"Searching For A Gem"

Bob Dylan's Officially Released Rarities and Obscurities

[The Official Rarities Yearly Lists] [Traveling Wilburys] [Online Performances (bobdylan.com)] [Online Performances (Other)] [Interviews with Bob] [VHS & DVD] [International Mono Releases] [International Stereo Releases] [Released Rarities] [Honourable Mentions] [Honourable Mentions Video] [Questionable Releases] [Questionable Video Releases]

For latest News, see here. For Site Updates, see here.

[The Official Rarities Yearly Lists]
The Rarities Header page for each decade now contains links to the other audio pages for that decade.
All clip art images used throughout the site Copyright © TASK FORCE ImageGALLERY by NV Tech

There's no chat facility on this site, but the Searching For A Gem Facebook page on the left allows you to discuss Dylan Official Rarities and International Releases.

The other major "Flying Pig" Bob Dylan projects!

"There are those who worship loneliness, I'm not one of them,
In this age of fibreglass I'm searching for a gem."

Bob Dylan, "Dirge", ©
1973/2001 by Ram's Horn Music

A list-in-progress of officially released but elusive recordings of Bob Dylan, compiled by Alan Fraser.

Before contacting me, read this site's Privacy Policy

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

Living In Another Country: International Stereo Releases

Starlight In The East: Bob Dylan’s Unreleased Songs

Bob Dylan at the Movies: An Overview of all Films with Dylan Performances

The Blonde On Blonde Missing Pictures
Other Flying Pig Pages

16 Sep 2024:
Thanks to Geoff Lambourn for news that James Mangold has directed a new film for Searchlight Pictures based on the book "Dylan Goes Electric" by Elijah Wald about Bob's adoption of electric music in 1965, starring Timothée Chalamet as Bob. It will be released on Christmas Day, 2024, and more details will be added when available. For some reason Suze Rotolo, played by Elle Fanning, has been renamed "Sylvie Russo" and her sister Carla is now "Gena Russo".

19 Aug 2024: Thanks to André Wilbers for information about Reagan, a biopic starring Dennis Quaid released in cinemas on 30 Aug 2024. It includes an exclusive recording by Bob, Cole Porter's Don't Fence Me In. As far as I know there is no film soundtrack album.

19 Aug 2024: "Mojo" magazine (UK), Oct 2024, includes Forever Young: The Best Of 1974, a cover CD with two tracks by Bob Dylan and The Band from The 1974 Live Recordings, The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob solo from The Forum, Los Angeles, CA, 14 Feb 1974 (track 2) and Something There Is About You by Bob and The Band from Madison Square Gardens, New York, 30 Jan 1974 (track 12). This issue includes an eight page article about the new 1974 release. On the rear of the magazine is an advert for the Bob Dylan Center, Tulsa, OK. Inside the front is an advert for the Rough and Rowdy Ways UK tour, Nov 2024.

19 Aug 2024: The 1974 Live Recordings, a 27CD boxed set by Bob Dylan and The Band, will be released worldwide on 20 Sep 2024. This includes all the tracks previously released on the 2LP set Before The Flood in 1974 as well as Highway 61 Revisited, recorded live with The Band at Madison Square Garden, New York, 31 Jan 1974 (evening show), which appears on the Capitol/EMI boxed set The Band: A Musical History, see 2005. A 3LP Highlights Box Set will be released by Third Man Records featuring songs from The 1974 tour not included on Before The Flood.

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Google Search facility

There are now over 300 pages on this site - to search for specific entries, try here!

only search www.searchingforagem.com

I must offer grateful thanks to Philip Jump and Mike Ward of the award-winning Badlands Record Shop, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, for supporting this web-site and the provision of many Bob Dylan rarities including the very limited 50th Anniversary Collection series.

Bob Dylan's Official Rarities Pages

Official Rarities and Obscurities

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Traveling Wilburys

Online Performances (bobdylan.com)

Online Performances (Other)

Interviews with Bob

International Mono Releases

International Stereo Releases

Released Rarities

Index of International Releases by Country (work in progress)

Honourable Mentions

Honourable Mentions (Dylan's Roots)

Honourable Mentions - Blowin' In The Wind Covers

Honourable Mentions - Covers (Misc)

Honourable Mentions Video
Questionable Releases

Questionable Releases of Official Dylan Albums

Questionable Releases of Official Dylan Singles

Questionable Releases Video

"International Stereo Releases" is organised by album and split into "Regular Albums" (again with one page per album),  "Compilations" and "Stereo Singles (All Formats)".  The new "Index of International Releases by Country" will summarise both mono and stereo album and single releases by individual country.

Lists compiled from "Searching For A Gem"

All the pages below contain lists of tracks that aren't on Bob's regular albums. There is no overlap between them, in that each rarity is listed on one page only.

Mr. D's Apochrypha
"Mr. D's Apocrypha"

(Columbia releases with tracks that aren't on Bob's regular albums)

Bob's "Field Recordings" 1961-87
Bob's Early "Field Recordings" 1961-87

The Never-Ending Tour Official "Field Recordings"
Bob Dylan's Never-Ending Tour Official "Field Recordings
" 1988 Onwards

Bob's Appearances on Compilations
Bob's Appearances on Compilations
(including Film Soundtracks)

Duets with Bob
Duets with Bob

Bob Supporting Other Artists
Bob "On The Side"

Revised:19 September, 2024

Contacting Bob Dylan: This is a fan site with no connection to Bob - that means you can't contact him through me! I used to have a postal address for Bob's New York business office that I thought was correct, but I have since been informed by someone who wrote to that address that their mail was returned. I have never had an email address. I can only suggest you contact Bob's publisher Simon & Schuster or use the feedback page at www.bobdylan.com. I also have no means of helping anyone who wants to meet Bob Dylan or obtain his autograph!

Access the yearly pages from here by going to the Official Rarities Yearly Lists. Traveling Wilburys now have their own pages. "VHS & DVD" is now split into multiple pages, including pages for films and TV series with Dylan rarities and pages for films and TV series with Dylan album tracks. "International Mono Releases" now has a page per official album plus pages for compilation albums, mono 7" singles and mono 7" EPs. "International Stereo Releases" is split into "Regular Albums" (again with one page per album),  "Compilations" and "Stereo Singles (All Formats)". "Honourable Mentions" are items which don't qualify for these lists, but may be of interest to Dylan collectors. "Questionable Releases" and "Questionable Releases Video" are items sent in by contributors of dubious provenance.

[The Official Rarities Yearly Lists] [Traveling Wilburys] [Online Performances (bobdylan.com)] [Online Performances (Other)] [Interviews with Bob] [VHS & DVD]
[International Mono Releases] [International Stereo Releases] [Released Rarities] [Honourable Mentions]
[Honourable Mentions Video] [Questionable Releases] [Questionable Releases Video]

[News] [Updates] [Red Herrings] [Trading] [Other Pages]

All the songs listed in the Official Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

Viruses and Spam

The Searching For A Gem site is always under sustained attack from Spammers, with 13,300 messages once received in one day. These messages are filtered out, and the Spam filters mean that if you do not put "Dylan" in the subject of a message it will be deleted and not reach the Searching For A Gem mailbox. If you have sent a message and not received a reply, please send it again with "Dylan" in the subject.

I obviously have to make this site's email address openly available so it's open to abuse by third parties. Some correspondents use ISPs whose Anti-Spam policies wrongly reject replies from me as Spam. If I can't send a message to you, I'll post a reply on the Updates page. Therefore, if you're expecting a reply from me and haven't received one, please look there.





For this site's mission and inclusion/exclusion policies, see here.

Before contacting me, read this site's Privacy Policy.


The list of people who've contributed to the site is now long enough to merit its own Thanks page!

Red Herrings



For records that have been wrongly associated with Bob but definitely have no connection with him, see here. Sorry, for legal and other reasons it is not possible for this site to offer valuations of your Dylan rarities, for details of online Dylan traders, see here. For other Bob Dylan related sites that may be of interest to Searching For A Gem visitors, see here.

EDLIS "Gemologist"!

Searching For A Gem is compiled by:

Alan Fraser
Macclesfield, Cheshire,
For more information on England's Macclesfield, see . There is also a Macclesfield in North Carolina, USA, and two in Australia: one in South Australia (near Adelaide) and one in Victoria (near Melbourne)! All three towns were founded by Cheshire expatriates.

Alan has contributed to the UK magazines "Record Collector", "Q", "Mojo" and "Uncut" as well as to the "Village Voice", Dylan fanzines "Isis" and "The Bridge" and several books on Bob Dylan, and has also appeared on BBC Radio talking about this site. He is the co-author with Christoph Maus of "Bob Dylan Worldwide: The First Twenty Years". Alan is the EDLIS "Gemologist", for the EDLIS Parties and Gatherings Facebook page, go to .

For Alan's science fiction book reviews for the British Science Fiction Association's review magazine "Vector", go here .


Alan Fraser, UK - webmaster
Email: alanfraser87 AT gmail DOT com

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Hans Seegers, Holland - Dylan discographer and collector supreme (sadly missed)

The font used for the titles of each page is appropriately called "Jokerman", if you can't see it, download it here:

The original version of "Bob Dylan's Official Rarities" was hosted on Guilio Molfese's "Breadcrumb Sins" site and also appeared in "The Bob Dylan Companion", edited by Carl Benson, Schirmer Books, New York, 1998.

This site is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Larry "Lambchop" Eden, who followed Bob all over the world for many years, and sadly died in 2007. I bought part of his Dylan collection when he was raising money to move to India some years before. He's one of the few fans Bob has ever acknowledged from the stage, saying "This is Lambchop. He's been to more of my shows than I have!". Let's hear it for the Chopper!

Also remembering Hans Seegers, who died on 30 Nov 2022 aged only 71. Hans was a Dylan collector extraordinaire, whose extensive collection became a vital part of my Searching For A Gem website.

Larry Eden in his trademark Rolling Thunder hat, photo by "jackobob"

[The Official Rarities Yearly Lists] [Traveling Wilburys] [Online Performances (bobdylan.com)] [Online Performances (Other)] [Interviews with Bob] [VHS & DVD] [International Mono Releases] [International Stereo Releases] [Released Rarities] [Honourable Mentions] [Honourable Mentions Video] [Questionable Releases] [Questionable Video Releases]

[News] [Updates] [Red Herrings] [Trading] [Other Pages]

All the songs listed on this web-site are cross-referenced by song title in these alphabetical pages.

A Flying Pig production

Listings © 1998-2024
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record and audiovisual companies and artists.