Searching For A Gem"

Audio: Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc)

Home ] Up ] Honourable Mentions (Dylan's Roots) ] Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" Menu page ] [ Honourable Mentions - Covers ] Honourable Mentions Video ]

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Various Artists) ] Honourable Mentions - Covers (Single Artists) ] Honourable Mentions - Covers (Women Sing Dylan) ] Honourable Mentions - Covers (Foreign) ] Honourable Mentions - Covers (Instrumental) ]

This section contains items that aren't eligible for the main Searching For A Gem or International Stereo Releases lists because Bob does not personally perform on them, but are nevertheless of interest to Dylan collectors. There's no specific qualification for inclusion other than I have the item or it's been notified to me by a contributor as being worthy of inclusion. This is not intended to be a comprehensive section on Dylan Covers. The late Dave Plentus' excellent Dylan Cover Albums site is now kept alive on Expecting Rain by Karl-Erik Anderson here and these pages are not intended to match or replace it. The other Honourable Mentions pages are listed below.

Honourable Mentions

Honourable Mentions (Dylan's Roots)

Honourable Mentions - Covers of Blowin' In The Wind

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc)

Honourable Mentions - Video

The new Dylan's Roots page includes songs by other artists that have been covered by Bob or are said to have influenced Bob, including all the songs he's played on his Theme Time Radio Hour programmes.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 07 January, 2025.

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Various Artists)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Single Artists)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Women Sing Dylan)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Foreign Languages)

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Instrumental)

Home ] Up ] Honourable Mentions (Dylan's Roots) ] Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" Menu page ] [ Honourable Mentions - Covers ] Honourable Mentions Video ]

Honourable Mentions Video items are now here.

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies and artists.