith Schweiger (second release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore (first release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger (second release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (second release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger (second release)

Columbia CK 37496 (Australia) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger (second release)

"Shot Of Love" - CD release, Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa), 1997:

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - front scan by Keith Schweiger
This release has a folded card as the front insert. The CD was made in R.S.A. (Republic of South Africa) and is dated 1997. It was manufactured and distributed on behalf of Columbia by the Gallo Record Company.

Thanks to Keith Schweiger for information and scans.

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - reverse of front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - CD scan by Keith Schweiger

Columbia CDCOL 5339 S (South Africa) - detail of CD, scan by Keith Schweiger

"The Complete Album Collection Vol. One" - 47CD boxed set, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; USB stick, Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA), 5 Nov 2013/(Europe), 4 Nov 2013; Sony Music SICP 30471-30520 (Japan), 26 Mar 2014 onwards:

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691-92431-2 (USA/Europe) - front of CD box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK24 (USA)/Europe) - front of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D28 (USA) - CD28 (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312D28 (USA) - detail of CD28

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88883-77314-5 (USA/Europe) - top of USB box (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312JK24 (USA)/Europe) - rear of card sleeve (my copy)

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-28 (Europe) - CD28 scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music 88691924312-28 (Europe) - detail of CD28, scan by Manuel García Jara

This massive set is the latest in a series of "Complete Columbia Album Collections" featuring artists such as Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and even Blue Oyster Cult. The CD version of the set includes 41 Dylan albums in card sleeves, 14 of which have been remastered for this project, plus a 2CD set of previously released non-album tracks entitled Side Tracks. The albums exclude all compilations and The Bootleg Series sets, but do include the deleted 1973 Dylan album, also see 1973, and the extra 2CD set Side Tracks includes one side of the 1971 single George Jackson (Acoustic version), R-0085, see 1971. The set is therefore listed in 2013. The set also includes a hard cover book with extensive new liner notes and previously unseen photos.

All the CDs come in card sleeves. The European sleeves are made of thicker card than the US sleeves, but they are otherwise identical, so are not shown. The catalogue number on the sleeve is "88691924312JK24" plus "DISC 28". The CD includes The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar, added in the mid-1980s, although the rear sleeve is the original 1981 design, so it isn't listed on Side 2. The CDs are different in detail, the US Shot of Love CD has catalogue number "88691924312D28", whereas the European CD has catalogue number "88691924312-28". The European CD was made in the EU (probably Austria). The US and European copyright details are printed at the bottom of the Bob Dylan CDs, and round the circumference for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan onwards, so I haven't shown them for the later CDs.

For more details of the set, see International Album Releases (Multi-Packs) 2010s.

Sony Music SICP 30572 (Japan) - front with obi, picture from CD Japan web-site
Thanks to Sonny Boy McFitzson and Éamonn Ó Catháin for news that The Complete Album Collection will be released in Japan in four decade-related parts, with the intention to release them all in 2014. The Blu-Spec CD2 specification CDs come in card sleeves with printed inner sleeves and "SONY MUSIC" instead of "COLUMBIA" on the discs. Bob's 1980s albums from Saved to Oh Mercy will be released in Japan on 27 Aug 2014 in card sleeves as Blu-Spec CD2 discs numbered Sony Music SICP 30571 to SICP 30579. The 2013 remastered Shot of Love is SICP 30572, more details will be added when available.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

"Original Album Classics - The 80s" - 5CD set in slipcase, Columbia/Legacy 88843024172 (USA), 18 Feb 2014; Sony Music/Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Europe/Australia), 14 Apr 2014:

Columbia/Legacy 88843024172 (USA) - front of slipcase, picture from www.amazon.com
Includes: Shot Of Love, Infidels, Real Live, Dylan & The Dead and Oh Mercy.

The five CDs are housed in a cardboard slipcase and each album is in a card sleeve similar to those in The Complete Album Collection Vol. One above, but without title or catalogue numbers on the spines. The European version, also sold in Australia and New Zealand, has a different catalogue number and artwork. The slipcase and discs of Stuart Moore's copy were made in Australia.

Thanks to Tim Dunn, Fred Muller and Stuart Moore for information and scans.

Sony Music/ Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Europe/Australia) - front of slipcase, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Sony Music/ Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Europe) - rear of slipcase, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Sony Music/ Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Australia) - rear of slipcase, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music/Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Australia) - front of card sleeve for CD1, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music/ Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Australia) - rear of card sleeve for CD1, scan by Stuart Moore

Sony Music/ Columbia/Legacy 88843045252 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Stuart Moore

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Saved 1980

Shot Of Love
Infidels 1983
<- ^ ->

A Flying Pig production

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The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.