"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: International Album Releases - Various Artist Compilations 1993


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There must be hundreds of these albums from round the world! If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know!  

Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

This is a separate multi-year list by release date of commercially-released Various Artist stereo compilation albums released in 1993 that have been referred to me but do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only Bob Dylan performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo-only Various Artist compilation albums with Dylan tracks and Radio Station Albums are included here also. Other International Albums and Compilations are now here:

International Albums: Regular Albums from Round the World - Index

International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

Other International Compilations
International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

Elh1.jpg (12572 bytes)
International Compilations: Dylan Album Tracks on Other Artist's Albums

US & International Singles & EPs

Revised 06 January, 2025.

For previous and later entries in this list, see the links above.

Various Artists - "Superstar Concert Series" - 2 radio station discs, Westwood One Radio Broadcast, Westwood One Show 93-01 (USA), broadcast 2-3 Jan 1993:

Westwood1Show93-01back.jpg (24154 bytes)
Westwood One Show 93-01 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Franck Faugere
Because this set contains two live rarities, full details are in 1993.

Thanks to Franck Faugere for information and scan.

Various Artists - "An American Reunion: A Musical Celebration" - promo compilation CD, Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA), Jan 1993:

Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada
This very rare compilation in a three panel "eco-friendly snap-pack" was produced to mark the inauguration of Bill Clinton as President of the USA on 21 Jan 1993. Bob's contribution is The Times They Are A-Changin'.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA) - outside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Warner Music Group/Sony Music Entertainment PR CD 8724 (USA) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Rock Quiz #600" - radio station LP, MJI Entertainment RQ-600 (USA), broadcast 26 Apr-2 May 1993:

MJI Entertainment RQ-600 (USA) - cue sheet scan by Kenneth Robson
The LP for this show came in a plain white sleeve. The cue sheet is typewritten and scans badly.

Bob's contribution to this radio show was Just Like A Woman from Blonde On Blonde. This was broadcast as Song 3 on Side 1.

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

MJI Entertainment RQ-600 (USA) - Side 1 scan by Kenneth Robson

MJI Entertainment RQ-569 (USA) - Side 2 scan by Kenneth Robson

Various Artists - "Flashback!" - 3 radio station CDs, Radio Today/ABC Radio Networks show #334 (USA), broadcast w/c 24 May 1993:

Flashback! - show #93-334 (USA), cue sheet scan by Jack from Canada

Bob's contribution to this 3 hour show was Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 from Blonde On Blonde on CD1. The CDs came in paper sleeves.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Flashback! - show #89-334 (USA), CD1 scan by Jack from Canada (includes Bob)

Flashback! - show #89-334 (USA), CD2 scan by Jack from Canada (no Dylan)

Flashback! - show #89-334 (USA), CD2 scan by Jack from Canada (no Dylan)

Flashback! (USA) - generic CD sleeve, scan by
Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Stereo Review 35th Anniversary" - promo gold CD, Columbia CSK-5033 (USA), 1993:

Columbia CSK-5033 (USA) - long box front scan by Hans Seegers
Bob's contribution to this 9-track promo gold CD is Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, the version from the 1992 gold CD release of Blonde On Blonde (see 1966). Other artists featured are Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck, Janis Joplin, Aerosmith, Boston, Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen.

The CD came in a long box. There was a rear insert listing the songs, but there was no front insert. This album has Stereo Review 35th Anniversary on the front of the box and on the CD, but Stereo Review Mastersound Sampler on the spine of the rear insert.

Thanks to Keith Venturoni for finding this item on eBay and to Hans Seegers for further information and scans. For a 5-track "Mastersound" gold CD sampler, see the 1992 page of this list.

Columbia CSK-5033 (USA) - long box rear scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia CSK-5033 (USA) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

StereoReview.jpg (22549 bytes)
Columbia CSK-5033 (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "The Country Collection" - compilation CD release: Polydor 516 242-2 (Norway), 1993:

Polydor 516 242-2 (Norway) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This CD compilation exclusive to Norway includes a Dylan rarity Heartland (Bob Dylan/Willie Nelson) - Bob duets with Willie Nelson on this co-written song from Willie's 1993 Columbia album Across The Borderline. Both The Country Collection and Across The Borderline are listed in 1993.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

516 242-2 (Norway) - rear scan by Peter Oudejans

516 242-2 (Norway) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Various Artists - "Sony Music Publishing" - promo CD, Sony Music 14-001732-10 (France), 1993:

Sony Music 14-001732-10 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Bob's contribution to this rare promo-only CD is Knocking On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid.

Sony Music 14-001732-10 (France) - unfolded front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music 14-001732-10 (France) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music 14-001732-10 (France) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for finding this item on eBay, and to Hans Seegers for further information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folk Generation - The Vanguard History Of American Folk Music 1960/1978" - 2CD set: FNAC Music/Vanguard 662254 (France)/Cassette: FNAC Music/Vanguard 664253, 1993:

FNAC Music/Vanguard 662254 (France) - front scan by Hans Seegers
Because this set contains three live rarities, full details are in 1993.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Various Artists - "The 'Rolling Stone' Collection: 25 Years Of Essential Rock" - compilation 7CD set, Sony/Time-Life Music A-23707/8//9/10/OPCD 2692/2993/2694 (USA), 1993:

Sony/Time-Life Music A-23707/8//9/10/OPCD 2692/2993/2694 (USA)
Bob's contribution to this 7CD compilation was four tracks:
  • Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited
  • Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline
  • Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid
  • Simple Twist Of Fate from Blood On The Tracks

Thanks to Jack from Canada for scans of two of the discs: the 1967-1969 disc contains Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited (misplaced, as it's from 1965). It also has covers of Highway 61 Revisited by Johnny Winter and All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix.

The 1969-1970 disc contains Lay, Lady, Lay from Nashville Skyline.

RollingStoneUS67-69Booklet.jpg (72048 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23707 (USA) - booklet page with Bob, scan by Jack from Canada

RollingStoneUS67-69Front.jpg (33126 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23707 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada
RollingStoneUS67-69Back.jpg (36502 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23707 (USA) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada
RollingStoneUS67-69CD.jpg (26500 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23707 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada
RollingStoneUS69-70Front.jpg (28166 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23708 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada
RollingStoneUS69-70Back.jpg (37790 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23708 (USA) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada
RollingStoneUS69-70CD.jpg (24797 bytes)
Sony/Time-Life Music R-102-34/A-23708 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Lufthansa Presents: Music Of The Sixties" - compilation CD release, Aurophon AU 32229 CD (Germany), 1993:

Aurophon AU 32229 CD (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This CD was probably sold to passengers on airline flights as a souvenir of the "in-flight entertainment". Bob's contribution is Blowin' In The Wind, the regular album version from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan plus Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds. The CD also includes House Of The Risin' Sun by The Animals.

Thanks to Manfred Endtner and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Aurophon AU 32229 CD (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Aurophon AU 32229 CD (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Various Artists - 16 Legendäre Hits [16 Legendary Hits] - compilation CD releases, Arag Lebensversicherungs AG [Arag Life Insurance AG] 6.055 (Germany/Sweden), 1993; Arag Lebensversicherungs AG 6.161 (Germany), 1995:
These two albums were given away by a German Life Insurance company in 1993 and 1995. The first CD was also in association with Harley Davidson.

Arag 6.055 (Germany/Sweden) - front scan by Manfred Endtner

Arag 6.055 (Germany/Sweden) - rear scan by Manfred Endtner

Arag 6.055 (Germany/Sweden) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Arag 6.161 (Germany) - front scan by Manfred Endtner

Arag 6.161 (Germany) - rear scan by Manfred Endtner

Arag 6.161 (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

These two similar CD compilations both contained Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited and Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, regular album versions.

Arag 6.055 from 1993 has the sub-title "Die Hits zum Harley Davidson Gewinnspiel der ARAG Lebensversicherung [Hits from the Harley Davidson Competition of ARAG Life Insurance]". The CD itself is made in Sweden.

Arag 6.161 from 1995 has a different selection of non-Dylan tracks and the shorter sub-title "Die Hits zum Gewinnspiel der ARAG Lebensversicherungs-AG [Hits from the Competition of ARAG Life Insurance AG]". The CD itself is this time made in Germany.

Thanks to Manfred Endtner and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Starke Songs Aus Den 60er Jahren [Strong Songs From The 1960s]" - compilation CD: Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung [Stuttgart Life Insurance] HE 84401 (Germany), 1993(?):

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung HE 84401 (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this compilation from a German Life Insurance company is Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung HE 84401 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung HE 84401 (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Various Artists - "Banana Split" - compilation cassette release, Dieci & Lode DL 8008 (Italy), 1993(?); compilation CD release, D&L (Dieci & Lode) DL CD 8008 (Italy), 5 Jul 2011:
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for confirming that this is definitely a grey area release, legal in Italy but unauthorised by Columbia/CBS, because of this full details are in Questionable Releases.

Dieci & Lode DL 8008 (Italy) - front of cassette insert, scan by Dag Braathen
This 16 track Italian stereo compilation cassette release contains A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan on Side 1. The cassette and insert are undated, but an Internet site dates another Dieci & Lode compilation (DL 8004) as 1993.

This compilation is also available as a 12 track digital download from HMV UK, but that does not include the Dylan track.

Thanks to Dag Braathen for information and scans.

Dieci & Lode DL CD 8008 (Italy) - 2011 CD front picture from hmvdigital.com

Various Artists - "12 Million Sellers, Vol. 5" - compilation CD, Columbia 474276 2 (Spain), 1993:

Columbia 474276 2 (Spain) - scan by Hans Seegers
The CD was made in Austria for the Spanish market and distributed from Holland. Bob's contribution is Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited. The title is translated as "Como Una Piedra Rodante".

Columbia 474276 2 (Spain) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 474276 2 (Spain) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Columbia 474276 2 (Spain) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

For an 1972 Spanish release of Vol. 5 of this set on vinyl, see International Compilations: Various Artist Albums 1970-79. For a 1994 release in this series, see the 1994 page of this list.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Rhythm & Rock" - compilation stereo vinyl LP, Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil), 1993:

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - front scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

This compilation including Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited on Side 1 was produced by Sony Music Produtos Especiais [Sony Music Special Products].

Full marks to Sergio Mariano Romay for noticing that the front picture is taken from the photo on the front of Neil Young's 1983 Reprise album Freedom! This is ironic since Neil is not represented on the album.

Freedom by Neil Young (Reprise, 1989) - picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - rear scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia Opus 412.050 (Brazil) - Side 1 (my copy, 1983)

Columbia Opus 412.050 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1 (my copy, 1983 - Like A Rolling Stone is "60559063")

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - detail of rear, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (includes Bob)

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1, scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - detail of Side 1 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (Like A Rolling Stone is again "60559063")

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - Side 2 scan by Sergio Mariano Romay (no Dylan)

Columbia/Sony Music 1-981.799 (Brazil) - spine scan by Sergio Mariano Romay

The record has orange Columbia labels. Unusually for a Brazilian record label, there is no C.G.C. (tax) number printed on the record labels to the left of the centre hole ("C.G.C." means in Portuguese "Cadastro Geral de Contribuinte [General Taxpayer Registration]"). The copyright number in brackets after Like A Rolling Stone on the Side 1 label is the same that is printed on the Side 1 label of the earlier Brazilian compilation Bob Dylan The Legend, see 1983. Like A Rolling Stone is code "60559063" and the same number appears on both record labels.

The release year of this compilation is absent from the sleeve (front and rear) and also from the record labels. However, it is present in the faintly handwritten matrix numbers on both sides: Side 1 - 1-981 799 A XSLP - 2094 (P) 1993, Side 2 - 1-981 799 B XSLP - 2095 (P) 1993.

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Sony Music Sampler" - promo CD, Sony Music SMPD 018 (Canada), Aug 1993:

Sony Music SMPD 018 (Canada) - front of insert, scan by Hans Seegers
Even though this 15-track sampler CD is album length, it's housed in a CD single slim jewel case with a single insert.

Bob's contribution is the 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration version of My Back Pages as above.

For a Canadian Sony Music Sampler with Dignity from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 3, see the 1994 page of this list.

Sony Music SMPD 018 (Canada) - inside of insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Sony Music SMPD 018 (Canada) - CD scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Club Series - October 1993" - promo compilation CD, Club Series 1993-10 (USA), Oct 1993:

Club Series 1993-10 (USA) - front of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

This promo CD compilation in a card sleeve contains Like A Rolling Stone (30th Street Mix Vocal) - rap version by the Mystery Tramps with several samples of the original song from Highway 61 Revisited (5:41). Because this is a rarity, full details are in 1993.

Thanks to Artur Jarosinski and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Club Series 1993-10 (USA) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

Club Series 1993-10 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Showcase Of Rock: Positively Bob Dylan" - 3 radio station CDs, Unistar (USA), broadcast 19-21 Nov 1993:

Front of box, scan by Kenneth Robson
Because this set contains a rarity by The Travelling Wilburys, full details are in 1993 (Wilburys).

Thanks to Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Return Of Sampler Claus" - promo CD, Columbia CSK 5513 (USA), Dec 1993:

SamplerClausFront.jpg (25354 bytes)
Columbia CSK 5513 (USA) - front insert scan by Keith Venturoni
Bob's contribution was Winterlude from New Morning. Other artists include Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Roy Orbison and Aretha Franklin.

I assume there was an earlier Sampler Claus promo album that didn't include Bob.

Thanks to Keith Venturoni for information and scans.

SamplerClausInner.jpg (15419 bytes)
Columbia CSK 5513 (USA) - inside of front insert, scan by Keith Venturoni

SamplerClausRear.jpg (37414 bytes)
Columbia CSK 5513 (USA) - rear insert scan by Keith Venturoni

SamplerClausCD.jpg (26714 bytes)
Columbia CSK 5513 (USA) - CD scan by Keith Venturoni

Various Artists - "From Radio December '93 Vol. 7" - promo compilation CD, Sony XDCS 93132 (Japan), Dec 1993:

Sony XDCS 93132 (Japan) - front scan by Wil Gielen
Bob's contribution to this promo compilation CD was Broke Down Engine from World Gone Wrong. Other artists include Michael Bolton, Harry Connick Jr. and Mariah Carey. The front insert was a 4-page booklet.

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Sony XDCS 93132 (Japan) - rear insert scan by Wil Gielen

Sony XDCS 93132 (Japan) - CD scan by Wil Gielen

For previous and later entries in this list, see the links below.

Home ] Up ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1990 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1991 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1992 ] [ International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1993 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1994 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1995 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1996 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1997 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1998 ] International Albums - Various Artist Compilations 1999 ]

RockMachineUKFront.JPG (30589 bytes)





Other International Albums and Compilations are now here:

International Albums: Regular Albums from Round the World - Index

International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

Other International Compilations
International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

Elh1.jpg (12572 bytes)
International Compilations: Dylan Album Tracks on Other Artist's Albums

US & International Singles & EPs

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.