"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: International Album Releases - Various Artist Compilations 1999

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If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know!  

Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

This is a separate multi-year list by release date of commercially-released Various Artist stereo compilation albums released in 1999 that have been referred to me but do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only Bob Dylan performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know some are not included on any other Internet site. Promo-only Various Artist compilation albums with Dylan tracks and Radio Station Albums are included here also. Other International Albums and Compilations are now here:

International Albums: Regular Albums from Round the World - Index

International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

Other International Compilations
International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

Elh1.jpg (12572 bytes)
International Compilations: Dylan Album Tracks on Other Artist's Albums

US & International Singles & EPs

Revised 06 January, 2025.

For previous entries and later in this list, see the links above.

Various Artists - "Hear The Difference" - promo compilation CD: Sony Music SAMP2201 (Australia), 1999(?):

Sony Music SAMP2201 (Australia) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This Australian compilation CD promoting the remastered releases of classic Columbia albums comes in a slimline CD single jewel case. This release is undated but Bob's contribution of The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964 album version) was taken from the remastered Australian CD release of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Columbia 494798 2, which dates from 1999.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Sony Music SAMP2201 (Australia) - inside of insert, scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music SAMP2201 (Australia) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia 494798 2 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore (1999 remastered release)

Various Artists - "Sing America" - promo compilation CD, Warner Bros 2-47245 AB (USA), Apr 1999; commercial compilation CD, Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA), May 1999:

SingAmericaUSFront.jpg (39476 bytes)
Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA) - front of sealed copy with charity sticker, scan by Hans Seegers
| (commercial release)

Bob's contribution to this compilation was Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. The promo CD came in a thin card sleeve, the commercial CD in a standard jewel case. Hans Seegers' copy of the commercial CD is still sealed with a front sticker. This charity CD was sold to benefit the "Save America's Treasures" endowment at the National Trust for Historic Preservation "to preserve the nation's glorious heritage, monuments, parks, archives and landmarks".

SingAmericaUSPromoFront.jpg (18249 bytes)
Warner Bros 2- 47245 AB (USA) - front of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

SingAmericaUSPromoBack.jpg (22185 bytes)
Warner Bros 2- 47245 AB (USA) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

SingAmericaUSPromoCD.jpg (22834 bytes)
Warner Bros 2- 47245 AB (USA) - CD scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

SingAmericaUSBack.jpg (42529 bytes)
Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA) - rear of sealed copy, scan by Hans Seegers
(commercial release)

Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Warner Bros 9 47245 2 (USA) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial release)

Thanks to Wim van der Mark, Hans Seegers and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "3FM Hard To Find Classics Vol. 1" - 2CD set, BR Music BS 8202-2 (NL), 1999:
This 2CD set in an "old-style" double width 2CD jewel case was also released in Belgium (supplied from Holland) under the alternate title of Pop Classics 5 with the same catalogue number.

HardToFindNLFront.jpg (30361 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (NL) - front scan by Hans Seegers

Wim Vuijck says: "In Holland Dylan's best selling record was a single (vinyl, of course) release of Wigwam (still people are thinking that he is best known for his lyrics......). Anyway, lately Wigwam was released on a (sort of) greatest hits CD called Hard To Find. It is a compilation of songs by various artists, the compilation was made by 'Radio 3 FM' disc jockeys. Radio 3 FM is a nationwide (in Holland that's not so special!) pop/rock radio station. Indeed, this CD is hard to find, my local CD store is telling me all the time they ordered a copy but it never shows up. Nevertheless, since Dylan songs are not usually released on compilation CDs and greatest hits CDs, and since Wigwam is not the most wanted Dylan song for this kind of CDs, I thought you might like to know... Wim"

Thanks to Hans Seegers for further information and scans. Hans is of the opinion that this compilation was not in fact that hard to find!

HardToFindNLBack.jpg (43919 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (NL) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

HardToFindNLCD1.jpg (19731 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (NL) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers
HardToFindNLDetail.jpg (23721 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (NL) - detail of insert, scan by Hans Seegers
PopClassics5BelFront.jpg (45559 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (Belgium) - front scan by Hans Seegers

PopClassics5BelBack.jpg (49195 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (Belgium) - rear scan by Hans Seegers

PopClassics5BelCD1.jpg (20688 bytes)
BR Music BS 8202-2 (Belgium) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Rock Songs" - 2CD set, MacDonald's/Sony Music Media SMM 986131 2 (Germany), 1999:

MacDonald's/Sony Music Media SMM 986131 2 (Germany) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
This 2CD set was one of three compilations given away by MacDonald's in Germany in 1999. The two others were Pop Songs and Love Songs, which to my knowledge did not feature Bob. Bob's contribution was Subterranean Homesick Blues, the regular album version from Bringing It All Back Home, on CD2
MacDonald's/Sony Music Media SMM 986131 2 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

MacDonald's/Sony Music Media SMM 986131 2 (Germany) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

MacDonald's/Sony Music Media SMM 986131 2 (Germany) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Manfred Endtner and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Ten Years Of Rock Fleadh" - compilation CD release, Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691522 (UK/Ireland), 1999:

Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691522 (UK/Ireland) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This compilation CD was issued in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Fleadh Festival of Irish music. Bob's contribution is I Want You from Blonde On Blonde. There was also a companion volume, Ten Years Of Folk Fleadh, without Bob.
Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691522 (UK/Ireland) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691522 (UK/Ireland) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691522 (UK/Ireland) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Capo/RCA/BMG 74321 691532 (UK/Ireland) - front picture from www.discogs.com (Folk Fleadh compilation without Dylan)

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Formel Nice Price [Formula Nice Price]" - promo compilation CD release: Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany), 1999:

Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany) - front of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans
The album title of this promo CD in a folded card sleeve is Formel Nice Price [Formula Nice Price]. The text at front bottom right is "Höllisch Gut. Teuflisch Günstig [Hellishly Good. Devilishly Cheap]". The CD has a different title: "The Sound Of Nice Price".
Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany) - inside left of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany) - inside right of card sleeve, scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music SAMPCD 006745 (Germany) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

The CD contains excerpts of 48 tracks from contemporary "Nice Price" albums, all edited to around 1:30. Bob is represented by a 1:30 edit of Hurricane, taken from Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. 3, originally from 1976's Desire. As this is a rarity, details are also in 1999.

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Universal Mega Hits Vol. 24" - promo compilation CD release, Universal Music PCDS-28 (Taiwan), 1999:

Universal Music PCDS-28 (Taiwan) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

This Taiwanese promo CD contains The Man In Me from New Morning, as featured in the 1998 film The Big Lebowski.

For the soundtrack album see the 1998 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Universal Music PCDS-28 (Taiwan) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Universal Music PCDS-28 (Taiwan) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Mercury 314 536 903-2 (USA, 1998) - front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

Thanks to Peter Oudejans and Hans Seegers for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Les Plus Belles Chansons - Folk [The Most Beautiful Songs- Folk] " - compilation CD release: WEA 9548-37402-2 (France), 1999:

WEA 9548-37402-2 (France) - front of digipak, scan by Peter Oudejans

This French compilation CD in a digipak contains Blowin' In The Wind, performed live with ensemble at the Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 26 Jul 1963, originally released on The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 1, see 1964.  As this is a rarity, details are also in 1999.

The CD also includes a performance by Doc Watson of Corrina, Corrina, recorded by Bob on The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

WEA 9548-37402-2 (France) - front of digipak, scan by Peter Oudejans

WEA 9548-37402-2 (France) - front of digipak, scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Flower Power " - compilation 2CD set: McMusic ANS McCD 105 (Norway), 1999:

McMusic ANS McCD 105 (Norway) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Flower Power [Various Artists] - McMusic ANS Norway compilation 2CD set with Masters Of War from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan plus Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds and Blowin' In The Wind by Joan Baez
McMusic ANS McCD 105 (Norway) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

McMusic ANS McCD 105 (Norway) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob plus Dylan cover)

McMusic ANS McCD 105 (Norway) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Dylan cover)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Oxford American Southern Sampler 1999" - sampler CD (no catalogue number), "Oxford American" magazine (Oxford, MS, USA), Jul 1999:

Front cover scan by Kenneth Robson

Liner notes scan by Kenneth Robson

Article about Bob in Mississippi in 1962, scan by Kenneth Robson
oa1999front.jpg (40091 bytes)
Front of card sleeve, scan by Harvey Bojarsky
oa1999back.jpg (29889 bytes)
Rear of card sleeve, scan by Harvey Bojarsky

CD scan by Kenneth Robson

This sampler CD in a card sleeve included with the magazine's Annual Music Issue includes, appropriately, Bob singing Oxford Town from the Freewheelin' Bob Dylan

For details of the 2001 release which includes Bob's 1998 duet with Ralph Stanley on The Lonesome River, see 2001. The Lonesome River was released in Oct 2008 on CD2 of The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 - Tell Tale Signs: Rare And Unreleased 1989-2006, see here. This means R-0266 has ceased to be a rarity and the Oxford American 2001 sampler has been moved to the 2001 page of this list.

Thanks to Harvey Bojarsky and Kenneth Robson for information and scans.

Various Artists - "House Of Blues Radio Hour - Show # 99-32: Leon Russell Tribute" - radio station CD, United Stations Radio Networks/House Of Blues 99-32 (USA), 7-8 Aug 1999:

United Stations Radio Networks/House Of Blues 99-32 (USA) - CD in white paper sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada
The CD comes in a white paper sleeve with a front cut-out. This show is hosted by Dan Aykroyd (Elwood Blues) and features interviews with Leon Russell. The Dylan track is Watching The River Flow, produced by Leon Russell at Blue Rock Studio in NYC. Russell also plays piano on the track. Watching The River Flow was a 1971 single, later released on Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II.
United Stations Radio Networks/House Of Blues 99-32 (USA) - CD in white paper sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

United Stations Radio Networks/House Of Blues 99-32 (USA) - CD in white paper sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Rare Rock Tracks" - promo CD compilation, Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 42604 (USA), Sep 1999:

Columbia/Epic/Legacy JSK 42604 (USA) (my copy)
All 11 tracks on this compilation were previously unreleased on US albums. Because the album contains a live version of Cold Irons Bound, full details are in 1999.

Various Artists - "Hear It Now! The Sound Of The '60s" - compilation CD releases: Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (USA); Columbia/Legacy CK 65906/BMG Music Club D-128755 (USA); Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan); Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa), 1999:

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (USA) - front scan by Wim van der Mark
This is a companion CD to the documentary CD set I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties, which mainly features voice recordings, although it has excerpts from songs, including The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob. For details, see below and 1970. The US album was also released by the BMG Music Club. The Taiwanese album comes in an outer sleeve with Chinese text.

Bob's contribution to this album is Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home.

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906/BMG Music Club D-128755 (USA) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (USA) - booklet page featuring Bob, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906/BMG Music Club D-128755 (USA) - rear scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906/BMG Music Club D-128755 (USA) - detail of rear with BMG Music Club info, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan) - sleeve front scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan) - sleeve rear scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906 (Taiwan) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy CK 65906/BMG Music Club D-128755 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - outside of front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Columbia/Legacy CDCOL 5808 H (South Africa) - detail of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties" - 2CD set, Columbia Legacy C2K 65907 (USA)/Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK), 1999:

Columbia Legacy C2K 65907 (USA) - CD front with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers (1999)

Columbia Legacy C2K 65907 (USA) - CD front sticker scan by Hans Seegers (1999)

Columbia Legacy C2K 65907 (USA) - CD rear scan by Hans Seegers (1999)

Columbia Legacy C2K 65907 (USA) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers (1999)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) - CD front with sticker  (1999, my copy)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) - CD front sticker (1999)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) - CD rear insert (1999)

HearIt.jpg (71973 bytes)
Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) - CD front insert booklet unfolded (1999)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) - reverse of CD rear insert (1999)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) -detail of rear of CD front insert booklet (1999)

Columbia Legacy 494476 2 (UK) -  CD2 (1999)

This 2CD set mainly features voice recordings, although it has excerpts from songs, including The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob. For the original 1970 3LP set, see 1970.

Bob's contribution is on CD2. Note the picture of Bob on the inner side of the CD insert.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for scans of the US CD release. The UK CD release is my copy.

Various Artists - "The Best Sports Songs In The World... Ever" - compilation 2CD set, Virgin/EMI/Radio Sport 07243 5247722 7 (New Zealand), 1999:

Virgin/EMI/Radio Sport 07243 5247722 7 (New Zealand) - front picture from Wim van der Mark
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation was Hurricane from Desire on CD2.

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Bill Hester for information and pictures.

SportsSongsNZBack.jpg (58785 bytes)
Virgin/EMI/Radio Sport 07243 5247722 7 (New Zealand) - rear insert scan by Bill Hester

Virgin/EMI/Radio Sport 07243 5247722 7 (New Zealand) - CD2 scan by Bill Hester

Various Artists: "Selections From The 26CD Series 'Sony Music 100 Years: Soundtrack For A Century'" - promo 2CD compilation, Sony Music (no catalogue number) (USA), Oct 1999:

SoundtrackUSPromoFront.jpg (24875 bytes)
Front scan by Hans Seegers
This 2CD promo sampler comes in a double card sleeve inside a plastic wallet. Bob's contribution is Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited on CD2. This mammoth 26CD set includes four other Dylan tracks, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SoundtrackUSPromoOutside.jpg (55930 bytes)
Outside of double card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers

SoundtrackUSPromoCD2.jpg (29670 bytes)
CD2 scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists: "Soundtrack For A Century Sampler" - promo compilation CD, Sony Music (no catalogue number) (Republic of China/Taiwan), Oct 1999:

SoundtrackTaiwanPromoFront.jpg (29997 bytes)
Front of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers
This promo sampler from Sony Taiwan comes in a thick card sleeve with a generic Sony inner sleeve. Bob's contribution is Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. This mammoth 26CD set includes four other Dylan tracks, see below.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.

SoundtrackTaiwanPromoBack.jpg (24569 bytes)
Rear of card sleeve, scan by Hans Seegers
SoundtrackTaiwanPromoCD1.jpg (24776 bytes)
CD scan by Hans Seegers

Various Artists - "Sony Music 100 Years: Soundtrack For A Century" - promo compilation 24CD set in CD wallet, Sony Music (no catalogue number) (USA), 1999; commercial compilation 26CD boxed set, Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA), 12 Oct 1999:

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - front of slipcase with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)
The promo disc box set had 24 discs and came in a cloth CD wallet with a zip. The commercial version had 2 extra discs to make a total of 26 and came in a hard card slipcase. The Dylan material was the same in both releases.

For two promotional samplers from this set, see above.

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - sticker on front of slipcase, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - rear of slipcase scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - rear of slipcase scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Front of closed CD wallet, scan by Jack from Canada (promo release)

Inside of CD wallet with discs, scan by Jack from Canada (promo release)

Inside of CD wallet with discs and contents sheet, scan by Jack from Canada (promo release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - spine of slipcase scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

CD10 with Blowin' In The Wind, photo by Jack from Canada (promo release)

CD14 with Knockin' On Heaven's Door, photo by Jack from Canada (promo release)

CD17 with Like A Rolling Stone, photo by Jack from Canada (promo release)

CD19 with Subterranean Homesick Blues, photo by Jack from Canada (promo release)

CD20 with Love Sick, scan by Jack from Canada (promo release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - CD10 with Blowin' In The Wind, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - CD14 with Knockin' On Heaven's Door, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - CD17 with Like A Rolling Stone, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - CD19 with Subterranean Homesick Blues, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - CD20 with Love Sick, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

Sony Music JXK 65750 (USA) - open side of slipcase with books, scan by Jack from Canada (commercial release)

The 24/26 discs include five Dylan album tracks:

Folk, Gospel & Blues: Will The Circle Be Unbroken? (CD10): Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Movie Music: The Definitive Performances (CD14): Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid
Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1975 (CD17): Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited
Rock: The Train Kept A-Rollin' Disc 1 (CD19): Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home
Rock: The Train Kept A-Rollin' Disc 2 (CD20): Love Sick from Time Out Of Mind

The set also includes The Ballad Of Easy Rider (CD13) and Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds (CD19).

This mammoth 26CD set includes the four separate 2CD sets listed immediately below. The 2CD sets were also released separately in double-width CD jewel cases.  Twelve 2CD themed sets were released separately and one 2CD set was exclusive to the boxed set.

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for pointing out this set and to Hans Seegers and Ian Woodward for further information. Thanks to Jack from Canada and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Folk, Gospel & Blues: Will The Circle Be Unbroken?" - compilation 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy J2K 65804 (USA), 12 Oct 1999:

Columbia/Legacy J2K 68504 (USA) -
front insert scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution is Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. This 45-track 2CD set in a double width CD jewel case is taken from the 26 CD set listed immediately above (CDs 9-10), which includes four other Dylan tracks.

Thanks to Freddy Ordoñez Araque for pointing out this set and to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Columbia/Legacy J2K 68504 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy J2K 68504 (USA) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan - same as CD9 of the boxed set)

Columbia/Legacy J2K 68504 (USA) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob - same as CD10 of the boxed set)

Various Artists - "Movie Music: The Definitive Performances" - compilation 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy J2K 65813 (USA), 12 Oct 1999:

Sony Music J2K 65813 (USA) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans
Movie Music: The Definitive Performances (CDs 13-14 of the above set) contains Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid on CD2.

The set in a double width CD jewel case also includes The Ballad Of Easy Rider by The Byrds (CD1). The song was co-written by Bob and Roger McGuinn.

Sony Music J2K 65813 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music J2K 65813 (USA) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (Dylan co-composition cover - same as CD13 of the boxed set)

Sony Music J2K 65813 (USA) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob - same as CD14 of the boxed set)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1975" - compilation 2CD set, Columbia/Legacy J2K 65792 (USA), 12 Oct 1999:

Sony Music J2K 65792 (USA) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans
Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1975 (CDs 17-18 of the above set) contains Like A Rolling Stone from Highway 61 Revisited on CD1.

The set again comes in a double width CD jewel case.

Sony Music J2K 65792 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music J2K 65792 (USA) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob - same as CD17 of the boxed set)

Sony Music J2K 65792 (USA) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan - same as CD18 of the boxed set)

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Rock: The Train Kept A-Rollin'" - compilation 2CD sets: Columbia/Legacy J2K 65797 (USA), 12 Oct 1999; SME Records SRCS 2203~4 (Japan), 8 Mar 2000; "The Train Kept A-Rollin': 30 Years Of Rock" - compilation 2CD sets: Columbia 498724 2 (UK), 2000; Columbia CDSM 121 Z (South Africa), 2000; :

Sony Music J2K 65797 (USA) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Rock: The Train Kept A-Rollin' (CDs 19-20 of the above set) contains Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home on CD1 and Love Sick from Time Out Of Mind on CD2. The set also includes Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds on CD1. The set again comes in a double width CD jewel case.

The 2000 Japanese release also comes in a double width 2CD jewel case and has a purple "Millennium Max" wrap-around obi with price ¥5,040. There is a 68-page stapled booklet in English and a 60-page stapled booklet in English and Japanese. The 2000 UK and South African releases came in slimline 2CD jewel cases with the title The Train Kept A-Rollin': 30 Years of Rock. For full details of these 2000 releases see the 2000 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Sony Music J2K 65797 (USA) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music J2K 65797 (USA) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob - same as CD19 of the boxed set)

Sony Music J2K 65797 (USA) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob - same as CD20 of the boxed set)

Columbia 498724 2 (UK) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2000)

Columbia CDSM 121 Z (South Africa) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2000)

SME Records SRCS 2203~4 (Japan) - front with obi, scan by Wil Gielen (2000)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans and Wil Gielen for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Best Of Rock: The Ultimate Collection" - compilation 2CD set, Double Power/Sony Music Media SMM 496655-2 (Germany), 1999:

Double Power/Sony SMM 496655-2 (Germany) - front scan by Peter
Bob's contributions to this 2CD compilation are exactly the same as Rock: The Train Kept A-Rollin' above but with the CDs switched round: Love Sick from Time Out Of Mind is on CD1 while Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home and Mr. Tambourine Man by The Byrds are on CD2.
Double Power/Sony SMM 496655-2 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Double Power/Sony SMM 496655-2 (Germany) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans

Double Power/Sony SMM 496655-2 (Germany) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The All Time Greatest Movie Songs Volume One" - compilation 2CD sets, Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden)/Columbia 493330 2 (Australia)/Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa), 1999; "Cinéma: Les Plus Grands Hits" - compilation 2CD set, Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327 2 (France), 1999; "Las Mejores Canciones De Cine" - compilation 2CD set, Sony Music Media SMM 49330 2 (Spain), 1999:

All these compilations contain Knockin' On Heaven's Door from the 1973 film Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid on CD1, for the film see VHS & DVD 1970s.

Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden)/Columbia 493330 2 (Australia)/Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa), 1999:

Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia 493330 2 (Australia) - front scan by Bill Hester

Columbia 493330 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Bill Hester

Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Sony Music 493330 2 (Sweden) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan

Columbia 493330 2 (Australia) - CD1 scan by Hans Seegers (includes Bob)

Columbia 493330 2 (Australia) - CD2 scan by Bill Hester (no Dylan)

Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Sony Music CDSM 047 J (South Africa) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

The Swedish and Australian releases have the same catalogue number. The South African release has a similar catalogue number to the 1998 release The All Time Greatest Rock Songs Volume 1.

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France), 1999; Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France), 2001:

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327=2 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release)
These French releases have a translated title on the inserts and CDs. The 1999 French compilation was reissued in 2001, this time on the SMM (Sony Music Media) label, not Versailles as previously. Otherwise the artwork and CD design is identical.

For the second compilation in this French series with All Along The Watchtower from John Wesley Harding, see the 2000 page of this Various Artists Compilations list.

Sony Music/Versailles VER 498017-2 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (Volume 2 - 2000)

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release)

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release - "VERSAILLES")

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release, includes Bob)

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France) - detail of CD1, scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release - "VERSAILLES")

Sony Music/Versailles VER 494327-2 (France) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (1999 release, no Dylan)

Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release)

Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release)

Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release - "SMM")
Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release, includes Bob)

Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - detail of CD1, scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release - "SMM")

Sony Music Media SMM 505275-2 (France) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (2001 release, no Dylan)

Sony Music Media SMM 49330 2 (Spain):

Sony Music Media SMM 493330 2 (Spain) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
The Spanish release also has a translated title on the inserts and CDs. The catalogue number 483330 2 is the same as the Swedish and Australian releases.
Sony Music Media SMM 493330 2 (Spain) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music Media SMM 493330 2 (Spain) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Sony Music Media SMM 493330 2 (Spain) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Unlike the four sets here, the first UK All Time Greatest Movie Songs compilation contained no Dylan.

For Sony Music TV UK 2CD and two cassette sets titled The All Time Greatest Movie Songs Volume Two, see below. For a Columbia Australia 2CD set and a Sony Music Norway single CD with the same title but different track lists and a different Dylan track, see the 2000 page of this Various Artist Compilations list (links above and below).

Thanks to Bill Hester, Hans Seegers and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The All Time Greatest Movie Songs Volume Two" - compilation 2CD set, Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK), 1 Nov 1999; compilation two cassette set, Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK), 1 Nov 1999:

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - CD front picture from www.amazon.co.uk
This compilation on CD and cassette again contains Knockin' On Heaven's Door from the 1973 film Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid on CD2 or cassette 2. For the film see VHS & DVD 1970s.
Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - reverse of CD front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - centre of CD front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - inside of CD front insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - CD rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - reverse of CD rear insert, picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - inside of CD front insert with Bob, picture from www.discogs.com

Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK) - cassette Side 3 scan by Ger Hemel (includes Bob)

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - CD1 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK) - outside of cassette 1 insert, can by Ger Hemel

Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK) - inside of cassette 1 insert, can by Ger Hemel

Sony Music TV MOODCD67 (UK) - CD2 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Bob)

Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK) - outside of cassette 2 insert, can by Ger Hemel

Sony Music TV MOODC67 (UK) - inside of cassette 2 insert, can by Ger Hemel

The 2CD set comes in a slimline double jewel case with a single insert with two folds. The two cassette set comes in two separate cases, each with a folded insert.

For other Columbia/Sony Music compilations with the same title including a Dylan track, see the 2000 page of this Various Artist Compilations list (links above and below).

Thanks to Bill Hester for finding this set and to Ger Hemel for information and scans.

Various Artists: "All Time Greatest Movie Songs" - compilation 2CD set: Sony Music
9908-03 (Denmark), 1999:


Sony Music 9908-03 (Denmark) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

This Danish 2CD compilation in a slimline double jewel case again includes Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, this time on CD1.

For other Columbia/Sony Music compilations in the same series including a Dylan track, see above and the 2000 page of this Various Artist Compilations list (links above and below).

Sony Music 9908-03 (Denmark) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music 9908-03 (Denmark) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Sony Music 9908-03 (Denmark) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Hunter S. Thompson - Where Were You When The Fun Stopped?" - compilation CD: EMI 7243 4 96608 2 3 (UK), 1999:

EMI 7243 4 96608 2 3 (UK) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

This UK compilation CD of songs associated with the acclaimed "Gonzo" journalist and author Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, who died in 2005, contains Mr. Tambourine Man from Bringing It All Back Home.

EMI 7243 4 96608 2 3 (UK) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

EMI 7243 4 96608 2 3 (UK) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Bob has quite an association with Hunter S. Thompson!

For Breakfast With Hunter, a 2003 documentary by Wayne Ewing about Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 2000s Part 1.

For Gonzo: The Life And Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - Music From The Film, see the 2008 page of this Various Artists Compilations list. For the DVD release itself, see VHS & DVD (Films with Dylan Album Tracks) 2000s Part 2.

Two films based on Hunter S. Thompson's books feature Dylan songs: 1980's Where The Buffalo Roam (see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1980s) and 1998's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks - 1990s).

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "La Casa Del Rock Naciente [The House Of Nascent Rock]" - compilation CD: Columbia 2-493529 (Argentina), 1999:

Columbia 2-493529 (Argentina) - front scan by Peter Oudejans

Bob's contribution to this Argentinean compilation CD is Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home, a 1965 song that hardly qualifies as "nascent" (upcoming) on a 1999 album!

Sergio Mariano Romay points out that The House Of The Risin' Sun in Spanish is "La Casa Del Sol Naciente" so the title can be translated as "The House Of The Rising Rock"!

Columbia 2-493529 (Argentina) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia 2-493529 (Argentina) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Fantastic 70's" - compilation 2CD set: Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 494813 2 (France), 1999:

Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 494813 2 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this French 2CD compilation is Knockin' On Heaven's Door from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid on CD2.
Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 494813 2 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 494813 2 (France) - CD1 insert scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 494813 2 (France) - CD2 insert scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Remember Woodstock" - compilation CD: Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 495337 2 (France), 1999:

Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 495337 2 (France) - front scan by Peter Oudejans
Bob's contribution to this French compilation CD was Tombstone Blues from Highway 61 Revisited. Bob of course did not appear at the 1969 Woodstock Festival!
Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 495337 2 (France) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Sony Music Entertainment/Versailles VER 495337 2 (France) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "One Hit Wonders And Hard To Find Classics" - compilation 4CD set: BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL), 1999:

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - CD3 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

BR Music BOX 1013-2 (NL) - CD4 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

This BR Music Holland compilation 4CD set in a double-width jewel case includes Wigwam from Self Portrait on CD1. Even though Wigwam was Bob Dylan's biggest hit in Holland, it doesn't belong in a collection with this title as it fits into neither category!

Thanks to Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists - "The Ultimate Grammy Box" - promo and commercial 4CD compilations, Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA), 16 Nov 1999; Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe), 1999:

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - book front, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - front insert scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - reverse of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - front of box with sticker, scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - rear of box scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - book rear, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - booklet page featuring Bob, scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers (promo release)

Columbia/Legacy C4K 69783 (USA) - CD2 scan by Hans Seegers (commercial release)

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - front insert scan by Peter Oudejans

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans

`Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - CD1 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - CD2 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - CD3 scan by Peter Oudejans (includes Bob)

Columbia/Legacy 504505 2 (Europe) - CD4 scan by Peter Oudejans (no Dylan)

Bob's contribution to this 4CD promo set also released commercially was Cold Irons Bound from Time Out Of Mind on CD2. The promo set was in a double-width jewel case, the commercial 4CD set came in a book-style cover with the artwork in colour, a 32-page stapled booklet and differently designed discs.

Thanks to Hans Seegers and Peter Oudejans for information and scans.

Various Artists: "The Ultimate Grammy Box" - promo and commercial 4CD compilation, SME (Sony Music Entertainment) Records SRCS 2191~4 (Japan), 19 Feb 2000:

SME Records SRCS 2191~4 (Japan) - front of box with sticker, scan by Wil Gielen
This 4CD set in a book-style cover has a 32-page English-language booklet and a 40-page stapled booklet in English and Japanese. The front has a gold foil information sticker in Japanese but there was no obi. The rear of the box gives the information usually on an obi such as price ¥7,980 (¥7,600 before sales tax), release date "00-2-19" (19 Feb 2000), original release date "99-11-16" (16 Nov 1999) and withdrawal date "00-8-18" (18 Aug 2000).

Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans.

SME Records SRCS 2191~4 (Japan) - front sticker scan by Wil Gielen

SME Records SRCS 2191~4 (Japan) - rear of box scan by Wil Gielen

SME Records SRCS 2192 (Japan) - CD2 scan by Wil Gielen

Various Artists - "The Sopranos: Music From The HBO Original Series" - promo and commercial TV series soundtrack CD releases: Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA/Canada), 14 Dec 1999; Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Austria for Europe); Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia), 19 Nov 1999:

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - front of commercial release with sticker, scan by Hans Seegers

This album contains Gotta Serve Somebody, the regular album track from Slow Train Coming. Amazingly, the track wasn't actually used until episode 24 in Season 2, broadcast 26 Mar 2000!

The US promo release comes in a jewel case with a front insert only.

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - front sticker scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - outside of front insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - promo front scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - promo front insert scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - promo CD scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - outside of front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - commercial CD scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - front photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - outside of front insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - detail of CD, scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - rear insert photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - inside of front insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - reverse of rear insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - CD photocopy by Paul Shenton

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - detail of CD, photocopy by Paul Shenton ("Made in Austria")

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia) - front scan by Stuart Moore

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia) - unfolded front insert scan by Stuart Moore

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia) - detail of booklet, scan by Stuart Moore

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia) - rear insert scan by Stuart Moore

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 479460 2 (Australia) - CD scan by Stuart Moore

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (USA) - detail of rear insert, scan by Hans Seegers

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax CK 63911 (Canada) - detail of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 497403 2 (Europe) - detail of rear insert, photocopy by Paul Shenton

The Canadian and European releases have the same artwork as the US release. The European CD was made in Austria.

Thanks to Bill Hester for details of the Australian release, titled The Sopranos: Music From The HBO/Network #9 Original Series because Network #9 was the TV channel on which the series was shown in Australia.

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy)
The Brazilian promo copy has a gold Sony Music stamp on the rear insert with Portuguese text "AMOSTRA INVENDAVEL [SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE]". The rear insert also has two catalogue numbers as shown in the detail scan - "898.277" and "2-497403". The promo CD just has catalogue number "2-497403". The commercial copy also just has catalogue number "2-497403" on the rear insert and CD.

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - rear insert with promo stamp, scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - detail of rear insert with promo stamp, scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 898.277/2-497403 (Brazil) - detail of CD scan by Peter Oudejans (promo copy - just "2-497403", commercial copy is the same)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2-497403 (Brazil) - front scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2-497403 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2-497403 (Brazil) - detail of rear insert, scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial copy)

Play-Tone/Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax 2-497403 (Brazil) - CD scan by Peter Oudejans (commercial copy - same as promo copy)

For the 2000 Season 2 VHS/DVD release, see VHS & DVD: Films with Dylan Album Tracks.

The third Sopranos soundtrack album includes Return To Me, an exclusive cover by Bob of the 1958 hit by Dean Martin, see 2001.

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - front of gatefold sleeve, picture from www.amazon.co.uk (2015 2LP release)

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - front sticker photo from www.discogs.com (2015 2LP release)

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - rear of gatefold sleeve, photo from www.discogs.com (2015 2LP release)

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - detail of inside of gatefold sleeve, photo from www.discogs.com (2015 2LP release - red vinyl version)

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - Side 1 photo from www.discogs.com (2015 2LP release - red vinyl version, Dylan is on Side 2)

Shop Radio Cast SRC074 (USA) - Side 3 photo from www.discogs.com (2015 2LP release - red vinyl version, no Dylan)

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information that this album was released as a limited edition heavyweight 180gm vinyl 2LP set by Shop Radio Cast in Oct 2015. This was available in translucent red vinyl (750 copies) or translucent red vinyl with black smoke (1,250 copies). Gotta Serve Somebody is track 1 on Side 2.

Thanks to Hans Seegers, Jack from Canada, Stuart Moore, Paul Shenton and Peter Oudejans for information and pictures.

Various Artists: "Wex On Wax: A Tribute To Jerry Wexler" - promo CD compilation, Warner Bros/Rhino A 2064 3 PRO (USA), Dec 1999:

WexUSPromoFront.jpg (28595 bytes)
Warner Bros/Rhino A 2064 3 PRO (USA) - scan by Hans Seegers
This album contains Gotta Serve Somebody from Slow Train Coming and the 1972 track (Is Anybody Going To) San Antone by Doug Sahm and Band on which Bob plays guitar, organ and provides backup vocals. Because this is a rarity, full details are in 1999.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scan.

Various Artists - "Greatest Hits Of The Millennium: 60s Vol. 2" - compilation 3CD set, BMG 74321 673342 (NL), Dec 1999:

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) -
front insert scan by Ger Hemel
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation was Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 from Blonde On Blonde on CD1.
BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - outside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - rear insert scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - CD1 scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673342 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

This compilation in a double-width jewel case with a booklet is the third in this series of twelve 3CD sets (the first was from the 1950s).

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Greatest Hits Of The Millennium: 70s Vol. 1" - compilation 3CD set, BMG 74321 673352 (NL), Dec 1999:

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) -
front insert scan by Ger Hemel
Bob's contribution to this 2CD compilation was Wigwam, the album version from Self Portrait, on CD2. As previously noted by Hans Seegers, this instrumental was a big singles hit in Holland.
BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - outside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - rear insert scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - CD2 scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

BMG 74321 673352 (NL) - inside of booklet, scan by Ger Hemel

This compilation in a double-width jewel case with a booklet is the fourth in this series of twelve 3CD sets. No others have Dylan material.

Thanks to Wim van der Mark and Ger Hemel for information and scans.

For previous and later entries in this list, see the links below.

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RockMachineUKFront.JPG (30589 bytes)





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International Albums: Regular Albums - Multi-Packs

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International Compilations: Other Dylan-only Compilations from Round the World

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Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.