"Searching For A Gem"

Audio: Honourable Mentions - Blowin' In The Wind (1970 onwards)


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This page contains items that aren't eligible for the main Searching For A Gem or International Stereo Releases lists because Bob does not personally perform on them, but are nevertheless of interest to Dylan collectors. This page contains details of covers of Blowin' In The Wind, in some cases with extremely fanciful translations of the title. In countries like France, Germany or Sweden Blowin' In The Wind was always translated, with rare exceptions, as "Écoute Dans Le Vent", "Die Antwort Weiss Ganz Allein Der Wind" or "Vinden Ger Svar". However, in Spanish-speaking countries this song was translated in many different ways. Although the most usual were "La Respuesta Está En El Viento [The Answer Is In The Wind]" or "Soplando En El Viento [Blowing In The Wind]", there were many others, some of them amazing, like "Saber Que Vendrás [To Know He Will Come]", "Saber Que Estárás [To Know You Will Stay]", "Quisiera Saber [I Would Like To Know]", "Solo El Tiempo Puede Contestarnos [Only Time Can Answer Us]" and even "Algo Flota En El Viento [Something Floats In The Wind]"!

Even though there are over 1000 cover versions of this song, I have no details of singles chart success. In the UK Blowin' In The Wind has only entered the singles chart twice, in 1963 for Peter, Paul and Mary (#13) and in 1966 for Stevie Wonder (#36).

Because of the great length of the original page, it has been divided in three parts, of which this is Part 3 (1970 onwards). Links to Parts 1 and 2 are below, along with a page devoted to the large number of releases by Peter, Paul & Mary containing Blowin' In The Wind:

Blowin' In The Wind Covers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Jun 1963 onwards

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1966-69

For the main Honourable Mentions page, click the "Up" link, Honourable Mentions video items are now here. For details of the false rumour that Blowin' In The Wind was really written by Lorre Wyatt, see here.

If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to existing entries, please let me know! Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities - see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the dealers on my Trading page for assistance!

Revised: 01 January, 2025.

Key to symbols used:
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Because of the great length of the original page, it has been divided in three parts, of which this is Part 3. Parts 1 and 2 are here, along with a page devoted to the large number of releases by Peter, Paul & Mary containing Blowin' In The Wind:

Blowin' In The Wind Covers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Jun 1963 onwards

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1966-69


Juan Migel - "Aizean Dabilla + 1" - mono 7" EP releases, Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain), Jan 1970:

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (banned release)

This EP by the Basque artist Juan Migel includes a cover of Blowin' In The Wind sung in Euskera (the Basque language) and translated as "Aizean Dabilla" by the artist himself, although he is credited only on the rear of the folded insert, not on the A-side record label. The record was made by Discophon for Herri Gogoa (Popular Enthusiasm), a small label that specialised in folk music sung in Euskera. The sleeve is a folded insert. Although the date of release on the rear and on the record labels is 1969, there were some problems with censorship because of the "Ikurriña" (Basque flag, strongly associated with Basque independence) on the left of the front photo. For this reason, this sleeve was banned (note the stamped text "Prohibidas la venta y difusión [Sale and broadcast forbidden]" on the front and "Censura militar/San Sebastián [Military Censor/San Sebastian]" on the rear) and the few copies pressed never appeared in stores.

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (banned release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP outside of insert scan by Manuel García Jara (banned release)

Basque flag - picture from Wikipedia

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (banned release and first commercial release variant)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP outside of insert scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP insert page 1, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP insert page 4, scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Herri Gogoa H-17 (Spain) - 7" mono EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second commercial release variant)

The authorised version of this EP, now without the Basque flag, was not published until Jan 1970. Apart from this important detail, the rest of sleeve is identical to that of the censored version but the record labels are very different; however, both label designs were used for the authorised release. This new version includes a 4-page insert with lyrics in Euskera and their translations into Spanish.

The correct name and surname of this artist in Euskera is "Jon Mikel Irigarai", but note the influence of Spanish: his name is given as "Juan Miguel" in Spanish on the second A-side record label or "Juan Migel" on both sleeves and the first A-side label; His surname is given as "Irigaray" everywhere except on the first A-side label where it's shown correctly as "Irigarai" ("y" is not used in Euskera). Blowin' In The Wind is translated into Euskera as "Aizean Dabilla [Walkin' In The Wind]", although the Basque title given on the lyrics sheet is "Haizean Dabilla" (which is apparently more correct - "Aizean" may be a dialect form) as well as "Voletea En El Viento" in Castilian Spanish (which Manuel translates as "Fluttering In The Wind").

For a 1968 cover by Luis Amibilia in Euskera with a different translation, see Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1966-69. That too has three different Basque spellings: "Entzun Aizetan [Listening In The Wind]", "Antzun Aisetan" and also "Entzun Haizetan"!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Edita Piecha - "И АНСАМБЛЬ ДРУЖЬА [And Ensemble Friendship]" - mono 7" flexidisc EP, Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union), 1970 (two variants); mono 7" EP, Melodija GOST 5289-68 (Soviet Union), 1970:

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - flexidisc EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)
This 7" blue flexidisc EP from the former Soviet Union comes in a white card folded sleeve (of which two variants are shown) with an inside pocket for the disc. Blowin' In The Wind is track 2 on the B-side and is translated as "HA KPЫЛЬЯХ BETPA [On The Wings Of The Wind]", with Russian lyrics by acclaimed poet Tatyana Sikorskaya (1901-84), who translated many Western songs into Russian in the Soviet era. Edita Piecha was a French-born singer of Polish parents who became one of the most popular artists in Russia in the 1960s and 1970s.
Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - flexidisc EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Melodija GOST 5289-68 (Soviet Union) - EP B-side scan by Ronald Born

Tatyana Sikorskaya - picture from Wikipedia

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - flexidisc EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - outside of sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - inside of sleeve with flexidisc EP, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - detail of flexidisc EP, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - flexidisc EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - outside of sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - inside of sleeve with flexidisc EP, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2, same as variant 1)

Melodia GD 0002757-8 (Soviet Union) - detail of flexidisc EP, scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2)

Ronald Born has a copy of the same EP but this time in regular vinyl in a generic Melodija sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Dag Braathen and Ronald Born for information and scans.

The Edwin Hawkins Singers - "Blowin' In The Wind (2:55 edit)"/"Pray For Peace" - stereo/mono 7" singles/EPs, Buddah BDA 415 (USA); Buddah 2011 006 (Spain); Buddah 201.068 (Norway), 1970:

Buddah BDA 415 (USA), 1970:

Buddah BDA 415 (USA) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This US single has a 2:55 radio edit of the 6:50 track from the Edwin Hawkins Singers' second album Peace Is "Blowin' In The Wind", Buddah BDS 5054 (USA), released in 1970. Here it's on the A-side with Pray For Peace, also from that album. This single did not have a picture sleeve.
Buddah BDS 5054 (USA) - LP front scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Buddah 2011 006 (Spain), 1970:

Buddah 2011 006 (Spain) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This Spanish single is a radio station copy with stickers of "Radio Popular Zamora" on the rear sleeve and an inventory number sticker on the record labels. As common in Spain, the song title Blowin' In The Wind is translated as "Soplando En El Viento" on teh rcord labels.
Buddah 2011 006 (Spain) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah 2011 006 (Spain) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal), 1970:

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release, includes Bob cover)

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release, no Dylan)

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release, includes Bob cover)

Buddah 202 031 (Portugal) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release, no Dylan)

The commercial Portuguese EP is a radio station copy with stickers of "RCP Discoteca" on the record labels. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on the A-side. The promo EP comes in the same sleeve, but has white promo labels.

Buddah 201.068 (Norway), 1970:

Buddah 201.068 (Norway) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is plain white)
This single is very rare. The record was made in Germany by Deutsche Grammophon, part of RCA, but it is different from the single released in Germany shown below, with a different catalogue number and a push-out centre. It has again the single edit at 2:55. The sleeve itself was made in Norway and it is the usual insert with a plain white rear.
Buddah 201.068 (Norway) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan), 1970:

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara

This Japanese single is again very rare, and comes with a double-sided lyrics insert in English and Japanese. The even rarer promo single has plain white labels and comes in the commercial sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single insert front scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" promo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" promo single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Buddah LL-2325-DA (Japan) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

The Edwin Hawkins Singers - "Blowin' In The Wind (5:30 edit)"/"Pray For Peace" - mono 7" single, Buddah 610.051 (France), 1970:

Buddah 610.051 (France) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
The French version of this release was distributed by Barclay. It has a different sleeve and also a unique 5:30 edit for the A-side. The B-side is the same as the US, Spanish and Norwegian singles.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Buddah 610.051 (France) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Buddah 610.051 (France) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

The Edwin Hawkins Singers - "To My Father's House"/"Blowin' In The Wind (2:55 edit)" - mono 7" single, Buddah 2011.042 (UK), 1970:

Buddah 2011.042 (UK) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This single again has a 2:55 radio edit of the 6:50 track from the Edwin Hawkins Singers' second album Peace Is "Blowin' In The Wind", Buddah BDS 5054 (USA), released in 1970.

Here it's on the B-side, with the A-side coming from their first album Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord, reissued as Oh, Happy Day after the chart success of that song.

Pavilion PBS 10001 (USA), LP front picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

Buddah 203 025 (UK), LP front picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

This single did not have a picture sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

The Edwin Hawkins Singers - "Blowin' In The Wind (2:55 edit)"/"Listen To The Rain" - mono 7" single, Buddah 2011001 (West Germany), 1970; stereo 7" single, Buddah/RTB S 53581 (Yugoslavia), 1970:

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany), 1970:

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)
The German version of the single uses the design sleeve from the third album by the Edwin Hawkins Singers, He's A Friend Of Mine, Pavilion PBS 10002 (USA), who has no Dylan content. The different B-side is taken from this third album. The record was made in Germany by Deutsche Grammophon, part of RCA. The promo copy shown has the same outer sleeve plus a white inner sleeve with handwriting in German, and the record has white labels.
Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single inner sleeve front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single inner sleeve rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release, includes Bob cover)

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo release, no Dylan)

Buddah 2011001 (West Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release, includes Bob cover)

Pavilion PBS 10002 (USA), LP front picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material) (commercial release, no Dylan)

Buddah/RTB S 53581 (Yugoslavia), 1970:

Buddah/RTB S 53581 (Yugoslavia) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is the same)
This single was made in Yugoslavia by RTB (Radio Televizija Beograd) for Buddah Records. The sleeve is an insert with the same image on both sides, similar to the front of the German single. The A-side edit is again 2:55 and it has the same B-side as the German single.
Buddah/RTB S 53581 (Yugoslavia) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

The Edwin Hawkins Singers - "Blowin' In The Wind (full version)"/"Beatitude" - stereo/mono 7" single, Buddah H 610.049 (NL), 1970:

Buddah H 610.049 (NL) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is the same, first release)
These Dutch singles have a different sleeve and a different B-side taken from their third album He's A Friend Of Mine. The A-side is the full album version at 6:50.
Buddah H 610.049 (NL) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Buddah H 610.049 (NL) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is the same, second release)

Buddah H 610.049 (NL) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

There are two variants: the first has an orange sleeve (the rear is identical) and very different red Buddah labels with push-out centre; the second variant has a light brown sleeve (again the rear is identical) and the usual Buddah design of labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "20th Century Masters: A Tribute To Bob Dylan" - compilation CD release: BMG 7551744673-2 (USA), 1998:

BMG 7551744673-2 (USA) - CD front scan by Jack from Canada
This 1998 US compilation CD of Dylan covers includes Blowin' In the Wind by the Edwin Hawkins Singers. For full details see Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc).

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scan.

Hugo Montegro - "Hugo Montegro's Dawn Of Dylan" - stereo LP release, Pye International NSPL.28136 (UK), Jul 1970:

Pye International NSPL.28136 (UK) - front picture from www.discogs.com
This UK album released in July 1970 contains instrumental versions of ten Dylan songs. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 in Side 1.

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Pye International NSPL.28136 (UK) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Pye International NSPL.28136 (UK) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com

Pye International NSPL.28136 (UK) - Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com

Les 7 Alex/Les Charlie's Brothers - "Les 7 Alex/Les Charlie's Brothers" - stereo/mono 7" EP, C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France), 1970 (two variants):

C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)
This extremely rare five track private EP by Les 7 Alex (vocals) and Les Charlie's Brothers (musical accompaniment) with lyrics and musical arrangements by Marcel Dazin is another Christian connection: Blowin' In The Wind (track 2 on the B-side) has been adapted by M. Dazin, so it doesn't have the usual French translation by Pierre Dorsay. It has been translated as "Seigneur Écoute-nous [Lord, Listen To Us]" on the rear sleeve but as "Prière Universelle [Universal Prayer]" on the B-side record label.
C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (both variants)

C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 1 with Dylan cover)

C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2 with no Dylan material)

C.E.L. CC 72.709 (France) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2 with Dylan cover)

There are two variants of record labels with different text layouts.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans

O V Wright - "Love The Way You Love"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - stereo 7" single, Back Beat 611 (USA), 1970:

Back Beat 611 (USA) - 7" mono single B-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
This rare record by singer Overton Vertis Wright has a gospel version of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side. The record did not have a picture sleeve. This performance is included on the 2011 Ace Records compilation How Many Roads: Black America Sings Bob Dylan.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Ace Records CDCHD 1278 (UK) - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Betsy & Chris "The Folk Mates" - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" - stereo 7" single, Denon CD-40 (Japan), 1970:

Denon CD-40 (Japan) - 7" stereo single front of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Denon CD-40 (Japan) - 7" stereo single outside of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Denon CD-40 (Japan) - 7" stereo single rear of insert, scan by Manuel García Jara

Denon CD-40 (Japan) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Denon CD-4013 (Japan) - album with obi, picture from eBay

Betsy and Chris (Elizabeth Wagner and Christine Rolseth), also known as The Folk Mates, were two American girls who had hits in Japan between 1969 and 1972. The two songs on this stereo 7" single are from their album Folk Album with the same front photo, Blowin' In The Wind is the A-side, wrongly listed as "Blowing The Wind". The record comes with a folded insert including the song lyrics. Both the single and the album have catalogue numbers starting with "CD-", but they're not CDs!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Brimstone - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Trinket" - mono promo and commercial 7" singles, EMI/Stateside 1J 006-91.207 M (Spain)/ EMI/Stateside 2C 006-91.207 M (France), 1970:

1J 006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)
The Spanish single has "Blowin' In The Wind" in English on the front sleeve, but on the rear sleeve and on the A-side record label the song is translated into Spanish as "El Susurro Del Viento [The Whisper Of The Wind]". The song is sung in English. Although not suing here, the "Whisper" Spanish translation was used for the 1965 Spanish EMI-released cover version by Richard Anthony, see Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65. Ronald Born has a promo copy with a promo stamp on the rear sleeve and a promo sticker on the A-side record label. Both the promo and commercial records have black Stateside labels.

EMI/Stateside 1J 006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single rear scan by Ronald Born (promo copy)

EMI/Stateside 1J 006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single A-side scan by Ronald Born (promo copy, includes Bob cover)

EMI/Stateside 2C 006-91.207 M (France) - 7" single front with labnguette, scan by Manuel García Jara

EMI/Stateside 2C 006-91.207 M (France) - 7" single rear with labnguette, scan by Manuel García Jara

EMI/Stateside 2C 006-91.207 M (France) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

EMI/Stateside 2C 006-91.207 M (France) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

EMI/Stateside 1J 006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy)

EMI/Stateside 1J 006-91.207 M (Spain) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy, includes Bob cover)

The French commercial single has a completely different sleeve with a "languette" (index tab). The record this time has red Stateside labels.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Ernie Kinney/Dick Carey - "Blowin' In The Wind" - mono 7" single, Hi-Hat 393 (USA), Jul 1970:

Hi-Hat 393 (USA) - A-side scan from www.45cat.com
The A-side of this 7" mono single is an instrumental with square dance calls by Ernie Kinney. The B-side is an instrumental played by Dick Carey.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Hi-Hat 393 (USA) - B-side scan from www.45cat.com

Hi-Hat 393 (USA) - A-side in generic sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara

The Les Humphries Singers – "I Believe" - stereo vinyl LP: Decca/Royal Sound SLK 16 650-P (West Germany), 1970:

Decca/Royal Sound SLK 16 650-P (West Germany) - front picture from www.discogs.com
Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on Side 2 of this West German album.

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Decca/Royal Sound SLK 16 650-P (West Germany) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Decca/Royal Sound SLK 16 650-P (West Germany) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

Decca/Royal Sound SLK 16 650-P (West Germany) - Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Dylan cover)

Gustav Brom Orchestra - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Champs Elysées" - mono 7" single release, Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia), 1970 (two releases); Sonya Salvis - "Send For Me" - stereo LP releases, Supraphon 1 13 0990 (Czechoslovakia), 1971:

Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Supraphon 0 43 1018 (Czechoslovakia) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (both releases)

Supraphon 1 13 0990 (Czechoslovakia, 1971) - front picture from www.discogs.com

Supraphon 1 13 0990 (Czechoslovakia, 1971) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Supraphon 1 13 0990 (Czechoslovakia, 1971) - alternate front picture from www.eBay.de

Supraphon 1 13 0990 (Czechoslovakia, 1971) - alternate rear picture from www.eBay.de

"Krugozor" No. 8, 1973 (Russia), front scan from Ronald Born

Krugozor" No. 8, 1973 (Russia), rear scan by Ronald Born (crop from photo on first Supraphon 1 13 0990 above right)

"Krugozor" No. 8, 1973 (Russia), flexidisc Side 12 scan by Ronald Born

This performance is by the Gustav Brom Orchestra with singers Sonja Salvis, Milan Černohouz and Vladĕna Pavlíčková. The single was released twice with different sleeves and the same record in each. The B-side is not Dylan-related. For a YouTube performance of this song by these artists, see .

In 1971 Sonja Salvis, who comes from Switzerland, released a solo LP on Supraphon, Send For Me, including the same recording of Blowin' In The Wind from the 7" single. Two alternative Supraphon sleeves with the same catalogue number can be found on the Net, the orange sleeve with title Send For Me has text in English and the other with title Sonja Salvis has text in Czech.

"Krugozor [Outlook]" was a monthly magazine in a 7" format from the former Soviet Union and 6 flexidiscs were included in each issue. This version of Blowin' In The Wind by Sonja Salvis is on the B-side of the last flexidisc (side 12) for "Krugozor" No. 8 in 1973. There is also a crop of the front photo from the first Czech LP cover on the back of the magazine. For another "Krugozor" flexidisc from 1970 with a cover of Blowin' In The Wind by Peter Paul and Mary, see the first part of this list.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara, Lukáš Berný and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Marie Anne et Louis - "Marie Anne et Louis" - mono 7" EP release, Disques Corélia CC 72.722 (France), 1970:

Disques Corélia CC 72.722 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This extremely rare EP has a sleeve that is laminated on the front only, with three fold-over flaps on the rear, as well as the "languette" or index tab unique to France. Their cover of Blowin' In The Wind (track 2 on the B-side) was arranged and translated into French by Pierre Dorsey as "Écouté Dans Le Vent [Listening In The Wind]" for Richard Anthony, the first artist who covered the song in French in 1965. Almost all subsequent French versions use this translation, except that by Marie Laforêt, who sings in English. This time Pierre Dorsey is not credited on the rear sleeve or record label, where the song is credited only to "B. Dylan".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Disques Corélia CC 72.722 (France) - 7" EP rear with languette, scan by Manuel García Jara

Disques Corélia CC 72.722 (France) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Raúl Bonoratt/Angekla Valdivia - "Introducción Al Ritmo: Lección 3 [Intruduction To Rhythm: Lesson 3]", 7" mono EP,  AB Editores MC-0215 (Mexico), 1970:

AB Editores MC-0215 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)
This curious EP was Lección 3 [Lesson 3], the third part of a tuition course of 7" EPs for learning to play guitar. The A-side played by Raúl Bonoratt has exercises for chords "Mi (E)" and "La Menor (A minor)". The B-side includes two covers to practice with the guitar: "Mi Gran Noche", sung by Angela Valdivia with Raúl Bonoratt on guitar, and "La Respuesta Está En El Viento [Blowin' In The Wind]" with solo guitar again by Raúl Bonoratt. The notorious eBay seller of genuine Mexican records with counterfeit sleeves invented a fictional band called "Las Piedras Rodantes [The Rolling Stones"] for the fake sleeve for this record! This had the desired effect - a copy with this fake sleeve went for $104, as opposed to records without the sleeve selling for $3 to $5!
AB Editores MC-0215 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (with Dylan cover)

AB Editores MC-0215 (Mexico) -photo from www.popsike.com with fake sleeve

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Seedfield Guides - "Seedfield Guides Sing" - mono 7" EP release, Eroica ERO/675/676 (UK), 1970(?):

Eroica ERO/675/676 (UK) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
Eroica was a small record label based in Altrincham, Cheshire, near Manchester. The front of the sleeve is generic. Seedfield is an area of Bury, now Greater Manchester. The EP has six songs sung by the girls of the 20th Bury (Seedfield) Guide Unit. Blowin' In The Wind is track 2 on the A-side, miscredited to "Peter, Paul & Mary"! The A-side is numbered "M 675". I've dated this as 1970 because the catalogue number is midway between those of Eroica EPs listed on the Internet dated as 1967 and 1973.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Eroica ERO/675/676 (UK) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Eroica M 675 (UK) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Rafael - "Vati, Komm Wieder [Daddy, Come Back]"/"Die Antwort [The Answer (Blowin' In The Wind)]" - 7" mono single, Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany), early 1970s:

Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - 7" mono single front scan by Ronald Born (rear is the same)
The B-side of this obscure mono 7" single by a little boy called Rafael is the same version of Blowin' In The Wind with German lyrics by Hans Bradtke as for the German releases by Peter Paul and Mary, Marlene Dietrich, etc., see Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65 and Blowin' In The Wind Covers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Jun 1963 onwards.
Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - 7" mono single B-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob cover)

Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - front of signed postcard, scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Tonstudio Bauer 36784 (West Germany) - rear of signed postcard with stamp, scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

The rear of the sleeve is the same as the front. The B-side title is just shown as "Die Antwort" on the sleeve, but it's correct on the B-side record label. Ronald Born does not know who Rafael is or was, but Günther Leimstoll was a composer and arranger from Stuttgart. The single must have been a private release because there is no record company name on the sleeve or record labels, just Tonstudio Bauer [Bauer Sound Studio], Ludwigsburg. The exact release year is unknown but may be the early 1970s. Manuel García Jara's copy contains a signed postcard with a stamp on the rear giving the name "Rafael Rüdolf" and a Düsseldorf address, which is probably the name of an agency.

Thanks to Ronald Born and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Les Bavardeurs - "Les Bavardeurs" - stereo 7" EP single, ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland), early 1970s:

ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This is a private EP made in Basle in Switzerland in the early 1970s (it includes a cover of Mammy Blue, a massive hit in Europe in 1971). Track 2 on the B-side is a cover of Blowin' In The Wind sung in German and translated as "Die Antwort Verwehte Der Wind [The Answer Blew Away In The Wind]", with lyrics by Marcus Müller, a different translation from the standard lyrics of H. Bradtke.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

ML EP-ML 473 (Switzerland) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

The Illers - "Afrikaan Beat"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - 7" stereo single, Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy), 1971:

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - front of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

This very strange Italian record is by a band called The Illers led by Iller Pattacini, who plays sax on both tracks. It has Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side. Printed on the front of the booklet and both labels is "DIMAGRIRE BALLANDO" which means "LOSE WEIGHT BY DANCING"! Roland Born's copy comes without a picture sleeve. Manuel's copy has a six-page booklet with title "Francesco Conti Ti Insegna A Dimagrire Ballando [Francesco Conti teaches you to lose weight by dancing]", pages 2 to 5 which show illustrations of the dancing exercises. The B-side is an instrumental track with spoken Italian words by Francesco Conti over the music with instructions for the exercises shown in the booklet.

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - rear of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - page 2 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - page 3 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - page 4 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - page 5 of booklet, scan by Manuel García Jara

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Dischi Ricordi RDI 15001 (Italy) - 7" stereo single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Thanks to Ronald Born and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

The Mike Batt Orchestra - "Portrait Of Mike Batt" - stereo vinyl LP, DJM/Silverline DJSL.038 (UK), 1972:

DJM/Silverline DJSL.038 (UK) - front picture from www.discogs.com

DJM/Silverline DJSL.038 (UK) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

DJM/Silverline DJSL.038 (UK) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Dylan cover)

DJM/Silverline DJSL.038 (UK) - Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Dylan cover)

Warwick/CBS 5022 (UK) - front picture from eBay (1976, no Dylan)

S CBS 6947 (UK) - A-side picture from eBay (1978, no Dylan)

This instrumental album from Mike Batt includes Mr. Tambourine Man on Side 1 and Blowin' In The Wind on Side 2. The front photo is of a road sign from Wimbledon Common, where the Wombles children's books by Elizabeth Beresford were set. The books were made into an animated TV series in 1973 with music by Mike Batt, who led a novelty Wombles band which released four albums and eight UK Top 40 singles in the mid-1970s. He also wrote the No. 1 single Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel, theme song of the 1978 animated film Watership Down.

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Yasemin Kumral - "El Aldı Gitti [Took Hand And Gone (?)]"/"Ne Sen Beni Unut Ne De Ben Seni [You Don't Forget Me, I Don't Forget You (Blowin' In The Wind)]" - 7" mono single, Neva 15500 (Turkey), 1971:

Neva 15500 (Turkey) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This single by Yasemin (Yasemin Kumral) has Blowin' In The Wind as the B-side with Turkish lyrics and the title "Ne Sen Beni Unut Ne De Ben Seni [You Don't Forget Me, I Don't Forget You]". The A-side "El Aldı Gitti" is translated poorly as "Took Hand And Gone (?)".
Neva 15500 (Turkey) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Neva 15500 (Turkey) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

Neva 15500 (Turkey) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Dylan cover)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

    Gerry Belisle - "My World Is Emty Without You"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - mono promo 7" single, Romar RO 705 (USA), 1972:

Romar RO 705
(USA) - Side A picture from www.discogs.com (promo copy, no Dylan)
This 1972 US promo single has Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side (not shown).

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Joseph Kerman - "Listen" - stereo 7" flexidisc, Columbia Special Products CV10621 (USA), 1972:

Columbia Special Products CV10621 (USA) - B-side scan by Ronald Born
This double-sided 7" flexidisc plays at 33 RPM. It was originally accompanied by a booklet, which this copy is missing. Joseph Kerman is the narrator, and Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side is sung by an unidentified male artist. Most of the selections on the disc are of classical music.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Columbia Special Products CV10621 (USA) - A-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

Columbia Special Products CV10621 (USA) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob cover)

Maruxa & Manolo - "¿Donde Iréis Que No Vayáis...? [Where Will You Not Go...?]"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - mono 7" single, Barnafon BN-45-358 (Spain), 1972:

Barnafon BN-45-358 (Spain) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This rare 1972 mono Spanish single was a private release pressed by Barnafon S.A. of Barcelona for Maruxa and Manolo. It has Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side sung in English.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Barnafon BN-45-358 (Spain) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Barnafon BN-45-358 (Spain) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Srećko Zubak - "Tokio '72" - stereo 7" single release, Alta-Helidon ATSF-1008 (Yugoslavia), 1972:

Alta-Helidon ATSF-1008 (Yugoslavia) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
Srećko Zubak was a Yugoslav singer from what is now Croatia who had some success in Japan and he even toured there in 1972. His live recording of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side is sung in English.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Alta-Helidon ATSF-1008 (Yugoslavia) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Alta-Helidon ATSF-1008 (Yugoslavia) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Gospel Road - "Gospel Road" - stereo 7" EP release, Life Records St 72 637 (West Germany), 1972:

Life Records St 72 637 (West Germany) - 7" stereo EP front scan by Ronald Born
Their version of Blowin' In The wind is track 1 on the B-side.

Thanks to Ronald Born and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Life Records St 72 637 (West Germany) - 7" stereo EP rear scan by Ronald Born

Life Records St 72 637 (West Germany) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Life Records St 72 637 (West Germany) - 7" stereo EP B-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob cover)

Dominique - "Der Ewige Soldat [The Universal Soldier]"/Die Antwort Weiß Ganz Allein Der Wind [Only The Wind Knows The Answer (Blowin' In The Wind)] - mono 7" single, Polydor 2041 505 (West Germany), 1973:

Polydor 2041 505 (West Germany) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is the same)
This single with injection type labels includes a cover of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side, with the same German lyrics by Hans Bradtke. The A-side is a German version of Buffy Sainte-Marie's The Universal Soldier, made popular by Donovan. The sleeve is the same on both sides. The record labels are dated "1966", but Ronald Born says this is because the songs come from her 1966 album Krieg Im Frieden [War In Peace] (Brunswick, West Germany, 2911 105).
Polydor 2041 505 (West Germany) - 7" mono single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Polydor 2041 505 (West Germany) - alternate 7" mono single front, picture from Expecting Rain (Dylan Covers)

Also included on the Krieg Im Frieden album was a German language version of Farewell Angelina [Schlaf ein - Angelina (Go To Sleep - Angelina)] with lyrics by E. Bader, also recorded by Nana Mouskouri in 1975. The album was distributed by Polydor. However, Ronald Born thinks the single was not released at the same as the LP, so this is not a reissue. Another German single in Ronald's collection (Lay Lady Lay by James Last) has the Polydor catalogue number 2041 428, the same brown injection labels, and is definitely from 1973.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Ronald Born for information and scans.

Kyiko Ito/Takahiko Ishikawa - "Peace & Love" - promo 7" stereo EP, CBS/Sony SPEC 93609 (Japan), 1973:

CBS/Sony SPEC 93609 (Japan) - 7" promo EP front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

CBS/Sony SPEC 93609 (Japan) - 7" promo EP rear scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

CBS/Sony SPEC 93609 (Japan) - 7" promo EP insert scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

CBS/Sony SPEC 93609 (Japan) - 7" promo EP B-side scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

CBS/Sony SPEC 93610 (Japan) - promo SQ 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

CBS LL-10041-JC (Japan) - 7" single by Kyiko Ito, front scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (no Dylan material)

This Japanese promo EP is part of the CBS/Sony series "Peace & Love". There is no date on the sleeve or record labels, but the following EP in the series, CBS/Sony SPEC 93610, was recorded using the Sony Quadraphonic SQ system, not introduced until 1973. Scarborough Fair and El Condor Pasa on the A-side are sung by the then well-known Japanese pop star Kiyoko Ito. Alice’s Restaurant and Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side are instrumentals played by folk guitarist Takahiko Ishikawa. There is an insert with sheet music.

Thanks to Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Juliane Werding - "Der Ewige Soldat [The Universal Soldier]"/Die Antwort Weiß Ganz Allein Der Wind [Only The Wind Knows The Answer (Blowin' In The Wind)]" - stereo 7" single, Hansa 13050 AT (West Germany), 1973:

Hansa 13050 AT (West Germany) - 7" stereo single front with date stamps, scan by Manuel García Jara
This single includes a cover of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side, with the same German lyrics by Hans Bradtke as the 1960s releases by Peter, Paul and Mary or Marlene Dietrich, etc. The A-side is a German version of Buffy Sainte-Marie's The Universal Soldier, made popular by Donovan. The sleeve is the same on both sides. There is no date on the sleeve or the record labels, but the front sleeve of the copy shown has two date stamps with "14 Nov 1973".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Hansa 13050 AT (West Germany) - 7" stereo single rear scan by Manuel García Jara (same as front without stamps)

Hansa 13050 AT (West Germany) - 7" stereo single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

The Bill Rayner Four - "Make Mine Country Style" - stereo 7" EP, Northern Dance Services LLP 33-14 (UK), 1973:

Northern Dance Services LLP 33-14 (UK) - 7" stereo EP front, scan by Manuel García Jara
This EP was specially produced for ballroom dancers, and the B-side has three medleys for quicksteps, each of three tracks. Blowin' In The Wind is the first song in the second medley.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Northern Dance Services LLP 33-14 (UK) - 7" stereo EP rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Northern Dance Services LLP 33-14 (UK) - 7" stereo EP B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Plavci [The Swimmers] - "Každŷ Tŷden [Every Week]"/"Řeka Života [River Of Life (Blowin' In The Wind)]" - 7" mono single, Panton 04-0468 (Czechoslovakia), 1973:

Panton 04-0468 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This mono 7" single includes a cover of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side, taken from the album Plavci IV by the Czech band Plavci [The Swimmers]. Blowin' In The Wind has been translated into Czech by P. Zak as "Řeka Života [River Of Life]". The Czech lyrics seem to have no resemblance to the original lyrics!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Panton 04-0468 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Panton 04-0468 (Czechoslovakia) - 7" mono single B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara

Panton 11-0386 (Czechoslovakia) -  - 12" stereo LP front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Bubs - "Vinden Ger Svar [Blowin' In The Wind]"/"Midnight Special (Huddie Leadbetter "Lead Belly)" - 7" mono single, Efel SEF 93 (Sweden), Aug 1973:

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - 7" mono single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This copy belonged to the manager of this Swedish female group and there is a press cutting inside the sleeve.

Blowin' In The Wind on the A-side is translated as "Vinden Ger Svar [The Wind Gives The Answer]" with Swedish lyrics by Tore Lagergren.

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - 7" mono single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - 7" mono single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Dylan cover)

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - 7" mono single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (song performed with Bob in 1962)

Efel SEF 93 (Sweden) - press cutting scan by Manuel García Jara

The B-side is Midnight Special by Huddie Leadbetter "Lead Belly", here wrongly credited as "Trad.". Bob played harmonica for Harry Belafonte on the title track of his 1962 RCA album Midnight Special, see 1962.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Deepdene Primary School Instrumental Group 1973 - "Deepdene Primary School Instrumental Group 1973" - mono(?) 7" EP, Crest Custom Recording (no catalogue number) (Australia), late 1973:

7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This privately produced EP, not identified as mono or stereo, was recorded by the pupils of Deepdene Primary School, St' Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 23 Oct 1973. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on the B-side.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Blowin' In The Wind)

John Collier and the Fashion  - "The Lady Is A Woman", mono 7" EP, Release Records RL.719 (Ireland), 1974

Release Records RL.719 (Ireland) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This Irish record has just the title track on the A-side and two tracks on the B-side. Blowin' In The Wind is track 2 on the B-side.
Release Records RL.719 (Ireland) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Release Records RL.719 (Ireland) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Release Records RL.719 (Ireland) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Blowin' In The Wind)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Blow Up - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Take It Easy, Joe", promo and commercial 7" stereo singles, RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy), 1974:

RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy) - 7" stereo single front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)

This cover of Blowin' In The Wind, sung in English, was made by an Italian prog rock band, Blow Up, whose name was taken from the 1966 award-winning film by Michelangelo Antonioni (which was actually called "Blow-Up"), starring Vanessa Redgrave, David Hemmings and Sarah Miles. The track was included on their album also titled Blowin' In The Wind, which included another Dylan cover, Knockin' On Heaven's Door. The promo copy has white labels and came in the same sleeve as the commercial copy, which ironically is much harder to get hold of. There was also a different colour sleeve variant, not shown.

Thanks to Clinton Heylin for the information in his 2016 book "Judas! From Forest Hills to the Free Trade Hall - A Historical View of the Big Boo" that a scene in "Blow-Up" shows a door to a club where The Yardbirds are playing with a flyer which reads "Bob Dylan R.I.P. May 27th, 1966"! This was the date of the second Royal Albert Hall concert in London, included in The 1966 Live Recordings.

RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy) - 7" stereo single rear scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial copies)

RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy)

RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy - includes Bob cover)

RCA TPBO 1013 (Italy) - 7" stereo single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial copy - no Dylan material)

RCA TPL1 1034 (Italy) - 12" stereo LP front scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA TPL1 1034 (Italy) - 12" stereo LP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

"Blow-Up" US movie poster from www.movieposter.com

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Blow Up - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Take It Easy, Joe", promo 7" stereo EP, RCA TPBO 1013 (Peru), 1974:

RCA Victor MLPS-126 (Peru) - promo 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

This 7" promo only Peruvian EP was made by FTA Industria Peruana for RCA Victor. The sleeve has the same front of the original Italian album, not the front of the original single. The rear sleeve has the tracklist and some Spanish text at the bottom: "10 Años de FTA [10 Years of FTA]" and the usual slogan "Disco es cultura [A record is culture]" (a protest against purchase tax in Latin America on records but not books). The record labels are white with the handwritten speed "33 rpm".

RCA Victor MLPS-126 (Peru) - promo 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA Victor MLPS-126 (Peru) - promo 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob material)

RCA Victor MLPS-126 (Peru) - promo 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

This Peruvian EP is unusual in that it has six (of twelve) tracks from the original album and because it is an EP by a single artist (Peruvian promo EPs usually have tracks by various artists). This EP was released with two different tracklists but with the same catalogue number, probably in error. The first EP includes We're An American Band, a cover of a Grand Funk Railroad song, instead of Blowin' In The Wind; this second EP with the variant tracklist but with the same artwork is actually Side 2 of the Italian album, track by track. This EP is extremely hard to get, not only because of its scarcity, but there is strong competition between Dylan and Beatles covers collectors (it is a rare example of record including covers of the four ex-Beatles). As far as Manuel knows, records by this band were released only in Italy. Apart from this EP, he doesn't know of any other record by this band released in other countries.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Nathalie Noëlle - "Nathalie Noëlle" - 7" stereo EP, Disques VDS VDS 208 (France), 1974?:

Disques VDS VDS 208 (France) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This stereo-mono EP signed by the artist (she was only ten years old at the time) is also extremely rare. It is misdated as the 1960s elsewhere on the Internet, but must be from 1974 or later because La Paloma, Adieu (a French translation of the Spanish song La Paloma [The Dove] written by Sebastián Yradier with new lyrics by Catherine Desage) was a hit for Mireille Matthieu in France and elsewhere in Europe in 1973-74. The cover of Blowin' In The Wind is again the version arranged and translated into French by Pierre Dorsey as "Écouté Dans Le Vent [Listening In The Wind]". Unusually, the "SACEM" logo on the EP's A-side is on a sticker instead of being printed.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Disques VDS VDS 208 (France) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Disques VDS VDS 208 (France) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Cornelia - "So Verliebt Ist Die Welt"/"Die Antwort Weiß Ganz Allein Der Wind [Only The Wind Knows The Answer (Blowin' In The Wind)]" - 7" stereo single, RCA Victor 74-16.002 (West Germany), 1974:

RCA Victor 74-16.002 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (promo and commercial releases, rear is the same)
Cornelia sings the same version of Blowin' In The Wind with German lyrics by Hans Bradtke on the B-side of this stereo single as for the 1960s German releases by Peter Paul and Mary and Marlene Dietrich above. The front and rear sleeves are identical. Ronald Born has a white label promo copy in the same sleeve as the commercial copy.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Ronald Born for information and scans.

RCA Victor 74-16.002 (West Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Ronald Born (promo release)

RCA Victor 74-16.002 (West Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (commercial release)

Yonathan Geffen & Dani Litani - "Ze Hakol Beintayim, Beintayim Ze Hakol [That's All For Now, For Now That's All]" - stereo vinyl LP, Galton L 5811 (Israel), 1974; CD reissue: Phonokol 4158-2 (Israel), 2001:

Phonokol 4158-2 (Israel) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (2001 CD release)
This 1974 album from Israeli folk singers Yonathan Geffen and Dani Litani includes their cover of "L'col Haruchot [To All The Winds]", which is Blowin' In The Wind in a Hebrew translation by Yonathan Geffen. It was re-released on CD in 2001. There was a Part 2 LP, Galton L 5814, which included covers of Masters Of War and A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall.

Thanks to Omri Amit and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Galton L 5811/L 5814 (Israel) - photo by Omri Amit (1974 LP releases)

Mike Sikorosky/Blue Star Band - "Blowin' In The Wind (Called)"/"Blowin' In The Wind (Instrumental)" - 7" mono single, Bogan BO-1288 (USA), 1975

Bogan BO-1288 (USA) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara ("called" side)
This record by the Blue Star Band was made by a Houston, TX-based label specialising in square dancing. The caller is "Mike Sikorosky" on the record labels but "Mike Sikorsky" on the insert. The vocal side has "square dance" lyrics with only the "The answer is blowin' in the wind" chorus.
Bogan BO-1288 (USA) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (instrumental side)

Bogan BO-1288 (USA) - lyrics insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Chairat Teipteim  - "Chairat Teipteim" - 7" stereo EP release, Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand), Aug 1977

Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) - 7" EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This rare record contains four songs including Blowin' In The Wind and As Tear Go By with Thai lyrics. The music on this EP was arranged by the late Prajeen Songpaow, ex-member of a famous Thai funky band called The Impossibles. The Thai lyrics were written by Professor Kawee Satakowit.
Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) - 7" EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) - information and song title transcriptions, scan by Manuel García Jara

Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Express Song/Sermvit SEP-152 (Thailand) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

The EP was manufactured and distributed in Thailand only by Express Song Stereo Records (Sermvit) in Aug 1977. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on the B-side and the title was transcribed by the seller as "Sam Wai Jai Rai".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

La Marjolaine - "La Marjolaine" - 7" stereo EP, Prodisc PS 178 115 (France), 1978:

Prodisc PS 178 115 (France) - 7" stereo EP front scan by Ronald Born
This vocal group were from Alsace, France. Their cover of Blowin' In The Wind with soloist Simone Thil is track 2 on the B-side of this stereo EP. It has the standard French lyrics translated by Pierre Dorsey ("Écouté Dans Le Vent"), although only Bob Dylan is credited on the rear sleeve and the B-side record label.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Prodisc PS 178 115 (France) - 7" stereo EP rear scan by Ronald Born

Prodisc PS 178 115 (France) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

Prodisc PS 178 115 (France) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob cover)

Jugendchor Illingen [Illingen Youth Choir] - "Die Antwort Weiß Ganz Allein Der Wind [Only The Wind Knows The Answer (Blowin' In The Wind)]"/"Westernlieder-Potpourri [Western Song Medley]" - 7" stereo single, AGM 8105 (West Germany), 1979:

AGM 8105 (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born
This children's choir sings the standard German version of Blowin' In The Wind with lyrics by Hans Bradtke.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

AGM 8105 (West Germany) - 7" single rear scan by Ronald Born

AGM 8105 (West Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob cover)

AGM 8105 (West Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan)

Diana Pequeno - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Cancâo de Fogo [Fire Song]" - 7" stereo single, RCA 101.0618 (Brazil), 1979; "Diana Pequeno" - 7" stereo EP, RCA 102.0248 (Brazil), 1979:

RCA 101.0618 (Brazil) - front of single insert, scan by Manuel García Jara (rear is plain white)

RCA 101.0618 (Brazil) - single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

RCA 101.0618 (Brazil) - single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

RCA 102.0248 (Brazil) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA 102.0248 (Brazil) - EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

RCA 102.0248 (Brazil) - EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Her cover of Blowin' In The Wind is the A-side of the single and track 1 on the B-side of the EP. The song is credited on both the single and the EP to "Bob Dylan-Diana Pequeno" and has her Portuguese lyrics for the verses with the choruses sung in English. The single comes in a generic RCA sleeve with a promo insert, plain white on the reverse.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Unknown Artists - "4 Sucessos [4 Hits]" - 7" stereo EP, IBC Discos IBC-1007 (Brazil), early 1980s:

IBC Discos IBC-1007 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This was a cheap record when it was released: a selection of hits of the moment performed by unknown artists on an obscure label with a bad pressing. However today it has become a very, very expensive record! Blowin' In The Wind is a cover of the 1979 Diana Pequeno version and like that is credited to "Bob Dylan-Diana Pequeno".

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

IBC Discos IBC-1007 (Brazil) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

IBC Discos IBC-1007 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan)

IBC Discos IBC-1007 (Brazil) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

The Canada Sisters - "Canada Sisters" - 7" stereo EP, Canada Sisters CEP 9 (Sweden), 1979:

Canada Sisters CEP 9 (Sweden) - EP front scan by Lars M. Banke (rear is blank)
Their cover of Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on the B-side of this self-released Swedish 7" stereo EP. The rear of the sleeve is plain white with no record company information.

Thanks to Lars M. Banke for information and scans.

Canada Sisters CEP 9 (Sweden) - EP B-side scan by Lars M. Banke

Dean Reed - "Blowin' In The Wind" - 7" stereo EP, Supraphon 1143 2251 (Czechoslovakia), 1979:

Supraphon 1143 2251 (Czechoslovakia) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
Dean Reed (1938-86) was an American singer from Denver, CO, who moved first to Latin America and then the former East Germany because of his political beliefs. This 1979 Supraphon EP from Czechoslovakia is sung in English. The A-side also includes This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, recorded live by Bob with Pete Seeger and ensemble, Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI, 28 Jul 1963, from the Vanguard album The Newport Folk Festival - 1963: The Evening Concerts Vol. 2, see 1964.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Supraphon 1143 2251 (Czechoslovakia) - EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Supraphon 1143 2251 (Czechoslovakia) - EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Supraphon 1143 2251 (Czechoslovakia) - EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Goosehound Lostklok -  "Blowing In The Wind"/"The Times They Are A Changing" - 7" stereo single, Golly Records GL.935 (USA), 1979:

Golly Records GL.935 (USA) - single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara
This obscure single has two Dylan covers, although Bob is not credited on either side.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Golly Records GL.935 (USA) - single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Lasse Haldenberg - "Partaj På Krogen [Party In The Pub]" - 7" stereo EP, Hendrix Music Production ‎SSEP 106 (Sweden), 1979:

Hendrix Music Production ‎SSEP 106 (Sweden) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
This bizarre EP is a non-music record. It includes humorous dialogue and laughter, but at the beginning of the B-side someone (actually Larry Deans) plays a small excerpt of Blowin' In The Wind (approximately half a minute) on the harmonica. The jukebox-sized centre hole looks original but the labels were printed for a single with a solid centre so that most of the credits for the harmonica solo have been cut out - the bottom missing lines could be  "Larry: Blowin' in the wind"/"(Bob Dlyan) Warner Broos" (two spelling mistakes!).
Hendrix Music Production ‎SSEP 106 (Sweden) - EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Hendrix Music Production ‎SSEP 106 (Sweden) - EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (includes Bob cover)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

The Spotnicks - "Saturday Night Music" - stereo vinyl LP, Mariann International‎ MILP 1304 (Sweden), 1979:

Mariann International‎ MILP 1304 (Sweden) - front picture from www.discogs.com
This 1979 Swedish album includes their cover of Blowin' In The Wind on Side 1.

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Mariann International‎ MILP 1304 (Sweden) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Mariann International‎ MILP 1304 (Sweden) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Dylan cover)

Mariann International‎ MILP 1304 (Sweden) - Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)


Joe Holzner Sextett - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Sunday For Trumpets"  - stereo 7" single, Varia Records 1103 (West Germany), 1980:

Varia Records 1103 (West Germany) -
7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This 1980 stereo single has their cover of Blowin' In The Wind on the A-side, performed in the style of the 1969 version by The Hollies above. The rear of the sleeve is the same as the front except for a reference number at bottom right. This copy was accompanied by a Varia Records promo letter.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Varia Records 1103 (West Germany) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Varia Records 1103 (West Germany) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Varia Records 1103 (West Germany) - 7" single promo letter scan by Manuel García Jara

The Lees Twins - "Introducing The Lees Twins"  - stereo 7" EP, Eagle Records EGL 008 (UK), 1980:

Eagle Records EGL 008 (UK) - 7" stereo EP insert scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff (rear is plain white)
This 6-track EP does not have a picture sleeve, but comes with this single-sided laminated promo insert with contact information, but no song listing. Their cover of Blowin' In The Wind is track 2 on the B-side.

Thanks to Dr. Hanns Peter Bushoff for information and scans.

Eagle Records EGL 008 (UK) - 7" stereo EP B-side scan by Hanns Peter Bushoff

Joan Baez - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Maria Dolores" - 7" stereo single, Portrait PRT A 1129 (Spain), 1981:

Portrait PRT A 1129 (Spain) - 7" stereo single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This live version of Blowin' In The Wind on the A-side of this 1981 Spanish stereo single is taken from Joan's 1980 Portrait album Tour Europea [European Tour]. Portrait was a record label owned by CBS.
Portrait PRT A 1129 (Spain) - 7" stereo single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Portrait PRT A 1129 (Spain) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Portrait PRT 84793 (Spain) - LP front picture from www.discogs.com

Portrait PRT 84793 (Spain) - LP Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Frankie Lee - "It Ain't Him, Babe"/"Birmingham" - 7" stereo single, Blue Velvet Records ZIM 100 (UK), 1981:

Blue Velvet Records ZIM 100 (UK) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Ronald Born (includes Bob covers)
It Ain't Him, Babe is a medley in the Stars on 45 style (but a bit folkier) using eight different Dylan songs: Mr. Tambourine Man; She Belongs To Me; If Not For You; Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You; Mighty Quinn; A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall; It's All Over Now, Baby Blue and Blowin' In The Wind last. Lee mostly sings only the choruses or the first lines of the lyrics. The record comes in a plain white sleeve.

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Blue Velvet Records ZIM 100 (UK) - 7" stereo single B-side scan by Ronald Born (no Dylan material)

Beat Boys - ""スターズ オン 23" [Stars on 23]" - 7" stereo EP, Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan), 5 Aug 1981/"ショック!! Takuro 23" [Shock! Takuro 23]" - 7" stereo EP, Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan), mid-Aug 1981:

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP front scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)
These records contain a medley of 25 tracks (13+12). Track 13 on the A-side is a very small excerpt of Dylan's Blowin' In The Wind, sung in English, imitating Bob's vocal style. "Beat Boys" is actually Japanese rock trio "The Alfee". It was said that the name of "Beat Boys" was taken from "The Beatles" and "The Beach Boys".
Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara (first release)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (first release, includes Bob cover)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (first release, no Dylan material)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP insert front scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, includes Bob cover)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - 7" stereo EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (second release, no Dylan material)

Canyon Records 7A0100 (Japan) - generic 7" sleeve scan by Manuel García Jara (second release)

Stars On Long Play Dutch album front design plagiarised, scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

There were two releases with identical content and catalogue number, but with different artwork. The artwork of the first sleeve is too much close to the original Stars On Long Play, an album with a Beatles medley by the Dutch project Stars On... . Therefore Canyon Records had to change the artwork and Japanese title on the sleeve and record labels. The original release has a real sleeve; the second has the usual Japanese insert with a generic Canyon inner sleeve.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Julie Felix - "Blowin' In The Wind" - stereo LP releases: Dingle's Records DID 714 (UK)/Scranta SALP 1031 (Sweden)/Gira 1007 (Portugal), 1982:

Dingle's Records DID 714 (UK) - front picture from www.discogs.com
American folk singer Julie Felix, who died in England in Mar 2020, covered Dylan songs many times in her long career beginning in 1964, much of which was spent performing in Britain, where she even had her own 1960s TV show. (I saw her live in Manchester in the 1960s.) This album has two Dylan covers including the title track. Her version of Blowin' In The Wind is track 6 on Side 1, and there is also a cover of Mr. Tambourine Man as track 4 on Side 1.

Julie has also recorded two albums entirely of Dylan covers, see Honourable Mentions - Covers (Women Sing Dylan).

Dingle's Records DID 714 (UK) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Gira 1007 (Portugal) - front picture from www.discogs.com

Scranta SALP 1031 (Sweden) - front picture from www.discogs.com

Scranta SALP 1031 (Sweden) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Scranta SALP 1031 (Sweden) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Bob covers)

Scranta SALP 1031 (Sweden) - Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

Dingle's Records DID 714 (UK) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Bob covers)

Dingle's Records DID 714 (UK) - Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

Megafoons [Megaphones] - Stop Kruisraketten/Nooit Meer Fascisme [Stop Cruise Missiles/No More Fascism]" - stereo 7" EP, Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL), Nov 1983:

Rock Against Records RA 0183
(NL) - 7" stereo EP front scan by Manuel García Jara
Megafoons were a post-punk band from Utrecht, Holland, and this was their second EP. The front sleeve has the image of Anne Frank over a nuclear explosion and it has the title "Stop Kruisraketten [Stop Cruise Missiles]"; the rear sleeve has an image of the victims of the Holocaust in Bergen-Belsen (1945) and the title "Nooit Meer Fascisme [No More Fascism]". The EP includes a folded insert with lyrics and information.
Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP insert front scan by Manuel García Jara

Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP insert rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (with Dylan cover)

Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP detail of insert front, scan by Manuel García Jara

Rock Against Records RA 0183 (NL) - 7" stereo EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

The record has white labels. The A-side has the title "Anti Nuklear Side" and the B-side has "Anti Fascist Side". Track 2 on the A-side, "Straling" ("Radiation" in Dutch) is a partial cover of Blowin' In The Wind. The Dutch lyrics are an anti-nuclear adaptation of Blowin' In The Wind, with the identical structure: several verses with questions and a chorus with no answers, e.g.

Verse: Hoe hoog is de prijs voor de kernenergie [How high is the price for nuclear energy]?
Chorus: De straling, mijn vriend, die waait door de wind [The radiation, my friend, is blowing in the wind].

The verses have a different tune, but the music of the chorus is identical to Blowin' In The Wind. There are no composer credits for any track, but the insert says "Dank aan ...Bob Dylan voor inspiratie tegen kruisvluchtwapens, straling en fascisme [Thanks to ... Bob Dylan for inspiration against cruise missiles, radiation and fascism]". Despite the sleeve images, the titles of the tracks and the lyrics, this is not the expected hardcore and electric punk music - Megafoons play acoustic and slide guitars, violins, congas...

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Rosa León - "Rosa León En Directo: Amigas Mias [Rosa León Live: My Friends]" - stereo 7" single, Fonomusic 03.2640 (Spain), 1986:

Fonomusic 03.2640 (Spain) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This 1986 stereo single with two live tracks has her cover of Blowin' In The Wind on the B-side, sung in English in a duet with another Spanish singer Amaya (Amaya Uranga Amezaga), former lead singer of the band Mocedades [Youths].

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Fonomusic 03.2640 (Spain) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Fonomusic 03.2640 (Spain) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Amaya, photo from www.biografiasyvidas.com

Oddly Enough - "Shaky Ground"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - stereo 7" single, Fishtraks FT-471 (USA), 1986:

Fishtraks FT-471 (USA) -
7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This rare 7" stereo single in a paper sleeve includes a promotional insert and a second insert with lyrics. Blowin' In The Wind is on the B-side.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Fishtraks FT-471 (USA) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Fishtraks FT-471 (USA) - promo insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Fishtraks FT-471 (USA) - rear of lyrics insert, insert scan by Manuel García Jara

Fishtraks FT-471 (USA) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

FI-Band: "Hallo Met FI"/"Het Antwoord [Blowin' In The Wind]" - 7" stereo single, Jukebox JB 1025 (NL), 1988

Jukebox JB 1025 (NL) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara
This 7" stereo single has Blowin' In The Wind is on the B-side with Dutch lyrics as "Het Antwoord [The Answer]". There is an error in the composer credits - "B. Dylan" is credited as co-composer on the A-side instead on the B-side.
Jukebox JB 1025 (NL) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Jukebox JB 1025 (NL) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan, wrongly credited to "B. Dylan/E. Dam")

Jukebox JB 1025 (NL) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Dylan cover, wrongly credited to "Bartholomew/E. Dam")

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Megahip - "That Girl Steals"/"Pop Dylan" - stereo 7" single, Teldec 6.15140 AC (West Germany), 1988:

Teldec 6.15140 AC (West Germany) - 7" single front scan by Ronald Born
The B-side of this single, "Pop Dylan", is actually a truly awful disco version of Blowin' In The Wind. It has a spoken word intro (in English) followed by the first half of verse one, the chorus, the first half of verse two and the chorus again (all in English).

Thanks to Ronald Born for information and scans.

Teldec 6.15140 AC (West Germany) - 7" single rear scan by Ronald Born

Teldec 6.15140 AC (West Germany) - 7" single B-side scan by Ronald Born

Intense Mutilation - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Stagediver" - 7" stereo promo single, New Renaissance Records NRS-55 (USA), 1988:

New Renaissance Records NRS-55 (USA) - lyrics sheet scan by Manuel García Jara

Manuel García Jara says: "When I started to collect Dylan covers, I knew I would buy some good records and a lot of less good, but I never thought I would buy a record like this! Fortunately, Dylan is not credited as composer (Blowin' In The Wind is credited to R. Berry), although the insert says "Intense Mutilation Records A Moving Tribute To Bob Dylan". The music obviously is a cover of Blowin' In The Wind (it plays acoustic guitar and harmonica, he sings imitating the Dylan style)...but the lyrics are an ugly parody."

New Renaissance Records NRS-55 (USA) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Dylan parody)

New Renaissance Records NRS-55 (USA) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Heavenly Club"/"Blowing In The Wind" - stereo 7" single, Activ MS 257 (Switzerland), 1989:

Activ MS 257 (Switzerland) - 7" single front and rear, scan by Manuel García Jara

Activ MS 257 (Switzerland) - 7" single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (no Dylan material)

Activ MS 257 (Switzerland) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Dylan cover)

BMG Ariola Schweiz
74321 132982 (Switzerland, 1993) - picture from www.discogs.com

Sound Service SCD 30 (Switzerland, 2011) - my copy

Atlantis, Klosterberg 13, Basel, Switzerland, 2014 - picture from Google StreetView

These tracks were taken from a Various Artists album titled Sixties-Rock: Schweizer Rockstars In Concert recorded live at the Atlantis, Basel, Switzerland, in Mar 1989 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of "Sonntagsblick", a Swiss newspaper. Blowin' In The Wind was performed by Toni Vescoli, sung in English. The front and rear sleeves are identical. Toni Vescoli later recorded an album of Dylan songs called Bob Dylan Songs: Mundart (BMG Ariola Schweiz 74321 132982, 1993) with all songs in Swiss German dialect, not including Blowin' In The Wind. Another Swiss artist featured on the album is Polo Hofer, who also recorded many songs in Swiss German dialect on several albums, compiled on the 2CD set Polo Hofer Singt Bob Dylan 1981-2011 (Sound Service SCD 30, Switzerland, 2011). Again, Blowin' In The Wind is not included on this album.

As it happens, I worked in Basel for several years in the 1990s and 2000s, and visited the Atlantis many times to hear live music. The photo from Google StreetView is from 2014, but it hasn't changed!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.


Neil Young & Crazy Horse - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"Hey Hey My My (Into The Black)" - mono 7" single, Warner-Reprise/AFRTS RL 45 (USA), 1991:

Warner-Reprise/AFRTS RL 45 (USA) - 7" single insert front scan by Manuel García Jara
This extremely rare single was part of a set including 3 LPS with tracks from the Neil's triple live album Arc-Weld and it was made by Warner-Reprise for the US Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS). The single has a one-sided insert, not a regular sleeve (the rear is black) The insert originally had a sticker glued at top right advertising the four records of this set but it is now missing.
Warner-Reprise/AFRTS RL 45 (USA) - 7" single A-side front scan by Manuel García Jara

Reprise 7599-267461-2 (UK) - 3CD set front (Arc-Weld), picture from wikipedia

Reprise 7599-26671-2 (UK) - 2CD set (Weld) front insert (my copy)

Weld was the standard live double album, Arc-Weld was a limited edition triple set with the two disc Weld set plus a third disc Arc consisting only of 35 minutes of feedback!

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

A.P.P.L.E. (Autonomy & Pacificism for Peace, Liberty & Equality) - "Neither Victims Nor Executioners Vol. One" - stereo 7" EP, Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA), 1991:

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP front scan by Ronald Born (both variants)
This 7" stereo EP comes in a gatefold sleeve. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 on the B-side. The first record is made of red vinyl and has red labels. The second record comes in the same sleeve and is made of black vinyl with green labels.

Thanks to Ronald Born and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP rear scan by Ronald Born (both variants)

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP inside left scan by Ronald Born (both variants)

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP inside right scan by Ronald Born (both variants)

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP B-side scan by Ronald Born (variant 1, includes Bob cover)

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2, no Dylan material)

Broken Rekids SKIP TWO (USA) - 7" EP B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (variant 2, includes Bob cover)

Barbara Dickson - "Blowin' In The Wind" - CD single: Columbia 658478 2 (NL), 1992; "Blowin' In The Wind"/"You Ain't Goin' Nowhere" - stereo 7" single, Columbia 658478 7 (NL), 1992:

Columbia 658478 2 (UK) - CD single front scan by Jack from Canada
These tracks are taken from her 1992 Columbia UK Dylan covers album, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right. The 7" single has Blowin' In The Wind and You Ain't Goin' Nowhere. The CD single also includes When The Ship Comes In.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Columbia 658478 2 (UK) - outside of CD single insert, scan by Jack from Canada (inside is blank)

Columbia 658478 7 (NL) - 7" stereo single front scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 658478 7 (NL) - 7" stereo single rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 658478 7 (NL) - 7" stereo single A-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 658478 7 (NL) - 7" stereo single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Columbia 658478 2 (UK) - CD single scan by Jack from Canada

CD release, picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Hugues Afray - "Aufray Trans Dylan" - 2CD release: Arcade 3006762 (France), 1995:

Arcade 3006762 (France) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This 1995 2CD set is Hugues Aufray's second album of Dylan covers in French. The recordings are new to this set.

Arcade 3006762 (France) - outside of front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Arcade 3006762 (France) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Arcade 3006762 (France) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Arcade 3006762 (France) - CD1 scan by Jack from Canada

Arcade 3006762 (France) - CD2 scan by Jack from Canada

Arcade 3006762 (France) - inside pages of front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Hugues Afray - "New Yorker: Hommage A Bob Dylan" - CD release: Mercury 532 279 8 (France), 2009:

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - front scan by Manuel García Jara
This 2009 Mercury France CD New Yorker: Hommage A Bob Dylan [Homage To Bob Dylan] contains more new Dylan covers by Hugues Aufray, all but two being duets, and has liner notes in English written by Bob. This CD again includes his version of Blowin' In The Wind (titled "Dans Le Souffle Du Vent").

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - outside of unfolded front insert booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - inside pages of unfolded front insert booklet with liner notes by Bob, scan by Jack from Canada

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - inside pages of unfolded front insert booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Mercury 532 279 8 (France) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Manuel García Jara and Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Marc Bolan (as Toby Tyler) - "Blowin' In The Wind"/"The Road I'm On (Gloria)" - CD single, Zinc Alloy ZAR CDS 9005 (Germany), 1999; "The Maximum Sound Session" - CD release, Zinc Alloy ZAR CD 9006 (Germany); "The Road I'm On (Gloria)"/"Blowin' In The Wind" - stereo 7" single, Earmark/Sanctuary Records 42064-1 (UK), 2006:

Zinc Alloy ZAR CDS 9005 (Germany) - CD single front scan by Manuel García Jara (1999 release)

Zinc Alloy ZAR CD 9006 (Germany) - CD front picture from www.marcbolanmusic.com (1999 release)

Earmark/Sanctuary Records 42064-1 (UK) - 7" single front scan by Manuel García Jara (2006 release)

Earmark/Sanctuary Records 42064-1 (UK) - 7" single rear scan by Manuel García Jara (2006 release)

Earmark/Sanctuary Records 42064-1 (UK) - 7" single B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (2006 release)

US DVD release of 1960 film, picture from wikipedia.com

Before Marc Feld became Marc Bolan he had a short unsuccessful career as "Toby Tyler". (Toby Tyler was a boy who ran away from home to join a circus in a 1960 Walt Disney live action film of that name.) As Toby Tyler he recorded two songs at Maximum Sound, Soho, London, in late 1964. These remained unreleased officially until 1999, when they were released as a CD single in Germany by Zinc Alloy with Blowin' In The Wind as the title track. Zinc Alloy also released a CD called The Maximum Sound Session with six takes of each song from that session. In 2006 the same two tracks were released in the UK as a 7" single by Earmark Records (part of Sanctuary Records) but this time The Road I'm On (Gloria), a song originally released by Dion (DiMucci) was the A-side and Blowin' In The Wind was the B-side.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.


Els Miralls De Dylan [The Dylan Mirrors] - "Sense Reina Ni As [Neither Queen Nor Ace]" - CD release: Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain), 2000:

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - front of slipcase scan by Jack from Canada
Els Miralls De Dylan [The Dylan Mirrors] are Gerard Quintana and Jordi Batiste. This CD of thirteen Dylan covers in the Catalan language includes Blowin' In The Wind as track 4, translated as "Escolta-ho en el vent [Hear It In The Wind]". It comes in a jewel case in an outer card slipcase, the artwork of which is printed sideways.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - rear of slipcase scan by Jack from Canada

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - front scan by Jack from Canada

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Musica Global 33000/03 (Spain) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - "Blow In The Wind"" - LP release: Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA), 20 Mar 2001; CD release: Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-2 (USA), 20 Mar 2001:

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP front picture from www.discogs.com

This album released on LP and CD consists of covers of songs from the 1960s and 1970s in a Californian "surf punk" style. Blowin' In The Wind is track 1 of Side 1 on the LP and track 1 on the CD.

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP rear picture from www.discogs.com

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP inner sleeve front picture from www.discogs.com

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP inner sleeve rear picture from www.discogs.com

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP Side 1 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Bob cover)

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-1 (USA) - LP Side 2 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan)

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-2 (USA) - CD front picture from www.discogs.com

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-2 (USA) - CD rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

Fat Wreck Chords FAT 620-2 (USA) - CD picture from www.discogs.com

Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay and Manuel García Jara for information.

Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - "Bob"" - 7" stereo single release: Fat Wreck Chords (no catalogue number) (USA), 2001:

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" with 11 singles - picture from www.discogs.com

Also in 2001 Fat Wreck Chords released a "Bowling Bag" containing 11 singles by this group with no catalogue numbers. Single 11 on red vinyl is called "Bob *Set Exclusive* 7" " and has Blowin' In The Wind as the A-side, with The Times They Are A-Changin', not on the album above, as the B-side.

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - front scan by Manuel García Jara

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Blowin' In The Wind)

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - B-side scan by Manuel García (The Times They Are A-Changin')

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - red vinyl A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Blowin' In The Wind)

Fat Wreck Chords (USA) - "Bowling Bag" single 11 - red vinyl B-side picture from www.discogs.com (The Times They Are A-Changin')

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "May Your Song Always Be Sung Again: The Songs Of Bob Dylan Vol. 2" - compilation CD, BMG 74321 84693 2 (Germany), 7 May 2001/BMG 74321 84693 2 (Australia), 2001; vinyl 7" singles boxed set, BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany), 2001:

BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - front of stereo single 08 of 10, scan by Manuel García Jara
This album features rare and unusual covers of Dylan material, and a scoop of a newly found unreleased alternate take of Midnight Special, with Bob on harmonica. This album is also available as a limited edition on vinyl, not as LPs, but uniquely as a boxed set of ten 7" singles, catalogue number BMG 74321 86200 7. The vinyl edition was limited to 500 copies. Because it contains rarities, full details are in 2001.

Gerd Köster's German dialect version of Blowin' In The Wind can be found on single 08. It has German lyrics by Wiglaf Droste, Gerhard Henschel and Kathryn Passig (not the usual translation by Hans Bradtke), and is translated as "Muse Feife Inner Wind [Must Blow In The Wind]", The A-side is a cover of Stuck Inside Of Mobile (With The Memphis Blues Again) by Spanish artists Kiko Veneno and Juan Perro.

BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - rear of stereo single 08 of 10, scan by Manuel García Jara

BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - A-side of stereo single 08 of 10, scan by Manuel García Jara

BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - B-side of stereo single 08 of 10, scan by Manuel García Jara (with Gerd Köster's version of "Muse Feife Inne Wind")

BMG 74321 84693 2 (Germany) - front of jewel case with 60th birthday sticker (my copy)

BMG 74321 84693 2 (Germany) - CD with Gerd Köster's version of "Muse
Feife Inne Wind" (my copy)

BoxContent.jpg (25026 bytes)
BMG 74321 86200 7 (Germany) - contents of the 7" Vinyl Box containing ten 7" singles - photo by Thomas Michalzik

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Blowin' In The Wind: A Reggae Tribute to Bob Dylan" - CD release: Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada), Jun 2002:

Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This CD contains Reggae versions of twelve Bob Dylan songs including Blowin' In The Wind by The Abyssinians. The front design and the inside of the rear insert have pictures paying homage to the front of the US version of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits from 1967 and Milton Glaser's Dylan poster included with copies of that album. The disc was made in the USA.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada) - inside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Madacy M2B2 6377 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (made in USA)

Various Artists - "Top Quality Rock 'n' Roll + The Patty Duke Fanzine #4" - two 7" stereo EPs, The Patty Duke Fanzine PDFZ 4 (USA), May 2003:

The Patty Duke Fanzine PDFZ 4 (USA) - EP front scan by Manuel García Jara ("Frankie")
The cover of Blowin' In The Wind by Frankie and the S.E.M.M. is track 3 on the B-side of the second EP of this privately produced 2EP set for the Patty Duke Fanzine. Patty Duke, known for a while as Patty Duke Astin, is best known as an actress, but she also had a successful singing career in the 1960s. Patty is the mother of "Lord of the Rings" actor Sean Astin.
The Patty Duke Fanzine PDFZ 4 (USA) - EP rear scan by Manuel García Jara

The Patty Duke Fanzine PDFZ 4 (USA) - EP2 B-side scan by Manuel García Jara

Patty Duke Sings Songs From "Valley Of The Dolls"/Patty Duke Sings Folk Songs - Time To Move On (Real Gone Music/Capitol, USA, 2013) - "Two On One" CD release by Patty Duke with her cover of Blowin' In The Wind

The purpose of the Patty Duke Fanzine was to release covers of songs performed by Patty Duke by indie artists. Blowin' In The Wind was taken from Patty's 1968 folk album Patty Duke Sings Folk Songs - Time To Move On (unreleased at the time but now available on CD). All the tracks from the EPs in this series were later compiled on to a 2006 2CD set, which includes Frankie's performance on CD2. Patty's own cover of Blowin' In The Wind is on the 2013 "Two On One" CD release above right.

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Mountain - "Masters Of War" - CD release: Big Rack Records (no catalogue number) (USA), 24 Jul 2007:

Front picture from www.discogs.com
This twelve track album from hard rock band Mountain with guest Ozzy Osbourne from Black Sabbath includes covers of eleven Dylan songs. There are both electric and acoustic versions of Blowin' In The Wind. I saw front man Leslie West live in Manchester in 1989 at the time he released his solo album Alligator.
Rear insert picture from www.discogs.com

CD picture from www.discogs.com

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Various Artists - "Blowin' In The Wind: Folk & Pop Of The '60s & '70s" - compilation CD, Reader's Digest Music (USA), 13 Nov 2007:

Picture from www.amazon.com
This compilation CD from Reader's Digest contains three Dylan covers: Blowin' In The Wind and The Times They Are A-Changin' by Judy Collins, plus Mr. Tambourine Man by Gaynor Ellen.

Zé Ramalho - "Tá Tudo Mudando: Zé Ramalho Canta Bob Dylan [Things Have Changed: Zé Ramalho Sings Bob Dylan] - CD release: EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil), 2008:

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - front scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

This album consists of twelve Dylan songs translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Track 1 is Wigwam, which has lyrics in Brazilian Portuguese by Zé Ramalho. This is therefore also listed in Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan’s Unreleased Songs (W page).

Track list:

Wigwam/Para Dylan
O Homem Deu Nome A Todos Animais [Man Gave Names To All The Animals]
Tá Tudo Mudando [Things Have Changed]
Como Uma Pedra A Rolar [Like A Rolling Stone]
Negro Amor [It's All Over Now, Baby Blue]
Não Pense Duas Vezes, Tá Tudo Bem [Don't Think Twice, It's All Right]
Rock Feelingood [Tombstone Blues]
O Vento Vai Responder [Blowin' In The Wind]
Mr. Do Pandeiro [Mr. Tambourine Man]
O Amanhã É Distante [Tomorrow Is A Long Time]
If Not For You
Batendo Na Porta Do Céu [Knockin' On Heaven's Door]

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Zé Ramalho - "Tá Tudo Mudando: Zé Ramalho Canta Bob Dylan [Things Have Changed: Zé Ramalho Sings Bob Dylan] - CD release: EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil), 2008:

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - front scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

EMI/MTDA 265651 2 (Brazil) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

This album consists of twelve Dylan songs translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Track 8 is O Vento Vai Responder [Blowin' In The Wind].

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Aubrey Nicole - "Dylan Revisited" - four track download EP: Record Company? (no catalogue number) (USA), 2009:

Picture from Jack from Canada
This four-track download-only EP is available on web-sites such as Amazon Digital or Spotify. It contains her versions of It Ain't Me Babe; Like A Rolling Stone; Mr. Tambourine Man and Blowin' In The Wind.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and picture.

Ben Sidran - "Dylan Different" - CD release: Bonsaï BON 091191 (France), 2009:

Bonsaï BON 091191 (France) - front (my copy)
Ben Sidran is a French jazz musician, although the twelve Dylan songs covered here are sung in English.

Tracklist: Everything Is Broken; Highway 61 Revisited; Tangled Up In Blue; Gotta Serve Somebody; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Ballad Of A Thin Man; Maggie's Farm; Knockin' On Heaven's Door; Subterranean Homesick Blues; On The Road Again: All I Really Want To Do; Blowin' In The Wind.

The photo of Bob used in the artwork is by Barry Feinstein, taken in Dublin, Ireland, in 1966, and was used as the cover of "Early Dylan: Photographs by Barry Feinstein, Daniel Kramer, and Jim Marshall", Pavilion Books, UK, 1999.

"Early Dylan" (Pavilion Books, UK, 1999) - my copy

Bonsaï BON 091191 (France) - rear insert

Bonsaï BON 091191 (France) - outside of unfolded front insert booklet

Bonsaï BON 091191 (France) - centre of unfolded front insert booklet

Bonsaï BON 091191 (France) - CD

Ben Sidran - "European 5ET: Dylan Different Live In Paris At The New Morning" - CD release: Bonsaï BON 101002 (France), 2010:

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - front with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada
This 2010 CD contains eleven Dylan songs including nine from the Dylan Different album performed live by Ben Sidran and his group.

Tracklist: Intro - Gotta Serve Somebody; Rainy Day Women #12 & 35; Blowin' In The Wind; Subterranean Homesick Blues; All I Really Want To Do; Tangled Up In Blue; Everything Is Broken; Maggie's Farm; Love Minus Zero/No Limit; The Times They Are A-Changin'; On The Road Again: We Are Here But For A Minute. Track 12 is a Sidran original.

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - detail of front showing hard-to-read text, scan by Jack from Canada ("DYLAN DIFFERENT LIVE IN PARIS AT THE NEW MORNING")

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - outside of unfolded front booklet, scan by Jack from Canada

Bonsaï BON 101002 (France) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.


Various Artists - "Blowin' In The Wind: 20 Versions" - compilation CD, Classic Hits RADI-1160 (Germany), 5 Feb 2010:

Classic Hits RADI-1160 (Germany) - front picture from www.amazon.de
This unique compilation features 20 versions of Blowin' In The Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan including live performance by Bob as track 4. Other artists include Dionne Warwick, Cher, Marianne Faithful, Joan Baez, Trini Lopez and The Seekers, though not the Peter, Paul and Mary cover version above that broke Bob as a songwriter.

Because Bob's performance is a rarity, full details are in 2010.

Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. Jack from Canada states that this release is in fact unauthorised, but it has been left here for information.

Classic Hits RADI-1160 (Germany) - rear insert scan by Hans Seegers

Winston Apple - "Alias: Zimmerman! (Apple Sings Dylan)" - 2CD set, Winston Apple Productions WAP 1001 (USA), 13 April 2010:

Winston Apple Productions WAP 1001 (USA) - front of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada
This 2CD set in a digipak includes Winston Apple's cover of Blowing In The Wind (track 2 on CD1) plus 25 other Dylan covers.

Thanks to Tim Dunn and Jack from Canada for information and scan.

The Persuasions - "Knockin' On Bob's Door" - CD release: Music Avenue 250286 (NL), 2011:

Music Avenue 250286 (NL) - front scan by Jack from Canada
This CD with a cappella versions of fourteen Dylan songs was originally released in the USA in 2010 by Zoho Music.

Their cover of Blowin' In The Wind is track 6.

Music Avenue 250286 (NL) - outside of unfolded front insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Music Avenue 250286 (NL) - rear insert scan by Jack from Canada

Music Avenue 250286 (NL) - reverse of rear insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Music Avenue 250286 (NL) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Various Artists - "Escalta-Ho En El Vent [Blowin' In The Wind]: A Tribute To Bob Dylan" - compilation CD, Discmedi DM 497602 (Spain), 2012:

Discmedi DM 497602 (Spain) - front picture from www.amazon.co.uk
Thanks to Freddy Ordóñez Araque for information about this album of Dylan covers in the Catalan language. Surprisingly enough, the title track isn't included! Ramon Casajoana and Joan Boix recorded the song in Catalan with this title in 1967, see above, and "El dia que el vaixell vindrá [When The Ship Comes In]" by their band Falsterbo Mari is included.
Discmedi DM 497602 (Spain) - rear picture from www.amazon.co.uk

Denny Freeman - "Diggin' On Dylan" - CD release: V8 Records V8002 (USA), 16 Oct 2012:

V8 Records V8002 (USA) - front of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada
Denny Freeman played guitar in Bob's band between 2006 and 2009. He died in Austin, TX, on 25 Apr 2021, aged 76. Denny released an album of instrumental versions of sixteen Dylan songs in a folded card sleeve in 2012. His cover of Blowin' In The Wind is track 12.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

V8 Records V8002 (USA) - rear of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

V8 Records V8002 (USA) - outside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

V8 Records V8002 (USA) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

V8 Records V8002 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Ambassadors Sing For Peace" - CD release, no record label (no catalogue number) (USA), 10 Sep 2013:

Picture from www.amazon.com
This charity CD consists of songs for peace sung by five ambassadors to the UN in New York. Blowin' In The Wind on the CD is sung by UN ambassadors Guillermo Rishchynski (Canada), Eduardo Ulibarri (Costa Rica), and Simona-Mirela Miculescu (Romania). The other two ambassadors pictured are Marlene Moses (Nauru) and Antonio Pedro Monteiro Lima (Cape Verde), who do not sing on this track. The CD does not have a record label or catalogue number.

Thanks to Tim Dunn for information.

Barb Jungr - "Hard Rain" - CD and download album: Kristalyn Records KLDB1 (UK), Mar 2014:

Kristalyn Records KLDB1 (UK) - front picture from www.linnrecords.com
This album of covers by Barb Jungr of songs by Bob and Leonard Cohen including Blowin' In The Wind is available as a CD, and also for download from the Linn Records web-site in Linn Studio Master quality, plus CD and MP3 quality. The other Dylan tracks are "Hard Rain" (presumably A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall); Masters Of War; It's All Right Ma, I'm Only Bleeding; Gotta Serve Somebody and Chimes Of Freedom.

Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for information.

Heron - "Jokerman: Songs Of Bob Dylan" - CD release: Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan), 2016:

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - front of card sleeve with obi, scan by Jack from Canada

Heron is a UK folk group. Their self titled first LP was released in 1970 on the Dawn/Pye label. This is not the 1970s group Heron originally known as Mike Heron's Reputation formed by Mike Heron of The Incredible String Band. Their album has fifteen Dylan covers including Blowin' In The Wind (track 13).

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - front of insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - rear of insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Dawn DNLS 3025 (UK) - 2LP set with their version of John Brown (1971)

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - rear of card sleeve with obi, scan by Jack from Canada

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - front of folded Japanese language insert, scan by Jack from Canada

Wasabi/Air Mail WSBCD-002 (Japan) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

Willie Nile - "Positively Bob: Willie Nile Sings Bob Dylan" - CD release: River House RHR9916-2 (USA), 2017:

River House RHR9916-2 (USA) - front of card sleeve with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada
This CD in a gatefold card sleeve contains ten Dylan covers including Blowin' In The Wind (track 3).

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans, and also for the copy of the album.

River House RHR9916-2 (USA) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

River House RHR9916-2 (USA) - outside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

River House RHR9916-2 (USA) - inside of unfolded card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

River House RHR9916-2 (USA) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Various Artists - "Dylan In Jazz: A Jazz Tribute To Bob Dylan" - CD release: Wagram Music 3354322 (France), 2018:

Wagram Music 3354322 (France) - front of digipak with sticker, scan by Jack from Canada

Wagram Music 3354322 (France) - rear of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Wagram Music 3354322 (France) - CD scan by Jack from Canada
This CD in a three-panel digipak contains fifteen Dylan songs, instrumental and vocal, performed by Ben Sidran, Keith Jarrett, Louisa Bey and others.

Blowin' In the Wind is performed by Stanley Turrentine.

Wagram Music 3354322 (France) - outside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Wagram Music 3354322 (France) - inside of unfolded digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans.

The Kilkennys - "Blowin' In The Wind" - CD release: The Kilkennys (catalogue number?) (Ireland), 28 Sep 2018:

Picture from The Kilkennys web-site
This 2018 eleven track CD release by Irish band The Kilkennys includes the title song as track 3.

Thanks to Freddy Oroñez Araque for information.

Vanguart - "Vanguart Sings Dylan" - stereo 7" EP, Polysom 33435-7 (Brazil), 2019:

33435-7 (Brazil) - front scan by Manuel García Jara (the album Polysom 22296-2 has the same front)
Vanguart is a Brazilian quartet. This band released the album Vanguart Sings Dylan in 2019, a 16-track album with 15 Dylan covers plus House Of The Risin' Sun, Polysom 22296-2.

This 7" EP taken from the album includes their cover of Tangled Up In Blue on the A-side. As far as Manuel knows, this is the first cover of this song ever released on a 7" record. The B-side has Don't Think Twice, It's All Right and Blowin' In The Wind.

Polysom 33435-7 (Brazil) - rear scan by Manuel García Jara

Polysom 33435-7 (Brazil) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Tangled Up In Blue)

Polysom 33435-7 (Brazil) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, Blowin' In The Wind)

Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.

Saskia Griffiths-Moore - "Baez, Dylan & Me" - CD release, Saskia Griffiths-Moore Records 5 029385 849283 (UK), 2019:

Saskia Griffiths-Moore Records 5 029385 849283 (UK) - front of signed card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada
This CD in a card sleeve by Saskia Griffiths-Moore includes eight songs by Bob mostly covered by Joan Baez: Blowin' In The Wind; Knockin' On Heaven's Door; Farewell Angelina; Don't Think Twice, It's All Right; Forever Young;  It Ain't Me, Babe; Make You Feel My Love (not covered by Joan); The Times They Are A-Changin'. It also has Diamonds And Rust, the song Joan wrote about Bob, and There But For Fortune.

As the album was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, she has also included Let It Be by Lennon and McCartney. This copy was signed by Saskia on 10 Oct 2019.

Saskia Griffiths-Moore Records 5 029385 849283 (UK) - rear of card sleeve, scan by Jack from Canada

Saskia Griffiths-Moore Records 5 029385 849283 (UK) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information and scans and especially for a second copy of the album, which was signed by Saskia on 17 Nov 2019!

Юрий Морозов [Yuri Morozov] – "АНТОЛОГИЯ ТОМ 2. ВСДХ[ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 2. VSDH]"/"Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме[Aphrodite Island - A Dream In the Red Tower", Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia), 7 Jun 2019:

Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia) - front picture from www.discogs.com

Blowin' In The Wind is on CD2 of this 2CD set translated as "Ответ знает ветер [The Wind Knows The Answer]".

Thanks to Vladimir Krutoshinskij for information.

Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia) - rear picture from www.discogs.com

Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia) - CD1 picture from www.discogs.com (no Dylan material)

Credo InLumen YM 948-00 (Russia) - CD2 picture from www.discogs.com (includes Dylan cover)

Jessica Rhaye And The Ramshackle Parade - "Just Like A Woman: Songs Of Bob Dylan" - CD release: Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada), 20 Sep 2019:

Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada) - front of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada) - rear of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada) - inside of digipak, scan by Jack from Canada

Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada

Jessica Rhaye Music JRCD-06 (Canada) - CD scan by Jack from Canada (signed copy)

Jessica Rhaye is a singer-songwriter from New Brunswick in Atlantic Canada. This CD in a digipak contains nine Dylan covers, although not the title song. Her version of Blowin' In The Wind is track 8.

Thanks to Jack from Canada for information, scans and a copy of the album.


Various Artists - "Dylan ...Revisited" - CD given away with "Uncut" magazine, June 2021, UNCUT 2012 06 (UK), 16 Apr 2021:

"Uncut" magazine (UK), June 2021 - front with cover CD (my copy)

Thanks to Jacques Colinet for information that the June 2021 issue of the UK music magazine "Uncut", on sale 15 Apr 2021, will include a cover CD called Dylan ...Revisited celebrating Bob's 80th birthday with fourteen newly recorded Dylan songs by artists such as Richard Thompson and The Flaming Lips, all exclusive to this CD. The highlight will be a previously unreleased Dylan performance, Too Late (Acoustic Version) from the forthcoming Bootleg Series 16 release covering the Infidels sessions. The CD also includes a cover of Blowin' In The Wind by Mali artist Fatoumata Diawara.

UNCUT 2012 06 (UK) - front of card sleeve

UNCUT 2012 06 (UK) - rear of card sleeve

UNCUT 2012 06 (UK) - CD

Thanks also to Derek Barker of "Isis" magazine, Harold Lepidus and André Wilbers.

Because of the great length of the original page, it has been divided in three parts, of which this is Part 3. Parts 1 and 2 are here, along with a page devoted to the large number of releases by Peter, Paul & Mary containing Blowin' In The Wind:

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1963-65

Blowin' In The Wind Covers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Jun 1963 onwards

Blowin' In The Wind Covers 1966-69

Home ] Up ] Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" by Peter Paul & Mary ] Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" Part 1 ] Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" Part 2 ] [ Honourable Mentions - "Blowin' In The Wind" Part 3 ]

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2025
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies and artists.